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Yo-kai watch games. Yo Kai Watch Games New Yo Kai Games Episode 8

Amazing Japan, although it opened to the whole world, did not become understandable. Its traditions firmly sit in the culture of the people, without interfering with the development of high technologies. On the contrary, the Japanese have learned to combine them so harmoniously that it seems as if the demons have always commanded technology, used mobile phones, lived in cars. Based on Yokai Watch games, manga and anime series have been created, and you are probably familiar with them.

At the same time, all directions developed, since the idea received a fairly large surge in popularity. Naturally, the first to test the project were the Japanese. Soon he went beyond the ethnic group, and players around the world got the opportunity to play Yokai Watch games online for free.

On the path of the spirits

The action takes place in the Japanese city of Springdale, where he lives main character/heroine. Newbie Yokai Watch online games can choose to control:

  • Girl Katie
  • Boy Nate

The story begins with Kate or Nate going into the woods to catch bugs for school project. Instead, an old souvenir machine comes into view, miraculously found itself in a thicket. Throwing a coin into it, the hero gets not a toy, but a cool Whisper creature.

Whisper told that ancient spirits, the so-called youkai, are constantly among people. They are all different in character, and have fun making people feel and do different things.

For example, if some kind of peace has come and you want to hug and kiss everyone, the good spirit of youkai has touched the person. But when someone suddenly starts to quarrel, shout or fight - his evil brother is responsible for this.

To show the hero what the real world looks like, Viper gives him an unusual compass watch. When a youkai is nearby, the arrow turns in its direction. If you open the glass cover of the watch and look through it in the direction the arrow is pointing, you will see that same spirit.

How to make friends

Open Yokai Watch games for free and turn all ghosts into friends. In total there are 200 varieties, and they are divided into 8 tribes. Some will immediately become your friends, and will accompany you during the passage. But the trust of others still needs to be earned, and this can be done in battle. If youkai is impressed with your technique and skill, he will offer his favor and even give you a medal.

The collection of medals is stored in the Medallion album, and the larger the collection, the more impressive your army of spirits. However, there will be those who cannot be tamed so quickly. But offering them a favorite treat can help a lot.

When the moment of battle comes, only six youkai can be placed on the field, while only three can be active. If someone is seriously injured, there is a replacement for one of those who sat out in reserve.

To make the attack especially effective, equip them with different items, and also place representatives of the same tribe side by side. They perform their actions on their own after you specify the object of reprisal. Each of the spirits can inflict a particularly powerful blow on the enemy - a "breakthrough of the soul", but in order for it to become possible, you will have to play a mini-game. There is nothing complicated in it: spin the wheel harder, draw a figure, catch flying balls.

In addition to the fact that Yokai Watch games are presented online for free, and you can enjoy your favorite theme, it is easy to create your own Yokai here. After crossing friendly spirits to you, get a new one with the best performance his "parents".

The Japanese developers of Yo-Kai Watch Studio Level-5 took as the basis for the plot the fact that everything and everyone on the planet has a soul. Including animals, plants and even stones. There are already three games of this theme that are equally interesting to play for children and adults. This is a kind of analogue of Pokemon and all similar games.

Starting the passage of Yo-Kai Watch, first choose your partner. There is a boy, Nate, and a girl, Katie. And now welcome to the adventures of the city of Springdale. The male character is looking for bugs for his school project, so he wandered into the woods and found an old souvenir vending machine there. He threw a coin there, and a creature unknown to him before appeared.

New Yo-Kai Watch games

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Whisper's Narrative

A strange eccentric told the hero that his world is full of "youkai". These are ghosts that are good and evil, like in a cartoon. Spirits can influence human emotions, for example, make someone swear or laugh. And then a new acquaintance gave the boy a Yo-Kai Watch. They allow you to look at the ghostly world and see all youkai.

This device has a radar that shows the location of the nearest such "comrade", and when the arrow starts to play pranks, this is a signal to start hunting. Along the way, positive personalities will come across, they voluntarily join your team, while others will have a chance to fight. If you manage to impress your opponent, he will make friends with you and give you a special medal.

With it, you can activate this baby in Yo-Kai Watch games for other confrontations. Keep all the rewards in the "Medallium" album and fill in its pages until you have 8 tribes out of 200 species. Some victims will have to be coaxed with treats to keep them from getting angry.

The combat system of the game

There are many manuals in Russian describing it in detail. According to the rules, six of your fighters can fight at the same time, but only three attack at once. All battles of the game Yo-Kai Watch unfold in real time. So, it is desirable to download the application.

