Insulation materials Insulation Blocks

Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies rating. Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies. Additional professional education

Rector's greeting

Dear friends! For more than 17 years, our goal has been to give students quality education in the most popular areas: “ Economy», « Jurisprudence», « Management"and a number of others - a total of 6 areas and 15 training profiles, issuing a state diploma to its graduates. We offer all levels of university and postgraduate education - bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programs in full-time and part-time distance learning programs. We provide retraining and advanced training personnel, incl. professional retraining of lawyers, economists, civil servants remotely.

How to get higher education? Today, this question faces millions of yesterday’s schoolchildren, aimed at good employment and a successful career. We have something to answer this request! We have a solid material and technical base: educational buildings, a canteen, assembly and sports halls, and a dormitory for students. We have a qualified teaching staff, an extensive electronic library, a distance learning system, and the ability to... We know that our knowledge is relevant and our diplomas are in demand. We are proud of our students and graduates! We are glad to welcome everyone to our institute!

History of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies

Siberian Institute of Business and information technology- one of the first non-state educational institutions higher education in Western Siberia. The Institute received a license to conduct educational activities in 1996 The founders of the university were the Education Committee of the Omsk Region Administration, the Labor and Employment Committee of the Omsk Region Administration, Omsk State Technical University, other legal and individuals. The first rector of the institute was Ph.D. E.P. Dyakov.

IN 2001 The institute passed the first state certification and accreditation, gaining the right to issue state diplomas to its graduates. Since then, the university has undergone a similar procedure twice.

In parallel with state recognition of the institute, the range of areas and specialties in which training was conducted also expanded.

Soon after its establishment, the university began its international cooperation. In September 1997 The leaders of the institute visited London to establish contacts with educational institutions in the UK, and in December, Professor of the South London Business School T. Thavanayagam came to Omsk on a return visit. In 2006 As part of the Year of Russia in China, representatives of SIBIT, as part of the official delegation of the Omsk region, participated in the Russian National Exhibition in Beijing.

In 2007 There have been significant changes in the structure of the university. NOU "Institute of Law and Economics", which was previously included as an independent educational institution in the Siberian Association of Continuing Education, merged with NOU VPO SIBIT.

Since its inception, the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies has been conducting the educational process in strict accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. We fully comply with the requirements of the federal component of the standard and try to build the regional component of our curriculum in such a way as to respond to the specific needs of our students.

We have something to be proud of - we employ a whole galaxy highly qualified teachers, including doctors and candidates of science. In general, the number of teachers with an academic degree and title at our institute is over 70%. We can confidently say that the institute guarantees the quality of student training.

Historical significance of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies on a city and country scale

Siberian Institute of Business one of the few non-state universities, which has its own academic buildings located in a cozy green area, away from the noisy highway. These buildings have everything necessary for normal study: modern, beautifully renovated classrooms, computer classes, combined into a single local network and having access to the Internet, a good library with a reading room, a dining room, an assembly hall, a gym, its own printing house and editorial and publishing department, free Wi-Fi for students and teachers.

The institute works closely with non-governmental educational institutions of secondary vocational education " Siberian regional business school (college)" Common teaching staff, uniform teaching methods, coordinated curricula and approaches to organization educational process allow college graduates to painlessly adapt to the institute environment, reducing the duration of their studies at the university. The creation in our city of such a system of continuous education, in which the institute was a pioneer, is one of its most notable achievements.

SIBIT takes first place among non-state universities in Omsk and third place among all non-state universities in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern regions federal districts by the number of students studying there. About 4,000 students study within the institute. Over the years of its existence, the university has trained more than 5,000 graduates.

Higher professional education programs (bachelor's and master's degrees)


  • State-legal profile
  • Criminal law profile
  • Civil profile


  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Finance and credit
  • Economics of enterprises
  • Economics of the company


  • Financial management
  • Small Business Management
  • Marketing
  • Organization management
  • Management at oil and gas enterprises
  • Strategic management
  • State and municipal administration
  • State and municipal administration


  • Organizational personnel management


  • Applied informatics (in economics)

Additional professional education

Professional retraining with the issuance of a diploma of professional retraining.


