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Forewarned is forearmed: what the year of the Yellow Earth Pig has in store for us. What to expect from the year of the Yellow Earth Pig? Year of the yellow earth pig

By studying the eastern horoscope for 2019, you can correctly distribute forces and make the most of the favorable location of the stars. Many doors will open for hardworking and conscientious Pigs that they previously knocked on unsuccessfully. And you just need to choose which one of them is for gifts, and which one is for Bluebeard’s room. Pigs have well-developed intuition, but they do not want to believe it when it says bad things about a person and a situation.

Kindness and trust in people are the most striking positive character traits of those born in the year of the Pig. However, it is they who often become the cause of troubles and disappointments. But perseverance and inexhaustible optimism, a subtle sense of humor, and a willingness to laugh at your mistakes help you not to lose heart and learn lessons from every defeat. This allows you to sooner or later build your life the way you want.

Features of the 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 can truly be considered one of the calmest for all horoscope signs. Those born in the Year of the Yellow Pig will be especially lucky. And there are not many of them, because last century There were only 9 such years: Yellow Pigs were born in 1911, 23 and 35, 47 and 59, as well as in 1971, 83 and 95. In the 21st century, the Boar was born once - in 2007. The Pig will be born again in 2019 (we will also consider its characteristics).

People born under the auspices of the Pig are almost always associated by others with honesty, kindness, nobility and kindness. And these are far from empty words. After all, as you know, Pigs have never been different aggressive behavior in relation to others. People born in the above years cannot tolerate false evidence and hypocritical attitudes. When communicating with loved ones, they are as sincere and tactful as possible.

What kind of people are born in the year of the Pig?

Caring, sensitivity, desire for comfort - these are the basis of the personality of someone born in the year of the Pig. They harmoniously intertwine the ability to understand and feel the mood of other people with natural patience and balance. Thanks to such valuable qualities, these people easily acquire useful connections, have many friends, colleagues are drawn to them, and relatives respect them.

On the second side of the scale is the tendency to exaggerate negative aspects, self-pity and lack of confidence in one’s own strengths and capabilities. Pigs invariably believe in the worst outcome of events and do not tire of creating drama on this basis. Even in those moments when everything is not so bad, a typical representative of the sign can become despondent and give up. Only loved ones can pull a person out of the abyss of apathy - and not by persuasion, but only by solving the universal (according to the Pig) problem.

Pig cannot be accused of weak character. For the sake of his family, this man will do anything, and in the end he will achieve ideal life. Positive traits and business acumen allow Pigs to achieve an impressive financial position, which they happily share with others. This is a very hardworking sign of the eastern calendar, and in the near future your work will bear the expected fruits. The Pig horoscope for 2019 promises a successful period for all areas of life.

Character of the symbol of the year

If you have seen a pig at least once in your life, you might have noticed that this animal is always in a cheerful and good-natured mood. She has a cocky personality and sincerely enjoys everything that happens. Don't underestimate the pig's mental abilities. You might think that a pig does not have much intelligence, but watch its actions! You also need to look for a more calculating animal with excellent intuition - it can even predict events and sense danger long before it approaches.

For a pig there is no such thing as fatigue, especially when it comes to its behavior in its natural environment. She is able to tirelessly wander through the forests and dig the ground with her snout in search of acorns and other food. The Chinese value this animal for its cheerful and cheerful character - it is believed that under its protection the whole year will pass easily and naturally. If you do not contradict the rules of this symbol of the year, sorrows and sadness will be avoided.

What will children born in 2019 be like?

Each year the eastern horoscope attributes certain properties and events, interpreted according to the typical features of the animal totem. True, the character of the controlling beast changes every 12 years of the cycle - depending on which element it belongs to. Based on this seemingly confusing system, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

Color in in this case means the element of earth. Total elements in Chinese horoscope 5, and each one changes the symbol of the year in its own way. So the Wooden Pig has a punchy character, like a tree growing out of a crack in the asphalt. The Metal one is distinguished by its ability to earn money, and the Water one is able to see through people - like the bottom through a transparent layer of water. The wild boar, subordinate to the element of fire, is the embodiment of comfort and the keeper of the hearth. And finally, the Earth Pig is generous and welcoming, just like the fertile land.

In the coming year, it falls to the Earth Pig to manage events, which means that an abundant and eventful year awaits everyone. Someone is already living in anticipation of unprecedented bounties - and rightly so. Well, for some, the next 12 months will be the most exciting in their lives, because a small miracle is about to appear in your family - your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019 we will experience a wave of baby booms, and many families should expect a new addition. Moreover, both for those who have long wanted a child, and for those for whom the news of pregnancy will be a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to know the characteristics by month, what kind of children born in 2019 they are.

Children born in the year of the Pig are cheerful and sunny, regardless of their zodiac sign. From the first days of their life, everyone around them begins to reach out to them, as if spellbound, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the cradle, the baby will begin to show curiosity about everything around him and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the embarrassment, little Pig will be any possible ways achieve this. Growing up, children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even interlocutors for adults.