It is also possible to activate special feints "impulses of the soul", but for this you must first catch a few spheres or spin the wheel. Equip your army to become more efficient. Gradually, she will become much stronger. Especially when you start crossing individual individuals with each other and with objects. Experiment and collect a unique collection.

Don't even try to make contact with the bosses, just defeat them. Enjoy dynamic skirmishes, bright graphics, dive into the abyss of unusual rivalry and have a great time.

Japan is an amazing country. Here, high technology goes hand in hand with ancient traditions. The Japanese daily use the most advanced electronics and other fruits of modern science, but at the same time they do not forget about the spiritual world. Take at least Shintoism - deeply national religion, perfectly embodying the culture, character and customs of the Japanese nation. Most of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that in many things there is some kind of spiritual essence, in other words, the soul. From the point of view of the Japanese, not only a person or, for example, a cat, but also a tree, a stone and the sun can have a soul, and it is best to live in harmony and understanding with spirits. It is this philosophy that formed the basis of the new Yo-Kai Watch game for the Nintendo 3DS handheld console.

I really like the Japanese studio Level-5. At one time I was fascinated by her games such as Dark Chronicle and Rogue Galaxy for the PlayStation 2, Jeanne d'Arc for the PSP, and of course my favorite Professor Layton series for the handheld Nintendo DS. But at some point, the studio management realized that since Pokémon games are insanely popular in Japan, it’s a sin not to try to make money on this. The first wake-up call for me was the game Ni No Kuni, created in collaboration with animation studio Ghibli ("Spirited Away", "My Neighbor Totoro", etc.). In it, the protagonist collected and trained fabulous creatures, who then helped him fight various monsters. Back then, I thought it was a neat test of the ground for future studio franchises that would heavily exploit the "Collect 'Em All!" model established by the Pokémon series.

And so it happened. In 2013, the Nintendo 3DS game Yo-Kai Watch appeared on the shelves of Japanese stores, in which the player was asked to collect magical creatures Yo-Kai (Yokai). The game, as expected, attracted the attention of Japanese gamers, and then the number of fans of the new franchise suddenly began to grow exponentially. Pretty quickly, the game sold a fantastic 1.3 million copies for a new IP. Of course, the management of the Level-5 studio seized the opportunity to squeeze out their new franchise to the maximum, so the advertising campaign for the game was accompanied by the release of the animated series of the same name, manga, as well as a huge amount of souvenirs.

To date, three numbered games of the main Yo-Kai Watch series have been released in Japan, as well as several spinoffs and crossovers with other series, such as a special version of Just Dance with Yokai and music from the original game. The franchise literally enslaved the minds of the Japanese, and these games are played today by both old and young. This brings multimillion-dollar profits to developers, and fans look forward to new games and sweep any Yo-Kai Watch merchandise from store shelves. In fact, Level-5 managed to create their own Pokémon from scratch and in the shortest possible time, which certainly deserves respect. Yes, but something tells me that in the future the studio will focus exclusively on such "Pokémon-like games" that bring them fabulous income, and this is not very good.

The first game of the Yo-Kai Watch series reached Russia only three years after the Japanese release. In the US, the game was released a little earlier - in November 2015, and on the shelves of European countries it will appear only on April 29. So, let's try to understand what exactly in this game captivated the Japanese so much, and whether Level-5 will be able to enslave the minds of Western and European players, given the specific style of the game and its gameplay. So, at the very beginning, the player is offered to choose who the main character will be - the boy Nate or the girl Katie. I decided to play as a boy. The game takes place in a town called Springdale, but despite the American name, it is immediately clear that this is, without a doubt, a Japanese settlement.

In search of rare beetles for the school scientific project, Nate wanders into the wilderness and finds a rusty souvenir vending machine. The boy threw a coin into the machine, but instead of a toy, a funny creature flew out of it, introducing itself as Whisper. It told Nate that the human world has been inhabited since ancient times by the so-called "youkai" - ghosts that can be both good and evil. But the most interesting thing in this whole story is that youkai directly affect the human world with their mood, projecting their own emotions onto it. If two people are arguing for no reason, then there must be an angry youkai lurking nearby. And if universal happiness and peace suddenly descended on someone, then somewhere not far from him a kind ghost flew by.

Whisper gives his new friend a special Yo-Kai Watch that will allow Nate to see the ghostly world, as well as look for youkai hiding in the nooks and crannies. The clock has a built-in radar that can indicate which side of the protagonist is the nearest youkai. Approaching him, the arrow on the clock starts to go off scale, which means that it's time to hunt. The flip top of the watch is a thick convex lens through which Nate can see ghosts. You just need to look around through this lens at the place where the radar took you to find a spirit hiding from naked eyes.

