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RBC investigation: how the Higher School of Economics earns. Elvira Nabiullina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Vasily Kuzminov Nabiullina's son

Elvira Nabiullina - successful and influential woman Russian Federation and the world, which holds the post of chairman of the Central Bank of Russia. Thanks to her strategic thinking and high level of professionalism, she managed to become the first female state banker in the history of the Russian economy. The woman also managed to create a favorable business climate in the Russian Federation. At the same time, questions often appear on the Web that concern not only the biography of the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: how did Elvira Nabiullina's personal life develop, does she have a husband, children, and other details of her life.

Personal life of Elvira Nabiullina

As you know, the head of the Central Bank of Russia, and indeed a person who has high level influence, there must be an impeccable reputation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the personal life of Elvira Nabiullina is hidden under seven locks. From some Internet sources, you can only learn about an early, but very strong marriage.

Of course, she could have previously had romantic relationships with other men, but there is no information about this on the Web and never has been. A woman occasionally publishes her own photos in the public domain. Also, from time to time on the Internet you can find photographs in which Nabiullina is captured during working negotiations or business meetings.

Husband of Elvira Nabiullina Yaroslav Kuzminov

Elvira Nabiullina's husband is Yaroslav Kuzminov, who in Russian politics is also famous person. Today, a man works as a rector at the same Higher School of Economics, in which this moment works and his younger heir. Yaroslav himself at one time received higher education at MSU. Today he has the opportunity to boast of the status of the most sought-after economist and a place in the Public Chamber.

Kuzminov is several years older than his chosen one. When they met, Elvira was still a student, and later a graduate student at the same Moscow State University. It was within the walls of this institution that they met. Since then, they have been together and love each other very much.

Son of Elvira Nabiullina Vasily Kuzminov

The son of Elvira Nabiullina Vasily was born in 1988. The guy got an excellent education. After graduating from a general education institution, he entered a research institute, the faculty of sociology and economics.

The guy decided to build his career without any help from influential parents, so he began working as an ordinary employee of the Higher School of Economics. At the moment he works at the Department of Economics and Statistics. He also teaches social studies students.

The guy is not yet married, as he tries to devote all his time only to building a career. At the same time, he builds a romantic relationship with a certain girl, whose name is hidden from the press as much as possible.

It is also known that the children of Nabiullina are not only her heir, but also the children who were born in the first relationship of her chosen one. According to the woman herself, both Angelina and Vanya are relatives for her, she makes no distinction between her son and her husband's heirs.

Biography of Elvira Nabiullina

Elvira Nabiullina was born on October 29, 1963 in the capital of Bashkortostan. Since her parents devoted a lot of time to their work, the future head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was raised by her grandmother, who was a very intelligent and educated person who invested only the best qualities in her granddaughter. Thanks to the upbringing of their grandmother, Elvira and her brother Irek were excellent students in a general education institution, and also did not cause any trouble to either parents or teachers.

After graduating from school, Nabiullina became a student at the Moscow state university them. Lomonosov, where she received an economic education. In 1986, she completed her studies with honors, but decided to go to graduate school, which in the future opened her way to the state economy.

The career biography of Elvira Nabiullina began in 1991 in the Standing Committee of the Scientific and Industrial Union of the USSR, where she was accepted as a chief specialist. Just a year later, she managed to get a promotion. So she began to work in the directorate of the Russian Union of Industrialists. After this position, she was invited to the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

Initially, the woman took the post of head of the department for state regulation of the economy, but as a result of her active work, she managed to reach heights in her career and already in 1997 became the country's deputy minister of economy. In 2007, Nabiullina was appointed to the post of Minister of Trade and economic development Russia. In 2012, after Vladimir Putin won the presidential election, Elvira became an assistant to the Russian head for economic issues. Until now, Elvira Nabiullina remains the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

This material entered the archive of IA "Ruspres" in 2011. Nevertheless, the text gives a fairly complete picture of the future head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina

Place of work: government of the Russian Federation

Position: since 2008 - Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Participation in business: in 1998, she resigned from the post of Deputy Minister of Economy of Russia Elvira Nabiullina got a job as a deputy chairman of the board of Promtorgbank JSC (chairman of the board of directors of the bank - businessman Kakha Bendukidze). In 2003 was appointed President of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation, close to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation German Gref. In 2004, after the revolution in Georgia, President Mikheil Saakashvili nominated Kakha Bendukidze for the economy ministers of that country's government. At the same time, German Gref made a visit to Georgia, who agreed with the new state leadership on the arrival in Tbilisi of a delegation from the Center for Strategic Research and personally Nabiullina, who, together with her former employer Bendukidze, was to create a "comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of Georgia" .

Impact on business: After leaving Promtorgbank, Elvira Nabiullina worked as an executive director of the Eurasian Rating Service. This organization is registered in Moscow as Standard & Poor EA Ratings LLC. The founder is the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation. After the appointment of Elvira Nabiullina as the Minister of Economic Development of Russia, the fund and its subsidiary LLC Institute of Urban Economics received contracts from the Ministry of Economic Development.

Since 2008, Elvira Nabiullina has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), together with Education Minister Andrei Fursenko, Israeli citizen Yigal Erlich, and RVC CEO Igor Agamirzyan. The company is entrusted with the creation of a "national innovation system".

