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Hotline with Vladimir Putin: what questions did the Russians ask? What funny questions were asked on the direct line to Putin? Answer direct line questions

In 2017, “Direct Line” with Vladimir Putin held for the 15th anniversary.

Since the first communication in a similar format, which took place on December 24, 2001, the total number of questions that Putin answered is approaching a thousand.

Depending on the situation in the country and the world, the topics that concerned citizens changed. Only one thing did not change - each time they asked quite original questions that were remembered for a long time.

How it all started

At the very beginning of the Direct Line format, there weren’t that many questions that were out of the ordinary. But the Russians learned that by calling the head of state, they can really solve their most pressing problems.

In 2001, a resident of the Kazachie-Malevannyi village, having reached the president, asked when the main gas would be installed to them. The answer came half an hour later from Gazprom: gas would appear on the farm in a month.

In 2002, a schoolgirl from Birobidzhan complained to Putin that in the city for the New Year, not a real, but an artificial spruce was installed in the central square. The President asked the Governor of the Jewish Autonomous Region to please the population with a real Christmas tree.

The Awakening of Cthulhu and the President's First Sex

But the truly original questions were asked to Putin in 2006. Here it should be noted that the president answered them within the framework of an Internet conference, that is, in the format that has now actually merged with Direct Line.

Question: Is the Russian Federation going to use huge combat humanoid robots to defend its borders?

Answer: Maybe it will come to robots. But this is impossible without human participation. The main thing is the border guard.

Question: — How do you feel about the awakening of Cthulhu?

Answer: - In general, I am suspicious of all otherworldly forces. If anyone wants to contact true values, then it’s better to read the Bible, Talmud or Koran. There will be more benefits.

Question: Do you remember when you had your first sex?

Answer: - I don’t remember. And I remember exactly when I did it in last time. I can determine it to the minute.

“Is it really you? Were you there before too?”

Of course, it’s difficult to surpass the imagination of the uninhibited Internet audience. But it is possible.

In 2007, Putin got through to a woman with whom the president had the following dialogue live:

Putin: - I’m listening to you, good afternoon!

Woman: Is that you?

Putin: - Me!

Woman: Is it really you? And you were there before too, right?

Putin: - And before there was me.

Woman: - Oh, Lord, thank you very much for everything!

“I don’t use yogurt, I drink kefir”

During the 2009 Direct Line, one of the hot topics was linguistics, in particular, proposals for reforming the Russian language.

Question: — How do you feel, for example, about the reform of the Russian language? Do you use Yogurt for food or socializing?

Answer: - I don’t use yogurt or yogurt, I drink kefir. But in general, this is, of course, a matter for specialists.

During the same “Direct Line”, Putin received an offer to enter eternity.

Question: - Would you like to live as long as you want, as long as you want? If you want to enter eternity as a citizen of planet Earth, call the contact number.... Dolgov Sergey Mikhailovich.

Answer: - Dear Sergei Mikhailovich, I am proud to be a citizen Russian Federation. This is quite enough.

The most striking quotes from “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”

“Will Russia help the US after its collapse?”

In general, the year 2009 became very rich in questions of an original nature. For example, about who Putin feels happier with.

Question: — Lately, we often see you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, with tigers, leopards and whales on TV and in photographs. You look happier in this company than with the ministers. Is it just so it seems, or is it so?

Answer: - In my opinion, Frederick the Great, one of the Prussian kings said: “The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs.” But this has nothing to do with my relationships either with ministers, or with my friends, with colleagues. I just love all living creatures, I love animals. And I must say that I simply take advantage of this opportunity of my current official position in order to solve some of the problems that arise especially acutely.

The most important geopolitical question was also asked in 2009.

Question: Will Russia help the United States after its collapse?

Answer: - If this happens, it won’t be enough for you and me. The USA is the world's largest economic power. We have many connections with this country; it is one of our significant partners. World economy by invisible threads is very closely connected with the US economy.

“Are you skipping stupid questions?”

In the same year, the question was asked about what exactly Vladimir Vladimirovich does with unexpected questions.

Question: Do you skip stupid questions?

Answer: - This is a question via SMS. We have gathered to discuss serious problems, so I want to ask the author of this question: what category of questions does he himself classify his question in?

“When will everything be fine in Russia?”

In 2011, Putin was asked perhaps the most pressing and specific question in the entire history of Direct Line.

Question: Why is everything so bad in Sarapul?

Answer: - I don’t know, you should definitely watch it. This, in my opinion, is somewhere near Izhevsk. We will work on Sarapul separately.

In 2013, Putin had to answer a similar question, but only on an all-Russian scale.

Question: — When will everything be fine in Russia?

Answer: - When will everything be fine? People who like to drink say that it’s impossible to drink all the vodka, but you have to strive for it. Things will probably never be okay. But we will strive for this.

“Faina Ivanovna, why do you need Alaska?”

In 2014 main theme The “direct line” was the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Pensioner Faina Ivanovna suggested we go further.

Question: Are there any plans to annex Alaska to Russia? We would be very happy.

Answer: - Faina Ivanovna, dear, why do you need Alaska? We are a northern country. 70% of our territory belongs to the regions of the North and the Far North. Is Alaska really in the southern hemisphere? It's cold too. Let's not get excited.

“Would Obama save you if you were drowning?”

In 2014, a 6-year-old girl Albina asked a question related to politics and saving drowning people.

Question: Would Obama save you if you were drowning?

Answer: “I wouldn’t want this to happen to me, but in general, in addition to state relations, there are personal ones, and Obama is a courageous person, I think he would do it.”

