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Dilapidated fence. Choosing the right wood

With the existing variety of designs and styles, a fence in the antique style is in greatest demand. This is due to the original and unusual appearance that antique products have, as well as a unique twist in execution.

If you want to make a fence stylized as an antique tree, then you can start by building a gate. It will be the indicator of whether this type is suitable for the main design of the site. Antique gates may look different, but they all delight with the beauty of their appearance. The picket fences processed with an electric jigsaw deserve special attention. They are reminiscent of the times when kings ruled, who decorated their domains with intricate handmade fences. You can make sure that the old fence really looks very original and attractive by looking at the photo.

Gate with figured boards

Building a gate with figured boards is quite simple. To ensure a long service life, you must strictly adhere to each step in the construction process. You will need the following materials:

  • two pillars;
  • four rafters;

  • two handles;
  • boards;
  • two overhead loops;
  • fasteners;
  • bolt;

  • four crossbars;
  • four eyes;
  • concrete;
  • bitumen.

Required tools:

  • building level;
  • shovel;

  • drilling device;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • saw.

All metal materials used must be retro-styled. On the modern market you will find many materials that will help you decorate your site in an original way. An important step will be impregnation of the wood, since without it the wood is prone to negative changes. Do not forget that in ancient times there were no oil paints, so it is important not to overdo it with materials in order to ensure a natural appearance fence

Construction of a gate

  1. Determine the width of the gate and its location.
  2. Think about the opening direction. Opening inward would be more optimal.
  3. To install a fence, you will definitely need a level that will help get rid of unnecessary defects.
  4. When installing pillars, you first need to make 2 holes. Due to the fact that there is a possibility of freezing of the ground, the depth must be made quite large - 1.8 m is quite enough.
  5. Using a shovel, you first need to make a depression, after which you need to continue working with the drill directly in the hole. Then the pillars are placed in the ground (their lower part is pre-treated with bitumen), and then concrete is poured.
  6. For the gate to function properly, it is necessary to install overhead hinges. They are fastened against the transverse boards on the panel.
  7. In the process of attaching the boards to the panel, it is necessary to maintain asymmetrical proportions. Initially, marking is carried out, which will be compared with the width of the figured boards. The first board is nailed in such a way that an angle of 90 degrees is created in relation to the crossbars. Later, a sample with a width of 100 mm is applied and a figured board is nailed.

Installation of an antique wooden fence

  • First, figured boards are nailed, followed by edged boards. The process should occur evenly.

  • A saw is used to make small grooves on the smaller boards. As a result, there is one groove on the bottom figured board, and two on the top ones.

  • At the final stage, ridge-type boards are filled. This stage is important, since even the smallest gap can cause serious damage to the entire structure of the ancient fence.

Now you just need to decide on the type of lock. In the daytime, the gate can be locked with a bolt, and in the evening - with a padlock. To give your wooden fence an antique aesthetic, you can purchase a large lock with an impressive chain. In the photo you can see variations of antique fences that you may like. If you like the gate, you can begin building the rest of the fence. The construction technique will be the same as that of the gate, only more time and materials will be needed. That's it, your stylized fence is ready!

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection.

Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet.

See interpretation: wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground.

Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property.

Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies.

But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one.

Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals.

Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time.

If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures.

The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence.

Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment.

Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health.

Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business.

Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business.

However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die.

If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon.

Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve.

Protecting yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene life. happy life.

A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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The price for the work is largely determined by the original condition of the structure, as well as the material from which it was built. Dismantling a concrete fence is a very labor-intensive process, since it has significant weight and in order to dismantle the fence, the use of special tools and trucks is required: a construction hammer, a tractor. In addition, several specialists are involved in the work.

A structure made of corrugated sheets does not have such a significant mass as a product made of concrete, and its installation most often occurs in sections, mounted on poles or strip foundation. Thus, specialists will have to disconnect sections of the metal fence and destroy the strip foundation/dig out the pillars. The price for services in this case depends on the area of ​​the structure, the size of the foundation and the depth of the pillars in the ground.