Thanks to their ability to notice details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their childish insight and breadth of knowledge. WITH early age those born in the year of the Pig will build their own principles, which they will not violate in the future under any circumstances. So it is better for parents to pay close attention to the child’s opinions and habits - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are generous and are unlikely to try to hide the last candy in a secluded corner. They will share the “trophy” with the whole family, but will be childishly happy if they get the whole treat. These children love praise; it is important for them to feel appreciated, needed and loved.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will happily help with housework and take a responsible approach to their responsibilities. If Pig does not receive any reward (material or verbal) for the work done, he will be upset, to the point that his once favorite activity, for example, washing dishes, will become hateful for him.

Those born in 2019 make methodical doctors, lawyers attentive to details, and responsible social workers. The pig may be interested in working as a cook, and you can be sure that the title of chef is only a matter of time.

Children of 2019 like work that involves taking into account details and scrupulousness, that is, those areas where they can apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single complete picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find his niche and do everything necessary so that interest does not disappear.

2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, as you know, it completes the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern calendar. Read the horoscope for 2019 of the Pig for all zodiac signs.

The year of the peace-loving Pig, who will silently ascend the throne on February 5, 2019, will be the most favorable for taking stock: you will finally erase from your life all those who pulled you down and make peace with those you missed. Moreover, this is a year of new hobbies, the implementation of plans and ideas, and yes, the kind Yellow Boar will bring a lot of good things into his little pocket!

The 2019 Year of the Pig is expected to be bright, filled with an active and open desire to live, create, and enjoy life in all its forms. Many of us will stop thinking about tomorrow and begin to appreciate what we have at this particular moment.

2019 will be a particularly happy year for the zodiac signs of the water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Also, the favorites of fortune will be: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius. In practice, the heavenly protectorate will look like the fulfillment of all and every desire, including cherished ones. And it’s as if the Universe itself will work for this. Circumstances in 2019 for the mentioned signs will develop in such a way that they will not even want to, but will win, but there is no need to relax, fortune loves the strong and persistent.

The stars will tell you what 2019 promises for each of us.

Horoscope for 2019: ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)

Fire guys are very lucky, since the Earth Pig will have a beneficial effect on them throughout 2019. In February, with the arrival of the Pig, you will have to forget about entertainment - Aries will enthusiastically begin to make deals and master new types of activities. Perhaps not everything will go smoothly, but in the Year of the Pig, events will turn out to be bright, interesting, and promising in certain areas of life. Although difficulties will arise, Aries will be able to cope with difficulties, as well as receive support from family and friends.

The first half of the year will be a turning point for Aries - fateful meetings, important people and decisions, promotions, even a change of residence is possible. All this is about the period from February to July 2019, girls representing the sign of Aries will be charming, full of strength and energy.

In February–March 2019, Aries will reconsider their attitude towards others, thereby changing their lives for the better. At this time, it is better to give up short-term romances and frivolous relationships. If you and your companion do not have a Mendelssohn march in your plans, it is extremely important to be careful.

In May-June 2019, you will want to open your own business, don’t hesitate for a second - manage to rake in the bills before others come to their senses. Luck will be on your side, you need to seize the moment.

The second half of the Year of the Pig will give Aries a rich rhythm of life; representatives of the zodiac sign will try to do everything and everywhere, without missing out on the long-awaited chance. This assertiveness promises success.

Best lover by zodiac sign

Horoscope for 2019: TAURUS (21.04 - 20.05)

Considering the fact that the entire 2019 is passing under the auspices of the Earth element, Taurus is given the opportunity to take from life everything they want. They will receive advantages in the professional sphere and area of ​​​​business interests. As for idleness, even being lazy in 2019 will be beneficial for themselves.

The horoscope for 2019 will give Taurus good luck and success not only in new endeavors, but also in long-term projects from last year; inspiration will cover them with new strength. Ideas will come to them literally every day, and Taurus themselves will be able to catch their thoughts in time and turn into reality the goals that once arose in their heads. Although there will be many plans, not everything is destined to be realized as originally planned, but this is exactly the case when the stars know better, everything will happen even better than Taurus imagined.

In late spring and early summer 2019, many Taurus will become parents. Concerns will overwhelm you and feelings will overwhelm you. The horoscope for 2019 for Taurus advises you to tune in to a serious wave; you can safely go to the registry office, even if you had some doubts before. There will be a lot of Taurus lovers in the registry office. It’s as if everyone agreed to get married in the year of the Earth Pig (Boar). And rightly so, the time has come to cast aside suspiciousness and surrender to feelings, although one should not forget about rationality. Yes, that’s what, that’s what, but Taurus themselves remember this, they know how to not only earn money and have fun, but also save.

Already in November 2019, Taurus will have saved up a decent amount of money, with which he can easily buy a car, a cottage, and even a personal plane. In winter, the horoscope for 2019 for Taurus promises a not very long, but very interesting business trip to another city or even country.

Advice and prediction from an astrologer for 2019: If Taurus is single, he will meet his other half, and if he has already found him and has been in a relationship for a long time, then it’s time to decide to start a family, well family Taurus can count on the birth of a child. 2019 for Taurus is a time of opportunity and free will.

