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Male name Raphael. What does the beautiful male name Rafael mean? Raphael in different aspects of life

Most experts in ancient Israelite linguistics adhere to the theory that this name is a variant pronunciation of the more ancient name "Rephael". Translated into modern Russian, it means “divine healing.” In the Bible, this was the name of one of the seven archangels, who had the gift of healing and healed many people. He came down to earth more than once and helped those who asked. The man was also called the “angel of the prodigal son,” who helps sinful people learn the truth.

Character of the owner of the name Raphael

Raphael is very kind. He has truly angelic patience, treats the imperfections of other people with understanding and condescension and always shows compassion. Endowed with a well-developed inner sense. But you don’t need to think that he relies on him for everything. He carefully analyzes any situation. His critical thinking makes him look at any problem from different angles. Sometimes this makes him a real bore.

A person with this name prefers to work with his head. The little boy loves books and playing musical instruments. He is very inquisitive, and if he starts doing science, he achieves greater success. However, due to his stubbornness, Raf is not always successful. But in fact, with his stubbornness, he masks a soft character, attachment to traditions and authority.

Often what they lack in experience they make up for with a sharp mind and creativity. He will never stick his nose into something that isn't his own business. However, he is against anyone approaching him with advice.

Rasha is a very creative person with an incredibly rich imagination. You can listen to his stories endlessly. Often helps others without thinking about what he might get in return. However, every failure brings him to the brink of depression. Raphael will do everything in his power to fulfill his promises, and if he cannot, he will be very worried. Very suspicious.

What are the hobbies of the owner of the name Rafael?

The one who bears this name, unfortunately, does not know how to relax and change his type of activity. If he likes something, he considers it a weakness. However, he loves to laze around, eat and go out into nature. At a young age he loves to read.

What does the owner of the name Rafael earn?

As a rule, the bearer of the name becomes a jeweler, merchant, journalist or manager. Rafail quickly makes a political career. However, the professions of writer, physician, painter and lawyer are also not closed to him.

Well-being and immunity of the owner of the name Rafael

Very often suffers from excess weight and hormonal imbalances. Although he does not like to work physically, nervous overstrain is also dangerous for him. As mentioned earlier, the owner of the name is a very depressed person suffering from high blood pressure.

The intimate life of the owner of the name Rafael

The parents who named the boy that name were very strict when raising him. That is why he is very shy when communicating with the opposite sex. At the end adolescence he knows about love rather from books than from real life. Therefore, Rafik usually looks for a girl even less experienced in intimate matters than himself. In general, sex in a relationship is not the main thing for him.

Family life of the owner of the name Rafael

As a rule, Rafik tries to ensure that his family does not have bosses and subordinates. After all, you can demand the same from a person equal to you in status as from yourself. Therefore, he controls his emotions, is always sincere and consults his wife in everything. Unfortunately, he fails to do this. The reason lies in the fact that he himself does not completely trust his wife, although he demands absolute trust from her.

Every time he takes her at her word, he perceives it as a favor on his part. Ultimately, he gets used to constantly making concessions, and his wife drives him under her thumb. Rafail takes care of children even when they become adults.

Women with the following names are suitable for Raphael: Bella, Bogdana, Galina, Ekaterina, Yesenia, Zemfira, Zlata, Larissa, Lydia.

The name Raphael (Raphael) has a thousand-year history. It was worn by one of the archangels, who protected and protected people and animals from various misfortunes, and knew how to heal from diseases and wounds. Archangel Raphael always helped those in need, guided sinners on the spiritual path, and helped them to comprehend the mystery of existence. This name is not popular in our country, but it is quite widespread abroad.

History of the name

The name Raphael appears in Hebrew and has the meaning “healed by God.”

Archangel Raphael helps heal both the physical body and the spiritual, helps balance the emotional sphere

Raphael de Valentin is the hero of Honore de Balzac's story "Shagreen Skin", included in the "Human Comedy". He is a martyr of thought. His obsession is the desire to gain power over his own destiny.

Name forms

Short versions of the name Rafael: Rafa, Raha, Rafik, Raf, Rasha, Fail, Ilya, Rafi, Fafa.

The name Raphael comes from Hebrew

Diminutive versions: Rafaelchik, Rafailushka, Rafochka, Rafaelenka.

