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Hand massage technique. Hand massage. Types and techniques of hand massage. Do I need to use disinfectants and cream?

Often we begin to understand the significance of some parts of our body only when health problems appear. For example, due to overexertion, injury or pathology of the structures of the forearm, a person loses the ability to rotate the arm in different planes, bend or straighten the hand, and grasp objects. Such restrictions motor activity often accompanied by other painful symptoms and reduce the quality of life.

An effective way to improve the condition is to massage the forearm. According to statistics, the procedure is in demand because its ease of execution allows it to be carried out not only in medical institutions, but also at home independently.

Long-term clinical studies have shown that the massage therapist’s movements during a session activate a number of physiological and biochemical processes that have a beneficial effect on the patient’s health:

Such changes in the body allow:

  • eliminate fatigue and tension;
  • relieve spasms;
  • normalize muscle tone;
  • calm down nervous system;
  • relieve pain;
  • remove swelling and inflammation;
  • strengthen ligaments and tendons;
  • increase the mobility of nearby joints;
  • restore structures and tissues after injury or illness.

In addition, in the forearm area there are biologically active points, massaging which can get rid of problems with the large intestine and relieve symptoms diabetes mellitus, stop an attack bronchial asthma, even monitor body temperature.

Contraindications to massage

Before the session, tell the massage therapist about chronic diseases, infections or inflammatory processes. After all, even a light relaxing technique can cause many problems when:

Massage the surface with extreme caution in the presence of moles, papillomas, nevi, warts, as well as places of fractures, sprains, ruptures of ligaments and tendons.

A little anatomy

The forearm is the middle part of a person’s arm between the hand and the elbow joint. Its bone base consists of two tubular bones: the ulna and the radius. They are located almost parallel to each other, and only touch at the ends. The entire space between the structures is filled with a thin but very durable membrane.

The forearm has the shape of a truncated cone, on the surface of which two convexities formed by different muscle groups are clearly visible:

In the spaces between the fibers of the anterior group - the grooves - there are nerves that provide sensitivity to the forearm and blood vessels that nourish the tissues of this part of the arm. In some places, their proximity is so close that when injured, simultaneous damage to both structures often occurs. The skin of this area is practically devoid of fatty tissue. It is thin, flexible, and easy to fold.

Execution techniques

The complex anatomical structure of the hand, as well as the variety of goals facing the massage therapist, have led to the emergence of a large number of treatment methods. Many of them have already been mentioned in the articles: “”, “”, “”. Let us dwell in more detail on the techniques that are used to massage the forearm area.


It is used for relaxing and therapeutic procedures. First they carry out preparatory stage, massaging the entire forearm:

  • The patient sits or lies with the elbow bent at an angle of 110° relative to the shoulder.
  • Fixing his hand with the palm down, move from the fingertips to the elbow joint, lightly stroking the surface.
  • Continuous grasping stroking is performed between the wrist joint and the lower third of the shoulder.
  • Turning the patient's hand over with the palm up, repeat the movements.

Having achieved maximum relaxation, they move on to massaging individual muscles.

First, the flexors and pronators of the anterior group are worked out, then the posterior extensors and supinators. In this case, a strict sequence of classical techniques is used:

  1. The effect begins with stroking, which can be planar, grasping, comb-shaped or forceps-shaped.
  2. Then they move on to rubbing, using straight, circular, semicircular techniques, as well as sawing, hatching, intersecting or planing.
  3. The massage continues with longitudinal and then transverse kneading, the essence of which is deep pressing, stretching or moving the tissues of the forearm.
  4. Drainage is performed with intense squeezing movements, moving from the wrist to the elbow.
  5. The massage is completed with vibration techniques. For the forearm area, finger rain, tapping, chopping or shaking are most suitable.

The movements are performed from the bottom up, following the flow of lymph, interspersed with light, soothing stroking. Massage of the forearm and hand areas is almost always combined.

Such techniques are often used in modeling techniques aimed at losing weight. They are effective, and therefore are a worthy competitor to the painful vacuum effect.


The technique, which originated 5,000 years ago in the East, is based on the doctrine of the vital energy Qi, which moves in the body along special channels - meridians. They connect internal organs and come to the surface in the form of biologically active points. According to Chinese healers, a person becomes ill when the movement of energy ceases to be free and continuous. You can adjust the power of the flow by massaging acupuncture zones.

Medical science confirms the existence of active points, but they are explained by their relationship with internal organs by the presence of a common innervation laid down at the stage of embryonic development.

But be that as it may, the human hand is considered a powerful reflex zone. 24 vital points are located in the forearm area. They:

  • fight fatigue and muscle tension;
  • control the functions of the large and small intestines;
  • regulate body temperature;
  • relieve cervical osteochondrosis;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system, overcome depression, irritability, insomnia;
  • treat sinusitis, allergies, bronchial asthma;
  • restore coordination of movements and speech after a stroke;
  • ease the course of diabetes.

