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The Bank of Russia has limited the validity of Rosgosstrakh's license for the sale of compulsory motor insurance policies for six months. MTPL Law - amendments and new editions MTPL insurance from April 1

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation gave Rosgosstrakh six months to eliminate violations, due to which it limited the company’s license for compulsory motor liability insurance.

“Set a deadline for eliminating identified violations—six months from the date of publication of the order,” says the Central Bank’s order, published on Wednesday in the Bank of Russia Bulletin. Note that the restriction on the validity of the Rosgosstrakh license comes into force on May 27.

A day earlier, the Central Bank limited the validity of Rosgosstrakh’s license for the implementation of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for vehicle owners.

The decision was made “in connection with the company’s failure to comply within the prescribed period with the instructions of the Bank of Russia regarding violation of the procedure for concluding MTPL contracts, in particular the application of the bonus-malus coefficient, which takes into account discounts and surcharges to the base tariff depending on the availability of insurance payments when calculating the insurance premium for MTPL "

According to the regulator,

the insurance company did not provide car owners with a legal discount for breaking even, unreasonably refused to conclude contracts, and the imposition of additional services was widespread.

“From April 1 to May 25 alone, the Central Bank received more than 2,300 complaints from citizens about the actions of Rosgosstrakh when concluding MTPL contracts,” the regulator said in a statement. — Since the beginning of the year, 385 orders have been issued to the company, 78 decisions have been made to bring administrative liability under Art. 15.34.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (unreasonable refusal to conclude a public insurance contract or imposition of additional services when concluding a compulsory insurance contract).”

Let us clarify that restricting the validity of an insurer’s license means a ban on concluding MTPL contracts and making changes to existing contracts that entail an increase in obligations.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Russian government began to seriously think about organizing a unified and compulsory insurance system for car owners. As a result, all the ideas resulted in the release of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”.

Over time, this legislative act has been modified, which can be clearly seen when considering all the amendments made to it. The latter are almost annual and are of great importance for all motorists. It is the amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” that will be discussed in today’s material. More precisely, our resource will examine in detail the changes made to the compulsory insurance system for 2016 and 2017.

Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”

The Federal Law (FL) “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in April 2002. Since that time, this legislative act has regulated the procedure and general obligation for all car owners in our country who operate their cars on public roads to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance policies. It is this law that you should refer to when you are interested in any questions regarding compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

In general, the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” regulates that any car owner must take out an insurance policy for his car and specifically for himself, which in the event of an accident will cover the costs of damage to the injured party. Automobile insurance is carried out by all insurance companies in accordance with the current laws of the Russian Federation. The absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is an administrative offense and, as a result, is punishable.

The Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” consists of 6 chapters, which combine 34 separate articles into a single system. All of them are regulators of one or another part of the process of registration and use of a compulsory auto insurance policy. Summarizing the information presented in the Federal Law, we can highlight that:

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” it may change. However, all amendments should be aimed at simplifying the compulsory insurance procedure and obtaining other benefits from the insured persons. It is worth noting that this practice is actively carried out in Russia, therefore, since the Federal Law came into force, it has been significantly modernized.

Important! The Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” is a codified act that regulates the general procedure for compulsory motor third party liability insurance by citizens of the Russian Federation and is subject to some amendment.

Amendments to the law in 2016

It is worth understanding that making changes to any law is a slow process. Despite the fact that this practice is already quite well established in the Russian Federation, its implementation takes a lot of time. Thus, amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” in 2016 were made based on decisions taken by the government back in 2015. Of course, the government is not at all to blame for this phenomenon, because changes to the Federal Law are first proposed, then considered, and after that they are adopted and after some time come into force.

