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What are you? What is your profession? Jobs and job seeking. Work and job search. Topic: profession, work in English Dialogue about professions in English



Listen, repeat and memorize.

Listen, repeat, memorize.


Where do you work?

Where do you work?

I work at the university.

I work at a university.

Where do you study?

Where do you study?

I study at the institute.

I study at the institute.

(What is your position?)

What does he do?

(What is his position?)

What does she do?

(What is her position?)

What is your profession?

Who are you (by profession)?

What is his profession?

Who is he (by profession)?

What is her profession?

Who is she (by profession)?





interpreter, translator










Are you a student?

Are you a student?

Yes, I am a student.

Yes, I'm a student.

No, I am not a student,

No, I'm not a student, I'm a doctor.

Grammar comment

Please note: in sentences that talk about a person’s profession or occupation, the indefinite article is used.

For example:

He is a businessman.

- He is a businessman.

She is a secretary.

- She's a secretary.

I am a student.

- I'm a student.


Listen and read aloud the dialogues below.

Listen and read the dialogues below aloud.

- Hello!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

– Let’s get acquainted, my name is Bill.

- Let's get acquainted. My name is Bill.

– Nice to meet you, I’m Irina.

– Very nice, and I’m Irina.

– Irina, what do you do for a living?

– Irina, what is your profession?

– I’m a journalist. And you?

- I'm a journalist. What about you?

– I’m a manager.

- I am a manager.

– I’d like you to meet Yulia. She is a teacher. She works at the school.

- Meet Yulia. She's a teacher. She works at school.

– Nice to meet you. My name is Pete. I am an interpreter. I work in a firm.

- Very nice. And my name is Pete. I'm a translator. I work in a company.

– Steve, are you a programmer?

- Steve, are you a programmer?

– No, I am not a programmer, I am a lawyer.

– No, I’m not a programmer, I’m a lawyer.

– Where do you work?

-Where do you work?

– I work in a bank.

- I work in a bank.

– My name is Ivan. I am a student.

- My name is Ivan. I am a student.

– Ivan, where do you study?

- Ivan, where do you study?

– I study at the academy. And you?

– I study at the academy. What about you?

– I am also a student. I study at the university.

– I am also a student. I study at the university.

– Sveta, I would like you to meet my friend. His name is Ed.

– Sveta, please meet me, this is my friend. His name is Ed.

– Nice to meet you, Ed. What do you do for a living?

- Very nice. Ed, what is your profession?

– I am an engineer. I work at a factory. And you?

- I'm an engineer. I work at a factory. What about you?

– I am a secretary. I also work at a factory.

- I'm the secretary. I also work at a factory.

– Jim, do you work or study?

- Jim, are you working or studying?

- I am working.

– And where do you work?

-Where do you work?

– I am a driver. I work in a store.

- I'm a driver. I work in a store.

– And your friend Lena? Does she work or study?

– And your friend Lena? Does she work or study?

– She also works.

- She works too.

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

- Good afternoon!

– I’d like you to meet our guide. Her name is Tanya.

– Please introduce yourself, this is our guide. Her name is Tanya.

– Nice to meet you. My name is Robert.

- Very nice. And my name is Robert.

– Robert, what is your profession?

– Robert, what is your profession?

– I’m a teacher.

- I'm a teacher.

– Do you work at school?

– Do you work at a school?

– No, I work at a college.

- No, I work at a college.

– Tim, are these your friends?

- Tim, are these your friends?

– Yes, they are my friends.

- Yes, these are my friends.

– Do they work or study?

– Do they work or study?

– Tom works. He's a businessman. Bess also works. She is a saleswoman in a store. And Ben and Liz are students. They study at the university.

- Tom is working. He is a businessman. Bass works too. She is a saleswoman in a store. And Ben and Liz are students. They study at the university.



1) Make up sentences according to the following sample.

The doctor works in the hospital.

The economists...

The businessmen...

The interpreter...

The salesperson...

2) Complete the sentences.

My friend Steve studies.____________________.

My friend Liz works ____________________.

Does Sasha work or ____________________?

John works ____________________.

I ____________________.

We study ____________________.

My colleagues work. ____________________.

3) Instead of dots, insert the necessary words from Lesson 3.

Henry..., he works... Olya..., she works... I..., I study... My friends also..., they... at the university. Joe... in a bank, he... These are his..., they also... in a bank. She is not..., she is... He is not..., he is... Yes, this is... No, this is not..., this is...

4) Give positive or negative answers to the following questions.

