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Dream interpretation of playing with a rat. Interpretation of dreams rat, dream rat, dreamed of a rat. Why do rats dream - Miller's dream book

Evgeniy Sedov

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People have long believed that dreams have the mystical power to prophesy the future, but one must be able to interpret them and distinguish between the good signs they give and the bad ones. For example, should a person worry about possible troubles after he had a dream about rats? To find out the nuances of such a dream, consider in detail the meaning of this animal.

Interpretation of dreams – rat

Dream books help you understand what you saw at night. By taking the advice of interpreters, you can avoid life’s troubles. The collections provide answers to many questions, for example, why mice and rats dream. In life, most people associate such rodents with something vile and unpleasant, so after dreaming about these animals, you immediately want to check the interpretation of dreams and dispel unnecessary fears. Here are the general meanings various commentators define for such visions:

  • If you find out what rats mean in dreams from Vanga’s dream book, then you need to choose between two meanings: either it is a warning of trouble if you saw a rodent in your house, or a sign of good luck if you killed it in a dream.
  • Miller's dream book warns that in the case of such a vision one should expect problems and intrigues at work. If you dreamed that you were chasing an animal, this characterizes you as a person who carefully chooses his surroundings and knows how to identify two-faced people.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus says that such rodents in dreams represent good luck and fertility. If you dream about how rats began to destroy the crop, you should be prepared for a cold and hungry winter.
  • Freud's dream book defines such visions as a manifestation of people's hidden sexual aggressiveness. For those who are not yet sexually active, the dream indicates their fear of sex.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book indicates that dreams about these rodents signify upcoming unpleasant changes in life - various dangerous events, tears and grief.

Rat in a dream

To correctly determine what a dream means, you need to analyze the details. It is important to remember exactly what kind of rat you dreamed about - a living or dead rodent. It is important what color it is - gray, white or red. They take into account whether it was an adult domestic rat or a small rat. These nuances of the dream will help you more accurately decipher the dream and take advantage of the prompts of the subconscious in time.

Why do you dream about a white rat?

The meaning of such a dream is very interesting, because it can be diametrically opposed. Quarrel and deception on the part of business partners or quickly achieving goals - this is what white rats dream of. If in a vision you feed such a tame rodent, then in real life you will successfully cope with various tests and find what you want. If you see this animal in a dream, be careful: this may be a sign that there is an enemy in your environment, hiding behind the mask of a friend. To determine exactly what a particular dream means, you need to take into account other images you have seen.

Why do women dream about rats?

Representatives of the fair sex often pay a lot of attention to their night visions, and it’s clear why. These omens, together with female intuition, can help anticipate troubles and take advantage of profitable opportunities in time. Why does a woman dream of a rat in her dream? There are several interpretations. It is believed that it marks good luck and marriage to a young girl, but it would not hurt for her to get to know her chosen one better. For married women, this rodent, which appears in a dream, brings family squabbles and the danger of deception.

Seeing a lot of rats in a dream - why?

What should you expect if you dream of such an omen? Seeing a lot of rats in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If there are a lot of rodents around, they do not run away from you, but even attack and bite themselves - reconsider your behavior, whether you have driven yourself into a vicious circle of addictions and responsibilities. If such a crowd is running around your house, think about whether such a sign confirms that you are uncomfortable around your loved ones, are there good reasons to seriously think about moving? If in a dream rodents are swarming under your feet, this can signify catastrophic disasters for entire countries.

Why do you dream about a black rat?

This is one of the most unpleasant omens, because the color of the animal condenses the negative messages encrypted in the dream. Why do you dream about a big black rat? This rodent may portend a loss of power, profit or position in society. If a black creature bites your hand, concentrate on solving your most tricky problems so as not to suffer huge losses in the near future. A woman who sees such a rodent in a dream should expect a quarrel with her neighbors. If an animal climbs onto a person’s shoulder, he needs to take a closer look at his surroundings, someone wants to subjugate his will.