In 2016, the topic of water rescue was further developed thanks to the 12-year Varya Kuznetsova.

Question: - If they were drowning Poroshenko And Erdogan, who would Vladimir Vladimirovich save?

Answer: - Varya, you are putting me in a difficult position. If someone decides to drown, it is no longer possible to save him. But we are ready to extend a hand of help and friendship to any of our partners if he wants it.

“Strike against the lack of road and sloppiness!”

In 2016, the topic of participation of Russian military personnel in the operation in Syria was relevant. A MEPhI student named Nikita reflected it in his question.

Question: What other enemies of Russia will our Aerospace Forces hit?

Answer: - First of all, we need to hit the impassability and sloppiness!

Several days have passed since the next “Direct Line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Internet began to discuss the brightest moments of this broadcast. We noted the responses of the head of state on the topics of gasoline, amnesty, and questions from bloggers. An interesting question was about the receiver and why the meat of a cow is called beef.

It is already a tradition to discuss the “Direct Line” with the President of Russia after it has been held. Interesting moments immediately appear, some of them were not noticed immediately.

Even before the start of Direct Line, the most popular questions that Russians ask the head of state were known. Among the first such requests was the question of rising gasoline prices.

On Direct Line, a driver from St. Petersburg asked the president why fuel prices were rising and asked him to somehow stop them:

“We made such a big choice on March 18, the whole country voted for you, and you cannot stop the prices of gasoline.”

The President explained that the rise in prices is a regulatory mistake, but the issue is already being resolved and a conversation has already been held with large companies. Moreover, a bill will be submitted to the State Duma that will allow the government to increase export duties on fuel if the agreements are not respected.

Answering the question of the new government’s ability to make a breakthrough for Russia in the economy and other areas, the president said that it was this composition of the Cabinet that developed the system for this breakthrough and it was he who must bring the matter to completion.

Putin believes that if the government were 100% new, it would take at least 2 years to formulate the already set task, which Russia does not have.

On Direct Line, the President answered questions from bloggers

During the live broadcast in 2018, volunteers in the studio and bloggers who were in one of the Moscow City buildings could ask their questions.

Young people asked many interesting questions to the head of state. For example, blogger Huseyn Hasanov asked the president about the closure of such popular services as YouTube and Instagram.

Putin responded that there are no plans to close these Internet services. He said that he was well acquainted with the situation with Telegram, recalling that the intelligence services could not study the correspondence of the terrorists who blew up the device in the St. Petersburg metro because of the encrypted chat.

Gasanov’s colleague Natalya Krasnova asked the president whether blogging will become a full-fledged profession in the future. The President said that the state is interested in this and it makes sense to talk about it in terms of enshrining it at the legislative level.

In turn, another Russian blogger Andrei Glazunov asked the president about the possible development of electric cars in Russia. Putin said that this issue is primarily related to the organization of charging stations for such cars throughout the Russian Federation.

The most interesting questions of Direct Line with Putin

While communicating with Russians, the president was asked questions by the presenters, but he himself wrote out messages on the installed screens. At some point, the head of state decided to answer them.

Putin was interested in the question: “Why is bark meat called beef?” He forwarded it to the ex-minister agriculture RF Alexei Gordeev, and now Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for Agriculture, but even such a specialist could not immediately answer this question.

One of the hosts asked the president about the latest joke he heard. In response, Putin said that he did not remember the most recent successful joke, but he remembered a not entirely successful one. According to him, one of the Western publications wrote that Russia influenced the US presidential election. In response, Trump gave Moscow Europe.

When asked about raising the retirement age, the head of state replied that he was cautious about this. Putin said that the key task in at the moment— improve the well-being of pensioners.

When asked about a successor, the president replied that he was thinking about the younger generation, who could be entrusted with Russia, and the head of state would be chosen by the people.

MOSCOW, April 14 – RIA Novosti. The next “direct line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, held on Thursday, lasted 3 hours 40 minutes. During this time, the head of state managed to answer 80 questions. Russians actively took advantage of the opportunity to ask the president about pressing problems: in total, the president received 2.5 million questions, with about 2.5 thousand questions received every minute.

Key statements by Vladimir Putin during the “direct line”President Putin’s striking statements during this year’s “direct line” touched upon the leaders of the United States, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as the sensational offshore scandal and domestic Russian problems.

The main emphasis during communication with the president was on internal political and internal economic issues. The Russians went over the main “pain points” of the domestic agenda, asking questions to the head of state about the current state of the economy, rising prices for food and medicine, inflation, delayed wages and cuts in social institutions. Not without such an eternal problem as the condition of the roads.

Nevertheless, Russians were actively interested in international issues: during the “direct line” almost all key issues were raised foreign policy and the hottest topics on the international agenda. Putin answered questions about the situation in Syria, the settlement in Donbass and Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian-American relations and Ukraine.

During the “direct line” inclusions were made from Crimea, Sakhalin, Voronezh region, Tomsk and Tula. An innovation of this “direct line” was video questions. According to experts, the main features of today’s “direct line” with the president were the change in the course of public requests and government responses from foreign policy issues to domestic Russian ones, as well as the conciliatory and calm tone of the head of state.

Traditional television "direct lines" appeared during Putin's first presidential term. The first took place on December 24, 2001. The record for the longest duration was the “line” of 2013, which lasted 4 hours and 47 minutes. The event was not held in 2004 and 2012.


Western users about the “direct line”: our politicians would not dareMost Western leaders are unlikely to be able to answer questions from citizens during a few hours of live broadcast without preparation, according to readers of leading media outlets.

