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Rules for communication between managers and subordinates. Golden rules of a good leader. What should a boss be like? What difficulties does a woman leader experience?

I’ll say it straight: if you don’t generate new leaders, then you’re not leading, you’re performing duties. Your job (whether you have a job title or not) is to help people do jobs they thought couldn't be done. Your goal is to inspire people to discover their own talents, express their natural gifts and encourage them to do better job in your life. This is what is really behind the work of a leader.

2. Nothing will happen without decisive action.

Start small, dream big, and get started today. Nothing will happen until you take significant steps. The sad reality is that procrastination is just a defense mechanism of choice that intimidated people use. What I mean is this: If people actually achieved their goals and followed through with their visions, everyone would become ultra-successful. Resounding success comes with responsibility. This is what scares most of us away.

3. Your Behavior Reveals Your Beliefs

Your actions tell the world a lot about your views. Complain all day long and you will reveal a deeply ingrained mindset that you are helpless and apathetic. Present your work with typos and platitudes and you will reinforce your belief that you are content with mediocre results. Treat others poorly and convince yourself that you are selfish and distant from the wonderful people around you. But the good news is that if you passionately believe in your leadership abilities (and not in the victim mentality), then your behavior will automatically change.

4. Ideas without implementation are worthless

I'd rather execute an ordinary idea flawlessly with my team instead of tinkering with a brilliant idea with poor execution. The best non-title leaders and big-play organizations insist on the principle of “talk less, do more.” Fewer meetings and more results. Less analysis and more hard work and brilliantly executed projects.

5. The more you study, the more you achieve

To double your income, triple your knowledge. What has been most useful in my professional career—and in the careers of other billionaires, titans, and CEOs who have learned from me personally—is this idea. Please remember that genius comes less from natural gift and more from learning, preparation, practice, learning about the outside world and the people around you. Nothing returns investment like workshops, conferences, online courses, (audio-)books and coaching.


6. Take care of your relationships and the money will come.

Leadership is built on relationships. The smartest, quickest, and most effective leaders have long understood that it’s all about developing team relationships + quality customer service + improving the world in which you make your presence known. Learn to listen to people masterfully. Be an inspiration to others. Keep your promises. Make people feel good. Become the most wonderful person you know. You will be surprised how huge opportunities will flow into your hands. Trust me.

7. Respect must be earned, it is not given for nothing.

A name, position and a huge office do not guarantee you respect from people. No. This gift must be earned. And the most quick way to earn it is to show respect to other people. There's no point in saying anything else.

8. Don't confuse movement with progress.

Yes, we live in an era of catastrophically huge number of distractions. According to The Financial Times, we spend around 100,000,000 minutes a day playing Angry Birds on our smartphones. Most businessmen spend their best hours staying busy over and over again. Leaders without a title are completely different. I teach my clients a whole system of tactics to increase their productivity by 20 times, but all it takes is: start your day at 5 am, achieve 5 goals a day and complete them before you leave the office. As a result, you get 1850 “small wins” in 12 months. Use your first 90 minutes at work to fill your most important projects and learn to say no.

9. Victims are not capable of great things.

Victims constantly apologize while leaders perform exceptionally well. The victim can be seen a mile away: they blame everyone and everything, complain and are in a negative and cynical mood. They miss out on the energy they could have spent on achieving wonderful things, wasting it on other people and external restrictions for so long that they get used to thinking that they don’t have such energy at all. You are not a victim. Today and every day after that in your life offers you a sea of ​​opportunities. And the best thing is that you can direct your energy towards improvement, and the more you manage your energy, the stronger you become.

10. Life is short. Don't waste your time

My father is an amazing man. He often says, “Robin, when you were born, you cried while the whole world rejoiced. Son, live so that when you die, the world will cry and you will rejoice.” I will always remember this apt instruction. I am guided by it in everything I do. True leadership has nothing to do with narcissism, thirst for applause and glory. Being a leader means making phenomenal contributions that will make the world a better place and bring lasting change. Leading means being needed by people. And be useful.

If a person is at the head of a company, this does not mean that he knows everything and is programmed to always act correctly. A leader is also a human being and makes mistakes.

We bring to your attention a list of tips for people working in the field of management management, for future stars of the ranking of the best top managers in the world.