When Raphael is inspired
The sacred face of the Most Pure Virgin
He finished with a living brush:
Admired by his art
He fell in front of the picture!
But soon this wonderful impulse
His young chest grew weak,
And tired and dumb
He forgot the fire of heaven.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov″kogda-rafael-vdohnovennyy..."%29

Related names: Raphael, Rafel, Raphaelou, Rafael, Rafal, Rafel, Refael.

Church version of the name: Raphael.

Raphael - church version of the name Raphael

What patronymics come from the name Rafael: Rafaelevna, Rafaelevich, Rafaelevna, Rafaelevich (Rafailovich, Rafailovna).

How to spell the name Rafael in a foreign passport based on transliteration rules: RAFAEL.

Transliteration of the name Rafael: RAFAEL

What middle names will be successfully combined with the name Rafael: Albertovich, Andreevich, Aristarkhovich, Vadimovich, Danilovich, Efimovich, Ilyich, Maratovich, Kimovich, Markovich, Olegovich, Renatovich, Timofeevich, Yuryevich.

Having decided to write a poem with the name Raphael, you can use the following rhymes for this name: duel, watercolor, parallel, April, mademoiselle, carousel, flannel, cradle, caramel.

Raphael is one of the possible spellings of the name Raphael for social networks

Table: the name Raphael in foreign languages

Chinese拉斐爾 Lā fěi ěr
Japaneseラファエル Rafaeru
Korean라파엘 Rafael
GreekΡαφαέλ Rafael
Hindiराफेल Rāphēla
Yiddishרפאל Rafael
PolishRafał Rafal
UkrainianRaphael Rafail
CzechRafael Rafael
FrenchRaphael, Raphael Raphael

Name day dates and patron saints

Raphael will be baptized under the name Raphael. There are not many saints in Christianity who bear this name. More famous are:

  1. Archangel Raphael. He is a healer of human diseases, a guide to the righteous world.

    Raphael is one of the archangels; according to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Raphael is considered the second in a row of archangels

  2. Saint Raphael of Brooklyn. The saint was born in 1860 in Syria. As a youth he was sent to school under the Patriarchate. Later the saint became the bishop of Russian Orthodox Church. In 1895, Raphael moved to America, where he became Bishop of Brooklyn. The saint died in 1915 from heart disease.

    Raphael of Brooklyn - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop of Brooklyn, Vicar of the North American Diocese

  3. Venerable Martyr Rafail Momchilovich, abbot. The saint was born in 1875 in Serbia. At the age of 12, Rafail (in the world Georgy) moved to live in a monastery. The saint was ordained hieromonk and sent to Russia, where he studied icon painting. Then he went to hone his skills in Italy. He then returned to Serbia, where he became famous for painting icons. Saint Raphael died as a martyr in 1941.

    Rafail Momcilovic became a monk of the Sishatovac Monastery several years before his martyrdom

Also among the saints with the name Raphael there are new martyrs:

  • Rev. Confessor Rafail Sheichenko, hieromonk;
  • Venerable Martyr Rafail Tyupin, hieromonk.

Rafael celebrates his birthday on one of the following dates:

  • February: 27;
  • June: 19, 22;
  • September: 3;
  • November: 21;
  • December: 11.

Characteristics of the name and its influence on personality

Rafael tries to achieve everything with his own perseverance and intelligence. He is courageous, calculating and self-interested. Having strongly wished for something, a man will achieve his goal, regardless of any obstacles. For the sake of his goal, he may resort to flattery, deception, or get involved in an argument or conflict. However, the guy tries to carefully hide this side of his character, so in the eyes of others he looks like a kind and peace-loving person. Rafa could become a leader in any team, but he prefers the role of a “gray eminence”, skillfully manipulating the minds of those around him. He knows how to maintain stable relationships with people.

Rafael always achieves what he wants, despite any obstacles

The guy is prone to emotionality and imbalance. He tries to benefit from any situation for himself. He analyzes and examines all his actions, tries to find the only right decision. A man’s excellent intuition, which this young man always has a knack for, helps him not to make mistakes. In addition, Raphael has no lack of courage; he will get involved in any adventure without fear.