First of all, Russians were interested in the current situation in the Russian economy. Vladimir Putin noted that the situation has not yet improved, but there are positive trends. According to the president, the Russian government expects that the economy will grow by 1.4% in 2017, and a slight decline of 0.3% will remain this year.

At the same time, Putin said that he is against turning on the “printing press”: according to the head of state, the main thing is not to print money, but to change the structure of the economy. In difficult economic conditions, the government is not thinking about how to print more money, but is trying to raise the income of the population, he added.

“The real discussions are focused on something completely different: the main thing is how to ensure an influx of investment, how to increase efficiency and how to ensure demand, that is, raise the incomes of the population. And here the government is now thinking about this, most recently we discussed these issues, how to provide assistance to the most vulnerable categories of citizens ", Putin said.

According to the president, if Russia spends reserve funds, as last year, and does not replenish them, then the funds will last for some time. The head of state also commented on the rise in food prices, expressing hope that this phenomenon is temporary and did not rule out that food prices could gradually decrease due to import substitution. He also promised that the government would deal with rising prices for cheap medicines; this issue could be resolved within 1.5-2 months.

In addition, the president noted the need to expand the powers of the Federal Antimonopoly Service to control retail chains.

During the “direct line,” Putin also commented on the privatization of large Russian assets, which, according to him, in conditions of low stock exchange prices is not something unusual.

“Why in a falling market? Firstly, because money is needed, and secondly, this is the most important thing, we will look for a strategic partner who understands and is confident that there is no need to be stingy when purchasing, there is, say, 19% of shares.” “Rosneft,” you don’t need to pay attention to today’s quotes, but you need to look into the future. If we find such a partner, and I think this is possible, despite the falling market, then we will take this step of privatization,” the president said.

"Direct Line" with Putin: inflation, terrorism, sanctions and the "Panama Papers"Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with Russians for the fourteenth time on the air of the country’s central television channels and radio stations. Watch the video of the key statements of the head of state during the “direct line”.

There was also talk about the quality of Russian roads, which Russians are accustomed to complaining about. Putin spoke out against the idea of ​​the Ministry of Finance to transfer all funds from the increase in excise taxes on fuel to the federal budget. According to the president, half - 40 billion rubles - should be left with the regions, and this will have a positive impact on the quality of roads. The head of state also proposed to “colorize” expenses from regional road funds so that they are not directed to other purposes, but go specifically to the construction and major repairs of roads.


A considerable part of the questions concerned domestic policy. Vladimir Putin commented on the upcoming Duma elections, calling on all Russians to come to the vote to get the power they want.

“If people who want to vote for United Russia or want to vote for some other candidate whom they consider worthy, take their responsibilities as voters responsibly, then we will get the power that the country wants. And that’s why I’m all- I would still support those who come, want to come and are going to come to the polling stations and vote in the elections of deputies to the State Duma,” the president said during the “direct line”.

Putin emphasized the extremely important role of " United Russia", but, according to him, the party in power does not have preferences in the State Duma elections. Commenting on his possible participation in the 2018 presidential elections, he said that he had not yet made a decision in this regard.

“No, this does not mean that I made such a decision for myself. But it means that we must adjust our medium- and long-term plans, without this no country can live, and Russia will not live,” Putin told reporters. answering the question whether it can be understood that he decided to run for president in 2018.

Security and law enforcement agencies

During the “direct line,” the president also commented on his recent decision to create the National Guard on the basis of internal troops and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will combat extremism, terrorism, organized crime, and ensure public safety.

“This issue (the creation of the National Guard) has been discussed for a very long time... The first and, perhaps, main thing that underlies this decision is the need to place arms circulation in the country under special control,” he said.

He also expressed hope that this decision will reduce the costs of maintaining intelligence services.

“We expect that we will be able to increase the efficiency of this work and reduce the costs of maintaining various services. This position was actively pursued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. By optimizing structures, primarily managerial and staff appointments, this also applies to the fact that should take place in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the National Guard itself,” Putin said.

Speaking about cutting costs, the president noted the need to “suppress the appetites” of the law enforcement agencies, but emphasized that this does not apply to defense orders.

Weapon sales

During the “direct line” the topic of Russian arms supplies abroad did not go unnoticed. Putin said that he expects the Russian Federation to continue concluding arms supply contracts with foreign partners.

“So it will be,” the president said, answering the question of how Russia can consolidate the success of Russian military equipment, which was demonstrated during the Russian Aerospace Forces’ operation in Syria, in order to continue concluding supply contracts with foreign partners.

At the same time, he noted that Russia continues to occupy a stable second place after the United States in arms exports, the total order portfolio for the coming years is about $50 billion, the president said.

"We occupy a stable second place. The first place is occupied by the United States - they sell the most weapons. We are now a little behind them - not much. But behind us the gap is very large - there is already a difference there by several times. Last year we sold about 14 5 billion dollars in weapons. The total portfolio of orders for the coming years is about 50 billion dollars. So in this regard, everything is on the rise,” the president said.

International issues

During the “direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin,” Russians were interested not only in domestic political topics: many questions were also asked on international issues, in particular, about the situation in Syria and relations with Turkey and the United States.

Today at exactly 12 o'clock Moscow time the 16th “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” will take place and the first in his new presidential term. This year's direct line features innovations - there are no spectators in the hall, and regional governors are in touch in case the president needs to get answers to requests from Russians. At the beginning of Direct Line, the number of calls exceeded 2 million.