The boundaries of the active point are vague, the diameter ranges from 0.2 to 5 mm. Scientific observations have shown that these areas on the human body absorb more oxygen, have their own electrical status, and are very sensitive to pressure. Even a novice massage therapist can find them using a special diagram. They influence the BAP in a special way: cauterize it, pierce it with a needle, or work it with the tip of the thumb or index finger. - the most accessible, it is performed using:

Pain, numbness, tingling are signs that the active point has been identified correctly. Treatment should not last longer than 10 minutes. After the session, you need to relax and rest a little.

For plexopathy

The spinal nerves form several large plexuses. The humeral is one of them, combining part of the roots of the cervical and thoracic spine. The structure is located in the neck and armpit area and is responsible for the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper extremities.

Photo: plexitis of the shoulder joint

Sometimes trauma, severe compression or a viral infection causes damage to the entire plexus or several of its trunks. Plexopathy or plexitis occurs - a pathology with a variable clinical picture:

  • The neuralgic stage is accompanied by increasing painful sensations leading to limited mobility of the hand, forearm or shoulder.
  • Paralytic is characterized by decreased sensitivity, impaired reflexes, paresis and paralysis. Their localization depends on the site of damage to the nerve roots. If you got hurt cervical region– the patient loses the ability to bend the forearm or rotate the arm. When the thoracic trunks are damaged, paresis of the hand develops, accompanied by oculosympathetic syndrome. Total defeat results in paralysis of the upper limbs.

You can learn about other symptoms from the video:

Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient is prescribed surgical or conservative treatment. But in any case, in the subacute period, massage is used as effective remedy restoration of inflamed structures and tissues. At the same time, they are not limited to one study of the injured forearm or hand. The procedure begins with mandatory exposure to the area of ​​the neck and shoulder blades using:

  • grasping strokes;
  • alternate and spiral rubbing;
  • sawing;
  • vibrations in the paravertebral region.

And only after this they move directly to a massage of the limb, covering the area of ​​the forearm and shoulder. To do this, use basic classical techniques: stroking, squeezing, kneading muscles, rubbing tendons and the wrist joint.

The massage therapist achieves:

  • reduction or complete relief of pain;
  • eliminating muscle tension or spasms;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • activation of lymph flow;
  • restoration of sensitivity and motor ability of the affected hand.

The course is selected individually and includes 15–20 twenty-minute sessions. Although relief will come after the first procedures, to fully restore health it is necessary to repeat the therapy several times.

At a fracture

Fractures of the bones of the forearm are caused by unsuccessful falls on an outstretched arm or strong blows. Most often suffers radius, especially its thinnest part, located at the wrist.

Photo: forearm fracture

In this case the following appears:

  • severe pain;
  • specific crunch;
  • edema;
  • redness or, in case of vascular damage, extensive hematoma;
  • deformation of the bone structure during a displaced fracture;
  • impaired sensitivity and mobility.

The victim is immediately taken to the emergency room, where the severity of the injury is determined and treatment is prescribed. A complex displaced fracture requires immediate surgical intervention. In other cases, the affected limb is anesthetized and a fixative is applied. plaster cast or a plastic splint.

You can learn more about massage and rehabilitation of a broken forearm by watching the video tutorial:

The procedure is prescribed as soon as the acute pain goes away. Its goal is to restore impaired blood circulation and prevent the development of muscle atrophy in an immobile limb. To do this:

  • lightly stroke and rub the hand and shoulder located next to the affected area;
  • perform simple movements with your fingers: spread them apart, clench them into a fist;
  • massage the healthy arm and the cervical-collar area, which is responsible for the innervation of the upper extremities.


After about a month, the plaster is removed. The goal of the massage therapist during this period is to relieve pain, relieve swelling, and restore mobility of the damaged forearm. Now they work on the entire surface of the hand using gentle methods. At first, manipulations should be easy and smooth. As the structures are restored, the intensity of the impact is increased, and special training is added in the form of passive movements and exercise therapy.

Self-massage of the forearm

Performing self-massage of the forearm structures at home will not cause difficulties, especially if you follow the advice of the masters. It is better to sit during the procedure - this position helps to completely relax the muscles and achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Massage therapists advise starting work from the outer surface.

We do:

  1. Enveloping stroking with a relaxed hand, folded in the shape of a groove. We move from the wrist to the elbow, following the flow of lymphatic fluid.
  2. Longitudinal rubbing, first with the fingertips and then with the edge of the palm.
  3. Spiral and ordinary kneading.
  4. Shaking.
  5. Finger rain.
  6. Tapping with fingertips.

