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Head of locomotive service

_________________ Lebedev Zh.V.

"_______" "_____" 2012


According to the order of maintenance and operation of brakes

Rolling Stock Application Instructions

Operation of brakes TsT-TsV-TsL-0015 and

Order No. 409/N in locomotive depot Kherson

I. General provisions

1. Locomotive crews in the process of their work must be guided by the provisions of the Instructions for the operation of rolling stock brakes on railways Ukraine TsT-TsV-TsL-0015, approved by order No. 264-C dated October 28, 1997. with amendments and additions in accordance with order No. 312-C dated June 7, 2001, order on the procedure for operating rolling stock brakes on the Odessa railway. No. 409/N dated 9.12.04.


Work performed and inspection procedure

Auto brake equipment locomotive crew

upon acceptance of diesel locomotives

1. When leaving the depot and after the locomotive has been parked without a crew, the locomotive crew is obliged to:

Check the oil level in the compressor crankcase, which should be within the control marks of the oil indicator - the assistant driver, or in his absence - the driver.

Pressure limits in the main tanks during automatic resumption of compressor operation, which should be in the range: - 7.5-9.0 kgf/sq.m. cm

Permissible deviation (plus - minus) 0.2 kgf / sq. cm. The difference in pressure limits on diesel locomotives must be at least 1.0 kgf/sq. cm

The driver checks the condition of the brake lever transmission, its safety devices, the outputs of the brake cylinder rods, the thickness of the brake pads and their location on the wheel rolling surface, and the operation of the hand brake. Inspect the condition of the end hoses, the position of the end valves and the order of connecting the end hoses, which should be in the following order:

- the lowest – auxiliary brake sleeves;

- medium – sleeves brake line;

- upper – sleeves of the supply line.

Air permeability through the brake line end valves by opening the end valves on both sides of the locomotive at least three times.

Checking the tightness of the brake and feed lines. They check the operator's valve handles in the train position. No. 254 and No. 394, a closed combination valve and non-working compressors. The pressure drop according to pressure gauges should be:

In the brake line from normal charging pressure by an amount of no more than 0.2 kgf/sq. cm in 1 minute;

In the supply line with 8.0 kgf/sq. cm by an amount of no more than 0.2 kgf/sq. cm in 2.5 minutes. Before this inspection, the locomotive must be secured.

Surge tank density driver's crane condition. No. 394 and No. 395, for which charge the brake network of the locomotive to normal charging pressure, move the driver's tap handle to position 4. The density is considered sufficient if the pressure drop in the surge tank does not exceed 0.1 kgf/sq. cm for 3 minutes. In this case, overpressure in the equalization tank is not allowed.

The driver checks the sensitivity of the air distributors to braking reducing the pressure in the equalization tank using the driver's crane in one step by 0.5-0.6 kgf/ In this case, the air distributors should operate and not cause spontaneous leave within 5 minutes; When the air distributor is activated, the brake line warning light should light up and go out. After braking, the assistant driver makes sure that the piston rods are out of the brake cylinders and the pads are pressed against the wheels.

Checking the sensitivity of air distributors to tempering by placing the operator's crane handle in the train position. In this case, the brake should be released and the pads should move away from the wheels.

Checking the rate of overcharge elimination. To do this, after releasing the brake, move the operator's valve handle to position 1 and hold it in this position until the pressure in the surge tank is 6.1-6.3 kgf/sq. see subsequent transfer of it to the train position. Reducing the pressure in the equalization tank from 6.0-5.8 kgf/sq. cm should occur in 100-120 seconds. On a locomotive equipped with a brake line rupture alarm with sensor No. 418, the alarm should not operate during the transition from high pressure to normal.

Checking the driver's auxiliary brake valve conventional No. 254 for maximum pressure in the brake cylinders. This pressure should be 3.8-4.0 kgf/sq.m. see. After actuating the auxiliary brake on locomotives equipped with a brake line rupture indicator, reduce the pressure in the surge tank by 0.2-0.3 kgf/sq.m. cm and after the brake line lamp lights up, dial the positions with the controller. The traction mode diagram should not be assembled. After this, increase the discharge to 0.6-0.7 kgf/sq. see. The brake line light should go out.

1.10. Before setting the locomotive in motion after a standstill, the driver must personally check the release of the hand brakes.

1.11. After threading the speed tape, the driver must check the quality of threading the tape, draw it and mark the template, then draw the tape, and then begin checking the braking equipment.

1.12. The procedure for checking the brake equipment before leaving the depot and after the locomotive is stationary without a crew must correspond to the diagram.

15. The oil level in compressor crankcases must be between the upper and lower marks of the oil indicator, and for the E-500 compressor - no lower than 15 mm from the upper edge of the filling hole.

Exceeding the oil level in the compressor crankcases (that is, above the control marks of the oil indicator) is not allowed.