Horoscope for 2019: GEMINI (21.05 - 20.06)

In 2019, Gemini will be rewarded for their easy-going nature. The position of Gemini in the triad of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in 2019 will be such that on the celestial sphere they will take a place in the so-called mutable cross (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo). Mutable means mobile, flexible, changeable. The situation in 2019 does not contradict the nature of the Zodiac sign. With any unexpected blows of fate, Gemini will not lose confidence. Moreover, they will feel, as they say, at ease. They will simply go around the obstacle and move on if something goes wrong.

Until February 2019, the airy guys will be somewhat in limbo, because Pig promised success in business, happiness in love, and even financial success, but only hardworking, conscientious and responsible guys will receive all these gifts. Geminis don’t need to worry - in the spring they will deal with all last year’s problems and begin implementing new plans.

In March-April, Gemini will find interesting and tempting offers; life will be in full swing - both at work and at home. Gemini will feel a craving for creative activity, of course, Pig loves unusual people, and will support Mercury’s charges in everything.

Summer 2019 will be good and fun. July will give Gemini the first fruits of their activities; it will be possible to relax a little and go on vacation for a while. By the way, there is a high probability that it is on vacation that Taurus will meet people who can become their partners or will be useful in business. And free Geminis will start a dizzying romance, which will very likely develop into something more... Yes, and give up extreme sports - there is a high risk of injury.

In the fall, Pig will give Gemini trips to exotic countries; they have already been waiting for you. A wonderful year.

Horoscope for 2019: CANCER (21.06 - 22.07)

The horoscope for 2019 for Cancer predicts important and promising meetings. I must say that Cancer felt so happy and carefree in the Year of the Dog that with the arrival of the Yellow Pig (Boar) he became slightly confused and wary. But there is no need to worry too much. The horoscope for 2019 advises Cancer to be more optimistic, then everything will go in the right direction.

In the spring and summer of 2019, you will be full of new ideas - creative and non-standard. Go for it! In order to achieve results, you should tune in internally, simultaneously listening to what your inner voice advises.

There are no problems with money in the year of the Yellow Pig - interest is pouring in, deals are being concluded, work is in full swing. The Earthy Piggy advises Cancers to save money, let them have it, but at the same time says that they should not forget to pamper themselves.

At the end of September 2019, Cancer will get tired of communication, withdraw into itself and minimize contact with others, perhaps even with those closest to them. Those representatives of this sign will achieve success in the profession, the result of their work depends only on themselves, since it will be very difficult for them to work in a team. In your personal life, conflicts within the family are possible.

November-December 2019 will give Cancers a real chance to meet a soul mate. By the way, it is quite possible that married Cancers will feel an unrealistic physical attraction to their other halves, with whom they have been in a relationship for a long time. The passion will be renewed, the flame will flare up with renewed vigor.

Astrologer's advice: Don't waste time on those people who bring negativity into your life. Possible problems with gastrointestinal tract and appearance excess weight. Try to eat right and exercise at least a little.
In general, the year of the Pig promises many new acquaintances for Cancer; they can develop into a strong friendship or long-term romance, although only when the representatives of the sign want it.

Horoscope for 2019: LEO (23.07 - 22.08)

A monetary and successful year for many Leos. In the first half of the year, Leo will be in the spotlight all the time, and his merits in the work field will finally be appreciated, and he will receive a promotion. Already in March 2019 fiery creatures will become the team's favorites, and the boss will set Lviv as an example

Astrologer's advice: Distribute your strength and do not overexert yourself. Think about what you need, and don’t rush to solve other people’s problems (really, how much can you do?!). Being torn between work and family can undermine your health, remember this, keep a balance.
Spring 2019 will give you many new impressions and hobbies, you will meet new and interesting people, they, in turn, will introduce you to another exciting activity - it could be art, esotericism or something else. Your new hobby will save you from possible despondency with hopeless sadness and even become a source of profit.

In the summer of 2019, single Leos have a high probability of meeting their true love. Moreover, the feelings will be so strong that they will bring serious changes: moving to another city or country, changing jobs, leaving family, etc. Family Leos will have a new addition to the family or just a fiery outburst of passion that will last until the end of the current 2019 year. In July, Rakov will be drawn to adventure, and in August they will seriously think about moving.

By autumn, Leos will be sad, and it’s not just about the weather. Over the course of the entire year, not only positive and negative will accumulate, it will begin to destroy the representatives of the zodiac sign if they do not get their act together in time and allow themselves a well-deserved rest... Rest from everything and everyone.

Horoscope for 2019: VIRGO (23.08 - 23.09)

In 2019, Virgos will find themselves in their element, they will feel a surge of strength, as well as the emergence of promising trends, so the year will pass easily and naturally, moreover, under the influence of Mercury. This is an amazing moment when it is possible to change the course of life simply by making an effort to realize your goals. Virgos will be on the list of lucky ones and will celebrate success until the end of February.

