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Is it possible to enlarge lips at home? How to enlarge lips at home? Best tips. Increase lip volume with cosmetic glosses and lipsticks

Is it possible to enlarge lips at home? Of course you can! And for this it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of expensive drugs, balms and other means. To do this, you simply need to perform several procedures that will not only help make your lips plump, but will also help improve their appearance.

Gymnastics for lip augmentation

How to enlarge lips at home? It's very simple. To do this, you need to regularly perform simple exercises that will help strengthen your lips and increase their volume.

The lips, like other parts of the body, have muscles that can be toned. True, this will take at least 3 months. But to enlarge your lips at home for a long time, you will need to try hard.

So, what should you do to change the volume of your lips and make them more sexy?

Exercise one

To perform this exercise, you need to sit down, open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue as much as possible and freeze in this position for 15-20 seconds. It should touch your lips. You should feel tension while performing this exercise. In total you need to do 8-10 repetitions.

How to enlarge lips at home? To do this, just whistle your favorite melody every day for 5-10 minutes. This exercise is very easy, but incredibly effective. After just a month of regular practice, you will notice that your lips have thickened and increased in volume.

Exercise three

This exercise is performed in two stages. First, extend your lips forward without opening them, as if you want to kiss someone. Fix your lips in this position for a few seconds, and then smile widely, also without opening them, and repeat the exercise again. A total of 10-15 repetitions should be performed.

Exercise four

Close your lips, and now begin to move them in a straight line, first to the left, then to the right. After you make movements in one direction and the other 15 times, begin to “draw” circles with your lips without blurring them, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Do these exercises every day, morning and evening. Believe me, after a few months you will be proud of the results achieved.

Addition to gymnastics – massage

Lip augmentation at home using gymnastics mandatory should be accompanied by a massage. Thanks to it, blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized, due to which the lips acquire a beautiful color, become soft and velvety, and also slightly increase in volume.

To massage your lips, you will need a soft-bristled toothbrush. It should be traced across the lips different directions– up/down, right/left, circular movements, patting, etc. But before massaging with a toothbrush, you need to lubricate them with some moisturizer. Very good application in this regard butter, essential oils, as well as liquid honey.

It should be noted that lip massage is not recommended if there are injuries (cracks, ulcers, etc.), herpetic rashes or a local allergic reaction.

How to enlarge lips at home? You can use aromatherapy for this. Its use gives very good results. At the same time, the lips themselves become moisturized and very pleasant to the touch.

Essential oils are used for aromatherapy. They can be added to various cosmetic products, such as lip gloss, or used in pure form, simply rubbing a couple of drops of oil into your lips while performing a massage. The most effective essential oils that promote lip enlargement are:

  1. . A unique product that helps normalize local blood circulation. Due to the strong flow of blood to the lips, they become swollen and acquire a natural, beautiful reddish tint. Cinnamon essential oil is a component of many lip cosmetics. However, its use may provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Transverse mint oil. This oil works on the same principle as cinnamon oil. It stimulates blood flow, nourishing lip cells and visually increasing their volume.
  3. Cayenne pepper oil. This product has a warming and stimulating effect. The effect of lip augmentation is noticeable after the first use. It should be noted that this oil, unlike others, helps slow down the aging process, which allows you not only to enlarge your lips, but also to maintain their youth for many years. But it must also be said that the use of this oil can cause discomfort on the lips in the form of tingling and burning. This oil can also cause allergies, so use it carefully.

Hyaluronic acid

If you are wondering how to enlarge your lips at home permanently, then you should turn your attention to a drug such as. Its use allows you to normalize collagen synthesis, which leads to lip compaction and improvement of their contour, as well as moisture retention, due to which their enlargement is achieved.

This drug comes in the form of injection liquid and tablets. The first option is used only in beauty salons. At home, you can use hyaluronic acid tablets to enlarge your lips. How?