All techniques alternate with light, soothing stroking. After this part of the procedure is completed, rest your hand on your knee, turning it palm up.

Movement pattern for self-massage of the forearm

Massaging the inner forearm:

  1. We stroke with a relaxed hand, moving from the wrist joint to the elbow cavity.
  2. Longitudinal rubbing is carried out with the fingertips, transverse - with the edges of the palms.
  3. Knead the surface with circular and spiral movements.
  4. For ordinary kneading, bend your arm at the elbow joint.
  5. We use vibration: shaking, finger rain, tapping with fingertips, light chopping, patting, tapping.

Each massage technique is repeated 5–10 times. Particular attention should be paid to painful lumps or trigger points that keep the muscles tense, make them weaker, and impair the performance of the fibers. Only a deep massage in the form of consistent strong pressure will help get rid of them.

Such simple, painless, accessible manipulations will become a worthy alternative dear medicines and newfangled procedures will return mobility, lightness, and performance to your hands.

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Regular, well-executed hand massage helps not only improve the condition of the skin. It allows you to naturally launch the body’s protective functions, which prevent infection and the development of already existing problems with health.


Features of treatment

Did you know that by devoting just a few minutes a day to a massage you can improve the health of your entire body? Thus, the thumb is responsible for the condition of the lungs and bronchi. Light rubbing and pinching of the thumb helps to quickly eliminate diseases of the respiratory system, allergic reactions. Index finger massage helps relieve organ dysfunction digestive system, improves psycho-emotional state, relieves toothache.

Massaging your middle finger can improve blood circulation. And the ring finger is responsible for the human nervous system. Light stroking and rubbing will help quickly relieve stress and improve your mood.

By rubbing the little finger you can get rid of constipation and normalize the functioning of the small intestine.

Benefit or harm?

There are a large number of active points and zones on the human body (especially the hands and fingers). By stimulating them, you can influence internal organs, restore health and recover from many diseases.

Positive effects of massage:

  • removes general condition fatigue and irritability;
  • helps eliminate muscle pain;
  • restores the elasticity of ligaments;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • relieves swelling and normalizes muscle tone;
  • improves everyone's work internal organs and systems;
  • perfectly relaxes and removes from a state of prolonged stress;
  • improves the condition of the skin and nails;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • accelerates the process of restoration of the skin after mechanical damage;
  • reduces cellulite and fat deposits.

Indications for use

A high-quality hand massage can improve the condition of the skin, relax muscles and improve blood circulation. It is also able to activate the recovery process in the following conditions:

  • muscle strain;
  • paralysis;
  • chronic joint pain;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • sagging skin and salt deposits;
  • tension in the hands and fingers during prolonged monotonous work;
  • excessive stress on the hands.


Despite the numerous positive properties of massage, it is always worth remembering that there are a number of diseases for which any manipulation is prohibited.

Contraindications for arm and hand massage:

  • blood poisoning (sepsis);
  • high body temperature (fever);
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • fractures, joint dislocations and sprains;
  • infectious diseases;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the skin;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

Execution technique

Knowledge of where nerve endings, blood vessels and muscles are located will help you quickly master and skillfully use the technique of hand and finger massage. Next, we will look at different execution techniques for certain areas of the joints.

Shoulder and forearm massage

Before starting the procedure, the patient places his hand on a low cushion, slightly moves his shoulder to the side, and bends his elbow. This position is the most comfortable for the patient and helps to relax as much as possible. The massage begins with gentle stroking and rubbing movements. The procedure will be carried out correctly if the massage therapist grasps the biceps muscle under the elbow and strokes it along the inside of the shoulder along the armpit.

Shoulder massage is carried out in the following way. The fingers are crossed and with light pressure they pass over the deltoid muscle. When the massage therapist reaches the shoulder joint, the fingers are separated and the procedure ends with light stroking in the area of ​​the collarbone.

Hand massage for children

Using the palm of your hand, use soft, smooth movements to easily rub the deltoid muscle. The massage therapist's hand moves upward, with the thumb fixed on the inside of the muscle, and all the rest on the outside. When the massage therapist's hand reaches the armpit, the fingers join and light stroking begins along the collarbone.

On the wrists and fingers

First, massage the back surface of the hand, smoothly moving towards the fingertips. Next, begin massaging the palms and the back of the wrist. The procedure can be performed with either one or two hands. The patient's wrist is secured with the free hand. After which, with soft, smooth movements, lightly stroking and rubbing, the massage therapist passes each finger of the patient’s hand.

Self-massage technique

The advantage of self-massage is that it can be done anywhere, at any time. Some rules will help you perform self-massage correctly:

  • it is important to ensure that there is no feeling of discomfort during the procedures;
  • all movements should be soft, without strong pressure;
  • The best self-massage is in the morning;
  • The duration of self-massage should not exceed ten minutes.