Rafael always listens to his intuition

The obvious downside to Rafa's character is his stubbornness. He will never accept someone else's opinion, although deep down he may consider it true and useful. But this man will never miss what is his, and is prone to conflict over little things. Among other things, the guy doesn’t trust anyone, he checks everything on his own. This makes him a pedantic and petty person.

Raphael has stubbornness and determination

Rafael does not like to mind his own business, tries not to interfere in the lives of others and wants to be treated in the same way. Deep inside this guy lies a creative nature. When alone with himself, he likes to dream and come up with various stories. Failures and losses can greatly upset Rafael, which can cause him to plunge into depression. When in a bad mood, he tends to exaggerate everything. Criticism from outsiders deeply wounds a young man’s nature.

Rafael is a creative person, although he tries to hide it from others

According to the theory of Pierre Rouget, Raphael has excellent intuition, leads an active life, tries to be independent and do everything his own way. This man has an explosive character, which causes a lot of trouble both for himself and for those around him. Among other things, Rafa can be aggressive and tough. But he knows how to make decisions quickly and is endowed with an amazing imagination.

Rafael has an explosive character

How does a name affect a person’s character in childhood?

Since childhood, Rafael has been bathed in the love and care of adults. He has a quiet and calm character and almost never gets sick. The boy is polite and friendly and gets along easily with other guys. The child has a finely developed intuition and is endowed with creative abilities. The baby is prone to excessive sensitivity and may be too persistent. Despite the fact that Rafa looks like a kind and exemplary child, sometimes he can commit selfish acts. IN curriculum the boy has no difficulties. He is one of the teachers' favorites, always takes part in school amateur performances, and knows how to beautifully recite poems by famous poets. Always behaves kindly and well-mannered with others.

As a child, Rafael is a quiet, calm and polite child.

As Rafael gets older, he notices that most people love flattery. The young man begins to skillfully apply this knowledge in communication with adults, which helps him avoid all kinds of conflicts. Among his peers, the teenager quickly gains authority, but this happens not only under the influence of the boy’s charm, but also with the help of deception and cunning. However, this guy is a very devoted and faithful comrade, he will never reveal his friend’s secret, and is ready to help at any moment. Girls like Rafael, but he tends to use their sympathy for his own purposes. The teenager has the gift of persuasion. It is not difficult for him to lure his opponent in a dispute to his side. Therefore, any quarrel or conflict situation ends in the victory of Raphael. The guy has a stubborn and calculating character, always achieves what he wants. All yours negative aspects tries to hide it from the eyes of others.

Rafael quickly gains authority among his peers, but often resorts to deception to gain their trust.

Hobbies and talents

Raphael's main hobbies are traveling and collecting. He travels to various countries and collects antiques. In addition, the guy is interested in cooking and painting, and loves to read. A man tries to turn his hobbies into business, so he can start opening a restaurant, an antique shop or an art gallery.

A man can open a profitable business based on his hobbies

Professional activities and career

Rafael is inclined to quickly climb the career ladder; he does not like to take a long and systematic path to the goal. This guy is not a workaholic; professions where there is a lot of work are not suitable for him. physical activity. Such a person should choose creative or intellectual areas of activity. So, he can successfully realize himself in painting, writing, journalism or jewelry.

Painting is an excellent field for realizing Raphael’s talents

Ability to find common language with any people will help Rafael become an outstanding teacher. A penchant for fantasy and a love of experimentation will make a man indispensable in the culinary profession. In addition, the guy will achieve success in law, medicine, trade and administrative work. He can become a successful businessman. Thanks to his business, Rafael will not only achieve financial stability, but will also be able to get rich. The man spends the money he earns on luxurious life.

Rafael loves to spend money on luxury goods and tries not to deny himself anything


Rafael was in fairly good health as a child. However, in adulthood, a man may become dependent on energy drugs. He is also prone to bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and overeating. Therefore, this person often suffers from poor metabolism and obesity. Closer to old age, dementia, hypertension and vascular diseases may develop.


Raphael is a real favorite of women. They fall in love with this guy after the first meeting. The man is gallant, knows how to look after beautifully and show signs of attention, but this period does not last long, since his chosen ones quickly surrender to the charm of the young man. Often intimate relationships happen after the first date. Raf is pragmatic and can use a girl for personal gain. He values ​​his independence, so he does not try to start a serious relationship.