Found youkai are quite friendly and willingly join your team, but sometimes you have to engage in combat with them. If youkai is impressed by how you perform in battle, after the duel he will offer you his friendship and give you a special medal. Thanks to her, this youkai can be used in all subsequent battles. Nate puts medals into a special album "Medallium", gradually filling its pages. All yokai are divided into 8 separate tribes, and in total there are more than 200 different yokai in the game that the player has to find and make his friends. If a hostile youkai refuses to be your friend, try to appease him during the duel with his favorite food.

The combat system in the game is quite original. You can use six youkai in combat, but only three of them can attack opponents at the same time. The bottom screen of the Nintendo 3DS console shows a wheel with six segments, each of which can hold one Yokai Medal. The top three youkai are those in this moment fight enemies. The bottom three are the bench. If any of youkai are seriously injured in combat, you spin the wheel so that your spare characters come to the fore, while the injured can be patched up in complete safety with healing items or magic. Remember that youkai youkai that are stored in your Medallion can only be replaced by special youkai assistants that live in Springdale's shops.

The duel takes place in real time, youkai attack opponents on their own, but the player can specify which of the enemies on the screen should be attacked at the moment. The player can also order a specific yokai to perform a particularly powerful Soul Break attack unique to them. To perform such an attack, you will have to play a small mini-game using the stylus: draw on the screen geometric figure, catch a few flying spheres with the tip of the stylus, or spin the wheel as much as possible. Don't forget to equip your youkai with special items that increase their effectiveness in combat. It will also be useful to place youkai from the same tribe next to each other on the segment wheel, since in this case they are guaranteed serious bonuses to the main parameters.

Over time, you will be able to make your youkai much stronger. Two different youkai can be bred with each other using "fusion". The result will be a completely new creature that combines the best features of its "ancestors". Do not be afraid to experiment, as some youkai can be collected in several pieces in your collection, so there is no shortage of materials for experiments. The second way to strengthen your fighters is "synthesis". Youkai can be crossed not only with another spirit, but also with any object, while improving its characteristics and expanding the list of skills. The classic evolution in the spirit of Pokemon has not been canceled either. As youkai levels up, they will be able to take on a more mature, matured form.

Don't discount the terrible bosses you'll have to fight from time to time. Each such fight requires you to carefully prepare and does not tolerate mistakes, otherwise you will have to start everything from the last entry. Each boss has specific weak points that you should point out to your youkai in time during the fight. Bosses, unfortunately, cannot be tamed, re-educated or made your friends. But you will remember these exhausting long fights for quite a long time.

The plot of the game develops as the player completes individual missions. If the story missions are interesting enough, such as closing a magical gate to prevent evil youkai from entering our world, or finding parts to upgrade your youkai watch, then the sidequests are pretty repetitive and boring. As a rule, residents of the town of Springdale are asked to find and bring them something to eat, drink, and so on. Searching all over the city for a Diet Coke machine at the request of a little girl's mother who is suddenly thirsty, or feeding a hungry youkai hamburgers is only interesting the first few times. Then such sidequests start to become boring and even annoying. In general, Yo-Kai Watch is the perfect game to play in small sessions. I completed the mission at lunchtime - I closed the prefix and put it in my backpack. I continued the game already on the way home from work in a bus or subway car. Considering that many Japanese play in such “snatched” ways, most likely, the developers originally planned a similar approach to gameplay.

The town of Springdale and its environs is quite spacious open world, in which the player is free to go wherever he pleases. And yet, some places are closed for the time being, and in order to get there, you will first have to upgrade your team of youkai. When exploring the dark alleys of the city, don't forget to look under vending machines, cars, various boxes and even garbage cans - especially rare youkai can hide there, as well as valuable items. At night, be extremely careful, because at night such powerful ghosts roam the city that it is easier to run away from them than to fight them. In addition to catching youkai and digging through garbage cans, the player can entertain themselves in several other ways. For example, you can do fishing or expanding its collection of rare beetles.

I was very pleased with the variety of youkai and their unique abilities. Each yokai is a completely extraordinary creature with its own history and character. Take, for example, the ghost of the cat Dzibanyan (he probably has Armenian roots), who was once run over by a truck to death, and since then he has been honing his combat skills in order to one day take revenge on the evil trucks for taking his life. Or, for example, Baku - a scary-looking purple elephant that feeds on human nightmares. The game becomes even more interesting when you discover the terrible truth: some youkai are able to take the form of a person and live among us. Among the youkai there are inveterate criminals who must be caught and defeated three times in a row. After that, they will correct themselves, become your friends and give you a letter from the secret password. The remaining letters can be exchanged with other players, and having collected the entire password, you need to go to the post office and present it to the post office employee and receive a gift.

