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Licorice root syrup for what type of cough. What is so good about licorice cough syrup and how to use it. General rules of treatment

Treatment with medicinal plants has not lost its popularity even with the modern level of development of medicine. For treatment various diseases preparations based on plant extracts are used. One of the most commonly used is licorice root. Syrup from it is sold in any pharmacy. It is often prescribed by doctors for colds and coughs, even for young children. This drug is one of the most common expectorants.

General characteristics

The root of the plant known as licorice or licorice has long been used in folk medicine. It is considered the best expectorant and is also valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. You can buy dry extract of the plant for sale and use it to prepare decoctions. But the most commonly used syrup is licorice root.

It is packaged in bottles of 50 and 100 mg. The syrup is a thick brown liquid with a sweet taste and a peculiar odor. The basis of its composition is sugar syrup, which contains 86%. 10% is alcohol, and only 4% is thick licorice extract.

The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the substances contained in this plant. First of all, this substance is similar in its properties to steroid hormones. In addition, licorice root syrup contains essential oils, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, resins, organic acids, and coumarin. Thanks to this composition, the drug has expectorant, laxative, antispasmodic and regenerating effects. Therefore, it is used for a variety of pathologies.

What effect does it have?

The widespread use of licorice root syrup in medicine is explained by its unique properties. Glycyrrhizic acid, the main active ingredient of the drug, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In this way it is similar to steroid hormones, such as cortisone. Licorice root relieves inflammation and swelling, but mainly affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. When used internally, the drug has the following effect:

  • helps thin and remove mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • cleanses the intestines and helps get rid of constipation;
  • relieves headaches due to colds;
  • relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulates regeneration processes, restoring cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and skin;
  • cleanses the respiratory tract from viruses and bacteria;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors.

Indications for use

Licorice root syrup is better known as an expectorant. It is most often prescribed for colds to alleviate dry cough. Moreover, it is no less effective than expensive modern medications. And it is prescribed even to small children, since it practically does not cause side effects. But the use of licorice root is not limited to the treatment of colds. The medicinal properties of the drug allow it to be used for complex treatment many pathologies:


For some reason, it is believed that all herbal preparations are absolutely safe. But that's not true. Despite the large number useful properties licorice root syrup, the instructions warn against its use in the following cases:

  • at diabetes mellitus it cannot be used due to the presence of sugar in the preparation;
  • during pregnancy, it can cause hormonal disruptions, increased uterine tone and bleeding;
  • in case of hypertension, it can lead to increased blood pressure, as it has a tonic effect;
  • in case of individual intolerance, it can cause a severe allergic reaction;
  • if it is necessary to use diuretics, potassium may be washed out of the body.

Contraindications include: bleeding disorders, serious liver diseases, hypokalemia, disorders heart rate. But negative effects can be avoided if you take the drug as prescribed by your doctor.

Side effects

Negative reactions after using licorice root are rare. If you take it as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications and the patient’s age, the treatment takes place without side effects. But allergic reactions in the form of skin itching, rash, and redness of the skin are possible. Sometimes heartburn, nausea, and indigestion also occur. Long-term use of the drug or its overdose can cause hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, pain in the heart, the appearance of edema. It can be especially dangerous when taking diuretics, as this leads to a decrease in potassium levels in the blood. In addition, men should use licorice root syrup with caution. It contains estrogen-like substances, so it can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Instructions for use of licorice root syrup

The drug has a pleasant smell and sweet taste. Therefore, its use usually does not cause problems even in children. But some people cannot swallow sweet syrup because they do not like its specific taste and smell. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute the prescribed dose in half a glass of warm water or tea. Usually the dosage is prescribed individually depending on the patient's condition. The instructions for licorice root syrup recommend taking 5 ml three times a day. This is approximately 1-2 tablespoons. It is best to take the medicine after meals with plenty of water, or half an hour before meals. It is especially important to drink more fluids when treating a cough, as it helps remove phlegm. The course of treatment with licorice root syrup is usually 1-2 weeks. It is not recommended to take the drug for longer. If no improvement is observed, more serious medications should be prescribed.

Use of licorice root syrup by children

This drug is most often used to treat colds in children. It is the syrup form that is especially convenient for a child because of its sweet taste and ease of dosage. After all, not all children can swallow a pill, especially when they have a sore throat. And this drug can be diluted in juice, tea or simply in water.

