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What time is it considered to be morning? How do you spell “what time” or “what time”? How long does the liturgy last in church?

“We’ll see you tomorrow morning”, “we’ll call you in the morning”... We use such phrases quite often, only then it often turns out that everyone’s morning begins and ends at different times. How much time can really be considered morning?

In fact, it’s hard to say for sure when the morning begins. There are a lot of definitions - folk, astronomical, official - and each of them in its own way defines the boundaries between times of day. Some people actually use simple principle “When I woke up, then it was morning”, so it turns out that for some, morning is five o’clock in the evening.

Until man began to use artificial lighting, morning began with sunrise, and evening began with sunset. The length of daylight hours determined the length of the “working” day. Some people still use this distinction, but the times of dawn and sunset shift depending on the time of year - the division of the time of day is too unclear. In addition, it is not clear how to draw the line between evening and night, morning and day. That is, it is clear when the morning begins, but it is impossible to objectively determine when it ends and the day begins.

In addition, each language has its own set expressions related to time of day. For example, in Russian they say “two o’clock in the morning,” but in most cases they say “four o’clock in the morning,” that is, four o’clock is already morning, although in winter it may still be dark outside the window at this time. But, unfortunately, such descriptive constructions do not help to clearly distinguish between morning and day, evening and night: it happens that someone is used to saying “three o’clock in the morning,” and someone is used to saying “three o’clock in the morning.”

And in many English-speaking (and not only) countries it is generally customary to use 12 hour clock, and divide the day into only two periods - before noon (a.m., ante meridiem) and after noon (p.m., post meridiem). It is not customary for them to use descriptive constructions (although this does not mean that they do not use them at all), so the problem of dividing the time of day remains.

So it turns out that every country, and even every person has his own subjective perception of time of day, associated with the customs of the country and one’s own daily routine. For example, most office workers associate morning with the beginning of the working day, afternoon with the lunch break, and evening with the end of the working day.

But still, is it possible to somehow bring this into unified system, and distinguish between the times of day in order to clearly understand when the morning begins and ends? This way a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided!

Most European countries have adopted a single division of the day. According to this division, the day is divided into four equal intervals of six hours each. It turns out that the times of day are distributed as follows:

  • from 0 to 6 o'clock - night
  • from 6 to 12 o'clock - morning
  • from 12 to 18 o'clock - day
  • from 18 to 24 hours - evening

It is reasonable to use such a system, for example, when business communication, when you need to be 100% sure that the morning of the customer and the contractor coincides: it happens that the contractor is sure that he sent the work to the customer in the morning, as agreed, but at that time it is already day for the customer. And how will you understand who is right and who is wrong if everyone judges by their own criteria? This is why we need a pan-European system - so as not to wonder “When does the morning end and the day begin?”

Liturgy is the main Church service. What time does the liturgy begin and how long does it last? Why and when does the liturgy take place in the evening or at night?

Below is the main thing you need to know about the time and duration of the Liturgy in Orthodox churches.

Liturgy takes place in every church

The Divine Liturgy is the central service, since during it the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament occur (or rather, the Liturgy itself accompanies these Sacraments). All other services in one way or another precede the Liturgy - although they can take place the night before or even earlier.

Liturgy takes place at least every Sunday

The regularity of services depends on the temple: the location where the temple is located and the number of parishioners. In other words, the Liturgy takes place in the church as often as is actually needed.

Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” at the Moscow Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

How long does the liturgy last in church?

The duration of the liturgy may vary depending on the day or temple. But this does not mean that the composition of the service changes radically. For example, on especially solemn days, part of the prayers, which are sometimes read by the reader, are this time sung in chorus.

In addition, how long the liturgy lasts can be influenced by such seemingly insignificant factors as the speed with which the priest and deacon serve: one leads the services faster, the other slower, one reads the Gospel at the same pace, the other more measuredly . And so on.