To do this, take 6-8 tablets, crush them to a powder, and mix with Vaseline and ground cayenne pepper (1/2 tsp). The resulting mixture must be applied to the lips for literally 10-15 minutes. You need to apply the product carefully, without going beyond the contours of your lips. You should make a mask with hyaluronic acid every day for several weeks. After this, it can be done 1-2 times a week to maintain the achieved result.

Is it possible to enlarge lips at home using masks? Of course yes. It should only be noted that they must be done regularly over a long period of time. You will be able to notice the first results after 2-3 weeks. But you shouldn't stop there. The course of using homemade masks for lip augmentation is at least 2 months.

At home you can prepare a lip mask consisting of the following ingredients:

  • pharmaceutical glycerin – ½ tsp;
  • Vaseline – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice– 1 tsp.

These ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed, after which the resulting mixture should be applied to the lips, without going beyond their contours, and left for 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, the prepared mixture can be heated in a water bath.

To enlarge your lips, you don’t have to make homemade masks. To do this, you can use regular honey or cosmetic Vaseline. They should be applied to the lips 1-2 times a day every day. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks. Such simple masks will not only enlarge your lips and make them soft, but also protect them from chapping.

How to enlarge lips at home quickly? To do this, wet them with plain water and apply ground cinnamon or chili pepper on them. After 1-3 minutes, rinse off. The effect will be noticeable immediately - the lips will turn red and noticeably increase in volume. True, the result will not last long - only 3-4 hours.

To enlarge your lips for a long time, you should use the following mask: take full-fat sour cream or cream, add a little honey and a couple of drops of oil vitamins A and E. Then apply the prepared mixture to your lips and leave to act for 20-30 minutes.

You can also use regular egg white as a mask for lip augmentation. Beat it lightly with a fork and add a couple of drops of cinnamon or peppermint essential oil. This mixture should be applied to the lips and wait until it dries completely. It should be noted that you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation during the procedure. If the unpleasant symptoms are severe, immediately wash off the product with plain water.

So, we looked at all the ways to increase lip size at home. All you have to do is choose the option that is most suitable for you. However, if you want to achieve quick results, then it is best to use all these methods at the same time.

Video about ways to enlarge lips at home

We all dream of having beautiful, seductive, plump lips. Are there ways to increase them at home? Yes, and we will reveal them to you!

According to statistics from fashion glossy publications, men, looking at a woman’s face, first of all pay attention to the lips. Not on the eyes or any other part of the face, but on the lips! Why? It may well be that, according to Freud, the freshness, fullness and brightness of the lips on the face reflect the attractiveness of a woman...

Why do people do lip augmentation?

In the world the main part plastic surgery is performed on the chest and lips, so the issue of increasing them is more relevant today than ever. At the same time, the most popular among all famous women are the lips of Angelina Jolie. And no wonder, because she consistently holds her position in the top ten most attractive Hollywood actresses. And one of her advantages is that men call her lips luxurious, inviting, alluring and driving you crazy...

What about those women who want to increase the size of their lips, make them more beautiful, but want to avoid injections of hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel? In addition, many men react negatively when they find out that their chosen one has artificially enlarged lips. They consider this a kind of deception, which is why a woman is treated solely as an object, and pumped lips are called vulgar.

In addition, it is always worth remembering the risks. If the operation is performed by a bad surgeon, then all the flaws of his work will be especially visible on the lips. Moreover, after a high-quality operation, the lips are tense, the upper lip protrudes strongly above the lower lip, and the corners swell from collagen. All this can be avoided if you choose safe lip augmentation methods! Thanks to them, your lips will become more expressive, attractive and voluminous!

Complex for lip enlargement and beauty “Call of Nature”.

To achieve the best effect, exercises should be carried out every day for the first month, it is better to repeat them twice, and then to maintain the resulting form, you need to do the exercises at least 2-3 times a week.

In order to give a more perfect shape to your lips and enlarge them at home, before class you need to wash your face and rinse your mouth vigorously with warm and cold water. Each exercise should be repeated 10 times at the beginning, and then gradually increased to 21 repetitions over a month.

