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How to build a two-story brick house. How to build a brick house (video). Main construction work

In response to the phrase " brick house“Most people have positive emotions; a solid and at the same time cozy building, a real family nest, appears before their eyes. Brick has earned this attitude, since the construction of brick houses began in ancient times. For centuries, buildings were built from red brick; with the development of technology, new types of material appeared.

In modern construction, fire-resistant and facing brick, there is growing interest in hand-molded bricks, valued for their expressive texture. Such diversity makes it easy to choose a turnkey brick house, because the projects and prices presented on the market attract a wide range of options.

Extraordinary style - brick house in loft style

Brick, its varieties and features

Several types of brick products are widely used:

    Ceramic (red) brick. It consists of clay with additives, dried and fired in an oven. Its construction and front (facing) varieties are known.

    Silicate (white). The raw materials are silicate sand and lime, from which the products are formed and steamed in an autoclave.

    Fireproof (hearth, Gzhel). It insulates fire and is therefore indispensable for the internal lining of fireplaces, stoves, chimneys and chimneys.

    Hyperpressed brick. The composition includes cement, limestone and stone waste (marble, dolomite, shell rock). It is often used as a facing material for facades, fences, paths and gazebos.


    Environmental friendliness. The composition includes natural substances: clay (ceramic), sand and lime (silicate).

    Frost resistance. The material can withstand annual freeze-thaw cycles without changing its structure.

    Strength. A brick house, built in compliance with technology (for example, according to GOST), can stand without overhaul several decades.

    Low moisture absorption. Characterized to a greater extent as ceramic brick, and its variety - clinker (sidewalk).

    Unpretentiousness. Brick buildings are weakly susceptible to the whims of nature and do not require special care.

Brick cornice is a winning architectural detail

    Fire resistance. The material is non-flammable.

    Soundproofing. Important parameter when laying both external and internal walls.

    Versatility. Due to the large selection of textures and colors, brick is successfully used both in the construction of new housing and in reconstruction.


    Sand-lime brick. Prone to destruction under prolonged exposure to water and high temperature. Not used as a material for foundations, sewer wells, furnaces and pipes.

    Ceramic brick. Due to the complex processing technology, it is not cheap and is more often used for cladding facades. Poor quality raw materials cause the formation of efflorescence (salt deposits on the surface of the masonry). The shades of bricks from different batches may differ, which is not always acceptable.

    All types of bricks Due to their structure, they conduct heat well. A brick wall warms up quickly, but also cools down quickly, so it needs a layer of thermal insulation.

Another disadvantage that a brick house has is the price; it is usually not a cheap building, even if the brick itself is not very expensive, the amount needed for the house amounts to a significant amount.

All characteristics describe not only the material, but also the houses built from it.

Brickwork is resistant to annual temperature fluctuations

Advantages of building brick houses

Brick has long been the most practical and unpretentious building material. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain truly high-quality, durable construction. A specialized construction organization with extensive practical experience will be able to rationally manage the material. Therefore, the choice of the company that will build your home will have a decisive impact on the final result.

The market offers a large selection of cheaper and easier to use materials. However, customers choose a brick house for many reasons:

    Reliability. The main option, especially if you remember that in a brick home you don’t have to worry about fire in the walls and the inevitable destruction of the structure under the influence of moisture, insects or rodents.

    Strength. Load-bearing walls support weight reinforced concrete floors and cope with the load received from large windows (they use a lintel in their design).

    A profitable investment. A brick structure is a practical investment that allows you to minimize maintenance costs in the future, saving on maintenance (in-line) repairs.

A brick house will serve for many years without losing its external luster

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of brick houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    Environmental friendliness. Natural wall materials do not affect the health of residents.

    Soundproofing. A valuable quality if noisy neighbors live nearby, there is a highway or an airport.

    Availability. Brick factories and suppliers operate in all regions of Russia.

    Freedom of architectural solutions. Numerous brick buildings of recent centuries prove that brick can be used to build a house of any shape and style, from baroque to eclectic. Unplastered facades look especially stylish.