Let's imagine that you are already a manager who has experienced specialists, projects, and customers.

Do you understand that you need to grow and develop the company, but you don’t know where to start, because all the processes are tied to you?

First rule: the leader should not be a one-man orchestra. If you take on absolutely all the responsibilities: project manager, HR manager, and business representative, nothing good will come of it. You need to learn to delegate responsibilities to other experts! To do this they need to be grown. And, this is your job and responsibility as a Leader.

Your main job is to analyze, develop and implement strategy, tactics and control. Don't grab onto everything.

Second rule: a manager should not skimp on specialists (if they are really good). Even those that do not bring direct profit: do not think of them as losses - these are investments in the future growth and stability of the company.

Third rule: a manager should not take on someone else’s work if he thinks he will do it better and faster. It is more effective to teach another once (even if it takes a lot of time and effort) than to perform your indirect responsibilities over and over again. Spend a few hours or days on detailed instruction and training and you will get excellent results and a specialist working with you with full dedication.

Fourth rule: A leader must trust his team. Without this, it is impossible to create a cohesive team. Let people do what you pay them to do. It turns out that sometimes people lack creativity. Then, you need to assign to the person specific area activity, set common goals and give him the freedom to realize himself in it. Realize that you can't do everything. Close your eyes and fall back - learn to trust your people!

Fifth rule: A leader must accept that all mistakes cannot be avoided. They can cost the company a lot of money, but this is not a cost, but a contribution to improving the skills of employees. If someone else fails, give the subordinate the opportunity to draw his own conclusions and thus learn something. Find out who relies on you most and think about how you can help these people become more self-reliant. If you teach others, it will free up your time to do something else that is equally important. In addition, it is worth understanding the reason for what happened and regarding the leadership! Perhaps the task was set incorrectly or the team included a person unsuitable for his position.

Sixth rule: The manager must organize a feedback system. Subordinates must receive feedback on their work in order to understand whether they are doing it correctly. It's the same in reverse side: Always give your ideas to other team members for feedback: what seems great in theory may fail in practice. Colleagues will help you understand this before you make a mistake. Listen to your people!

Seventh rule: A leader should never criticize a person, but only his actions. It is worth pointing out mistakes in the past tense: this way you will make it clear that this will not happen again in the future, the person is able to improve. Remember, comments must be timely, relevant and behaviorally specific, otherwise their effectiveness is lost. The manager himself must always take criticism sensibly and thank him for it! And don’t rush to argue and make excuses. Refrain from doing this. Any feedback is appreciated!

Eighth rule: a leader should not be afraid of his weaknesses, but also cannot give reason to doubt his authority. You can't say that you doubt your decisions, but you can consult with your team - this will make you a leader who will be trusted. Talk freely about problems, but never panic in public: you should always have a couple of solutions in mind. And even if they are not there. You are always responsible for controlling your emotional state!

Ninth rule: The leader must listen and hear - bring the team’s ideas to life. Sometimes your Plan B may be worse than the Plan C suggested by someone on the team. Be attentive and open!

Tenth rule: In order for the company to always be successful, the manager must care and think about whether the product or service being produced is of high quality. If problems arise, you need to ask yourself questions: “am I doing the right thing? Is this how I do it? Did I choose the right target audience? When answering them, you need to take into account not only the current needs of the market, but also foresee what will happen in the future: is the niche overcrowded, is there really a need for this product/service, are you looking for a client there.

Eleventh rule: First, listen to the whole “story”, and only then make a decision.

Twelfth Rule: It is likely that there are more effective way do the work than you do it. What kind of method is this? Think about this on your way home from work.

Thirteenth rule: Do not say anything that is not directly related to the subject of discussion. Your voice is not so melodic that it sounds just for the sake of sounding.

Fourteenth rule: Acceptance best solution is not as important as setting up the right processes to make a given decision a reality.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become a good leader who is loved, appreciated and respected by his subordinates. You will learn what qualities a person holding a leadership position should have. What are the differences between female managers and male directors? What mistakes should be avoided?

Why be a good leader

Supervisor is an effective manager. It is on his ability to establish the production process and find an approach to the team that the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the company, department, etc. depend.

The concept of a “good” or “bad” boss is highly subjective. After all, you cannot find an ideal person who everyone will like. Nevertheless, the leader should be respected, appreciated and a little feared by his subordinates.