– Are you a teacher?

– No, I am not. I am a journalist.

a) Is Jim a doctor?

Is Helene a secretary?

Is Robert a driver?

Are you a businessman?

b) – Is this a university?

– No, it is not a university, it is a school.

Is this a store?

Is this a plant?

Is this a post office?

5) Ask each other about your professions and where you work or study. (Ask each other what your profession is and where you work or study.)

1. Fill in the answers.

1) – Where does she work? _________________________

2) – Where do they study? _________________________

3) – What is your profession? _________________________

4) – Are these your colleagues? _________________________

5) – What does she do? _________________________

6) – Is he a doctor? _________________________

7) – Do you work? _________________________

8) – Where do you study? _________________________

9) – Where do your friends work? _________________________

10) – Does he work at a factory? _________________________

2. Fill in the questions.

1) ____________________ – Yes, they are students.

2) ____________________ – We work.

3) ____________________ – Yes, he studies at the university.

4) ____________________ – They work in a hospital.

5) ____________________ – No, he is not a student, he is a doctor.

6) ____________________ – Yes, he is an engineer.

7) ____________________ – She works in a firm.

8) ____________________ – My friends are doctors.

9) ____________________ – He is an economist.

10) __________________ – I study at the institute.

3. Make up dialogues using the material of Lesson 3.

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The profession is translated into English as:

job [job] - work
permanent [permanent] – permanent

I work as a musical teacher at school for five years, this is my permanent occupation [I work ez e musical teacher at school for five years, zis from May permanent occupation] - I have been working as a music teacher at school for 5 years, this is my permanent Job.

If you want to ask a person what he does, you need to use the following phrase:

what is your occupation? [here is your occupation] – who do you work for?
what do you do for living? [here's blowing doo for living] - how do you make a living?
what is your job? [here is your job] – what is your profession?

My occupation is a waitress, I have been working at the Restaurant for 3 years already. And my father is an astronomer, and my mother is a solicitor. I visit her in the office several times a week [May occupation of e waitris, I have bin working at the restaurant for free iars allready. End may fazar is en astronamer, end may mazer is e solicitor. Ay visit xeur in the office Saveral Times e Vic] - I work as a waitress, I worked in a restaurant for 3 years. My father works as an astronomer and my mother is a lawyer. I visit her in the office several times a week.

There are also other interesting professions, such as:
accountant [account] – accountant
actor [actor] - actor
administrator [administrator] – administrator

My uncle is working as an account in an office of foreign affairs he has a pretty high salary [My uncle works as an accountant in an international office and at His salary is quite high.

airhostess [Earhostess] - flight attendant
architect [Arkitekt] - architect
assistant [Assistant] - assistant
attorney [Attorney] - lawyer

When I was a little boy I dreamed of becoming an architect and building huge cities, but now I am an attorney, and I am in a need of assistant [Van ai woz e little boy ai dream of bicaming en architect and building hugh cities, bat nau ah em en attorney, end ah em in nid of assistant] – When I was a little boy I dreamed of becoming an architect and building big cities, but now I work as a lawyer and I urgently need an assistant.

Dialogue about work in English

  • Hi Nancy! How do you do?
  • I am pretty good, Mark! Tell me what is your job?
  • I am a broker. I followed the steps of my father who helped me to climb the career ladder. Now I am a very successful broker with a potential income of 1 million a year.
  • That is pretty impressive.
  • You don't have to say. Tell me about your occupation.
  • You know I am a baby-sitter. I have been working with one family for a year and a half. This boy’s name is Danny and he is two years old.
  • That is a very nice profession.
  • I can't argue, I like it.
  • And what is your husband doing for a living?
  • He is an actor in theater, he is playing Hamlet.
  • Oh yes, I have seen him on stage several times this year.

Dictionary of English words on the topic Professions

Farmer [‘fɑ:mə] - Farmer
Film director - Film director
Financier - Financier
Fisherman [‘fıʃəmən] - Fisherman
Fixer [‘fıksə] – Insurance agent

Flight attendant - Stewardess, steward, flight attendant
Foreman [‘fɔ:mən] - Brigadier, master
Gardener [‘gɑ:dnə] - Gardener
Geologist [ʤı’ɔləʤıst] - Geologist
Glazier [‘gleızjə] – Glazier
Goods manager - Commodity expert
Guard - Security guard, watchman
Guide - Guide, tour guide
Gynaecologist [,gaını’kɔləʤıst] - Gynecologist
Hairdresser [‘hɜə,dresə] - Hairdresser
Hangman [‘hæŋmən] - Executioner
Head - Chief