Such a sign can have a favorable meaning only if in a dream you decide to catch an impudent rodent. If this plan is a success, expect good luck in real life. When you have the courage to even kill a black rat with your own hands - and in reality all the possibilities are in your hands, you can defeat your enemies and make friends with luck for a long time. If in a dream you made friends with an animal that seems unpleasant at first glance, expect a new reliable friend to appear in your life or a renewal of ties with an old friend.

Why do you dream of dead rats?

Do not rush to prepare for the worst after such a dream. What a dead rat means in a dream does not always have a negative connotation. If the dead rodent has black fur, it means that you have avoided major troubles that could have happened. If a dead carcass has gray fur, expect unexpected obstacles and betrayal, but if in a dream you easily removed a rodent from your path, the same will happen in life. It’s not very good if the rodent is dead, but covered in blood - you may be accused of indecency, and you will have to spend time and nerves restoring your good name.

Why do you dream about a rat that bites?

A dream of this kind, in which a rodent attacks, promises little pleasant things. Why do you dream about a rat bite? If a person sees how he has been “bitten” by a rodent, he will soon be forced to resolve serious legal issues. It is also not a good sign if you are bitten by a white rat - beware of those closest to you, one of these people is playing a double game and is an enemy. If you have a recurring dream that such an animal bites you - this is how your conscience attracts attention to itself, think about the actions you have taken.

If a rat tries to bite your hand, remember your financial condition. This is a signal: you don’t need to borrow money if you don’t want to quarrel with the person who agreed to help you out. If the animal managed to bite you, someone is hatching plans to act dishonestly and cause you losses. A bite on the finger signals minor illnesses that need to be treated to prevent complications.

Why do you dream of killing a rat?

To correctly interpret such a sign, you need to take into account how aggressive the beast was. Killing a rat that was actively attacking you means demonstrating your skills to overcome difficult life challenges with dignity and prevent approaching problems. If you are trying to catch an animal that is not aggressive against you, there is a high probability that in real life you are slandering a person who is innocent of anything. In general, such a dream has a positive connotation and speaks of the victory of good over evil.

Video: What does it mean to see a rat in a dream

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A rat in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Often this means betrayal of a loved one. People are looking for in interpreters why they dream of a big rat running around, whether there are a lot of them or one, but it attacks. The explanation of the vision depends on the scenario, the color of the animal's fur and other circumstances.

Interpretations of Vanga

A large rodent - the machinations of enemies that the dreamer does not know about. The dream promises a lot of troubles in the near future. To see a large rat in a dream for a person in love means that a rival will appear; this person will want to level out the love relationship. An animal of a dark, black color - the opponent uses black magic - can cast a love spell, a lapel, or cause damage).

Loff's interpretation

According to the dream book, a huge rat shows the dreamer’s fear of losing a person dear to his heart, of losing family ties. Also, a dream may precede the death of a relative. But you should never blindly trust what is written in interpretive sources. Believe: moments in time and the vicissitudes of fate can be changed.

Freud's explanations

A large, well-fed individual means feeling insecure in all areas of life - at work, at home, or even in your body. Sleep is a sign of a mental disorder, but it is not yet obvious. A rat gnaws a part of a human body - the dreamer has hidden fears. An animal bites a person on the heel - the dreamer is vulnerable, he feels helpless, does not know where to take protection.

But according to Nostradamus, the sight of a large individual predicts the beginning of hostilities. A lot of fat rodents that attack the dreamer promise loss, an epidemic or a contagious disease.

Tsvetkov’s meaning

The vision foreshadows sorrows, because of which the dreamer will suffer greatly. Seeing a black rodent is an accident, a fate that appears to be a disaster.

White animal color indicates deception prepared by the dreamer’s partner, adultery. In a relationship between two people there is a third person. A large rat rummages through a trash can - difficulties with the law, violations.

What does Astromeridian say?