As for the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, in 2016 amendments were made to it several times: in the summer and autumn. Changes to the legislation were proposed by many individuals and organizations (State Duma deputies, associations of insurers, etc.), but all of them were aimed at improving the compulsory motor insurance system. Summarizing the entire list of amendments, we can highlight the following:

  • Changes in the procedure for inspecting vehicles damaged in an accident. In accordance with them, the insurer undertakes to conduct an examination of the damaged vehicle within five working days after its department receives an application for the occurrence of an insured event and compensation for damage. After the inspection, the insurer must notify the insured person of the results. If there are disagreements between the insured person and the insurer, the former has every right to conduct an independent examination at his own expense to defend his position in court or before the insurance company.
  • Changes regarding the obligation to conduct an examination by the insurer, and not by the victim. Now, the insurance company has every right to refuse payment if it itself has not carried out an examination of the vehicle injured in the accident. That is, the primary right to check the car is not with the victim (through his experts), but with the insurance company. Otherwise, the insurer has good reasons to refuse to pay for the damage.
  • Changes in the procedure for resolving disputes between the insurer and the victim. At the moment, the period for verifying arguments on the part of the victim in a dispute with the insurer is not 5 days (as was previously), but 10 days.
  • Changes in the procedure for providing an electronic MTPL policy to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Let us remind you that since the summer of 2015 it is completely legal to issue electronic MTPL policies. In accordance with the amendments, a car owner who has an electronic MTPL can provide traffic police officers with a printed version of the document. The latter can simply check its legality using their database.
  • Changes in the possibility of changing the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance on the part of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Today, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other authorized organizations can change the cost of issuing an MTPL policy no more than once a year.

As you can see, there are no particularly significant amendments to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” for 2016. However, for “general information” it was still worth considering them.

Amendments to the law in 2017

Amendments to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance in 2017 are more significant and global in nature for drivers who take out the appropriate insurance policies. At the moment, it can be stated that this year the Federal Law will be amended twice:

  • The first time has already come, the amendments of January 1, 2017 came into force. All of them are aimed at improving the electronic insurance system in the Russian Federation.
  • The second time will be more global. Amendments to the so-called second change will come into force either in the spring (March 1) or in the summer (June or July 1) in 2017. They will be more global in nature than the amendments to the Federal Law dated January 1.

To fully understand the picture, let’s look at all the amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” that have entered into and are potential to enter into force. First, let's take a look at the changes dated January 1, 2017, which are already in force. More precisely, they are:

  • Amendments to situations in which additional payment for damage in the event of an insured event will have to be made by the car owner himself (naturally, for whom the MTPL policy is issued and who is at fault for the accident). In accordance with the amendments made to the law, the insurance company has every right to recover from its client some part of the compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event if the insured person has in any way violated the rules for registering electronic compulsory motor liability insurance (entering incorrect data, incomplete payment, etc.).
  • Amendments to the procedure for registering electronic MTPL. Now, when applying for an electronic MTPL policy, the insured may not provide a complete list of documents in electronic form. This is due to the fact that most insurers had access to a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. From there they can take all the necessary information to issue a policy for a specific citizen.
  • Amendments to the general procedure for obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance policies issued via the Internet. According to the amendments made to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, any insurer undertakes to issue an electronic policy to the car owner who submitted the corresponding application to the company. Refusal of registration is possible only on legal grounds. If the insured person wants to receive the policy not only in electronic form, but also in physical form, he must: notify the insurer about this and receive the policy in his office for free or order the policy for home (delivery payment is made by the insured person). Insurers are also now required to ensure the uninterrupted operation of their Internet resources, otherwise they will be punished.

Amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, which are still being considered by the government, will also be adopted in 2017. The exact date has not yet been determined. The general list of potential changes affects the following aspects of compulsory car insurance:

  • increase in the cost of obtaining a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy for repeat offenders;
  • refusal to use power factor when calculating the cost of compulsory motor insurance;
  • refusal to pay compensation in material means, but provision of compensation by repairing vehicles damaged in an accident at a specialized service station (without taking into account the natural wear and tear of parts);
  • introduction of mandatory registration of compulsory motor liability insurance for foreigners (when they operate their cars on the roads of the Russian Federation);
  • changing a number of categories of transport that should not be insured under compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • increasing the maximum limit for obtaining insurance without registering an accident with the traffic police (from 50,000 rubles to 100,000);
  • changes in the procedure for compensation for damage to the health of victims of road accidents under compulsory motor liability insurance.

Of course, some of the amendments presented above will not be adopted in 2017. However, it is quite realistic to count on making 5-7 changes. Moreover, all potential amendments have a positive tone for the entire system of compulsory motor insurance in the Russian Federation.

Important! All potential amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” in 2017 will be considered and approved/abolished before entering into force in the winter of the same year.