Many directors or bosses who have just taken a leadership position behave “incorrectly” and this affects the atmosphere of the team, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of each employee.

To make it clear what we are talking about, Let's consider the following example.

3 days ago, a department of the company was headed by a new boss. He is quite young and came to this position from another company. As a specialist, he does not know much, but nevertheless does not want to study and learn something new. He's the Boss. Therefore, he behaves arrogantly, shifts part of his work to others and is incompetent in many matters. He considers himself an excellent leader, because he thinks that people fear and respect him.

In fact, the staff does not like him, does not value him, does not respect him and considers him an arrogant upstart. Looking at the boss, employees lose enthusiasm, and the performance of the department gradually falls. This is because everyone works on their own.

Team is a union of people who work to achieve one goal. It can be compared to a watch mechanism, where each gear is important in its own way. And the boss is the treasured key who starts the mechanism and knows how to get it working.

If you want to improve the quality of work of a department or company, earn the respect of colleagues and subordinates, and further move up the career ladder, then you definitely need to become a good leader. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.

Who can be a leader

In fact, good leaders are not born, they are made. At any age, a person can feel the strength of a leader. According to statistics, 4 out of 10 bosses become good leaders. This indicator is not affected by either gender or age. An excellent director can be either a young, purposeful university graduate or an elderly man with a wealth of experience.

Who is better man or woman

Nowadays, both men and women can become leaders. Women directors are tacticians, while men are strategists. It is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to gain the authority of the team. You will have to prove your professionalism, especially if most of the employees are male.

Men are more stress-resistant. They are not so quick to go to extremes. Nevertheless, women are more attentive to their subordinates.

To clearly answer the question “Who is better?” It’s impossible, because it all depends on the person and his character. Therefore, women and men equally can and should fight for the title “Good Leader”.

Qualities of an ideal boss

In order to become a first-class leader, you need to realistically evaluate your positive and negative aspects character. No one is perfect, but people in leadership positions must be able to suppress negative aspects your character and develop good traits.

So, let's look at what an ideal director should be like:

  • Smart;
  • Master the basics;
  • Responsible;
  • Punctual;
  • Psychologically stable;
  • Human;
  • Mandatory;
  • Punctual;
  • Be able to cope with your fears;
  • Don't be afraid to take risks;
  • Active;
  • Trainable;
  • Not lazy;
  • Peaceful;
  • Friendly;
  • Not stupid;
  • Not melancholic, etc.

Mistakes Most Leaders Make

Not every boss can be elevated to the rank of a good leader. All because they make a number of mistakes that discredit them in the eyes of their subordinates.

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

  1. Lack of desire to exert yourself. Some managers, as soon as they take their position, think that they have climbed to the top of the mountain and now they can relax and do nothing, thereby shifting part of their work to their subordinates. In fact, you need to clearly understand that the higher the position, the more you will have to work. Subordinates can help you in the first days, but you must do your work yourself.
  2. Failure to value employees. Every employee who does their job well deserves minimal encouragement (at least verbal).
  3. Inability to organize work. The manager must thoroughly know the entire production process. Very often, due to the fact that the boss does not understand all stages of production and does not know who is responsible for what, any troubles are attributed to the unprofessionalism of the team.
  4. Lack of desire to improve or learn something new. Very often, managers who have held positions for many, many years believe that they know everything and do not strive to learn and learn something new. But life and technology do not stand still. And a modern person must improve, especially a leader.
  5. Assignment of other people's merits. Let's look at this error with an example. A talented employee works in a scientific laboratory who has made some discovery. Instead of talking about the achievement of his employee, the head of the laboratory tells everyone that “THEY” did it. Such a boss believes that this discovery is his personal merit, because he is a great worker if, under his leadership, the employee has reached such heights.
  6. Showing rudeness and disrespect for the team. Sometimes managers don’t think about the need to control their emotions and lash out at their subordinates for any reason. Of course, there are different moments, and you really want to let off steam. But you need to learn to restrain yourself, because ordinary workers, most often, have nothing to do with your bad mood.
  7. Insecurity of your employees. If a director puts his own interests above others, then he never defends his team anywhere. He does not understand controversial situations and does not look for the culprit. It is easier for him to punish people (impose a fine, reprimand, etc.) than to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

This is not the entire list of mistakes made by managers. In any case, you need to remember that subordinates are people for whom you bear a certain responsibility, and their professional failures are the failures of a manager who was unable to establish the production process.

