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How to make distilled water. Distilled water: how to make it at home. Photo gallery: Preparation using two glass bottles

If you are afraid that tap water may be unsafe to drink, or you are outdoors and your drinking water is running low, then these instructions are for you! Find out where to get distilled water and how to distill it in the kitchen using a saucepan and ice. There is no need to create a laboratory and purchase fancy equipment. This method can be easily adapted for use both at home and outdoors.

Distilled water not only prevents the formation of mineral deposits in mechanisms and batteries, but also turns water from any source, be it river, sea, salt or even urine, into clean drinking water. Distillation will remove bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic and inorganic inclusions, leaving everything unnecessary aside and leaving clean water.

Distillation can be seen in nature, when the sun heats liquids on the surface of the earth, they turn into steam and rise into the air, forming clouds and leaving all the impurities below. In the upper atmosphere, the temperature drops and the liquid cools, turning into droplets. Then, when precipitation falls as rain, the cycle begins all over again.

Various methods can be used for distillation. Essentially, distillation entails boiling water to create steam to leave behind any impurities that have a higher boiling point. Once the water has boiled, the steam is placed in a clean container, where it condenses back into clean water. Thus, regular boiling will not distill it, but will only remove some of the toxins.

There is debate about whether drinking distilled water prepared at home in large quantities is beneficial for the body. Some argue that since distillation removes absolutely all impurities, it also does not contain potentially beneficial inclusions for the body. However, some studies have shown that potentially beneficial minerals are unlikely to be absorbed by the human body.

Step 1: Materials

To make your own distilled water you will need:

A deep saucepan with a lid that will be concave when turned upside down (i.e., dome-shaped if the lid is placed correctly). It will be used to hold the ice.

Ice. Its amount varies depending on the external temperature and the amount of boiling water. If you don't have ice, it's okay, the condensation process will just take longer.

A glass bowl that will float inside the pan. Depending on how much the bowl is submerged, you will need to check that the distilled water does not submerge it completely. You will see the process as the distilled water flows into the bowl.

Step 2: Fill the pan and heat

Fill the pan with much more water than you want to distill and place it over medium heat.

Step 3: Receiving Bowl and Lid

Place the glass bowl in the pan, making sure it floats well and won't sink if a little water forms in it.

Place the lid upside down on the pan.

Step 4: Ice

Once you have placed the lid on the pan, place ice on top. The amount of ice depends on the size of the lid; as it melts, replace the melted ice with new one.

Ice is needed to cool the distillate and increase the rate of its condensation. You can make water without ice, but it will take longer.

Step 5: Condensation Formation

If you lift the lid, you will see small drops of water forming and falling into the glass bowl. The second one is hard to see, but the drops formed a mini-lake in a glass bowl. You will observe an amazing process, a small ecosystem living on its own.

Step 6: Remove from heat and store

Once you decide that your glass bowl cannot hold more water and will soon sink, carefully remove it from the pan and drain the water into a clean glass container.

Enjoy your new skill of making freshly evaporated distilled water!

Distilled water has quite a lot of uses in everyday life, which I personally did not know about. I only used distilled water to fill the battery. Although its use is by no means limited to this.

Distilled water is used:

  • - For topping up the battery, preparing electrolyte.
  • - IN home cosmetology, to cleanse the skin.
  • - For refilling irons with a steam generator, which extends their service life and does not leave white marks on clothes when ironing.
  • - For oral administration - cleansing the body. Some people like to make tea. The issue of benefit is of course very controversial, so we will not dwell on it.
  • - There are other applications, write your examples in the comments.
Distilled water is actually pure “H2O” without impurities and salts, viruses and bacteria. And water itself is the best solvent on planet Earth, in which a huge number of chemical elements dissolve.
Distilled water can only be obtained by evaporation; no filter elements can help here. Therefore, to obtain this miracle, you need a device such as a distiller. It consists of a heating vessel containing liquid, in which evaporation occurs, and a refrigerator, in which condensation of vapor into liquid occurs. Anyone who has ever seen a device for making “moonshine” will understand me.
All this, of course, is not very difficult, but it requires preparation and production of equipment.

Simple DIY distiller

I will show you a simple way to make a primitive distiller from a saucepan in 5 minutes to obtain distilled water at home. No modifications to the pan will be required and after use it will continue to serve its intended purpose.

