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Sayings if the mountain does not move. If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain. If the mountain does not come to Mohammed

If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain
Usually the origin of this expression is associated with one of the stories about Khoja Nasreddin, a hero of eastern folklore, a famous inventor and wit.
Thus, one of the Arabic collections (circa 1631) talks about how Khoja Nasreddin Jokha el-Rumi ( full name Nasreddin in Arabic) once decided to pass himself off as a saint. When asked how he would prove this, he replied that he could command the palm tree to come to him and it would obey. When the miracle did not happen, Khoja himself approached the tree with the words: “True prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm tree doesn’t come to me, then I go to it.”
Sometimes another version of the same phrase is found: “If the palm tree does not go to Joha, then Joha will go to the palm tree.”
IN modern version this expression entered European languages ​​thanks to the famous English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), who in his book “Moral and Political Essays” (1597) gave his own version of the story about Khoja, replacing the latter with the Prophet Mohammed himself. In the essay “On Courage” contained in this book, Mohammed promises the people to move the mountain, but when this fails, he says: “Well, since the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to it.”
Allegorically: about the desire to take the first step towards solving a problem that has arisen in relations with a partner, opponent, etc. (self-ironically).

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain

There are various explanations for this origin. It is believed, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotal stories associated with Khoja Nasreddin, a beloved hero of Middle Eastern folklore. Once, when he was posing as a saint, he was asked by what miracle he could prove this. Nasrudin replied that he told the palm tree to approach him and it would obey. When the miracle failed, Nasreddin went to the tree with the words: “Prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm tree does not come to me, I go to it.” This story is found in an Arabic collection supposedly dating back to 1631.

Another story is found in the notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324), the first edition of which in Latin was published without indicating the place and year; presumably: Venice or Rome, 1484. Marco Polo says that a certain Baghdad shoemaker undertook to prove to Caliph Al-Muetasim the advantages of the Christian faith and allegedly performed a miracle: the mountain moved in his direction at his call. One of the researchers believes that the European version of this Eastern legend replaced the palm tree with a mountain due to the Christian tradition, which claims that faith moves mountains (First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, 13:2). Finally, already in 1597, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) in his “Moral and Political Essays”, in the essay “On Courage,” says that Mohammed promised the people to move the mountain by force and, when he failed, said: "Well! since the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to it."

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain” means in other dictionaries:

    If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain- wing. sl. There are various explanations for this origin. It is believed, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotal stories associated with Khoja Nasreddin, a beloved hero of Middle Eastern folklore, Once, when he pretended to be... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary I. Mostitsky

    If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. Wed. Now there is only about thirty hours of driving left to meet... I... like to believe that if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. Remains... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed. Now there is only about thirty hours of driving left to see each other... I... like to believe that if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. All that remains is to ask: which of the two of us is in the unpleasant position of the mountain,... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain - a saying that means: If what you need cannot be delivered, then you need to go there yourself.

The English philosopher (Francis Bacon, 1561-1626) in his “Moral and Political Essays” (1597), in essay 12 “On Boldness” (Eng.) says that Mohammed promised the people to move a mountain by force, and when he this failed, he said: “Well! since the mountain does not want to go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to it” (the work was first published in 1625). Francis Bacon told this story to illustrate that a brave man can turn even his defeat into victory.

The phrase “If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain” was included in the collection English proverbs John Ray's 1670 book of English proverbs.

Apparently this phrase is from ancient oriental legends and fairy tales. Thus, in the essays about the adventures of Khoja Nasreddin (hero of folklore of the peoples of Central Asia and the Arab East) there is a similar story. So, one day Khoja Nasreddin began to pretend to be a saint. Those around him asked him to prove it. Khoja Nasreddin said that he could command a palm tree to come to him, and it would obey. When the miracle did not happen, Khoja himself approached the tree and said: “True prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm tree doesn’t come to me, then I go to it.”

Excerpt from Essay 12 "Of Boldness" by Francis Bacon

You can see that brave people often demonstrate the miracle of Mohammed. Mohammed promised that he would call the mountain to himself and read prayers to his followers from its top. People gathered; Mohammed called the mountain to him, then again and again; and when the mountain remained in place, he was not embarrassed one bit and said: “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain.” These people, when they have promised great things and failed in the most disgraceful manner, will still (if they have excellent courage) find a way out of the situation, and will not worry about it.

"... you shall see a bold fellow many times do Mahomet"s miracle. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call an hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers, for the observers of his law. The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill. So these men, when they have promised great matters, and failed most shamefully, yet (if they have the perfection of boldness) they will but slight it over, and make a turn, and no more ado."


(1897 - 1937) and (1903 - 1942)

" " (1931), part 2 ch. 28:

“While a meeting was going on under kerosene-heat lamps and the entire population was crowded at the podium, photo reporter Menshov with two cameras, a tripod and a magnesium machine circled around the arch. The arch seemed suitable to the photographer, it would turn out great in the picture. But the train, standing about twenty paces from it, it would have turned out to be too small. But if you shot from the side of the train, then the arch would look small. In such cases, Mohammed usually went to the mountain, knowing full well that the mountain would not come to him. But Menshov did what seemed to him the simplest. He asked to move the train under the arch in the same light tone as someone on a tram asks to move a little."