The sign of Virgo belongs to the zodiac triad of the Earth. And that's not all. The mistress of the year’s own element is Water. Perhaps there is no more harmonious combination of elements, so the main trend of the year is favorable for you. For Virgos, this year will be working on mistakes and summing up results. Now is the harvest time. And you will reap exactly what you sow.

The annual horoscope predicts that summer 2019 will be unpredictable for you. You will count on “having a quiet and peaceful time,” but no matter how it is... In general, you will find out everything yourself, but don’t be surprised if suddenly (in about an instant) you decide to move to another country, get married, get divorced or give birth to a child. The main thing is don’t worry, everything will be fine in the end, nothing else. You are the favorite Pig, who is the mistress of 2019, which means everything will be wonderful.

In the spring of 2019, relationships with others will become even better - there is a complete absence of misunderstandings, perhaps a lonely Virgo will even start an affair, perhaps even at work. Most likely, this relationship will eventually end in marriage. And this is not a joke; for those who are free, experts promise a lot of interesting things, in particular, exciting events, the creation of strong, joy-bringing relationships. You will enjoy exciting meetings that will be accompanied by exciting moments.

Astrologer's advice: avoid hypothermia (especially in winter) and other excessive stress on the body, they can respond in your body chronic diseases. You don't want this, do you?
In November 2019, Virgos will receive an interesting offer from management or business partners. Carefully weigh your pros and cons, minimize the likelihood that something will go wrong as you originally planned.

Horoscope for 2019: LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)

In 2019, Libra Pig will receive many interesting offers, as a result of which they will plunge into an exciting adventure. Serious changes are coming.

In February, you will finally be able to completely free yourself from destructive connections and establish contacts with those people whose relationships bring you comfort and satisfaction. Libra will have a desire to learn something new, or turn their hobby into a source of income. Some Libra will decide to change jobs, or even get a different profession (suddenly). Everyone who follows their inspiration will succeed - circumstances will work for them.

Astrologers' advice: your goals of this period must be ambitious enough, set them to the limit of their strength and capabilities. Don't take risks and don't hope for a happy coincidence. The outcome of your struggle depends solely on hard work and sober calculation. It is better to remain vigilant, otherwise you will fall out of reality. Do what you consider necessary, because only firm confidence in your abilities will allow you to control everything around you and your intended goals will be realized.
The spring of 2019 will be filled with bright events in your personal life. Party, walk, have fun, relax... Libra will find time for relaxation always and everywhere. Those around them will even envy them a little. At the same time, despite the ability to sleep unnoticed right during the work process, Libra will be able to move mountains in the professional field, they will prove themselves to be true creatives, which will earn even greater respect among colleagues and loved ones. Such creativity and “discoveries” will bring not only recognition from others, but also good money.

In July, due to being very busy with your new hobby, conflicts in the family are possible, so try not to forget about your loved ones. In general, your well-being will be pleasing - no expected serious problems with health. In relationships, take the initiative into your strong hands, and then life will sparkle with new colors. The summer months are perfect for serious relationships, and in the spring of 2019 you can enjoy freedom.

In the fall of 2019, profitable contacts and the establishment of useful connections are possible, new experience and professional growth are likely. If against this background there is no increase in material income, you can easily find additional sources of earning money.

Horoscope for 2019: SCORPIO (24.10 - 21.11)

The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio says that the Planets will lift representatives of this sign to success.

Girls representing the sign of Scorpio are advanced, and already at the beginning of spring they will begin to make their desires and dreams come true. Natural cunning will help you avoid the traps of competitors, and with the help of intuition and hard work, Scorpios will be able to achieve success in all areas of life.

In April 2019, Scorpios will feel an incredible surge of strength and energy, they will be so inspired that they will want to create new projects, make important decisions and do everything to make them and their loved ones happy.

So, already in the summer of 2019, girls who represent the sign of Scorpio will see the fruits of their labor - the relationships they are in will become even more tender, mutual understanding, respect and harmony will reign between lovers, at the same time, incredible passion will resume, with a new a burning spark will ignite with force and a storm of delightful emotions will arise. Those who were lonely during this period will be able to press the right buttons and not only find a worthy life partner, but also be able to create a relationship that will become long-term and bring happiness to the lives of both partners.

Summer-autumn 2019 is truly a good time to move forward steadily and eliminate from life all those who were dragging you down. This period will generally turn out to be somewhat crazy, work will be in full swing, inspiration will be knocking on all sides, and your personal life will seethe with the most wonderful emotions and give wonderful sensations. Luck adores those who take action and energetically move towards a goal. Scorpios understand this and go in the right direction.

In the winter of 2019, Scorpios should give up dangerous pleasures and try to enjoy themselves more – their nerve cells dream of new, bright and beautiful experiences (without any stress or evil). In December, representatives of the zodiac sign will want a calm and measured pace of life. Overall, the year will be fun and eventful.

Horoscope for 2019: SAGITTARIUS (11.22 - 12.21)

2019 is expected to be very eventful for Sagittarius.

