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Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Alan. Name meaning: Alan Alan meaning of the Muslim name

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Alan, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Alan.

Short name - El, Al

Synonyms for the name - Alano, Aland, Allen, Alon, Alin

Origin - Celtic ("rock")

Zodiac - Sagittarius

Planet - Jupiter

Color - Red

Animal - Beaver

Plant - Thyme

Stone - diamond, emerald

There is no definite opinion about the origin of this name. We are offered four versions. The first is that it has Celtic roots, is translated as “rock” or “beautiful” and is pronounced in Western Europe as Alain. The second version tells us that the name arose from the name of an ancient tribe - the Alans, who occupied the territory from the Caucasus to Spain. According to the third version, Alan is translated from Iranian as “divine”, “noble”. And, lastly, it is derived from the Hebrew name Alon, which translates as “oak.”

This young man adores himself and tries to make himself admired. Quite ambitious, he will never tolerate attacks on his freedom and honor. The ability to create conflict situations will always be a guy's first problem. Alan is firm and decisive, especially when making important decisions. In this he is helped by his natural intelligence and intuition. Although impulsiveness often prevents the latter from manifesting itself in full force.

Love named Alan

He has a well-developed thirst for beauty. The young man is handsome, has a sense of style, dresses fashionably and expensively. He tries to look perfect, all the time stirring up interest in himself. Appreciates female beauty and uniqueness. He knows how to look after girls and has unprecedented success with the fair half of humanity. His rich imagination and gallantry can melt even the coldest heart. Many will suffer from such an ardent and attentive suitor. For the sake of love, Alan is capable of doing risky things. In girls he values: intelligence, humor, the ability to compromise, originality and charm.

Sexuality of the name Alan

In relationships with women, sex is a pleasure for him, a way to relax and maintain health. He loves to look after, but if the bouquet and candy period drags on for a long time, Alan looks for another candidate, more accommodating. He may last for two or three days, and then his partner must submit meekly. If this does not happen, the guy will not be upset - there are many people around who want it. Loves foreplay and erotic games.

Marriage and family named Alan

He is demanding of the environment that surrounds him and prefers comfort, although he himself does not want to do household chores. He assigns this honorable duty to his wife, mother or servant. She loves children, but devotes little of her time to them, although she is always aware of their lives. He often visits his parents and loves to sit at home with friends.

Business and career

If Alan is less proud, he will definitely reach incredible heights in his career growth. Ambition will help him quickly establish a work process. He will show himself well in creative professions, show business, and directing. Can become a famous designer, fashion designer, writer or leader of a large team.

The meaning of the name Alan in character

The boy bearing this name has a well-developed imagination, he loves to dream, and is overly curious. All these traits will help him in the future profession that he chooses independently. Alan is growing up as a dreamer; he likes to come up with new games, different activities and offer them to his peers. The guy is popular among the guys, he is interesting and not boring. Despite the fact that he has been cheerful since childhood, his temper and touchiness very often spoil his relationships with his comrades.

Studying at school is difficult for him. But not because he is stupid, he is a smart child, it’s all about his restlessness. Alan finds it difficult to concentrate his attention on one subject; the maximum he can do is fifteen minutes. Nowadays such children are called hyperactive. In classes where they study exact sciences, he is bored, he is more inclined to the humanities. He loves to express himself and will be happy to take part in school events: concerts or discos.

Teen Alan

Thanks to increased activity, the guy has a lot of friends. He is always surrounded by people, mostly like-minded people. But ardor often becomes the cause of conflicts. It is useless to argue with him; Alan is emotional and in the heat of a showdown does not hear his interlocutor at all. It is best to wait until he calms down and only then prove your point.
He is not inclined to forgive even the most minor offenses, does not control emotions and places great importance on his own ambition. He will not allow anyone to lead him. Therefore, parents from a young age should teach him poise, diplomacy, patience and calmness. Especially by personal example. In this case, the family will have warm and trusting relationships.

Successful people and stars:
Alan Badoev - director
Alan Ritchson - scientist, singer
Alan Rickman - actor

Ideal compatibility: Alla, Maria, Svetlana
Unsuccessful compatibility: Olga


Meaning: The male English name Alan is actually popular not only in the UK, but also in many other countries around the world. It is known both in the East and not in the West, is often found in American states (but not in all), and is popular in France. Its exact history of origin is not clear, but according to the main version, it may be a name derived from an English word form. It is practically not found in Russia, although it is known to every person without exception. It has a strong energy that greatly influences the character and fate of the child named by this name...

History and origin of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name Alan. But according to the main one, this name has Celtic roots and is an independent derivative of the male name Alen, common in Western Europe and American states. The translation, based on this version, may mean “rock,” although some etymologists are confident that the correct translation would be “beautiful.” At the same time, in France, researchers are inclined to believe that when translated, the name Alan can mean “agreement.” For the first time, this name appeared immediately after the Norman conquest of England and Ireland - at the same time, the related name Allan, which belonged to one of the Saints, appeared in Christianity.

