Insulation materials Insulation Blocks

Intoxicants. Something intoxicating Something that intoxicates, dulls

Intoxicants have been used since the beginning of human history. They were widespread in Central American cultures, the East and India. In most cases, we are talking about plant substances such as mescaline (peyote), tetrahydrocannabinol (in hashish, marijuana), harmine (yage), buffetenin (kogaba), psilocybin and psilocin (in Mexican and domestic mushrooms). Other intoxicants - semi-synthetic or synthetic: Lysergic acid D-diethylamide (LSD 25,<Делизид>) from the alkaloid of uterine horns ergobasine; phencyclidine (<Сернил>). At high doses, psychosis occurs. Otherwise, their mechanisms of action are different.

Synonyms: psychodysleptics, hallucinogens, psychotomimetics, psycholeptics,<наркотики>etc.

Hashish/marijuana. Hashish/marijuana. The active principle - 5-9-tetrahydro-cannabiol (THC) - is extracted from Indian hemp (Cannabis indica), namely marijuana - from dried leaves and flowers, while the stronger hashish is from the resin of the flower tips. On the drug market they say hash, shit, sweat, etc. It is classified according to ICD 10 under F12.

Hashish/marijuana. The active principle - 5-9-tetrahydro-cannabiol (THC) - is extracted from Indian hemp (Cannabis indica), namely marijuana - from dried leaves and flowers, while the stronger hashish is from the resin of the flower tips. On the drug market they say hash, shit, sweat, etc. It is classified according to ICD 10 under F12.

A few minutes after smoking, relaxation occurs and the problems of everyday life move away, lasting for several hours. Euphoria relieves bad health, anxiety and tension, and suppresses fear. Subjectively, ideas and thinking are enriched, but the ability to create and expand consciousness remains in question. Time passes slowly. Suppressive and activating actions stand side by side. Somatically, there is a slight vegetative effect (mydriasis, tremor, dry mouth, tachycardia), injection of the conjunctiva.

In cases of severe psychosis, especially when taking high doses, a variety of symptoms, hallucinations, and aggressiveness are observed. Partially we are talking about toxically caused organic psychoses, partially about the manifestation of schizophrenia (drug-induced psychoses). A teratogenic effect is suspected, but not exactly known.

The question of the degree of harm of these substances should be resolved differentially. Casual, moderate and controlled use of hashish is probably safe for healthy and mentally stable people. With more long-term use the increase in doses is small and almost no physical or mental dependence develops. To overcome the state of apathy, the use of hashish continues. This trend corresponds to the life attitudes of many young men caught up in this hobby.

LSD 25(Lysergic acid D-diethylamide, also lysergic acid). The substance affects changes in perceptions of various kinds, from vivid eidetic phenomena to visual hallucinations; Auditory hallucinations are less common. The mood can be not only euphoric, but also dysphoric, or it changes between these poles. IN<переживаниях ужаса>fear prevails. The experience of the sense of time is extended. Changes in drives are described as release and disinhibition, as well as emptying. Memory functions increase so much that far hidden experiences emerge clearly. Many people who take LSD experience a sense of increased understanding that was previously unavailable to them.

In general, the picture of manifestations of intoxication is more consistent with organic psychoses than schizophrenia - clarity of consciousness generally changes little. Characteristic symptoms can resume after stopping LSD use in a few days, up to a year (echo effect, flash back), which is facilitated by previous experience of using the drug, as well as the occurrence of physical and mental stress. Addiction (physical dependence) from the effects of LSD is relatively low. On the somatic side, autonomic disorders and ataxia are noted, but they are insignificant. Teratogenic effects have not yet been observed. Classification according to ICD 10: under F16.

Therapeutic use. Psychodysleptics, although not psychopharmacological drugs, can be used to medicinally reinforce psychotherapy, since emotions and experiences of needs intensify along with memory processes. With the help of this tool, the therapeutic contact can improve and deep-lying repressed experiences become available for psychotherapeutic processing. So-called psycholytic therapy uses small doses of LSD 25 and psilocybin. In psychedelic treatments, states of stupefaction are induced by large doses. After the initial enthusiasm, the results of this method are rated lower and lower. After the drug became the subject of abuse by drug addicts, it therapeutic use began to be reduced to zero.