In general, the new amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” are positive for all subjects of compulsory motor insurance. At the moment, no global changes to the Federal Law have been adopted, but in the future such a practice is possible. It is worth understanding that most of the amendments were made to improve the operation of the electronic insurance system in the Russian Federation, which was released not so long ago.

Do not forget that the information presented above is relevant for 2017, so it can be safely used by any car owner for their own purposes. We hope the article provided answers to all your questions. Good luck on the roads!

Video about amendments to the law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” in 2016-2017:

The MTPL Law outlines the basic characteristics of driver liability insurance, designed to protect the rights of victims of improper operation of vehicles by unauthorized persons to cover the costs of compensation for harm to health, life or property.

In recent years, amendments have been made to the OSAGO law, which every car owner is required to familiarize themselves with.

Federal Law No. 40 on compulsory motor liability insurance applies specialized concepts.

The most popular among them:

  • A vehicle is a mechanism manufactured for transporting a person, other mechanisms installed on a vehicle, or transporting goods.
  • Vehicle use is the use of transportation devices associated with their movement on roads and other territories. These include courtyards of residential buildings, parking lots, service stations, gas stations and others. The use of mechanisms installed on a vehicle that is not directly related to participation in traffic is not considered to be the use of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle owner is the owner of the mechanism or the person who owns it on legal grounds (lease, order of the competent authorities, power of attorney, etc.). A person who uses a vehicle to perform official duties cannot be considered an owner.
  • Driver is the person driving the vehicle. In the process of teaching others to drive, the driver is the instructor.
  • Victim – a citizen whose health, property or life was damaged as a result of an incident involving a vehicle. The victim can be a pedestrian, a vehicle driver, or a vehicle passenger.
  • The MTPL contract is an insurance document that specifies the obligations of the insurer in the event of the occurrence of the described cases. For a certain fee, the insurer is obliged to compensate the damage to the victims. An agreement is a public document concluded in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law.
  • The policyholder is the owner of the vehicle who has entered into an agreement with the company engaged in insurance activities.
  • Insurer is a legal entity that has the right to enter into MTPL contracts under a license.
  • An insured event is the occurrence of liability of the vehicle owner for damage to property, health or life of other persons.

The Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance 2016 uses a large number of different concepts, but knowledge of the most commonly used ones will greatly facilitate understanding of the Federal Law.

The principles of insurance are:

  • OSAGO guarantees compensation for damage caused to the property, health or life of the victim.
  • Mandatory and universal compulsory motor liability insurance.
  • It is inadmissible to use vehicles in Russia whose owners ignored the second principle of insurance and did not enter into an MTPL agreement.
  • Material interest of vehicle owners in complying with traffic rules and improving road safety.

Knowledge of basic concepts and principles will simplify the understanding of the clauses of the MTPL agreement.

What has changed?

New MTPL provisions come into force every year. From the side of car owners, you can see not only positive sides, but also clearly negative ones.

Advantages of updates

First of all, the processing time for applications from victims has been reduced: now it takes 20 days. Such changes make it possible to receive insurance payments faster, which makes both parties involved in the incident very happy.

An important change is the ability to choose the method of obtaining compensation for damage: in monetary terms or in the ability to make repairs at the expense of the insurer.

If the damage is caused to property not related to the vehicle, compensation is possible only in monetary terms.

So, if a car damaged the porch of a building by crashing into it, the owner of the premises will receive money, but will not be able to demand repairs.

The penalty for the victim for delayed payments has been increased. Today it is 1% for every day of delay. This makes it possible to receive an increased amount in a situation where the rights of vehicle owners are violated.

The level of wear and tear on vehicle parts, which is taken into account when calculating payments, has decreased. Today this level reaches 50%. If previously the insurer could only compensate 20% of the cost of a part that was 80% worn, now it is obliged to compensate half the cost of a new part. This innovation is especially important for owners of cars that have a long service life.

The amount of damage paid without registration of an accident by traffic police officers has increased to 50,000 rubles. Registration is carried out while simultaneously meeting the requirements:

  1. The accident occurred between vehicles, both of which have insurance contracts.
  2. Damage was caused only to two specified vehicles.
  3. Both participants agree with the circumstances of the incident and the list of damages, which is recorded in the accident notice. The form is issued by the insurer at the time of receipt of the MTPL policy. It must be filled out according to all rules.