    Psychological factor. Brick is associated with stone, and, therefore, a brick house is associated with the solidity and reliability of the owner.

About the advantages and disadvantages of brick in the video:

About the disadvantages of brick houses

    Construction timeframe. Due to the specifics of the material, the construction of brick houses can take from 6 months to several years. In addition to laying the foundation, the process includes other time-consuming wet work - masonry and plastering.

    Price. It is determined by the price of the material and the work of the masons. To support the weight of the walls, the foundation must also be massive, which invariably increases the estimate.

    Difficulty of repair work. Dismantling a brick wall has always been considered a labor-intensive task.

Yellow brick goes perfectly with red-brown roofing

Brick house project

Any competent company has a voluminous catalog of standard projects, varying in cost, area and layout. This option is convenient, as it is adapted to the conditions of the region. Usually it allows for adjustments - the customer is free to make minor changes to the original drawings.

If ready-made solutions are not suitable, the architect will develop an individual project. Development will take longer and be more expensive, especially if the site where construction is planned has difficult terrain. When designing, the number of floors and layout are taken into account, the type of foundation and insulation is selected. Finishing materials, roof type and utilities are determined; At the end the estimate is calculated. In most cases, the organization that will build your home will offer free design development.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing brick houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Turnkey construction of brick houses and cottages

Turnkey brick house projects offered by construction companies have prices in the average range. The turnkey service itself is beneficial for many reasons:

    The organization fulfills all the customer’s wishes - from the layout of rooms to the choice of decorative finishes.

    All work is carried out by qualified specialists using modern technologies and development.

Finishing the facade with clinker bricks

    During construction, the cost of work and materials is observed (it is fixed in the estimate).

    The organization ensures the preparation of legal documents and transparency of accounting.

    The customer receives a house ready to move in, with working communications and installed plumbing.

    The company provides a guarantee for the work and materials performed, from 10 to 30 years.

About the price of a brick house in the video:

Prices for turnkey brick houses

There is a strong opinion that brick buildings Turnkey projects are very expensive. It does not take into account that the entire burden of problems falls on the shoulders of specialists. A brick house is practical and durable; it will last for decades, so when choosing, you should not chase the lowest price, but look for quality. Before you buy a brick home, it is important to ask what determines the price.

The project - ready-made or made to order - plays a role in its formation, as well as the area of ​​the building, which determines the volume of construction and installation work. A significant part of the price is the cost of building materials. Building materials of domestic and Belarusian production will be the cheapest; the most expensive brick will be from European manufacturers.

Hand-molded facing brick

The cost of brick depends on the brand (on strength and frost resistance). For example, the difference between the M125 and M100 grades used in low-rise construction can reach 10%.

The most popular are houses in classic and modern styles, one- and two-story. Houses with a garage, attic, and terrace are often chosen; Many have panoramic windows, a balcony or a bay window, allowing you to increase the interior space. There are options with a flat roof and a basement.

Depending on the area, prices for turnkey brick houses in the Moscow region are distributed as follows:

    Area up to 100 m 2 . From 4 million rubles. up to 6 million rubles

    From 100 m 2 up to 150 m 2 . On average 6.5-8 million rubles.

    From 150 m 2 up to 200 m 2 . Approximately 8.5-12 million rubles.

Sometimes the price per square meter is indicated. For the customer, this method is in most cases not obvious and still requires recalculation to determine the total cost of housing.

Pouring the foundation. Start

Video description

Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable saving).

Stages of building brick houses

Building a brick house is one of the most time-consuming and expensive ways to acquire your own home. Despite this, it continues to remain relevant; the end result fully justifies the investment and effort. The construction of brick structures goes through several stages.


Beginning of construction - laying the foundation. Its parameters are calculated at the design stage; they depend on the characteristics of the future house and the soil on which it will be located. The foundation is laid to a depth exceeding the average depth of soil freezing in the area.

As a rule, a strip or slab foundation is chosen. If the soil is unstable (swampy, soft or wet), it is recommended to build pile foundation. In any case, its width and strength must be sufficient to accommodate load-bearing walls.