Even a seemingly fragile wooden structure can turn out to be very strong, and then its demolition can require a lot of effort. Our craftsmen will quickly and efficiently remove all elements of the wooden fence, so you can use the area at your discretion. Most often, picket fence boards are installed on horizontal logs, which in turn are attached to support posts. The cost of dismantling this type of fence is one of the lowest.

The structure made from chain-link is the fastest and easiest to demolish. This mesh can be presented in sections or as a continuous web stretched between the posts. Due to their low weight, these fences are installed exclusively on dug-in/concrete supports, the removal of which will be professionally carried out by our employees. We will clear your property of any traces of old fencing in a matter of hours at minimal cost to you.

If Berdsk residents do not have money for a new fence, then they can remove the old one and do without a fence

Over the last three weeks of July, employees of the Administrative and Technical Inspectorate (ATI) issued about 300 notices to eliminate violations of the rules of improvement to owners of private houses in Berdsk.

They have already worked on some of the streets in the private sector, ATI head Evgeniy Avdeev said on August 1, - Pushkin, Ostrovsky, Gorky, Sverdlov, Mayakovsky, Krasnaya Sibir. Krasnoarmeyskaya, Kutuzov. Ushakova, Suvorova. Land owners were given orders to cut grass, install or paint containers, and tidy up house facades and fences.

As for fences, only 20 notices were issued for their proper maintenance. Not a single owner said that he would not redo the dilapidated fence, says Evgeniy Fedorovich. Mostly they agreed that they should have done the fencing a long time ago, but they just never got around to it. Some said that there was no money yet, as soon as they received their salary they would start building a new fence.

There were also Berdsk residents who, the next day after visiting the ATI specialists, demolished the old fences and drove in pipes for a new fence.

If suddenly there are home owners who do not want to change the dilapidated fence, they will be asked to demolish it. It’s better to have nothing than to disfigure the entire street, ATI believes. Avdeev notes that in the private sector there are many estates where there are no fences at all. And the appearance of the estate does not suffer from this.

There are a lot of complaints from the administrative and technical inspection about several houses next to the federal highway not far from the railway station. The facades and fences of the houses look terrifying. If they were dilapidated apartment buildings, they would have been resettled long ago. But they all belong to private individuals, poor people. But meanwhile, no one is relieved of the responsibility to keep order on their estate. Moreover, Vokzalnaya Street is the face of Berdsk, and dilapidated houses with rickety fences can spoil the overall impression of the city.

ATI specialists will conduct raids on the private sector of Berdsk twice a month. House owners who do not comply with the instructions, which indicate certain deadlines for correcting violations, will be subject to administrative protocols (fine up to 2,000 rubles).

Concrete fence is a disgrace for the city

Question with a concrete fence on the street. Pervomaiskaya is still at the resolution stage.
Back in the spring of this year, the leaders of the Berdsk authorities were concerned about the appearance of the central streets of Berdsk. on Pervomaiskaya disfigures the appearance of the city, said acting. O. Mayor of Berdsk Andrey Mikhailov.

In addition, they found out that the fence is made of concrete slabs occupies 180 sq. meters of municipal territory. Behind the fence are the territories of two companies - Chaldon LLC and Berdsky Torg OJSC. According to the rules of landscaping, concrete fences can only enclose construction sites. An openwork metal fence should be installed on Pervomaiskaya. This information was sent to the heads of the companies.

The director of Chaldon, Vladimir Grebe, committed himself to installing a new fence by September 1, 2014. The leaders of Berdsky Torg are still in thought. While they are thinking, they have already paid a 10,000 ruble fine for violating city improvement rules. One of these days, representatives of the company should meet with Mikhailov on this issue, but so far they have not given an acceptable time frame for replacing the fence, Avdeev notes.

To see a story in a dream that is somehow connected with a fence means to receive an important sign, ambiguous, concerning both physical safety and spiritual independence. Dream books give a lot of conflicting interpretations of what a fence means in a dream, and everything connected with it, depending on the situation that developed in the dream.

Putting up a fence in a dream means receiving hope for favorable news: someone very influential will take the dreamer under his protection and protection. While waiting for outside help, you should not sit idly by - the dream foreshadows fruitful creative activity.

In a dream, build a fence in a country house or in rural areas means: in reality you should not fence yourself off from people. The dream book warns against isolation and loneliness - this is what this event means in dreams. Self-isolation is not the best best way achieving peace of mind.

