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What sins does a person commit? Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: list in order and commandments of God

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  • priest P. Gumerov
  • I. Ya. Grits

How is mortal sin different from ordinary sin?

The distinction between mortal and non-mortal sins is very conditional, for every sin, be it small or great, separates a person from God, the source of life, and the person who sinned inevitably dies, although not immediately after the fall. This is clear from the Bible, from the story of the fall of the ancestors of the human race, Adam and Eve. It was not a great sin (by today’s standards) to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, but through this sin both Eve and Adam died, and to this day everyone dies...

In addition, in the modern understanding, when they talk about “mortal” sin, they mean that a grave mortal sin kills a person’s soul in the sense that it becomes incapable of communion with God until it repents and leaves this sin. Such sins include murder, fornication, all inhuman cruelty, blasphemy, heresy, occultism and magic, etc.

But even insignificant, small “non-mortal” sins can kill the soul of a sinner, deprive it of communication with God, when a person does not repent of them, and they lie a great burden on the soul. For example, one grain of sand is not a burden to us, but if a whole bag of them accumulates, then this load will crush us.

What is a mortal sin?

What is a mortal sin and how does it differ from other “non-mortal” sins? If you are guilty of a mortal sin and sincerely repent of it in confession, will God forgive this sin through the priest or not? And I also want to know: those sins that you repented of with all your soul and heart in confession, and the priest forgave these sins, if you don’t commit them again, God will not judge you for them?

Priest Dionysius Tolstov answers:

When a person utters such a phrase as “mortal sin,” then immediately, according to the logic of thinking, one wants to ask the question: what is an unmortal sin? The division of sins into mortal and non-mortal is only a convention. In fact, any sin is mortal, any sin is the beginning of destruction. The saint lists eight deadly sins (see also below). But these eight sins are only a classification of all possible sins that a person can commit; these are like eight groups into which they are all divided. indicates that the cause of all sins and their source lies in three passions: selfishness, voluptuousness and love of money. But, however, these three vices do not cover the entire abyss of sins - these are only the initial conditions of sinfulness. It’s the same with those eight deadly sins – it’s a classification. Every sin must be healed by repentance. If a person has brought sincere repentance for his sins, then, of course, God will forgive him his confessed sins. This is precisely what confession is for. “Repent and believe the gospel,” says the beginning of the Gospel of Mark. A person will not be condemned for a repentant sin. “There is no unforgivable sin except unrepentant sin,” say the Holy Fathers. God, out of his inexpressible love for the human race, established the sacrament of confession. And when we begin the sacrament of repentance, we must firmly believe that God will forgive all our sins. The saint said: “Repentant fornicators are imputed with virgins.” This is the power of repentance!

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov):
“Just as illnesses can be ordinary and fatal, so sins can be less or more serious, that is, mortal... Mortal sins destroy a person’s love for God and make a person dead to perceive Divine grace. A serious sin traumatizes the soul so much that it is then very difficult for it to return to its normal state.
“The expression “mortal sin” has its basis in the words of St. Apostle John the Theologian (). The Greek text says pro fanon- a sin that leads to death. By death we mean spiritual death, which deprives a person of eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

priest Georgy Kochetkov
In the Old Testament, a number of crimes were punishable by death. This is where the concept of mortal sin arose, that is, an act the consequence of which is death. Moreover, no crime worthy of death can be forgiven or replaced by a ransom (), that is, a person cannot change his fate even by repentance. This approach arose from the conviction that a person can perform a number of actions only if he has long been out of touch with the Source of Life or, more precisely, draws inspiration from an alien source. In other words, if a person commits a mortal sin, it means that he has violated the Covenant and supports his life by destroying the surrounding world and people. Thus, a mortal sin is not just a crime, which, according to law, is punishable by death, but also a certain statement of the fact that the person who commits such an act is already internally dead and must be put to rest so that living members of the community do not suffer from him . Of course, from the point of view of secular humanism, such an approach is very cruel, but such a view of life and man is alien to biblical consciousness. We must not forget that in Old Testament times there was no other way to stop the spread of grave sin among the people of God than when the bearer of death was subjected to the death penalty.

