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Equipment for laying a classic ski track, dimensions. Gabosha-light: how to prepare a track quickly, cheaply and efficiently. Frequency of ski slope preparation

Oddly enough, living in the 21st century, using such benefits of civilization as the Internet, mobile phones, hypermarkets and charter trips to the sea to Egypt, many people think that the ski slope is a kind of path in the forest, knurled by the feet of the skiers themselves, or , as a last resort, prepared by a Buran with a bed net attached to it and a cutter welded in the garages. Moreover, she is prepared for important events only a couple of times during the winter.

No, that's not true! A ski slope is a sports facility that requires creation, maintenance and preparation.


The ski slope in summer can be a running and cycling route.

The creation of a ski route can occur either “from scratch” or on the basis of existing paths or historically established circles (routes).

First of all, you need to determine why the track is being created - for walking, for walking and training, or for both walking, training, and competitions. It is also better to immediately decide whether the track will be all-season - for running, cycling, skiing - or only winter.

It is generally easier to get support from people and organizations for large, well-thought-out projects. Therefore, in order to save time and resources, it is better to immediately plan to make an all-season competition track with shortcuts. Shortcuts will allow you to shorten the length of the route and/or remove ascents and descents from the route that are difficult for children and beginners. Also, the cuts will eliminate “winter” sections of the route - for example, sections passing through wetlands and therefore unsuitable for summer use.

Of course, it is ideal if the competition course meets the homologation requirements of the International Ski Federation (FIS).

These requirements are determined for different lengths of distances and different disciplines of cross-country skiing - for example, the following parameters:

* The length of the track circles and how distances of various lengths are composed of them. The example below shows a schematic diagram of a track system that can accommodate all racing formats. The system consists of two different circles - one for skate, the other for classic, each 3.75 km long. Thanks to the shortcuts, it is possible to make distances of 2.5 km and 3.3 km, as well as a sprint distance. These two laps can also be considered as one 7.5 km lap, suitable for both separate and common starts, provided the track is wide enough.

* The width of the prepared track for various disciplines - for example, for duathlon you need a track 12 meters wide.

* A set of heights on tracks of various lengths, for different disciplines;

* The ratio of the length of ascents, descents and plains on the routes - they should be approximately one third each;

* Location and layout of the ski stadium - for example, athletes should finish towards the south so that the sun does not interfere with the work of photographers, the location of spectators, commentators, lubrication booths, ski testing area, warm-up circle, etc. must be taken into account...

In any case, you need to immediately determine how wide the route will be and stick to this width when working. If we talk about the minimum, then the width of the “corridor” of the route should be at least four meters between the trees. Since it is unsafe to roll the track close to the trees, the prepared track surface in winter will be about three meters wide. This is an extremely small width to run parallel to the ridge and classic. At competitions on such a track, participants may find it a little cramped. With such a width, there is a risk that the classic ski track on the slopes will roll diagonally under the ski tracks of people skating.

If a classic ski track rolls up in the tracks of skiers skating, then skiers skating will have difficulty holding their skis. For good grip classic skis You need a smooth, dense ski surface. Therefore, you need to strive to increase the width of the track, especially on climbs.


In order for the snowy surface of the route to be smooth, you need to strive to level the route in the transverse direction during snow-free times and strive to ensure that the route is also leveled in the longitudinal direction, without sharp bumps and holes. Turns on the track should be smooth, with good visibility; this is important both for those training and skating, and for drivers of cars preparing the track.


In order for the track to be solid for running and cycling, and also for the snow to remain on the track longer, it is necessary to drain rain, melt and ground water from the track.

In early spring, the ground is frozen, and melt water cannot escape into the ground. If the melt water is under the snow of the track, then the snow will melt in it, so it is necessary that the water does not stagnate on the track.

The easiest way to drain water from the route is to use drainage and drainage grooves. At the same time, there should be no depressions on the route surface where water could collect - the route surface in the section should not be a gutter, it is better that the route is slightly convex in the section so that the water rolls off it.