At the beginning of 2019, Sagittarius, unfortunately, will feel a loss of strength, associated primarily with worries due to material problems. Help will come from close friends and family who will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Later, at the beginning of spring, Sagittarius will be able to find themselves on the rise, they will move optimistically through life, trying not to slow down, as they will remember that their specialty is determination and activity.

In August, your financial condition will improve so much that you will begin to think about improving your home or expanding your living space. This may come in handy, since Sagittarius may very likely get married or expect a new addition to the family. Lonely Sagittarius may awaken feelings for a person they have known for a long time in the fall. Yes, yes, goodbye freedom, hello family...

Autumn 2019 will bring some incredible inspiration to Sagittarius - hurry to create while you are rushing. Projects that begin their implementation at this time will turn out to be very profitable. You must understand that those that come to your mind during the period from September to November 2019 should be absolutely all written down in your notebook. It's likely that you'll open it later and be blown away by how powerful your creatives were.

It must be said that 2019 the Year of the Pig is fraught with the danger of emotional failures and depression for Sagittarius. Especially in spring and autumn. The opposite sex will go crazy after meeting a Sagittarius - this is wonderful, but in 2019, fiery Sagittarius does not need to make dubious connections, no intimacy at the first meeting, better add rationality and pragmatism. Yes, men like silly girls, but they want to build a relationship with a wise girl who knows her worth. Remember this.

Horoscope for 2019: CAPRICORN (22.12 - 19.01)

The Year of the Pig will present serious and responsible Capricorns, who love when everything goes according to plan, with a number of very unexpected, but extremely pleasant surprises. These could be incredible changes in life associated with a change of job or place of residence.

In the spring of 2019, Capricorns will realize their long-time dreams, have more free time and strong confidence in themselves, their strengths and talent. The year will definitely be positive, you will be able to do something interesting and be inspired for personal growth. Capricorns will also find many new acquaintances who may become business partners in the future. During this period, a lonely Capricorn may experience bright novel with a worthy and interesting man.

Already in the summer, everything will turn out more than successfully in their personal lives - Capricorns who are married will be able to strengthen their relationship with their soulmate and move to a new level if they are ready to hear not only their own opinion. Free Capricorns can meet their love in the fall.

2019 is rich in key milestones, but, it must be said, there is continuous positivity: fateful meetings that will change absolutely everything, obtaining a desired position, a marriage proposal, Mendelssohn’s march, the birth of a child. Choose what you like best. Know that the obstacles to organizing your personal life and success in your professional field in 2019 are minimal.

In the fall, the horoscope for 2019 predicts high position. However, in the second half of the year, from October, health problems associated with emotional and physical overload are possible, but if you rest, everything will be fine. Remember this.

In December 2019, you will not only make your cherished dreams and ideas come true, but also exceed your personal expectations. The main thing is not to forget that the implementation of the plan depends only on serious intentions in this regard.

Horoscope for 2019: AQUARIUS (20.01 - 18.02)

Since Aquarius is a fixed cross Zodiac sign, in 2019 you will find yourself favored by Fortune. This year you will succeed. The 2019 horoscope for Aquarius, who has a strong relationship with the chosen one, promises a wedding or wedding.

In March-May 2019, you will be able to make really many new acquaintances, especially in business sphere, also build strong mutual relationships.

Astrologer's advice: Decide on your main desire, and then strive to realize it in order to become even more successful in all relationships and areas of life. Especially take into account the fact that if you have support, it is still better to rely on yourself, trying not to relax, even if the situation contributes to this. And yes, take the initiative into your own hands if you want to arrange your personal life. There is no need to rely on Fortune.
In the summer and autumn of 2019, Aquarians will increasingly appear in restaurants and theaters. And what? No one has canceled going out, especially since the soul asks, especially since there is someone to go with.

October 2019 will give you a lot of strength and energy. If you want to achieve what you want in 2019, learn to turn down relaxing offers in time. Believe it or not, as soon as you start working on your own project in October-December, offers of “fun” will immediately come in. You will need to find the strength to refuse gracefully and continue to work. This is the law of success. Now is an extremely important period when you can really move mountains!

Horoscope for 2019: PISCES (19.02 - 20.03)

For Pisces, 2019 will be very successful. The year will be fruitful and joyful; Pisces will be able to fully realize their creative plans.

In the year of the Pig, all events will take their course, so at home everything will be calm and peaceful for Pisces. The most harmonious time is the summer season; experts insist that you need to go on a long journey. Family Pisces will enjoy life with their loved ones, perhaps go on a trip or buy something for the family that they have long dreamed of.

In May, career growth awaits them and, perhaps, they will even head some kind of enterprise. Creative Pisces will be able to finally realize their ideas: organize their own exhibition, publish a book, make a film, etc. Their work will be appreciated and there may be a person who wants to sponsor your creativity.

The Pig, the patron saint of 2019, is peace-loving and welcomes work. That is why Pisces should not concentrate solely on the fight for workplace, it is important to focus on the work itself. It is especially important to remember this in the summer. Your further fate will depend solely on what you do and how. If on at this stage you are more concerned about the state of your personal life, here you can also achieve success, but in your career you can now achieve more than with your chosen one.