In the Wanderer's House, where wandering youkai often stop to rest, you can receive various gifts from them. These yokai belong to the players you met through StreetPass, so the game actively motivates you to meet new people and walk around your hometown with a Nintendo 3DS in your pocket or backpack. Communication with other players is not limited to friendly exchange. You can fight them by finding out whose youkai team is stronger. To fight other "breeders", you need to go to the Lambert post office, and then choose a place for the upcoming fight. However, this is where the multiplayer features of the game end.

Visually, Yo-Kai Watch looks attractive, if you do not forget that this is a project for a pocket set-top box with a main screen resolution of 400 by 240 pixels (this is clearly visible from the screenshots in my review). Bright, juicy colors, high-quality animation inserts that reveal the plot, colorful characters and charming yokai - all this sets the player in the right mood. The game is very good and educational. Even the most evil creatures, the protagonist, over time, is able to re-educate and direct their energy to do good deeds. The game raises such important issues as friendship, growing up, relationships between parents and children, so the game may seem interesting even to people who are very far from video games.

A noticeably weak point of the game is its controversial interface. Despite the fact that Yo-Kai Watch is sharpened for using a stylus, sometimes you want to play the old fashioned way, using ordinary buttons. But if you can move around the city with the help of the D-Pad without any problems, then in battle you simply cannot do without a stylus. Pressing the screen with your fingers is extremely inconvenient, and in combat mini-games you will only lose time and miss the opportunity to strike the enemy with a crushing blow. In addition, I was sorely lacking control over the course of the battle. Everything seems to be necessary tools given to the player, but you feel like just a spectator. Also, the yokai statistics are extremely inconveniently implemented in the game. In the Medallion, you can learn their strengths and weaknesses, as well as learn unique special moves. But during the fight you will not have any clues at hand, so you have to keep all this information in your head, which is quite annoying.

According to hi-news

The combat system in the game is quite original. You can use six youkai in combat, but only three of them can attack opponents at the same time. The bottom screen of the Nintendo 3DS console shows a wheel with six segments, each of which can hold one Yokai Medal. The top three youkai are the ones that are currently fighting enemies. The bottom three are the bench. If any of youkai are seriously injured in combat, you spin the wheel so that your spare characters come to the fore, while the injured can be patched up in complete safety with healing items or magic. Remember that youkai youkai in the wheel can only be replaced with those stored in your Medallion with special youkai assistants that live in Springdale's shops.

The duel takes place in real time, youkai attack opponents on their own, but the player can specify which of the enemies on the screen should be attacked at the moment. The player can also order a specific yokai to perform a particularly powerful Soul Break attack unique to them. To perform such an attack, you will have to play a small mini-game using the stylus: draw a geometric figure on the screen, catch a few flying spheres with the tip of the stylus, or spin the wheel as much as possible. Don't forget to equip your youkai with special items that increase their effectiveness in combat. It will also be useful to place youkai from the same tribe next to each other on the segment wheel, since in this case they are guaranteed serious bonuses to the main parameters.

Over time, you will be able to make your youkai much stronger. Two different youkai can be bred with each other using "fusion". The result will be a completely new creature that combines the best features of its "ancestors". Do not be afraid to experiment, as some youkai can be collected in several pieces in your collection, so there is no shortage of materials for experiments. The second way to strengthen your fighters is "synthesis". Youkai can be crossed not only with another spirit, but also with any object, while improving its characteristics and expanding the list of skills. The classic evolution in the spirit of Pokemon has not been canceled either. As youkai levels up, they will be able to take on a more mature, matured form.

Don't discount the terrible bosses you'll have to fight from time to time. Each such fight requires you to carefully prepare and does not tolerate mistakes, otherwise you will have to start everything from the last entry. Each boss has specific weak points that you should point out to your youkai in time during the fight. Bosses, unfortunately, cannot be tamed, re-educated or made your friends. But you will remember these exhausting long fights for quite a long time.

The plot of the game develops as the player completes individual missions. If the story missions are interesting enough, such as closing a magical gate to prevent evil youkai from entering our world, or finding parts to upgrade your youkai watch, then the sidequests are pretty repetitive and boring. As a rule, residents of the town of Springdale are asked to find and bring them something to eat, drink, and so on. Searching all over the city for a Diet Coke machine at the request of a little girl's mother who is suddenly thirsty, or feeding a hungry youkai hamburgers is only interesting the first few times. Then such sidequests start to become boring and even annoying. In general, Yo-Kai Watch is the perfect game to play in small sessions. I completed the mission at lunchtime - I closed the prefix and put it in my backpack. I continued the game already on the way home from work in a bus or subway car. Considering that many Japanese people play in such “snatches”, most likely, the developers initially planned a similar approach to the gameplay.