16. When releasing a locomotive from the depot, after maintenance (except for maintenance-1) and repairs, the performance of its compressors must be checked in terms of the time of filling the GR from 7.0 to 8.0 kgf/cm 2 (Table 1 of Appendix 1 to this Instruction).

17. Density of braking and food network must be checked with the auxiliary and train brake control handles in the train position, the combined (disconnecting) valve closed (on locomotives of the VL80TK, VL80SK series with the KN7 valve closed) and inoperative compressors.

The pressure drop observed on the pressure gauges should be:

    in TM - from normal charging pressure to an amount of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 1 minute;

    in the supply network - from 8.0 kgf/cm 2 to an amount of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 2.5 minutes;

    in the supply network of locomotives of the KZ4, TE33A series - from 8.0 kgf/cm 2 to an amount of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 3 minutes.

On electric locomotives of the KZ8A series, to check the density of the brake and feed network on the main screen of the locomotive control panel, you must switch to the screen for checking the density of the train's feed and brake line and initiate the test. After 2 minutes, the actual density parameters will be displayed on the screen.

Before this inspection, the locomotive must be secured against leaving.

18. To check the density of the UR, it is necessary to charge the brake network of the locomotive to normal charging pressure, move the driver’s tap handle to position IV.

The density is considered sufficient if the pressure drop in the UR does not exceed 0.1 kgf/cm 2 for 3 minutes. Overpressure in the UR is not allowed.

The test is not performed on CKD (TEMKZ) series locomotives.

19. The air distributor is checked (on locomotives of the KZ4 series - the distribution valve, on locomotives of the TE33A series - the EAB block):

1) on sensitivity to braking.

Freight-type air distributors are checked in flat mode, and on locomotives in which the release of the automatic brake is ensured by the release compressed air from the working chamber of the air distributors, - in mountain mode.

The check must be carried out by reducing the pressure in the UR using the train brake control handle in one step by 0.5-0.6 kgf/cm 2, and with an air distributor operating through the auxiliary brake valve - by 0.7-0.8 kgf/cm 2 (the air distributors must operate and prevent spontaneous release of the brakes for at least 5 minutes).

When the air distributors are triggered, the train's TM rupture alarm (if equipped) should be triggered. After braking, you should make sure that the piston rods come out of the center and the brake pads are pressed against the wheels;

2) sensitivity to vacation.

To check, it is necessary to set the train brake control handle to the train position, while the locomotive brakes must be released, and the pads (linings) must move away from the wheels (brake discs).

20. Checking the rate of elimination of overcharging pressure (except for locomotives of the KZ4 and CKD series) is carried out as follows.

After releasing the brake, the train brake control handle must be moved to position I, held in this position until the pressure in the UR reaches 6.5-6.8 kgf/cm 2 and then the train brake control handle must be moved to the train position. The pressure reduction in the UR from 6.0 to 5.8 kgf/cm 2 should occur in 80-120 seconds.

On a locomotive equipped with a TM rupture alarm, the alarm should not operate when switching from high pressure to normal charging pressure.

21. To check the operation of the auxiliary brake to create maximum pressure in the TC, it is necessary to move the auxiliary brake handle to the extreme braking position. The locomotive's TC, with the exception of locomotives of the KZ4, CKD, TEMKZ, TE33A series, must be filled to a pressure of 3.8-4.0 kgf/cm 2 .

22. To check the operation of the TM rupture alarm, it is necessary to create a maximum pressure of 3.8-4.0 kgf/cm 2 in the TC of the locomotive, and then reduce the pressure in the UR by 0.2-0.3 kgf/cm 2, which will trigger TM rupture alarm. Next, it is necessary to move the driver’s controller to the working position by dialing positions, while the traction load mode in the electrical circuit of the locomotive should not be assembled.

23. To check for an unacceptable decrease in pressure in the TC of the locomotive, it is necessary to move the driver’s crane handle to the emergency braking position and, after completely discharging the TM, move the auxiliary brake control handle to the last braking position.

After this, on locomotives not equipped with blocking device No. 367, it is necessary to close the isolation valve on the air duct from the auxiliary brake valve to the TC, and on locomotives equipped with blocking device No. 367, move the key of the blocking device from the lower position to the upper one.

On electric locomotives of the KZ8A series, completely fill the TC by setting the auxiliary brake handle to position V, and then move the controller to position III.

On diesel locomotives of the TE33A series, it is necessary to enable the control cabin change mode.

A decrease in pressure in the TC is allowed at a rate of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 1 minute.

24. On diesel locomotives of the SKD6E, TEMKZ series it is necessary to check:

1) the condition and thickness of the brake pads (for diesel locomotives of the CKD6E series, the minimum thickness must be at least 10 mm, for diesel locomotives of the CKD9с series - at least 12 mm);

2) operation of the driver’s valves and air distributor during the braking stage and full service braking, auxiliary brake to the maximum pressure in the TC, which should be 3.2-3.6 kgf/cm 2 . A decrease in pressure in the TC is not allowed;

3) sensitivity of the air distributor to braking. The check is carried out by moving the automatic brake control handle to position III with the release of air 0.5 kgf/cm 2 from the TM.