Astrologer's advice: we must not forget that nothing falls from the sky, so the results depend on your decisions and actions.

In the year of the Yellow Pig, remain yourself, and any person you like will be at your feet. And yes, your chosen one is very close by, you just need to take off your rose-colored glasses and disperse unnecessary suitors. Lonely Pisces will meet a very interesting person in late autumn and early winter of 2019, but the likelihood that something serious will come out of this is not too high, since you yourself will not be sure of your own feelings.

Patroness 2019, according to eastern calendar, will become firm, purposeful, but good-natured Yellow Earth Pig. The time of her “reign” will begin on February 5 and will last until January 24, 2020. The period promises to be especially successful for those who are accustomed to working hard and are ready for a creative partnership. The color of this astrological sign– black, which is recognized as a symbol of dignity, duty and honor.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Pig

Boars of the earth element have a lot of exceptional qualities. They are very devoted to their romantic and business partners, hardworking, forgiving towards enemies, and thoughtful decision makers. Aggression and desperate measures are not their element, but at the same time they steadfastly overcome various hardships of life and persistently move towards their intended goal. Earth Pigs are very good-natured and will never leave a person in trouble who asks for help. At the same time, their trademark kindness is often abused by relatives and friends.

The weakest character trait of the representatives of the sign is the craving for cheerful feasts, during which they can easily lose their sense of proportion in food and drink. If you don’t learn to control such addictions, life can go downhill at one point. Their irresistible craving for expensive things and luxurious life as such.

Main trends of 2019

The Earth Pig will willingly support those who do not waste their words and work with full dedication. Businessmen, large industrialists and farmers will be especially lucky. You can appease the owner of 2019 with generosity, attention to loved ones, and also by consciously avoiding malicious criticism of other people.

Yellow Earth Pig values ​​family highly, so singles can meet their soulmate, and married couples will fill their relationships with harmony and renewed passion.

It is best to postpone the solution to the most important problems until the first months of spring and summer, as well as October. In January, it is advisable to pay more attention to your health. The entire period will be especially successful for those who decide to finally get rid of bad habits. Motto of 2019– work and more work! The generous owner is guaranteed to pamper everyone who follows this advice with substantial dividends.

Who will the Earth Pig help?

Rats will have a hard time at work, but this forecast will noticeably soften for those representatives of the sign who managed to start a family. Bachelors will find themselves the center of attention of the opposite sex, but they are unlikely to want to quickly legitimize the relationship that has begun.

The Ox will have to work a lot this year too. Perhaps even more than usual, although the effort will not always have an adequate financial reward. Problems at work can also affect your personal relationships.

The Tiger will significantly improve his financial affairs and, in general, his business life promises to be successful. But your personal life may not work out.

For the Rabbit, the Earth Pig will bring a feeling of complete security, which is for him the primary source of all other benefits. Somehow, miraculously, he will be able to succeed in his career without harming his romantic relationships.

The dragon will sparkle like never before. Thanks to their signature agility and dexterity, representatives of the sign will receive even more than they dreamed of. You can expect changes in your personal life, but the stars do not advise running down the aisle right away.

A period full of worries awaits the snake. The desire to earn money will take a lot of time and will significantly reduce romantic fervor.

The horse will decide to make large bets, which will allow it to save money even for an apartment or car. You will be lucky in love too.

The stars advise the Goat to be more selective in both business and romantic spheres.

The monkey, for all its resourcefulness and inexhaustible enthusiasm, will have to work hard and honestly. Otherwise, the Black Earth Pig will not have a worthy reward for her. But love can come quite by accident.

The year will bring good luck to the Rooster in love, but does not promise brilliant success in the work field.

Dogs will work long and hard while going through a lot of different changes at the same time. True, the changes mostly promise to be positive.

The Pig has every chance of not only getting rich and receiving an inheritance, but also improving family relationships.

How to celebrate the Year of the Earth Pig?

The Earth Pig is a big supporter of everything natural, so when decorating your house for the New Year, use only natural materials. Fresh flowers, pottery, compositions of rowan berries, viburnum, acorns, pine cones, and chestnuts are ideal. If you need fabrics to decorate your home, then preference should be given to natural and soft samples. The owner of the year will favorably appreciate the cozy sparkle of candles and a vase with various fruits near the fireplace.

The table should not be so much refined as hearty and generous. Be sure to prepare dishes from several types of legumes and vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to meat, which, no matter the quantity, will not be small. It is better to choose light drinks - wines, champagne, cocktails.

The location of the celebration does not matter, but the circle of guests is important, which should consist only of close people. It is better to give simple but interesting gifts. The outfit can be white, soft pink and other colors, but it must be exclusive, expensive and new. The hostess of 2019 puts forward the same demands for jewelry. She is even more picky about the emotional mood of those who organize a holiday in her honor. Sincere joy, an atmosphere of kindness and fun are welcomed. This is the only way to stock up on energy for the entire coming period.