In 2009, a prosecutor's check was made on the spending of 30 billion rubles transferred by the government to RVC. It was established that the funds intended for the development of the innovative economy of Russia were withdrawn from RVC “in the United States to the accounts of companies registered there”, and the latter had “signs of fictitiousness”. Annual expenses for the needs of RVC managers reached 290 million rubles, twice exceeding, in particular, the budget of Rosnauka for the implementation of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of the Russian Federation for 2007–2012."

The auditors indicated that during 2007-08. six closed-end investment funds of particularly risky investments were formed, in which 8.5 billion rubles were contributed. (4.1 billion rubles contributed by RVC). Of these, 6 billion were transferred by funds to deposits in banks, and 85% were placed on deposits authorized capital companies. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation came to the conclusion that "the state did not receive profits and innovations from these projects" - "RVC" and its funds were not interested in the implementation of venture programs, since the system for withdrawing money and transferring it to the accounts of friendly banks initially brought significantly higher income. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, this result took place "due to the lack of proper control" by Elvira Nabiullina's department.

The management of RVC considered the test biased.


Husband, Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, Rector of the State University Higher School of Economics (GU HSE). Income for 2008 amounted to more than 11 million rubles, for 2009 - 15 million 325 thousand 316 rubles, for 2010 - more than 17 million rubles. Kuzminov does not disclose sources of income. Owns an Infiniti M35.

Declared income of Elvira Nabiullina for 2008. amounted to 3 million 163 thousand rubles, for 2009. - almost 3 million rubles, for 2010. - 3 million 666 thousand rubles. Owns a Jaguar S-Type.

In 2008, the government removed the Higher School of Economics from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development and referred it to its direct jurisdiction. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation became the manager of HSE funds. At the HSE, as of 2010, there are 1,245 budget-funded places and 1,440 paid ones (undergraduate). Tuition for one academic year ranges from 180 to 400 thousand rubles, depending on the faculty.

HSE is working on a number of research projects (R&D) for the Ministry of Economic Development, as well as on R&D for the Government, part of which goes through the budget of the Ministry of Economic Development. So, in 2010 HSE won 16 out of 58 competitions held by the Ministry of Economic Development, for a total amount of more than 197 million rubles, which is approximately 33% of the total amount spent by the ministry on purchases.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposed to remake Federal Law No. 94 “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, adopting instead the draft law “On the federal contract system”, the development of which Nabiullina’s department ordered the Higher School of Economics. The bill has been criticized for weakening anti-corruption measures.

Brother, Irek Sakhipzadovich Nabiullin, top manager. He worked at CJSC SHERP-Consult, CJSC Trans AZS, LLC Miori, LLC TPK Novotorg, OJSC TIG Eldorado and LLC Eldorado, where he received the basic salary. 2008 was estimated at $ 3 billion, the main shareholders were businessman Igor and Oleg Yakovlev.In the future, the holding was presented with claims regarding illegal schemes for importing equipment.Nabiullina's employer, General Director of TIG Eldorado OJSC Alexander Shifrin, was put on the wanted list in a criminal case on tax fraud. In 2009, the Central Bureau of Interpol in the Russian Federation sent out an international circular demanding the arrest and extradition of Shifrin.

A son, Vasily Yaroslavovich Kuzminov, student. Studying at the Faculty of Sociology of the Higher School of Economics. He is a trainee researcher at the Center for Fundamental Sociology at the Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research (IGITI) at the Higher School of Economics.

Kuzminov Vasily Pavlovich - commander of a tank platoon of the 78th Guards Tank Regiment of the 7th Mechanized Corps of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, Guards Junior Lieutenant.

Born on April 16 (29), 1913 in the village of Troitskoye, now Popasnyansky district, Luhansk region (Ukraine) in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Since 1931, he lived in the village of Starobeshevo (now an urban-type settlement in the Donetsk region, Ukraine). Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as the director of the House of Culture. In 1940 he graduated from the interregional party school in the city of Stalino (now Donetsk, Ukraine).

In the Red Army in 1935-1937 and since 1941. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since September 1941. In 1944 he graduated from the Kazan Tank School. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1943.

The commander of a tank platoon of the 78th Guards Tank Regiment (7th Mechanized Corps, 2nd Ukrainian Front) Guards Junior Lieutenant V.P. Kuzminov distinguished himself during the liberation of the Czechoslovak city of Brno in April 1945.

It was April 26, 1945. The enemy concentrated a large number of infantry, artillery, mortars and tanks on advantageous lines, especially in the crossing areas, in an effort to delay the advance of the Soviet troops. With devastating artillery and mortar fire, the enemy did not allow our infantry not only to move forward, but even to rise to attack. Vasily Kuzminov, seeing the plight of our infantry, makes a bold decision: he leaves the tank and, under continuous machine-gun and mortar fire, acting in a belligerent way, skillfully using the terrain, crawls the bushes into the enemy’s location. Here he spotted 6 German tanks dug into the ground, 3 artillery batteries, an enemy battery of six-barreled mortars. Safely returning to the tank, Kuzminov, skillfully maneuvering on the battlefield, destroyed 3 enemy tanks and a six-barreled mortar with well-aimed fire from the very first shots.