But speaking in general terms, on days the Liturgy lasts longer than on ordinary days - sometimes up to two hours.

On Easter night or Christmas Liturgy lasts no longer than usual, but the night service itself turns out to be many hours long - since the Liturgy is preceded by a long All-Night Vigil.

Night service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, photo:

What time does morning service start in church?

On the one hand, the answer to this question is most often the same as to the question: “What time does the Liturgy begin,” since in almost all non-monastic churches the only morning service is the Liturgy.

Another thing is that in some churches (where there is only one priest) sometimes it takes place not during the service, but before it, and therefore those who want to confess or take communion come earlier.

But in monasteries, morning services begin much earlier, since a full daily cycle of services is held there.

For example, before the liturgy in monasteries, the Hours are necessarily read (this is a small service that includes the reading of certain prayers and individual psalms), and on most days a midnight office is also served, which can begin at 6 a.m. or earlier.

In addition, the charter of some monasteries also stipulates, for example, the daily morning reading of akathists, and a prayer rule, which will also take place in the temple. Therefore, in some monasteries, morning services, in fact, stretch for several hours, and the Liturgy, as expected, crowns this cycle.

This does not mean that the laity receiving communion need to be present at all monastic services - they are intended primarily for the inhabitants of the monastery (monks, novices and laborers). The main thing is to come to the beginning of the Liturgy.

What time does the evening service start in church?

As in the case of morning services, the specific start time of the evening service is determined by the charter of the temple or monastery (they can always be found either on the website or on the doors of the temple). As a rule, evening worship begins between 16:00 and 18:00.

The service itself, depending on the day or the foundations of a particular temple, lasts from one and a half hours to three. In monasteries, on special days, evening services can last much longer.

Evening worship is obligatory for those who are going to receive communion the next morning. This is due to the fact that the Church has adopted a daily cycle of services, which begins in the evening, and the morning Liturgy crowns it.

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“What time” is ALWAYS written separately.

Common mistake

But you really want to write “what time”, don’t you? This desire is explained by the fact that when writing, we, as a rule, do not think about what part of speech a particular word is. And if we try to determine morphological properties, it is most often mistaken.

The course of our reasoning looks something like this: at the end there is an “o”, apparently this is an adverb, and if it is formed from a numeral, then it needs to be written together with a preposition (by analogy with “five”, “six”, etc. ). And sometimes we remember words like “firstly”, “secondly”, and allow the hyphen to sneak into the spelling of our combination. Well, this is no good at all.

However, no matter what lengthy thoughts we indulge in, the fact remains: we still have two words before us. Let's consider each of them separately.

"Wo" is nothing more than a preposition. It may look somewhat unusual, but in fact it is just a variation of the well-known preposition “in”. The letter "o" is added to it when the following word begins with a consonant.

But the second word will be more difficult. “How many” can be either a pronominal adverb or a conjunction or a question word, and a numeral. The Russian language is rich and unpredictable - who would doubt it!

Morphemic parsing

The analysis of the combination we are studying under the number 2 is as follows:

  • “Vo” is a preposition, “s” is a prefix, “-kol-” is a root, “-k-” is a suffix, “-o” is an ending.

Why didn't two words become one?

It would seem that the Russian language is characterized by the formation of neologisms by merging two, or rarely more, words. However, not in our case. Why?

Let's take, for example, the words “on time” and “at all” - these are adverbs, and therefore it is correct to write them together. Although they sometimes are written separately: “during lunch”, “breaking bad”. But in these examples they no longer act as adverbs, but as a preposition with a word, hence the separate spelling.

There is another explanation: in “on time” and “at all” the emphasis falls on “in”, which is why this preposition turned into a prefix. But this did not happen with our combination, which is why it is written in two words.

Besides, "what time" is often a question word. Accordingly, here you cannot be guided by more complex rules for writing adverbs.