(1883 - 1923)

“The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” (1923, translation by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)), part 2, chapter. 2:

"...written orders will not be sent to the convoy commander themselves. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then the commander of the convoy must go after them himself."

(1829 - 1906)

" " (1871), Ovsyannikov case:

“But soon the circumstances changed so much that Mr. Feigin should not have come to him, but Ovsyannikov himself came like Mohammed, to whom, when the mountain did not go, he came to the mountain- he had to bow to Messrs. Feigin and Kokorev, but this happened on the occasion of events related not to the contract, but to the mill, to which I will move on."

Mohammed on Mt.

Most likely, the meaning of this expression is clear to every person, but not every person knows about the origin of the famous expression. Therefore, it is worth understanding how this came into being. interesting expression and who is its author?

Origin of the expression “if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain”

There are several versions origin this expression. The first of them is related to famous hero oriental tales by Khoja Nasreddin. Records of this history are dated beginning of XVII century. Once Nasreddin declared that he was a saint and could perform any miracle. As a sign of confirmation of this, he agreed to give the order to the palm tree to approach him and it had to exactly carry out the instructions of the “saint”. Of course, the tree didn’t even think about moving and stood calmly in its place. Then Khoja Nasreddin himself stood up and went to him. In response to all the ridicule, he replied that saints are not arrogant and if the palm tree cannot come to him, then he himself will come to the palm tree.

The second version is associated with the name of the famous navigator and traveler Marco Polo. He described it in his notes, the first version of which was published at the end of the 15th century. They tell how one Baghdad shoemaker decided to prove to the caliph the greatness of the Christian faith and its superiority over all others. The shoemaker ordered the mountain to immediately come to him and a miracle happened: it obeyed. Both versions do not provide an exact reproduction of the expression and are, rather, the progenitors of the later metamorphosed proverbs.

The third version is closest to the original. It was described in his work by the English scientist Francis Bacon. The saying arose as a result of an unfulfilled prophecy. The author of the statement, according to him, is the Prophet Mohammed himself, the founder of the Islamic faith. The Messenger of Allah on Earth decided to prove the power of his faith by ordering the mountain to approach him. When this, of course, could not be done, he himself went to the rebellious mountain with the words: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain.”

With the first rays of sun, the camp, located near the city walls, came to life. The caravan workers, calling to one another cheerfully, loaded bales of goods onto camels. Women folded tents, calling in guttural voices the children scurrying among the luggage. The donkey cried, a second one answered him, then a third, and, as if awakened by their cries, the city gates creaked as they opened. Mohammed ibn Ahmed, shielding himself from the dust raised by the animals with his sleeve, respectfully bowed to the yawning guard, “Tell me, oh, fearless warrior of the great Baghdad, am I late for the competition of magicians and sorcerers?”
“You came on time, honorable traveler,” the guard looked at Mohammed with curiosity and a little fear. – Feel free to enter, we do not charge entry fees from participants...
When the heat of the day subsided, onlookers began to arrive in the square in front of the Sultan's palace. The best seats went to the richer spectators, for whom the servants brought chairs, and to the boys who clung to the roofs of the neighboring houses. The trumpets began to hum and the ruler descended the palace stairs, surrounded by viziers.
“By the grace of our Sultan,” shouted a gray-bearded old man in a robe embroidered with golden stars, “we invite everyone who wishes to come out and show their magical power. The most worthy of the worthy will be rewarded!
The crowd became agitated, and the first to emerge was a young man in scarlet trousers and a snow-white turban. Mohammed, who managed to get into the front ranks, watched him closely. The young magician bowed with dignity, crouched down slightly, threw his head back and suddenly released a stream of fire from his mouth. The audience screamed and stomped their feet in delight. And a dwarf in a pointed cap was already hurrying to replace the young man. Waving the sleeves of his robe, he caused a sheaf of sparks, from which a beautiful maiden flew out.
— Maghreb black magic, the Berber spell of water, a system of mirrors, Greek fire - Mohammed commented in a low voice on the miracles performed by wizards. Thoughtfully chewing dates bought from merchants scurrying in the crowd, he waited in the wings. Finally, an old man with a shaved head sedately came out to the square, spread a handkerchief on the ground, sat on it and froze, concentrating. A moment and the scarf began to flutter, rising upward along with the sorcerer. At a height of two cubits, the movement stopped, and the shaven-head raised his hands up, as if thanking the heavens for the strength they had sent down. Here, in a hurry so that the old man would not have time to go down, Mohammed rushed to him. He put his hand under the scarf and forcefully pulled something towards himself. A crunch was heard and, to the laughter of the crowd, the sorcerer fell down. Muttering curses, he tried to grab onto the offender, but Mohammed jumped slightly and soared up, hovering over the dishonored enemy. Then, spreading his arms like a giant dragonfly, Mohammed flew around the silent square and, diving, landed a few steps from the Sultan.
The spectators roared with delight, and the petrified guards forgot that it was their duty to protect their master. Only the Sultan seemed to remain calm. After clapping his palms several times, he pointed Mohammed to a place next to him. Bowing respectfully, he approached.
“Truly, you are the most worthy,” the ruler’s voice turned out to be dull and low. - Be our guest.
With these words, he slowly stood up and, supported by the arms of the servants who had finally come to their senses, moved up the stairs to the palace...
It was already the third evening that the Sultan, secluded in the garden with Mohammed, had leisurely conversations with him.
“It seems that I’m starting to believe that you are not a genie, but a human,” the ruler raised his hand, as if stopping his interlocutor. - This is your gr..., gravity...
“Gravity,” sighed Mohammed.
“Yes,” the Sultan nodded. “Maybe it does exist.” I don’t want anyone to hear us, but I’m even ready to assume that the Earth is spherical. But how could you, without being incorporeal, in the blink of an eye find yourself at the foot of the mountain, which was five hundred steps away?
“Let me explain once again,” Mohammed began to write on the drawn parchment. – The radius of the earth is approximately 6400 kilometers, the length, for example, of the equator is 40,000 kilometers. In one hour, a point taken on the equator travels approximately 1,700 kilometers at a speed of 1,667 kilometers per hour. This means that using the rotation of the Earth and remaining absolutely motionless, as it may seem to you, I am moving.
- In other words, if you don’t go to the mountain, then it comes to you?
- Yes, no one is going anywhere! - Mohammed exclaimed in his hearts and immediately stopped short. – Although, to some extent, it is. Just imagine a very big ball...