The fascists, with the stubbornness of the doomed, continued to resist, three tanks and artillery opened fire on a Soviet tank. Maneuvering and getting closer and closer to the enemy, Kuzminov destroyed another tank and four guns with well-aimed shots. Inspired by the daring courage of the Soviet tank crew, our infantry shouted “Hurrah!”, “For the Motherland! Forward!" avalanche moved on the enemy, crushed him and broke into the city of Brno.

There were bloody battles near the village of Rechkovitsy. Our artillery and ground attack aircraft conducted aimed fire at enemy tanks in its depth of defense, until they reached the line of attack. During the battle, Vasily Kuzminov reached the crossroads of two large roads, put his tank behind the bushes and began to conduct careful observation. Soon he found two small houses with a front garden, which were slowly moving towards the intersection, stopping at regular intervals for a few seconds. The Soviet officer figured out the enemy's trick - to quietly get to an important crossroads, saddle it and, disguised, fire deadly fire on our advancing troops. A shot rang out, followed by a second and both enemy tanks, "Tiger" and "Panther", froze in place, one of them burst into flames.

Some time later, the Nazis intensified their operations on this sector of the front, throwing up an infantry battalion, intending to occupy an operationally important crossroads. Kuzminov did not leave the occupied line, carefully disguised his tank. And then the enemy infantry poured in. Having let her at close range, Kuzminov shot her point-blank. With thirteen shells and machine gun fire, the crew of a Soviet tank destroyed up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers and a mortar battery in this battle.

During the period April 14-28, 1945, Guards Junior Lieutenant Vasily Kuzminov with his platoon destroyed and knocked out 12 tanks, 2 armored personnel carriers, a large number of other military equipment and enemy manpower.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 15, 1946, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Guards to junior lieutenant Kuzminov Vasily Pavlovich He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Since 1946, V.P. Kuzminov has been in reserve. He lived in the urban-type settlement of Starobeshevo, Donetsk region (Ukraine). He worked as the director of the Starobeshevsky butter factory, deputy chairman of the Starobeshevsky district executive committee, an employee of the district committee of the party, and director of the Starobeshevsky procurement office. He devoted a lot of time to the military-patriotic education of youth. Died May 5, 1985.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (05/15/1946), the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (03/11/1985), medals.

Honorary citizen of the urban-type settlement of Telmanovo, Donetsk region (Ukraine).

From the submission to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, signed by the commander of the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky:

"Tov. Kuzminov, a devoted son of the Socialist Motherland, as the commander of a platoon of IS tanks, in battles with the Nazi invaders for the liberation of the industrial center - the city of Brno, showed examples of courage, courage and heroism. Thanks to the skillful, sensible leadership of his tank platoon and the personal bravery of the communist Comrade Kuzminov, his platoon inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in equipment and manpower, ensuring the development of the success of our units in the liberation of the city of Brno. During the period of fighting from April 14 to April 25, 1945, only the crew of Comrade Kuzminov destroyed: 6 tanks, 2 armored personnel carriers, 2 six-barreled mortars, 1 mortar battery, 6 artillery batteries, 4 machine-gun points, 11 vehicles with ammunition and other military cargo and up to 400 soldiers and officers of the enemy; 2 tanks and 3 armored personnel carriers were knocked out.

Created in the wake of the liberal reforms of the 1990s, the HSE now earns billions by operating as a think tank for the government and presidential administration. RBC figured out how she managed to win money and the trust of the state

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

“They are absolutely frankly inciting here, de facto preparing such a Maidan underground and are the very fifth column ... Why do we tolerate the existence of such organized terrorist groups under the auspices of the political faculty of the Higher School of Economics? This is fine?" - the host of the TV channel "Russia" Vladimir Solovyov was indignant in February 2014 in his program on the radio "Vesti FM". The reason was a student of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Yulia Arkhipova. The TV presenter thought she sympathized with social networks protesters on the Maidan citizens of Ukraine.

Less than a year before the transfer, searches were carried out at the university in the third Yukos case, investigators came to the chair of Mikhail Fedotov, presidential adviser on human rights, who participated in the examination of the company's second criminal case. Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov's contract was ending in the spring of 2014, the government was delaying its renewal.

As a result, the contract was extended for another five years. “I didn't see the 'expert case' as a threat to HSE,” the rector now recalls. — Vyshka is too large and significant university, and investigative actions were carried out about several of our employees. Although the case itself seems strange and artificial to me, to worry about the position of one of the investigators of the Investigative Committee. Kuzminov himself has become even closer to power than his university: over the past year, he was elected to the Moscow City Duma and appointed co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). The declared income of the rector increased from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles. in year. University revenues (excluding capital investments and investments) have grown by more than 30% in two years. How did the HSE manage to win money and the trust of the state?

Not exactly liberal

The Higher School of Economics likes to say that the resolution on its creation in November 1992 is one of the last documents signed by Yegor Gaidar as head of government. The HSE “has long been the favorite plaything of liberals at the helm,” Kuzminov recalls. The founding fathers of the university in one way or another were in the 1990s related to power. HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin — former minister Economics, tenured professor Yakov Urinson and university president Alexander Shokhin worked as vice-premiers. Only one person did not work as an official among them - the permanent rector Kuzminov.