Drainage grooves remove water from the road surface and dry the road surface. Drainage ditches must be dug taking into account the fact that over time they will float and silt up. It is necessary to make drainage grooves at least 40 centimeters deep, and better yet, deeper. The drainage groove in cross-section is V-shaped with a straight (900) or obtuse angle at the point where the groove walls meet. Drainage ditches are dug along the edge of the track, as close to the trees as possible, primarily on the side of the track from which water enters the track. It is advisable that there are grooves on both sides of the track, this will help the track dry out faster in the spring and after rain.

In addition to drainage grooves, it is necessary to plan and install a system of drainage grooves - grooves where water from the drainage grooves will go. Drainage grooves must be made on each section of the route where there is a transition from descent to ascent, where all the water in this section of the route is drained. A pipe with a diameter corresponding to the expected flow must be laid across the route. If there is no pipe, dig a groove across the route and, so that the groove is preserved and suitable for passage, several thin, straight tree trunks with a diameter of 5-10 cm are placed in the groove. Aspen is good for this. To prevent the pipe from silting, it is necessary to make a hole on the side of the pipe where the water enters, at least one and a half times larger in cross-section than the pipe.

In continuation of the pipe, lay a drainage ditch, preferably along the line of the maximum slope of the area, diverting water to the area located below this lowland, ensuring that the difference in levels reaches at least 50 centimeters. This can be difficult in wet flat areas - in order to achieve sustainable water drainage, it may be necessary to dig a ditch 100 meters or more long. Since the soil in the forest is saturated with roots, and sometimes with stones, it is recommended to use high-quality, expensive shovels and hoes with a composite handle for work.


In summer, grass and small bushes may grow on the route, which will interfere with the movement of runners and cyclists. This vegetation must be removed 3-4 times per season. To do this, you can use either a regular scythe or a gasoline trimmer with a line, or, if there is a lot of bushes, a trimmer with a disk. No special skills are required to operate the trimmer; however, you will have to take with you a supply of gasoline diluted with oil to the track. The scythe requires beating, sharpening and the ability to mow smoothly, with your back, not including your hands. In the old days, mowing was considered by skiers as an excellent means of training.

It is not necessary to mow the entire route; it is enough to mow a strip one pass wide (sweep) with a scythe or trimmer, trying to position the path of the route in the middle of this strip. When the snow falls, the remaining unmown grass will bend under the snow and become an excellent basis for the first ski trips.

From time to time, trees fall onto the track - either from old age or from strong winds. This happens especially often in spring and autumn, when the soil is saturated with water and becomes less dense. In order to maintain labor safety, it is better to go out cleaning trees together and with a chainsaw.


Filling the trail is a luxury that helps the trail become drier and harder, and there is no groove where the foot/wheel path used to be, which bothers skiers at the beginning of winter. Also, filling the track helps the track dry out faster in the spring or after rain and means that less grass and bushes grow on the track. The track should be filled as a choice or in a mixture - sand and gravel mixture, sawdust, slag. Sawdust and slag help prevent grass and bushes from growing on the highway. It is advisable to fill the route over the entire width of the route surface, with a thickness of 10-30 centimeters. If it is not possible to fill the entire width, it is necessary to fill the problematic, wet areas first, at least a meter wide, along the trajectory of runners and cyclists.


A ski slope in winter requires preparation in order to:

1. Create and maintain a smooth, dense snow surface on the track;

2. Ensure a pleasant and safe ride;

loosening the surface of the snow on the track if the track is frozen,

rolling and compacting the top layer of snow if the surface of the track has become loose as a result of a thaw or snowfall;

3. Remove the “wave” that appears on the track for the classic move;

4. Remove the longitudinal hump that appears on the skating track;

5. Prevent the rapid melting of snow in spring.

Snow on a ski slope is subject to the following effects:

1. Time: the snow “gets old” - snowflakes crumble into pieces of ice, the edges of the pieces of ice become dull;

2. Temperature changes depending on the weather or changing time of day: snow either freezes from the cold or crumbles due to warming;

3. Changes in air humidity: combined with changes in air temperature create different types of snow surface;

4. Solar radiation: promotes snow aging and melting;

5. Vapors and heat from unfrozen ground at the beginning of winter: make the thickness of the snow porous;

6. Cold from frozen ground at the end of winter: cements the route;

7. Particles of dust and debris falling from the air and from trees mix with the snow and impair the gliding of skis;

8. Water flowing along the ground in spring melts the snow on the highway;

9. Skiers push and move snow on the track - on the skating track, a “ridge” appears along the middle of the track, and on the classic track, a “wave” appears.