How to build a brick house in the video:

The construction of walls begins after the foundation has dried and settled. When using strip foundation You have to wait a year, the pile is ready after the standard period of drying of the poured mortar.

According to the project, the basement can accommodate a heated gym, workshop, garage or sauna; technical premises (boiler room, boiler room). In this case, the foundation walls are waterproofed and insulated at the same time.

External wall construction process

Basement and walls

Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for covering the basement. Projects of country brick houses provide for 2 methods of constructing external walls:

    Walls without insulation. The walls and exterior cladding are being laid at the same time.

    Walls with external insulation. The box is erected and the roof is installed; then insulation and lining are performed.

Interfloor ceilings are made of reinforced concrete (from hollow slabs or monolithic), sometimes wooden. Walls are laid in different ways: under cladding, solid, lightweight, reinforced, decorative. In areas with severe winters, the thickness outer wall adjusted to 2.5 bricks. In parallel with the laying of walls, lintels for windows and doors are installed, internal partitions are laid, and ceilings are installed.


The construction of the roof begins with the installation of a rafter system, for which timber treated with antiseptics is mainly used. Then the sheathing is created and the roofing material is installed. To minimize heat leakage from the premises, the roof is insulated, steam- and waterproofed.

The soft roof harmonizes with light walls

Final stage

Once the structural frame (foundation, walls and roof) has been built and the exterior finishing has been completed, it is time to install windows and doors. Then engineering communications are carried out: electrical wiring is carried out, pipes are laid for water supply and heating systems, heated floors are installed, gas and sewerage are connected.

You can begin finishing when, after turning on the heating, a suitable temperature and humidity have been established. At this stage, the heating batteries will have to be removed. Internal walls painted, wallpapered, decorated with decorative plaster or stone; arrange the floors and ceiling. The interior style should match the style of the building. Most customers prefer to purchase a turnkey brick house with communications and finishing; the price in this case will be the minimum possible, since all work is performed by one organization.

Construction costs brick house will pay off in the future

Many people believe that they can save money on building a brick house by doing most of the work themselves. Of course, in this situation there is no need to spend on specialists construction company or even a team of friends who have independently mastered the intricacies of the profession. But even in this case, all responsibility for decisions made, inevitable mistakes and delays.


Considering that a good-quality brick house can take many years to build, the best option would be to entrust this complex, technological process to qualified performers. Professionally performed work will delight the owners of a brick house for many years.

Today, brick remains one of the most popular building materials for the construction of suburban real estate. Brick houses have stood for centuries and are passed on from generation to generation.

Any construction begins with a project, which can be purchased from the appropriate architectural organization. You can draw a project for a small one-story house yourself, but when planning a two- or three-story cottage, it is still better to trust the professionals. It will most likely not be possible to calculate the required wall thickness, the load on the foundation, the load on the walls, and floors without the appropriate knowledge. Risk your safety and security of the future country house in this case it's not worth it.

Site marking and foundation construction

What type of foundation needs to be used for the future house is described in its design documentation. The foundation for a brick house must withstand heavy loads, therefore, it must be powerful and reliable. Most often, a strip foundation is used to build a brick house.

The first step on the site is to prepare and mark the place for the foundation. The marking is carried out based on the design documentation. Pegs are driven into the outer and inner corners of the foundation, and a strong thread is pulled along them. Then a trench is dug to a depth depending on the depth of soil freezing and depending on the number of floors in the future house. A sand cushion 15-20 cm thick is made at the bottom of the trench and compacted well. Formwork is installed on top of the dug trench. Reinforcement with a diameter corresponding to the design data for a given structure is laid and tied inside the trench and formwork. The formwork is firmly fixed and concrete is poured into it. After the concrete has hardened, the foundation is waterproofed by coating with various mastics.

The foundations for brick houses are quite powerful and deep, therefore, such houses most often have an additional basement floor.

Material selection

Brick material is reliable, strong, and non-flammable. Depending on the raw materials used for production, bricks come in several types: ceramic and silicate. There is also hyper-pressed brick, which is obtained by pressing lime cement mixture. Its appearance resembles natural stone and is used mainly for cladding. Ceramic bricks are made from clay, followed by firing, and silicate bricks are made from a mixture of sand and lime. Brick can also be hollow or solid. Both are used for the construction of walls of a country house.