And one more reasoning. Since this is an interrogative combination, why not remember others similar to it, say, “in what,” “in what.” It is clearly correct to write them separately, and, mind you, no one is trying to argue with this. Actually, is our situation very different from this?

Example sentences

  1. What time will you pick me up tomorrow? (What time?)
  2. How much would you estimate the cost of the damage? (What amount?)
  3. How many times is Jupiter larger than Earth?
  4. At what age did your child start school?

By the way, the negative should be written as follows: “not at all.”

So, now you know the spelling of this combination. We hope you don’t try to splice it together yourself, and the hyphen won’t creep in there either.

The physiology of sleep is the same for everyone, but some people easily wake up early in the morning, while for others, waking up early becomes real torture. To create all the conditions for healthy sleep, it is important to understand what time you need to get up in the morning and why it is so difficult to train yourself to wake up at the “right” time.

There are generally accepted norms that say that you need to wake up between 6 and 8 am. But larks and owls will not agree with this. Each chronotype has its own limits on the optimal time to wake up. They are determined by the biological clock, which depends on many factors: lifestyle, genetics and type of employment.

What time should you wake up?

There is a widespread belief that best time for the morning rise - summer dawn, 5-6 am. Also, many will agree that you need to wake up only when the body wants it. More the best option There will be an individual schedule taking into account sleep phases, chronotype, health status and lifestyle. Rest is needed to restore the body's strength; accordingly, this physiological need loses its significance if a person forces himself to wake up at a certain time.

You can use a useful sleep calculator; it calculates the correct time to wake up, taking into account the stages of sleep, duration and time of falling asleep. But the “smart” device does not take into account the genetic need for sleep, which affects the result.

For some people, 4 hours is enough to get enough sleep and feel good, while others need more than 10 hours. This also depends on age: newborns need at least 12 hours a day for normal development, children and adolescents sleep less, the body is full of strength and recovers quickly. In an adult, the sleep schedule is maximally adjusted, and about 8 hours are required; in older people, rest is reduced to 5-6 hours.

To choose the optimal time to wake up, you need to calculate the duration of each sleep phase. The time gained will correspond to healthy sleep, and this will be enough to feel good in the morning. Now all that remains is to train your body to fall asleep at a certain time in order to wake up at the desired morning hours.

Determination of chronotype

There are three human chronotypes: larks, owls and pigeons. This is determined by the nature of daily activity. Chronotype explains the alternation of activity at night and during the day.

Based on your chronotype, it is easy to determine what time you need to get up and when to go to bed correctly.

  • Larks. Wake up independently in the morning with ease, increased physical and mental activity observed in the first half of the day with a characteristic decline in the afternoon. They go to bed very early, which surprises owls.
  • Owls. They wake up late on their own, after 10 am. Activity occurs in the evening and at night. They go to bed late, when larks have already gone through several stages of slow-wave sleep.
  • Pigeons. This is an intermediate type, the "pigeon man" may periodically exhibit characteristics of an owl and a lark.

Larks tend to wake up at 5-7, owls at 10-12, pigeons at 7-9 in the morning.

Sleep phases

The next important step in determining the best time to wake up is the phases and how they affect a person’s well-being at different times of awakening. The main division occurs into slow and fast sleep. Slow has four subphases with different durations.

Stages of slow-wave sleep:

  1. The first phase lasts 15 minutes and is known as napping.
  2. The second phase lasts 25 minutes, the work of internal organs slows down.
  3. The third and fourth phases last about 40 minutes and are the main part of healthy sleep.

In the fast phase, the body is completely relaxed, but brain activity begins. Dreams seen during this phase are well remembered. The heart rate increases and the eyeballs move actively. The fast phase takes up approximately 20% of the total rest time.

Sleep begins with the 1st phase of slow-wave sleep and reaches the 4th, which takes about 2 hours. This is a complete cycle that must be repeated at least 4 times. It follows from this that you need to get up in the morning 8 hours after entering the first phase. If a person is used to going to bed between 11-12 pm, you need to get up at 7-8 o'clock.