20:20 Final question from the presenter. What words could you say to people today that would not leave anyone indifferent and motivate them to make a breakthrough?
Putin: We must gather all resources into a fist. We can only do this if we work together. And in order to achieve results today, we need to emancipate people as much as possible, only free people can do this, so we need to develop the political system.

The presenter asked whether the head of state is lonely on the political Olympus in the absence of competitors?
Putin: You can achieve positive results only by relying on a team of like-minded people. I have such a team.

20:17 The President was asked if he was thinking about a successor.
Putin: I always think about this, but the president will be chosen by the Russian people.

20:13 We are in touch with St. Petersburg, the Military Medical Academy, where Irina, a woman who suffered in Syria while covering her children, is undergoing treatment. The prosthetics she needs can only be obtained by Russian citizens.
Putin: You will receive citizenship.

Residents of the village of Staraya Suraika in Altai are asked not to close their only school.
Putin: How many students do you have at school? 47 people? Not so sparse.
Governor of the Altai Territory Viktor Tomchenko: There are no plans to close this shokla; there is probably some kind of information failure. The school has a future, and so does the village.

20:02 A question from a student from Lobnya who is interested in whether there will be new mandatory exams?
Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva is in touch: Yes, we plan to introduce a pilot on foreign language. IN modern world without international language communication is impossible. As for history, the issue is still being discussed.

20:00 A question from a participant in the “Ask Putin a Question” competition in China. The 15-year-old winner asks whether Putin has ridden high-speed trains in China and whether similar developments are planned in Russia.
Putin: We are developing a project for the construction of a highway between Moscow and Kazan together with our Chinese partners.

19:57 Question about the exchange of journalist Vyshinsky for director Sentsov.
Putin: Vyshinsky was arrested for the direct performance of his professional duties, and Sentsov for preparing a terrorist act. We will achieve the release of a Russian journalist in Ukraine.

19:54 Question from Kerch. Will food prices be reduced?
Putin: Prices for some goods and services in Crimea are lower than in neighboring regions, and for others they are higher. Once the bridge is launched, prices should stabilize.

19:48 Departure to the Crimean Bridge. One of the drivers asks whether there are plans to increase funding for road construction and improvement, and new large-scale construction projects.
Putin: One of the priority tasks for the next six years is road construction. Regional highways should also be in decent condition, not just federal ones.

19:43 Question from a teacher from Yakutia about the salary, which was first increased, and then returned back after three months.
Putin: The issue will be discussed at a government meeting. Wages will no longer fall.

19:35 Questions from the ticker.
What are Shoigu’s awards for? (For success in work); Why aren't women accepted into warrant officer school? (Women now serve in the army very successfully); Why are the roads in Mozdok terrible? (This is one of the problems not only in Mozdok); Why do officials receive treatment abroad (We need to develop our healthcare system so that not only officials, but all citizens can receive quality medical care from us); When will there be a bridge to Sakhalin? (We will keep in mind geopolitical circumstances and the need for infrastructure development);

Question about landfills. Volunteers said that garbage is dumped in closed landfills.
Putin: This is truly a pressing issue, and we are paying more and more attention to it. By 2024, 200 waste disposal plants should be built in Russia.
Minister of Agriculture Alexey Gordeev is in touch: The government is working, including the creation of a portal that will soon be completed, thanks to which it will be possible to monitor waste recycling at all levels. In addition, from January 1, 2019, new waste management regulations will come into effect.

19:14 The question is whether the Russian army has the weapons that the president spoke about during his address to the Federal Assembly.
Putin: The Avangard system is in mass production. They will be put into service with the Russian army as planned. Not everyone has such a weapon, but when this happens, it doesn’t matter, since we already have it.

19:10 Sergei Mikhailov from Karachay-Cherkessia asked when Russian troops will be completely withdrawn from Syria.
Putin: Our military will remain there as long as it is beneficial to Russia and in fulfillment of our international obligations. We have no plans to release them yet.

Several questions from refugees from Ukraine who live in Bataysk. They ask you to pay attention to them and simplify the system of obtaining citizenship for former residents of the LPR and DPR.
Putin: The situation in Donbass is a tragedy. I am surprised that his instructions to the migration services regarding the employment of refugees have not yet been fulfilled. Promises to help.

18:55 And bloggers again. Questions about cryptocurrencies and electric cars, which cause less damage to the environment.
Putin on cryptocurrencies: By definition, Russia cannot have its own cryptocurrency, just like any other country. After all, cryptocurrency is something that goes beyond national currencies. The Central Bank believes that cryptocurrencies cannot be a means of payment since they are not backed by anything. About ecology: For Russia, an environmentally friendly type of fuel is gas. If we are even talking about improving the environment, we need to switch to gas engine fuel.

Question from Evgenia Lavrik, whose house was damaged after the flood, but they were excluded from the housing certificate program, since the house has not been in the housing stock since 2002. Local authorities are providing assistance.
Putin: The problem must be resolved. If it is not resolved, “these are delays and excuses.”

18:42 Question from the presenter about renovation.
Putin: This is a large-scale project, for which Moscow has allocated 400 billion rubles.
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin is in touch: We must provide comfortable accommodation both those who fall under renovation and those who live in neighboring houses. This year, about 10 thousand Muscovites will be resettled.

18:30 Switching on from Ivanovo. A large family was denied a preferential mortgage due to a flaw in the law, which states that the rate is reduced only at the birth of the 2nd and 3rd child, and the Verkhovskys have four of them.

Putin: This decision is wrong and needs to be corrected. We'll do it. The President promises to discuss this with Dmitry Medvedev.
Governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Voskresensky is in touch: He promises that he will think through measures to support the Verkhovsky and other families.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov appears on air: The government is taking all measures to reduce mortgage rates.