The instructions for using licorice root syrup recommend giving children 2.5 ml, that is, about a teaspoon. The drug is diluted in 50 ml of liquid and given to the child to drink 3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually a week.

But this dosage is acceptable for a child over 3 years old. After all, the instructions do not recommend using licorice root syrup for younger children. Although pediatricians often prescribe the drug even to infants. But this requires an individual dosage in drops. Usually give the child 1-2 drops of syrup diluted in a spoon of water.

In nature there are a huge number of useful plants that are used to make medicines against many diseases. Some of them are indispensable in the fight against heart disease, others are widely used to treat diseases gastrointestinal tract, still others help eliminate the symptoms of respiratory system diseases. The latter includes the miraculous remedy - licorice syrup.

This medicine not only relieves cough, but also helps strengthen the entire human body. Licorice root syrup fights infection comprehensively, as it has a number of therapeutic properties, namely:

  • expectorant
  • antiviral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antispasmodic,
  • regenerating.

About the plant and its effect on the body

Licorice belongs to medicinal plants from the legume family. It contains a large number of healing components that are used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. It is used to make mixtures, pills, emulsions, infusions and tinctures, as well as cough syrup that is effective for adults and children.

Cough licorice is considered one of the best expectorants. It is prescribed for dry cough, since the pharmaceutical effect of the main component - glycyrrhizin - is based on enhancing the secretory function of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, as well as stimulating the activity of the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi. Flavonoid compounds, also included in its composition, provide an antispasmodic effect on the bronchial muscles, i.e. relieve spasms and relieve pain.

This is what licorice looks like after harvesting and before processing.

The mixture contains a large number of biologically active components, each of which has its own effect on the patient’s body. This product not only dilutes mucus, thereby facilitating its removal, but also allows you to achieve an effect that many other drugs do not have - a disinfectant effect. This promotes rapid healing of small wounds in the pharyngeal mucosa, which are often formed during a dry, hysterical cough.

In addition to local effects, this drug has a positive effect on the entire human body, increasing its resistance to various adverse factors. Also, the syrup, due to its antimicrobial properties, fights all pathogenic bacteria, in particular, its use is recommended for staphylococcal infections.

Basic composition of syrup

The drug contains 27 flavonoid compounds, essential oils, glycyrrhizin, polysaccharides and other substances. All of them together provide a pronounced therapeutic effect.

One bottle of this drug includes:

  • 10 g 96% ethyl alcohol;
  • 4 g plant root extract;
  • 90 g sugar syrup.

Indications for use

  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • bronchiectasis,
  • tracheitis, etc.

The syrup has a pleasant taste, so it can be an excellent medicine for children.

Children can be given licorice syrup from 10-12 years of age. It is prescribed for any respiratory disease accompanied by a severe cough. The medicine has a pleasant taste, so little patients will take it with pleasure.

For children who are only 2-3 years old, licorice tincture is prescribed in exceptional cases and only after examination by a qualified doctor.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Even though vegetable origin, the drug can not be taken by everyone. As mentioned above, it should be given to young children with special caution. Licorice root syrup should not be consumed by people with diabetes, arrhythmia and kidney disease. In them, taking the medication can lead to edema due to excess fluid retention in the body. Another absolute contraindication is intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Also, the product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

One of the advantages of the syrup is its reasonable price compared to other similar drugs. It also extremely rarely causes allergies, which explains the numerous positive reviews from patients. However, this remedy also has small side effects. These include:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • rash;
  • skin redness;
  • increased blood pressure (in case of long-term use).

Instructions for use

It is recommended to take the syrup 5-10 ml orally after meals. It must first be diluted in 150-200 ml of warm water or tea. Course of treatment medicine– 10 days. Longer use may result in unwanted side effects.

It is extremely important to follow the dosage of the drug for young children

Children 10-12 years old are advised to take 50 drops of this syrup, diluted in half a glass of warm water, three times a day. At 6-7 years old (only after consulting a doctor), you can give 5-10 drops in a teaspoon with warm water. Children aged 2-3 years – no more than 2 drops diluted in a teaspoon of water.

In addition to syrup, treatment of dry and wet cough can be carried out using licorice infusion. Preparation instructions: 3-5 bags of plant root should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water, then cover tightly with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the infusion should be cooled and strained thoroughly. To the resulting volume you need to add a little boiled water. It is recommended to use several times a day, preferably after each meal.