Exercises to enlarge lips

  1. The fish swallows air. Having stretched your lips forward very strongly and opening your mouth slightly, close your lips tightly, and then relax your facial muscles.
  2. A camel chews thorns. Without opening your mouth, move your lips to the right, then to the left, then draw a small figure eight.
  3. Chameleon catches a butterfly. With your mouth slightly open, you need to stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold this position for the count of three. Then hide your tongue, close your mouth, relax your facial muscles for a count of two.
  4. The elephant blows away the fluff. With your lips stretched forward, exhale sharply, trying to blow out the candle or blow away the fluff. After this, on the count of three, relax your lips.
  5. The whale releases a fountain. Having drawn in as much air as possible, inflate your cheeks, while folding your lips into a tube. Exhale the air gradually at a slow pace, but at the end push it out with sharp jerks 2-3 times.
  6. Coyote howls at the moon. Chant very slowly the sounds A, I, O, U. After this, you need to take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and begin to exhale air through half-closed lips, which will cause their vibration. The sound will be similar to a low frequency hum.
  7. The smile of the Cheshire cat. Having taken a full chest of air, on a count of six, forcefully blow it out through your lips closed with a tube. Then, relaxing your muscles, open your mouth and stretch your lips into a smile as much as possible. In this case, the lips should be raised above the teeth.
  8. Gopher. Whistle your favorite tunes for 2 to 5 minutes. Try to keep the sound clear and as loud as possible.

Enlarge your lips at home. Makeup

For visual lip enlargement the best and simple means there will be a well thought out makeup. Why thoughtful? Because in most cases it is advised to draw the contour above the natural line of the lips, which is not entirely correct.

There is certainly an effect from this, but it creates an unnatural impression of drawn lips. In order to avoid this, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. To make your lips appear larger, you should use a contour pencil and light-colored lipstick.
  2. If you need to apply dark lipstick, apply a small amount of gloss in a slightly lighter shade in the center of your lips, which will add fullness to your lips.

There are also simple lip treatments that can improve the shape of your lips when combined with the right makeup and lip enhancement program.

Morning massage

One of the first procedures is a morning lip massage, which is carried out using a soft-bristled toothbrush and honey. To perform it, you need to apply a small amount of honey to your lips and gently begin to massage it with a brush for one minute. This procedure will increase the volume and nourish your lips with beneficial microelements at home. After the massage, you should use a balm before applying lipstick.

Please note that the delicate skin of the lips is easily injured, so choose a brush with soft bristles. The movements are carried out slowly, and if there is damage to the skin, massage cannot be performed. With daily massage, blood circulation is normalized and lips increase in volume. To speed up the effect, you can use essential oils. Which? Read below!

Ice for lip enhancement

This lip augmentation procedure was performed back in Ancient Rus'. Then snow was taken, which was placed on the lips, then the cooled lips were lowered into the palm, in which there was heated water, and then they were bitten for a couple of minutes. This procedure was repeated three times.

In fact, this contrast compress can still be implemented today at home with the help of ice cubes and hot water. The effect of the procedure will follow within a few days - a noticeable enlargement of the lips and the acquisition of a rich natural color.


It is possible to increase lip volume at home with the help of aromatherapy. Essential oils can be used as a standalone remedy, or used in masks and for massage.

A couple of drops of properly selected essential oil visually enlarges the lips, making them more attractive and feminine. The most optimal oils are:

  • mint;
  • red pepper;
  • cinnamon.

Before using the balm or chapstick You can also drop a little oil on your lips.

Do you use any secrets to make your lips look fuller? Share them with us!

How to pump up lips with massage and masks? Everyone knows about the unique properties and positive effects of massage. This method is also effective for lips. Massage to increase lip volume should be carried out with an ordinary toothbrush with soft bristles.. This simple technique helps improve blood circulation and also helps get rid of dead skin particles. Regular lip massage will have a positive effect on their volume, and honey will help enhance the effect. After this procedure, the skin will become soft and smooth as silk.

