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What's the singer's name? Mot (rapper) - biography, personal life, new album, photo. Mota's personal life

Who took the stage name Mot. The biography, nationality and personal life of this young man are of interest to many fans. Several years ago, the artist became one of the members of the Black Star Inc. label. and began to gain more and more popularity.

Mot. Nationality

Judging by his last name and first name, this artist is, of course, Russian. And he was born on March 2, 1990 in the small town of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory. But the appearance of a rap artist is atypical for a Slavic guy, who is Matvey Melnikov, better known under the pseudonym Mot. His nationality is Russian, although the artist has brown eyes, dark skin and dark hair.

Childhood years

The boy's parents tried to instill in their son a love of knowledge and art, which they did well. As a child, Matvey had restlessness and a desire to stand out. Therefore, he directed his energy into sports and dancing.

Five years later, his family moved to Krasnodar, where Matvey lived until he was fifteen years old. In this city, Matvey began to study dancing, first ballroom and later folk. A great achievement for the boy was joining Alla Dukhova’s dance group “Todes” in 2000, at that time he was 10 years old.

As a child, he caused a lot of trouble for his parents, loved to spend a lot of time with friends and disappeared in their company for several days.


Already at the age of fifteen, Matvey moved to Moscow, where he continued to go to school and dance. There the young man changed his choreographic direction; he was very attracted to hip-hop. He wanted and managed well not only to dance to this direction, but also to read his texts. Thus began Matvey Melnikov’s career as a rapper.

Student years

Despite his restless character and constant busyness with dancing, young man managed to graduate high school with a gold medal in 2007.

Matvey decided to enroll in the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University, which he did without much difficulty. In 2012, he successfully defended his thesis, and Matvey decided to continue his studies in graduate school at the university. All this time, the guy did not stop actively and persistently practicing hip-hop and rap.


While still a student at a Moscow secondary school, Matvey composed lyrics, but after a few months the guy felt that he wanted to professionally record his songs. Thus, in 2006, collaboration began with the GLSS recording studio, which ended with Matvey working there as an artist on an official basis.

In 2009, the young artist took part in the “Battle for Respect” competition for the first time, where he became one of the 40 best out of thousands of competitors. In the same year, Matvey changed his old pseudonym to the now well-known one - Mot. The singer's nationality is Russian, but due to his thick dark beard and dark skin, many fans often assume that he is a native of the Caucasus. By the way, the guy has not only Russian blood. The rapper Mot, whose mother’s nationality can be called Greek (after all, there were Greeks in her family), even wanted to have his wedding in Greece at first.

In 2011, participation in the First International Hip-Hop Summit culminated in a brilliant performance for the artist. In the same year, Mot's first album, entitled Remote, was released, which contained 12 tracks. A video was later shot for the composition “Millions of Stars”, and the song “Cats and Mouse” was recorded with the participation of Ilya Kireev.

The following year, Mot’s second album, “Repair,” was released; it consists of 11 songs. One of the works called “To the Shores” was very popular in 2012; this composition was used in documentary film called "Black Game: Hitchhiking". And also a video was shot for this song in the city of Krymsk.

In 2013, the rapper was invited to collaborate as a performer of Black Star Ins., as a result general work Many popular songs were released, as well as the album “Devil”.

In 2014, the solo album Azbuka Morze was released, in addition to Mot, Timati, Misha Krupin, Nel took part in the work on the album. And also this year, Mot showed himself as an actor. The artist starred in a short film called “Capsule”.

In 2015, Mot became the director during the filming of the video for the song “Day and Night.” This film adaptation was attended by the popular Russian football player Dmitry Tarasov and his wife Olga Buzova, who is known as the host of the Dom-2 television project.

IN recent years Mot is actively working on creating new tracks; he has also collaborated with such popular performers as Bianca and the Via Gra group.

Currently, the artist continues to be active creatively, goes on tour, releases videos and participates in television projects.

What nationality is Mot and his wife?

More than six months ago, Mot tied the knot. Matvey Melnikov’s wife, Maria Gural, was born in Lvov, later she went to study and moved to Kyiv, where she met the rapper. The young people first communicated on social networks, then the artist Mot, whose nationality is Russian, invited Maria to Moscow to participate in the filming of the video.

It was after filming that their romance began, which ended in marriage. The wedding of the young people was distinguished by modesty and romance (the couple was dressed in jeans; after registering the marriage, they released a pair of white doves into the sky).