This change applies to owners who received insurance policies after August 1, 2014. In other cases, the limit of 25,000 rubles remains.

The change that is especially pleasing to car owners concerns the amount of payments. Today the maximum amount of compensation is 400,000 rubles. It is especially important that this amount is not divided between the participants in the insured event, but is intended for each party.

An amount of up to 500,000 rubles is intended to compensate for human health and life.


The main negative is aimed at increasing tariffs. Minimum and maximum values ​​are set, which makes it possible to maneuver.

The base rates for vehicles of category “B”, owned by individuals, are 2440-2575 rubles - this indicates an increase of 25%.

The second “minus” of the changes is the risk for the culprit of the accident, who registered the incident without the participation of representatives of the traffic police. The insurer may demand compensation for material costs from the culprit in the following cases:

  • If the notice is sent to the insurer 5 days after the accident.
  • If the car was not inspected by the insurer's experts or was not sent for repairs within 15 days after the accident.

If you decide not to contact the traffic police in the event of an accident, you should take into account all the associated nuances.

Law on compulsory motor liability insurance – new edition 2016

Every year, changes are made to the law that have a greater or lesser impact on the parties involved in insurance claims. The most noticeable changes in recent years were in 2016 and 2017.

Amendments to the law 2016

In July 2016, all existing MTPL policies were simultaneously replaced. It is important that the costs of this procedure fell entirely on the shoulders of insurers.

In connection with the change in the amount of compensation for damage to transport up to 400,000 rubles, and for injured persons up to 500,000 rubles, the amount of insurance payments has increased. In addition, the data used to calculate the amount has changed. So, for 2016 the following are important:

  • region of residence;
  • vehicle power;
  • vehicle category;
  • availability of a trailer;
  • accident rate and extent of damage;
  • age and length of service of the driver;
  • number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle;
  • vehicle age and insurance period.

Since 2016, calculation of the cost of compensation for health damage to victims is made according to the table. The procedure for confirming damage to health and receiving payments has been simplified.

The list of persons who are recipients of insurance in the event of the death of the injured party has been expanded.

Amendments have been introduced to introduce the receipt of an electronic MTPL policy.

A non-alternative PES has been introduced. This means that the victim can apply for compensation to the company from which he purchased the policy. However, the company itself cannot refuse to consider compensation.

At the same time, it is important that property other than two vehicles is not damaged in the accident. When counting the number of vehicles, the trailer is not counted.

Amendments 2017

Let's look at what the new law on compulsory motor liability insurance is from 2017. For 2017, the following amendments were made to the law on motor insurance compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • The deadline for inspecting damage is 5 days from the date of notification of the insurer about the accident.
  • Prohibition of independent examination, in which there was the possibility of “tailoring” a result beneficial to one party. In 2017, the data of such examinations have no legal force.
  • The period for consideration of claims by insurers has been increased to 10 days.
  • A MTPL policy cannot be concluded for a period of less than 12 months.
  • Possibility of purchasing a policy via the Internet. A person who provides false information during such a purchase is liable. If such violations are detected, the culprit of the accident will fully pay for the damage caused. In addition, he is obliged to compensate the insurer for the difference in the policies.

What changes in OSAGO await us tomorrow? July 1, 2016 year - latest news.

New MTPL policies from July 1, 2016

The most important change is the replacement of MTPL policies. From July 1, 2016, new forms of compulsory motor liability insurance policies are being issued in Russia. They will be pink and will replace the old green forms, which are already being counterfeited on an industrial scale. According to some reports, there are already about 1 million fake OSAGO policies in Russia.

The replacement of MTPL policies with new ones from July 1, 2016 will affect not so many drivers as insurers. It is the insurers who must receive new policy forms from this date, and only after that begin issuing them to their clients. That is, if you have a valid MTPL policy in your hands, no one will force you to change it from July 1.

To date, 2 million new OSAGO forms have already been prepared. Tomorrow they should go to insurance companies.

According to Goznak, the price of new forms, manufactured with more advanced security measures, will be approximately 10-15% higher than conventional policies. However, these costs should be borne by the insurance companies, not the buyers.

