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Is it good to serve in the navy? Civil service in the navy. Interview with a sailor

There are special people who serve in the Navy with good health, well-being and mental stability. In Soviet times, a soldier entering the military registration and enlistment office had to serve at least 36 months - this period was increased by 12 months compared to other units.

Some conscripts today consider it an honor to serve in the Navy. Others are still warily interested in whether they will have to repay their debt to the Motherland by sacrificing one year of their life; not every recruit agrees to this.

How did the period of service in the navy change?

Three years of good service in the Navy during the Soviet era made it possible to well prepare conscripts and contract soldiers; at the end of the period of service, they clearly knew what work on a naval vessel consisted of. In 1996, the period of service was sharply reduced by 1 year. At the same time, the sailors still receive ranks, the already issued ranks also remained valid, and the subtleties of watchkeeping have not changed.

In 2007, the Russian Government began to carry out a global reform, inviting Russians to serve in the Navy under a contract. How does this happen?

The army is a contract army, and conscripts become full-fledged fighters after just a year of intensive training.

How to join the Navy by conscription

If a contract soldier wishes to serve in the navy, he must meet several mandatory requirements:

  • the results of psychological testing indicate the second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • the fitness category, determined by health status, is fixed in category A3 or more;
  • height up to 180 cm inclusive.

However, in some parts of the Navy, on the contrary, they select tall, tall guys - such soldiers are in great demand for the coast guard and the honor guard located at the headquarters. Nationality is also important here - only tall Slavs can compete for a “warm” place in the fleet.

Most often, contract soldiers end up serving in the Navy in the Baltic Sea - it requires a larger number of soldiers than, for example, the Black Sea Fleet. In 2017, a minimum set of recruits was announced, because a qualified core team consisting of young but already experienced guys has been formed. The reform in the army should be completed in a few years, then it will become clear whether soldiers will be conscripted on a free basis or not.

How to join the Navy

If you are serious about joining the Navy, you can increase your chances of serving by mastering the following skills:

  • already have a diploma from the naval school and are familiar with the skills of working on ships;
  • have mastered one of the specialties that can be useful in the navy - welder, motor mechanic, radio technician, mechanic. The Navy values ​​the ability to work with hands and repair;
  • if you are applying to serve as a sailor on a ship, it is enough to have fitness category A or at least B4, the latter option involves coastal troops.

Experienced servicemen give advice on how to get into the Navy by conscription:

  1. When you undergo a routine medical examination, ask the military commissariat employee to enroll you in the ranks of the team that is serving in the Navy.
  2. If you like a particular part, visit the relevant HR department. If there is a vacancy that matches your skills and specialty, you will receive a written invitation, which should be handed over to the accountable person at the military registration and enlistment office.

Features of service in the Navy under contract

The following Russian citizens can become contract soldiers in the Navy in 2017:

  • if you are familiar with shipping firsthand;
  • own a related profession that has an analogue in military specialties;
  • stress-resistant, reliable, responsible, not prone to suspiciousness and decadent moods, efficient and strong-willed soldiers.

Contractors who express a desire to serve in the Navy are often sent to submarines. Recruits are trying in every possible way to end up on those that run on diesel fuel. But they definitely won’t take anyone whose height is higher than 180 cm - it is extremely inconvenient and difficult for tall people to move inside such a vessel, especially when an emergency occurs. Nuclear submarines are much larger in scale and are not limited in square meters.

What irritates some and inspires others is the strength and power of the Russian fleet. It is worth talking not so much about the capabilities of unique ships, but about the features of service in the Navy. The fleet service charter instructs crews and command to conduct daily activities, combat duty and be ready to carry out missions every minute. And all the ships of the Navy - raid boats, Admiral Kuznetsov, submarines, etc. - at work every day. Today, a concept for building the Navy until 2050 has been developed, and all four generic components of the Navy are developing.