On August 5, 2016, in one of the Moscow registry offices, Maria Gural and Matvey Melnikov, better known as the rapper Mot, legalized their relationship. The nationality of his wife is Ukrainian, she is a fashion model and starred in his video several years ago.

Real name— Matvey Aleksandrovich Melnikov


Hometown— Krymsk, Russia

Activity— Rapper, singer

Marital status- married

Mot is a rap artist performing under the label “Black Star Inc.”, known as the author and performer of many compositions.

Who is rapper Mot

Before he became famous

Mot was born in the city of Krymsk, which is located in the Krasnodar Territory. At the age of 5, he moved with his parents to Krasnodar, where he successfully studied dancing and vocals. But he didn’t stay in this city for long, after finishing the 9th grade of school, he moved with his parents again, but this time for a permanent place of residence, in Moscow.

Upon arrival in Moscow, Matvey enters new school, which he graduates with a gold medal. At the same time, he became interested in rapping, and since then he has had an obsession - to become a famous rapper. After school, he successfully entered Moscow State University to major in “economist-manager.” In order to receive a diploma with honors, he only had to retake one subject from a B to an A, but as Mot himself says: “I don’t regret anything.”

In 2012, he defended his diploma and entered graduate school, without giving up his creative pursuits. During his studies at the university, Matvey managed to record many works that did not become famous, took part in the “Battle for Respect” project, where he changed his pseudonym from “BthaMoT2bdabot” to the usual “Mot”, even performed in Luzhniki at one Hip-Hop festival, but all this did not bring Matvey the glory he wanted.

Mota’s first studio album was released in 2011 under the name “Remote”, and a video was also shot for a song called “Millions of Stars”.

In February 2012, Mota’s second studio album, “Repair,” was released, which included joint compositions with such artists as L`One, Katya Nova and others.

In October 2012, a video for the composition called “To the Shores” was released, which was very warmly received by the performer’s audience at that time.


In January 2013, Mot left Soul Kitchen and signed a contract with the Black Star Inc. label.

In March of the same year, the first work on the new label was released with the name “#MotSteletChoSeli”, as well as a video of the same name, which took off, and the label’s audience accepted the new artist with open arms.

In the fall of 2013, Matvey released a mini-album produced by Black Star Inc. “Dash”, consisting of 6 tracks.

On March 14, 2016, the artist released his new album called “Inside Out”, compositions from which become hits and take first place in the charts (Mot-Kapkan, Mot - Monsoons (Feat. Artyom Pivovarov), Mot - Absolutely Everything (Feat. Bianca) etc.).

In 2016, an album called “92 days” was also released, which was dedicated to summer, and many compositions from which became the so-called “summer anthem”.

In October 2017, the album “Good Music of the Keys” was released.

Personal life

In 2016, Matvey Melnikov married the beautiful girl Maria Gural. And in the spring of 2017, the couple celebrated their wedding. This became one of the most beautiful and most discussed weddings of 2017 on the Russian stage.

After a luxurious wedding in a cottage village, the newlyweds went on a romantic trip to Greece, where the couple wants to be alone, away from the press and annoying journalists.

Mot and Maria Gural on their honeymoon

What fans found out almost immediately was that both Matvey and Maria reported such an important event on social networks. But Mot hid his wife’s pregnancy for a long time and spoke about it very romantically - in October he presented a new video, “When the Word Disappears,” at the end of which Maria appeared with a noticeable belly.

Yesterday, Mot published a new video, which collected the moments of the baby’s birth and his first cry, saying in the description that the boy was named Solomon. The video deeply touched the rapper's fans, and even brought some fans to tears; they appreciated that Matvey was present at the birth and supported his wife.

Many fans expressed the opinion that joint childbirth strengthens trust, family, and respect on the part of the husband for his wife. And looking at how touchingly and tenderly Matvey treats his wife and baby, we are sure that he will be an excellent father, and their family is simply a role model.

But no less heated discussion was sparked by the name, truly rare and unusual, that the Melnikovs decided to give to the baby. Someone remembered that this is the name of Anfisa Chekhova’s son, but in combination with his father’s Georgian surname it sounds harmonious. But the patronymic Matveevich and the surname Melnikov do not fit the name Solomon at all, according to fans, and together they create some kind of ridiculous combination.

"The video is captioned as 'Son. Solomon "interesting name!"

"Are you serious? Solomon? It all sounds ridiculous."