It is important to remember that massage should not be done if:

  • skin is damaged;
  • there are inflammations or herpetic rashes on it;
  • an allergic reaction occurs.

The massage procedure can be combined with the use of natural scrubs and masks, home-made. The most simple mask for lip augmentation can be prepared as follows:

  1. mix a few drops of water, sugar and moisturizing oil until a mass of homogeneous consistency is formed;
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin and massage, and then rinse;
  3. the result is smooth, childishly swollen lips.

Cosmetic brands offer a variety of lip augmentation products of synthetic origin. However, there is a caveat: such a balm, mask or lip cream that increases volume has an impressive cost and can also cause allergic reactions. The duration of exposure to such agents is limited to only 2-3 hours. Self-prepared balms and masks from natural ingredients are absolutely harmless. You can put a jar of balm in your purse and apply it throughout the day.


Permanent lip augmentation at home with the help of essential oils is absolutely possible. The most effective in this case are the following oils.

  • Cinnamon oil. The effectiveness of cinnamon lies in its ability to stimulate capillary blood circulation. By increasing blood flow, cinnamon makes lips temptingly plump. Cinnamon oil for lip plumping is the most popular. It is included in most lipsticks, glosses and plumpers.
  • Peppermint oil. The principle of action of this oil is practically no different from cinnamon. Having a stimulating effect, it improves blood circulation, giving the lips additional volume.
  • Cayenne pepper oil. If we talk about lip augmentation using folk remedies, then we should not forget about this miraculous remedy! 1-2 drops of pepper oil added to the balm homemade, work wonders! Warming and stimulating, cayenne pepper plumps and plumps lips, making them appear larger.

You can also quickly enlarge your lips using nicotinic acid. A mask based on it will help create the desired volume for a long time, which will last throughout the day. Mix eight crushed acid tablets (available at pharmacies) with 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper and half a spoonful of petroleum jelly. Apply the product to lips previously lubricated with rosemary or olive oil for no more than a minute (!), then carefully rinse off and confidently apply makeup.

Miracle gymnastics

Many women do not know how to enlarge their lips with exercises. It turns out there is nothing complicated about it. It's no secret that the lips also have muscles. And you can pump them up just like any other. Special gymnastics will strengthen those facial muscles that do not actively participate in facial movements, but contribute to the creation of a beautiful smile. To achieve the desired result, exercises must be performed regularly for 1-1.5 months, then three times a week.

Below we offer you a complex for independent lip augmentation. The exercises are simple and do not require special effort. Gymnastics will not take much of your time, and the result will be a pleasant surprise!

  1. Show your tongue. Open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue as much as possible, freeze in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat ten times.
  2. Whistling. Whistle your favorite melody for five minutes. This simple but incredibly effective exercise will strengthen your muscles and increase the volume of your lips.
  3. Kiss and smile. Pull your lips out as if you want to kiss someone. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds. Now close your lips and smile as wide as you can without opening your mouth. Freeze for five seconds and press your lips together again for a kiss. Repeat at least 20 times.
  4. Circles and lines. Move your lips tightly compressed alternately to the right and left, and then describe a circle clockwise or counterclockwise, holding in each position for 5 seconds. Repeat 15 times.

Use our tips to enlarge your lips at home using folk remedies. With a little patience and effort, you will become the owner of beautiful, voluminous lips!

Knowing how to enlarge your lips at home, you can achieve attractiveness even with naturally thin lips. This can be achieved using different ways- well-chosen makeup, special exercises and other folk methods. This is not difficult to do; you just need to follow the advice of professionals when choosing one method or another.

Ways to enlarge

At home, mostly natural ingredients are used, but you can achieve lip volume using less traditional methods. Progress does not stand still, and new devices for plumping lips are appearing on sale, which eliminate surgical intervention and are not harmful to health.