In this case, the air distributor must operate and prevent spontaneous release of the brakes. After braking, you need to make sure that the TC rods are out and the brake pads are pressed against the rolling surface of the wheels;

4) sensitivity of the air distributor to release. The check is carried out by moving the train brake control handle from position III to position II, while the locomotive brakes must be released and the brake pads must move away from the wheel tread;

5) absence of an unacceptable decrease in pressure in the TC. To do this, you need to move the handle locomotive brake to the release position, and the train brake to position VI. At this time, the TC should be filled to a pressure of 4.5 kgf/cm2, the locomotive brakes should not be released.

25. On electric locomotives of the KZ4A, KZ4As series, before checking the operation of the braking equipment, it is necessary to:

1) on the door of the low-voltage equipment cabinet, turn on circuit breakers 28-F01(EPT) and 28-F02(VTK) to supply 110 V operating voltage to the BLCU logical braking control unit and the BCU braking control unit;

2) on the driver’s console, set switch 28-S09 (in cabin No. 1) and 28-S10 (in cabin No. 2) to the “Electro-pneumatic” position.

26. On electric locomotives of the KZ4A, KZ4Ac series, check:

1) the action of the parking brake. To do this, you need to press the “Parking Brake” lamp button on the control panel and check on the on-board computer monitor that it is activated;

2) the position of the handles of the brake system valves of the locomotive, which must be in the open position, with the exception of the cold following valve No. 155, the release valve No. 156 of the distribution valve No. 101 and the blowing valve of the electric locomotive No. 146;

3) position of the parking brake switch valve handle No. 152. The switch valve flag must be set to the “Normal” position;

4) position of the handle of the switching valve of the braking mode No. 153. The flag of the switching valve must be set to the “Electro-pneumatic” position;

5) the position of the handle of the switching valve for the depth of the first discharge No. 154. The flag of the switching valve should be set down;

6) air pressure in the UR and TM, which should be 5.0-5.2 kgf/cm² (it is controlled by a pressure gauge, regulated by gearbox No. 55);

7) air pressure in the TC, which should be 3.0 kgf/cm² (controlled by a pressure gauge, regulated by gearbox No. 170);

8) air pressure in the parking brake cylinders, which should be from 5.0 to 6.5 kgf/cm² (controlled by a pressure gauge, regulated by gearbox No. 171);

9) air pressure in the cylinders for cleaning the tread surface of the wheel, which should be 3.0 kgf/cm² (controlled by a pressure gauge, regulated by gearbox No. 172);

10) the air pressure of the backup brake valve No. 53 (in cabin No. 1) and 54 (in cabin No. 2) should be 5.0-5.2 kgf/cm²;

11) the position of the switches on the logical brake control unit VLCU should be as follows:

switch 1 – 28-A01-S01 (463QS) – in the down position “Adding air”;

switch 2 – 28-A01-S02 (464QS) – in the up position “Entering open circuit protection”;

switch 3 – 28-A01-S04 (467 QS) – in the up position “Entering control”;

switch 4 – 28-A01-S05 (468 QS) – in the up position “Entering the electric-pneumatic action of the train” when the train is traveling on the EPT and in the down position “excluding the electric-pneumatic action of the train” when traveling on pneumatic brakes;

switch 5 – 28-A01-S03 (466 QS) – in the “Combined braking” position (the switch has two positions: 0 (OFF) – combined braking is turned off, 1 (ON) – combined braking is turned on). When an electric locomotive is moving, combined braking can be used;

switch 465 QS – in one of 4 positions: 0 – switch off; 1 – when controlled from cabin 1; 2 – when controlled from cabin 2; 3 – when the electric locomotive is traveling second;

12) density of the brake and feed lines. The check is carried out with the handle of the train (28-S11) and locomotive (=28-S12) brake in the train position, valve No. 114 on the pneumatic panel is closed and the compressors are not working;

13) SD density. To do this, you need to move the train brake handle to the “Zero” position;

14) unacceptable decrease in pressure in the TC. To do this, apply emergency braking using the train brake handle. After filling the TC, move the locomotive brake handle to the “Zero” position and measure the density of the TC;

15) the operation of connecting valve No. 104 and distribution valve No. 101 for sensitivity to braking by reducing the pressure in the booster in one step by 0.7-0.8 kgf/cm². In this case, the valves should act as a brake and not allow spontaneous release for 5 minutes. After the air brake is applied, make sure that the brake linings are pressed against the brake discs;

16) sensitivity of valves No. 104 and 101 to release by placing the train brake handle (after braking) in the train position. In this case, the brake should be released and the brake linings should move away from the brake discs;

17) the ability to create maximum pressure in the locomotive’s TC, which should be 3 kgf/cm²;

18) EPT operation.