"Solomon??? You can't think of a stupider name"

"Solomon Motovich Melnikov - what does it sound like"

“Unusual name. What will you call it for short?”

“Don’t you think the child will be teased?”

“Why make life difficult for a child with such a name?”

Of course, many people liked the name, including its unusualness. Someone showed erudition and remembered that that was the name of the wisest king. But the most important thing, fans noted, is that the child’s parents like the name.

Mota's current wife is a former employee of an escort agency - news that has spread all over the Internet, although no one has yet really figured out whether it is true or not. Maria Melnikova, the wife of Matvey Melnikov, better known as Mot, and still a young mother, is discussed on almost all networks. A rumor spread that the modeling business that Maria was engaged in was only a cover for the “real” business - escort services.

This news came from a post by Olga Buzova. It is noteworthy that this news appeared immediately after Mot made an unsuccessful joke about the famous presenter and now singer. Apparently, Olga does not forgive jokes directed at herself.

Mota's wife: biography and personal life

Despite the fact that Maria hides her age, journalists still managed to find out the year of her birth - 1991, and she was born in the city of Lvov. As Maria herself claims, she has Jewish and Ukrainian roots. Since childhood, she has been very active. Melnikova alternated school, which she graduated well thanks to her diligence and her mother’s philological education, with ballroom dancing classes. She also participated in various seminars and competitions. After graduating from school, I entered the university in Kyiv and continued my studies.

Maria does not like to talk about her past personal life. She gained the greatest popularity when she began dating rapper and singer Mot, who works in Timati’s Black Star label, and an economist by training. People especially began to be interested in her when she starred in the video for her beloved man “Trap”; many songs from Matvey Melnikov’s albums were dedicated to her. She is actively involved in blogging and charity work. But to a greater extent, she decided to devote herself to her family, so she tries to make the house as comfortable as possible by cleaning it and preparing a variety of dishes.

At the same time, he does not forget to go out and support his man, as well as engage in modeling.

Matvey Melnikov in one of his interviews talked about meeting his future wife. It is very remarkable that Mot found her himself, because he has many fans who want to woo him and are waiting near concert halls, and Maria did not even suspect that her new friend on Instagram was a famous rapper. As the rapper says, he saw her on the popular Instagram network and immediately fell in love. They then started texting and later agreed to go on a date.

After long meetings during vacation, Mot proposed to Maria. Before going to the registry office, Maria threw a real girls' party, which began in a restaurant with a swimming pool, continued with a trip to a beauty salon and ended with a concert of singer Bianca. Olga Buzova, another friend at that time, prepared a light show in honor of Maria. In the spring they registered their marriage, and a little later they got married. The wedding was held in an original style. Simplicity and naturalness were chosen as the main features of the celebration. The bride and groom wore white T-shirts and jeans, and were decorated with bouquets of flowers. The bride's makeup was almost everyday. And at the beginning of 2018, the couple became parents and had a son, who was given the truly unusual and wise name Solomon. But could it be true that the wife of rapper Mota is a former escort?

Maria Melnikova: exposure

In one of the TV programs, rapper Mot incorrectly joked about Olga Buzova, pointing out the singer’s numerous sexual partners and even her relationship with Timur Batrutdinov. The singer commented on the situation, pointing out the number of sexual partners of his wife. In practice, the presenter always did not pay attention to such things, but, apparently, the joke hurt the singer too deeply.

She did not tolerate such statements addressed to her. And on her page, again on Instagram, where violent passions are in full swing, the singer with one rhetorical question caused a storm of discussions on the Internet.

And the question was: isn’t it time to talk about how saunas, escort services and Maria Melnikova are connected. It was not even a direct fact, but a question that did the trick. Mota's wife, who according to some information is a former escort, began to appear on the covers of magazines much more often after the publication of news about her past profession.

The singer was supported by:

  • Blogger Lena Miro.
  • Maria's ex-boyfriend Alan Kamilov.
  • Buzova fans.

Many people support the TV presenter, for example, Lena Miro. She commented on the situation and added that she admired Olga’s courage and knew that Maria covered up Tarasov’s infidelities, ex-husband Olga Buzova. Lena emphasized that Melnikova had never been the singer’s friend.

The singer was also supported by Melnikova’s ex-boyfriend, then Gural, musician Alan Kamilov, who, as he stated, could not keep the truth. He claims that Maria led an dishonest lifestyle and persuaded other girls to join this business. He states that she was doing this right up until the start of her relationship with Mot.