A child's cough is a common symptom of colds and infectious diseases. Gradually, from a dry form it turns into a wet one, becomes less frequent and the baby recovers. It happens that the period of coughing is prolonged, which worries parents. Licorice root syrup, an affordable and effective expectorant, helps overcome it. When and for what symptoms its use is justified is described in the annotation for the drug.

One of the cough remedies is licorice root syrup.

How does licorice root help?

Licorice root (licorice) from the legume family has many beneficial properties and is used for medicinal purposes in the form of various dosage forms - tinctures, concentrated syrups, thick decoctions. It contains the natural antioxidant ascorbic acid, a number of essential oils, flavonoids, and other useful components. Initially, the laxative, diuretic, wound-healing, and immunostimulating effects of the root were noted. Later, its effectiveness in coughs was proven.

The plant is allergenic, so children should be given medications containing it with caution.

Composition and features of the drug

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Ready-made industrial licorice root syrup is a thick, chocolate-brown liquid. It has a sweet taste, and it usually doesn't take long to ask little ones to drink it at the right time. The viscous structure ensures a quick and gentle action of the medicine, which envelops and soothes the respiratory tract. In 100 ml. 4 ml of medicinal liquid was measured. licorice root extract (active ingredient) and additional components - 10 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol, 86 ml. sugar syrup.

The syrup contains alcohol, so the medicine is not prescribed to small children

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the high content of natural bioflavonoids (liquiritin and liquiritoside), which have a general strengthening effect on the body. It also contains glycyrrhizic acid, systosterol, glycyrrhizin - ingredients for enhancing immunity. Syrup (additional component) consists of sugar, starch and pectin. Since the drug is based on alcohol, doctors prescribe it with caution before the age of two.

For colds, medicine based on licorice root has a complex effect:

  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral.

For long-term storage, the drug is released in dark glass bottles. A number of manufacturers can add water, specially prepared glycerin, and natural preservatives to the medicine, but children should choose syrups with a minimum amount of components (only licorice, sugar, alcohol). The drug has an affordable price: a bottle produced by Samaramedprom, EKOlab, and other domestic pharmaceutical plants costs about 50 rubles.

Effect of cough syrup

Many biologically active substances that licorice root syrup contains have a beneficial effect on the state of the respiratory system during ARVI and colds. Flavonoids and glycyrrhizin stimulate the activity of the epithelium lining the bronchi. Under their influence, the villi actively produce bronchial secretions, bind pathogen cells and push liquefied sputum to exit through the bronchial tree.

The therapeutic effect of the syrup is as follows:

  • liquefaction and removal of sputum;
  • respiratory tract disinfection;
  • regeneration of microcracks that form after coughing;
  • relief of coughing attacks of any kind (frequent dry, wet);
  • gradual cessation of cough and inflammation in the bronchi.

The syrup works well to liquefy and remove mucus from the child’s lungs.

Indications for use

Main indications for the use of licorice root syrup:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis (we recommend reading:);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (remission stage);
  • inflammation of the urinary tract.

For complicated coughs, the drug is prescribed in combination with other medications. However, when the baby takes tablets that are incompatible with licorice root (containing codeine), the syrup is put aside. It is drunk for 10 days. If in the first two days the child does not experience relief or swelling is observed, you should contact the clinic for a re-examination so as not to miss complications of the disease.


Before giving the drug to an infant or older child, you should study the contraindications and side effects. Its use is unacceptable in the following situations:

  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • exacerbation peptic ulcer;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • disruption of the kidneys and liver.

Licorice root has contraindications, so its use is possible after consulting a doctor.

The side effect of the drug is expressed in allergic reaction, unwanted increase in blood pressure. In the first case, a rash, diathesis, and other skin reaction on the arms, legs, and face are possible. In the second case, the pulse quickens, and when listening, the pediatrician observes a heart murmur. The child complains of feeling hot and gets tired quickly. Stomach discomfort and nausea may occur. For diabetes, doctors usually select medications that have similar effects, but without sugar.

General rules for taking syrup for children under 12 years of age

You cannot prescribe licorice root syrup on your own before the age of 12. It is important that the pediatrician examines the child and determines the appropriateness of its use in a particular situation.

The medicine is given to the child after meals, in an individually prescribed dosage. The doctor selects it based on the weight, age, and well-being of the little patient. When calculating, the specialist relies on the dose for an adult weighing 65 kg.

For 1 kg. babies are supposed to weigh about 0.3 ml. syrup (single dose 20 mg divided by 65). Knowing the weight of the baby, you can determine the prescribed volume of medication. For example, a baby weighing 9 kg. you need to give about 2.7 ml of syrup (0.5 tsp) at a time, which is important to dilute in a dessert spoon of water before serving.