To do this, you need to turn on the EPT toggle switch (28-S05 when controlled from cabin No. 1 or 28-S06 when controlled from cabin No. 2) on the driver’s console, perform stepwise braking with the train brake handle until full service braking, and then perform stepwise release.

When the train brake handle is in the release and train position, the lamp marked “Movement” should be on.

When the train brake handle is in the “Zero” and “CME” positions, the “Pressure Hold” and “Movement” lamps should light up.

When the train brake handle is in the braking position and in the emergency braking position, the “T” and “Traffic” lamps should light up;

19) operation of brake equipment when controlling the backup brake valve.

To check, it is necessary to turn off the EPT toggle switch on the driver’s console, switch switches 28-S09 (in cabin No. 1), 28-S10 (in cabin No. 2) to the “Air” position (on an electric locomotive of the KZ4A series) or “0” (on an electric locomotive of the KZ4Ac series ).

On the pneumatic panel, switching valve No. 153 must be moved with the pointer down to the “Off” position (on an electric locomotive of the KZ4A series) or “Air position” (on an electric locomotive of the KZ4Ac series).

It is necessary to perform the braking stage by moving the handle of the reserve brake valve to the “Service braking” position with a TM discharge of 0.3-0.5 kgf/cm².

After filling the locomotive's TC, it is necessary to perform the second stage of braking with a TM discharge of 0.7-0.9 kgf/cm², then move the handle of the reserve brake valve to the “Charge and release” position, increase the pressure in the TM by 0.2 kgf/cm² higher charger.

Along the route, if it is necessary to switch to control of the train brakes from the reserve brake valve, the handles of the brake controllers must be removed;

20) activation of the emergency braking button on the driver’s console. To do this, when the train and locomotive brake handles are in the train position, press the “Emergency braking” button. After the emergency braking is activated, the brakes of the electric locomotive should operate with the filling of the TC at a value of 4.3-4.7 kgf/cm². The train controller handle must be moved to the “Emergency” position for at least 15 seconds.

To remove the emergency braking mode, you need to turn clockwise (remove from the latch) the “Emergency braking” button, move the train brake handle to the train position to charge the TM.

27. On diesel locomotives of the TE33A series the following is checked:

1) the oil level on the oil level glass in the compressor oil tank (must be opposite the green sector zone. Lowering the oil level to the red sector level zone is not allowed);

2) the position of the brake equipment disconnect valves;

3) operation of compressors (switching on, switching off, performance);

4) the mechanical part of the brake equipment, the thickness of the brake pads, which must be at least 10 mm, and their location on the rolling surface of the wheels;

5) on the SDIS screen - settings of the electronic complex of the pneumatic braking system, which must correspond to the position “slave” - for the diesel locomotive to follow second (with double and multiple traction), “master” - for the diesel locomotive to follow independently;

6) HM density in the train position of the train brake handle. To do this, you need to click the “Change settings” button in the “Pneumatic brakes” command on the SDIS monitor, in the “Automatic brake” window that appears, switch to the “Delete automatic brake” command, then click the “Save settings” button and, when prompted by the program, confirm the changes.

After saving the changes, measure the decrease in air pressure in the locomotive TM;

7) operation of the auxiliary brake to create maximum pressure in the TC, which should be 4.5 kgf/cm²;

8) shopping center density. To do this, you need to move the locomotive brake handle to the “APPLY” position and turn off the “Electric brake” machine on the driver’s console.

28. On an electric locomotive of the KZ8A series, it is necessary to check:

1) according to external color braking indicators, the filling of the shopping center of the first and second carts;

2) the action of the parking brake.

To do this, it is necessary to switch the parking brake handle to the horizontal position on the side wall in cabin No. 1 on the assistant driver’s side, move the locomotive brake handle to the train position “REL”, after releasing the locomotive brakes, check the pressing of the pads to the rolling surface of the 2nd, 3rd – on the right and 4th, 5th – on the left wheel pairs of the locomotive and make sure on the on-board computer monitor that the parking brake is activated.

29. When releasing locomotives from the depot, the output value of the TC rods must be within the limits specified in Table 3 of this Instruction, at the maximum pressure in the TC of the locomotive.

30. The oil level in the compressor crankcase should be between the upper and lower marks of the oil indicator. The oil level in the compressor crankcase is not allowed to exceed the control marks of the oil indicator. For compressors, use the oils specified in the compressor operating instructions. It is prohibited to use other types of oils to lubricate compressors.

31. To check the density of the UR at the driver’s cranes No. 394 and 395, it is necessary to charge the brake network to normal charging pressure, move the handle of the driver’s crane to the shut-off position with power. The density is considered sufficient if the pressure drop in the UR does not exceed 0.1 kgf/cm 2 for 3 minutes. Overpressure in the UR is not allowed.