Many subscribers also expressed their opinion, saying that they knew about Maria’s dark past, but did not tell because they did not want to destroy the family.

How the scandal will affect the life of the family

Mota’s wife and her former profession as an escort is a topic that has touched many friends and acquaintances of the Melnikov family. Gymnast Laysan Utyasheva, wife of Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya, stood up for Maria. She asks Mota's wife not to pay attention to the gossip around the family and believes that this is not true.

The Melnikovs themselves are silent and do not comment on the scandalous news. Many, including Buzova’s fans, believe that Maria and Matvey are silent because the information that Olya told and Alan confirmed turned out to be true. The spouses try not to attract attention to themselves, while fans of the TV presenter and singer themselves find some incriminating facts and post them on the Internet.

In addition to Laysan, the family is supported by relatives, acquaintances and fans of the young blogger. They help in every possible way and write warm words in support of Maria. They are also sure that the scandal was provoked only by the fact that Olga Buzova did not understand Mota and rushed to correct the situation. Mary has many such comforters, about one and a half million. They all follow Maria’s blog, which talks about properly selected cosmetics, hair care, skin care and the products she uses.

Maria Melnikova, Mota's wife and young mother, was subject to heated discussion on social networks. She is suspected of an unscrupulous lifestyle. The network is discussing the fact that Maria was engaged in modeling in order to hide her real craft.

Stormy passions flared up as a result of Olga Buza’s confession. Soon after Mot joked about the Dom-2 star in an unflattering manner, information about Melnikova’s escort past appeared online.

Maria Melnikova, Mota's wife, escort, biography: personal life

Maria Melnikova or Gural in her maiden name, was born in 1991 in Lvov. She graduated from school with almost honors and entered Kyiv University. Maria grew up as a very active girl, so school alternated with ballet class.

The girl's past personal life is not known. Melnikova began to gain fame after joint meetings with Mot and subsequent marriage. On at the moment she is an active blogger on her social page.

In an interview with the publication, the couple talked about their acquaintance. Mot warmly said that he met Maria on Instagram and immediately fell in love with her. Thanks to subsequent meetings, the rapper was completely confident in his feelings for the girl and proposed to her on vacation.

More recently, the couple became happy parents. On January 22, their son was born in a Moscow clinic.

Maria Melnikova, Mota's wife, escort, biography: Buzova exposed Melnikova

Singer Mot, in an incorrect form, joked about Olga Buzova on the “League of Bad Jokes” program. The once patient singer did not endure such humiliation. On your page in social network Buzova asked whether it was worth lifting the veil of secrecy about saunas and Melnikova, who works part-time in them.

Soon, Olga’s rhetorical question went online, where heated discussions began about the dark past of Mota’s wife. It turned out that the Ukrainian model led an dishonest lifestyle.

Lena Miro, a famous blogger, expressed support for Buzova. She, admiring the courage of the Dom-2 star, said in her post that there had never been friendship between Melnikova and Buzova. Since Maria did her best to hide her amorous adventures, Tarasov, who was still married to Buzova.

Maria Melnikova, Mota's wife, escort, biography: Melnikova's ex-boyfriend admitted that he lived with an escort

In the conflict triangle between Buzova, Melnikova and Mot, a new figure appeared, Alan Kamilov. He is ex-boyfriend Melnikova, who claims that Maria was an escort.

The young man also claims that Maria, at the beginning of her relationship with Mot, was accompanying clients. Alan is sure that Melnikova campaigned for ancient craft other young girls.

Maria Melnikova, Mota's wife, escort, biography: how Melnikova's past will affect family life

In light of the events that took place, Lyaysyan Utyasheva, the wife of Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya, stood up for Melnikova. She urged Maria not to pay attention to provocations and simply wait out all the negativity that befell the young mother in a short period of time.

Melnikova herself and her husband Mot did not comment on the current situation. The couple remain completely silent without attracting additional attention to themselves.

The couple’s ill-wishers are confident that the couple are silent for the reason that all the rumors that have been thrown at Maria are the absolute truth. While Buzova’s fans publish various incriminating evidence against Melnikova on their social network pages.

Not everyone took up arms against Melnikova. Maria's fans who follow her beauty blog support the girl in every possible way. Users are sure that Buzova provoked the scandal out of resentment because she did not understand Mota’s simple joke.