Almost every first date between Rafael and a girl ends in intimacy

Marriage and family relationships

Rafael chooses a bright, open and deeply loving woman as his wife. The guy wants to achieve a trusting and honest relationship with his wife, but he himself has neither honesty nor trust in his wife. He is not an exemplary husband, cannot part with his freedom, and is prone to infidelity. But the man carefully hides all his infidelities and tries not to tell anyone about them. A Rafa loves his children very much, he is ready to give everything for them. His child will definitely receive loving care in childhood and a good education in the future.

Rafael has a special relationship with his own children, a strong attachment for life, reverent care and the desire to be an example in everything

Table: compatibility of the name Rafael with female names

Table: matches for the name Raphael

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters that make up the name Raphael

Each letter that makes up a person’s name has its own meaning and imposes additional characteristics on the person:

  1. Letter R. A man is not deceived by appearances, but delves into the essence of the issue. He is self-confident, impetuous, efficient and brave. When he gets very carried away, a guy can take rash and risky actions.
  2. Letter A. A person always strives to be busy with something, wants to achieve internal and external comfort.
  3. Letter F. The guy always wants to be in the center of attention, tries to look brilliant. He is friendly, original, smart, and tries to make everyone around him happy.
  4. Letter E. A person is able to see what is hidden from everyone’s attention, has a good understanding of people, and speaks beautifully. He is curious and nosy, wants to become part of “high society.”
  5. Letter L. The young man subtly perceives the surrounding reality, has artistic talent, and tries to share his skills. To find happiness, such a person needs to find his life purpose.
  6. Soft sign. The young man has a tendency to classify and separate any information. He tries to sort all his knowledge and skills into categories.

Rafael is sensitive to the outside world, knows how to see what is hidden from the eyes of strangers

Personality characteristics depending on the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Raphael has a complex character. He is stubborn and will stand his ground to the last, even if he understands that he is wrong. With this behavior he creates difficulties for himself in communication. Although the guy is kind, he is not always selfless. Initially, it is easy to get along with people, until it comes to some kind of dispute. A man is not inclined to trust others, knows how to analyze situations, can use cunning, and is calculating.

Winter Raphael is distinguished by his unyielding stubbornness

Rafael, born in one of the spring months, loves sweets. A man generally loves to eat, so in adulthood he often suffers from excess weight. This person is very amorous, often changes girls, and gets married late. By nature, he is secretive; only those closest and closest to him will be able to find out about his experiences and emotions. loyal people.

Spring Raphael loves to eat

Under the auspices of the summer season, Raphael is born, with a weak and compliant character. A man tries never to offend anyone, because he is afraid of being drawn into a scandal where he will have to defend his position.

In the summer, the weak-willed Raphael is born

In the fall, Raphael is born, endowed with prudence, prudence and seriousness. He is not prone to hasty decisions, he is used to thinking things through. When making decisions, he is guided only by reason, not by emotions. Marries quite late.