Other hallucinogens. Other hallucinogens. Mescaline causes similar psychoses, but does not cause physical dependence and organic disorders. Psilocybin acts in the same way as harmine and fly agaric. Atropine can cause delirious psychoses.

Other hallucinogens. Mescaline causes similar psychoses, but does not cause physical dependence and organic disorders. Psilocybin acts in the same way as harmine and fly agaric. Atropine can cause delirious psychoses.

Phencyclidine Phencyclidine (<ангельский порошок>or<кристалл>). This synthetic substance, which is readily available, is widely used in the United States as a hallucinogen (and also in combination with other drugs or tobacco). It is a very dangerous drug. In our country, phencyclidine is still little known. It was used for some time for anesthesia (in veterinary medicine), but this was abandoned due to the psychoses that followed it. Its effect on soma is adrenergic in nature, pulse rate and blood pressure increase. Psychopathologically, auditory hallucinations, removal of inhibition and aggressive behavior, as well as depressive disorders, suicidality and self-harm. In addition, states of confusion, dysarthria, incoordination, generalized convulsions and threatening central respiratory depression are observed. The antidote is physostigmine.

Phencyclidine (<ангельский порошок>or<кристалл>). This synthetic substance, which is readily available, is widely used in the United States as a hallucinogen (and also in combination with other drugs or tobacco). It is a very dangerous drug. In our country, phencyclidine is still little known. It was used for some time for anesthesia (in veterinary medicine), but this was abandoned due to the psychoses that followed it. Its effect on soma is adrenergic in nature, pulse rate and blood pressure increase. Psychopathologically, auditory hallucinations, inhibition and aggressive behavior occur, as well as depressive disorders, suicidality and self-harm. In addition, states of confusion, dysarthria, incoordination, generalized convulsions and threatening central respiratory depression are observed. The antidote is physostigmine.

Drug abuse in adolescence, which is described below, includes inhalation of organic solvents (snorting) - acetone, chloroform, ether, gasoline and various glues. They can cause a disinhibition and euphoria effect; There may be Rausch psychosis with hallucinations. Side effects such as dizziness, ataxia, dysarthria, as well as polyneuropathy with damage to the liver and kidneys are noted. Snorting has no connection with the use of other drugs (also in the sense of switching from one drug to another).

What intoxicates, dulls

First letter "d"

Second letter "u"

Third letter "r"

The last letter of the letter is "n"

Answer for the question "What intoxicates, stupefies", 6 letters:

Alternative crossword puzzle questions for the word Datura

They breathed when the gardens bloomed

In the old days, horses were rubbed with the leaves of this plant to repel gadflies.

Poisonous intoxicating herb of the nightshade family

Medicinal plant

Intoxicating nightshade

Griffin Dunne's film "... of Love"

Griffin Dunne's film "... of Love"

What was the sweet smell when the salas were blooming?

An intoxicating herb with a "stupid" name

Definition of the word dope in dictionaries

Dictionary Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-a, m. Poisonous herbaceous plant of the family. nightshade with large leaves and large white fragrant flowers. trans. That which intoxicates has an intoxicating, stultifying effect. Chauvinistic adj. intoxicating, oh, oh.

Examples of the use of the word dope in literature.

It was a fertile region, surrounded by an abundance of amaryllis, violet trees, Datura, cacti covered with golden flowers.

Maryin root dope walked along the slopes of the banks, the meadowsweet in the floodplain of the river swelled with grains, spurge, drema, vekh, bedrenets and all kinds of angelica were blooming, the accordion leaves of the cockle, which were always in sight, went out in the loudly blooming bad grass, and all the early flowers died down, scattering the petals shore stones.

It ends with labeling: witchcraft is religious dope, or just ignorance.