The transition period, when policies will be sold simultaneously on both new and old forms, will last until October 1, 2016, the RSA press service reported. “The transition period for the simultaneous sale of old green and new pink policy forms will be established from July 1 for 3 months. During this period of time, insurance companies will be able to make changes to contracts or conclude new contracts on both new and old policy forms. This period will provide an opportunity to most comfortably adjust to working with new policies both for consumers of insurance services and for regulatory and supervisory authorities,” said Igor Yurgens, President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Electronic MTPL for legal entities

From July 1, 2016, changes come into force that allow insurance companies to open the possibility of purchasing electronic MTPL policies for legal entities.

Insurers have made appropriate technological preparations for the expansion of the electronic policies project, and RSA is all ready to launch this process.

However, companies have the right to independently decide how many MTPL policies to sell electronically.

Currently, 14 RCA member companies sell electronic MTPL policies to individuals.

The procedure for concluding an agreement with legal entities will be practically no different from individuals. The client creates a personal account on the insurer’s website, fills out an application, the company’s information system takes the necessary data from the RCA automated information system, then an invoice is issued, after payment the policyholder receives the policy in his personal account and by email.

Prices for compulsory motor liability insurance from July 1, 2016

There are rumors on the Internet about an increase in MTPL tariffs from July 1, 2016. Let us remind you that recently insurers have been increasingly mentioning the liberalization of tariffs. This means the abolition of the currently established tariff corridors and the introduction of a free MTPL tariff. That is, each insurance company will independently set the price for compulsory motor liability insurance.

However, there are no plans to increase the cost of compulsory motor insurance in the near future. “As for the MTPL market, before talking about liberalizing tariffs, we need to put things in order with the situation that has developed in the market. If the tariff is released, it could seriously increase in a number of regions, since some regions are now unprofitable for insurers. This will lead to imbalances in the market,” said the head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, today.

According to her, today in companies that have properly organized their work, compulsory motor liability insurance is not an unprofitable type of insurance, so there is no need to increase tariffs.

Latest changes to OSAGO

Let us remind you that with June 1, 2016 In 2018, the latest changes to compulsory motor liability insurance came into force in Russia: a five-day “cooling off period” for almost all types of voluntary insurance, eSingle MTPL agent in pilot regionsand the new cost of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work used in compulsory motor liability insurance.

“1. If the owner of the damaged car did not submit it for examination by the insurer, then the previously submitted documents will be returned to him. Accordingly, the driver will not receive any payments for repairs.

This paragraph is primarily aimed at ensuring that car owners do not try to deceive insurers by conducting an independent examination from familiar experts and thus inflating the amount of payments."

How, in this case, can we deal with the so-called insurance company “experts” who underestimate the amount of insurance payments?

Ernest, everything is very simple.

First, you need to submit the car for examination to the insurance company. After this, you can contact an independent expert. The law does not prohibit this.

Good luck on the roads!


Often, the inspection of a damaged car is carried out by one of the insurance company employees, the so-called “specialist”, and the calculation itself takes place in an organization that has an expert technician on staff. In this case, the inspection may not be carried out objectively (some of the damage is missed or simply not noted) (meaning external damage).

And an independent expert described all the damage. Will the result of the independent examination be accepted by the Investigative Committee and is it necessary to call a representative of the Investigative Committee for an inspection.

You are obliged to provide the vehicle after an accident to a representative of the insurance company. And only after that you can make an independent examination. This is your right.

Will the result of the independent examination be accepted by the Investigative Committee and is it necessary to call a representative of the Investigative Committee for an inspection.

You are not required to call a representative of the insurance company, but it is better to do so. In practice, representatives of the Investigative Committee still do not come, but for the court this is a plus! The results of the independent examination are presented to the court, and they have nothing to do with the Investigative Committee and their desire to accept these results or not!!!

Hello! There was a minor accident back in 2014, according to compulsory motor liability insurance they calculated very little and paid out. An application was submitted to the insurer to recalculate the payment amount. Naturally, the official response included a proposal to conduct an independent examination and provide its results, on the basis of which the insurer, in principle, will delve into the problem. As they say, it was decided to spit and forget.

Suddenly, various auto lawyers and companies like those that settle disputes with insurance companies began to overwhelm. According to them, the deadline allows them to sue the insurer and force him to pay the real amount. Moreover, since September 19, 2014, a unified methodology for calculating damage after an accident by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been introduced. Before this, there were several different methods for calculating damage. Question: How different are the methods? What is the margin of error? Has anyone encountered similar car lawyers and what was the result?