“The mortal sins for a Christian are the following: heresy, schism, blasphemy, apostasy, sorcery, despair, suicide, fornication, adultery, unnatural fornication, incest, drunkenness, sacrilege, homicide, robbery, theft and any cruel, inhuman offense.
Only one of these sins cannot be healed, but each of them mortifies the soul and makes it incapable of eternal bliss until it cleanses itself with satisfactory repentance...
Let him who has fallen into mortal sin not fall into despair! Let him resort to the medicine of repentance, to which he is called until the last minute of his life by the Savior, who proclaimed in the Holy Gospel: he who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live (

It is difficult to find a person who has not thought about such a concept as “sin” at least once in his life.. And, despite the fact that this term is on everyone’s lips, not everyone understands what it actually means. After all, very often the interpretation of this word is misinterpreted and used for other purposes than its intended purpose. Moreover, some individuals, having committed one or another offense that contradicts the scriptures of the Bible, are proud of it, since a bad action, and in our case it is a sin, allows one to gain “significance” among friends or create scandalous popularity around oneself.

But this is a temporary phenomenon, since even the most minor sin committed by a person requires atonement. And if it does not follow, the sinner, who did not realize his guilt and did not repent of his actions in time, will certainly suffer the appropriate punishment both during life and after death.

So what is sin

If you delve a little deeper into history, you can see that the term “sin” originates from ancient Greece and means literally “wrong action, some mistake or oversight”.

The Bible interprets the commission of sin as a departure from man's true nature, completely contrary to his conscience and morals. By committing one or another bad offense, a person goes against not only his nature, but also the commandments of God, thereby causing irreparable damage to his soul.

What is a mortal sin

In Orthodoxy The most terrible atrocities, according to the writings of theologians, are mortal sins. Moreover, many people misunderstand this phrase, since “mortal” does not mean the physical death of a person. Mortal sin means the death of a person’s soul, which can only be healed after complete repentance and confession in church. Otherwise, the soul of a sinner after physical death goes not to Heaven, but to Hell.

Despite the fact that in Orthodox teaching there are only seven major mortal sins, they cannot be read about in the Bible or in direct revelations from God, since the list of terrible sins appeared in theology much later.

Mortal sins are called not because imminent death awaits a person after committing them, but because when systematically engaged in them, a person goes deeper and deeper and commits increasingly serious and irreversible actions that clearly lead to the destruction of spirituality, the destruction of the soul and alienation from God.

The worst sins according to the Bible

So, according to church teaching, the most terrible sins are the mortal sins, of which there are traditionally only seven. It is important to note that the Bible does not describe them, since the list of these acts was compiled a little later, and initially it included not seven, but many more mortal sins. Subsequently, in 590, the list was reduced by St. Gregory the Great to only seven main positions.

In Orthodoxy, the most terrible sins are human misdeeds, as a result of which a person consciously departs from God, while he does not experience remorse and repentance, and also loses his connection with the Almighty. As a result of this, the sinner embarks on the path of earthly joy, and his spiritual needs fade into the background - the soul gradually becomes callous and loses the ability, after the death of a person, to get to Paradise and be closer to God.

The only thing What can return such a person to the true path is sincere repentance and confession in church. This is the only way to atone for your wrongdoings.

The seven most terrible sins according to Orthodox teachings

So, in Orthodoxy there is a list of seven sins that are considered mortal for the soul of a sinner and entail its death and removal from God:

  1. Perhaps the most terrible sin can be considered such as pride - excessively inflated self-esteem, vanity and arrogance, as well as an unshakable belief in one’s strength and superiority over God and other people. Of course, you need to develop your talents, and without self-confidence this cannot be done. However, extolling his own “I” to unprecedented heights, a person simply begins to unjustifiably overestimate himself, which subsequently leads him to the path of making numerous mistakes in life. All the talents that a person has, he received from God, and the manifestation of such a sin as pride makes the sinner forget about it and distance himself from the Almighty. As a result, the sinner begins to constantly think only about his beloved self and his imaginary or true achievements;
  2. Such a mortal sin as greed is also terrible for any person. Manifests itself in an excessive desire to have a lot of material goods: money, social status, expensive things, prestigious work, and the more, the better. A person who is consumed by greed eventually stops thinking about the spiritual; his only concern is the accumulation and increase of capital, even if he does not need it at all. In addition, greed can also manifest itself in such weaknesses as selfishness, greed and the constant need to acquire new material wealth. By multiplying what already exists and chasing profit, the sinner turns into a greedy, self-obsessed person with accumulated internal anger and discontent. The worst thing for a greedy person is the loss of finances and the loss of acquired wealth;
  3. No less terrible human vice is envy. If a sinner is constantly upset about the well-being and achievements of other people, if he is nervous and depressed by other people's merits and successes, then he is simply envious of them. This state is manifested in the sinner’s clear awareness of injustice towards him and towards the one whom he greatly envies. And this only indicates that the sinner is dissatisfied with the order established by the Almighty. Angry at the successes of others, the envious person often begins to plot various intrigues against them, not disdaining methods - just to annoy them. This leads to inevitable destruction of the soul and negative emotions. It should be remembered that other people's successes and well-being are from God, and by envying other people, the sinner exposes himself to inevitable punishment, and if he does not realize in time the wrongness of his behavior and attitude to the situation and does not repent before God, his soul will harden and move away from the Almighty. The worst thing this vice can lead to is the murder by a sinner of someone towards whom he has a feeling of envy;
  4. Along with other mortal vices, such a sin as gluttony (gluttony) can be considered terrible - this is greed and excessive consumption of tasty food. Serving your body and saturating your body at the slightest desire is not at all perceived by many people as some kind of terrible vice. That is why millions of people around the world suffer from this vice. What it looks like: a sinner without a twinge of conscience constantly fills his belly to capacity with various dishes and spends a lot of money on them just to satisfy his needs, while a large percentage of the Earth's population is dying of hunger. You should always remember that food is a means to support life, and not a means to satisfy your base needs and fill your belly. Simply put, gluttony is slavery to your own stomach. And if a person is a slave to his body, it means that he is in opposition to God;
  5. adultery or fornication is another mortal vice, which represents a dissolute and lustful life contrary to real feelings, devotion and fidelity. It can manifest itself in different ways: betrayal, sex life before consolidation of the relationship by marriage, incest, frequent and chaotic change of sexual partners, voluptuous thoughts or indecent conversations. All these and many other similar human actions lead to adultery and push to immoral actions, even if they occur only in thoughts;
  6. such a vice as anger is no less dangerous for the human soul, since hot temper, aggression, constant irritability, indignation, desire for revenge and rage can darken the mind of any person. This also includes the desire to shame, slander, offend, condemn and much more. All these negative feelings and emotions are caused by anger and can make a person do harsh and rash actions that can lead to irreversible consequences. This vice is also terrible because anger causes the sinner to lose self-control, and this can result in the murder or beating of the person on whom the anger was directed. This vice must be fought with all our might, and the only key to this is a good response even to injustice and evil, as well as restraint and humility;
  7. despondency or laziness is the last sin from the list of seven terrible mortal vices of a person. Reluctance to engage in good deeds, apathy, depression, lack of fear of the Almighty, carelessness, physical and mental weakening, despair and pessimism only contribute to the fact that a person simply does not want to overcome difficulties and move forward. Laziness and despondency drag a person to the bottom, turning him into a source of unfulfilled goals and desires, and thereby transform him from a personality into an amoeba. The soul, like the body, is constantly obliged to work.

All these terrible vices to which people are susceptible can be eradicated, and this requires permanent job over yourself and your spiritual qualities. If a person is faced with a difficult life situation and for some reason has sinned, there is no need to panic and commit even more rash acts. You should understand yourself and the reasons that led to sin, and try on your own to take the path of correction.

If you can’t cope on your own, the best way to combat vices is through confession and repentance.

Classification of other terrible sins often committed by man

In addition to the fact that there are seven most terrible mortal vices, sins in Orthodoxy are also divided into two main groups:

  1. which are aimed at harming themselves or others;
  2. which are directed directly against God.