According to Chinese calendar The mistress of 2019 will be the Yellow Earth Pig. Her time will come only on February 5, but we are accustomed to meeting on December 31 New Year along with the oriental talisman.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Pig

The pig completes the 12-year circle eastern horoscope. She has a rather contradictory, dual character: on the one hand, she is the embodiment of family comfort, on the other, the little animal loves cheerful and noisy companies. The duality of the Pig is reflected in the fact that it is both the personification of financial stability (the well-known piggy bank for money), but also a terrible spender who loves luxury.

She is credited with such traits as good nature, carefreeness, generosity, and an easy and cheerful disposition. She loves to eat delicious food and have a good rest.

Home decoration

Since the Yellow Pig is a symbol of comfort, you need to start preparing with spring cleaning. The Mistress of the Year, contrary to popular belief, loves cleanliness and order. To please a lover of luxury, you can add gold ribbons, garlands, and tinsel to the decoration of the room. They go well with red and green decorative elements. Yellow and red balls will look great on the Christmas tree.

The pig loves everything natural, so this time it is better to replace the artificial Christmas tree with a real one, or at least put several pine or spruce branches in a vase. It is recommended to cover the table with a linen or cotton tablecloth and decorate it with ceramic vases in which you should place pine branches along with bunches of viburnum and rowan. In the center you can place a funny pig figurine.

The pig has a keen sense of harmony, so gift wrapping, decoration of the Christmas tree, interior and table should be in the same style.

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to take care of natural flavoring in advance. Cut the orange into slices and let it dry. A ribbon threaded through an orange circle will allow you to hang a fragrant decoration not only on the Christmas tree, but also place it in any part of the apartment. Combined with cinnamon sticks, this decor pleases the eye and fills the house with a delightful holiday aroma. If you don't have cinnamon sticks, you can sprinkle ground cinnamon on the orange slices.

Clothing, hairstyle, accessories

You should take care in advance not only of decorating your home, but also of your own outfit. Dominant colors: yellow, beige, all shades of brown and green. The colors formed by merging the listed palette will be relevant. It is believed that using these shades will bring good luck in the coming year.

It is recommended to give preference to natural fabrics. The style of the outfit is limited solely by your imagination: fashion designers offer Greek-style dresses, suits, tunics, and shirt dresses. The main criterion is that you should feel as comfortable as possible.

The most creative designers offer dresses decorated with Christmas tree branches, toys, and garlands. This outfit is not at all practical, but it looks incredibly impressive.

In makeup, attention is paid to the lips, the eyes are only slightly emphasized with mascara and shadows in natural shades. But you should devote more time to choosing a hairstyle. New Year's hairstyle should be such that it does not interfere with unbridled fun. Don't be afraid to take a different approach to make an impression. Spectacular curls, a complex braid, luxurious styling, a fashionable haircut, bright hair color - everything is suitable to show individuality. Festive night - good reason change your image and try something new.

Accessories will help turn the simplest dress into an elegant outfit. Choose decorations according to where you plan to celebrate the New Year. Preference is given to large sizes and complex decor.

When thinking through your holiday look, do not forget that the Yellow Pig values ​​glamor and harmony and does not tolerate vulgarity.

Who to celebrate New Year with? What to give?

When planning the organization of a holiday, you need to remember that the Pig is a cheerful, sociable animal that does not like loneliness. In addition, the mascot of the year is the patroness of the family. Therefore, it is best to celebrate the New Year with your family, inviting close friends to create a cheerful, friendly company.

Think over the scenario in advance: it could be a fairy-tale show, a masquerade or any themed party. To avoid preparing alone, give your guests small tasks to organize competitions, fun games, and surprises. Then everyone will be able to express themselves, and no one will be bored.

We cannot imagine the New Year without gifts. This time, practical, high-quality, beautiful gifts, which the Earth Pig especially loves. Presents with the image of a pig will be in demand: home textiles, dishes, paintings, soft toys.

What to put on the New Year's table?

The pig is a big fan of food, which means the table should be generous and plentiful. The only thing that should be excluded when preparing holiday dishes is pork. It should not be on the table in any form. Give preference to other types of meat, fish and seafood.

There must be vegetable dishes on the table: salads, stewed vegetables, a lot of greenery. The hostess of next year will favorably accept dishes with corn, green peas, chickpeas, beans, rice.

It is believed that the Pig's favorite delicacy is truffles. But since this is a very expensive pleasure, you can use any available mushrooms. It is advisable to add to the menu various types nuts, cheese, fruits.

Place a ceramic bowl with wheat grains or other grains in the center of the table near the pig figurine. You can also put a few acorns and chestnuts there, which you can still stock up on now.

Even if, when preparing for the New Year, something doesn’t go as you planned, treat minor troubles with Pig’s sense of humor!

Natalya Petrova,
event organizer

Attributes certain properties and events, interpreted according to the typical features of the totem animal. True, the character of the controlling beast changes every 12 years of the cycle - depending on which element it belongs to. Based on this seemingly confusing system, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

Color in this case means the element of earth. There are 5 elements in the Chinese horoscope, and each one changes the symbol of the year in its own way. So the Wooden Pig has a punchy character, like a tree growing out of a crack in the asphalt. The Metal one is distinguished by its ability to earn money, and the Water one is able to see through people - like the bottom through a transparent layer of water.