Anton, Hello.

As far as I understand, the services offered are free for the driver? If yes, then why not try it? Just read the contract carefully before signing it.

In practice, I have not interacted with such organizations, so I cannot say how honest their offer is.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello! The traffic accident was on July 6, 2016, there is an office right in the traffic police department that conducts an independent assessment. Well, we applied, on July 8 there was an inspection, an insurance representative came. Now the question is: according to changes in the law, as I understand it, it was not legal for us to contact an independent appraiser before assessing the insurance company, or was it that the insurance representative was present, everything was according to the rules? And another question: in our situation, should we immediately submit a calculation from an independent expert to the insurance company or after the insurance payment, if we do not agree with the amount?

Elena, Hello.

In any case, you must submit the car for inspection to the insurance company. Without this, the results of the independent examination will not be accepted.

First, look at how much compensation the insurance company will calculate for you. You never know, they will offer more. And only then submit the results of an independent examination.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello! The accident occurred on July 14, 2016. I don’t have MTPL, but it’s not my fault. I contacted the company responsible for the accident after receiving a certificate from the traffic police 2 weeks after the event, an appointment was scheduled another 2 weeks later. I repaired my car at my own expense before meeting with the insurance company experts, because... I took a photo of my car from the scene of the accident on the day of the accident, where all the body damage is clearly visible. All these damages are indicated in the traffic police report. The insurance company refused to pay me any damages at all, because... repairs were carried out before the examination. Is this legal?

Valery, Hello.

Federal Law "On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance", paragraph 20:

20. The insurer denies the victim an insurance payment or parts thereof, if the repair of damaged property or disposal of its remains, carried out before the inspection by the insurer and (or) an independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) of the damaged property in accordance with the requirements of this article, do not allow one to reliably establish the existence of an insured event and the amount of losses subject to compensation under a compulsory insurance contract.

Good luck on the roads!

Tell me, the new rules on the mandatory provision of a car to the insurance company for inspection after an accident began to apply for policies from 07/04/2016? or for everyone without exception?

There was an accident involving 3 cars, 1 was the culprit, 2 were injured. We are the victims, the car was taken away by a tow truck, this happened in Voronezh. Now we have to contact the insurance company of the guilty party, Eni, and it is located in Rostov-on-Don. How can we provide a car for inspection if the car is not running?

Irina, in this case, the insurer must inspect the vehicle at its location. When you submit an application to the insurance company, indicate that the inspection must be carried out at the location of the car. Indicate the address where the vehicle is located.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello! In May 2016, an accident occurred involving 2 vehicles, the victim (driver) was taken away in an ambulance, and administrative proceedings were initiated under Art. 12.24 of the Administrative Code, but since, according to the results of the medical examination carried out by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate as part of the administrative case, no harm was caused to health, the proceedings were stopped in September 2016 due to the expiration of the statute of limitations and the absence of an administrative violation in the actions of the injured party. The termination determination does not indicate the circumstances of the accident, the provisions of the traffic rules that were violated and by whom. The determination does not establish anyone's guilt. Do I understand correctly that the damage was caused only to the vehicle and it is necessary to submit an application for direct compensation for losses. Is it possible to submit such an application if the documents issued by the traffic police do not reveal anyone’s guilt, although from the materials of the case (witness testimony of the traffic police officers themselves, video recordings of the accident, etc.) it can be concluded that I am the victim and the second driver is guilty. If you can't file a direct claim with your insurer, where should you go?

Julia, Hello.

Since damage was caused only to vehicles, you can apply for payments both to your insurance company and to the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon. The insured event occurred on June 17, 2016 (non-contact accident), there is a culprit for the accident, who is indicated in the accident certificate. My insurance company refused to pay me, citing the fact that the law on compulsory motor liability insurance has a clause that direct compensation for losses is made in the event of an interaction (collision). They recommended contacting the culprit's insurance company. There, after the expiration of the period established by law (20 days), they said that the deadline for making a decision was extended because... They need more time, but they don’t say how long it will be extended. They just say that the law did not specify the exact extension period. They can extend it for any length of time. Please tell me what to do?