When treating a cough in a child, it is important to remember the need for frequent and abundant drinking for better sputum removal.

The basic rules for taking syrup are:

  1. When the infant's correct weight is unknown or controversial, dosage can be adjusted based on age. Up to six months it is 1/10 of the adult, in a year - 1/6.
  2. Take licorice no more than 3 times a day. The course lasts no more than one and a half weeks.
  3. Before serving to children, the drug is carefully diluted in boiled water or weak tea. To enhance the expectorant effect during its use, frequent drinking is recommended - water, fruit drinks, compotes, tea.
  4. The medicine is prescribed to infants with caution, in extremely rare cases. For infants, pediatricians select expectorants without ethanol.

Dosages for children of different ages

When measuring the correct amount of syrup (in drops, teaspoons), take into account that the maximum single dose for two year old baby equal to two drops (see also:). Sometimes experts use more simple diagram reception, prescribing to take as many drops at a time as full years for at the moment child. Dosages according to instructions:

  • up to 2 years - 1-2 drops per 1 tsp. water 3 times/day;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 2-10 drops per 1 tsp. water 3 times/day;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 50 drops per 0.5 tbsp. water 3 times/day;
  • from 12 years - 0.5 tsp. for 1 tsp. water 3 r/day.

Alternatives for cough treatment

For children under one year old, it is necessary to use other drugs, for example, Gedelix

Parent reviews of licorice syrup are mostly positive. However, not only this dosage form is effective for coughing. Pharmacies offer licorice in the form of tablets, herbal teas, mixtures based on it, and complex antitussive syrups. In addition, you can use special candies that, in addition to licorice extract, contain sugar and molasses. They make breathing easier when you have a runny nose, gradually reduce the number of coughing attacks in childhood.

Instead of licorice syrup for coughs, one-year-old children and infants are prescribed:

  • "Gedelix" syrup with ivy extract, without sugar and ethanol (we recommend reading:);
  • anti-inflammatory syrup “Eucabal” with plantain herb and thyme leaf extract;
  • expectorant herbal medicine “Prospan” based on ivy extract.

These drugs also contain flavonoids and essential oils, which relieve shortness of breath, relax bronchial tissue, and improve children's breathing. They suppress the development of bacteria and viruses and help remove phlegm.

At long-term use Preparations based on licorice root result in intensive removal of potassium from the body. At this time, children’s diet should include dried apricots, peeled peanuts, walnuts, bananas and other products containing large amounts of this microelement.

  • overslept
  • Licorice root syrup
  • Dry medicine
  • Diseases of the respiratory system are most common in childhood. All parents face them, so the issue of choosing cough medications is very important for every mother. If a sick child coughs and the sputum is difficult to clear, he is prescribed medications with an expectorant effect.

    Such drugs help make the mucus in the respiratory tract thinner and stimulate its secretion, resulting in a more productive cough.

    Most often these medicines are presented as syrups. Some are made from herbal ingredients, while others are made from synthetic compounds. And when choosing a syrup for a small child, for example, at the age of 3 or 5 years, Most mothers lean toward herbal remedies, one of which is licorice root syrup. In order for such a drug to help cope with a cough, you need to know how to use it for children and how much syrup to give the child depending on his age.


    100 grams of syrup contains 4 grams of its main active ingredient, represented by a thick extract of licorice roots. This plant, also called licorice or yellow root, has long been used in the treatment of coughs. It is found in the European part of the country, in Siberia, and also in the Caucasus. An extract is obtained from the roots of licorice, and then various medicines are made.

    It is important to note that every 100 ml of licorice root syrup includes 10 ml of 96% ethyl alcohol. This information should be taken into account when choosing a remedy for treating cough in infants. The third component of the drug is sugar syrup, of which a 100-gram bottle contains 86 grams. This composition gives the syrup a brown color, a sweet taste and a peculiar smell.

    To ensure that licorice extract does not lose its medicinal properties and is stored for a long time, it is produced in dark glass bottles. Some manufacturers add preservatives, water, purified glycerin, citric acid and other substances, but the most common medicines contain only licorice, sugar and alcohol.

    How does it affect the child’s body?

    The main effect of the syrup, which contains licorice root, is to stimulate the motor and secretory functions of the respiratory system. The drug is prescribed for a wet cough, as an expectorant, if there is a viscous, thick and difficult to separate secretion in the child’s bronchi.