A big fat rat means a lot of problematic situations. Rodents biting each other - to an imminent rather large quarrel, proceedings in court. Killing a rat or driving it into a trap is a triumph over attackers, revealing insidious plans. If blood is visible at the site of the bite, then such a dream predicts a quarrel with relatives. A black rat means meanness, a gray rat means the dreamer can be set up. If there are a lot of rats:

  • to see - to be dissatisfied with oneself and others. In the dreamer's mind, all people are evil and vile. Distrust of the environment is mirrored; it is also negative;
  • chase - the dreamer can overcome difficulties;
  • kill, poison - to success;
  • rodents chase the dreamer, bite - conflict with friends.

White dream book

A large rat in a dream indicates betrayal of friends, provision of false advice, and hypocritical attitude of people around you. The dreamer fell into the trap of lies and deception without even noticing such a situation. This situation can negatively affect health and relationships.

If a woman saw the animal, then the dream speaks of the power of her nature. She wants to be in control. The dreamer put on the iron lady mask for a long time and was unable to take it off. If a man sees a big white rat, then someone is controlling him, he cannot act or even think on his own.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

The dream of a rodent itself means illness or a dangerous person. The white color of the animal means good luck, but it will happen due to the dreamer’s unseemly actions, and his spiritual decline is possible. There will be success, but the person who sees the dream will become evil, mean and insidious.

Lots of predictions

If you dreamed of a huge rat, then you should be wary. Seeing such a rodent in a dream is always an unfavorable symbol. In most cases, rats dream of betrayal or a quarrel with someone who will not present the dreamer’s personality in the best possible way in real life.

Do not forget that dreams are a reflection of the fear of something in reality. A big rat is often seen in dreams before very important matters. Every person has ill-wishers, they will frame a person at any opportunity, they will do anything. Sometimes even a close friend or someone who was considered a good acquaintance can commit meanness. You cannot be 100% sure that a dream will not come true. Everything happens unexpectedly.

In almost all dream books, the vision of rats has one interpretation - enemies, conflicts. But there are details on the basis of which it is possible to determine which person intends to betray and from whom to expect revenge. It is necessary to take into account the size, color, and activity of the rodent. It is advisable to remember what the animal did in the dream.

Interpretations of dream books about a large individual are not much different from predictions about dreams about small rodents. The difference is that whoever sees a big rat in a dream will experience great grief or betrayal from a good friend, from whom in no case did the person expect a blow.

If a big rat eats something, then the dreamer is tormented by remorse and his soul is restless. An attack by a large rodent - it is worth paying attention to the state of the immune system. You may become seriously ill in the near future. Also, a large animal can mean: someone who wants to bring trouble to the dreamer occupies a prominent position in society, perhaps works in a good position. If you have to fight for justice, it won't be easy.

If you dream of a dead animal, this does not mean that everything is fine. Some interpreters believe:

  • such a dream means victory over enemies;
  • in other sources the dream means envy. You need to be careful, because some person experiences a destructive feeling of envy against the dreamer. You should reconsider your behavior and try to give a minimum of information about plans and achievements to people, even those closest to you. There will be no direct harm, but your reputation will be damaged.

Some people take comfort in the fact that a dead rat is a good dream - you don’t need to completely believe it. Rarely does anyone openly show a negative attitude, so anyone can act as an ill-wisher. But when you dream of a live rat, it is much worse, especially if the animal is large and fat. The dream means that the enemy is a rather large person in every sense. Pay attention to your boss. Perhaps he was up to something.

If he runs at home

There are several explanations for why you dream of a big rat in the house. Interpretation depends on the details. A huge rodent in the house can be seen before a significant event, often related to the home or household. If you saw in a dream a big fat rat scurrying around the house, then the dream predicts future material expenses associated with the house - the neighbors will flood, household appliances will break down, or other significant damage to the integrity of the house will occur. It could also be the tricks of ill-wishers.