What is needed to obtain distilled water?

A saucepan with a lid. It would be great if the lid was transparent, but this is not essential. The main thing is that it is convex and not straight.
The size of the pot depends on your distilled water needs. Next we need a deep plate that will fit into the pan.

You will also need ice, which can be obtained using the refrigerator and plain water.

The process of obtaining distilled water at home

Pour water into the pan. Such an amount that you could put a plate on it without it tipping over. About one third.

If you are using running water, leave the pan open to allow excess chlorine to ventilate.
After this, put the pans on the fire.

Place a deep plate on this water inside.

Distilled water will collect in it. And we’ll close the lid on top, just not as usual, but turn it inside.

As soon as the water starts to boil in the pan, put ice on top of the lid.

What's happening?

Under the influence of temperature, water will begin to turn into steam. The steam, in turn, will condense on the ice-cooled lid. And since the lid is convex inward, droplets of condensation will flow down and drip into the floating plate.


Once you have collected a full plate of distilled water, you can pour it into a clean jar for further storage.
Since water is absolutely “empty”, it is stored for a very, very long time in a container with a tight lid.
But before pouring the water into the vessel, I recommend rinsing it twice: once with plain water and detergent, and a second time with a small amount of distilled water, which you then need to discard. And then add water for storage.
The second rinse is needed to remove any remaining non-distilled water from the surface.


Checking the quality of distilled water is very simple. To do this, take a 220 V strap with a power of 15-40 watts. Connect it to a 220 V network and open the circuit, connect the electrodes, which are immersed in distilled water.
Pure distilled water does not conduct current, and if there are no unnecessary impurities, the light bulb will not light up. But if you violated the technology during the distillation process (you didn’t wash the vessel or plate, or perhaps non-distilled water got in), the lamp’s filament will be red, which in turn will mean the presence of salts in the water.


So, friends, if you urgently need to get a small amount of distilled water, then this method will definitely help you out, requiring very little effort and time from you. And most importantly - no costs!

If you are afraid that you will buy fake distilled water that you bought, for example, to dilute antifreeze concentrate, or to fill it into a battery, then there is a great way not to play roulette in search of high-quality water in a retail chain, but to make it yourself. Yes, yes, you heard right, any of you can do this at home. How? Now we'll tell you.

Also, this method of obtaining distilled water is suitable for those who do not want to drink tap water, spend money on dubious water filters, or buy water from the store every day. True, regarding the use of distilled water, debates about its harm to the body have not subsided for a long time. And although science has not yet said anything definitive about distilled water, we still do not recommend that you drink it. It's another matter when you use distilled water.

Why is distilled water used to dilute antifreeze or add it to the battery?

The thing is that, unlike ordinary water, distilled water does not contain various chemical impurities: salts, carbons, minerals, gases, etc. All these impurities, if they get into, for example, an engine cooling system, can have a detrimental effect on her, .

As for the battery, if you add regular tap water to it, you will quickly destroy even a new battery.

So you can only add distilled water to prepare the correct electrolyte.

So, how can you make distilled water yourself in your kitchen at home? In fact, the process is quite simple. You do not need special laboratory equipment with which distilled water is produced on an industrial scale.

Distillation of water will remove bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic matter, inorganic substances and salt particles, minerals, toxins. Essentially, after distillation, the water will become perfectly pure.

By the way, distillation is literally natural method, which we can see in nature. So, the sun heats water on the earth's surface, the water turns into steam (evaporation process). The steam rises, leaving water pollutants below. This is how clear clouds are formed, representing water in a gaseous state. But as the upper atmosphere cools the air temperature, the water vapor also cools, turning back into water. That is, droplets of water are formed that fall to the ground (rain). As a result, the cycle repeats itself over and over again.

Various methods can be used to distill water. Essentially, in order to distill water, you need to boil it to produce steam. As a result, all pollutants contained in the water will remain in the container, and the purified water will turn into a gaseous state (steam).

The thing is that the pollutants contained in water have a higher boiling point than water (H 2 O).

Once the water has completely evaporated, to make distilled water from the steam we need to cool it so that it condenses back into water. So, as you can see, to get clean water Boiling alone will not be enough. After all, you still need to turn the steam back into water.

Now let's move on to preparing distilled water at home.