18:23 Question from defrauded shareholders. Evgeny Zaitsev from Lipetsk represents 1,500 thousand people who entered into contracts with the SU-5 company, but did not receive housing.
Putin: There are many similar cases, and the amount of money that is in shared construction is large. Promises to draw the attention of governors to this problem.
Minister of Construction Vladimir Yakushev is in touch: The project is being prepared. The developer will receive a profit only after the keys to the apartments are handed over to those who bought them. This will save shareholders' money.

Employees of the Kurchatov Institute laboratory complained about the long time it takes to certify technologies.
Putin: The problem is known and needs attention. The institute's developments will receive assistance in bringing them to market.

18:14 Question from Alexey Goncharov from Kursk: “Will the retirement age be raised? Will working pensioners expect any changes?”
Putin: You know my position. I am extremely cautious about this idea.

18:10 Blitz from the presenter.
What do you do when you don't know what to do?
Putin: There is a rule - if I'm not sure, don't overtake. The price of a mistake is high. If I don't know what to do, I try to find a solution.
Have you ever laughed at yourself?
Putin: Of course, I do this all the time.
When did you believe in God?
Putin: This is a very intimate question. I think that every person is born with God, everyone just begins to understand it at different times.
What do you have to sacrifice to be president?
Putin: Personal sphere. It's inevitable. but there is a very powerful compensator - the realization that you are doing a very important, unique thing, aimed at the benefit of people.

17:55 Inclusion from the city of Strunino, Vladimir region, whose residents are trying to defend the city hospital from closure. At the moment, the children's, surgical, gynecological and many other departments are closed.
Putin: Primary health care should not be destroyed. Word from the governor.
Governor of the Vladimir region Svetlana Orlova: Nobody is closing the hospital in Strunino; money has been allocated for repairs. The closure is a temporary measure. Yes, the children's clinic is far away, it is inconvenient, but we will take this issue under control.

17:51 Question about cancer. Lack of specialists, medicines and incorrect diagnosis.
Putin: This is one of the important problems in the country. We need to work to ensure that young, passionate professionals appear in the industry. The program is already being prepared. It is planned that a trillion rubles will be spent on it. Of those additional 8 trillion that I spoke about earlier.
Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova is in touch: Thanks to the screening system, the incidence of cancer has decreased in the country. The medical examination regulations were also changed. Now in risk groups a person can undergo a free examination every two years.

17:48 A question from sailors who ask to paint a portrait of Vitaly Mutko on boats, referring to his new appointment. So that the boats don't sink.
Putin: Our ships are already unsinkable. Although his English requires perfection, a lot has been accomplished over the years. “We know what kind of attack was launched on Mutko and under these conditions it is impossible to send him to retirement. Well, he has good potential. Let him work."

17:45 The presenter says that many viewers are interested in space, but some of them concern the appointment of Dmitry Rogozin to the position of head of Roscosmos.
Putin:“For 6 years he has been involved in the development of space activities in relation to the defense industry and he is quite competent. Naturally, one in the field is not a warrior, we talked about this with him. Naturally, he will attract a lot of people to this issue.”

17:40 Question from a lawyer from St. Petersburg about the space industry.
Putin: Technologies are being developed and actively commercialized. “By 2022, we should conduct the first test of a super-heavy rocket. These should be launches in unmanned mode, and in 2024 manned vehicles should be used.”

17:37 Popular bloggers are in touch. The question is whether it is possible to close Instagram and YouTube.
Putin: I understand your concern. We are not going to close anything. I know about the situation with Telegram. When they tell me that the terrorists' correspondence could not be tracked because it is encrypted, how should I react? At the same time, I know that it is easiest to ban.

One more question. Will blogging become a profession?
Putin: Maybe someday. Whether a profession is recognized or not, it brings money.

Video question from Zakhar Prilepin about possible provocations from Ukraine during the World Cup.
Putin: I hope that things won’t come to such provocations, and if they do, it will have dire consequences for Ukraine. The Russian authorities will continue to provide assistance to the DPR and LPR.

17:27 The question is about businessmen who have found it “difficult” to live in the West.
Putin: I warned you that this was possible. And he recommended that our business keep its capital in its homeland - where it was earned.

17:25 Question from viewers about the Skripal case.
Putin: If a chemical warfare agent had been used against them, they would have died on the spot. While Russia does not have access to the investigation, it is difficult to comment on the situation.

17:20 And again about international relations. The presenter asks if European partners tell him face to face that they are not lifting sanctions due to US pressure.
Putin: In Munich, I said that the United States extends the jurisdiction of its laws beyond its territory. But then no one wanted to listen. Now we need to sit down at the negotiating table and work out conditions in which everyone can work.

17:16 Question from writer and deputy Sergei Shargunov: Now some people in the localities with particular zeal are taking up persecution because of reposts and likes on social networks under the motto of the fight against extremism. Doesn't it make sense to pause all this so as not to intimidate people at all?
Putin: Everything needs to be approached wisely. We need to analyze how this is happening now and involve the All-Russian Popular Front and the Supreme Court in resolving the issue.

17:13 Alexey Ksendzov asks to impose sanctions against Latvia, where it is prohibited to study in Russian.
Putin: Sanctions are not the answer. Citizens must be protected in such a way as not to harm them.

17:11 Will there be a Third World War?
Putin: The understanding that World War III could be the end of civilization should restrain us from extreme dangerous actions on the world stage. The fear of mutual destruction always restrained us from sudden movements and forced us to respect each other.