Strengthening and disaster

Service in the navy began during the times of the Russian Empire. During the reign of Peter I in 1723, the first two Russian ships entered the open sea, heading to Madagascar. The emperor wanted to establish diplomacy with the pirate ruler. However, the ships were completely unprepared for long-distance travel and could barely withstand storms and storms. I had to return home. The Madagascar failure still did not deprive the Russian fleet of hope to gain strength. Russia has modernized its ships, creating a powerful one capable of solving strategic problems. The fact that this happened became clear in the second half of the eighteenth century, when the Baltic squadrons went to battle in the Mediterranean, glorifying the names of Prince Orlov and Admiral Senyavin. Russian rulers Catherine II and Alexander I proved the superiority of the domestic fleet in battles with the French and Turks. It was the warships that “took” the islands in the Adriatic Sea to the empire.

In the nineteenth century, the Pacific Fleet was created, which successfully resisted the Anglo-French squadron. He was the strongest. But after the Russo-Japanese War, the Pacific Fleet lost many ships, and its recovery was slow.

However, during the Great Patriotic War the submarine fleet remained strong. After the Victory until the 70s, the Soviet Pacific Fleet gained strength, and the other powers had to put up with this.

But in the 90s, the fleet, like the army, unfortunately, fell into decline. The ships were scrapped or sold.

Revival of the Russian fleet

Serving in the navy is now again the dream of many conscripts. The restoration of Russia's naval forces began in 2000. There were still Soviet ships in the fleet, but there were few of them. However, the Navy completed its task, repelling the Russian ship "Moscow University" from Somali pirates.

The stronger fleet in Russia is the Northern. An aircraft carrier strike group is only possible here. It was used off the coast of Syria. The cruise was led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

The submarine fleet remains powerful.

Today there is criticism for the condition of the ships, but Russia can put into the ocean something that England, Germany or the Netherlands do not have - an aircraft-carrying formation. The modernization of surface ships and submarines promises to strengthen Russia's position as it regains its status as a great naval power.

Submarine forces

Serving in the navy is a daily feat, especially for submariners. The base of the Russian Northern Fleet and the base for nuclear submarines is the closed city of Gadzhievo in the Murmansk region. Population is about 13,000 people. Over hundreds of years of history, boats have grown from tiny vessels to huge rocket carriers. For sailors, service in the Northern Fleet and every voyage means both preparedness for danger and anticipation of adventure.

Nuclear-powered BDRM "Dolphin" with RSM 54 "Sineva" missiles are the basis of Russia's naval strategic nuclear forces.

Characteristics of "Dolphin":

  1. Displacement: underwater - 18,200 tons, surface - 11,740 tons.
  2. Length - 167 meters, width - 11.7 meters.
  3. The boat can go to a depth of up to 650 meters and spend up to 90 days in autonomous navigation.
  4. Super-powerful weapons.

Russian nuclear submarines are born at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. The shipbuilding complex in Severodvinsk appeared in 1938. The plant immediately began to implement a large-scale shipbuilding program: 132 nuclear boats, an aircraft carrier, an ice-resistant offshore platform that operates in the Arctic. Submarines are also built here in several stages.

Service in the submarine fleet

There is a big team working here. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in three shifts, in turns, as well as duty, at a strictly defined time. A special place is the medical block. Anything can happen on a hike - from a cold to appendicitis. The doctor on the submarine is both a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, and a surgeon. There is a full-fledged operating room with all the necessary equipment.

They begin to get used to small rooms and confined spaces during training on land. In Gadzhievo, at the Training Complex, the crew passes standards for combating survivability and the basics of rescue training. Without this you will not be released into the sea.

Training is part of the service

The basis for emergency safety is a properly assembled and configured self-contained breathing apparatus. Every submariner must clearly understand how it works and how to use it. It is used with a rescue diving suit. You need it if you have to leave the boat.

Equipment advantages:

  • you can be at a depth of up to 60 meters;
  • the necessary pressure is maintained, ascent will be safe;
  • lead insoles to prevent the submariner from floating upside down.

They practice diving in a training center under the guidance of instructors.