The love dream book explains why such a vision is dreamed from a different point of view. It indicates concern for the fate of the couple, but now it will be possible to take the first steps to protect the emerging intimacy from outside interference. A girl in love will establish a trusting relationship with a young man, and a spiritual relationship will be revealed.

Freud's dream book explains in detail why you dream of a fence and the attempt to build it - this is a projection of distrust of everything connected with love relationships, visualization of an attempt to isolate oneself from love experiences. The dreamer is given a hint that he is too carried away, protecting his inner peace from the invasion of passion. Only by opening your soul to passion can you fill your life with real happiness.

Having seen in a dream how a loved one makes a fence, it is not difficult to guess about the partner’s readiness to take decisive actions to establish trust and strong relationships.

Destruction of the fence

Life is unstable, sometimes we build, sometimes we break - this is reflected even in dreams.

Dream book of a psychologist. G. Miller deciphers the dream of a dismantled fence as follows. If in a dream friends climbed onto him and fell down with him, you should warn them against risky, dangerous undertakings.

If the dreamer himself simply knocked it over in a dream so as not to interfere with moving on, this is an excellent harbinger - he will achieve the impossible thanks to determination and energetic actions. Miller’s dream book also gives a favorable explanation of why you dream that a fence was broken by a herd of animals - support will come from the most unexpected quarter. Trust your fortune.

According to Freud's dream book, tearing down a fence in a dream so as not to interfere with movement means: you will soon be able to free yourself from memories that prevent you from moving forward towards a new passion. In this case, a broken fence is a lucky sign. Life will sparkle with bright colors again, open to fresh feelings and carnal pleasures.

Remember why you dreamed about these events, do not count with sadness the years that will bring many more joys.

Dilapidated hedge

Instability, anxiety and vague premonitions are reflected in dreams where there is no reliable support.

To see an old fence falling over buildings in a dream foreshadows unfavorable events caused by reasons beyond a person’s control and a spoiled mood. Stay strong, don’t get depressed and don’t trust strangers.

Dream books interpret a picket fence leaning towards the street as a sign of personal problems - not so serious as to destroy relationships, but requiring effort in order to straighten out the family situation, restore mutual understanding and harmony.

It is important to know why you dream that a dilapidated fence is collapsing before your eyes: in the near future you should be extremely careful, not get involved in adventures and control your loved ones - these are not the days when you should not take risks. You may not find understanding, but be persistent - they will thank you.

If in a dream it is possible to repair a fallen fence, the dream books promise that financial difficulties will be resolved without any extra effort, in normal working hours. But if the fence does fall, you need to be prepared to repel minor misfortunes. Be patient, stubborn, resourceful and calm, like a boa constrictor. These are really little things, they tire you, but they are unable to interfere with your plans.

Wickets and holes

What's behind the fence? If in a dream you have to overcome an obstacle in a more or less standard way, through a gate or wicket, this does not necessarily promise success in reality; moreover, it can cause disappointment.

An attempt to penetrate through broken boards in a dream threatens minor financial losses, but indicates perseverance and confidence - the end justifies the means.

Freud's dream book gives a useful explanation of why you dream of seeing a fence with holes: you can lose something, so you need to be extremely attentive, collected, and vigilant. Peering through a hole in the fence means you will soon regret the loss. A hole in someone else's fence means health problems for its owner.

According to Miller’s dream book, crawling through a gap in a fence is a projection of readiness for dishonest, illegal actions to solve problems that have arisen. But going through the gate in the fence is a good sign correct actions, which, however, will lead to an awkward situation, humiliation received from those who should be grateful to you.

Jump over the fence

From the point of view of esoteric philosophies, a hedge is a symbol of loneliness, isolation, and separation from loved ones. Jumping over a high fence in a dream, the dreamer imagines a quick meeting, a reunion with his family after a forced separation.

The very method of overcoming an obstacle speaks volumes about the style of dealing with difficulties that arise in reality. IN in this case in the dream images one can see the decisive, uncompromising character of a person who knows effective ways achieving the goal.

Why do you dream of jumping over a fence according to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book? It will be possible to implement the plan, despite a series of serious difficulties that were easily overcome.