The self-massage technique involves several stages:

  • Skin cleansing. For these purposes, it is better to use mild neutral soap.
  • Rubbing helps warm up the skin of the hands before the main manipulations. Rubbing is carried out with palms on the back of the other hand.
  • Warm up. This manipulation involves alternately clenching your fingers into a fist. You can also use the boxer exercise. The arms are sharply extended in front of you, and then the fingers are clenched and unclenched into a fist.
  • A good massager that kneads the fingers and palms of the hands is an ordinary pencil. It needs to be rolled for a few minutes.
  • Acupressure massage. The thumb of the left hand is placed in the center of the palm of the right hand and pressed gently, with little force, several times. Then clench your palm, pulling your finger out of your fist. Repeat the manipulation several times.

  • Lightly tapping the fist of the right hand on the back of the palm of the left hand. After one minute, change hands and repeat all movements.
  • Hand clapping warms up the skin well and increases blood circulation in the hand.
  • Tingling. Lay down left hand palm down on a flat surface. Using the fingers of your right hand, lightly pinch the skin, moving from the base of your left hand to your fingertips. It is important to pay attention to each finger.
  • Massage using oil. Apply a light nourishing cream to your hands, then begin to rub it in with smooth movements. Massage your fingertips especially carefully. After self-massage, you should rinse your hands with warm water and apply moisturizer to the skin.

Video “Massage of hands and fingers”

From this video you will learn how massage is useful and how to do it correctly.

Throughout the working day, the arm muscles experience quite heavy loads. As a result, tension accumulates, which negatively affects our performance and our health, causing pain in the neck, shoulders, etc. A hand massage can relieve all discomfort, pain, and tension.

Hand massage has a special place. Because it is there that there are a huge number of points with reflex cells, which in turn have an effect on certain parts of our body and can improve well-being. In general, any massage is positive: it allows you to relax, relieve tension, cure a serious illness, get rid of cosmetic imperfections, etc.

Perfectly relieves tension and discomfort


This procedure affects all muscles, joints, layers of skin, and blood vessels. Separately, I would like to draw attention to how massage affects the central nervous system, stabilizing its functionality. And undoubtedly, the sessions have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. As already mentioned, there are a large number of acupuncture points located on the palms. By stimulating these points, we influence certain organs, improving their functionality.

This procedure is recommended after severe physical activity to restore muscle performance, relieve tension, strengthen joints and blood vessels. Also, under the influence of massage, you can get rid of such consequences as swelling, bone fractures, and damage to soft tissues.

It is very good to use the procedure for cosmetic purposes. With its help, you can clean the top layer of skin from keratinized epidermis, dust particles, any external contaminants that clog pores. As a result of rubbing, the outflow of lymph is activated, which helps improve skin nutrition at the micro level. Ultimately, the skin becomes firm, elastic, velvety, acquiring a vibrant color.

With the help of various nourishing creams and gels, massage increases its effectiveness.

Methods of influence

Techniques and methods of influence include exercises such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting, twisting, pinching, etc. The complex of all these techniques is called hand massage. It is important to know that all techniques are performed in strict sequence.

I would like to highlight self-massage in this procedure. This is precisely the most common method of influence, since rubbing oil into the skin, rubbing, stroking movements is massage. When performing self-massage, it is recommended to replace stroking movements at a slow pace with rubbing at a faster pace. All movements are performed in the direction from the fingertips to the elbows.

If the procedure is performed by a massage therapist, in addition to the basic techniques, he uses slightly different ones, such as kneading, Chinese acupressure, Thai, etc. I would like to pay special attention to water massage. The essence of its effect is to pour a stream of water over the hand from hand to forearm and back. Pouring is performed from the inside and from the outside. This method is very effective for heart diseases. vascular system. In addition, it gives a very pleasant feeling.

A certain point affects a certain internal organ


The technique includes massage of the fingers, massage of the hands, wrist joints, forearms, elbow joints, shoulders, shoulder joints.

Massage of fingers

During this procedure, the patient can either sit or lie down. The hand is placed on a massage roller, which is located on the massage table. The techniques are performed with one or two hands. If a specialist performs the procedure with one hand, he fixes the patient’s hand with the other. It all starts with planar stroking, in which the thumb and index finger simultaneously and synchronously act on the palmar and dorsum of the finger being massaged. You should start from the tip of your finger, gradually moving to the base. Each finger is worked in this way.

What follows is a similar technique, but in the form of shading. It should be performed in the transverse and longitudinal direction. Then the massage therapist begins kneading. To do this, he grasps the soft tissue of the patient's fingers with his thumb and forefinger and performs circular movements. There may be some retraction. It also moves from the tip of the finger to the base. Afterwards rubbing and stroking is performed again.