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics AriesBorn under the sign of Aries, Raphael is prone to being impulsive and emotional. He often makes wrong decisions because he relies not on reason, but on feelings. It is easy to anger such a person, but he quickly moves on from insults. He is friendly in communication and knows how to admit when he is wrong. TaurusRaphael, born under the auspices of the sign of Taurus, is endowed with tact and balance. It is pleasant to talk with this man, he tries in every possible way to avoid scandals and quarrels, and always keeps himself under control. He is characterized by an enviable stubbornness, which does not harm him at all, but only helps him in his work. Due to this character trait, the guy always achieves what he wants, he can work day and night. TwinsThe man is polite and friendly. He is pleasant to talk to, has great success with women, and is accustomed to attention, compliments and praise. This guy is not interested in a serious relationship. He would rather prefer short-term, non-binding affairs to them. CancerRaphael is born under the sign of Cancer, endowed with a naive, capricious and infantile disposition. The guy lacks fortitude, he always needs support and approval from everyone around him. In addition, Raphael-Cancer does not know how to act independently and think about upcoming actions. LionThis person has a tough character. He is decisive, sometimes he can be too harsh and aggressive. It is very difficult to communicate with Raphael-Leo, because he tries to put himself above his interlocutor. The guy is trying with all his might to dominate and control people. VirgoThe influence of Virgo develops in Raphael a wonderful mind, erudition and erudition. Such a man does not accept stupidity and narrow-mindedness in people, and tries to communicate only with extraordinary personalities. The guy is slightly unsure of himself, but is trying to overcome this flaw. Sometimes he tries to look bolder than he really is. ScalesRaphael-Libra has a calm and quiet character. The guy wants to achieve harmony in his existence, tries to avoid all kinds of quarrels and conflicts, and does not tolerate negative emotions. The man is romantic and dreamy, believes in eternal love and ideal relationships. ScorpionA guy born under the sign of Scorpio and named Raphael manifests himself as an energetic personality. He always strives for travel and adventure. Prone to frequent mood changes, sometimes this happens several times a day. During periods of negativity, Raphael-Scorpio can be hot-tempered and aggressive, and easily lose his temper. SagittariusRaphael-Sagittarius is especially shy. The man is trying to get rid of this shortcoming. A person tends to trust others and is too naive, which leads to constant disappointment. The young man dreams of true love, trying to find his “soul mate”. CapricornFrom this young man turns out to be an excellent, loyal and devoted comrade. Raphael-Capricorn loves to work; his profession is not just a way for him to earn money. Thanks to her, he tries to realize himself in life. A man is ready to work day and night to achieve the desired result. AquariusThe sign of Aquarius gives birth to Raphael, who values ​​more than anything else friendly relations. Even love cannot make him give up friendship. The guy is excellent at finding contact with any people, but never uses his gift for selfish purposes. A man tries to live in such a way that others have only a positive impression of him. FishThe young man reacts sensitively, emotionally and sentimentally to the world around us. He believes in endless love, dreams of finding comrades and a lover who can perceive him as he is.

Photo gallery: famous people in history named after Raphael

Rafael Santi - Italian painter, graphic artist and architect Rafael Martos Sanchez - Spanish singer, actor Raphael Haroch - French singer Raphael Poiret - one of the most titled French biathletes, four-time World Cup winner, eight-time world champion, three-time medalist Olympic Games Rafael Benitez Maudes - Spanish football player and coach Rafael Alberti - Spanish poet and playwright of the 20th century, laureate of the International Lenin Prize "For Strengthening Peace Among Nations" Raphael Varane - French football player Rafael Nadal - Spanish tennis player

Rafael is a sociable, emotional and persistent person. He knows how to do good deeds, but they all imply benefits for this guy. The man is smart and prone to analysis. Rafa's fate is always under his control, he strives for a comfortable life and is ready to do anything to achieve this. The young man keeps his emotions to himself and tries to monitor appearance, loves the attention of others, popular with the fair sex.

Unlike most popular modern Russian names, which are of Greek origin, the name Raphael is Hebrew, originating in Christian scriptures. This name is given to one of the angels mentioned in the Bible. Translated into Russian it means “God healed” - it is not surprising that Raphael is considered the patron saint of healers and doctors.

WITH early age little Rafael is distinguished by such character traits as sociability and the desire to always be in the center of attention. This child is stubborn, active, mobile and emotional. He strives to become a leader, which is why he can get involved in conflict situations, since his peers do not always support him in this.

Also this child with early years distinguished by its pragmatism. No one would dare call him selfless, since most of his actions were done with cold and precise calculation. He excels academically thanks to his ability to clearly grasp the essence of things and his curiosity.

Thanks to his developed imagination and rich imagination, he can realize himself in the creative field. These same qualities also help him in school educational process and subsequent educational institutions.

The form of the name Raphael is Western European. In the Orthodox Russian version this name has the form Rafail, and in Islam - Israfil.

The abbreviated forms of this name are: Fail, Fafa, Rafailka, Raf, Rafa, Lele, Ilya.

Synonyms for the name Rafael: Refael, Rafail, Rafel, Rafel.

Secrets of Raphael's character

This man has highly developed intuition - better than many women. Also, thanks to his rich imagination, he can easily mislead his interlocutor in order to obtain some benefit (he is quite capable of such actions, since in general he is self-interested).

Although in general Rafael is very kind - without arguing he will help a friend in need or even to a stranger. Able to accept the only true and quick solutions thanks to excellent analytical ability.