“The government’s order to appoint a rector in 2014 was issued a few days later than the end of Kuzminov’s contract, so, according to the law, he was fired (for the first time in his entire career at HSE), and with him all vice-rectors who had a contract tied to the rector's contract, explains Novoseltsev. The university was obliged to pay them for all unused vacations. Yaroslav Ivanovich was credited with an additional 24.5 million for almost 700 days of vacation since 1993. Some vice-rectors who have been working the longest - from 6 to 13 million. Vice-Rector Zhulin attributed the changes in his income to personal real estate transactions. Jacobson admitted that he participated in several successful projects: "It's hard work, I don't want to make excuses, but the money we are paid is not in vain."

Fight for buildings

A constant topic of Kuzminov's conversations with the authorities is the premises for the university. The rapidly growing university is constantly short of square meters, says the rector, despite the fact that in 2010-2014 the total area of ​​HSE buildings doubled - from 200 to 400 thousand square meters. m. Auditoriums are organized in the building of a former weaving factory, business centers, the Ministry of Chemical Industry. From a hotel affiliated with State Academy investment specialists, the university made a hostel. “We usually get wild junk,” the rector complains.

Target subsidies from the federal budget are allocated for major repairs and construction. The largest ones are under the capital investment program, which is not included in the general budget of the university. So, in 2010, the university received 14.9 billion rubles for the reconstruction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. On overhaul in 2014 - 533.2 million rubles, in 2013 - 340 million.

In 1994, Alexander Shokhin, then the Minister of Economy of Russia, handed over two buildings to the HSE. One of them on Kochnovsky passage, the former Research Institute of Planning and Regulations under the State Planning Commission (Photo: HSE Archive)

The squares are scattered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, but the lion's share, including the "junk", is located in the expensive center - on Myasnitskaya, Pokrovsky Boulevard, Petrovka, Ordynka. “We managed to convince the country's leadership that the university should develop in the center of the capital. The specificity of Vyshka is that it is a leading expert center. We need to be closer to federal authorities authorities who want to use our services,” says Shokhin.

One of the last buildings that Kuzminov received is a new house on Myasnitskaya 11. It stands opposite the HSE building, in which the rector's office has been sitting since the mid-1990s. In 1997, Kuzminov and Shokhin observed the beginning of construction, which would drag on for 15 years. Only in 2010 did the HSE ask Prime Minister Putin to buy space for the university in a building under construction. Putin ordered to allocate 2.2 billion rubles to the university.

According to the estimates of Knight Frank and Swiss Appraisal, office rent in the area of ​​Myasnitskaya and Pokrovsky Boulevard next to the HSE premises costs an average of 25,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m per year. The average cost per square meter of premises is 215 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m, experts of the two companies estimated. This means that the approximate price of a house on Myasnitskaya 11 could reach almost 3 billion rubles.

The total area of ​​Vyshka, together with the rent (according to Vice-Rector Alexander Shamrin, 500 million rubles was spent on renting real estate in 2014), according to the HSE, is 522.3 thousand square meters. m, its book value is 8.4 billion rubles. This is several times less than that of Moscow State University: according to the report of the university, the university uses 1.35 million square meters. m worth 42.2 billion rubles. A few years ago, the government and the president considered the idea of ​​transferring the premises of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts to the HSE or buying space in business centers. But in the end, the authorities abandoned both options, Kuzminov regrets.

The Federal Property Management Agency has less data on HSE real estate: about 60 buildings, eight apartments and several dozen premises. Total area - 390 thousand sq. m. The cadastral (close to the market) value of only Moscow real estate, according to Rosreestr and RBC calculations, is more than 16 billion rubles

Then the university presented the idea of ​​a distributed campus to the leadership of the country. According to him, says Shokhin, the university should expand along the orange metro line: st. Myasnitskaya - Pokrovsky Boulevard - metro station "Leninsky Prospekt". The idea is supported and lobbied by the head of the supervisory board of the university, the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Shokhin and Kuzminov say.

In April 2015, Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Education and Science to transfer 110 thousand square meters to the HSE by 2017. m of classrooms and laboratories and 30 thousand square meters. m of dormitories of inefficient universities, "located in close proximity to the main educational buildings of the Higher School of Economics." In July, Kuzminov, in a letter to the Prime Minister (RBC has both documents), complained about the ministry: “Currently, options for transferring property complexes are not being discussed.” Medvedev wrote on the letter "Why are you not following orders?" and sent it to the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. "Agreement process<…>is quite difficult, but the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia must fulfill the order of D.A. Medvedev on time," RBC was told at the ministry. While the dormitory of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Lefortovo has passed to the university, two more premises of the Moscow University of Food Production next to the Tekstilshchiki metro station are in line.

In the near future, the HSE may receive buildings not only from the Ministry of Education. According to Shamrin, now “work is underway with the Moscow government to form a list for the exchange of university buildings” remote from the center for buildings inside the Garden Ring. There are no specific proposals yet, but the press service of the Moscow Property Department confirmed the fact of negotiations.

In Russian universities, it is customary for boards of trustees to be headed by officials. Assistant to the President Vladislav Surkov is the head of the council at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman; State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin - at RANEPA; The board of trustees of Moscow State University is headed by Vladimir Putin.