The wild boar, subordinate to the element of fire, is the embodiment of comfort and the keeper of the hearth. And, finally, generous and hospitable, like the fertile land.

In the coming year, it falls to the Earth Pig to manage events, which means that an abundant and eventful year awaits everyone. Someone is already living in anticipation of unprecedented bounties - and rightly so. Well, for some, the next 12 months will be the most exciting in their lives, because a small miracle is about to appear in your family - your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019 we will experience a wave of baby booms, and many families should expect a new addition. Moreover, both for those who have long wanted a child, and for those for whom the news of pregnancy will be a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to know the characteristics by month, what kind of children born in 2019 they are.

Knowing the basic traits and predispositions of the baby is very important in the further development of your child. The patron animal gives him a certain set of talents, abilities and characteristics.

Having this information, you will be able to choose the best parenting methods, choose interesting and useful hobbies that your child will enjoy doing. And most importantly, you can easily find common language with the younger generation.

General characteristics

Children born in the year of the Pig are cheerful and sunny, regardless of their zodiac sign. From the first days of their life, everyone around them begins to reach out to them, as if spellbound, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the cradle, the baby will begin to show curiosity about everything around him and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the embarrassment, little Pig will achieve this by any possible means. Growing up, children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even interlocutors for adults.

Thanks to their ability to notice details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their childish insight and breadth of knowledge. From an early age, those born in the year of the Pig will build their own principles, which they will not violate in the future under any circumstances. So, it is better for parents to pay close attention to the child’s opinions and habits - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are generous and are unlikely to try to hide the last candy in a secluded corner. They will share the “trophy” with the whole family, but will be childishly happy if they get the whole treat. These children love praise; it is important for them to feel appreciated, needed and loved.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will happily help with housework and take a responsible approach to their responsibilities. If Pig does not receive any reward (material or verbal) for the work done, he will be upset, to the point that his once favorite activity, for example, washing dishes, will become hateful for him.

Education for children born in the year of the Pig

Babies born under the sign of the Pig love to learn and explore the world. On the other hand, this is an extremely restless person, and as soon as the child loses interest, all diligence seems to blow away with the wind. Because of this, knowledge often remains superficial, although extensive. That is, he may know the capitals of all states, but it will be difficult for a child to find at least one of them on the map.

If parents want to give their offspring deep and thorough knowledge, it is worth hiring a tutor or tutoring the child themselves, presenting the material in the most engaging way possible - with interactive activities, games, and competitions. In addition, the children of 2019, who belong to the element of earth, are the laziest and most passive of all Pigs, which means they will have to try hard to interest such a couch potato.

In high school and college, these teenagers already understand that apathy is their main enemy. They will try to overcome their natural laziness in order to become one of the people over time, but from time to time, they will need both the carrot and the stick. Therefore, independent navigation into adulthood should be supervised by elders. This is the only way the young Pig will achieve prosperity and success.

Friendship and peer relationships

Little Pigs are friendly and sociable. Most often they are rather silent, but they love company and have no difficulty making friends. Their honesty and nobility plays a significant role in this. This is the most non-conflict sign of the eastern horoscope. However, parents will have to rescue their child from a fight more than once, both son and daughter.

This is because they do not tolerate injustice, and if necessary, they will definitely come to the defense of a weak comrade. In adult life, especially during the period of youthful maximalism, children of this year can get into trouble for themselves, precisely because of their rejection of hypocrisy and deceit.

Collision with real world, where dishonor, corruption and bigotry reign today, will be very painful for them. But, despite their contradictory youth, young Pigs will not lose their peacefulness and goodwill, and will only strengthen their desire to help the weak, engage in charity work and volunteering.

Health of children born in 2019

The trigger for illness in Pig babies is always lack of attention and loneliness. They are physically independent – ​​when it comes to heating up food or getting dressed, but they are completely helpless emotionally.

For example, if working parents do not call a first-grader who has returned to an empty apartment after school, the child may fall ill that same evening. At a more conscious age, children will begin to eat their psychological problems, quickly losing sense of proportion. Hence the weight problems digestive system and metabolism.

In addition, these are people of mental work, which means they often lead a sedentary lifestyle. WITH early years it is necessary to instill in the child a love of walking, cycling, swimming, tennis, etc., so that sports activity becomes one of his fundamental life principles.

What hobbies and professions to choose?

From childhood, a pig can be “pushed” to choose a profession. He must choose the direction himself, but after that it is worth sending him to courses, master classes, clubs and sections.

Those born in 2019 will make methodical doctors, detail-oriented lawyers, and responsible social workers. The pig may be interested in working as a cook, and you can be sure that the title of chef is only a matter of time.

Children of 2019 like work that involves taking into account details, scrupulousness, i.e. those areas where they can apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single holistic picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find his niche and do everything necessary so that interest does not disappear.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/