Head teacher - Head teacher (teacher-methodologist)
Historian - Historian
Housewife [‘hauswaıf] - Housewife
Hunter [‘hʌntə] - Hunter
Inspector [ın’spektə] - Controller
Inspector [ın’spektə] - Inspector, Auditor
Insurance agent [ın’ʃuərəns’eıʤənt] - Insurance agent
Interpreter [ın’tə:prıtə] - Translator
Investigator [ın’vestıgeıtə] - Investigator, researcher, tester
Janitor [‘ʤænıtə] – Cleaning lady
Jeweler [‘ʤu:ələ] - Jeweler
Joiner [‘ʤɔınə] - Joiner
Journalist [‘ʤə:nəlıst] - Journalist
Judge [‘ʤʌʤ] - Judge
Jurist [‘ʤuərıst] - Lawyer
Laboratory assistant
Lawyer [‘lɔ:jə] - Lawyer, attorney
Lecturer [‘lekʧərə] - Lecturer, speaker
Letter [‘letə] – Postman
Librarian - Librarian

Livestock breeder [‘laıvstɔk’bri:də] – Livestock breeder
Loader [‘ləudə] - Loader
Loading workman [‘ləudıŋ’wə:kmən] - Loader
Locksmith [‘lɔksmıθ] – Locksmith
Mail carrier - Postman
Maker-up [‘meıkəʌp] - Layout maker
Manager [‘mænıʤə] - Manager, director, manager
Manufacturer [,mænju’fækʧərə] - Industrialist
Marketeer [,mɑ:kı’tıə] - Marketer
Mason, bricklayer [‘meısn’brık,leıə] - Bricklayer
Masseur - Masseur
Mathematician [,mæθımə’tıʃən] - Mathematician
Mechanic - Mechanic
Mechanician [,mekə’nıʃən] - Mechanic, designer, machine builder
Medical assistant [‘medıkələ’sıstənt] - Paramedic
Merchant, businessman [‘mə:ʧənt] [‘bɪznəsmən] - Businessman
Messenger [‘mesınʤə] - courier
Metallurgist - Metallurgist
Metalworker [‘metl,wə:kə] - Locksmith
Milker [‘mılkə] – Milkmaid
Milling machine operator [‘mılıŋmə’ʃi:n’ɔpəreıtə] - Milling machine operator
Miner [‘maınə] - Miner, miner
Mineworker [‘maɪn̗wɜ:kə] - Miner
Model [‘mɔdl] - Fashion model, model
Moderator [‘mɔdəreıtə] - Moderator, arbitrator
Motor mechanic [‘məutəmı’kænık] - Auto mechanic, Motor mechanic
Musician - Musician

Dialogue about professions in English

  • Good day to you, Mary! (Good afternoon, Maria!)
  • How do you do, Nick! (How are you doing, Nick!)
  • I am fine. Mary, tell be a little bit about your occupation. What do you do for living? (Everything is fine. Maria, tell me a little about your profession. What do you do for a living?)
  • You know I am a nurse, in a mental institution. I have to bring pills to inmates and to look after them. And what about you, Nick? (You know, I’m a nurse in a clinic for the mentally ill. I bring them pills and take care of them. And what do you do, Nick?)
  • I am a professor at university. I teach mathematics and history. My job is extremely difficult because I have to give lectures to 150 students it is actually very difficult to keep their attention. (I am a professor at the University. I teach mathematics and history. It is a very difficult job, since I have to give lectures to 150 students, it is actually very difficult to keep them attentive.)
  • I understand, I think you are coping with it. (I get it, I think you're doing great)
  • Yes I do. Mary, tell me one more thing. What did you want to be when you were a child? (Yes, you’re right. Maria, answer me one more question. What did you want to become when you were a child?)
  • Oh, boy, it was so long ago. You see i wanted to be an actress in Hollywood a famous one and you? (Oh God, it was so long ago. You see, I wanted to become an actress in Hollywood, quite famous. What about you?)
  • I wanted to be a professor university. (I wanted to be a professor at the University.)
  • Wow, at least one of us is living his dream... (Wow, well, at least one of us has made his dream come true...)

Topic: My Future Profession

Topic: My future profession

Sooner or later everyone has to think about his or her future profession. But when you are just sixteen, it’s so difficult to, and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people from the very childhood know for sure what they want to be. For example, my best friend has always known that she will be a doctor. She attends special courses for enhanced studying of biology and chemistry, and she believes in her success. As for me, I don’t know exactly what I want. I like a lot of things, and I do well in most subjects. And many professions appear interesting to me.