The process of preparing snow surfaces, in particular ski slopes, is based on the process of compacting snow crystals. A common misconception is that snow is compacted by the weight of, for example, a snow groomer or harrow - similar to how an asphalt roller creates a road surface.

It is surprising that the specific pressure on snow of snowmobiles and snow compacting machines (it is measured in pressure per unit area) can be less (50-100 g/ than that of a pedestrian (from 200 g/ and above) , or for an athlete skier moving in a skate motion on an edged ski (150-200 g/

Snow compaction occurs when the snow, with the help of a rotating cutter of a snowcat or the teeth of a harrow attached to a moving snowmobile, is mixed, as a result of which snowflakes lose their “branchiness” and crumble into pieces of ice, snow particles are crushed and lie more compactly in the thickness. Daily temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity make their contribution - the snow freezes and becomes dense.

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to push and compact the entire thickness of a snowdrift. Even a pedestrian does not push through the entire thickness of a snowdrift, and cars moving on snow have several times less specific pressure on the snow than a pedestrian. Therefore, the only effective way to compact the snow cover is to process each layer of fallen snow - preferably several times!

There are three main factors that determine the quality of ski slope preparation, and they are approximately equally important. This:

1. The staff who prepares the ski slope,

2. Equipment used to prepare the ski slope,

3. Frequency of ski slope preparation.



These machines are ideal for preparing ski slopes. Limiting factors are the relative high cost and the need to have a snow cover of 15 centimeters or more thick. Usually, a snow groomer justifies itself where there are artificial snowmaking systems, and from the very beginning of the season, a cushion of snow is laid down to allow the snow groomer to work. Today there are 4 manufacturers of snowcats in Russia - Japanese Ohara, German Pisten Bully, Italian Prinot, Italian Snow Rabbit. The remaining previously existing brands either ceased to exist or were absorbed by the above-mentioned manufacturers. The USA has its own manufacturers of snowcats that are not represented in Russia.


According to the information stated on the Ohara website, this company does not supply snowcats adapted for preparing ski slopes.

Pisten Bully 100 (PistenBully 100 - 197 hp) is a comfortable two-seater multifunctional machine for preparing various types of ski and toboggan runs, as well as maintaining ski slopes. Available in three widths - 2,500, 2,800 and 3,100 millimeters.

These models are equipped with systems with two ski layers for cutting ski tracks with manual or hydraulic (from the operator's cabin) adjustment of the ski track width in the range of 70 mm, the distance between adjacent ski tracks in the range of 735 mm. Also, an additional cutter can be installed on each ski laying machine, which loosens the snow in the strip of the laid ski track to a depth adjustable from 0 to 60 mm from the cabin to obtain the best quality (VarioTrackDesigner system).

On the PistenBully 400/600 and Formatic 350 models it is possible to install both the above-mentioned systems with two ski layers, as well as systems for mass skiing - with three or four ski layers for cutting the ski tracks with adjustable ski track width for the convenience of skiers of both adults and children.


Prinoth Husky car with a 177 hp Mercedes diesel engine. designed specifically for processing pistes for flat skis and preparing small ski slopes. Prinot Huskies with ski-laying machines are excellent machines for laying and preparing ski slopes. Prinot Husky is available in three options widths - 2.5, 2.8 and 3.1 meters. Ski spreaders are attached to the rear snow cutter of the snow groomer. On command from the two-seater cabin, two non-skiing skiers can move along the width of the cutter to change the distance between adjacent ski tracks. The change in the width of the ski track itself (by 70 mm) is also controlled - this is especially important when preparing the route in places of descent and ascent and when creating tracks for children. The wide rear snow cutter of the Prinot Husky snow groomer is additionally equipped with special Track Tiller cutters installed in front of the ski-layers. Track Tiller cutters allow you to lay out the perfect ski track regardless of the weather.