“At some meeting, Yaroslav [Kuzminov] suggested that Volodin [the first deputy head of the presidential administration] go to the supervisory board. And he agreed, we are friends and work together. He does not participate in solving academic affairs, but helps in solving those issues that allow the university to develop,” recalls Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor. Volodin headed the council in April 2014. In addition to him, the council includes Olga Dergunova (Rosimushchestvo), Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov.

In 2010, it was Yaroslav Kuzminov who suggested that Vladimir Putin, then prime minister, create a "Strategy-2020" (Photo: RIA Novosti)

The functions of the supervisory and board of trustees at the university are separated. The first is responsible for the economy and strategy, the second - for raising finance. The Board of Trustees is headed by German Gref and its members are Viktor Vekselberg, Arkady Volozh, Mikhail Zadornov, Leonid Mikhelson, Vadim Moshkovich and Mikhail Prokhorov. Unlike Moscow State University, which receives large donations from wealthy graduates, the trustees of the university did not graduate and have to attract them with projects, and not “feelings for the alma mater,” Shokhin says. Targeted receipts and voluntary donations, including from the university trustees, amount to 200-250 million rubles. per year, calculated Novoseltsev.

Kuzminov himself invited officials to the supervisory board. “I can make an appointment with the president and present the project. And I can come to Dmitry Anatolyevich myself. For me, Volodin is not a person who will go somewhere for me. But he is much more embedded in power, and it is important for me that he understands what we are doing here. We have known Volodin for a long time. And we have a mutual friend — German Gref,” explains the rector of the curator’s invitation domestic policy to the university. Members of the supervisory board meet monthly, its head is always present at meetings, says a source close to Volodin. According to him, the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration communicates with Kuzminov even more often. “Especially often they communicate now, when Kuzminov has become co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF,” he says. - With some decisions, the chairman of the supervisory board goes to the government. Sometimes you just need to control the execution by officials of the orders of the president and the government related to the university.”

According to Kuzminov, the government did not immediately agree on Volodin's candidacy. The question was decided by Medvedev. Kuzminov says: “The prime minister called me and asked if it was my own decision. I explained, and a few days later he signed everything.” A source in the cabinet of ministers says that no one was against it: "Let one person be responsible for the ideology, the government will not participate in this."

“Yaroslav Kuzminov is a good economist. His knowledge and the potential of the Higher School of Economics will be useful in the Moscow City Duma,” former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin wrote on Twitter after the election of Yaroslav Kuzminov to the Moscow City Duma (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Volodin is a university man, says a source in his entourage: “He worked at a university for 10 years, went through all the steps from an assistant to a professor, then returned to this work, including heading the department of state construction at Moscow State University.” The Kommersant newspaper called Volodin's people the rector of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov Viktor Grishin, Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. Sechenov Petr Glybochko and Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov.

Several HSE teachers interviewed by RBC are sure that the struggle for premises was the reason why Kuzminov agreed to be nominated as a deputy to the Moscow City Duma and become co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF, which Volodin also oversees. The rector himself says: “When I decided to go to the Moscow City Duma, we got together with colleagues dealing with the problems of the urban environment, social, budgetary spheres, wrote a program, which we are now implementing. True, the university itself, in the sense of the campus, has not yet received anything from this, which does not diminish our interest in participating in Moscow life.” According to a source close to the Moscow City Duma, Sobyanin personally asked Kuzminov to be nominated. The rector says that he himself decided to become a deputy. But, for example, Volodin gave him advice during the campaign on how to behave with voters. During the elections to the Moscow City Duma, there was a request for people like Kuzminov, says a source close to Volodin. He is well-known in the city, represents the university community, and besides this, the liberal electorate is noticeable in Moscow, the interlocutor lists the reasons. As an alternative, the candidacy of the editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta Konstantin Remchukov was considered, but in the end the choice was made in favor of the rector of the Higher School of Economics, he added.

Kuzminov has known the head of the HSE Supervisory Board, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin for many years. “And Volodin and I have a mutual friend, German Gref,” says HSE Rector (Photo: RIA Novosti)

“The topic of joining the ONF was previously discussed with me,” Kuzminov comments on another of his political steps. - But in the end, I personally made the decision, no one put me up against the wall. What we wrote in Strategy 2020, and what Putin later used in his election articles, I consider it correct and necessary for the development of the country. When a lot of things began to go out before my eyes, I decided that I should try to do something not only as an expert. Kuzminov's proposal to enter the leadership of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF was spontaneous, says a source close to Volodin. “The co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF, Alexander Brechalov, named him the first. The Moscow branch had to be strengthened, and Kuzminov himself was interested in working in the city, and he has an established team, ”he notes.

None personnel decisions Volodin does not accept students at the Higher School of Economics, Kuzminov assures, he is engaged in “financial control” and “approval of strategic, programmatic documents for the university.” But rapprochement with the authorities affects the academic policy of the university, two sources close to the rector's office believe. HSE Vice-Rector Konstantin Sonin was fired after an interview with the German publication Der Spiegel, in which he said that Putin would hold on to power to the last and that the Russian response to the sanctions did more harm to the country than the sanctions themselves. After the interview, Kuzminov called Sonin and asked him to resign as vice-rector, continuing to lecture. Sonin soon left to work at the University of Chicago, at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies.