State maritime service also means practicing rescue techniques. In particular, the fight against a hole in the ship’s hull. Everyone on the crew must understand what they will do when the water begins to flow. Stopping a leak in a bulky, uncomfortable suit in the dim light of emergency lights is incredibly difficult. Usually several holes are practiced during training.

A fire can be worse than a hole in a boat. Fire situations are handled. The crew learns how to protect themselves from carbon monoxide poisoning as well as how to put out a fire. The training complex “Fire” has been created for training. A flame is fed into it, and fire extinguishers and fire hoses are used in the training compartment.

Training alert and everyone's responsibility

The crew also practices evacuation from the submarine through the torpedo compartment - this is a small-diameter pipe about 7 meters long, which must be overcome in the same bulky wetsuit. Almost everything that was done in the training complex is constantly repeated on the boat itself in order to bring the actions of each crew member to automaticity. The outcome of the entire operation depends on the actions of one person. A drill alert can be announced at any time - fire, emergency ascent, missile attack, etc. All submarine services must be ready.

Surfacing and diving for a submarine crew is the same as taking off and landing an airplane for a pilot. You need to monitor the readings of dozens of instruments. Carelessness or inattention can be very costly. There are no unnecessary drills in the submarine fleet. The interaction of the entire crew is being practiced.

There are more than a hundred people on the submarine's crew, each with their own responsibility and job.

"Where the sea kisses the wave..."

Only those who can be trusted with the country's most formidable weapons serve in the submarine fleet.

“There is no easy or difficult path for a sailor, but a glorious path for a sailor.” This is what Admiral Nakhimov said. This is a difficult path: closed space, the same people, difficult tasks. To cope with this, you need a motivation stronger than financial well-being or satisfaction of ambitions.

The people who serve here are those who have made a conscious choice. A submariner, like a pilot, cosmonaut, infantryman, tanker - any person in the military profession is, first of all, a defender of the Fatherland. And he must be a professional in his field.

The Russian Navy provides reliable protection of the interests of the state; it is the main component and basis of the country’s maritime potential. A special role today is given to the submarine fleet - a strike force that operates covertly and carries out missions in any area of ​​the world's oceans, at the farthest frontiers. At any moment, the submarine crews are ready to carry out the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Contract service in the navy

The Russian army and navy are rapidly changing their appearance. They need professional military men, contract soldiers. Successful and self-confident people who are ready to serve and receive decent money for it are actively switching to contract recruitment in the navy. The elite uniting the infantry and the Navy is the Separate Marine Brigade of the Coastal Forces of the Pacific Fleet. This highly maneuverable formation has repeatedly proven that it is capable of completing any task. The brigade dates back to 1967. During this time, its fighters have repeatedly taken part in major international exercises and visited the ports of many countries on ships of the Pacific Fleet. In 1995, the brigade's Marines selflessly fought in Chechnya, five people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation. The connection completed all assigned tasks successfully.

"Black Berets"

Ever since the Great Patriotic War, enemies have called the Marines “the Black Death” for their dedication and fearlessness. The Marine Corps always acts boldly and with lightning speed. They are universal soldiers; unlike the Airborne Forces, they can land both from ships and from the air. Service in the Pacific Fleet in an elite branch of the military is responsible and significant. Soldiers practice combat coordination during exercises and on long campaigns. The Marine Corps belongs to the coastal troops, but the naval traditions are also close to the fighters. Marines also undergo the ritual of “sinking”, drink a glass of sea water and become members of the maritime brotherhood. Going to sea is a common occurrence for brigade soldiers. Everyone wants to go on a military campaign. This is not only an attempt to test yourself and see the world, but also an opportunity to earn extra money.

The brigade has everything for modern and effective combat training.

It takes place in water sports complexes. Here they practice exercises in the latest corsair body armor, which was created specifically for the “black berets”. In terms of diving training and diving support, the brigade occupies one of the leading places in the Pacific Fleet.