32. Checking the sensitivity of cargo-type air distributors to braking in flat mode should be carried out by reducing the pressure in the UR with the driver’s crane by 0.5-0.6 kgf/cm 2, and with an air distributor operating through valve No. 254 - by 0.7- 0.8 kgf/cm2. The air distributors must operate and not release the brakes spontaneously for 5 minutes.

After braking, you need to make sure that the piston rods come out of the center and the pads are pressed against the wheels.

33. Checking the sensitivity of the air distributors to release should be done by placing the driver's crane handle in the train position, in which the brake should be released and the pads should move away from the wheels.

34. Check for the absence of an unacceptable decrease in pressure in the locomotive TC, MVPS, SSPS.

To do this, it is necessary to perform emergency braking and, after completely discharging the TM, move the handle of valve No. 254 to the last brake position, filling the TC to full pressure.

After this, on the locomotive and SSPS that are not equipped with blocking device No. 367, close the isolation valve on the air pipeline from valve No. 254 to the shopping center. On the locomotive and SSPS equipped with locking device No. 367, move the key of the locking device from the lower position to the upper one. A decrease in pressure in the TC is allowed at a rate of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 1 minute.

35. The thickness of locomotive brake pads in operation is allowed to be no less than:

1) ridgeless on diesel locomotives of the TE33A, CKD6E series - 10 mm;

2) ridge on train locomotives - 15 mm;

3) on shunting and export locomotives - 10 mm.

Extension of the brake pads beyond the outer edge of the tire rolling surface (wheel rim) is not allowed.

The pads must be replaced when the maximum thickness is reached and there are cracks across the entire width of the pad, extending to the steel frame.

For wedge-shaped wear, the thickness of the pad is measured at a distance of 50 mm from the thin end of the pad.

On electric locomotives of the KZ4 series, the thickness of the brake linings must be at least 9 mm, the brake disc - at least 44 mm.

36. The permissible thickness of JSC brake pads in operation should be:

1) cast iron without ridges - at least 12 mm;

2) cast iron ridge - at least 15 mm;

3) composite with a metal back - at least 14 mm;

4) composite with a mesh wire frame - at least 10 mm;

5) for wheels with a diameter of 600-730 mm - at least 20 mm.

In operation, the brake pads may extend beyond the outer surface of the tire (wheel rim) by no more than 10 mm. The cause of the pads slipping should be identified and eliminated.

The pads should be replaced when the maximum thickness is reached and there are cracks across the entire width of the pad, extending to the steel frame. For wedge-shaped wear, the width of the pad thickness is measured at a distance of 50 mm from the thin end of the pad.

37. The charging pressure in the TM of the leading locomotive and the MVPS in the train position of the train brake handle must comply with the standards specified in Table 2 of this Instruction.

38. On locomotives of the TE33 series, for guidance freight trains on long descents with a steepness of 0.018 ‰ or more, the brake system of the locomotive must be configured as follows: auxiliary brake “Leading”, automatic brake “Mountain”.

To drive freight, cargo-passenger, passenger trains and follow a single locomotive on a flat track profile, the indication on the locomotive monitor in the “Settings” window must correspond to: “Automatic brake - Flat”, “Auxiliary brake - “Leading”.

If the settings are not set in this way, then using the monitor keys you must enter the “air brake” menu (F1 key), then press “Change setting” (F3 key). Arrows down " "(F1 key) and up "" (F2 key) change the pressure in the TM.

Using the F4 key, you can change the automatic brake operating modes to “Plain”, “Mountain” or “Disabled”.

Using the F5 key, you can change the operating modes of the auxiliary brake to “Slave” and “Leader”.

Settings are saved by double pressing the F7 key (“Save Settings”).

Exit from the setup mode is carried out by pressing the (F8) “Exit” key.

39. Modes for switching on locomotive air distributors and SSPS:

1) when driving freight trains at speeds up to 90 km/h, turn on freight-type air distributors in empty mode;

2) when operating freight trains at a speed of more than 90 km/h, turn on freight-type air distributors in loaded mode;

3) on long descents with a steepness of up to 0.018 ‰, turn on the cargo-type air distributors in the flat mode, with a steep slope of 0.018 ‰ or more - in the mountain mode;

4) when operating freight trains, passenger-type air distributors No. 292, regardless of the steepness of the long descent and speed, are switched to mode “D”;

5) on locomotives in which the release of the automatic brake is ensured by the release of air from the working chamber of the cargo-type air distributor, regardless of the steepness of the descent, the air distributor is turned on in mountain mode;

6) when operating passenger and cargo-passenger trains, turn on cargo-type air distributors in loaded flat mode;

7) when operating passenger and cargo-passenger trains with a train composition of up to 20 cars inclusive, passenger type air distributors No. 292 are switched on to mode “K” (short train), with a train composition of more than 20 cars - to mode “D” (long train);

8) when performing shunting operations, turn on cargo-type air distributors in loaded mode;

9) when a single locomotive is traveling (SSPS), in all cases, turn on the cargo-type air distributors in loaded mode, and the passenger-type air distributors in “K” mode;

10) when traveling in a raft, with a combined TM between locomotives (PE SSPS), the cargo-type air distributors on the first locomotive (the traction unit of the SSPS) are switched on to loaded mode, on subsequent locomotives - to medium mode. Passenger type air distributors No. 292 are switched to mode “D”;

11) when connecting locomotives via CME, if the action of the locomotive brake valve of the first locomotive (section) does not apply to subsequent locomotives (sections), then switch the air distributors on subsequent locomotives (sections) to medium mode.