At the insistence from above, the HSE also had to change the leadership of the faculty of media communications, which was headed by Anna Kachkaeva, the interlocutors say. Having connected several departments of the university, Kuzminov replaced Kachkaeva as the head of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, and appointed Andrei Bystritsky, chairman of the state broadcasting company Voice of Russia. Both decisions, according to a source close to the leadership of the university, are "a payment for loyalty." In addition, in the fall of 2014, the name of one of the editors, the well-known economist Sergey Aleksashenko, disappeared from the collection “Comments on the State and Business”, which is published by the HSE Development Center. “As far as I know, Kuzminov was told in the Kremlin, and he told the director of the center that my name should not appear on the front page,” Aleksashenko himself says. He refused to edit the collection further. Kuzminov does not remember such a story.

According to a source close to Volodin, "the rector himself has an excellent understanding of what is good and what is bad, and internal responsibility to the government and the president." He also recalls that, for example, Professor Oleg Matveichev (who called on his blog to “crush liberals with tanks”) came to the HSE before Volodin. Kuzminov confirmed that he had a conversation about the Spiegel interview with Sonin. “And I said that this is generally not good. But it has nothing to do with the managerial decision,” he says. - Both the decisions about Sonin and about Anya [Kachkaeva] were made consciously, for administrative reasons. If the layoffs were necessary to maintain the position of the university and political protection, I assure you, I would not fail to do so. But it wasn't necessary." The rector recalls the recent scandal with another of his employees, Professor Sergei Medvedev. He publicly offered to give the Arctic to the international community, after which Putin called the professor's speech "complete stupidity." Medvedev continues to work at the university. He confirmed to RBC that he did not have a conversation with the rector on this issue.

Kuzminov has been the head of the HSE for 23 years and is not going to leave his position yet: “I like my work, I feel every day that I bring benefit to my country, students and colleagues.” According to Alexander Auzan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University, a classmate of Kuzminov and a witness at his wedding, Vyshka is still a start-up. Confidently keeps afloat, but "it cannot be said that it is unsinkable." The tower is unbalanced due to its rapid and intensive development. At the same time, she is strongly closed in connection with the authorities. If any change happens suddenly, it will be very difficult for her. I’m sure Slava [Kuzminov] is aware of this problem,” says his friend and competitor.

With the participation of Mikhail Rubin, Stepan Opalev, Roman Badanin, Elena Myazina


She was born on October 29, 1963, a native of Ufa. Tatar by nationality. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. He has a PhD in Economics.

After graduating from graduate school, she worked as the chief specialist of the Directorate of the Standing Committee of the Board of the Scientific and Industrial Union of the USSR on economic reform issues, from 1992 to 1994 she was the chief specialist and consultant of the Directorate of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on economic policy issues. In 1994, she served as an adviser to the Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In 1994, Nabiullina moved to the Ministry of Economy, where she successively held the positions of head of the department for state regulation of the economy, deputy head of the Department of Economic Reform and head of this department. In 1997 she became Deputy Minister of Economy. From 1998 to 1999, she was Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Promtorgbank", in 1999 - Executive Director of the Eurasian Rating Service, and from December 1999 to 2000 - Vice President of the Center for Strategic Research Fund.

From June 2000 to 2003, she served as First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, from September 2003 to October 2005 she was President of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation, and from October 2005 to September 2007 - Head of the Expert Council of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and provision chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the "Group of Eight" in 2006 and the head of the research group of the Center for Strategic Research (CSR).

On September 24, 2007, she replaced German Gref as head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. By position, she was a member of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation and a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.

In May 2012, she did not join the new government headed by Dmitry Medvedev and was appointed assistant to President Vladimir Putin.

Married, has a son. She is also the stepmother of two children of Yaroslav Kuzminov from his first marriage.


Agamirzyan Igor Rubenovich Born on March 21, 1957, General Director and Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC RVC. He worked closely with Nabiullina when she was her Minister of Economic Development and Trade in creating the so-called. national investment system. The result of this "cooperation" was large sums of money that went through this company from Russia to the United States.

Gref German Oskarovich Born February 8, 1964, President and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. When he was the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Elvira Nabiullina was considered his " right hand". Currently maintain a warm relationship.

Urinson Yakov Moiseevich, 09/12/1944, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCB Strategy. Nabiullina was his deputy when Urinson served as economy minister. At the same time, Urinson spoke of her exclusively in a positive way, calling her "Elvirochka" and promising her "a great future."

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich Born June 16, 1955, Chairman of the Management Board of JSC Rusnano. Elvira Nabiullina in 1995 was a secretary in the commission on economic reforms headed by him (she took this position on the recommendation of Yasin). They still keep in touch. Nabiullina in a narrow circle calls Chubais "a real block."

Yurgens Igor Yurievich, 06.11.1952 year of birth, President of the Institute modern development(INSOR). Supports friendly relations with her husband Nabiullina, Rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, being a professor at the same National Research University Higher School of Economics. When she was a minister, Nabiullina was a member of the Board of Trustees of INSOR. Currently, being an adviser to Vladimir Putin, she outwardly distanced herself from the activities of this "Pro-Medvedev" structure.