At the end of the procedure, the patient is asked to actively move the joint of each finger.

Hand massage

During this procedure, the position of the hand should be the same as when massaging the fingers. The first step is to stroke the back of the hand, starting from the fingertips and ending with the base of the palm. Having finished stroking the back side, the massage therapist begins deep stroking and rubbing each tendon in a stroke-like manner.

If any violation of the elasticity of the interosseous muscles of the hands is detected, in this case the massage therapist performs techniques by grasping two metacarpal bones in turn and moves them in the opposite direction.

Working through the palmar surface of the hand, stroking and then rubbing are performed. Stroking, rubbing and transverse kneading are performed alternately, during which the massage therapist pulls the soft tissue away from the bones.

Forearm massage

The procedure begins with an introductory massage. To do this, the massage therapist fixes the patient’s hand with one hand, and with the other hand performs planar stroking of the back surface of the hand. Then, gradually the massage flows into the performance of grasping, continuous stroking of the dorsum of the forearm and the lower third of the shoulder. This completes this technique.

Then the massage therapist strokes the palmar surface of the hand and fingers, gradually moving to the forearm. In this area, the massage therapist performs continuous grasping stroking. It is enough to perform 4-5 strokes. Then the specialist shakes the hand, if there are no contraindications for this, and proceeds to separate massage of the extensor and flexor muscles.

When massaging this muscle group, it is necessary to achieve maximum muscle relaxation. To do this, the patient needs to bend his forearm at an angle of 110 degrees and place his hand on the massage roller. The massage therapist helps the patient to position his hand correctly. When massaging the forearm extensor muscles with one hand, the specialist fixes the hand, with the other he makes grasping, continuous strokes along the inside of the ulna, moving towards the lower third of the shoulder.

Shoulder and forearm massage

This procedure begins by treating the layer of superficial muscles of the forearm, which are formed by the pectoral muscles. The superficial layer of muscles formed by the deltoid and trapezius muscles is also massaged. Massage of the deltoid muscle begins with grasping, continuous stroking of the entire muscle. Next, separate forceps-like stroking of the anterior and posterior muscle bundles is performed.

This is followed by rubbing the shoulder girdle in the form of sawing, with elements of intermittent vibration.

Having completed the treatment of the shoulder girdle, the massage therapist proceeds directly to kneading the shoulder. To do this, continuous grasping stroking of all shoulder muscles is performed. Then the specialist performs semicircular rubbing with elements of stroking.

As in the previous procedure, the preparatory process is followed by separate massage of the flexor and extensor muscles. The massage therapist grasps the flexor muscles of the arm and performs continuous stroking, gradually moving along the internal groove of the biceps muscle. When massaging the extensor muscles, the triceps muscle is massaged.

Massage of the shoulder joints of the arms

This procedure begins with rubbing the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Semicircular rubbing is performed, alternating it with stroking the front of the shoulder joint. Having completed the procedure with the front part, the massage therapist proceeds to the back surface. There, circular movements are made along the surface of the shoulder joint.

The entire hand massage procedure should be completed with a smooth, light massage, moving from the wrist to the shoulder. Finally, the joints are relaxed by easy tilt up and down 7-10 times.

Massage of the hands, fingers and palms can only be partially called therapeutic. In most cases, such a massage is done simply for relaxation, which is especially important for office workers (and anyone who works with a computer, telephone, or papers for a long time).

Massage techniques for these parts of the body are simple, so such procedures are the cheapest if done by a specialist. Self-massage at home is also possible.

1 Why hand massage is useful: overall effect

What does massage give? Systematic (regular) massage of the hands leads to improved mobility, which is especially important for people who regularly type or handwrite text. Micromotor skills (small hand movements) also improve.

In addition, massage procedures, even those performed independently, relieve tension from the arm muscles. Including due to the fact that they relax muscles that, due to constant stress, are in increased tone (spasm).

Massage is also useful because it gives pleasure and has a relaxing effect. Moreover, it is enough to massage yourself.

If you need a therapeutic effect, it is better to consult a specialist, ideally with a medical diploma.

1.1 What diseases can massage the hands and fingers help with?

There is a list of indications for massage of the hands and fingers. These may be diseases, or there may simply be factors predisposing them to their development.

List of main indications for which hand massage will be useful:

  1. The period after a fracture of the hand or fingers (for rehabilitation, only after removal of the cast).
  2. After surgery on blood vessels, muscles, joints or nerves of the hands (procedures are carried out only after acute post-operative symptoms have subsided inflammatory processes, to restore mobility and blood flow).
  3. For arthritis or arthrosis, including an autoimmune nature (for example, psoriatic arthritis).
  4. In the presence of paresthesia (numbness) caused by both problems with the spine and neurological diseases.
  5. For spasticity, carpal tunnel syndrome (an occupational disease of office workers, avid gamers, freelancers and everyone else who sits at the computer for a long time).
  6. For chronic overstrain of muscles and tendon cords of the arms.