The presenter talks about a large number of questions about Russia’s relationship with other countries.
Putin: This is a way to contain Russia. But this is a wrong policy. It is necessary to establish effective interaction and “the understanding of this comes to our partners.”

16:55 Questions from the Far East. First, the Far Eastern areas are allocated far from the infrastructure, since “the rest were taken apart by officials.” The second is an increase in the cost of plane tickets to and from Vladivostok.
Putin about tickets: There are programs that subsidize tickets according to seasons and age groups of citizens. It is necessary to expand the geography of such programs and age groups. The government has decided to zero out VAT on transportation for the Far East, so prices will be lower. About the Far Eastern hectare: The program works, the program is in demand. Let’s check again that all the good plots were taken by officials. We will improve the system.

16:49 Question from mother of many children Natalya Zhurova from Tomsk. According to her, she is not given the plot of land promised by law. Now she is almost 400th in line to receive a plot. The regional leadership is not helping to resolve the issue.
Putin: We need to encourage families like yours. There is a lot of land in Russia, but it must still be connected to a certain infrastructure. Let's listen to the Governor of the Tomsk region Sergei Zhvachkin.
Zhvachkin: He promises to meet with Zhurova personally and report the results of the meeting to Putin.

16:38 The next question concerns the World Cup. Live broadcast from Vorobyovy Gory. In touch are coach Valery Gazaev, former Spartak Moscow football player Evgeny Lovchev and Lokomotiv coach Yuri Semin, who decided to discuss the fate of Russian football with Putin. There are no questions, they wish Putin good health and ask him not to give up football.
President promises that he will not abandon either football or the infrastructure prepared for the World Cup. He says that everything that was built for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi is being used and the 11 stadiums built for the championship will also work for the development of sports.

16:27 Video question from St. Petersburg resident Alexey Karavaev. He asks “how long can we tolerate” rising gasoline prices. “On March 18, the whole country voted for you, but you cannot stop the rise in gasoline prices,” says Karavaev.
Putin: What is happening is wrong. The government has already made a number of decisions in this regard: the excise tax on gasoline has been reduced, a decision has been made to cancel the previously planned further increase in excise taxes, and by the fall of next year, measures should be taken to further stabilize the situation on the market.
Energy Minister Alexander Novak is in touch: Acknowledges the problem, but says that price increases have already been stopped.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak: The measures necessary to reduce prices have already been taken, and companies are fulfilling their obligations.

16:23 The question is whether taxes will be raised.
Putin: Many people propose to change the personal income tax. Redistribution in the tax system aims to reduce the number of poor people. The point is to use these funds to reduce the number of people living below the poverty line. If we follow this path, there will be no adverse development of the plot.

16:17 May decrees. The presenter asks whether the government has real tools to implement them.
Putin:“There is a clear understanding of what needs to be done and how to do it.”

16:15 The second question concerns the new government, the composition of which has not changed much.
Putin:“It was necessary to leave behind those who prepared big decisions, work on which is still ongoing,” the president believes. If the composition were completely changed, it would take at least two years to formulate and set goals.

16:09 First question. Two years ago you were asked which lane we were going through - black or white. How would you answer this question today?
Putin: We are now moving towards sustainability white. But in nature there is never an absolute white desert. The President said that the country is moving in the right direction and this year a historic minimum in inflation was reached. The life expectancy of citizens and their incomes are also increasing - salaries increased by 1.8%.

16:06 Vladimir Putin appeared in the studio. A video link has been established with regional officials.

16:00 The presenters outlined the main issues that will be discussed during the “Direct Line” with the president. One of the presenters said that “I wouldn’t want to turn it into a book of complaints,” so today they will discuss not only current problems, but also the future of the country.

The main thing today is “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.” Almost 4.5 hours, 79 questions. And more than two and a half million of them arrived.

However, if your appeal was not aired, this does not mean that it will remain unheeded. They work with them - past years have shown this. The current line took place in a new format: there were no guests in the studio, but ministers and governors were on direct line. Some had to answer for their areas of work in real time.

Salaries, benefits, prices - about social problems oh every fifth question. One of the most pressing issues is the rise in gasoline prices. And a lot. According to the authors of calls to the direct line, in Anadyr a liter of fuel costs 55 rubles, in Tatarstan - 41. Video call from St. Petersburg. The driver complains that diesel fuel is sold for 45 rubles per liter.

A. Karavaev: “How long can you tolerate this? It’s no longer possible, stop this somehow. We made such a big choice on March 18, the whole country voted for you, but you still can’t stop the price of gasoline.”

V. Putin: “What is happening now is unacceptable, it is wrong. But we must admit that this is the result of inaccurate, to put it mildly, regulation that has been introduced recently in the energy sector, in the energy resources sector. The government has already made a number of decisions in this regard. Let me remind you that this was done quite recently, by the way, in a dialogue with our leading oil and gas companies. What was done? Firstly, the excise tax on gasoline has been reduced by 3 thousand, on diesel fuel by 2 thousand - by 3 thousand and by 2 thousand. A decision was made to cancel the previously planned, from July 1 of this year, further increase in excise taxes; it will not happen. By the fall of this year, additional measures should be taken to stabilize the situation on the market. “I proceed from the fact that the government will strictly monitor this, and the Federal Antimonopoly Service will make appropriate decisions and will not turn a blind eye to the events taking place.”

The President explains that oil is growing on world markets, and producers tried to take into account in domestic prices the lost profits that they could receive when selling raw materials abroad. Then Vladimir Putin gives the floor to the Minister of Energy.