To reduce the load on the foundation and construction costs, hollow bricks are used, the weight of which is 20% less than solid bricks. The main masonry of walls and partitions is made of inexpensive sand-lime brick, and more expensive ceramic brick is used for external cladding.

To get an even beautiful masonry, before purchasing a brick, you need to pay attention to its integrity and geometry. The brick must be smooth on all sides without cracks or chips.

By the brand of brick you can judge its strength. For example: a brick of the M100 brand can withstand a load of up to 100 kg per 1 cm square. It is this brand of brick that is most often used for low-rise (no more than three floors) suburban construction.

Calculation of the required quantity

To purchase the required amount of bricks to build a house with your own hands, you need to perform the correct calculations. The brick has a standard length of 25 cm and a width of 12 cm. Differences can only be in height and, as a result, in name: single (6.5 cm), one-and-a-half (8.8 cm), double (13.8 cm). The use of one-and-a-half or double bricks when constructing walls significantly saves masonry mortar and time for their construction.

The optimal thickness of a house wall for central Russia is 2 or 2.5 bricks. The thickness of the hay is: 2 bricks - 51 cm, 2.5 bricks - 64 cm.

There are two ways to calculate the amount of brick: without taking into account the thickness of the mortar joint, or taking it into account. In the first case, when calculating, you can get an excess of bricks of about 25%, and in the second, on the contrary, you will have to add another 10-15% to the result obtained.

In both cases, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of all walls and, based on their height, calculate the total area. Then the total area of ​​window and door openings is calculated, and the result is subtracted from the total area of ​​the walls. The area of ​​a standard brick is 0.0078 m2. We divide this value by one and get 128 bricks per m2 of wall masonry. Then we multiply the resulting quantity by the thickness of the masonry, let’s say 2 bricks, and we get 256 bricks per 1 m2. We multiply the resulting number of bricks by the area of ​​the walls without taking into account the openings. The resulting value will be the required amount of brick for the house. When calculating the amount of brick taking into account the masonry joint, calculations are performed in the same sequence and according to the same principle, only the area of ​​the brick is taken to be equal to 0.00875 m2. And don’t forget to add another 10-15% to the resulting amount.

Masonry mortar

The main mortar for laying bricks is cement mortar, the base of which is quarry or river sand. It is preferable to use sifted river water. The ratio of cement to sand depends on the brand of cement used and is written on its packaging. Usually it is 1:3 or 1:4. To give elasticity to the solution, lime or various special plasticizers are added to it.


If the formwork was set correctly in level and the work on pouring the foundation was done efficiently, then bypassing the work of leveling it, waterproofing (roofing felt) is laid and they proceed directly to laying the brick walls of the house with their own hands. Masonry begins with the removal of corners.

The bricks are laid in the corners of the house, aligned vertically and horizontally, and a rope is stretched between them, which serves as a guide for the intermediate bricks. The height of the corners should be the same. It is controlled using a laser or water level. The horizontal is checked using a plumb line. Constant control of the vertical and horizontal of the wall is mandatory when laying bricks.

Photo. Laying corners.

Several bricks are laid in the corners, compliance in height and horizontal is checked, and then the rest of the bricks in the row are laid out. The rows are laid so that the bricks of the next row are tied with the bricks of the previous row.

The solution is laid out on the previously laid row using a trowel and leveled over it to the required thickness. A small amount of mortar is placed on a small face of the brick and laid in a row. By tapping with a hammer or the handle of a trowel, the brick is pressed against the previous bricks and leveled.

Photo. Example of laying facing bricks.

When laying finishing bricks, metal or wooden rods are used to obtain a beautiful, even seam. The rod is placed on the previous row, the mortar is laid and leveled, and then the brick is laid. After laying several bricks, the rod is removed from the seam. Thus, the seams of the same size are obtained on the entire wall, which later need to be leveled by jointing. It is necessary to level the seams before the solution completely hardens. Brick-clad houses have a beautiful appearance.