For two-section locomotives, both sections of which are equipped with air distributors operating through the auxiliary brake valve, the air distributors on both sections must be turned on. In this case, the impulse line between the sections is muffled;

12) on locomotives of the CKD series, the mode switch of the JZ-7 crane has two positions: “Commodity” (in the braking position of the train brake, after the air is released from the TM, “overlapping without power” occurs), “Passenger” (in the braking position of the train brake, after air is released from the TM, a “power supply shutdown” occurs).

To control brakes on freight trains, set the mode switch to the “Passenger” position to recharge the TM in the mode of overriding the train brake.

40. When releasing the locomotive from the depot, check the air passage through the blocking device No. 367 and the driver’s valve. The check is carried out at an initial pressure in the GR of at least 8 kgf/cm 2 and the compressors are turned off in the range of pressure reduction in the GR from 6 to 5 kgf/cm 2 .

The passability of the blocking is considered normal if, when the driver's tap handle is in the first position and the TM end valve is open on the side of the device being tested, with a GR volume of 1000 l, the pressure decrease occurs in no more than 12 seconds, when the driver's tap handle is in the second position - no more 20 seconds. With a larger volume of locomotive GR, the time should be proportionally increased.

41. Checking the operation of the EPT on a locomotive:

1) to check the voltage of the EPT power supplies, set the handle of the driver's tap in the working cabin to the train position, remove the connecting end sleeve from the insulated suspension on the side of the non-working cabin and turn off the redundant power switch. Turn on the EPT power source and, with the driver's crane handle in position V, check the value with a voltmeter DC voltage between wire No. 1 and the rail, which should be no lower than 50 V, and with a current load of 5 A - no lower than 45 V;

2) to check the effect of the EPT, perform stepwise braking until the TC is completely filled, and then perform a stepwise release. When the driver's crane handle is in positions I and II, the "O" lamp should be on, in positions III and IV - the "P" and "O" lamps, in positions V, VE, VI - the "T" and "O" lamps.

When the handle of the driver's tap is in the VE position, the discharge of the UR and TM through this tap should not occur, but the EPT should operate;

3) to check the duplicated power supply of wires No. 1 and 2, hang the connecting end sleeves on insulated hangers from the side of both control cabins, turn on the duplicated power switch. When the operator's crane handle is in position II, the "O" lamp should be lit, and when the toggle switch is turned off, the lamp should go out.

If the driver's valve has a position VA (slow discharge rate of the UR), coinciding with the position VE, then the pressure in the UR is allowed to decrease by no more than 0.5 kgf/cm 2 from the initial charging pressure at full pressure in the TC.

On locomotives equipped with push-button control of the EPT, check the operation of the EPT with the train brake handle in the train position.



Before leaving the depot or after the locomotive is parked without a crew, the locomotive crew is obliged to inspect the braking equipment and check its operation.

When inspecting the mechanical parts of the brake, pay attention to the reliability of fastening and serviceability of the lever transmission parts, safety devices, suspensions, rods and beams, the presence of washers, cotter pins and pins. The outputs of the brake cylinder rods are checked at the pressure in them 3.8 – 4.0 kgf/cm 2.

Brake pads must be replaced when the maximum thickness is reached, as well as if cracks, chipped pieces of metal or wedge-shaped wear are detected. For wedge-shaped wear, the thickness of the pad is measured at a distance of 50 mm from the thin edge of the pad. If at this distance the thickness of the block is less than the maximum, then the block is rejected. Displacement of the brake pads beyond the outer edge of the tire rolling surface is not allowed (in operation, a displacement of no more than 10 mm is allowed for locomotives operating at speeds of up to 120 km/h). When the brake is released, the pads should evenly move away from the rolling surface of the wheel at a distance of 5 - 15 mm and fit snugly to the brake shoes.

Check the operation of the handbrake, which should be easily actuated.

Simultaneously with checking the condition of the lever transmission, its hinge joints are lubricated. Then check the fastening of the air supply system. Particular attention is paid to the tightness of the attachment of the connecting sleeves and their fastening with clamps.

In both control cabins, check the correct position of the handles of the isolating valves, the presence of seals on the safety valves, the clamps of the isolating valves to the electro-pneumatic auto-stop valves, on the isolating valves of the supply air pipeline and the air duct from the air distributor to the valve № 254 , on the disconnect valves of the air supply line to the brake cylinder pressure switch, on the disconnect valve of the air line from the brake line to the speed gauge, on the pressure gauges.