This man is not distinguished by his hard work - he works according to his mood, which either takes possession of him or leaves him, therefore his work is accomplished as if in jerks. His determination is hampered by the fact that he can simply forget the choice he has made.

Raphael's fate

From childhood, the boy will be distinguished by good health and good immunity. However, in adult life this man risks becoming addicted to alcohol, coffee, nicotine and other methods of artificially raising the tone. He should be very careful in this area.

In character he often resembles his father, and in the family he is his mother’s favorite. As a rule, he looks like her. This guy will dress stylishly and tastefully, according to all the rules of modern fashion. Throughout his life he will attach great importance to his appearance.

He needs to feel that he is loved by someone and that there is someone who is ready and willing to take care of him. If he doesn’t get enough of this, he begins to feel sad and suffer. However, you also need to pay attention to him with caution, so as not to inflame his inner pride.

Throughout his life, he should take care of his eyes and musculoskeletal system. You should also be careful when consuming cigarettes, coffee or alcohol due to the high risk of quickly becoming highly addictive.

Esoteric characteristics and name days

Rafael has one interesting feature- he can easily deceive, confuse and show off for the sake of gain, while he himself easily buys into flattery.

The flatterer easily and quickly takes over his heart and mind, gaining the opportunity to dictate the required behavior to Raphael.

  • Patron planet - Pluto;
  • Animal mascot – camel;
  • The talisman plant is violet;
  • Talisman stone – sapphire;
  • Zodiac sign – Scorpio;
  • The color of the name is yellow.

Raphael in different aspects of life

In love, Raphael, as a rule, expects success. This happens thanks to his subtle ability to properly care for a girl, as well as his natural charm and attractiveness. However, he himself may be mistaken in the truth of his feelings, mistaking a short-term infatuation for strong love.

This man usually marries late, but in marriage he reveals his best qualities. As a rule, he takes as his wife a girl with character whom he can respect and tolerate. Tends to establish family well-being. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

The name Raphael (רְפָאֵל) is a name of Hebrew origin and came to our culture from the Bible. Given name worn by one of the angels who is mentioned by name in scripture. Translated, the meaning of the name Raphael is “God healed.” The angel is considered the patron saint of doctors and healers. The name Raphael is a Western European form of the name. In the Russian Orthodox tradition the name sounds like Rafail, and in Islam it sounds like Israfil.

The meaning of the name Rafael for a child

IN childhood Rafael is distinguished by his sociability and desire to be the center of attention. He is an active and lively baby, who is also characterized by high emotionality and some stubbornness. The boy is quite conflicted, since his desire to be a leader often does not coincide with the opinion of the team. Endowed with tenacity, which periodically manifests itself as stubbornness. This trait can be either positive or, in some cases, negative. Already in childhood, Raphael's prudence manifests itself. He cannot be called selfless, so most of his “good” deeds are done with precise calculation.

Rafael is endowed with good inclinations for study. He is inquisitive, and his level of understanding will surprise his teachers. The boy is also endowed with excellent imagination and imagination. This helps him both school curriculum, and in creative endeavors. In creative endeavors, Raphael can achieve great success if you combine his perseverance, talent and high level teachers.

Speaking about Rafael’s health, one can only be happy for him and his loved ones. The boy's health is very good and has no obvious problems. The weak point in the health of adult Rafael is the rapid adaptation to artificial raising of tone, etc. He quickly gets used to constantly drinking coffee, smoking or drinking alcohol. He should be very careful in this regard, because the natural supply of health is not endless.

Short name Rafael

Raf, Rafa, Phil, Filya, Filka, Elya, Elka, Ilya.

Diminutive pet names

Rafaelka, Rafaelchik, Rafaelushka, Rafaelenka, Rafik, Rafochka, Rafushka, Rafonka, Elyushka, Elichka, Filichka, Filyushka.

Children's middle names

Rafaelevich and Rafaelevna.

Name Rafael in English

IN English the name Raphael is spelled Raphael, which is pronounced both Rafiel and Raphael, depending on the dialect.

Name Rafael for international passport- RAFAEL.