Favero Snow Rabbit 3, equipped with a Japanese Kubota diesel engine with 100 hp. - the smallest, lightest and most budget snowcat on the Russian market. The third generation Snow Rabbit is a reliable working machine. The working width is 2.0 meters, the length of the Snow Rabbit with accessories is 4.5 meters. Favero Snow Rabbit can be transported between work sites on a small truck, tow truck or on a trailer with a ramp, without dismantling the tracks. The Favero Snow Rabbit can be equipped with a front blade, a cutter, one or two ski stackers, and a covered cabin. The heated two-seater driver's cab with a large view makes work a pleasure. The engine is equipped with parking heating from 220 volt/300 watt electricity and Perkins preheating for trouble-free starting in any frost. Favero Snow Rabbit works great on narrow ski slopes, small slopes, and in recreation parks. Favero Snow Rabbit has a body for transporting materials. Ground pressure of 40 grams per square centimeter - this is more than two times lower than that of competitors - combined with its compact size gives this machine unique maneuverability in any snow.


Snowmobiles - more budget option than snowcats. Moreover, with a snowmobile with a tow hitch, you can start preparing the trail almost from the first snowfall.

To prepare a ski slope in winter, you need a so-called utilitarian snowmobile with a non-narrow (50 cm wide and above) and long track. Thanks to the wide track, utilitarian snowmobiles have excellent cross-country ability and develop high traction force. It is advisable that the track be studded, this will greatly help in preparing an icy track; such tracks are sold separately. Utility snowmobiles are usually equipped with three gears - reverse, forward and front low - this gear is used to prepare the track when there is a lot of snow. In terms of layout, snowmobiles with two skis in front are preferable due to better handling.

Examples of utilitarian snowmobiles: domestic “Buran” and “Taiga” (with a wide track), foreign “Yamaha” Viking series, “Polaris” Utility Widetrack series, “Ski Doo” Scandic series (Ski- Doo Skandic), “Arctic Cat” of the Bearcat series, “Bombardier” of the Lynx Yeti series.

From the point of view of operation and reliability, we have to give credit to foreign snowmobiles. The domestic Buran has been produced virtually unchanged since the 70s and was popular due to its wide track and low price. Now “Buran” is losing its position, as its price is approaching the price level of a “fresh” used imported snowmobile.


Classic set of trailing devices for trail preparation:

* Harrow or grate,

* Cutter for classic ski tracks,

* Drum roller for rolling snow.

This market is not very developed in Europe, in the USA there are three notable manufacturers, and in Russia this market is in its infancy - the consumer has not yet realized their needs in the field of preparing snow surfaces.


Supplier of heavy tow hitches for many years of daily (in season) professional use. These devices use elements made of special steel, ensuring the quality of route preparation and long-term functionality of the devices. All devices are equipped with an emergency release in case the device gets caught somewhere (for example, a harrow on a root or stump) while the snowmobile is moving at full speed. All of the above determines the relatively high price of these devices. The devices are supplied both assembled and disassembled.

SnowRoller- preparation of the road surface from the first snowfall and difficult conditions- heavy snowfall or strong thaw. It is delivered disassembled and equipped on site with decommissioned Zhiguli tires.

Harrow Plain- designed to prepare the road surface when there is stable snow cover on the road. It works best at speeds above 20 km/h, leveling the track in both the longitudinal and transverse axes, cutting off snow irregularities, including the hump from the skating course and filling in the depressions. Equipped with serrated blades made of special steel imported from Sweden. Reverse side harrows are used when there is a small amount of snow on the road, as well as when working with freshly fallen wet snow and on virgin snow. The Plain harrow is the only passive hitch on the market that cuts the hump that comes with skating. The emergency release is very important on this device: if the harrow gets caught somewhere at full speed of the snowmobile, then the emergency release will save the driver from hitting his chest on the steering wheel and his face on the windshield, and will save the harrow from deformation.


Pioneer in the market of trailed devices for ski slope preparation. Thanks to this company, what people used to do for themselves in their garages is now freely available on the market, disassembled and powder-coated. The products are made of low-carbon steel of construction grades. This determines the affordable price of these products and limits their strength and durability.

The SNOWPRO universal skating harrow has three removable modules for different snow treatment methods. By removing and installing modules, you can vary the method of snow processing and the degree of load on the snowmobile. Material: powder coated steel. Drawbar with damper included. The drawbar has a device for hooking to the snowmobile in the form of a steel ring with an internal diameter of 30 mm. A universal harrow can be bought in many cities of Russia and ordered from the manufacturer.