1.2 Who benefits from massage of hands and fingers?

IN modern world Such massage procedures are beneficial to every person without exception. And for those who spend a long time in the office, and for those who constantly stand at the machine or drag heavy objects. There is no difference: almost all categories of people experience constant stress on their arm muscles.

But we can clarify who would benefit most from such procedures. There are several groups of people for whom massage of the hands and fingers is not recommended, but simply necessary.

List of main groups of people who primarily need hand massage:

  • office workers and anyone whose work involves long periods of activity at the computer (from programmers to designers) - due to the constant stress on the fingers when typing on the keyboard or writing by hand;
  • teachers - who often and a lot hold chalk, pencil, pen in their hands;
  • for a child - for a baby (especially an infant), such procedures are useful because they stretch the hands, increase their mobility, strengthen bone tissue, and relax joints; for schoolchildren, massage is useful for relaxing muscles after intense study (when you have to write a lot);
  • loaders, builders, athletes, fighters of various martial arts - in this category of people, the hands experience excessive stress;
  • musicians, doctors, seamstresses, hairdressers, drivers (and other professions whose activities involve frequent and/or prolonged stress on the fingers) - this category of people requires good micromotor skills for their specialization, and regular relaxation of strained muscles.

1.3 When is massage of the hands and fingers contraindicated?

It may seem absurd, but even this type of massage has its contraindications. For the most part, they are associated with existing diseases in the patient (in which any massage can lead to complications).

You should also not use your hands if you experience pain for an unexplained reason during the procedure. In this case, you need to either change the massage technique, or reduce the pressure, or contact a traumatologist or therapist to diagnose the problem.

2 What exactly to massage: zones, points

We need to focus on certain areas, called “massage areas/points”. There are massage points all over the hand and on the fingers, but it is impossible to explain their exact location in writing. Please see the illustration below for these points.

Areas to focus on when massaging:

  • joints and knuckles are the number one goal for arthrosis and arthritis of the joints, as well as for a relaxing massage, since massaging the knuckles and joints greatly relaxes the patient (there are many nerve endings there);
  • the inner side of the palm - the muscles are mostly concentrated here, so you need to work here especially carefully during spasm;
  • back of the hand – tendon cords are concentrated here, so it is especially good to massage here for those patients who often lift heavy objects (loaders, athletes);
  • rib of the palm (muscle layer);
  • the area between the thumb and index finger (both on the back and inside of the palm);
  • on the inside of the palm, a layer of muscles at the base of the thumb;
  • carpal joint - you need to try especially hard here if the patient has carpal tunnel syndrome, which leads to chronic pain, paresthesia and impaired hand mobility.

2.1 Massage of hands and fingers - how to do it correctly?

How to properly massage your hands and fingers? If you are going to massage the hands of a third party (or yourself), then you can rely on simple and understandable step-by-step instructions.

Massage instructions (step by step):

  1. Let's start with the fingers. We gently squeeze them, especially in the area of ​​​​the joints (in order to influence them normally, you need to apply force). It is also recommended to massage between the fingers, but very carefully - sudden movements can cause discomfort.
  2. Grab each finger one at a time and gently pull it back (in the direction opposite to the bend). If you are not doing a massage for yourself, then this movement should be performed carefully and smoothly until painful sensations appear.
  3. Next we move to the back of the hand. Here we apply rubbing - we make circular movements with our fingers, simulating rubbing the ointment.
  4. Now we take the inner side of the palm. Here you need to do acupressure - clasping your wrist with your palm, using your thumbs to squeeze the soft tissues of the inner part. The compression should not be weak, but not too strong: in practice, look for the appropriate pressure.
  5. Separately knead the edge of your palm. The skin and the layer of muscle on it can be slightly pulled and squeezed, as if rubbing between your fingers.
  6. Knead the area between the thumb and index finger, and at the base of the thumb. The muscles in this area can be felt very well, and the impact on them allows you to relieve tightness from the thumb.
  7. Now let's move on to the wrist. The wrist needs to be massaged by clasping it with your hand and making squeezing movements, as if fingering it. dice in hands. Pinpointing with your fingers is ineffective.

It is worth starting with a gentle and gentle impact, and gradually increasing the pressure. The arm muscles tolerate strong impact well, so to warm them up you usually have to make an effort and press quite hard.

To make the procedure easier and more enjoyable, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams, massage oils or gels. They will facilitate movement and also further improve the condition of the skin.