The partitions are laid simultaneously with the main walls or later, but then for this it is necessary to leave bricks protruding from the wall (ladder) for tying with the main load-bearing walls.

If the walls will not be plastered, but will be covered with some kind of finishing material, then precise control of the seams is not required, only precise control of the horizontal. The excess solution that is squeezed out is removed with a trowel and placed on the next row.

Bricklaying is a monotonous, painstaking job that requires constant concentration.

Video. How to lay brick correctly.

Roof structure

The construction of the roof of a brick house is no different from the construction of the roof of any other building. A wooden beam, the so-called Mauerlat, is laid on top of the walls of the house along the perimeter, which serve as the lower support for the rafters.

The rafters are assembled from 150*50 mm boards and installed in their place. Next, wooden sheathing is performed, and the roof is covered with roofing material. With the roof built, the house has a finished look.

Building a brick house with your own hands is not an easy task. But it’s worth a try, because if you don’t try laying bricks yourself with your own hands, you’ll never learn how to do it.

Of course, you can build a brick house with your own hands without bricklaying experience, but it will take a little longer than it would take professionals.

In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a time when he needs to acquire his own home, but the prices for ready-made apartments and houses are sometimes prohibitive for the common person. But the problem can be solved by reducing the costs of the construction team through your own labor and the help of relatives.

Of course, you can’t just build a house, you need to know at least the basics of construction, it is advisable to read specialized literature and communicate on the Internet with those people who have already built with their own hands. Thus, you will acquire knowledge, and you will practice at a construction site)

Here is another example that it is possible and even necessary to build on your own. Let's look at what exactly the author needed to build a brick house?

1. cement
2. sand
3. gravel
4. fittings
5. brick
6. foam
7. tie wire
8. board 25-30-40 mm
9. beam
10. roofing material
11. window frames and double glazing
12. door frames and doors
13. putty
14. roofing material

1. shovel
2. concrete mixer
3. drill
4. mallet
5. trowel
6. trowel
7. spatula
8. hammer
9. hacksaw
10. pliers
11. roulette
12. ruler
13. grinder (angle grinder)
14. level
15. plumb line
16. construction pencil

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick house with your own hands.

And so, the first step is to decide on the design of the house; today, drawings and diagrams can be downloaded for free from the Internet, those that are in the public domain. It is rational to choose a place for construction in accordance with the legislation of your Country. Next, the marking of the base of the house is transferred to the site, for which the boundaries are marked using pegs and white tape (string).

The main thing in any construction is, of course, the foundation; in this case, a strip foundation was chosen. To create it, you need to dig a trench according to the construction plan. For a one-story house 50-70 cm, for a 2-story house 1-1.5 m, for a 3-story house 1.5-2 m. To the bottom of the trench in mandatory it is necessary to lay a sand cushion and compact it after wetting it with water. Then a metal frame is made from reinforcement, which can be welded or tied with wire.

A trench is being dug.

The house will be built close to the neighboring one.

The trench is ready, the sand cushion is laid.

Afterwards, a metal frame is made from reinforcement rods and twisted together using knitting wire.

Next, you need to make formwork from boards or plywood; the inside can be lined with roofing felt or dense polyethylene so that there are no losses when pouring concrete, and then the surface will be even and smooth. Here the author uses a 25-30 mm board and timber.

Then the resulting structure is filled with concrete in the ratio of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 4-5 parts filler (gravel, crushed stone). You can also order a mixer with a ready-made solution and simply pour it, which is what the author actually did.

Filling must be done evenly so that the solution flows into each crack; you can tap the formwork or use a professional vibrator. The solution is filled exactly along the edge of the formwork, because it will sag a little until it hardens and spreads over cavities and air pockets.

The foundation must be allowed to dry and gain strength for at least 28 days; it is recommended to periodically moisten it with water, so it will become much stronger. And then the formwork boards are removed.

Thus, the master adjusted the surface to the level of the foundation.

Again everything is poured with concrete, done neatly and evenly.