The second version says that it belongs to the history of North Ossetia, which historians also call Alania. From this version it follows that the name Alan could have come from the linguistic culture ancient people Alan tribe, nomadic within Spain and the Caucasus. However, a minority of specialists believe in this version.

The third opinion talks about Iranian roots. IN in this case the interpretation may speak of a “noble” and “divine” person. Although the Kazakhs translate the name Alan as “space”.

But there is also a fourth version, which speaks of a direct relationship to biblical legends. In this case, we are talking about Hebrew roots and translation in the form of the word “oak”. By the way, in Israel this name is still one of the most popular.

And most importantly, this name, according to researchers, has the strongest energy and can directly influence the formation of the personality and character of the child named in this way. True, in each country there is a separate belief about what features this name should promise its bearer.

Meaning of the name Alan

Etymologists have a personal opinion on the interpretation of the nominal form Alan. But be that as it may, they agree on one thing with all researchers in the field of studying names. They agree that meaning of the name Alan can promise the energy of magnetism and attractiveness. Usually, boys named in this way grow up to be effective and energetic men, capable of brave and brave deeds, hard work, heroism and a lot of good things. Men named after Alan are dominated by self-will, pride, selfishness, integrity, touchiness, eloquence and sociability. They know how to adapt and always get along well with people from their environment, no matter what kind of environment it is.

The ability to adapt to the world around them and imagination help such men in life in everything without exception. They are rebellious and kind at the same time, generous and principled, uncompromising and benevolent. They are characterized by a certain unpredictability in their actions, which is both difficult and easy to get used to...

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy who is patronized by the energy of the name Alan may exhibit leadership inclinations. Among them are sociability, persistence, assertiveness, pride, integrity, restlessness and energy, activity and effectiveness. The meaning of this name promises the child energy, which is generally difficult for a child to cope with - he is so restless and active that sometimes he is simply unable to resist his desire to move and play around. Naturally, this will cause a lot of problems for the parents, but all this is tolerable, because in general, this boy does not have bad inclinations. He is active, energetic, efficient, always in business, hardworking.

And these traits are also combined with capriciousness and a certain touchiness - energy also promises them. True, they may not appear often in a boy - usually their manifestation is foreshadowed by parental prohibitions, or Alan’s own inability to achieve what he wanted.

And even in early childhood, the meaning and energy of the name Alan can reward a little boy with excellent imagination and vivid imagination, which will help him find his place in the society of his peers. In theory, he should communicate with everyone on an equal footing, and even egoism, which is promised by such a factor as significance, will not prevent Alan from becoming a welcome guest in any company. He's fun to be around and everyone loves it. Alan is lively and energetic, he is full of ideas and goals. But the parents will have a very difficult time - the hardest thing is to control Alan’s impulses.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning of the nominal form Alan, has a well-developed imagination and excellent fantasy. He is romantic, kind, affectionate and attentive, loves romance and heart-to-heart conversations, is always in search of new experiences and loves when there are moments in his life when he can think about life. This is a very impressionable boy, the meaning and energy of this name can endow him with an analytical mind and prudence, which most modern teenagers lack. He has every chance of rapid personal development and leadership in society, but he himself does not like to lead and prefers to remain in the shadows. The reason is shyness and self-doubt, which also promise meaning. And also, the boy Alan has adolescence inconstancy is clearly expressed - it is this that prevents him from finishing many things...

The biggest problem of the boy named Alan is that he is unstable and unpredictable. His goals are constantly changing, he does not know how to concentrate on one thing and constantly moves from one goal to another. This can lead to the fact that people around him will begin to consider him unreliable and undutiful. Although, in part, this may actually be the case.

But he is ideal in terms of friendship - he will never betray a friend, is always ready for new contacts, is sociable, and will never refuse help to a person in need. Alan is a good person, devoted, faithful, one might even say principled in terms of friendship.

Grown man

Adult Alan is a very difficult man. It is difficult for him to be calm and restrained; energy overwhelms him and often forces him to commit rash and very risky actions. Although, on the other hand, he tries his best to be reliable and purposeful, responsible and calm in the eyes of people, in order to thus gain trust. Most of all, a man who is protected by the meaning of the nominal form Alan is annoyed when he is not trusted, and when people avoid turning to him for help - such a course of events can lead to the fact that Alan, even in adult life will be unsure and indecisive, which will interfere and professional activities, and career growth. Alan will do everything to gain the trust of the people around him; for him this is a matter of primary importance.

In general, a man who experiences the protection of such a factor as the meaning of the name Alan is a very capable person, ready to work day and night, hardworking and energetic. Employers love such people. And in general, Alan has every chance of becoming a leader, but there is one “but” - Alan himself is afraid of such responsibility and is unlikely to want to become a leader, manager, a person responsible for other people’s actions and deeds.