    The properties of the medicine are due to the presence in licorice roots of such active substances as glycyrrhizic acid, essential oils, glycyrrhizin, polysaccharides and flavone glycosides. It is these compounds that activate the function of the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, due to which the mucus thins and its release during coughing is facilitated.

    Licorice root syrup thins mucus, facilitating its passage from the bronchi.

    In addition to its expectorant properties, licorice acts as an antiseptic, protecting and strengthening the child’s body.


    The frequent use of licorice syrup in the treatment of cough in children is due to a fairly large number of positive characteristics of such a medicine:

    • Licorice root syrup is an affordable, inexpensive drug found in many pharmacies.
    • The medicine is based on plant materials (natural root extract), so it can be given in childhood.
    • Thanks to the sweet taste, most sick children do not refuse this type of medicine.
    • This syrup is ready-made remedy, which can be immediately given to a coughing child without the need to mix, boil or infuse anything.
    • The thick syrup quickly envelops the mucous membrane and begins to act almost immediately after administration.
    • Licorice syrup is quite convenient to dose. Many manufacturers include a measuring spoon or measuring cup in the packaging of such medicine.

    Licorice root syrup is pleasant to taste and easy to use.


    Given the expectorant effect, licorice root syrup is most often prescribed:

    • For acute bronchitis.
    • To relieve cough in acute laryngitis.
    • For pneumonia.
    • For chronic bronchitis.
    • For bronchiectasis.

    The drug can also be prescribed during surgery on the respiratory tract, both before and after the intervention. It is also recommended for gastritis or peptic ulcers, but only during the period of recovery and remission.

    Licorice syrup is prescribed not only for complex coughs, but also for stomach diseases


    Before you figure out how to give licorice syrup to children, you should take into account the presence of some contraindications to such a remedy.

    This drug should not be given to children with:

    • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
    • Gastritis in the acute stage.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Heart rhythm disturbances.
    • Peptic ulcer of organs digestive system.
    • Hypertension.
    • Impaired kidney or liver function.

    For diabetes mellitus, the medicine must be prescribed very carefully, because it contains sugar.

    You should consult your doctor before giving licorice root syrup to your child.

    For more information about the benefits of licorice root, see the program “Live Healthy.”

    At what age can it be used in children?

    The syrup, which is made from licorice root extract, is approved for use at any age, but most pediatricians do not advise giving this product to children in the first year of life due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in its composition. The use of licorice syrup is recommended for children who are already 1 year old.

    However, the use of this medicine in children 1-12 years of age must be agreed with the attending physician, who will clarify the dosage and determine whether there are any contraindications. The doctor will also take into account that this medicine is incompatible with some other medications. For these reasons, giving licorice syrup to children under 12 years of age is not recommended.

    Licorice root syrup can be given to children over 1 year of age, following the dosage

    Methods of application

    The medicine is taken orally after meals, but before giving it to your child to drink, you should find out how to dilute this medicine. To dilute the syrup, children need to take boiled water at room temperature. In addition, the bottle should be shaken before measuring the required dose of syrup. If the drug is measured in drops, they are dripped into a spoon with water.

    • Children aged 1-2 years are given 1 or 2 drops of syrup per dose.
    • For children over 2 years old, the required amount of medicine is diluted in a tablespoon or a quarter glass of water.
    • At the age of 2 to 6 years, the dose of the drug can vary from 2 to 10 drops, for example, a 4-year-old child can be given 5 drops of syrup per dose.
    • For children over 7 years of age and under 12 years of age, it is recommended to dilute 50 drops of the medicine in half a glass of water.

    Max. A single dosage of licorice syrup depending on age is as follows:

    The frequency of use of the syrup is three times a day, and the duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. To make the expectorant effect of such a medicine more pronounced, the child should be given a lot of warm drinks, for example, weak tea or unsweetened compote.

    Side effect

    Some children who take licorice root syrup experience nausea and may have diarrhea. The drug can also cause an allergic reaction, which is manifested by itching, swelling and redness of the skin, and rash. If such signs of intolerance occur, the medicine is discontinued, replacing it with a drug with a similar effect.

    Side effects may also appear if the recommended treatment period is not followed (taken for more than 10 days). If you use licorice products for a long time, it can lead to an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body, which will cause swelling and increase blood pressure.