Crowds of rodents running around the house mean conflicts with loved ones. There will be almost no reasons for a quarrel, but everything will develop into big problems in the relationship. In the near future, you should not expect either warmth or mutual understanding. Accordingly, the dreamer is predicted to experience sorrows and a sea of ​​shed tears. Also, a dream can speak of a hidden offense by a loved one; perhaps the offended person wants to take revenge.

A rodent that eats its own tail is harm caused by one of the family members. A lot of rats with thick tails of an unpleasant appearance - death or illness of the inhabitant of the house. Hearing the squeak of rodents means a nosy, sneaky person is undermining the dreamer. The victim of the intrigues learns about them when it will be difficult to change something. Killing a huge rat at home means getting even with your enemies and gaining complete freedom. Putting a rat trap means improving relationships with loved ones.

Animal color

Depending on the color of the coat, the interpretation may also be different. A dream about a big white rat - expect a dirty trick from women. It is worth paying attention to familiar representatives of the fair sex. You also need to take care of your health. Perhaps something evil is being planned against the dreamer. A gray rat means problems of an emotional nature; it can mean someone close to you; you can expect meanness from this person. Black - a verbal altercation, a crushing blow: someone will really hurt with words.

A red rodent means trouble soon. Also, a dream can predict family problems. The presence of a rival or rival is possible. Quarrels and scandals will not add warmth to relationships. Also when the red rat:

  • is afraid and runs away, then you need to change your place of residence, even temporarily. It would be nice to go on a trip;
  • gnawing on something - we should expect material instability in the near future. There is no need to plan large expenses, invest in dubious projects, fraudsters are possible;
  • bit the heel - the money will come.

Don't let the dream upset you

Although those who dreamed of a rodent need to prepare themselves for a negative response, they should not despair. The subconscious mind specifically sends a sign so that a person has an idea of ​​the impending danger. It is also worth noting: a dream you have on a church holiday will come true in the shortest possible time. From Thursday to Friday what was seen comes true: Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, so this day is not considered simple, it is important for otherworldly forces.

If you dreamed of rats, then the dream may also not speak about the most positive aspects of the dreamer’s character. Perhaps recent actions have not been distinguished by honesty or have been overcome by petty thoughts, small details at a time when the significant passes by. The dreamer must understand his inner state, love himself in order to achieve harmony with the people around him. This is what Aesop's dream book advises.

​Dream book of the 21st century: catching rats means danger lurks. There are rodents - trouble. Seeing is bad news. The dreamer is in a mousetrap - they might get robbed. To install it is to become privy to the insidious plans of your enemies. The mousetrap is empty - they will slander the dreamer.

Velesov's dream book: rats are a sign of an approaching illness, sorrow, danger, the appearance of enemies, news that a friend wants to harm. A dream in which you managed to catch and kill a rodent has a positive meaning. This is for luck and joy. You dream of rodents occupying a garbage dump - you should be as careful as possible with the legislation.

If you dreamed of a huge rat, then such dreams are multifaceted. It is impossible to put the interpretations together. Although if you study dozens of dream books, you will be able to find the answer to any question and understand what the plot was about. It is important to read the interpretation in various sources. Preferably in old editions. In general, every person can use a dream book. Useful information will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

A dream about rats will probably not be pleasant, because many do not honor this animal, experiencing not the best feelings: disgust, fear, disgust. To believe or not to believe is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but often a dream becomes a reality. There is no need to be upset if the dream book gives a bad interpretation. Just pay attention to the signs and be careful.

Attention, TODAY only!