The poured concrete must be leveled and tightened.

Thus, another month of inactivity until the floor dries. And then the laying of red brick walls begins; first you need to lay a couple of layers of waterproofing in the form of roofing felt. Laying the walls begins strictly from the corner, observing the tie; you must always use a level.

In the corners the author made columns from reinforcement; in the future they will be filled with concrete. As you can see, there was a thorough approach to the construction of the house, because the area is seismically unstable and it is better to make the house as reliable and strong as possible.

Window and door openings are formed.

After the walls are raised required level The author additionally makes an armored belt.

Then wooden logs and a subfloor made of boards and plywood are laid, a waterproofing layer is placed on it, and foam plastic and reinforcement are placed on top.

The surface is again filled with concrete.

Considering the average climatic indicators in all regions of Russia, brick is an ideal option for building a house. This is evidenced by a number of undeniable advantages, such as strength, durability, resistance to various precipitation and seismic vibrations. Having approached the construction process correctly, it is quite possible for any craftsman to build a brick house from the foundation to the roof.

A brick house always means reliability and quality.

Where does construction begin?

Any construction begins with obtaining permits. Then comes the design, where options for connecting communications are considered. All this is recorded in the plan for building a house. Geological exploration is being carried out on site to determine the type of soil. This is necessary to determine the type of foundation. Although for a brick house, in any design, it is recommended to fill in a strip base. But still, reconnaissance of the area is necessary to identify groundwater and depths from the passage. According to the data received, you will know how deep you will need to dig a trench under the foundation.

Foundation for a brick house

Whatever arguments are given in favor of foundations on piles or concrete pillars, the best option for a brick house there will only be a foundation belt type. Reliability and low complexity of execution simply leaves no chance for other types of foundations. The tape is located under all load-bearing walls and some partitions. The width of the foundation is necessarily 15–20 cm greater than the thickness of the walls. The set of tools and materials for laying a strip foundation for a brick house is as follows:

  • to prepare the mixture you need cement, sand and aggregate in the form of gravel or crushed stone of the middle fraction;
  • roofing felt or any materials produced from it, for waterproofing the base;
  • to raise the formwork above the ground you will need unedged boards or plywood;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • mixer, containers, shovels, theodolite and any device for “removing” air from the thickness of concrete.

Schematic drawing of a strip foundation.

At the construction site, the soil is cleared of foreign objects. The top 10 cm layer of soil is removed along with the turf. Further work is carried out according to the situation. If a basement is planned for the house, then a pit is dug to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. If such construction is not provided, then only a trench of the appropriate size is prepared. When working manually or using hired equipment, it is necessary to ensure the evenness of the corners so that the foundation slab is without distortions, which will subsequently affect the evenness brickwork. The depth of the trench or pit for the construction of a basement or ground floor must be the same.

Depending on the type of laying of the strip base, and there are two of them: monolithic and prefabricated, further work is also carried out according to plan. When pouring cement mortar, the bottom of the pit is first covered with a sand-cement cushion, watered, compacted and covered with waterproofing. The preparation ends by pouring a small layer of solution.

When laying a prefabricated base, the same manipulations are performed, with the difference that the cushion is laid in the place where the slabs are installed. It's more difficult option laying a strip foundation, and to implement it, you will need special equipment or at least five people. The blocks are installed in the trench and bonded with concrete mixture.

Formwork with reinforcement and supports for strengthening.

Formwork is necessary to raise the base strip above the ground. This will protect the brick from moisture transmitted from the soil. Concrete in this case is more resistant, and the base is waterproofed after laying. Of all types of foundations for a brick house, the strip foundation more reliably protects the brickwork from moisture. The formwork is assembled from two sides, on both sides of the trench. To prevent the sides from breaking the concrete when it hardens, they are fastened on top with wooden jumpers, every 30–40 cm.

Now comes the frame. To create it, reinforcement with a cross-section of 8 to 10 mm is required. The rods are cut to such a length that when installed in a trench, the metal head does not protrude above the surface of the formwork, but is 5–10 cm below it. The frame is prepared on the ground, according to the dimensions of the trench, and then, ready-made, is lowered into it and installed on pre-laid bricks.