In the first case, mortal atrocities are considered such terrible acts as murder, humiliation of honor and dignity, assault, beatings, refusal to help those in need, failure to keep promises, hypocrisy, slander, ridicule, infidelity, etc. After all, God teaches that people should treat their neighbors the same way they treat themselves. God teaches forgiveness and humility. Therefore, you should never condemn other people, you should always forgive, not harbor evil and not engage in slander.

In the second case This refers to such vices as refusal to observe the commandments of God, deliberate distancing from the Almighty, belief in omens and superstition, turning to fortune-tellers and mediums, pronouncing the name of God in vanity and without urgent need, idolatry, disbelief in the existence of the Almighty and other similar sins . In order not to stray from the true path, you need to read the Bible, constantly pray and try to enrich yourself in the spiritual direction.

How to atone for your sins

Here we immediately need to make a reservation: a person cannot atone for committed sins on his own, since they are forgiven not by us, but by the redeemer, whose role can only be a priest. Only a redeemer is able to help completely rid a sinner of the burden of vice, and for this he must, of his own free will, agree to listen, confess and take upon himself the vices of others.

Thus, you can atone for your sinful actions with the help of repentance and kind-hearted actions towards others. A person who does not experience pangs of conscience and repentance from a crime committed will never be able to get rid of past sins, and his soul will never go to Heaven. It should be remembered that the absence of a connection between the soul and the Almighty contributes to the death of the soul, its hardening. A person in such a state will never be able to experience earthly joys for a long time, and over time, mental anguish and torment will begin to oppress him.

For any person who has sinned, there is always a way to get out of the trap - you just have to give up such a terrible feeling as despair. Humility, repentance and confession with a clergyman is the path to complete spiritual healing and rapprochement with the Almighty.


Sin translated from Greek means “missing, missing the target.” But a person has one goal - the path to spiritual growth and insight, to higher spiritual values, the desire for God's perfection. What is sin in Orthodoxy? We are all sinners, we already appear like that to the world, only because our forefathers were sinners, accepting the sin of our relatives, we add our own and pass them on to our offspring. It is difficult to live a day without sin; we are all weak creatures, with our thoughts, words, and actions we move away from God’s essence.

What is sin in general, which of them are stronger, which are forgiven and which are considered mortal sins?

« Sin is a voluntary deviation from what is in accordance with nature into what is unnatural (against nature)"(John of Damascus).

Everything that is a deviation from is a sin.

Seven deadly sins in Orthodoxy

In general, there is no strict hierarchy of sins in Orthodoxy; it is impossible to say which sin is worse, which is simpler, which is at the beginning of the list, which is at the end. Only the most basic ones, often inherent in all of us, are highlighted.

  1. Anger, anger, revenge. This group includes actions that, as opposed to love, bring destruction.
  2. Lust b, debauchery, fornication. This category includes actions that lead to an excessive desire for pleasure.
  3. Laziness, idleness, despondency. This includes a reluctance to do both spiritual and physical work.
  4. Pride, vanity, arrogance. Unbelief in the divine is considered arrogance, boasting, excessive self-confidence, which turns into boasting.
  5. Envy, jealousy. This group includes dissatisfaction with what they have, confidence in the injustice of the world, desire for someone else's status, property, qualities.
  6. Gluttony, gluttony. The need to consume more than necessary is also considered a passion. We are all mired in this sin. Fasting is a great salvation!
  7. Love of money, greed, greed, stinginess. This does not mean that it is bad to strive for material wealth, it is important that the material does not overshadow the spiritual...

As we see from the diagram, (click on the picture to enlarge) all feelings that we show in excess are sin. And there is never too much love for your neighbor and your enemy, and only kindness, light and warmth. It is difficult to say which of all sins is the most terrible; it all depends on the circumstances.

The worst sin in Orthodoxy is suicide

Orthodoxy is strict for its pastors, calling them to strict obedience, observing not only the ten basic commandments of God, and not allowing excess in worldly life. All sins can be forgiven if a person realizes them and begs for forgiveness through communion, confession and prayer.

It is not a sin to be a sinner, but a sin not to repent - this is how the people interpret their entire earthly life. God will forgive everyone who comes to him with repentance!