The town of Springdale and its surroundings is a fairly spacious open world in which the player is free to go wherever he pleases. And yet, some places are closed for the time being, and in order to get there, you will first have to upgrade your team of youkai. When exploring the dark alleys of the city, don't forget to look under vending machines, cars, various boxes and even garbage cans - especially rare youkai can hide there, as well as valuable items. At night, be extremely careful, because at night such powerful ghosts roam the city that it is easier to run away from them than to fight them. In addition to catching youkai and digging through garbage cans, the player can entertain themselves in several other ways. For example, you can go fishing or expand your collection of rare beetles.

I was very pleased with the variety of youkai and their unique abilities. Each yokai is a completely extraordinary creature with its own history and character. Take, for example, the ghost of the cat Dzibanyan (he probably has Armenian roots), who was once run over by a truck to death, and since then he has been honing his combat skills in order to one day take revenge on the evil trucks for taking his life. Or, for example, Baku - a scary-looking purple elephant that feeds on human nightmares. The game becomes even more interesting when you discover the terrible truth: some youkai are able to take the form of a person and live among us. Among the youkai there are inveterate criminals who must be caught and defeated three times in a row. After that, they will correct themselves, become your friends and give you a letter from the secret password. The remaining letters can be exchanged with other players, and having collected the entire password, you need to go to the post office and present it to the post office employee and receive a gift.

In the Wanderer's House, where wandering youkai often stop to rest, you can receive various gifts from them. These yokai belong to the players you met through StreetPass, so the game actively motivates you to meet new people and walk around your hometown with a Nintendo 3DS in your pocket or backpack. Communication with other players is not limited to friendly exchange. You can fight them by finding out whose youkai team is stronger. To fight other "breeders", you need to go to the Lambert post office, and then choose a place for the upcoming fight. However, this is where the multiplayer features of the game end.

Visually, Yo-Kai Watch looks attractive, if you do not forget that this is a project for a pocket set-top box with a main screen resolution of 400 by 240 pixels (this is clearly visible from the screenshots in my review). Bright, juicy colors, high-quality animation inserts that reveal the plot, colorful characters and charming yokai - all this sets the player in the right mood. The game is very good and educational. Even the most evil creatures, the protagonist, over time, is able to re-educate and direct their energy to do good deeds. The game raises such important issues as friendship, growing up, relationships between parents and children, so the game may seem interesting even to people who are very far from video games.

A noticeably weak point of the game is its controversial interface. Despite the fact that Yo-Kai Watch is designed for use, sometimes you want to play the old fashioned way, using ordinary buttons. But if you can move around the city with the help of the D-Pad without any problems, then in battle you simply cannot do without a stylus. Pressing the screen with your fingers is extremely inconvenient, and in combat mini-games you will only lose time and miss the opportunity to strike the enemy with a crushing blow. In addition, I was sorely lacking control over the course of the battle. It seems that all the necessary tools are provided to the player, but you feel like just a spectator. Also, the yokai statistics are extremely inconveniently implemented in the game. In the Medallion, you can learn their strengths and weaknesses, as well as learn unique special moves. But during the fight you will not have any clues at hand, so you have to keep all this information in your head, which is quite annoying.


  • The game captivates with bright cartoon style.
  • An incredible amount of diverse game content.
  • Cool, unusual, funny, long-lasting youkai.
  • The atmosphere and life of modern Japan is perfectly conveyed.
  • There is an opportunity to measure strength with other players.
  • It will take a lot of sweat to collect a complete collection of youkai.
  • Very exciting and difficult fights with powerful bosses.
  • The game is designed for short gaming sessions.


  • You have to keep a lot of information in your head.
  • From time to time you realize that you have a Pokémon clone in front of you.
  • There is an acute lack of control over the course of the battle.
  • Controlling the game is impossible without using a stylus.
  • Monotonous "bring-give" quests quickly get bored.

So, what conclusions did I draw after spending more than a dozen hours in the game? Yo-Kai Watch - which has every chance to please both adults and children at the same time (provided that they at least superficially know English language). As for me, this game feels more pleasant and more diverse than Pokemon, although it repeats this series in many ways. In addition to the undoubted advantages, such as an attractive visual style, memorable characters and an unusual plot, the game is not without tangible drawbacks. A conflicting interface and controversial auto-combat system can keep you from fully enjoying the game. However, the advantages in this case definitely outweigh the cons, so I bet the game 8 points out of 10.