Cutter for laying classic ski tracks XCSPORT - designed for laying classic ski tracks; thanks to it, every snowmobile owner can build a high-quality ski track for walks with family, friends and for ski competitions. The XCSPORT cutter can operate in pressing (for loose snow and light snow) and cutting (for dense snow and crust) modes. By moving the drawbar to the other side, you can change the way you lay the ski track in a few seconds. The hinged mount allows you to turn the cutter from the “sled” transport position to the “cutter” working position without detaching it from the snowmobile.


This is the second and almost equal to the first in importance factor in creating a high-quality ski slope.

The track must be prepared regularly. In Scandinavia, in many places the slopes are prepared daily, despite the fact that the length of the ski slopes in some resorts exceeds 100 km! It is advisable to prepare the track at least three times a week, and in snowy conditions - every day while it snows. Even if it doesn’t snow, but the weather is clear and frosty, the track still needs to be prepared.


* First serious snowfall, 5-10 cm of snow fell. Make 1-2 laps with a snowmobile, make 1-2 tracks along the longitudinal axis of the track. Then, a day later, use a roller to press down the snow along the entire width of the route.

* Normal, established snow cover, stumps and roots are reliably covered with snow. Depending on the width of the route - two or three passes with a harrow with teeth, with a slight overlap; if there is a hump from the ridge, then remove it with a harrow; it is better to do this while walking in the opposite direction. The hump is largest on uphill slopes, and it is easier for the snowmobile when the harrow removes the hump while going downhill.

* If the classic ski track already has a wave, then roll it up with a harrow and cut a new one; if width allows, this should be done on the other side of the route or next to it, parallel to the old one.

* It is better to carry out all preparation in the evening, in the dark, immediately after the skiers have left the track - there is less chance of meeting skiers, and most importantly, after preparation the snow will freeze overnight, the track will be of high quality and fast.

* On slopes, cut the track along the edge so that skiers have the opportunity to exit the track, for example, to slow down. On slopes with a turn, it is better to cut the ski track along the outer edge to improve the view of the person coming from the slope.

* If you prepare the track in the morning, the snow will not have time to freeze and the track will be easier to break.

* If the track is not wide, then you need to periodically during the season go out only on a snowmobile - press the edges of the track along the trees so that there is more space in width to place a classic ski track and skating track. During such trips, you should also remove branches hanging over the route with pruning shears and a saw.


An example is a 15 km route with shortcuts of 3-5-10 km. Width 4-5 meters - 3 harrow widths on the ridge strip and a classic ski track along the edge.

* One trip - 4 hours including changing clothes, refueling, etc. - Based on this, the employee’s salary fund is formed.

* Winter in central Russia - 15 weeks with an average of 4 trips per week (taking into account snowfalls and competitions) = 60 trips of 50 km (with shortcuts, etc.) = 3,000 km of mileage per winter including costs for fuel and oil , maintenance, repair and depreciation of snowmobiles and trailed implements.

* The life cycle of a snowmobile and implements is best calculated at 5 years.

Good work to you and human gratitude.

Part 1. Lyrical.

We will not talk about high-class tracks, where a professional approach is needed in everything, but about ordinary amateur “skating” and “classic” ones, the most popular and in demand in the snowy expanses of Russia.

As a rule, they are simple paths in forests, parks and fields, trampled by skiers, with a “hump”, holes from the terrain and ATVs and other unpleasant surroundings. They do not always prepare regularly (no more than once a week), without understanding, “with what they gave” and “as best we can.” With the corresponding result.

The long and difficult path of trial and error we have come up with a fairly universal towing device that will greatly simplify and reduce the cost of preparing such routes , which we will tell you about.

Like everyone else, we went through the “zoo” of our own, purchased and rented devices, constantly refining them. What we lacked: the quality of the track and cutting, reliability, simplicity of design, versatility, the ability to “level” the track, minimize mileage, and reduce time for preparing ski tracks.

As one example: the task is to prepare the GABO-Nekrasovskaya tourist route for the weekend with good “classics”. There was heavy snowfall this week. We rode ATVs. The route is 15 km one way. The route needs to be leveled, compacted, and cut. Having traditional “wheels”, a “harrow” and a “cutter” in your arsenal, you will have to travel at least 60 km, or even 90 km. It's TOO long, expensive in fuel and physically difficult.