But when communicating with friends, he is ideal. He is still a man who never turns away people who need his help. And most importantly, he is ready at any moment to sacrifice something important for the sake of the happiness of his loved one.

Relationships with women

As for the relationship between a man named Alan and representatives of the opposite sex, it will not be without difficulties. Usually all Alans are to some extent idealists, dreaming of an ideal relationship and an ideal wife. In addition, the meaning of this name can also impart such a trait as demandingness, which can also have an extremely negative impact on Alan’s personal life - Alan’s demands on all potential partners are too high. Alan's girls will have to constantly adapt to him and his mood - otherwise, Alan will quickly break up and will not even try to save the relationship.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Diamond.
  • Patron planet – Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Patronizing element – ​​Water and Earth.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Alan is Beaver.
  • Plant symbol – Thyme.
  • The best zodiac is Sagittarius and Capricorn.
  • Happy day - Wednesday.
  • Ideal season – Winter.

Famous people

Alan (Alun) Lewis (English-Welsh poet)

Alan Kay (American scientist)

Alan Garner (British writer)

Alan Gabriel Ludwig García Pérez (President of Peru 1985 - 1990)

Alan Bartlett Shepard (American astronaut)

Alan the Black (Anglo-Breton aristocrat)

Alan Fitz-Flood (Breton knight)

Alan Charles Wilder (British composer)

Alan Stivell (harpist, multi-instrumentalist)

Alan Walbridge Ladd (American actor)

Additional information

Light, active, emotional. Since childhood, the meaning of the name Alan characterizes the boy as a cheerful, cheerful and active child, however, excessive touchiness and a tendency to create conflicts will always be eternal companions young man.

The child has a well-developed imagination, daydreaming and excessive curiosity, which in the future will influence the profession that the child chooses for himself. The boy is growing up as a dreamer; it is easy for him to come up with some kind of new game and offer it to your peers.

At school he is restless and cannot concentrate on one subject for more than fifteen minutes. He does not tolerate exact sciences; he is inclined to study humanities. He attaches great importance to the opportunity to express himself, and will be happy to participate in school events, festivals and KVNs.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Alan for a child acquires new concepts and distinctive features. Thanks to his activity and brightness, the boy has quite a lot of friends.

The guy is always surrounded by a huge number of people and like-minded people, although often the ardor of a young man becomes the cause of discord and conflict. It is useless to argue with a young man, because, carried away by the argument with emotions, he practically does not hear his interlocutor.

The meaning of the name Alan for a boy plays an important role in shaping the fate of the young man. Firm and decisive when making important decisions, smart, organic.

The young man has an extraordinary attractiveness, which allows him to constantly stir up interest in his extraordinary person. Has great feeling style, likes to dress fashionably, expensively and stylishly. Pays great attention to his appearance trying to look perfect.

He has ease and spontaneity, and is able to infect everyone with positivity. He loves adventures, devotes himself entirely to his favorite activities and hobbies, which are of no small importance in his life.


The interpretation of naming in love characterizes the young man as an ardent lover and an attentive suitor. A man knows how to court beautifully, which means frequent success with the opposite sex. Capable of showing a rich imagination, trying to charm the chosen one.

Can do risky and reckless things for the sake of love. In women he values ​​intelligence, humor, the ability to compromise, originality and charm.


In everyday life he prefers comfort, which means excessive demands and moodiness towards the spouse. He does not like to do household chores, preferring to shift all responsibilities to his wife or hire someone.

She loves children, although she does not have time to communicate with them due to her often busy work schedule. Strive to be aware of all the successes of your children.

Easily maintains friendly relations with his wife's relatives, trying to maintain friendly relations with everyone good relationship. He likes to see his parents often and places great importance on the opportunity to sit at home with friends.

Business and career

If a young man indulges in narcissism less, he will definitely achieve incredible heights. He has great ambitions, which means he can easily establish a work process. Copes well in leadership positions.

A man will be interested in creative professions such as showman, producer, director, musician, screenwriter, designer, fashion designer.

Origin of the name Alan

There is no consensus on the origin of the name Alan. And there are many versions of where this naming came from. The first theory is Alan, whose name is a variant of the name Alain, which is widespread in Western Europe. This name has Celtic roots and is translated as “rock” or “beautiful.”

Adherents of the second theory of origin are inclined to believe that the name arose from the name of the ancient tribal people - the Alans, who historically occupied the territory from the Caucasus to Spain. Alan was the name given to the leader of the Germanic tribes of the clan of Japheth.

According to the third theory, the secret of the name Alan has Iranian roots, the etymological translation of which is “divine, noble.”

The fourth version of the origin of naming insists that male name Alan, is a derivative of Alon, which is the modern Hebrew name, and translates as "oak".