How to become a Marine

The Federal Navy Service provides various guarantees to contract soldiers. In addition to a high salary, the Ministry of Defense provides a solid social package. After the first contract, any military personnel can become a participant in the savings mortgage system and buy an apartment in any region of the country. You can get a higher education. The brigade is stationed in Vladivostok, an outpost of the Pacific Fleet. Service apartments are also available here. Any citizen with a complete secondary education from 19 to 40 years of age who has completed military service in the army or navy can conclude the first contract for military service in a brigade with the Ministry of Defense. The main criteria for selecting applicants, in addition to the desire to serve, are excellent health and high physical fitness. Entrance tests are arranged for the applicant at regional selection points. In them, candidates undergo a thorough professional and psychological test, a medical commission, and pass physical training. The Ministry of Defense is constantly working on the issue of improving contract service by attracting military personnel.

The sea is a separate element, limitless and multifaceted, with its own charms and whims. Everyone knows the sea in their own way, and nevertheless, it is one thing if you are a tourist or a fisherman, and a completely different question if you are serving in the army or navy. This hard work is the lot of real men, strong in body and spirit. Today we will consider such a topic as conscript service in the Navy. What is the duration of its completion, how to get into the sailor ranks, and whether every young man who dreams of a vest and the sea can fulfill his desire.

How long to serve

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that compulsory service in the Navy has always been longer than in the ground forces. In the USSR there really was an increase, it was 36 months. During this time, young sailors turned into hardened sailors, knowing all the intricacies of shipbuilding, having experienced in practice all the peculiarities of sea behavior and the hardships of serving on a ship far from land.

However, in 1996, the Russian Navy joined the other branches of the military in terms of orders and instructions regarding the army as a whole, and the period of service was reduced to a combined arms 24 months. It is a well-known fact that through military reform in 2008, the Russian Armed Forces began to call up recruits for 12 months.

This order also affected the navy, so that in 2017, sailors will scrub the deck and not only for a total of 365 days, which is 3 times less than, for example, the young sailor’s grandfather served.

Who is accepted and selection criteria

To the question “How to get into the ranks of the Navy by conscription?” The answer is quite simple - according to the general distribution from the military registration and enlistment office, nothing supernatural will be required from the young man. Theoretically, this is indeed exactly the case, but some nuances still exist. First, there are selection criteria for service in the Navy related to biological data and health:

  • the height of a sailor candidate should not exceed 180 cm;
  • Only 3 fitness categories of citizens are allowed to undergo “urgent duty” in the fleet - A1, A2, and A3, which is a guarantee of good health of the future sailor;
  • also, to enroll in the naval fleet, it is necessary to successfully pass psychological testing, and the second group of mental stability must be identified.

However, if you are taller than 180 cm, you also have the option of wearing a vest. If the conscript meets the other parameters and shows a desire to serve in the Navy, then he can be sent to the Coast Guard or to the honor guard company at headquarters. Of course, such a “sailor” is unlikely to get on the ship, however, he will definitely be provided with elite service.

In addition to the above criteria, when selecting citizens for the marine fleet, preference is given to the following candidates:

  • those who have a document confirming graduation from a naval school;
  • for those who have a working civilian profession, for example, a motor mechanic, welder or radio technician, such skills will definitely be useful to the future sailor on the ship.

Moreover, you must declare your intention to serve in the navy during a medical examination. This is done with the aim of attracting your candidacy to the very team that is being formed to be sent to the fleet. If a young man dreams of the sea to the core, he knows in advance that he meets all the above requirements, then in this case he can contact the personnel department of the military unit of the naval unit with a question about whether it is planned to recruit sailors during this conscription period.

If the answer is positive, the young man will be issued an appropriate invitation to serve in this particular unit (the paper must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office when the opportunity arises, which may be the same medical commission).

The strict health requirements are explained quite logically - the sailor must be physically strong, as well as psychologically stable. As for the so-called “competition for a place in the sun,” it is due to the low percentage of conscripts going to serve in the navy, because today the majority of sailors are contract soldiers.