2.2 How can you massage your hands and fingers?

You can easily massage your hands and fingers by kneading your left hand with your right hand, and then vice versa. You can use all the same techniques that were described above.

Additionally, you can use special devices: there are quite a lot of massagers for hands and fingers. We will describe only a few of them, the most effective and popular:

  1. Let's start with the multifunctional massager M-3008. This device provides superficial massage and physical therapy using infrared radiation.
  2. You can purchase needle-shaped balls that need to be sorted in your hands. Such massage devices are called “Su-Jok”. They come not only in the form of a ball, but also in the form of a stick.
  3. You can purchase an electric massager in the form of gloves (reminiscent of doctor's or boxing gloves).
  4. Most budget option There are massagers in the form of balls, for fingering in the hand. They can be made of plastic, wood, glass or metal. Excellent devices for relaxing the hands, they also allow you to improve (or restore after injury) the motor skills of your fingers and hands.

2.3 How often can you massage your hands and fingers?

There are no restrictions on the number of procedures, unless, of course, everything is done without fanaticism. Here it is worth understanding that strong and incorrect manipulations with your hands will not lead to improved results. If massage is done incorrectly, it can lead to injuries and damage to the tendons of the fingers, which can lead to tremors.

For those whose work involves constant voltage arm muscles, it is recommended to massage daily, for about 5-15 minutes. It is best to do this during breaks between work and in the evening, when your hands are tense after a hard day.

Professional massage treatments should be performed less frequently: approximately once every 2 days, if your budget allows. More often it simply doesn’t make sense - in between professional procedures, just do self-massage, and that will be enough.

If you have special massage simulators, then they can completely replace professional massage therapists. This is only relevant in the case of relaxing procedures. If you need a therapeutic massage, then no devices can replace it; you need to visit a massage therapist.

2.4 Carrying out a hand massage (video)

2.5 Where is it made and how much does it cost?

Massage of the hands, fingers and palms is carried out in clinics (public and private) by massage therapists. Relaxing procedures (we emphasize, not therapeutic) are carried out in beauty salons.

The cost of one procedure (1 session) averages 250-500 rubles. In large cities, prices are higher, and usually start from 300-400 rubles. Warming gels used during a massage are usually not included in the cost of the procedure (the patient purchases them independently).

The concept of massage as a healing procedure has been known to mankind since ancient times. This term, if you look into history, has become known since ancient Greece, translated this means “knead and stroke.” In ancient times, most massage techniques were known that are still used today.

For example, hand massage. It's no secret that hands need no less care and affection than the body, and most likely even more, since it is the hands that are exposed to various physical factors. And in response to daily care, your hands will give you a lack of fatigue and a beautiful appearance.

When doing a hand massage, you must remember that during this procedure, care will be taken not only for the skin itself, but also for the tissues and joints. Massage of the hands is considered beneficial because it perfectly stimulates all metabolic processes in the tissues, muscle tone of the hands and fingers, saturates the tissues with oxygen, improves blood circulation and skin elasticity.

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Hand massage is a wellness procedure that can be performed in professional salons or independently at home.

But it is worth remembering that if you massage your fingers without the help of a specialist, then you need to study all the recommendations and techniques for such a massage.

The hand massage should be short, ten to fifteen minutes will be enough, regardless of whether the internal or external part is massaged.

It should be remembered that shoulder and forearm massage must be entrusted to highly qualified specialists, since they are the ones who use various massage techniques, such as holistic or Chinese.

Heavy physical and professional stress on the hands, daily heavy lifting and injuries inevitably lead to severe physical strain on the hand muscles. Therefore, in this case, you need to immediately visit a massage parlor or help your hands yourself.

Proper kneading, rubbing, stroking and vibration can not only relieve hand fatigue, but also speed up healing various injuries and wounds and will reduce painful manifestations. Massage will be especially useful after manicure and paraffin therapy.

When massaging your hands, you can use a variety of products, such as nourishing creams, oils and much more. You can also use various products. If the skin of your hands is rough, you can massage your hands with linseed oil, rubbing it into the skin from fingertips to hands for fifteen minutes. You can also use pieces of peeled apple, massaging your hands with it for three minutes. After such a massage, you need to wash your hands and apply nourishing cream.

Proper hand massage includes:

  1. Finger massage;
  2. Joint massage;
  3. Wrist massage;
  4. Massaging the back of the hands;
  5. Elbow massage;
  6. Forearm massage;
  7. Wrist massage;
  8. Shoulder massage.

How to massage your hands?

Before the massage, you need to fix your hand in a comfortable position, so that the arm muscles are completely relaxed. It is necessary to start the massage with light movements directed from the lymph vessels to the lymph nodes. This massage, like any other, should begin with gentle movements that will prepare the hand for the procedure. If any part of the arm has been injured, then the massage should begin from the overlying area, and then gradually move down to the site of injury. Professional massage therapists strongly recommend hand massage when skin diseases, for example, in diseases of peripheral nerves, blood vessels, soft tissues.