Characteristics of the name Alan

The characteristics of the name Alan include all the pros and cons of the character of the unborn child. Alanchik has been a cheerful and cheerful boy since childhood, but his touchiness and temper often spoil the first impression of the boy.

He has high pride, is not inclined to forgive the slightest offense, cannot control his own emotions, so the young man’s life borders on a large number of misunderstandings and conflicts. He attaches great importance to his own ambition. He will not allow himself to be controlled or led by anyone.

From childhood, parents should teach the boy balance, patience and calmness, paying great attention and importance to the possibility of creating warm and trusting relationships in the family.

Loves himself, prone to narcissism. Ambitious, does not tolerate attacks on his honor and dignity. The young man has a highly developed thirst for beauty, and therefore is a true connoisseur female beauty and uniqueness.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – diamond, zirconium.
  • There are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Sagittarius.
  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Favorable plants: thyme, pine.
  • The totem animal is the beaver.
  • Color – red, white, orange.

Famous people

  • Alan Badoev (1981) is a Ukrainian music video director, producer and film director. Alan is known for his work with popular Russian and Ukrainian performers in the creation of videos and clips. Produced by Max Barskikh.
  • Alan Rickman (1946) is a British theater and film actor, director, and voice-over artist for videos. He played the role of Syvirus Snape in the series of Anglo-American films about Harry Potter.
  • Alan Ritchson (1984) is an American singer, model and actor. Known for the films Real Boys and Smallville, he also plays Raphael in the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film.

In different languages

On English language, translation of the name Alan, is in all respects similar to the Russian analogue - Alan, Allan, Allen (Allen), in French - Alain (Alain), in Spanish - Alan, Alano (Alano), in Irish - Ailín (Alin), in Scottish - Alan, Aluinn (Alun).

In Finnish, the name is translated as Allan (Allan), Allani (Allani). On Chinese, the naming sounds like, 艾伦 (Ài lún), in Japanese - in Japanese アラン (Aran).

Name forms

  • Full name: Alan.
  • Options - Allen, Aland, Alon, Alano, Alin, female form - Alana, Alina.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated forms) - Alanchik, Alanya, Alik, Ali, Alyushik, Alichek, Alyusik, El, Al, Alanig, Lanig, Alin.
  • The declension of the name is Alanu-Alana.
  • There is no church name; you can choose a name that is consonant with the chosen one yourself or with the help of a priest.

According to one version, the meaning of the name Alan is “ ancient Slav" Others believe that Alan is “the most significant,” others believe that the name comes from the French word “concord,” according to the fourth version, the name Alan means “beautiful.”

Origin of the name

Based on the large number of interpretations, it is difficult to determine the exact origin of the name Alan. All we can say for sure is that the name comes from ancient times. According to the main version, it is associated with the ancient name of the Alan tribe, who were the ancestors of modern Ossetians.

Characteristics of the name


Little Alan is growing up to be a very active and nimble boy. It is quite difficult for him to control his own emotions, he often gets offended or capricious. This character trait remains with him throughout his life.

Alan is growing up to be an outgoing and very sociable child. He is quite an enthusiastic person and always finds something to do to his liking. At the same time, he does not at all strive to be a leader, but enjoys authority among his friends. He has the gift of persuasion and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Alan has many talents. At school, a boy with this name has good learning abilities. The greatest predisposition is noticeable towards the humanities. He has musical abilities, is athletic and artistic, and loves animals very much.


He knows how to set goals for himself and go towards them in an honest way. Alan is not capable of a vile act or betrayal. He always thinks about his plans and actions, but sometimes he lacks the ability to concentrate on what he wants due to frequent mood changes.

The owner of this name is a romantic and dreamy person who is easily offended. He cannot stand ridicule directed at himself. Even a simple hint can cause conflict.


Alan can become a good journalist or choose a creative profession in which he will achieve success. In any matter, he becomes a good specialist.

Name compatibility

Very good compatibility With female names Anastasia, Varvara, Angela, Veronica, Eva, Zhanna, Evgenia, Karina, Margarita, Maya, Marina, Marta, Maria, Rimma, Regina, Ulyana and Yulia. A lasting marriage is possible with Alexandra, Valentina, Anna, Vera, Lydia, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Nina, Sophia, Olga and Tatyana. With women named Antonina, Dina, Galina, Elena, Larisa, Lyudmila and Taisiya family relationships may turn out less well.

Name day

Famous people

The name Alan was glorified by famous namesakes: US pilot-cosmonaut Alan Bean, English mathematician Turing, American writer Allan Edgar Poe, English Egyptologist Alan Henderson Gardiner, English children's poet Allan Alexander Milne, Field Marshal Alan Francis Brooke, English film director Parker, actor Rickman, bioenergetics and psychic Chumak.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.