What sin is considered the most terrible? There is only one sin that is not forgiven to a person - this is sin suicide. Why exactly this?

  1. By killing himself, a person violates the biblical commandment: Thou shalt not kill!
  2. A person cannot atone for his sins by voluntarily leaving life.

It is known that each of us has our own purpose on earth. With this we come into this world. After birth we acquire the nature of the Spirit of Christ in which we are to live. The one who voluntarily breaks this thread spits in the face of the Almighty. The worst sin is to voluntarily die.

Jesus gave his life for our salvation, which is why the whole life of any person is a priceless gift. We must appreciate it, take care of it, and no matter how difficult it is, bear our cross until the end of our days.

Why can the sin of murder be forgiven by God, but suicide cannot? Is it really true that one person’s life is for God? more valuable than life another? No, this needs to be understood a little differently. A murderer who interrupts the life of another, often innocent person, can repent and do good, but a suicide who takes his own life cannot.

After death, a person no longer has the opportunity to do good, bright, trustworthy deeds in this world. It turns out that the whole life of such a person who committed suicide was meaningless, just as God’s great plan was meaningless.

All sins are forgiven by God through repentance, communion, in the hope of purification and salvation of the soul.

That is why in the old days suicides were not only not buried in church, but were even buried outside the cemetery fence. No rituals or commemorations were carried out and to this day are not carried out in the church for the deceased. This alone and how difficult it will be for loved ones should stop the suicide. But, unfortunately, this is not the case and the number of victims—suicides—is not decreasing.

Russia occupies fourth place in the world In this sad statistics, after India, China and the USA, the number of voluntary deaths per year is more than 25,000 people. Millions of people around the world voluntarily take their own lives. Scary!!!

Our God will forgive us all other sins, provided that we not only repented of them, but also corrected them with our good deeds.

And remember that there are no small or large sins, even the smallest sin can kill our soul, it is like a tiny cut on the body that can cause gangrene and lead to death.

If a believer has repented of sin, realized it, and gone through confession, one can hope that the sin is forgiven. This is how the Orthodox Church sees it, this is how the Bible teaches. But it is important to understand that our every action, our words, thoughts, everything has its own weight and is deposited in our karma. So let’s live now, every day, so that we don’t have to beg for them when the time of reckoning comes...

Prayers for those who committed suicide

Is it possible to pray for people who have committed suicide? Yes, there are prayers that allow you to do this.

Master, Lord, Merciful and Lover of Mankind, we cry to You: we have sinned and committed lawlessness before You, we have transgressed Your saving commandments and the love of the Gospel has not been revealed to our despairing brother (our despairing sister). But do not reprove us with Your wrath, punish us with Your wrath, O Master who loves mankind, weaken, heal our heartfelt sorrow, may the multitude of Your bounties overcome the abyss of our sins, and may Your countless goodness cover the abyss of our bitter tears.

To her, Sweetest Jesus, we still pray, grant to Your servant, your relative who died without permission, consolation in their sorrow and firm hope in Your mercy.

For You are a Merciful and Lover of Mankind, and we send glory to You with Your Beginningless Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Prayer for those who have committed the most terrible sin (suicides)

Granted by the Optina Elder Leo Optina

“Seek, Lord, the lost soul (name); If possible, have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin for me. But Thy holy will be done!”

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Serious sins

Our sins are numerous, but they can all be summed up in these eight: pride, vanity, love of money, fornication, anger, gluttony, envy and negligence. All of them are called mortals, because they kill our souls and are the head, root and foundation for other sins. Three mortal enemies fight us through the eight deadly sins: the flesh, the world and the devil. The flesh plunges us into fornication, gluttony and negligence. The world pushes us towards the love of money and the boundless thirst for acquiring material wealth. The devil instills in us pride, vanity, anger and envy. Of course, the evil one pushes us to commit all kinds of lawlessness, but the devil works on nothing else so much as to instill pride in us and through this make us his imitators and followers.

In addition to these eight deadly sins, which we will discuss in more detail later, there are six more equally serious ones generated by these eight, which will be discussed in this chapter.