Here's what you should do:

Step 1: Materials

You will need:

A saucepan with a lid. The lid on one side should be concave inward. That is, you need a dome-shaped lid for the pan. This niche with reverse side The lid will serve as a container for ice.

Ice. As you already understood, we will also need . Its amount varies depending on the ambient temperature in the kitchen and the amount of water needed to distill into the distillate.

So if you want to make a lot of distilled water, have a big pot and lots of ice. In this case, the distillation process will take longer.

Glass bowl. It is needed in order to immerse it in a pan so that it does not sink to the bottom, but floats in ordinary water, collecting condensation that will be obtained from cooling the steam with ice.

Step 2: Filling and heating

Fill the pan with much more water than you want to distill. Bring water to boil over medium heat.

Step 3: Place the bowl on top of the water in the pan and cover it with a lid.

Now it's time to place the glass bowl in the pan on top of the water. Moreover, this must be done so that the bowl does not sink, and also so that bubbling water does not get into the bowl. Also make sure the bowl can hold enough water before submerging.

Step 4: Ice

Place the lid on the pan and place ice on it. How much ice to use depends on how big the lid is. The main thing is that water from melted ice does not get inside the pan. That is, you must monitor the process of melting the ice and pour out the accumulating water.

The purpose of the ice is to cool the distillate and to improve condensation. Yes, of course, you can distill water without using ice, but in this case the distillation will take longer.

Step 5: Condensation Formation

If you lift the lid off the pot a little while the water is boiling, you will see small drops of water forming under the lid and falling into the glass bowl floating on the surface of the water. Essentially, we have created a mini-ecosystem of the water cycle in nature.


For human consumption, mineral water is used, which is obtained from fresh underground sources. However, there is a purified liquid that has undergone distillation and has unusual properties. According to some, it is harmful to health, while others believe that the distillate has no effect on the body or is beneficial.

What is distilled water

Some people do not know the differences and properties of purified water that has been distilled from drinking mineral water or tap water. It does not contain bacteria, viruses and other substances that can harm the body, salts, heavy metals, or chlorine. Distilled water is a liquid that has been purified from organic impurities and mineral compounds. Any evaporated liquid collected in the form of condensate cannot be considered as such. Water distillation is a special technological process.

pH of distilled water

The properties of distilled water cause a lot of controversy. For example, it is believed that it cannot be used not only for food, but also for closed systems heating. The pH value of distilled water is 5.4-6.5. The reason for this is carbon dioxide dissolved in it. This level of acidity makes the liquid unsuitable for aquarium use, cooking or drinking.

Composition of distilled water

The distillate obtained as a result of distillation must not contain volatile compounds, organic matter, or other chemical elements. Inorganic substances included in chemical composition distilled water, but their quantity is controlled by the requirements of GOST 6709-72:

  • nitrates, copper – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • sulfates – up to 0.5 mg/liter;
  • iron, lead – up to 0.05 mg/liter;
  • ammonia – 0.02 mg/liter;
  • zinc – up to 0.2 mg/liter;
  • aluminum – 0.05 mg/liter;
  • calcium – no more than 0.8 mg/liter;
  • oxidizable elements – 0.08 mg/liter.

Can I drink distilled water?

In taste and structure, distilled water is similar to bottled water, which many people order for drinking. However, it is not recommended to abuse this liquid due to its negative effects on the body. It is allowed to drink distilled water only if there are appropriate indications from a doctor for the treatment of certain diseases. Otherwise, a number of negative consequences may occur:

  • Increase fluid intake by 20%.
  • Chloride deficiency.
  • Diuresis increases.
  • The concept of hormones that are responsible for salt metabolism is changing.

What is distilled water for?

Pure water distillate is widely used in various industries. The liquid is especially often used for technical needs or for scientific purposes. Below are all the areas where distilled water can be used:

  1. Pharmacy. Here the distillate is used to prepare pharmaceutical solutions and dilute medications.
  2. IN food industry and cosmetology also uses this composition of water.
  3. Steam brushes and irons. IN in this case liquid is used to form steam, because distillate, unlike water with regular composition does not form scale on the walls of the device.
  4. Cars. To dilute the acid in the battery, distilled water is also used, because the composition from the water supply contains many impurities that cause chemical reaction and the formation of sediment on the device. Such reactions significantly shorten the life of the battery, so the distillate is indispensable for it.
  5. At home, many people use the liquid after purification from impurities for heating systems. The reason for this is again the absence of the risk of scale formation and reduced pipe permeability.
  6. Treatment. Some people believe that drinking highly filtered water is not harmful. The distillate is beneficial, helping to cleanse the human body of toxins and waste. However, you should start taking it strictly as prescribed by your doctor. The course of therapy lasts no more than 6 months. It is worth noting that the distillate becomes useful after structuring (freezing). Ice defrosts after 6-8 hours. You should drink melt water 30 minutes before meals or 2.5 hours after.