Yasin Evgeny Grigorievich, 07.05.1934 year of birth, scientific supervisor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. He is actually the "godfather" of Nabiullina. It is she who owes him everything: from her husband to her current position. He considers Yasin his teacher and treats him with genuine reverence.

Closest relatives.

Husband: Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, born May 26, 1957, Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. It is one of the pillars of liberal economic thought in Russia. As the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Nabiullina often used the achievements of the Higher School of Economics in her work, and also provided the university with numerous grants and other financial support.

Yaroslav Kuzminov is the founder of the following organizations:

1. HSE Endowment Fund.

Endowment Management Fund of the State University - Higher School of Economics, registered at the address Moscow, Smolensky Boulevard, 3/5, building 1, room 7, building. AND.

Date of initial registration 26.10.2007.

TIN 7704274459.
PSRN 1077799026117.

Main activity: Financial intermediation, n.e.c.
Samoylenko Vladimir Anatolyevich acted as the director.
The HSE Foundation was founded by three individuals:
- Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich;
- Yasin Evgeniy Grigorievich (research supervisor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics);
- Shokhin Alexander Nikolaevich (President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs).

2. ANO "Russian Institute".

Autonomous non-profit organization "Russian Institute", registered at Moscow, per. Maly Gnezdnikovsky, 9, building 3B.
Date of initial registration 27.03.1996.
TIN 7710183739.
OGRN 1027739512173.
Status of the legal entity: Active.
Main activity: Scientific research and developments in the field of natural and technical sciences.
Chernyshev Sergey Borisovich acted as the director.
The founders of the ANO "Russian Institute" were one entity and three individuals:
- Editorial Board of the journal "Century of the XX and the World", TIN 7710477665;
- Pavlovsky Gleb Olegovich (President of the Effective Policy Foundation);
- Chernyshev Sergey Borisovich (Russian philosopher, professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics);
- Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich.

A son: Kuzminov Vasily Yaroslavovich, born on August 13, 1988. Graduate of the Higher School of Economics, headed by his father. He is a postgraduate student at the Center for Fundamental Sociology at the Institute for Historical and Theoretical Studies in the Humanities (IGITI) at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and also receives a sociological education at the University of Manchester ( The University of Manchester).

Brother: Nabiullin Irek Sakhipzadovich, born on January 26, 1972. Worked at SHERP-Consult CJSC, Trans AZS CJSC (Zuleikha Nabiullina, Elvira's mother also worked in this structure in the early 2000s), Miori LLC, TPK Novotorg LLC, TIG Eldorado OJSC "and LLC" Eldorado ", where he received the basic salary. The assets of the Eldorado trading network in 2008 amounted to about 3 billion dollars, the main shareholders were businessman Igor and Oleg Yakovlev. Further down the line law enforcement the holding was presented with claims regarding the use of illegal schemes for importing equipment.

Information for thought.

Elvira Nabiullina comes from a fairly simple family. So, her father worked as a driver at a car depot, and her mother worked as an apparatchik at the Ufa Instrument-Making Plant. At school she was an excellent student, but she could not get a gold medal due to the then unspoken quotas for excellent students, according to which in Bashkiria medals were given to Tatars sparingly.

After graduating from school, Nabiullina managed to enter the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. During her studies, her dream was to "catch" in Moscow. But a modest provincial honors student, who did not differ in her “model” appearance, could not attract an “enviable” Muscovite groom. Therefore, she decided to focus on her studies in order to stay in Moscow as a graduate student. And she succeeded. Being the author of several serious scientific papers on economics, after graduating from the university, she entered the graduate school of the same university at the department of the history of the national economy and economic doctrines. Evgeny Yasin, who was a professor at this department, simultaneously holding the position of head of the laboratory of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, became her scientific adviser.

As a result of her postgraduate studies, Elvira Nabiullina not only managed to defend her dissertation, but also started a family. Her husband was a young teacher of the same department, Yaroslav Kuzminov, on whom the mind and charms of Nabiullina (and, first of all, her pregnancy from him) acted so seriously that he left his wife with two children for her and got into serious trouble along the party line. Kuzminov was even forced to leave Moscow State University for the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. However, this marriage laid the foundation for Nabiullina's career rise, since Kuzminov was considered Yasin's faithful paladin. After the collapse of the USSR, the affairs of Yevgeny Yasin, who hastened to change his beliefs from communist to ultra-liberal, went uphill, and he pulled the ambitious Kuzminovs with him.

Despite the fact that in the 1990s - 2000s Nabiullina made a dizzying career and was one of the authors of the economic program of Putin's reforms, she was not known to a wide circle of the population. Elvira Sakhipzadovna rarely appeared on television and remained in the shadow of other government economists until 2007, when she replaced German Gref as Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

During her tenure as a minister, although Nabiullina did not cause such an allergy among the population as, for example, her colleagues Anatoly Serdyukov, Rashid Nurgaliyev, Tatyana Golikova and Andrey Fursenko, she repeatedly appeared as a participant in scandals. So, from 2008 to September 2011, together with the Minister of Education Andrey Fursenko and an Israeli citizen Yigal Erlich, she was on the board of directors of the Russian Venture Company, which was entrusted with the creation of the so-called. national investment system. As a result of an audit by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of the spending of 30 billion rubles transferred by the state to the account of RVC, it was found that funds intended for the development of Russia's innovative economy were withdrawn from RVC in the United States to the accounts of companies registered there, in including fictitious ones. Annual expenses for bonuses for RVC managers amounted to about 300 million rubles, which was twice the budget of Rosnauka for the implementation of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of the Russian Federation for 2007-2012."