With a special device

A device for lip augmentation at home is called a fuller, and there are two types:

Folk remedies

An alternative to special devices can be home remedies. For example, you can replace the plumper with a silicone jar, which is sold at the pharmacy. But you need to keep in mind that it is not intended for use on the face and can cause an allergic reaction in the form of rashes or swelling.

A similar method is using a glass glass or small jar. You need to place your lips in the hole and suck in air through your mouth. This way you can enlarge your lips for a couple of hours.

Among the natural ingredients that can enlarge lips at home, we can highlight the following:

Visual enhancement with cosmetics

Cosmetics based on hot ingredients (mint, pepper extract, cinnamon, ginger) can also cause volume. Many manufacturers supplement their line of cosmetics with special lipsticks, balms and creams, which are as accessible as possible to use and do not cause difficulties in purchasing them.

Before using products at home, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with their composition and make sure that the components will not cause allergies. Many of the cosmetic products assume constant volume after repeated use, and this gives a reason to refuse surgery to enlarge the lips.


You can also enlarge your lips at home using aromatherapy. It is based on the use of essential oils. They can be used as a stand-alone remedy - rubbed into the lips, or as an aid to massage or making masks at home.

A few drops of essential oil can visually enlarge your lips, making them more sensual and attractive. You need to choose an oil from the following:

  • hot red pepper;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon.

Tip: before using hygienic lipstick or balm, you can drop one of the listed essential oils onto the product a couple of times - this will help instantly enlarge your lips at home.

How to enlarge lips with exercises + video

There are special exercises that help enlarge your lips. At home, they need to be performed daily to achieve noticeable results, but they do not require any financial costs:

  • before starting gymnastics, you need to whistle a little to warm up your muscles; By sticking out your tongue, you can enlarge your lips at home. You should try to touch the tip to your chin, holding in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 times;
  • take a deep breath, puffing out your cheeks as much as possible. Then you should exhale through your mouth with force on your lips. Do it several times;
  • quickly alternate between 2 positions: pursed lips and a wide smile. This active exercise accelerates blood circulation and can enlarge lips at home;
  • You can also enlarge your lips with an exercise such as biting. You need to do this quite hard, squeezing your teeth for a couple of minutes.


Many women use a special massage with a toothbrush to enlarge their lips at home. In order not to injure delicate skin, it is better to use soft bristles and do not perform movements too intensely. You should also avoid it if there is damage to the skin (cracks, scratches, herpes). Performing such a massage daily can normalize blood circulation and enlarge lips. To achieve the fastest effect, massage is best performed with essential oil (red pepper, mint or cinnamon).


Among other things, you can enlarge your lips at home by using special preparations, whose action is based on deep penetration of active substances. You can make your lips plump at home in 2 ways:


With the help of makeup, lips can only be enlarged visually; you just need to know a few simple recommendations that can make them much more voluminous at home:

  • You should choose only light shades, leaning towards naturalness. Those with thin lips should exclude dark colors from the palette;
  • The next thing you need to pay attention to is the texture of the cosmetic product. Only glossy and reflective cosmetics can increase the size. Matte lipstick will not work;
  • at home you can do makeup using a nude colored pencil. It is applied above the border, 1-2 mm higher. Then lipstick of the same color is placed, capturing the drawn pencil border, and gloss is placed on the lipstick. This makeup can significantly enlarge your lips;
  • It is permissible to use contouring with a highlighter. In this case, the product is applied and lightly shaded over the upper lip, in the center of the upper lip and in the center of the lower lip. Lipstick (pastel shade) is placed on the sides, and closer to the corners a product is used that is also 1 tone darker. All makeup should be well shaded.

Consequences of enlargement at home

The products that are proposed to be used at home are distinguished by the fact that they are as safe as possible. Among the contraindications, only intolerance to the components that are part of home remedies is distinguished. Allergic reaction may manifest as redness, rashes or itching.

Burning ingredients should not be used if the integrity of the skin is damaged or if there are dermatological diseases in this area.