Sooner or later, every person has to think about their future profession. But when you are only sixteen years old, it is so difficult to make the right decision and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people know exactly what they want to be from childhood. For example, my best friend always knew for sure that she would be a doctor. She attends special courses in advanced biology and chemistry and believes in her success. For me, I don't know exactly what I want. I like many things and I do well in most subjects. And many professions seem interesting to me.

At first I thought about pursuing a legal career. Lawyers can work in different professional spheres. For example, I could become a barrister, a notary, a legal counsel, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, in educational institutions, and law-enforcement bodies. To enter the faculty of Law, one should . I like both subjects, and I think I could obtain good results.

At first I thought about choosing a legal profession. Lawyers can work in a variety of professional fields. For example, I could become a lawyer, a notary, a legal consultant, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, educational institutions and law enforcement agencies. To enter the Faculty of Law, you must pass exams in history and social studies. I like both subjects and I think I could do well.

Most of all I like travelling, and some time ago I started thinking of a travel manager’s career. To my mind, it’s very interesting. You help people in organizing their vacations; consult them on special aspects of traveling to different countries, book hotels for them and give recommendations for choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. Moreover, a travel agent usually has a great benefit in a form of discounted prices for tours, plane tickets and hotels. It’s a great opportunity to see the world

What I love most is traveling, and some time ago I started thinking about a career as a tourism manager. In my opinion, this is very interesting. You help people organize their vacation, advise them on various nuances of traveling to a particular country, book hotels for them and give recommendations on choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. In addition, travel agents usually have a huge advantage in the form of discounts on tours, plane tickets and hotels. This is a great opportunity to see the world without breaking the bank.

However, my mom says that a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the if I wish, but first I should get a good classical education, for example to study languages ​​or law. She wants me to enter the Foreign Languages ​​Faculty. Of course, foreign language skills are necessary for a travel manager, and I realize it. to waste five years of my life. Instead I can attend special courses, or just travel around the world and study languages ​​in practice.

However, my mother says that being a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the tourism industry if I want, but first I must get a good classical education, for example, study law or languages. She wants me to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Of course, knowledge of the language is necessary for a tourism manager, and I understand that. But I don't want to spend five years of my life on linguistics. Instead, you can enroll in special courses or simply travel the world and learn languages ​​in practice.

  • Susan: Oh, my god! It's like a nightmare! The final exams are coming, and I still have not chosen the place to enter.
  • Jane: Stop to panic. Let's try to determine which profession suits you most of all.
  • C: But how can we do it?
  • D: It's very easy. I will ask you questions, and you will honestly answer them. Then we will analyze and understand what your future profession.
  • S: How do you know all this?
  • D: Have you forgotten? I attend psychology courses once a week. We have recently discussed such problem.
  • S: Really?
  • D: Yes, you will be surprised, but you are not alone to have such a problem.
  • S: That calms me a little. Well, come on, let's start.
  • D: What kind of work do you prefer: working with people, with animals or with documents?
  • S: I"m afraid of animals, and a little shy to communicate with people. I prefer to work with documents.
  • D: I see. In which subject do you have better grades: math or languages?
  • S: I"m very bad at math, but I like languages. Especially, foreign ones.
  • D: Do you like children?
  • S: Oh, yes. I always play with children when guests come to us. I think they like to spend time with me too.
  • D: Well, even having conducted such a small questioning, it became clear to me that you need to choose a profession that relates to children, languages ​​​​and documents. For example, an interpreter, a school teacher of foreign language or a kindergarten nurse.
  • S: Well done! Now I have something to think about. Your advice really helped me, thank you!
  • D: Not at all. I was glad to do it.