A. Novak: “We have additionally worked on a number of measures in the government that could be aimed at stabilization in the event of any deviations from prices. And here we are talking about the possibility of introducing an export duty by the government of the Russian Federation on the supply of petroleum products for export. For this A corresponding draft law has been prepared, which we are ready to submit to the State Duma in the near future. We ask you to support this. This will be an additional incentive to prevent prices from rising on the domestic market.”

V. Putin: “This is not only an incentive. This is more of a threat to oil companies. I hope we don't need anything like that. We have always had a constructive dialogue with oil and gas workers. But the fact that there is understanding on their part, an understanding that the problem cannot be driven into a corner, it must be solved, is very good.”

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak discussed this problem with the heads of oil companies the day before.

D. Kozak: “The government has an additional window of opportunity to respond to the situation on the domestic and foreign markets, but we really hope that it will not have to be used. If such a situation arises, and it will be determined not only by the fulfillment of obligations by oil companies, but also by prices on world oil markets, then the government will be able to quickly and quickly make the necessary decisions.”

V. Putin: “Prepare this bill, I will support it.”

Question from the Tomsk region. Large families are entitled land plots. But this is by law, but in reality it is almost impossible to get them.

N. Zhurova: “In 2010, I got on the waiting list myself. I was 735th in line. This year I waited half of the line, that is, I’ve been standing in line for more than 300 years. Vladimir Vladimirovich, the question is this. How long should I stand, eight years or ten years, having three children? In our region, only if you have four or more children will you receive land. Having three children, you stand in the general queue. But, knowing this law, I think that it is most likely the region that is violating it.”

V. Putin: “For me, it is indeed somewhat strange to pose the question when they say that in order to receive land, you need to have at least four children. The fact that there are three in your family is already wonderful, wonderful. About the land. Well, there is a lot of land in Russia, that is not the question, the question is that it is suitable for its use, including for housing construction. This means that it must be close to the infrastructure. The question is to prioritize spending, including from the budget. Let's listen to Governor Zhvachkin."

S. Zhvachkin: “I will definitely meet her in person. I think that, you know, sometimes, unfortunately, someone among the officials probably couldn’t tell her about all the rights that she has, so I think that, naturally, this needs to be resolved in the near future question".

V. Putin: “I would like to say something. With her is with Natalya Nikolaevna. First. Secondly, you spoke about officials who do not understand something. We need to understand who these officials are, and they should not be guided by general and formal considerations, but should be guided by the interests of the people who live in the territory. Because raising three children is not an easy task in modern conditions, and the family agreed to this, and we need to help these people, stimulate them, we need to create such conditions so that other families can implement similar plans for family development. I really ask you to do this.”

Volunteers from the Far East selected several questions about the situation in the region. For example, for example, an aircraft engineer writes that after layoffs at production, he “has to paint the roofs.” The President admits that there are still not enough highly qualified jobs and promises that high-tech production in the Far East will develop.

A resident of Vladivostok reports that the price of air tickets from the capital of Primorye to Moscow in June increased from 13 to 55 thousand. Putin proposes expanding the flight subsidization program.

Question about the Far Eastern Hectare program. Allegedly, all the best sites are being taken apart by officials. You can get land 300 kilometers from the city or not a whole hectare, but only half. The head of state will check this information.

A teacher from Yakutia told the president about a salary increase starting from the New Year. Everything would be fine, but starting in April they started paying less.

V. Putin: “What you are saying is connected with the beginning of the new financial year, but I warned my colleagues in the regions of the Russian Federation about this: under no circumstances should this bar be lowered, but it is necessary, I repeat again, to move only upward, forward, in accordance with the growth of incomes of the population and the growth of incomes in certain industries or regions. Using your question, I would like to once again draw the attention of the leaders of Russian regions to this.”

A. Nikolaev: “We will deal with this situation. There was an increase in wages in our republic; there should have been no reductions. I’ll sort it out with the Ministry of Education of the Republic literally tomorrow.”

Healthcare. In his address to the Federal Assembly, Putin proposed implementing a national program to combat oncological diseases. There are a lot of questions on this topic. Volunteers helped process them during line preparation. This year Alevtina Kiseleva receives a diploma from a medical university with a specialty in oncology.

A. Kiseleva: “I want to devote my life to oncology. It’s very important to me, how can we save patients in the future? As we see from the requests, the chain “patient – ​​doctor – diagnosis – treatment” does not work. How can we solve this problem?

V. Putin: “The first thing is early diagnosis. Second. We need to pay more attention to nuclear medicine because research using these the latest tools just allow us to identify early stage or stop what is already happening. Now drug provision and chemotherapy. These must be effective domestic drugs that meet modern requirements. This program is currently being prepared; it will cost, according to preliminary estimates, approximately one trillion rubles until 2024.”

Question from the Vladimir region. Residents of the city of Strunino with a population of 14 thousand people are asking to resume the work of the hospital and clinic. Now people have to travel to doctors in a neighboring city. Make an appointment with specialists a month and a half in advance.

A. Pogodina: “I have a sore point – the closure of the children’s department. I have 18 children. I am a mother and grandmother. Mothers have to go to Alexandrov. It’s hard work to get to the train with children, and then stand in very long lines.”

V. Putin: “Our most acute problems arose in small settlements, where the number of inhabitants is no more than 100 people and from 100 to 200 people. There we are planning, I want to repeat this again, to implement new programs for the creation of mobile complexes and the creation of new paramedic and obstetric stations. 10 billion are allocated for the first program, 7.4 billion rubles for the second. But in your case we are talking about a much larger locality. Of course, and probably something needs to be improved, we need to understand where and who can provide what kind of help. But the primary link should not be destroyed.”