  • Primary elements - water, wood, fire. Emotions - fear, anger, joy. Organs - kidneys, liver, heart, small intestine, bladder, gall bladder. Planets - Mercury, Jupiter, Mars. Animals and parasitic insects exist at the expense of the remains of human activity. It is not known when the first flies appeared on earth, but it is well known that where there are no scraps and sewage lying around, flies fly in by accident, but in dirty places they swarm in swarms, spreading infection and poisoning people. Mice in nature feed on grass and the fruits of cereal plants, which does not allow them to multiply excessively. Mice multiply in dangerous quantities, devouring waste near people, and, having multiplied, begin to destroy valuable human food. Evil rats are the misfortune of big cities with their social contrasts and so on. It is safe to say that any unethical behavior of the king of human nature either turns the animals around him into dangerous monsters, or unethical actions and thoughts seem to be embodied in flies, cockroaches and similar creatures. Parasites are another version of evil spirits, which are dangerous not only for the emotionally incontinent, but for all people on earth. People punished themselves with such a disaster, as civilization developed, they lost contact with nature. Parasites appear both in dreams and in reality when a person naively begins to consider himself the center of the Universe. A person thinks that everything is allowed to him, but parasites remind him of what he himself has become in relation to nature. Dreams of parasitic animals or insects (rats, cockroaches, flies) - heavy cold yin inside the body with serious disturbances in time rhythm and orientation in space. Parasites (cockroaches, mice, rats) in a dream - a dream means serious disturbances in the functioning of the horizontal meridians (heart, lungs, large intestine and small intestine; the meridians of the three heaters and the pericardium are responsible for the psyche) and vertical meridians (spleen, pancreas, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, liver). This means a person’s complete inadequacy and loss of the ability to navigate in time and space. Therefore, according to popular interpretations, sleep is accompanied by troubles: the collapse of affairs, scandals, and so on. Sleep dictates the need for medical intervention: renal failure overloads the heart, which causes insomnia or excessive dreams, weakened memory, etc. The dreamer, however, can help himself in many ways by stopping blaming others for his misfortunes and trying to refrain from nervous breakdowns of irritation over trifles and other emotional incontinence. Parasites do not include toads and spiders (see corresponding words).

If you saw a rat in your dream, most likely your dream does not bode well. Dream books interpret this image in different ways. Such a dream can be a harbinger of some kind of mental or physical trauma. The rat is a common symbol of the enemy. If you are facing some very important event that can significantly affect your career or personal life, it is better to postpone or reschedule this event for a while.

The person you were hoping for can let you down at the most crucial moment.

A dream about a rat is especially unfavorable for influential people and entrepreneurs. If in a dream this animal brazenly runs around your apartment, in reality this is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of a fairly close person.

Perhaps you won’t get by without a quarrel with a friend or friend.

You hear rustling, but do not see a rat; such a dream promises a threat. It may not be very obvious, but you still somehow feel trouble approaching. A white rat means meeting a person (probably), which will seem pleasant. However, such a dream speaks of deceptive appearances. Be careful with new acquaintances.

If in a dream you defeated or caught a rat, it means in reality you will cope with enemies, vile and low people who want to somehow harm your reputation. Dreaming of people with rat tails is a harbinger of illness. A cat that kills a rat means that a benevolent friend will help you defeat your enemy. However, there is another interpretation - these are two enemies who will enter into battle and one will be defeated.

What will a psychologist say about a dream about a rat?

The rat can symbolize your disgust towards the people around you. You feel hypocrisy, unfriendliness, hostility towards yourself. The rat can symbolize an enemy that you have long known or suspected. The enemy in this case is a person no higher than you in position in society. Most likely, this is a rival on the personal front or a two-faced employee at work. In any case, you feel dangerous and threatened by such an enemy.

A dream in which you see a rat may mean subconscious fear or loss of loved ones. A dream like this can symbolize fear in general. If there are a lot of rats in a dream and they surround you, you feel trapped, surrounded by people who want to harm. Such a dream can be caused by troubles at work, troubles in your personal life, or stress.

A rat in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing illnesses, troubles and betrayals. A white pasyuk symbolizes female meanness, a black one symbolizes deceit on the part of a loved one. Sometimes the appearance of a rat in a dream reflects the state not of the external, but of the internal world of a person: an increase in feelings of guilt, shame, and anger.