Basic rules of a good leader

One of the founders of management, Peter Drucker, claims that in order to become a good leader, you need to use the following 5 rules under any circumstances.

Rule 1. Learn to manage your time.

Rule 2. Focus on the end result rather than the production process. Intervene less in the work of your employees. Explain to them that everyone is performing a very important process and is responsible for it. Make every employee feel like they are a little boss.

Rule 3. Use and develop strengths And positive qualities yourself and your employees.

Rule 4. Always set the right priorities, bypassing unimportant tasks.

Rule 5. Make effective decisions.

Tips for those who want to become a first-class leader

Analyzing the activities of many successful managers, we have compiled recommendations that will help each boss earn authority in the team.

  • Behave “the right way” from your first day as a manager.
  • Get to know the team well. Immediately after taking office, familiarize yourself with all the personal files of your employees. Try to remember their names. This way, your subordinates will see that they are not just labor for you, but, first of all, people.
  • Always be honest and keep your promises.
  • Discuss the production process as a team more often, let your subordinates express themselves, ask them to take the initiative.
  • Don't be arrogant, but be a little simpler. After all, the same people work in the team, only one rank lower than you.
  • Don't scold employees in public. It’s better to reprimand a careless employee in your office.
  • Praise and encourage staff at general meetings. You will provide incentive to others.
  • Don't sit idle. A good leader always has a lot to do. Bad directors shift part of their work to subordinates, and then suffer from idleness.
  • Don't be afraid to lose your position and let talented employees develop.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Rate yourself by your worst employee. After all, part of the blame for his failures lies with you. Perhaps you did not motivate him or assigned him a task that was too difficult.
  • Don't be sorry cash for material incentives for staff. If people do not have an incentive (for example, in the form of bonuses for the highest performance), then they will work half-heartedly and half-heartedly. Remember that average employees work for average salaries.
  • Learn to resolve any domestic disputes. Do not stand by if a conflict arises in the team. Try to understand the current situation and help resolve it peacefully.
  • Demand discipline. Use discipline sometimes. The main thing is that your complaints are relevant.
  • Don't indulge your employees' whims. Behave kindly, but strictly. Otherwise you will be ignored.
  • Show your competence and do not shift all problems to your subordinates.
  • Congratulate the team on the holidays, take an interest in the health, family, and children of employees.
  • Never go to extremes, and assess any situation soberly.
  • Study psychology and attend psychological trainings. The healthy climate of your team depends on this.
  • Determine the place of each employee in the team. For example, someone is a generator of ideas, while someone likes monotonous paperwork, and someone is an inspiration.
  • Don't pick favorites. Try to treat all employees well.


A good leader is a kind of “lighter”. He is able to set his subordinates in the right mood, ignite the fire of enthusiasm and provoke them to do their work better and faster. The boss may not be able to do what his employees can do, but he is obliged to organize the work correctly and give correct installation subordinates.

Almost anyone can become a good leader. The main thing is to want it, not be afraid of change and constantly improve.

Few ordinary workers do not dream of becoming a manager. Wouldn't someone be happy at the prospect of being a boss, handing out tasks to subordinates, pointing out their mistakes and enjoying their new position?

However, as you know, a new position of responsibility means not only unlimited power, but also new responsibilities, greater responsibility and the need for constant monitoring of the work of the team.

How to learn to lead correctly? How to find an approach to each employee so that the atmosphere in the team is calm and harmonious, and everyone listens to your opinion without exception? Below we will talk about ten golden rules on how to become a successful leader?

Set tasks clearly

One of the negative traits of many managers is the inability to clearly formulate and convey a task to a subordinate. When a manager does not know what he wants, then, most likely, it is unclear what he will get as a result, unleashing his anger on a bad employee, in his opinion.

Clearly defined goals, as well as the order in which tasks are completed, will significantly facilitate communication between the boss and subordinates and speed up the process of completing work.