S. Orlova: “Today we are not closing anything in Strunino. We allocated 68 million: 20 million for the renovation of a children’s clinic, 40 million for a hospital.”

A. Pogodina: “Well, the department is not working. They said it’s not closed, but it doesn’t work, it’s closed.”

V. Putin: “Of course, this medical institution should function as a modern one and really provide assistance to people. What to save there, in what volume, will need to be decided at the regional level with the governor, with municipal authorities with the support of the Ministry of Health. Veronica Igorevna hears this. I assume that all this will be fulfilled.”

The live line, like last year, goes to the village of Levokumka in the Stavropol Territory. In 2017, after the flood, local residents had to pay money to obtain certificates and assess the damage. It would seem that the problem was solved: the houses were recognized as unsafe. But 17 families still cannot move from their uninhabitable houses.

E. Lavrik: “As soon as the water receded, a commission came to us and gave us a certificate stating that our housing was unsuitable for living as a result of the emergency and had become unsafe and dangerous. We were put on the lists for housing certificates, but, unfortunately, we were removed from these lists of GZHS (state housing certificates), explaining this by the fact that we have been in the non-residential stock since 2002.”

V. Putin: “I, of course, don’t know in what administrative regime local authorities formulate your living conditions there, whether this house of yours is located in the housing stock or not. But if your house is declared unsafe due to natural disaster, then, of course, your problems must be solved. Everything else is bureaucratic excuses and delays. This may also be due to a lack of coordination between regional and federal authorities, including the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, such families need help, and we will do it.”

Questions from shareholders, unfortunately, are heard on the direct line every year. Today there are alarming calls from two regions.

A. Kondrashov: “Lipetsk, Evgeny Zaitsev: “One and a half thousand defrauded shareholders of the Lipetsk microdistrict “European” are contacting you. We have all entered into share participation agreements with the SU-5 group of companies. The house is still not completed.” Here are all the details. Vladivostok, Yulia Matveeva: “Ours are behind us unfinished houses under the federal program “Housing for Russian families in Vladivostok”. Microdistrict "Snegovoi"

V. Putin: “I will definitely record, I promise you, I will record these issues, these requests, and I promise you that we will respond to this. And the federal center helps regional leaders. Let us also pay attention to these cases. We have decided to stop concluding new shared-equity construction agreements from July 1, 2019, and to raise funds exclusively through the system of financial institutions and through banks for these purposes.”

According to Construction Minister Vladimir Yakushev, the State Duma will consider amendments to the law on shared-equity construction at the end of June. As for the deceived people, even before the completion of the direct line, the authorities of the Lipetsk region promised to resolve the issue by the end of next year, and in Vladivostok they announced that they would resume construction of problematic houses in August.

Writer Sergei Shargunov also got through to the direct line. He is concerned that lately there have been frequent convictions under Article 282 of the Criminal Code “Inciting hatred or enmity.” Moreover, people are sometimes punished not for calls for violence, but for harsh judgments on social networks.

S. Shargunov: “Sometimes it feels like if we take Article 282 of the Criminal Code literally, then some zealots should posthumously condemn Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, and confiscate their works. And then the newly appeared laws related to the Internet arrived. In my opinion, quite vague.”

V. Putin: “If we are talking about the dissemination of precisely such information that is extremist, then, of course, we must apply general rules: "Violated - answer." But you need to decide on the concepts themselves, what is it? There is no need to take everything to the point of insanity and absurdity, as you said. On the one hand, a barrier needs to be put in place to extremism, which, of course, meets the interests of the overwhelming majority of society. Well, who will argue with the fact that it is necessary to put a barrier to the propaganda of suicide, especially among young people? Is anyone against it? Well, of course not. Or the spread of some kind of fascist ideas. Is anyone against it? No, of course not. And so on. But you need to define the concepts. We need to involve the Supreme Court.”

For the first time, bloggers are participating in the direct line. Several times they contact the studio in Gostiny Dvor. The topics are the most relevant for Internet users.

G. Hasanov: “I’m worried. There are rumors on the Internet about the closure of such popular social networks as Instagram and YouTube. What do you think about this? And in general, is this possible?

V. Putin: “We are not going to close anything. I know the situation around Telegram very well. What would you like to say about this? You are in your place and you just said that you are worried. And in my place, I’m also worried, do you know why? For the safety of people. When representatives of, say, law enforcement and special services tell me that after the explosions in the St. Petersburg metro they could not track the correspondence of terrorists, they could not make a decision in time, because it is encrypted, and terrorists take advantage of this. But how should I react to this? After all, safety issues come first, right? But at the same time, I myself worked in special services and I know that it is easiest to ban, the most difficult is to find civilized solutions. Therefore, I will encourage all my colleagues to follow this path.”

Recently, a grandiose structure was opened - the longest bridge in Europe, connecting Crimea with the rest of Russia. Its length is 19 kilometers. The builders were six months ahead of schedule. But won’t the idea arise to return the funds invested in the bridge at the expense of citizens?

K. Kleimenov: “They say that travel on the Crimean Bridge can be made toll.”

V. Putin: “No, in accordance with current law toll roads may arise where there is an alternative. IN in this case There is no alternative to moving to Crimea by road, so travel along Krymsky will be free.”

But the completion of construction has not yet affected prices on the peninsula. Some goods are still more expensive than on the mainland. The President believes that prices in Crimea will decrease after the launch of freight traffic. Multi-ton vehicles will cross the bridge this fall.