Distilled water in medicine

Pharmaceutical factories, medical institutions and laboratories cannot do without distilled water. It is needed for injections, dissolving tannins, alkaloids, and helps with poisoning. In addition, the purified liquid enhances hydrolysis. The distillate is used as a solvent for drugs, but due to the lack of an antiseptic effect, it has a short shelf life.

Distilled water is used very widely in medicine. It tends to attract unusable substances that are not part of the structure of living cells and remove them from the human body. In addition, distilled water is suitable for dissolving medications before oral administration.

How to make distilled water at home

The distillate formula does not differ from the traditional one. The benefits, unusual properties, and positive reviews about this liquid raise the question for many: where can I get distilled water? First of all, you can buy it at a price of 5 rubles per 1 liter. In addition, the distiller can be replaced by the following methods at home to obtain purified water:

  1. Freeze the liquid. First you need to let it sit for several hours or pass it through a filter. Ice from the purified composition will be obtained faster than from tap water. After thawing, the desired distillate will be obtained.
  2. A more common way to obtain distilled water at home is by evaporation while boiling at a temperature of 100 degrees. To do this, the liquid is settled and purified. When boiling in a kettle or saucepan, collect the resulting condensate (steam) from the lid or cap on the spout.
  3. The simplest is to obtain a distillate from rainwater or snow (liquid already cleared of impurities).

Everyone probably knows how distilled water differs from regular water, but only a few know how to make it yourself at home. Distilled water itself is only different in that it contains absolutely no harmful impurities (for example, iron, chlorine).

The use of such water can be seen for domestic and industrial purposes, but it is practically not used for food purposes. Large enterprises quite often install special distillers that convert contaminated water into distilled water. Distilled water is also often used for purely domestic purposes, for example, it is often poured into steam irons. This is done because it leaves virtually no traces of scale behind. Distilled water has a lower freezing point than plain water, and a higher boiling point, which makes its use for such purposes highly desirable. It is undesirable to drink such water, since it does not contain any beneficial components; on the contrary, it actively removes various salts from the body, including those that our body needs.

Well, let’s better figure out right away how you can prepare this water yourself. First we need to prepare everything we need. And we will need three clean vessels, in the first, the water will settle, in the second it will boil, and into the third we will pour the ready-made water. You also need a hose, a device to heat the water, and the water itself. Once all this has been prepared, you can begin the process itself. At the first stage, you should pour water into the first container and, without closing the lid on top, leave it to settle for a day in a clean place (it is best to use a flask for this purpose). It is important that the vessel with water stands still and does not shake, and that dust does not get into it from above. After a day, it is necessary to drain a third of the volume of water from the container, so make sure in advance that you can drain the water without moving the container. Drain using a hose, simply lowering it to the very bottom and sucking in the water, direct the stream into a drainage container or simply into a sink. The vessel with water itself must remain motionless and cannot be shaken.

You should know that it is necessary to drain water exclusively from the bottom of the container, since it is there that all the dangerous impurities are contained. During the day of settling, the lightest elements simply evaporated, and the heavier ones settled to the bottom. After draining a third of the volume, pour the remaining water into the pan and set it to boil, and cover the pan with a lid. The lid of the pan must have a cone shape. When the water boils, remove the lid and pour the drops of water that have formed on it into a separate container. Then we return the lid to its place and repeat everything again. When all the water in the pan has boiled away, water from the flask is poured into it again and everything is repeated again. This is how you can get the right amount of distilled water at home.

Another way to obtain distilled water at home. After a third of the water has been drained from the flask, the remaining is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Next, you need to wait until the water freezes halfway and remove it. Unfrozen water is drained from the molds, and the remaining ice is distilled water. Harmful substances freeze much later than clean water.

Well, the last way to get clean water is by using moonshine still. The idea is simple: instead of mash, ordinary water is used, and the output is distilled water.