A fence is a symbol of restriction of freedom; walking along it means in reality not even suspecting your high potential, ability to destroy barriers and wisely bypass established boundaries. Esoteric dream book advises to discard dependence on the opinions of others, to follow your own path towards your own goals.

Climb over the fence

Freedom-loving natures do not tolerate restrictions even in their sleep. Seeing a picket fence or a fortress wall, they strive to look behind it - the unknown beckons.

A low fence symbolizes, according to Freud’s dream book, an obstacle that does not need to be stormed. Accordingly, if a person climbs over such a fence in a dream, in reality he will be able to find workarounds to solve emerging obstacles.

To influence, to enlist support from above, to weave intrigue, to gently, insinuatingly persuade someone to make the necessary decision - in the near future the dreamer will not act “head-on”, he will have to show resourcefulness, and he will cope with this brilliantly.

According to women's dream book, climbing over the fence means showing wisdom on the marital battlefield and achieving reconciliation. According to it, sitting on a fence in a dream foretells success in the most important matter at the moment.

Fence theft

Why do you dream of a new, brand new fence? The dreamer expects success on the path of creative work. He will really create something new - perhaps it will be an invention or a cool designer item, but the reward - material and moral - will bring great satisfaction.

An absurd dream about a fence being suddenly stolen may be a projection of real fears regarding possible losses, thefts, and embezzlement. They also contain predictions - among the heroes of the visions one must look for a suspect in theft or embezzlement.

But on the other hand, dream books hint that such “theft” of the boundaries of what is permitted in a dream expands freedom and opens up new opportunities. Why do you dream about such an incident? To overcome isolation, open statements about your desires in personal relationships and in business. The consequences can be very serious; not everyone will accept frankness, but the person will definitely act more effectively.

Whitewashing and painting

Dream books promise a quick move for those who painted the fence in a dream. You can start packing your bags. If the fence was whitewashed, such a dream, apparently due to the ancient traditions of whitewashing, overgrown with signs, has a lot of interpretations, one more interesting than the other.

Whitewashing yourself means soon being invited to a big celebration - a wedding, anniversary, important corporate event. In addition to pleasant holiday troubles, this also promises a certain amount of honorable attention to your person.

If others do the whitewashing, the dream book speaks of the gullibility of the dreamer, who may reveal his plans to dishonest scammers. Be careful. In the coming days, do not shift important decisions onto the shoulders of others - you yourself will cope much better.

Forcing someone to whitewash a fence, according to dream books, means: in reality you will try to correct the mistakes of your relatives. How persistent you were in your dream, the more successful your actions will be.

Why dream of whitewashing old dirt on a fence? The dreamer clearly has something to hide from others. Painting someone else's fence in a dream is a sign that you will soon be able to get rid of your annoying surroundings.

Fence color

What color was the fence you saw in your dream? Color seems to fill the interpretations of dream books with emotions.

Why do you dream of a fence painted orange or yellow? Such a cheerful design promises a festive mood. Even if the dreamer encounters obstacles on his way, he will have reasons for joy.

The red color of a fence in a dream speaks of enormous emotional stress. Maximum activity, vivid experiences, and passion are what will lead a person out of the vicious circle of self-isolation.

The meaning of the color green is multifaceted; the interpretation of dream books depends on the shade, for example, a light salad fence in a dream warns: it’s time to overcome your insecurities. The poisonous green fence is a signal to calm down, a reminder that being nervous is a bad helper in solving problems. Calm green colors, according to dream books, are harbingers of carefree days.

Fence material

If the dreamer remembers what the fence was made of, this is not accidental. Why do you dream of a fence made of a certain material? Dream books interpret a wooden fence as a lack of reliable protection. It’s not that safety is at risk, but it makes sense to insure against trouble.

The iron fence persistently reminds you of the need to defend yourself from ill-wishers. Sometimes it is enough to emotionally distance yourself from the most active representatives in order to find peace of mind. Take a philosophical approach to the fuss of envious people - they have something to envy.

A stone fence in a dream, on the contrary, is a symbol of the fact that too tight isolation from the outside world deprives many joys. Open up to the world and receive a positive emotional charge from those around you.