Part 2. Practical.

So, we managed to come up with two super-duper attachments, charming with their simplicity and efficiency. We will talk about our patented pride - “GABOSH” later, and today we will present “GABOSH-Lite”.

Let’s make a reservation right away that GABOshu-light we do not make or sell , we’ll just tell you in detail. If you want, cook it yourself.

Briefly: GABOSHA-light is a two-in-one towed device designed for leveling a ski track and cutting a classic track.


  • Preparing an amateur skating track in various weather conditions
  • Cutting high-quality classic ski tracks, including in the wild

Main advantages:

  1. Simplicity of design.
    Any competent welder can weld using materials from the nearest market.
  2. This is a two-in-one device.
    GABOsha-light successfully replaces two “classic” devices: the so-called “harrow” and “cutter”.
  3. Versatility
    Allows you to prepare the route in different weather conditions - from heavy snowfall to hard spring ice.
    Forms “banks of snow”, grinding twigs and needles, making the forest path cleaner.
    Allows you to cut off “humps” and level the road surface.
    Well levels the track after ATVs .
    Can cut on wet snow
  4. Reliability
    We use GABOshu-light in extremely harsh operating conditions, including the preparation of linear tourist routes in the wild forest. With more or less careful driving, it is almost eternal.
  5. Save time
    About the example above: the ideal “classic” in the wild is prepared in 2 passes: we go in one direction, leveling and tamping the track, at the end we turn the hitch over (without unhooking it from the snowmobile) and cut a dense, smooth, beautiful ski track. The profile is clean, the side part for the poles is quite dense. MILEAGE IS REDUCED BY 2-3 TIMES!!!


  1. Weight
    For high-quality operation of the device, weight is necessary. On the plain, the Buran can handle it, but in good terrain you need a more powerful utilitarian snowmobile.
  2. Rigid grip on old snow
    It will be difficult to drag the GABOsha-light through hard snow for the Buran, but a powerful snowmobile can handle it easily
  3. Width
    For a wide skating track you will have to wind in circles. It is no longer possible to increase the size of THIS structure - the mass will become too large.
  4. Weather restrictions
    The versatility of GABOSHI-Lite is not limitless. Use in low snow conditions is not recommended.

Ready to answer questions!

It's summer, but competition organizers and skiing fans are already preparing the sleigh. It would be more correct to say devices for laying ski tracks - harrows for skating and cutters for classic skiing. And although the sun is shining outside the window, and weather forecasters are predicting heat, the skillful hands of our inventors are creating new masterpieces of snow-making equipment, anticipating going out into the snowy expanses.

Few people want to trample knee-deep snowdrifts, so to lay a classic ski track you need a ski track builder, or as skiers also call it, a cutter. True, you still need a snowmobile. As you know, a high-quality classic ski track cannot be prepared without a special ski cutter. We offer you our experience in making a universal cutter.

The new versatile design has been tested in a variety of snow conditions. The cutter worked both with a snow cover height of 10 cm and on dense crust and on deep loose snow, leaving a smooth, beautiful ski track everywhere.

ski cutter
with snow removal wing

not available

Option: knives - rippers:

The design of the XCsport cutter uses the most successful solutions from different cutters and combines them into one product:

  • the hinged mount allows you to turn the cutter from the “sledge” to the “cutter” position without unhooking it from the Buran
  • adjustment of the height of the drawbar, allows it to be used with different snowmobiles
  • The cutter can operate in pressing (for loose snow and light snow) and cutting (for dense snow and crust) modes
  • a large snow drainage hole allows you to lay a ski track, even on wet, coarse-grained and sticky snow
  • cutter weight no more than 40 kg
  • rigid drawbar and deep guides hold the cutter steadily even on an inclined surface
  • The dimensions of the cutter and the removable drawbar allow it to be easily transported in the trunk of a car
  • powder coating reliably protects against corrosion and prevents snow from sticking


  • cutter width (without drawbar) - 55 cm
  • cutter length (without drawbar) - 90 cm
  • distance between ski tracks along the axes of the ski track - 23 cm
  • ski track depth - 5 cm
  • width at the bottom of the ski tracks - 5 cm
  • width at the top of the track guides - 11.5 cm

We are sure that the more cutters are made, the more beautiful and smooth ski runs will surround us, and the more people will go out for a ski trip. The number of snowmobiles among the population is growing exponentially every year, and just imagine what will happen if every happy owner of such a toy spends 30 minutes to lay 5 km of ski tracks near his home or dacha.