Sage, iris, plantain, steppe, marianberry, white chamomile, blueberry, primrose, oregano, lemon balm, miracle flower, ammi, field chamomile, rowan, lambswort, groundsel, lungwort, clove, peony, ranunculus, sumac, henbane, clover, saffron, sundew, bluebell, dope, burdock, euphorbia, yarrow, periwinkle, toadflax, bindweed, basil, blackroot, poppy, violet, sorrel, coltsfoot, sow thistle, commonweed, pikulnik, thistle, nigella, madder, eyebright, oak, St. John's wort, chicory, lily of the valley , cocklebur, navel, cornflower, hare cabbage, tansy, privet, belladonna, butcher's broom, mint, mallow, dremlik, nettle, thistle, lavender, china, willowherb, corydalis, oakberry, nightshade, broom, burial ground, narcissus, dandelion, columbine, jasmine, valerian, commonweed, belladonna, pansy, colchicum, horsetail, rejuvenating flower, lyubka, foxglove, pomegranate, centaury, gentian, juniper, field poppy, adonis, nasturtium, Peter's cross, rosemary, moonflower, dodder, wildflower, rosemary, ash, lungwort, raven, celandine, smokeweed, strawberry, lilac, euonymus, m

The compassionate Daria gave him one more sip - and the remnants of the Haitian induced on his consciousness Datura melted: the zombie finally became human, he remembered himself.

Something intoxicating

First letter "d"

Second letter "u"

Third letter "r"

The last letter of the letter is "n"

Answer for the clue "Something intoxicating", 6 letters:

Alternative crossword puzzle questions for the word Datura

From nightshades

What was the sweetest smell when the gardens were blooming?

Collection of poems by the Australian writer Hans Karl Artmann “Wooden...”

Poisonous nightshade plant

Herb that troubles the mind

Griffin Dunne's film "... of Love"

Definition of the word dope in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Datura), a genus of plants in the nightshade family. Herbs, less often shrubs and trees. The flowers are large, 5-membered; the corolla is tubular-funnel-shaped. More than 10 species, mainly in tropical and subtropical areas. In the USSR there is D. ordinary, or stinking...

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Datura: Datura is a genus of plants in the Solanaceae family. Datura is an American comedy television series created by Janji Kohan.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
a genus of herbs, less often shrubs or trees of the nightshade family. More than 10 species, mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Datura common, common in the temperate and warm zones of Eurasia, is poisonous, medicinal plant(leaves are part of anti-asthma...

Examples of the use of the word dope in literature.

It was a fertile region, surrounded by an abundance of amaryllis, violet trees, Datura, cacti covered with golden flowers.

Maryin root dope walked along the slopes of the banks, the meadowsweet in the floodplain of the river swelled with grains, spurge, drema, vekh, bedrenets and all kinds of angelica were blooming, the accordion leaves of the cockle, which were always in sight, went out in the loudly blooming bad grass, and all the early flowers died down, scattering the petals shore stones.

It ends with labeling: witchcraft is religious dope, or just ignorance.

Sage, iris, plantain, steppe, marianberry, white chamomile, blueberry, primrose, oregano, lemon balm, miracle flower, ammi, field chamomile, rowan, lambswort, groundsel, lungwort, clove, peony, ranunculus, sumac, henbane, clover, saffron, sundew, bluebell, dope, burdock, euphorbia, yarrow, periwinkle, toadflax, bindweed, basil, blackroot, poppy, violet, sorrel, coltsfoot, sow thistle, commonweed, pikulnik, thistle, nigella, madder, eyebright, oak, St. John's wort, chicory, lily of the valley , cocklebur, navel, cornflower, hare cabbage, tansy, privet, belladonna, butcher's broom, mint, mallow, dremlik, nettle, thistle, lavender, china, willowherb, corydalis, oakberry, nightshade, broom, burial ground, narcissus, dandelion, columbine, jasmine, valerian, commonweed, belladonna, pansy, colchicum, horsetail, rejuvenating flower, lyubka, foxglove, pomegranate, centaury, gentian, juniper, field poppy, adonis, nasturtium, Peter's cross, rosemary, moonflower, dodder, wildflower, rosemary, ash, lungwort, raven, celandine, smokeweed, strawberry, lilac, euonymus, m

The compassionate Daria gave him one more sip - and the remnants of the Haitian induced on his consciousness Datura melted: the zombie finally became human, he remembered himself.