Features of service in the navy

There is no need to mention once again that sailors in uniform are in particularly difficult conditions of service; they are not just isolated far from home, around them there is a hopeless water surface and only the horizon. In addition to the most fundamental feature, another interesting trend is emerging: on Navy ships there are practically no such notorious concepts in the ground forces as.

This fact is explained no less logically than the strict selection criteria. The fact is that each member of the ship is assigned certain responsibilities for the entire period of service. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of performance of the tasks assigned to the ship’s crew, it is completely unprofitable for sailors and officers to sort things out, and sometimes there is simply no time. Also, do not forget about the notorious moment when the entire crew is “under the same wavelength,” which in itself leads to a rapprochement between the sailors and the commanding staff.

What's the result?

To summarize, we can highlight the following facts about military service in the Navy:

  • the parameters for selecting citizens for vacancies of future sailors are quite strict, which is explained by the specifics of the service;
  • To perform ship service, the candidate must have excellent health, as well as a height of 180 cm;
  • an advantage in selection at the local military registration and enlistment office can be obtained by graduating from the naval academy or mastering one of the civilian working specialties;
  • sometimes, in order to put on a vest, you need to go to a certain military unit before going to the military registration and enlistment office, check the availability of an application for recruitment and confirm your physical characteristics;
  • Despite all the hardships of ship service and being on the open sea, absolutely every crew member receives unforgettable impressions, emotions, and also feels a special relationship with nature, being left alone with the elements.

Therefore, if you want to get into this particular branch of the military, you need to take care of this in advance.

In Soviet times, the Marine Fleet was used to scare conscripts at military registration and enlistment offices, since the service life in it reached 36 months, which was a year longer than that of recruits in other branches of the military. Conscripts are still afraid of joining the navy, because they do not know whether they have changed the duration of conscription service. So, let’s figure out how many years conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Marine Fleet.

How did the service life in the navy change?

Due to the difficulties and necessity of navigation in Soviet times, the service life in the navy was different and was three years. This frightened the conscripts, but at the same time gave the country the opportunity to train specialists capable of working on a variety of sea vessels.

Most conscripts, except those who wanted to engage in shipping in the future, tried to avoid conscription into the Marine Fleet, since it would be necessary to spend 12 months more in the service. Although the conditions in the navy were much better than in the barracks of other branches of the military. Due to the difficulties of serving, soldiers there were offered enhanced nutrition and a gentle daily routine.

In 1996, the question of how many people serve in the navy ceased to be relevant. Despite the fact that the sailors retained their own ranks and peculiarities of watchkeeping, in terms of terms of service on Navy ships, they were equated to regular service. Now conscripts were sent to these troops for 24 months. This provision has been regulated by law. Since then, changes in service life began to affect the entire army, including the Navy.

How long do conscripts serve now and how to get into the fleet

The army is currently undergoing a global reform that began in 2007. According to it, the army becomes a contract army, and conscripts complete the young fighter course in one year. This change also affected the fleet. Since 2008, recruits are sent to serve in the Navy for only 12 months.

An applicant for service in the navy has several requirements that must be met:

  • have a second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • have a fitness category A3 and higher;
  • height should not exceed 180 centimeters.

In some cases, the Navy, on the contrary, selects tall conscripts. They serve in the Coast Guard and the honor guard at headquarters. However, only Slavs are hired for such positions.

Conscripts are most likely to end up in the Baltic Fleet, since its strength is higher than that of the Black Sea Fleet. The Navy will soon call up an extremely small number of recruits, as it is planned that the units of these troops will completely switch to a contract basis. We will find out whether this actually turns out to be the case in a few years, when the reform in the army ends.

How long can contract service last?

The following people enter the Navy on a contract basis:

  • with secondary vocational education related to shipping;
  • with a related specialty that has an analogue in military accounting professions;
  • with a high degree of neuropsychic stability;
  • with a health group above A-3.

Welders, radio technicians and engineers are highly valued in the Navy. Therefore, if you have a diploma in a suitable profession, you will have a higher chance of signing a contract to serve in the Navy. In addition, be prepared to move to the unit's location.