Locomotive crew must ensure that the inspection period for pressure gauges and safety valves has not expired.

Before starting the compressors, the assistant driver checks the oil level in the crankcase and the presence of a fan belt for each compressor. After starting the compressors, the limits of pressure change in the main tanks are checked, and at the same time they are monitored to ensure that there is no abnormal knocking or other defects. The oil pressure in the compressor lubrication system must be at least 1.5 kgf/cm 2 at 440 rpm.

Then, alternately open the drain valves on the main tanks and moisture-oil separators. The passage of air through the connecting hoses of the brake and feed lines is checked by opening the end valve three times.

After maintenance(except TO-1) or locomotive repair, the performance of the compressors should be checked based on the time of filling the main tanks. If both compressors are turned on simultaneously, the time limit should be halved.

The driver's tap is adjusted to the charging pressure using the pressure gauge of the surge tank and the brake line is charged for at least 4 minutes. This time is necessary to fully charge the entire network to charging pressure in order to obtain the actual leakage value when checking the line density. The difference in readings of the pressure gauges of the equalization tank and the brake line should not exceed 0.2 kgf/cm 2.

The tightness of the brake and supply network of the locomotive is checked after turning off the compressors by closing the combination valve on the brake line. The check is performed with the handles of the driver's valve and the auxiliary brake valve in the train position. The reduction in pressure observed on pressure gauges should be: in the brake line from normal charging pressure by no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 within 1 minute or 0.5 kgf/cm 2 within 2.5 minutes; in the main tanks with 8.0 kgf/cm 2 no more than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 for 2.5 minutes or 0.5 kgf/cm 2 for 6.5 minutes. Before this inspection, the locomotive must be secured against maintenance.

Then the density of the equalization tank and the rate of elimination of overcharge pressure by the stabilizer of the driver’s train crane are checked. Brake line rupture alarm with sensor No. 418 should not be triggered during testing. To check the sensor № 418 Preliminarily brake the locomotive using crane No. 254 with maximum pressure in the brake cylinders, and then reduce the pressure in the brake line by 0.2 - 0.3 kgf/cm 2 and, after the lamp lights up TM, dial controller positions. The traction mode diagram should not be assembled.

The operation of the auxiliary locomotive brake valve is checked by the maximum pressure established in the brake cylinders, which should be 3.8 - 4.0 kgf/cm 2, and the blocking patency № 367 and tap № 395 according to the time of pressure reduction in the main tanks with the end valve open on the side of the cabin being tested.

When changing the locomotive control cabin, the driver must make sure that there is no unacceptable decrease in pressure in the brake cylinders, and then in the second cabin check the operation of the driver's train crane № 395 and air distributor, auxiliary locomotive brake valve № 254 , brake line rupture indicator with sensor № 418 , EPT, patency of the blocking device № 367 and the driver's crane.

At the next stage, the interaction between the driver’s crane and the air distributor is checked. To do this, perform a braking stage 0.5 - 0.6 kgf/cm 2, and when the air distributor operates through the tap № 254 on - 0.7 - 0.8 kgf/cm 2. After the air distributor is activated, the warning light should light up, and after the brake cylinders are filled, the warning light should go out. "TM" train brake line rupture indicator. The assistant driver makes sure that the brake cylinder rods come out and that the brake pads are pressed against the wheels. The locomotive's automatic brakes should not release spontaneously within 5 minutes. Then set the handle of the driver's crane to the train position, in which the brakes should be released and the pads should move away from the wheels.

If there is an electro-pneumatic brake, check the DC voltage between the wires № 1 and rail at V position of the driver's tap handle, which should not be lower than 50V (110V), then increase the pressure in the brake cylinders in steps to the maximum, after which a stepwise release is carried out, controlling the operation EPT by warning lights "ABOUT", "L" And "T".


The compressor performance is checked by the G.R. filling time. locomotive from 7.0 to 8.0 kgf/cm², with the combination valve closed:

VL11 – 30 sec. VL11m – 40 sec

1.5VL11 – 45 sec. 1.5VL11m – 60 sec.

G.R. filling time indicated for one compressor!

Check the tightness of the brake and supply network of the locomotive with the valve handles in the train position. No. 254 and driver’s crane condition. No. 395, the combination valve is closed and the compressors are not working. The pressure drop observed on the pressure gauges should be:

in T.M. from normal charging pressure by no more than 0.2 kgf/cm² for 1 minute. or by 0.5 kgf/cm² for 2.5 minutes.

Insufficient HM density of the locomotive can lead to the activation of the brake line break sensor condition. N 418 and removing traction in a dangerous place.

in P.M. from 8.0 kgf/cm² by no more than 0.2 kgf/cm² for 2.5 minutes or no more than 0.5 kgf/cm² for 6.5 minutes.