Scold only in private

If a person has not coped with the task, then under no circumstances should you reprimand him at a general meeting or in front of other subordinates. This move can significantly ruin your relationship with him and offend the person. Be sure to express all your complaints to him, but face to face. In addition, this will allow you not to make an enemy in the team.


Most managers very generously scold their subordinates for misconduct and poor quality work, while at the same time forgetting to praise them for their good result. Meanwhile, we all know that praise is usually a better incentive than blame, and makes a person do his job much better. If there is something for it, be sure to praise your employees and you will see how their attitude towards you and their work will change.

Friendly atmosphere in the team

The manager sets the tone for the development of relationships between employees. You will definitely achieve success if you create a warm and friendly atmosphere in your team, in which there is no room for squabbles and intrigues. In addition, employees will be very happy if you hold scheduled weekly meetings with coffee and cookies or pizza.

Teach employees to independently monitor their work process

First, set a rule: every day at the end of the working day, each employee of the company must make a short report of his work, so that both he and you can understand what he did that day. You shouldn't force people to write tons of explanations. A verbal answer will be sufficient. Soon this will become a habit, and work will be more productive.

Clear organization of the work process

Your subordinates should know that with a boss like you, they need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let them know that you intend to control all stages of the work, and if there are any problems, you are ready to help.

Keep calm

There is nothing worse at work than hysterics and shouting from a manager at his subordinates. Often it is not entirely justified, and in almost 100% of cases it is absolutely unnecessary. Everything can be settled through calm dialogue. This will help save good relationship with people and find out the situation correctly.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for the failures or mistakes of your subordinates

In the end, it was you who controlled how the work was done, and since you could not monitor the quality, then you need to be held accountable for it. You will significantly add points to yourself in the eyes of your subordinates if, during a conversation with your superiors, you take full responsibility upon yourself, and later, at a meeting with your team, you work on your mistakes. Nobody likes people who shout about their importance, and when it comes time to be responsible for work, they hide behind the backs of the workers.

Be an example for others

When a person sees in a boss not only a leader, but also an intelligent, developed, charismatic person, he is doubly pleased to work with him. It is very important that authority is earned not only through position, but also through personal qualities. When employees are proud of their boss, they will try to do better work.


Do not allow yourself to be addressed in a familiar manner at work. You are a leader, period!

Constantly improve

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must constantly develop as a person, improve your leadership skills, and you must become a team leader who takes responsibility for the productivity and successful work of his subordinates.

Be sure to read business books, books for managers, books on the psychology of relationships - a manager is also a psychologist who knows how to find the right approach to his subordinates, knows how to correctly create a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Becoming a successful leader is not easy, however, by listening to some advice and your team, you can find an approach to each employee.

What skills, knowledge and personal qualities do you think a successful leader should have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

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A leader is a person who is not just a leader and manages a group of people, but a person who has special qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to competently organize the work of the people under his command and achieve his goals and objectives. But, in addition to this, the manager must apply certain rules to his work that will allow him to perform his functions as efficiently as possible. And today we will talk about what rules a successful leader should follow in his activities.

A leader is a person who constantly communicates with people. The ability to build contact with each person is not just a rule that must be followed, it is a necessity, without which a leader will not be successful. In the online program "" you will learn how to better interact with people. You will learn and be able to apply in your life 72 of the best communication techniques that we have collected from dozens of books and trainings.

Below we bring to your attention a dozen universal rules for any leader who strives for success and high results:

  • The very first thing to note is that a leader must play the role of a role model among his subordinates. He must be an authority for them and a person whose instructions they will follow unquestioningly. Remember that a leader is a person who is capable and accustomed to taking responsibility for his own actions, for the actions of his team and for the actions of any other person who is subordinate to him
  • A successful leader must certainly have the ability to show them to his subordinates and explain how they can be achieved. A leader should not be the one who forces people to do anything - he should be the one whom people follow themselves. And this can only be achieved if you are able to show strength of character, indicate the main guidelines on the path to the result, organize the work of each team member and support the passion and initiative in each. There are no insignificant people in the team, and everyone should feel involved in the common cause
  • For competent and effective management of people, it is important, among other things, to have well-developed rhetorical skills and the ability to speak openly and convincingly. All this can be an excellent help in the process of establishing effective communication with team members. A successful manager can always convey information to an employee in such a way that he not only understands what he needs to do, but also wants to do it
  • The essential qualities of a successful leader, for whom the most important thing is the victory and success of his team, are inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm. Determination, result-basedness and optimism, in turn, allow you to achieve your goals no matter what and set new ones almost immediately. By acting this way and not otherwise, the leader will set an example for his team, which means that they will adhere to the same values
  • A successful leader is able to take a step back when necessary, which is expressed in giving subordinates more space for action and encouraging their initiative. It is thanks to this that he has the opportunity to understand how involved each employee is in the common cause. Its employees must feel their individual responsibility, and also understand what may follow from doing or neglecting this or that task. This will help them gain determination and independence, and also develop a serious attitude towards work. If there is no clear guidance for action, there is a high probability of mistakes, but the experience gained will be extremely valuable in any case
  • It is important to understand that the team is the guarantee of success, but you need to be able to create a team so that it ceases to be just a team. And a competent leader is the person who can unite the team and create an atmosphere in it that will turn employees into like-minded people. The leader must be able to wisely apply and organize the interaction of team members, which is based on the pursuit of common goals
  • Each employee has a unique set of individual qualities, characteristics and abilities; each of them has their own talents. An effective leader is able to find an individual approach to each of his people in order to understand how to motivate each of them, and determine which path to direct people along so that the highest results are achieved
  • A good leader must be able to wisely use the reward system for his people. But the incentive system should be the same for everyone, and the approach to incentives should be purely individual. Some will be motivated by career growth, some by the opportunity to earn more, and others by the opportunity to have more free time and freedom to make decisions. All this must be taken into account, but this can only be understood through individual work.
  • A successful and self-respecting leader must in every possible way avoid the status of an “unattainable idol” or “bloodthirsty monster” among his team members. The key to effective work and successful functioning of a team is the absence of shortcuts, quality feedback, mutual respect and trust. The manager must devote part of his time to contact with employees, but at the same time nip in the bud disrespectful attitudes, insubordination and familiarity. In addition, the manager must have the ability to convey information to people in an understandable form, and be able to make the life and activities of the organization for employees as transparent and open as possible
  • Many people believe that the essential quality of a good leader is rigor. But here it is very important to feel special border so that employees are open and ready to interact, but at the same time maintain subordination and control themselves. The task of a successful leader is the ability to find this boundary. The leader must, mainly, discuss issues of requirements and discipline together with his people, because the entire work process is directly dependent on what the boundaries of what is possible and what is not. In addition to this, work schedules, daily routines and other similar things must be properly established. Subsequently, this will allow misunderstandings
  • A professional and competent leader is in a continuous process of self-development and self-improvement. He should never be satisfied with the achieved professional level, because... only through obtaining new information and constant development of oneself can one achieve the maximum possible disclosure of creativity and the realization of creative potential
  • And the last thing worth saying is that a successful leader must feel that he is responsible for the people who trust him and who decide to follow him. Thus, it is completely unacceptable to deceive, commit dishonest acts and treat your subordinates unfairly. As they say, it can take forever to earn the trust and respect of others, but only a second to lose them. People will never forgive a person for betrayal, which means you must always remain honest with yourself and the people around you.

And in conclusion, we will only add that a successful leader should not limit his actions only to setting tasks, making demands and monitoring the quality of work. He must be a creator in creating an effective team, must be an inspirer and the main motivating force for all his people. For this reason, the range of his tasks should include creating the ground for development, and working on building an effective communication system, and activities to update the abilities of each employee.

WHAT KIND OF LEAD ARE YOU: Naturally, being a good and successful leader can be difficult, because leadership is, first of all, working with people. But to work with people, you need to have an idea of ​​an individual approach to each of them, to see their characteristics and uniqueness. But how can you understand someone if you don’t know yourself? Most likely, this will be very difficult to do, so you first need to get to know yourself. And today you have a great opportunity to do this, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time on it, re-read a lot of complex literature and endlessly understand yourself. We invite you to take our author's systematic course on self-knowledge, which will tell you about your leadership abilities, your abilities in teamwork, and individual qualities and advantages, and will give a lot of other, no less interesting and important information. So don’t waste time and start getting to know yourself - you will find the course at.

We wish you success in completing the course and the desire to become, first of all, a successful leader for yourself!