Relationship between well-being and the awakening phase

Waking up without an alarm clock is accompanied by vigor, the person feels completely rested. Such a dream can be considered complete. The amount of time a person sleeps, provided he feels well in the morning, is considered the individual norm. Awakening occurs in the initial slow phase, when the body is ready to be awake, but has not yet entered the fast phase. If you are forced to wake up in the slow-wave sleep phase, you will feel tired, and the body will take a long time to restore muscle activity.

Waking up during REM sleep, you can notice headache and slight fogginess of consciousness, but colorful dreams will be remembered better.

There is a theory that people who are constantly woken up by alarm clocks during the slow-wave sleep phase are prone to various neuropsychiatric disorders. Using knowledge about the duration of each phase, you can reduce the rest time and wake up at a certain moment - at the stage when the body is ready for this.

How to get enough sleep in 15 minutes

There are several ways to get enough sleep short time. Similar techniques have been practiced for a long time; many famous artists and writers who had to work for a long time practiced short nap 20 minutes several times a day or 4 hours 2-3 times a day. This helped to quickly restore strength and begin a new stage of work with “fresh” thoughts. It is difficult to judge whether this affected health, because many other factors must be taken into account.

The proposed methods can negatively affect health; it is recommended to resort to them rarely, when there is really a need.

How to get enough sleep quickly and wake up at a given time?

  1. Rest for 15 minutes. This is the invention of Leonardo Da Vinci, who is one of those creative people who managed to get enough sleep in a short time. He rested for 15 minutes every 4 hours. The essence of this method is simple, but not everyone can master it. For many, it is difficult to force yourself to fall asleep, and this only works when you are very tired. This method is harmful to health, because the minimum time for one phase is at least 1.5 hours. The Da Vinci method completely deprives some important phases for the body, which threatens a decrease in protective forces, the appearance chronic diseases and mental disorders.
  2. Rest for 20 minutes. Involves falling asleep in a certain position. You need to lie on your stomach, turn your head to the left, bend one leg and press it to your stomach, put your hand straight along the body. This method is complemented by a cup of coffee immediately before bed. Caffeine kicks in after 20 minutes and acts as a natural alarm clock. Those who practice such sleep believe in its positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Soldier's method. The alarm clock is set for 30 minutes, after waking up it is reset for another half an hour, this is repeated 4 times. People who try this method note a boost of energy within 6-7 hours.

To wake up at the right time, it is important to organize your sleep correctly. You should rest in a ventilated room; before going to bed, it is recommended to take a warm shower and have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. It is important that the room is not exposed to sunlight; blinds or curtains should provide good protection from street lighting. A person will quickly fall asleep and wake up at the right time if there are no extraneous sounds and the eyes are not irritated by bright light.

When, for certain reasons, you have to rest in a lighted room, the resource site recommends using a sleep mask; it will create additional conditions for quickly falling asleep and quality rest.

There are “smart alarm clocks” that know what time you need to get up. They are able to determine the sleep phase by movements, heart rate and other indicators. "Smart alarm clock" has an error, but anyone can try it. This device is very sensitive, and its results can be affected by accidental awakening at night, extraneous sounds from the street, or a barking dog. It is possible that a smart alarm clock will not go off at the most appropriate time, but if a person sleeps peacefully and everyone is present characteristic features each phase, the device can be a good helper.

But no smart alarm clock can calculate the best time to wake up in the morning as accurately as the human brain. The body itself will tell you what time to go to bed and when to wake up; you just need to create the conditions for healthy sleep. And with hard training and desire, any lark can turn into an owl - and vice versa.

What time does morning, afternoon, evening, night begin? and got the best answer

Answer from Katerinka[active]
Well, it depends on the individual. In general, everything is very simple: morning from 4-00, day from 12-00, evening from 18-00, night from 24-00. At least that's what I was taught at school. Maybe there are some new rules now?