All that remains is to pour the solution. If it is not possible to prepare the amount of concrete for a one-time pour, laying in several layers is allowed, only they should be no more than 20 cm, with each one allowed to harden until it hardens completely. At this stage, the laying of utility lines from the outside to the inside of the house and the drainage of sewerage from the inside to the outside are organized. Where pipes exit, metal sleeves are installed. After pouring the last layer under the formwork, the surface is leveled, reinforced with reinforcement to release air gaps, covered with roofing felt and left for a month until completely dry. When the base gains strength, you can move on to the next work.

The formwork can be removed 10 days after pouring.

We build walls correctly

When building a house for permanent residence, the thickness of the walls must be calculated at least two bricks. And experts consider well masonry to be more rational in terms of reliability and reduction of heat loss. A kind of multilayer system. The brick is laid in two rows with insulation installed in between them. This allows not only to reduce heat loss, but also the load on the base. The appearance of a brick house should be at its best, even without additional finishing, so you need to choose the right brick for construction. The stone is only smooth, with right angles.

Option for well brick laying.

You need to start building walls by raising the corners. For novice builders, this is the simplest option, allowing you to lay out the masonry evenly. To avoid troubles, such as breaking stones or moving a wall horizontally, you need to show maximum attention and patience. When laying, the stones should, as it were, “look” at each other in both planes. Having raised the corners by 4–5 stones, twine is stretched between the corners for subsequent work. It will allow you to control horizontality. But first, the level checks the height of the corners. Small differences can later be leveled by laying more mortar.

Having prepared an improvised level, bricklaying continues. You need to know at least the basic bandage technique to create a stable wall. The principle of chess. Bricks from each subsequent row are shifted by 1/2 - 1/3 of the stone laid in the previous row. To start knitting, the first brick from the next masonry is cut in half with a grinder. In places where door and window openings are installed, bricks are laid in a butt method, across the entire width.

In order not to disturb the evenness of the masonry, distribute the solution evenly. Also, a small amount of the mixture must be placed on the end part of the already laid stone, and placing the next one, tapping the trowel on the surface to level it in a plane. Having laid out all the rows up to the raised corners, it is necessary to make a dressing. You need reinforcement or metal mesh. It is laid out on the surface of the finished row and laid next. Further work is carried out in the same mode, first raising the corners, hanging twine and continuing the laying along a stretched line.

A taut rope allows you to focus on the evenness of the brick laying.

Finishing – is it worth it or not?

Using smooth ceramic stone for laying walls, there will be no need for additional processing or decoration. If you plan to plaster the surface, then try to use the solution rationally. It should not be allowed to protrude beyond the brick when laying. Subsequently, you will have to chip off the excess in order to cover the surface with plaster. Such manipulations can be avoided when finishing external brick walls with siding . But still, accuracy is useful when laying facing stones. To ensure neat seams, trim them with a trowel after laying.

Roof of a brick house

Complete freedom of imagination is allowed here. Brick walls are reliable, and when laying a solid foundation, this quality increases several times. Therefore, it is possible to model the most complex system, up to structures with attic spaces. But if we are talking about building a house made of brick, then it would be more appropriate to talk about a gable roof with a pediment made of stone. There are two construction options here: during the construction of the walls and after laying the rafters.

The brick pediment, laid during the installation of the walls, is additionally strengthened before laying the rafters so that the winds and the weight of the wooden floors do not destroy it. Additional support is created by laying a transverse wall or pilasters in the inside of the attic. It will be easier to do this when laying reinforced concrete floors in a brick house. Internal partitions must be at least 25 cm thick, that is, laid out in one brick.

Usually the design and laying of the rafters are adjusted to the gables if its installation was carried out before their installation. In another option, by closing the end span after assembling the structure, you can make annoying errors in the geometry. Simply put, the pediment will not be completely compatible with the rafter system. Such defects can be hidden with wooden plumbs, but in the future this will lead to misalignment of the roof.

When laying brick roof gables, it is much more convenient to hem the structure.