Translation of the name Rafael into other languages

in Belarusian - Rafal (church Rafail)
in Bulgarian - Rafail
in Hungarian - Rafael
in Greek - Ραφαήλ (Raphael)
in Spanish - Rafael
in Italian - Raffaele
in Latin - Raphael
in German - Raphael
in Polish - Rafał
in Portuguese - Rafael
in Romanian - Rafael
in Serbian - Rafailo
in Ukrainian - Rafael
in French - Raphaël and Raphael
in Finnish - Raafael
in Czech - Rafael
in Swedish - Rafael

Church name Raphael(in the Orthodox faith) - Raphael. It is this form of the name that is used in church sacraments. In the Catholic Church, the name Raphael is also revered, and it is written in Latin as Raphael.

Characteristics of the name Raphael

Adult Rafael is not much different from himself as a child. He still strives to succeed in life and be the center of attention in society. True, it is worth noting that he becomes more balanced and his emotionality is still not so noticeable. He knows how to establish communication with anyone, which makes him quite a popular person. He has many comrades, to whose help he often resorts. But he has few friends, although this can be said about most people. His conflict level is decreasing, although it is still greater than that of many.

Raphael's traits of entrepreneurship and intuition are most in demand at work. He is a business man, and his ability to sense the situation gives him additional opportunity achieve success. It is also worth noting some of Raphael’s cunning. It is also worth noting that Rafael is completely ruthless towards competitors for a place in the sun. He is ready to go to the most extreme measures to win. Of course, Rafael will not earn his living by physical labor, because he considers it beneath his own dignity.

If we talk about Raphael’s family, we can note his late marriage. He is in no hurry on this issue, or rather, he doesn’t even see much sense in it. Only over time does he develop a desire to start a family. Having already become a married man, Rafael understands how much he missed this. He establishes partnerships and friendships in his family. The wife becomes her closest friend and often helps her husband in his affairs. He is a worthy father, although he considers raising children a woman's responsibility.

The mystery of the name Raphael

The second secret of Raphael can be called his ability to deceive. He often resorts to this unseemly method in order to obtain his own benefits. Unfortunately, Rafael can also deceive people close to him, which of course ultimately leads to a loss of mutual trust.

The male name Raphael has Hebrew roots and means “God healed.” It is found in many countries of the world under different sounds, but, as a rule, is not very popular. In Russia it is also not often given to children; for us it is more familiar in the form Rafail.

Characteristics of the name Raphael

Raphael's character can be very different depending on the environment and methods of his upbringing. However, absolutely all owners of this name have enormous emotionality, belligerence, independence and a desire to achieve the greatest heights. If Rafael is surrounded with great love and attention as a child, then he will grow up softer and more tolerant of people, will be able to trust them, and will be more sociable. If he is brought up in strictness, then Rafael can become very successful in his work, since he will develop such qualities as independence, determination, distrust of people, and the desire to either shine in society or avoid it. Usually, in childhood, the owner of this name does not show leadership or despotic qualities, so he can be “molded” and it is not at all necessary that he will grow up calculating, capable of lying, or conflicting, although it would not be out of place to say that most often Rafael is just like that. A man with this name has few friends. He does not know how to give in, he tries to surround himself with the same strong people like him, but at the same time, he is internally afraid to open up to them, maintaining an even and rather superficial relationship with them.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Raphael is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Aries, that is, from March 21 to April 20. Aries will be able to make the owner of this name more friendly, sensitive, while maintaining his natural activity, some aggressiveness, determination and assertiveness.

Pros and cons of the name Rafael

What are the pros and cons of the name Rafael? Its rarity, unusualness and special softness in sound can speak positively about it. But you should be very careful when combining it with a surname and patronymic, since Russian surnames and patronymics are not at all suitable for this name. Another disadvantage is the fact that it is very difficult to choose a beautiful abbreviation or diminutive form for the name Rafael, since the accepted abbreviations Rafa, Rasha, Rafus or Rafik do not sound the best.


But Rafael’s health is excellent. As a rule, he takes care of himself, prefers to look good, but he should avoid bad habits, as it retracts easily.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Raphael usually joins late and does so more out of a need to have a partner than a wife. Only later does he realize that he really misses the warmth of home, and for this he needed not a businesswoman, but a simple, gentle and thrifty woman who could make him a good family man and father.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Rafael is not inclined towards hard physical labor. Rather, this is the type of person who can achieve success in creative work or business, where he can fully realize his enterprise and cunning.

Name day

Raphael does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.