Reply from Sergei Sergeev[newbie]

Reply from Evgeniy Kopachev[newbie]
Well, what kind of insanity?
How can the night be made shorter than the rest of the day?
24/4=6 Neck!
Six hours for each time of day, namely:
beginning of the day from 00:00 to 06:00 (night)
From 06:00 to 12:00 (morning)
From 12:00 to 18:00 (day)
From 18:00 to 00:00 (evening)
After all, everything is logical, why even on TV they can say a phrase like; "It's three in the morning"?
Settle down)

Reply from Nikolay Streltsov[newbie]
morning - from 4:00, day - from 12:00, evening - from 17:00, night - it’s different for everyone.

Reply from Elena Krasovitskaya[newbie]
Morning from 4-00 to 12-00, day from 13-00 to 16-00, evening from 17-00 to 23-00, night from 24-00 to 03-00.
This is 100%!!! and practically does not depend on the time of year and time zone
Remember, the war started at 4 AM! MORNING...not night.
A standard working day ends at 17-00 or 18-00, and it’s already Evening! We don’t say that our working day begins at 8 (or 9) in the morning and lasts until 17 (or 18) in the afternoon...

Reply from Angela[newbie]
morning from 6 to 12

Reply from Sergey Shevchenko[newbie]
I think there are 24 hours in a day, which means everything starts at 6. morning 6-12. day 12-18. evening 18-00. night 00-6.

Reply from Lelik[expert]
How can I give everyone a minus? Well, all the answers are not correct.

Reply from Polina Kapelko[newbie]
Morning 4:00, Afternoon 12:00, Evening 18:00, Night 00:00

Reply from Briskent[active]
There are 4 times in a day. Morning day evening night
24:4 = 6
12 is noon, that means from 9 to 12 from 12 to 15 is a day
[from 15 to 21 this evening]
12 is midnight, that means from 21 to 24 from 00 to 3 is night
[from 3 to 9 this morning]

Reply from Elena Leonova[guru]
In general, morning starts after three, day starts at 12, evening starts after 4, and night starts from 11 to 3.

Reply from Yotanislav Barannikov[newbie]
The morning starts at 04:00.
The day starts at 08:00
Lunch at 12:00
Evening at 16:00
Night at 20:00

Reply from Yaisa Ilnitskaya[guru]
You probably wanted to ask: “what time”? In the place where you live - about morning and night - the answer can be found in the calendar. What about the day?? ? I think every person's day starts at a different time. And it's not about the calendar. After all, a day is a person’s active life, right? My day is part of the night when I work, part of the evening when I work, and the time when the birds sing merrily. And the birds, as you know, sing most cheerfully at dawn, just at that time called morning.

Reply from Marina Karpukhina (Masko)[guru]
But I wonder, beyond the Arctic Circle, where half the year is day, and half the year is night, when do morning and evening begin?
So when you decide then they begin. In addition, there are also “night owls” and “larks”. Their mornings and evenings begin at different times....:-)

Reply from Blya ***[guru]
It’s different for everyone... My morning starts at 4.50, and my neighbor’s starts at about 12...

Reply from Mikhail ozerov[guru]
morning from 5 to 12 afternoon from 12 to 17 evening from 17 to 24 night from 00 to 5 am

Reply from Jaconya[guru]
..everything depends on your biorhythms, based on this you make decisions on what to do, what to do - BY YOURSELF.. no need in the morning from 6 to 12.. in the afternoon from 12 to 18.. in the evening from 18 to 24 at night from 24 to 6 in the morning. .. AMOEBA NEEDED THIS..

Reply from Oh[guru]
It's probably different for everyone. In general - morning - from 3 to 9, day from 9 to 15, evening from 15 to 21 and then night)

Reply from User deleted[newbie]
Morning, I think at 4. Day at 12. Night at 00.