  • Susan: God, this is a nightmare! Final exams are coming soon, and I still haven’t decided where to go.
  • Jane: Don't panic. Let's try to determine which profession suits you best.
  • S: But how to do this?
  • D: Very simple. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them honestly. Then we will do an analysis and understand what you should choose as your future profession.
  • S: How do you know all this?
  • D: Have you forgotten? I take psychology classes once a week. We recently discussed this problem.
  • S: Really?
  • D: Yes. You will be surprised, but you are far from the only one who has this problem.
  • S: It calms me down a little. Well, come on, start.
  • D: Which job do you like best: working with people, with animals or with documents?
  • S: I'm afraid of animals, and I'm a little shy to communicate with people. I prefer working with documents.
  • D: I see. In which subject do you have better grades: mathematics or languages?
  • S: I’m really bad at math, but I love languages. Especially foreign ones.
  • D: Do you like children?
  • S: Oh, yes. I always play with the children when we have guests. I think they enjoy spending time with me too.
  • D: Well, after conducting even such a small survey, it became clear to me that you need to choose a profession related to children, languages ​​and documents. For example, a translator, a foreign language teacher at school or a kindergarten teacher.
  • S: What a great fellow you are! I have a lot to think about. Your advice really helped me. Thank you for your help!
  • D: You're welcome. I was glad to help.
In English Translation into Russian
Alina: Hi, Daria. How are you? It's so nice to see you.Alina: Hello, Daria. How are you? Nice to see you.
Daria: Hi, Alina. I'm well, thank you. I'm also happy to see you. Where have you been all this time?Daria: Hello, Alina. I'm fine, thank you. I'm also glad to see you. Where have you been all this time?
Alina: I had to prepare for the future exams. That's why I wasn't around much.Alina: I needed to prepare for future exams. That's why I wasn't visible.
Daria: I see. Where are you going to study?Daria: I see. Where are you going to study?
Alina: At the Law School. That’s my parents’ decision.Alina: At the College of Law. This is my parents' decision.
Daria: Why? Don’t you want to become a professional lawyer?Daria: Why? Don't you want to become a professional lawyer?
Alina: Of course, I do. But I had another talent which I wanted to develop.Alina: Of course I want to. But I have another talent that I would like to develop.
Daria: What do you mean?Daria: What do you mean?
Alina: I’m very good at drawing, so I wanted to become an artist. My dad says it’s only a hobby. He also says that one needs a serious profession for personal growth.Alina: I draw quite well, so I wanted to become an artist. My father says it's just a hobby. He also says that for personal growth I need a serious profession.
Daria: Perhaps, he is right. You can always return to drawing when you graduate from the Law School.Daria: Perhaps he's right. You can always go back to drawing after you finish your studies at Law College.
Alina: That’s what I’m planning to do.Alina: That's what I plan to do.
Daria: How about the exams? Were they easy or difficult?Daria: What about exams? Were they easy or difficult?
Alina: They were rather difficult. I had to pass an exam in History and Social Studies. The first one was especially hard for me.Alina: They were quite difficult. I had to pass an exam in history and social studies. The first one was especially difficult for me.
Daria: So, now we can officially call you “a student”.Daria: Well, now you can officially be called a “student”.
Alina: Yes, you can say so. I'm a fresher. In fact, we are going to have a welcome party for freshers next week. After that serious studying begins.Alina: Yes, you can say that. I'm a freshman. By the way, we're having a newbie party next week. After this, serious study will begin.
Daria: That’s not bad I should say. The profession of a lawyer is rather in demand nowadays. If you continue to develop in this field, you might become a noble person.Daria: I have to say, this is not bad. The legal profession is in great demand today. If you continue to develop in this area, you can become a respected person.

Alina: I’m also interested in professional growth. My relatives promised to help me with that.

Alina: I am also interested in professional growth. My relatives promised to help me with this.
Daria: How can they help you in your professional growth?Daria: How can they help you with professional growth?
Alina: Well, you might not know, but my grandfather and my aunt are also lawyers.Alina: Most likely, you don’t know, but my grandfather and my aunt are also lawyers.
Daria: Lucky you! I know your aunt is a very kind and friendly person. I’m sure she’ll help you with any project or home work.Daria: You're lucky in this! I know that your aunt is a very kind and friendly person. I'm sure she will help you with any project or homework.
Alina: That’s exactly what she said. She is going to help me if there are any topics difficult at school.Alina: That's exactly what she told me. She is going to help me if there are any difficult topics in college.
Daria: Just don't cheat. She can simply explain the topics that you don’t understand. Don’t let anyone to do your home tasks for you.Daria: Just don't cheat. She can simply explain topics you don't understand. Don't let anyone do your tasks for you.
Alina: I won’t. I know what you mean. To become a real professional I’ve got to understand everything by myself.Alina: I won’t. I know what you mean. In order to become a real professional, I need to understand everything myself.
Daria: Well, I’m glad you are going to study at such a prestigious school. I wish you good luck with all your future plans and projects.Daria: Well, I'm glad that you will study at such a prestigious school. I wish you the best of luck with all your future plans and projects.
Alina: Thank you.Alina: Thank you.

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