An invasion of gray rodents may portend a difficult period in life - war or famine. If you drive away rats, it means you have the strength to cope with the difficulties that have fallen on you. A rodent that bites until it bleeds dreams of family quarrels. If there is no blood, you will have to sort things out with your friends. Dreaming of a rat grabbing your legs is a hint that intrigue is woven behind your back.

Did you see rodents running away in a dream? Try to get away from home for a couple of weeks. Such a dream should especially alert a sailor: it predicts a shipwreck. A big rat running past in a dream means major troubles, which, fortunately, will bypass you. A rodent dreamed of by a person in love can represent a dangerous rival. Killing a rat in such a dream foreshadows victory over the enemy. A dead animal is a symbol of minor troubles.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a rat in a dream means a deterioration in relationships with neighbors or a conflict with business partners. You may be slandered, tricked or beaten. If in a dream you caught a rodent, in reality you will be able to overcome your enemies with valor. Killing an animal associated with human meanness is a good sign, meaning a worthy way out of any difficulties.

Loff's Dream Book

In the minds of most people, the rat is a carrier of infections that feeds on garbage. Hence the widespread disdain for rodents. The appearance of a rat may be associated with a fear of being rejected or losing friends. Perhaps you are afraid for your social status, worried about your property or health. In this case, the image of a rat emerges in the subconscious because it does not act with lightning speed, but slowly and inevitably devours reserves.


The rat is a companion of dangers, tears and troubles. The white color of the rodent indicates the presence of a hidden threat. Such a rat also denotes the devotion of a person who is in a burdensome relationship with you. Your difficulties will be successfully resolved if you killed the rat. And the more rodents destroyed, the more obvious the success will be.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do we dream of rats from the point of view of psychoanalysis? A dream, according to Freud, is a reflection of a person’s hidden (often sexual) desires. Rats in dreams can appear in people prone to aggression in the intimate sphere. Perhaps this is a sign that you want to diversify your sex life by introducing elements of masochism or sadism. For those to whom physical intimacy is still unknown, the rodent symbolizes fear of the first sexual intercourse.


The image of a rat is complex and contradictory. In some dreams it is associated with death and disasters, in others with justice and wisdom. If in a dream you fed a rodent by hand, in reality you will act wisely and firmly, and as a result you will achieve more than you expected. Do you dream of rats in your house? Get ready for a streak of bad luck. If you dreamed that the rodent did not fall into a trap, you will again be fooled by a person who seemed very pleasant in appearance. Seeing yourself defending yourself from rats means coping with difficulties without outside help.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of huge rats running around your home? To financial losses, intrigues from friends or troubles in the family. A rodent caught in a rat trap predicts a quarrel with neighbors or theft in the house. A dead rat dreams of health problems. If you drive out rodents with a stick or poker, your planned task will progress with difficulty and end in failure. Fright at the sight of a rat foreshadows an unfortunate story of slander. If a cat caught a rodent in a dream, they will come to your aid in a timely manner.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dream of rats, expect bad news. Eating pasyuks is a pity; hunting them is a threat. An empty rat trap portends that competition and slander do not threaten you. If in a dream you set a trap, in reality the plans of your enemies will be revealed to you. If you find yourself in a rat trap, beware of being robbed.

Dream book for the whole family

It's time to think about winter preparations if you dreamed of a gnawing rat. A dream with a pasyuk, which occurred from Saturday to Sunday, foreshadows a profitable deal. If you dream of rats on the night from Sunday to Monday, it means pleasant chores around the house.

Dream books from different countries

According to the Chinese dream book, a white rat dreams of providing support in a difficult matter and the appearance of a partner. If she bites your clothes, you will succeed in achieving your goal. Icelanders believe that a dream where a rat appears in a home promises wealth to the owner of the house. Among the British, pasyuk hints at the presence of a rival or an imaginary friend. In the Russian interpretation, one rat is a sign that a valuable thing will be lost. But a lot of rodents portend quarrels with loved ones. According to American beliefs, sleeping with a rat warns of the presence of an intruder in the environment.