Photos before and after

In the photographs you can see the difference after using various devices, cosmetics and folk remedies, which are used at home to enlarge lips.

Before you enlarge your lips at home, you need to choose the most suitable method among all available ones. To do this, you need to set priorities - economical methods take time, they do not give results after one use of a mask or cream, while the use of devices gives a visible effect instantly, but also involves significant financial costs. In any case, all of the above methods help to avoid surgery and possible negative consequences from it.

Seductive, plump lips are the cherished dream of many representatives of the fair sex, especially those whom nature has deprived of this luxurious gift. According to many glossy magazines, when meeting a woman, the first thing a man pays attention to is the lips. Unfortunately, not every girl can boast of seductive, plump lips. But the situation can be radically corrected - and for this it is absolutely not necessary to contact a plastic surgeon. You can enlarge your lips at home - for this there are a huge number of simple and effective ways.

Plastic surgery offers women rapid lip augmentation thanks to various surgical techniques, but not every woman will decide to go under the surgeon’s knife. Any operation is fraught with many dangers and serious consequences - from various complications to long recovery period. That is why more and more women are resorting to various home methods for mouth enlargement, which can easily be used at home.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to enlarge lips at home is gymnastics. Regular performance of a set of special exercises leads to the growth of muscle tissue, which is visually expressed in an increase in the size of the lips. During the first month, each exercise It is recommended to perform at least 2 times a day, after that 1 time a day is enough.

  1. Try to stretch your lips forward as much as possible and alternately tense and relax your facial muscles. This exercise is called “fish breathing.”
  2. Keeping your mouth tightly closed, imagine that you are chewing something and make smooth chewing movements. Chew for several minutes.
  3. Whistling is an excellent exercise for lip enlargement. Just whistle your favorite melodies for several minutes, trying to fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward.
  4. Quite funny, but extremely effective exercise- showing tongue. Open your mouth slightly and extend your tongue as much as possible, hold in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise.
  5. Stretch your lips forward and imagine that you are blowing on a dandelion or blowing out a candle. Try to repeat this movement several times, then relax your facial muscles as much as possible.
  6. Take a breath, puff out your cheeks, and form your lips into a tube. Exhale air - first slowly, then quickly. Repeat the exhalations several times.
  7. For the beauty and volume of your lips, it is very useful to slowly, softly chant individual vowel sounds - especially close attention should be paid to the sounds A, O, U, I. Sing the sounds out loud, stretching them out and holding them for several seconds.
  8. Imagine that you are preparing for a kiss - stretch your lips forward as far as possible and try to reach them to the tip of your nose. Repeat the exercise 25 times.
  9. Purse your lips tightly and try to smile without opening your mouth. Repeat 20 times.
  10. Lightly bite the upper and lower lip with your teeth alternately for a minute. This causes increased blood flow to the desired area, as a result of which the lips visually increase in size, become plumper and more voluminous.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

The modern cosmetics industry does not stand still, every day offering charming girls new methods of correcting their appearance. One of the most popular techniques today is lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that is “responsible” for the condition of the skin, ensuring its firmness, tone and elasticity. Naturally, the lack of this substance negatively affects the skin - they become less elastic, lose their volume and attractive appearance.

Hyaluronic acid is produced in the human body, but after reaching the age of 25 this process slows down and gradually comes to zero. Additional introduction of hyaluronic acid into the mouth area helps restore its seductiveness, attractiveness and desired volume.

Subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid preparations allows you to fill your lips from the inside, making them fuller and more voluminous. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid, are called fillers. When fillers are injected, lips do not lose their naturalness - they look extremely natural, youthful and attractive. The effect of such procedures can last from 4 to 8 months.

Of course, you need to understand that any home remedies can briefly change the existing shape of the lips. If you want to give your lips fullness and volume for a long time, then it is recommended to resort to subcutaneous injection of fillers or plastic surgery.

How to visually enlarge lips

Correctly selected makeup can change the shape of your lips in a matter of seconds - making them more attractive, plump and voluminous. To do this, it is enough to know a few simple tricks.