The first and heaviest of all is the vile and thrice-cursed blasphemous

quality, generated by none other than the inventor of evil himself - the devil. Knowing that it is heavier than fornication, murder, debauchery and any kind of outrage and that it alone is enough to forever imprison a person in fiery Gehenna, the devil often resorts to it. A blasphemer is an enemy of God. Excited and enraged by the evil one, he, mad, in a fit of anger is ready to throw his fists at the Lord Himself or at the saint he blasphemes, if they happen to be in front of him at that moment. Saint Augustine says about this that those who slander Christ the Heavenly King sin many times more seriously than those who crucified Christ the Man on earth.

Men fall more into the sin of blasphemy. Women usually have another sin - cursing, which, however, is equivalent in nature to blasphemy. When misfortunes befall them, they indignantly rebel against the Providence and justice of God, lamenting, O fools, that God’s judgment is unjust. If, for example, one of their beloved relatives dies, becomes seriously ill or suffers in some way, then instead of glorifying the Almighty, they curse the day of their birth, call for death in despair and indulge in uncontrollable sobs. They do not skimp on complaints about God, who supposedly “sends them misfortune and grief.” Very often they are forgotten

and, having completely given themselves over to the power of the devil, they begin to spew out terrible, unheard-of satanic curses. All these are blasphemous verbs, worthy only of those tormented in hell. These words unite them, in them all those who blaspheme find agreement.

So, you, who are afraid of going to hell and have longed for a sweet paradise, humble yourself and meekly bow your head before the misfortunes that befall you through God’s allowance. Accept them from His Divine hand as a healing potion, as a balm prepared for your salvation by the Wise Physician. Believe without a shadow of a doubt that the Most Good Creator justly and wisely sends you misfortunes and sorrows and does this solely for the sake of your spiritual benefit. For by saying that the Lord treats you unfairly, you seem to be asserting that He is not the Lord at all. And if you say that your misfortune is great and that its unbearable severity forces you to spew blasphemy against God, then think prudently and understand that by your resistance to God you not only do not alleviate them, but only aggravate them.

So that your misfortunes do not seem so heavy to you, think about the following four things: 1) about the blessings and gifts sent down to you from the Lord, 2) about the countless sins you have committed against Him, 3) about the torment in hell, which you become worthy of by committing lawlessness , and 4) about the glory of paradise promised to you by the Lord, not

despite your unworthiness. When you realize all this, any sorrows and sorrows that befall you will seem small and insignificant to you.

The second grave sin is perjury, that is, a false oath on the Gospel or the Honorable Cross in the name of the Lord God, Holy Mother of God or saint. Like blasphemy, this sin is directed directly against God and is more serious than sins directed against one's neighbor. Every oath-breaking is a mortal sin, because it is a desecration of Divine majesty.

The third grave sin is theft- appropriation of other people's things without the permission of their owner. The entire time you keep someone else’s thing with you, you are under mortal sin. The desire to return her is not enough. It is necessary not only to return this item, but also to compensate for the damage that was caused to its owner during the absence of the stolen item.

The fourth sin is crime any church commandment or canon of the holy apostles and church fathers, the observance of which should be unshakable for all Christians. These, for example, are going to church on Sundays and holidays, confession, communion, fasting on days established by the Church, and others.

The fifth grave sin is condemnation. By reproaching and denigrating your neighbor, you

you cause him great harm, push him to dangerous actions, because you stain his honor and dignity - something much more precious than any property and material treasure. Truly, how dare the shameless ones judge their neighbor when they do not even know the nature of the things they undertake to judge? And even if they have such knowledge, have they never heard the words of the Lord: Do not judge your neighbors, lest God judge you too; do not condemn them, and God will not condemn you(cf. Matthew 7:1). You are obliged to fulfill this saving commandment, even if you see someone clearly sinning. Cover his actions as much as possible, and the Lord will cover your sins.

The sixth and final grave sin is lie. A small and insignificant lie that does not entail consequences, naturally, cannot be considered a grave sin. However, if a lie causes material or moral damage to one’s neighbor, then it becomes a grave sin. In this case, you, who are the direct cause of this harm, must correct it and compensate at any cost. This is the only way the Lord will forgive you for the harm caused by your lies.