Video of a ski cutter (the film shows a 2007 model cutter).

Attention!!! Starting December 10, 2010, a new model of ski cutter for 2011 will be released. The main difference from the old model is the ability to upgrade. It will be possible to attach cutter extensions and additional knives. Additional cutter accessories will be sold separately and will be available soon. The buyer will be able to decide for himself whether he needs a standard or complete set.

Article 40.MP 0193 Manufacturer STORM

Material: Powder coated steel
Thickness: 2.5 mm
Weight: 23.5 kg

A cutter for laying ski tracks, thanks to which every snowmobile owner can lay a high-quality ski track for walks with family, friends and for ski competitions.

The simple design will allow you to use the cutter every winter.

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Following the recommendations of the authors and focusing on their drawings of the “Scraper” and “Plow” (from the magazine “Skiing”), we made samples of these devices and tested them in practice. (manufactured for Buran) During operation, some imperfections of the mentioned devices were revealed.

As you know, “Taiga” or “Buran” snowmobiles on a hook can tow hundreds of kilograms, therefore, the mass (weight) of devices is not a problem. The material for the devices should be only metal, and not boards and plywood, since this increases reliability, eliminates the need for additional weight, and in manufacturing it is generally possible to use electric welding. This design is much more reliable.

The length of the “Scraper” should not exceed 100 mm, otherwise it will not allow it to fit into the wake of the “Buran” when turning, and will hover over the depressions.

A large support area leads to a significant accumulation of snow on top, which will not crumble, especially when the air temperature is near zero. The “Scraper” does not perform its main function - breaking, loosening and mixing snow - on a dirty, frozen ski track, as it slides along individual ridges, leaving behind dirty, uneven ruts.

The knives in the “Strug” in the described version are located at a very obtuse angle, so they do not plan the ski track, but rather rake the snow in front of them, especially hard ones, or chop off snow layers.

The absence of guide runners behind the knives protruding beyond the edge of the Struga platform eliminates the possibility of smoothing out the cut mark.

In addition, there is no “apron” in the design, so the snow thrown out by the knives is not diverted to the side, but ends up on the ski track. The disadvantage is also too large sizes windows into which cut snow falls. The windows must be exactly the width of the knives.

And finally, the proposed device does not consider the issue of transportation from the storage location to the highway.

Having analyzed all the shortcomings of the “Scraper” and “Strug” devices, we worked on individual components and improved the overall design.

We present to our readers options for the “Plow-cutter” and “Harrow” devices. It seems that with the help of the drawings provided, anyone will be able to make devices that we have repeatedly and successfully used to lay a ski slope.

Rice. 1 - Plow cutter: 1 - coupling device (l - 700 mm, ⌀ 16-18); 2 - thrust; 3 - rod fastening (⌀ 16-18); 4 - guide runner for linear movement (200X20X4 mm); 5 - runner stand (l - 300 mm, ⌀ 20-23); 6- platform (750X400X10 mm); 7 - pin for holding loads (l -100 mm, ⌀ 16, M16 wing nut); 8-runner (strip 3X100 mm); 9 - stand for attaching the apron (l -100 m, ⌀ 20); 10 - window for receiving snow (85X75 mm, between windows 145 mm (200); 11 - apron (520X300X35 mm); 12 - runner for the final formation of the ski track (30X55X300 mm); 13 - knife (spring steel 75X60 mm, base width - 60); 14 - screw (M6, 3 pcs.)

Rice. 2. Harrow: 1 - channel (No. 8-10, 2 pcs.); 2 - corner (65X75 mm. l - 650 mm, 3 pcs.); 3 - tooth (120X20X10 mm, 30 pcs.); 4 - weight (channel size, 12 pcs.); 5 - guide runner (200X20X5 mm, 2 pcs.); 6 - rod (round timber ⌀ 16-18, 1-700 mm, 2 pcs.)