Although the Prosecutor General's Office came to the conclusion that "the state did not receive profits and innovations from these projects", including "due to the lack of proper control" by Elvira Nabiullina's department, this conclusion had no consequences for the madam minister herself. Nabiullina also constantly received complaints about the actions of her subordinates. The most scandalous of them was the collective complaint of FSUE Zemlya, subordinated to Rosreestr (structural subdivision of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade), which pointed out the fact of misuse of 19 billion rubles annually passing through public procurement competitions organized by Rosreestr (the total annual budget of Rosreestr is 40 billion), as well as the fact that “the leaders of the FCC Zemlya gave themselves 1,150,000 rubles of bonuses for creating a non-working website, and 1,000 rubles for ordinary employees.” However, Nabiullina traditionally did not pay any attention to this complaint, and the theft in Rosreestr continued as usual.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna also became famous for her love for luxurious furniture, despite the myth created about her extremely modest lifestyle. So, she wanted to have a ministerial table, always with artistic inlay, and the madam minister should sit on nothing more than an armchair edged with gold carnations. According to the terms of reference for Nabiullina's furniture, the "marble cherry" color head's table should be made of solid Italian walnut, have handmade veneer and leather inserts. It must also be instructed in Louis XIV marquetry (a technique involving the creation of a mosaic of multi-colored wood), and also decorated with its fittings, handles and decorative elements in aged bronze with gilding. In turn, the frame of her chair should be made of solid beech, and the chair itself should be made of Nappa-Lux leather (a special type of leather, during the processing of which the pre-prepared polished suede is dyed in several layers, due to which it turns out to be very soft and becomes pleasant on touch surface). The armrests of the executive chair should also be made of solid beech, with leather overlays and edging with gold carnations.

Despite Elvira Nabiullina's love of workplace luxury, her family home is nowhere near as luxurious as an office. According to official documents, Nabiullina lives with her husband and son, twenty-four-year-old son Vasily, in a modest three-room apartment with a total area of ​​70.6 sq. m. in a sixteen-story building built in 1967 on Kosygin Street in Moscow. At present, the Kuzminov family does not have a country cottage, nor does it have a land plot. Only their fleet of vehicles testifies to the “wealth” of the family: “Infiniti M-35”, 2008 onwards. and "Jaguar S-Type" 2003 onwards. Such modesty in comparison with Elvira Nabiullina's royal rather than ministerial apartments is striking and leads to certain thoughts.

On the night of June 6, 2009, Nabiullina was, along with the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov and the then head of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, a guest at the infamous party on the Aurora cruiser, organized on the occasion of the anniversary of the Russian Pioneer magazine. At the same time, the honorable organizers and no less respectable guests were not embarrassed by the fact that the Aurora is a military unit, which means that by definition, no entertainment events with the participation of outside civilians on board should be held. At this corporate party, which was hosted by Tina Kandelaki, and Sergey Shnurov delighted the guests with obscene roulades, the guests behaved extremely relaxed, and some even jumped into the Neva. History is silent about whether these guests jumped into the river right in their clothes, but it is known for sure that Mrs. Nabiullina was not among them.

Elvira Nabiullina, at first glance, is reluctant to promote her relatives. So, her husband Kuzminov does not particularly need promotion. True, it should be noted that in 2010, when Elvira Nabiullina was the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, the Higher School of Economics, headed by him, won 16 out of 58 competitions held by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, for a total amount of more than 197 million rubles, which is approximately 33% of the total the amount spent by the ministry on purchases. Son Vasily is a modest graduate student at the Center for Fundamental Sociology of the Institute for Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research (IGITI) at the Higher School of Economics, and her brother Irek Sakhipzadovich is just a former top manager of Eldorado LLC, the owner of the trading network of the same name.

But if you take a closer look, then Elvira Nabiullina is not such a cracker in relation to relatives. In any case, one is known to whom she provides good protection. it Mikhail Kurbatov , Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, better known as "Misha Courchevel", a young talent born in 1981. This young man, having graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance in 2003 and having joined the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in 2004 as a leading specialist, by 2010 became the director of the department. For comparison, in structures where it is customary to wear shoulder straps, departments are headed not even by major generals, but by lieutenant generals! The cosmic speed of the career of this "talented" young man, more famous for his spree in Courchevel than for his work for the good of the country, is explained by the fact that he is a relative of Nabiullina on his mother's side. At one time, young Elvira nursed little Misha, and she liked it so much that she still can’t stop, nursing Mishenka, even to the detriment of common sense. Elvira Nabiullina is known as an expert in macroeconomics and a major specialist in WTO and competitiveness issues. Indeed, she does not mind. But as far as tact and managerial talents are concerned, the situation is much worse. Persons who worked under her say that she does not know how to lead people and stimulate them to work. She can only demand without giving anything in return. In particular, when she resigned from the post of First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade in 2003, her subordinates even arranged a banquet on this occasion.