  • It should be remembered that dark-colored lipstick visually narrows and reduces the shape of the mouth, while light shades, on the contrary, give volume and richness to the lips.
  • When using lipstick in rich, dark shades, be sure to take the advice of world-famous makeup artists - apply a drop of transparent lip gloss in the center of your lower lip, directly on top of the lipstick. This simple technique, known to all makeup artists, will give your lips a sexy plumpness and volume.
  • Today, the cosmetics industry offers women a wide selection of different lipsticks, balms and lip glosses, which contain active ingredients such as menthol, lemon balm, red pepper, and ginger. These products have a warming or cooling effect; as a result of such an active effect, blood microcirculation increases, the lips become fuller and more voluminous.
  • Before applying lipstick, cover the lip area with a camouflage concealer or foundation, then carefully draw the contour with a neutral lip liner, stepping back a few millimeters from the natural border of the lips. Do not be too zealous with the indentation, as it will not look natural. Be sure to apply a little lip gloss on top of your lipstick.
  • And be sure to remember - gloss or lipstick with a creamy, glossy texture visually enlarges it, while matte lipstick makes the lips somewhat narrower and thinner. Especially when it comes to matte lipsticks in trendy dark shades - cherry, plum, burgundy.

Masks for lip augmentation

There are a huge number of lip enhancement products that can be used at home. For example, honey massage works great. Apply a little natural honey to the skin, then use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently massage the skin for several minutes. After the massage, apply nourishing body cream to your skin.

You can simply apply a thin layer of honey to the cleansed skin of your mouth and leave it for several hours, then rinse with warm water. Under no circumstances should you use toothbrush with too thick, hard bristles - this can simply injure the delicate skin of the lips, leading to the appearance of microcracks and damage.

A mask made from hot red pepper works great. To prepare it, thoroughly grind the pepper, pour the resulting pulp with warm water and leave for an hour. Apply the mixture to the skin of your mouth and leave for 10-15 minutes. If a feeling of severe burning and discomfort occurs, immediately wash the product off the skin.

A wonderful remedy for lip enlargement at home is regular ginger. Take a piece of fresh ginger and grind it using a meat grinder, or you can simply grate it. Apply ginger paste to the skin, leave for a few minutes, then rinse and apply rich nourishing cream or Vaseline.

A cinnamon mask can give lips plumpness and volume for a long time. It is very simple to prepare - mix 1 teaspoon of dry cinnamon powder, natural honey and vegetable oil. It is best to take olive, almond, coconut or peach oil. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then applied to previously cleansed lip skin and left for 4-5 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off, it is recommended to apply cream or Vaseline to the skin.

Peppermint is considered an ideal remedy for increasing the volume of lips. It is no coincidence that mint is included in many balms, creams, lipsticks and lip glosses. The mask is prepared according to the following recipe: fresh peppermint must be crushed through a meat grinder, the resulting pulp must be squeezed through cheesecloth, and the resulting juice must be rubbed into the mouth daily, before bed.

One of the most effective remedies for lip augmentation at home is regular lemon. To prepare the mask, the lemon must be peeled, which should then be lightly grated so that juice appears on the surface of the peel. After this, the peel should be applied to the lips for a few minutes, then apply a nourishing cream or lip balm.

Ice massage gives amazing results. It is very simple to do - massage the skin with an ice cube, then apply a cloth soaked in water to it. hot water. Such manipulations should be repeated several times. In just a few seconds you will see an amazing result - your lips will become noticeably fuller and sexier.

The main and most important rule lip augmentation at home - regularity. Even the most effective mask or the most expensive cosmetic product will not be effective enough if used infrequently and unsystematically. Various exercises, as well as homemade masks, compresses, massages, must be performed regularly - 1-2 times a day. After 4 weeks of regular use, the number of procedures can be reduced to 1 per day, and after another 4 weeks - to 1-3 procedures per week.