Before this check, the locomotive must be secured against leaving!


density of the equalization tank of the driver's crane No. 394, for which charge the brake network of the locomotive to normal charging pressure, move the handle of the driver's crane to position IV. The density is considered sufficient if the pressure drop in the surge tank does not exceed 0.1 kgf/cm² for 3 minutes. Overpressure in U.R. however, it is not allowed.

Insufficient density of the UR and the cuff of the equalizing piston can lead to increased leakage in the UR and, accordingly, in the TM in the overlap position with power supply to the brake line, an increase in the depth of discharge, an increase in the braking effect, and more long vacation brakes;

On the sensitivity of the equalizing piston (with a decrease in the UR by 0.2 kgf/, the pressure in the TM should decrease by the same amount). Poor sensitivity of the equalizing piston leads to the fact that during the braking stage, at the initial moment, the unit does not feel the change in pressure and does not move, and then it moves sharply with deep discharge of the TM and the subsequent release of the brakes of the head part of the train, which can cause a rupture;

On the sensitivity of V.R. to braking. V.R. cargo type, check in flat mode, and on locomotives in which the release of the automatic brake is ensured by the release of compressed air from the working chamber V.R. - in mountain mode. The check is carried out by reducing the pressure in the U.R. with the operator's crane in one step at 0.5-0.6 kgf/cm², and with V.R. operating through the crane cond. No. 254 at 0.7-0.8 kgf/cm². At the same time, V.R. should operate for braking and not release spontaneously for 5 minutes. When V.R. is triggered should light up, and after filling the brake cylinders, the “TM” warning light of the train brake line rupture indicator should go out. After braking, make sure that the piston rods come out of the brake cylinders and the brake pads are pressed against the wheels;

On the sensitivity of V.R. to release by placing the driver's crane handle in the train position, in which the brake should be released and the pads should move away from the wheels;

The rate of elimination of overcharge pressure. To do this, after releasing the automatic brake and restoring pressure in the T.M. to normal charging, move the operator's valve handle to position I, hold it in this position until the pressure is at U.R. 6.5 – 6.8 kgf/cm² with subsequent transfer to the train position. Decrease in pressure in U.R. from 6.0 to 5.8 kgf/cm² should occur in 80 - 120 seconds; on a locomotive equipped with a brake line rupture indicator with a condition sensor. No. 418, the alarm should not go off during the transition from high pressure to normal. Elimination of overcharge pressure of less than 0.2 kgf/cm 2 in 60 s causes the air distributor to trigger for additional discharge, remove traction and is the probable cause of a train rupture in a dangerous place;

There is no unacceptable reduction in pressure in the brake cylinders. To do this, perform emergency braking and after completely discharging the T.M. faucet handle condition. No. 254 is moved to the last brake position, filling the brake cylinders to full pressure. After this, transfer the key of the locking device to the condition. No. 367 from the lower position to the upper one. Reducing the pressure in the brake cylinders is allowed at a rate of no more than 0.2 kgf/cm² for 1 minute;

Rate of service discharge of the brake line. After charging the U.R. and T.M. Place the operator's valve handle in position V and note the time of pressure reduction in the UR. from 5.0 to 4.0 kgf/cm², which should be 4 – 6 seconds;

The rate of emergency discharge of the brake line. After charging the U.R. and T.M. Place the operator's valve handle in position VI and note the time of pressure reduction in the UR. from 5.0 to 1.0 kgf/cm², which should be 2.5 - 3 seconds.

When releasing the locomotive from the depot, check the air passage through the blocking device condition. No. 367 and through the driver’s tap condition. No. 395. The check is carried out at an initial pressure in the main reservoirs of at least 8 kgf/cm² and the compressors are turned off in the range of pressure reduction in the G.R. volume 1000 l. from 6 to 5 kgf/cm². The passability of the blocking is considered normal if, when the operator’s valve handle is in position I and the end valve of the line is open on the side of the device being tested, the pressure decreases in no more than 12 seconds. The driver's passage of the crane is considered normal if, when the crane handle is in position II and the end valve is open, the pressure decreases within the specified limits within a time of no more than 20 seconds. With a larger volume of G.R. locomotive time should be increased proportionally. Poor brake blocking performance (more than 12 s per 1000 liters of main tank volume) leads to slow release of the brakes at the rear of the train.

Note: Sometimes, when changing the control cabin, the locomotive brakes do not release. Cause: The blocking valves in the rear cabin are leaking and air from the GR enters the TC. Exit: Set the auxiliary brake valve handle to the train position;

Operation of an equivalent circuit for electric braking (with control of the filling of the locomotive's TC to a pressure value of 2.0-2.5 kgf/cm2). Insufficient filling of the brake cylinders when the electrical braking circuit fails leads to a rapid transition of the train from a compressed state to an extended state and acceleration of the head part of the train;

The above-mentioned malfunctions of the locomotive's braking equipment, which were not identified during its acceptance, can lead to the creation of unacceptable longitudinal-dynamic forces in the train and cause possible reason breakage of automatic coupling devices.