These are the six grave sins generated by the eight mortals. Both of them must be carefully avoided, for they mortify our soul and lead it to eternal destruction.

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SINS ESPECIALLY SEVERE AND GODLY mortal sins: Pride Love of money Adultery Envy Gluttony Anger Despair Sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: Despair is a feeling that denies the paternal goodness in God and leads to suicide. Perseverance in unbelief, denial of any

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Who forgives sins? When Jesus returned to Capernaum a few days later, it was immediately known that He was home again. 2 And so many people came to Him that there was not enough room even in front of the house. Jesus was proclaiming the word of God to them, 3 when four men brought to Him a broken man

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Sins of Jerusalem 1 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 - Son of man, will you judge him? Will you judge this bloody city? Then point out to him all his disgusting customs 3 and say: “Thus says the Sovereign Lord: O city, which, bringing punishment, sheds in its midst

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God is not as angry with the sins of the laity as with the sins of the monks. Therefore, let none of us be an atheist, or a troublemaker, or an offender, a fornicator, (328) a murmurer, a gossip, a careless person, a lazy person, for the wrath of God is great, close, he avenges offense. God so much

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“Minor” sins I agree with the opinion that the division of sins into deadly and not so deadly is arbitrary. Any sin is terrible and leads to the death of the soul - especially if you do not repent of it. And if one person killed all his life and did not repent, and the other “only” stole and also did not repent, then they will perish

Many people know that there are certain sins in Orthodoxy. But many do not know what exactly is meant by the word “sin,” and they forget about many acts that are considered sinful.

Sins in Orthodoxy

The classification of sins is based on the Ten Commandments and biblical texts. Regardless of religion, the following actions are considered sinful. Moreover, people who realize that they are doing wrong, but continue to do so, can become obsessed.

The most terrible sins in Orthodoxy (mortal)

1. Pride, i.e. recognition of oneself as equal to God, excessive narcissism and immeasurable pride.

2. Envy, jealousy and vanity.

3. Anger and revenge.

4. Laziness, despondency, despair, careless attitude towards life, idleness.

5. Greed, stinginess, greed, love of money.

6. Gluttony, gluttony.

7. Voluptuousness, lust, fornication, dissolute life.

Sins in Orthodoxy against God

Such acts include failure to fulfill the will of God, failure to observe the commandments, lack of faith or excessive hope for help, lack of gratitude to God, hypocritical veneration, superstition (including fortune telling and appeals to various clairvoyants). If you want to sin less, do not mention the name of God unless necessary, keep your vows, do not complain or blaspheme the Lord, read the Scriptures and do not be ashamed of your faith. Go to church regularly and pray from your heart. Stay in church during the entire service, honor all the holidays of God. Thoughts of suicide and promiscuity in sexual activity are also considered sinful.

Sins in Orthodoxy against one's neighbor

Love your neighbors and enemies, know how to forgive and have no desire to take revenge. Honor your elders and superiors, respect your parents. Be sure to keep your promises and repay debts on time, do not steal. Do not attempt on someone else's life, incl. do not have an abortion and do not advise others to do so. Do not refuse to help people, treat your work responsibly and appreciate the work of others. Raise your children in the Christian faith, visit the sick, pray both for mentors and loved ones, and for enemies. Be compassionate and show love to animals and plants. Do not slander or discuss the sins of others. Also, you should not create scandals, be hypocritical and mock people. Sins include the desire to seduce, jealousy and corruption of neighbors.

Sins in Orthodoxy: a list of sins against oneself

You shouldn’t honor yourself too much and admire yourself. Be humble, be obedient. Don't envy and don't lie - it's sinful. Also, do not throw words to the wind and do not talk about empty things. Irritation, resentment, melancholy and laziness are considered sins. Also, you should not do good deeds for the sake of recognition. Take care of your health, but don't make it a priority. Avoid alcohol too. Not worth playing gambling and study pornographic content. Also, drive away lustful thoughts from yourself, do not cheat and do not have sex outside of marriage. And here we are talking specifically about weddings, because... The stamp in the passport "does not count".

This is not a complete list of sins, but getting rid of these activities can make life more joyful and improve your relationships with others.