Magomed lived in the gorge of wondrous mountains,
He was free from careless melancholy,
I looked with hope at my native space
And rejoiced in endless life!

But somehow the news spread around the world,
There is no more beautiful princess in the world!
Realizing that taking a princess as a wife is an honor,
He went to her in a strict, orderly march.

And at the palace there are people, as luck would have it -
There are so many pickled cucumbers in an old barrel!
Magomed thought, “bad luck...
But I didn’t despair and waited until the end!

The princess was amused by the suitors:
They even sang songs to her in Hebrew!
Poets dedicated poems to her
In Hindi and imagine in Sanskrit!

Pearls lay at her feet!
The crowns sparkled with emeralds!
The banks were covered with silk...
Thrones of gold sparkled at the gates!

But then the princess rose from her seat,
She asked: “What kind of young man is crumpling there?
If something can please him to his heart's content,
If not, then let him at least say a word!”

A small digression is needed here -
Magomed's family is poor and not rich.
And he was very unlucky from birth...
Thoughts that were born out of place saved me.

And this idea came to me right away!
“I have no money, I’ll say so!
But the mountain is on my orders
She will come where I order her!

But I won’t just drive it away!
If you want to see this miracle,
I will easily appear before you as a husband,
And you could become my wife!"

The princess clapped for joy:
“What happiness, honey, take it!”
I jumped into the arms of my beloved instantly,
To see - a miracle, a miracle, paradise!!!

Yeees! The grooms were, of course, surprised!
But they went home that same hour...
And Magomed and the princess dreamed for a long time
All the miracles that they did sometimes.

The next morning, barely having time to wake up
The princess says: “Well, show me!
Well, let me touch your mountain!
Please call her quickly!"

“Ahhh,” Magomed stretched, eyes wide open.
What, my love? What are you talking about? I don't understand!"
The princess looked at her husband with an angry glance,
She said: “I’ll refresh your memory!”

"No! I remembered! Quiet! I remembered, dear!
And there are no more questions! -
He whispered, holding the princess to his heart:
I’ll tell you my secret alone!

Now we will quietly go out onto the porch
And let's shout: COME FAST, MOUNTAIN!
You will hear your heart beat instantly...
Believe that miracles happen!"

Princess in anticipation of hope
I collected all my willpower and feelings,
Unnecessary took off her clothes
And she ended up on the porch like an arrow!

But damn the bald man! No matter how much they shouted -
The mountain didn’t come to them at all, no matter how much!
They started again and again
But this turned out to have nothing to do with it.

The princess was seriously angry!
I hit the ground with my heel!
She swore, was indignant, swore -
Native and even foreign language!

And Magomed was found here again,
(He won’t reach into his pocket for a word.)
I managed without swearing and shouting,
When the following plan matured in my mind:

“If he doesn’t go, dear one, to Magomed,
There’s no point in blaming anyone there!
We ourselves will go to the mountain with you -
Why start all the whining here right away?"

And you won’t believe it, she finally decided!
The princess and Magomed went to the mountain...
And I was never angry again
Having lived with him in joy and happiness and love!

The moral of the story is, sorry:
We tend to believe only in miracles!
And sometimes you want it or not,
But miraculously, suddenly a mountain appears.

But neither Kazbek, nor the Alps, nor Parnassus!
And the one who only takes care of us.


I’ll take a look now, Victor!))) I didn’t think there was anything wrong there. But thank you for your attention and for your attentiveness!))) I love it when you look at me. Thank you!!!

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