Shoulder massage

Shoulder massage should begin with light stroking from the shoulder to the armpit area. Next, a plane massage is performed, followed by a grasping massage, then a forceps-type massage. Afterwards, it is necessary to warm up the flexor and extensor muscles. Also, this massage can sometimes be supplemented with vibration movements.

Shoulder massage

Basic techniques that are used for shoulder joint:

  1. Stroking;
  2. Rubbing;
  3. Kneading;
  4. Vibration.

Forearm massage

For such a massage, it is necessary to perform massage techniques in the following sequence:

  1. Light stroking in the elbow area;
  2. Trituration;
  3. Kneading;
  4. Vibration;
  5. Acupressure

Elbow joint massage

Perform massage techniques in the following sequence:

  1. Stroking;
  2. Trituration;
  3. Vibration;
  4. Kneading;
  5. Acupressure techniques;
  6. Active and passive movements.

Hand massage

Hand massage should begin with light stroking on the back of the hand, starting from the fingertips and ending with the forearm. Each finger must be massaged separately from all sides: palmar, lateral and dorsal, starting from the tips and ending with the base. For such a massage, you can use a standard set of techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

The most basic massage techniques include: vibration, pressure, rubbing, kneading and, of course, acupressure. Which massage technique to use depends on which area of ​​the hand needs massaging. For example, the back of the hand and the palm itself are mainly massaged by rubbing. If a hand joint is being massaged, then the procedure must begin with stroking. And massaging the points is used when massaging the hands; after completing this procedure, it is necessary to “supply” the skin with a high-quality nourishing mask using various nourishing and moisturizing creams and warm gloves.

Step-by-step hand massage technique

  • Relax your hands and place them on a soft towel, then apply a moisturizing nourishing cream or massage oil evenly over the entire surface of your hands, starting from the very tips of your fingers and ending with your forearm. Start the massage with light stroking movements upward from the fingertips.
  • Lightly massage the sides of your fingers.
  • Afterwards, it is necessary to carry out spiral-like movements, starting from the fingers and moving to the palm, the upper and sides of the fingers.
  • Next, lightly press the skin and underlying tissues to the inert base of the fingers, apply pressure strokes, massaging the fingers on all sides, starting from the tip of the finger and ending with the base, repeat this three times for each finger.
  • Each finger individually must be grasped between the joints of the middle and index fingers and a pressing movement must be applied.
  • Apply straight strokes to the wrists, gradually moving to the outer part of the palm.
  • Using spiral movements, starting from the bases of the fingers and moving upward towards the wrist joint, rub.
  • Knead the carpal bones using light pressing movements.
  • Using light stroking, smoothly move to the forearm area.
  • Rub the forearm area.
  • Slowly, with the help of stroking, we gradually return to the hand.
  • Turning your hand palm up, using stroking, make light rubbing movements on the inside of your fingers.
  • The same movements should be made on the palmar part of the hand.
  • With light movements, slowly move to the area under the thumb.
    Using kneading movements, move to the palmar rib.
  • Knead the inside of your palm using your knuckles.
    Perform stroking, grasping, straight movements in the direction from the fingertips to the middle of the forearm. Afterwards, massage your hands with movements reminiscent of putting on gloves with light strokes.
  • After finishing the massage, use a napkin to remove any remaining cream or oil. If there is free time, you can not remove the remaining cream, but rather apply a new layer on top and put cellophane gloves on your hands, wrap your hands in a terry towel or woolen cloth. With the help of such a mask, cell regeneration processes are stimulated and protective properties skin.

When applying the cream to your hands on a normal daily basis, it is also recommended to do this using massaging movements, starting from the fingertips.

Hand massage is recommended for skin problems due to frostbite, chronic diseases of the heart and vascular system. Cracked hand skin also needs massage, but in this case it is necessary to use not creams, but castor oil. After such a massage, the skin quickly recovers, softens, and cracks disappear.

After a hand massage, it is advisable to do contrast baths. They only require two containers, of a size that can completely fit your hands. Pour cold water into one container and hot water into another. Alternately lower your hands into one or the other container for fifteen seconds. It should be remembered that this procedure must begin with hot water, and finish cold. It is necessary to do such baths after the massage for ten minutes, and after finishing, do a light finger massage with cream for dry skin.

Every day, while taking a morning shower, it is very useful to massage your hands under a strong stream of water. Sometimes you can massage your hands with a piece of ice. After such procedures, it is necessary to apply nourishing cream to damp skin and carefully pat your hands with a soft towel.