Civil law

Criminal Law and Criminology

Administrative and financial law

Law enforcement

Occupational safety and health


Accounting, analysis and audit

Taxes and taxation

Economics of enterprises and organizations

Finance and credit

The Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies opens its doors to receive additional professional education in various disciplines, including municipal management for training and retraining of specialists remotely.

A distance learning model using the Moodle system has been developed on the university website, allowing students to have access to all educational and methodological materials available in electronic library Institute and a duplicate set provided to the student individually within 24 hours from anywhere in the world.

Distance learning allows you to combine the training course with continuation labor activity at the main place of work without interruption from production. Thanks to this model, the student can independently choose the time and timing of training. In an individual package he receives a complete set necessary materials, which includes lectures, methodological instructions and control blocks.

At our university, students learn to think independently analytically, make innovative decisions in emergency situations, and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. The demand for specialists at the level for which our institute trains is high. Including among state and municipal employees.

To successfully study, you will need a desktop computer, laptop or any other input device with access to the Internet.

Examples of solved tests in personal account

Faculties and branches of the university

    At our institute, students can take courses in the following areas:
  • State municipal administration, where management specialists are trained in the state and municipal sphere of activity;
  • Management and applied computer science;
  • Economics in government and management structures;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Personnel management in the area of ​​public service.

If you want to study in economics, law or management, then check out the university.

Taking the test remotely - from RUB 999.99*

Taking the exam remotely - from RUB 1,000*

Defense of the thesis via Skype - from RUB 2,500*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

Official website and personal account

Detailed information about the conditions for admission to the university at distance learning, passing score and cost of services you can see on the website.

Login to your personal account:

Tests and exams at the university in the 2017/2018 academic year

Considering the demand for specialists trained by the university, the requirements for applicants are very high. To guarantee admission, you will need us. Our specialists will provide assistance in passing tests and professionally prepare applicants and students for exams at this university.


  • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Tests, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

Send a request for calculation: This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free in the Russian Federation!)

We will provide approximate answers to the tests and do our best to support your pursuit of knowledge.

You can get answers to tests and exams on our website!

We guarantee distance learning at the university of your choice!


Economics and management

Computer Science and computer technology

Forms of training


Education levels


SIBIT Admissions Committee

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews of SIBIT

Sergey Butkin 09:29 12/19/2013

Hi all! What I want to say is that I graduated from SIBIT 3 years ago, the time spent there was great! We had a large group (Applied Informatics. The teachers were understanding, they were like older brothers and sisters to us - respected, honored. Now SIBIT has expanded its capabilities - what is one design worth - outside and inside. It was as if not in an institution, but in an embassy. I envy today’s students very much. But in our time there was also a lot of interesting things, besides studying, creative life was very rich. Until now...

D E 19:12 12/18/2013

Good evening! I’m a first-year student at SIBIT, and I’ve never once regretted entering here. Very beautiful building design. there is a wi-fi zone throughout the institute. A very cozy dining room where they cook well; a large assembly hall and a reputable gym. The teachers treat each student with “soul”, care, and understand. There are many conditions for realizing your potential.

General information

Non-state educational institution higher professional education "Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies"


No. 02817 valid indefinitely from 04/20/2012


No. 02712 is valid from November 22, 2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SIBIT

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)3 3 5 5 5 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study53.13 52.18 51.88 50.36 49.08 56.96
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- - - - - -
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis53.41 53.13 51.83 50.11 45.23 52.04
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students42 39.88 42.46 38.52 38.75 38.67
Number of students6069 5724 5214 4500 4152 4002
Full-time department314 276 222 173 218 247
Part-time department876 219 0 1 0 0
Correspondence department4879 5229 4992 4326 3934 3755
All data