    Same side effect noted when licorice root syrup is combined with diuretics, cardiac glycosides, laxatives and some other groups of drugs. It is very dangerous to take such syrup together with antitussive medications that can suppress the cough reflex.

    Long-term use of licorice syrup can cause digestive upset, nausea, and allergies.

    What do we know about common herbal remedies that don’t require you to shell out exorbitant amounts of money? These drugs are rarely “hyped” in advertising: there is no need for this, since these drugs are available and well known.
    From this article you can find out how effective licorice cough syrup is, what are its benefits and is it worth using this natural product as an alternative to expensive medications?

    Composition and healing effect of licorice

    Licorice preparations have been known to people for more than five thousand years. Even ancient Chinese healers valued this plant more than ginseng and included it in all preparations with a rejuvenating, strengthening and expectorant effect. The mysterious licorice root is none other than licorice. In Russia, since the 16th century, people paid for “licorice root” in gold. And now we can safely say that this plant was given to us by Mother Nature herself.

    Modern medicine attributes the following properties to licorice root:

    1. Essential oils have a complex anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect;
    2. Glycyrrhizin causes the cilia of the epithelial surface of bronchioles to actively work, promoting the removal of mucus;
    3. Helps coat the bronchial mucosa and soften dry cough;
    4. Accelerates the healing of damaged mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs;
    5. Coumarin maintains normal lumen of blood vessels, improving the ventilation function of the lungs;
    6. Phscorbic acid stimulates the functioning of immune cells, being an antioxidant;
    7. Bioflavonoids and saponins relieve bronchospasm and pulmonary congestion.

    Benefits of licorice syrup for coughs

    Licorice is used in various medicinal forms: decoction, infusion, syrup. Syrup is the most convenient form of a plant-based drug. Licorice root cough syrup is absorbed faster and more completely, is easier to drink and acts more effectively than other medicinal forms of this plant. For adults, and especially children, it is easier and more pleasant to drink a spoonful of syrup than half a glass of infusion or decoction of this plant.

    Licorice cough syrup has the following effects on the body:

    • Has a thinning effect on sputum;
    • Stimulates endocrine functions;
    • Acts as an antipyretic and decongestant;
    • Is an immunomodulator;
    • Helps eliminate catarrhal bronchopulmonary processes;
    • Eliminates paroxysmal persistent cough;
    • Facilitates the process of breathing and coughing during respiratory tract infections.

    Indications for taking licorice syrup

    Everyone has encountered a cough at least once and knows how unpleasant it is. A prolonged persistent cough is a serious symptom. It prevents you from sleeping at night, prevents normal breathing, and undermines the patient’s strength. Preparations based on licorice cope well with many ailments accompanied by a persistent cough.

    Below we will look at the situations in which and how to take licorice syrup for coughs in adults and children.

    Liquorice syrup can be used for:

    • various types of cough (dry and wet) with bacterial and viral respiratory tract infections;
    • tracheitis;
    • bronchitis (acute and chronic);
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • atelectasis;
    • to prevent organ inflammation chest after operations;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers (beyond the acute stage).

    Ways to take licorice syrup

    There are certain schemes that help answer the question: how to drink licorice cough syrup for adults and children. To achieve maximum therapeutic effects, syrup based on licorice root should be taken as follows:

    1. The usual dosage for an adult is two teaspoons (or one dessert) spoon of syrup 3 times a day.
    2. For a child over 12 years old, the syrup is prescribed one teaspoon three times a day.
    3. For young children (from 2 to 12 years old), it is recommended to use half a teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day.
    4. The drug can be prescribed to children under 2 years of age in the number of drops corresponding to the baby’s age (one drop of syrup is prescribed to a one-year-old baby, two drops to a two-year-old baby) 3 times a day.

    The course of treatment with syrup is usually 7-10 days. Before use, the syrup can be diluted in a small amount of heated water.


    Having figured out how to take licorice syrup for a cough, we need to understand the situations in which taking this medicine can be harmful. Licorice syrup is contraindicated for use with:

    • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • Hypertension;
    • Heart failure;
    • Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines.

    The drug is not used by women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Side effects

    Occasionally, taking the drug may contribute to:

    • Allergic manifestations;
    • Edema;
    • Liver dysfunction;
    • Increased blood pressure;
    • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
    • Joint pain.

    We believe that we were able to help you understand the issue of how to drink licorice syrup for a cough. With knowledge of the healing power of this ancient plant, you will be able to cope with a cough without resorting to unsafe and expensive chemicals.