In the version with pre-installation of rafters, it is necessary to lay a mauerlat along the load-bearing walls. This is a kind of basis for the rafter legs. Again, there are some adjustments when building a brick pediment. Mauerlat is not laid on all walls, but only on two sides. Before laying the foundation for the rafters, a reinforced belt is poured along the top of the wall. It is necessary to relieve the stress placed on the Mauerlat. Actually, this is what needs to be done during the laying of walls for the subsequent installation of the roof structure . The reinforced belt prevents tensile forces that create a load on the Mauerlat, from which it can move to the side and “lead” the rafter legs, and as a result, the entire roof structure.

Considering further the option of preliminary construction of a brick pediment, we move on to the next work. The ridge beam is mounted from the highest points. The rafters go down from it. In any case, their length should be 20–30 cm below the wall. This overhang will protect the walls from precipitation. Along the edges, the rafter legs are connected with lathing, which is subsequently stuffed over the entire roof area. The distance for laying the boards is selected according to the type of roofing material. Usually this is no more than 20 cm. By laying the rafters, an overhang is created over the pediment. There are no difficulties in the work, the boards are simply placed on supports with a protrusion over the wall.

When building brick houses, there are no restrictions on the choice of truss structure.

If the option of pre-assembling the roof and then laying the pediment with bricks is used, then the last work will be carried out in conditions of limited access. But depending on the type of roofing structure of a brick house, there may not be such inconveniences. For example, a hip roof is characterized by free attic space. Depending on the angle of the gable roof, when choosing this design there may be no problems with laying the gable.

Result of work

After erecting a brick house under the roof, other related work is carried out. These include insulation of walls, if necessary, waterproofing of the roof and its insulation, supply of communications and interior design. In general, you can build a brick house from foundation to roof on your own within one year. Some people meet even shorter deadlines, but there is still no need to rush in this matter. The base must gain strength and the brickwork should shrink.

Many people are now interested in how to build a brick house with their own hands. Brick is one of the most durable materials, so such a house will last for hundreds of years. However, it is very expensive, so construction will require significant costs.

Owning a brick house has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and respectability. Where to start construction, and how to make it as profitable as possible?

Project preparation and budgeting

The construction of a brick house can take more than one year, it all depends on the scale of the structure. The work begins with careful planning and drawing up a detailed estimate to estimate the upcoming costs.

Approximately 20% of the cost of the house is the foundation; the price will also depend on the number of floors, the presence of an attic and other design features.

The simplest option is a one-story building built according to a standard design. You need to decide in advance on the size of the load-bearing walls and their thickness. For areas with a harsh climate, a masonry of 2-2.5 bricks is usually used, this avoids serious heat loss during the cold period.

You should consider the location of rooms, corridors, window and door openings. The project reflects the placement of windows and doors, as well as their area, which allows you to correctly calculate the amount of brick.

It is necessary to decide on the type and type of roof and roofing materials, to think over options for insulation and interior decoration.

Advice! It is important to take into account unforeseen expenses. Bricks are always purchased a little more than required, since at least 5% is necessarily spent on battle and defects.

When all calculations are completed, you can purchase material and begin construction directly. It is very difficult to cope with such a task alone and the work may drag on indefinitely, so it would be wise to consider options for hiring assistants.

Construction of the foundation

The foundation is the foundation of a house and the key to its durability, and you should never skimp on it. For: whole concrete slab will be very expensive, and in this case is not justified.

If the soil contains too much moisture, it must first be dried and thoroughly compacted.

According to the house plan, the perimeter of the future foundation is marked on the leveled area using pegs and twine. Then a trench is dug under the foundation, the depth of which will depend on the parameters of the soil and the depth of its freezing, as well as on the type and design of the building.

More accurate data can be found in SNiP 2.02.01-83 “Foundation depth. A layer of sand or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom. A dense base will help the building avoid deformation and cracks during shrinkage.

The foundation is reinforced with a metal frame made of rebar to give it increased strength.

Advice! To achieve maximum strength, it is advisable to fill the fill in one go. For these purposes, it is optimal to order ready mixture with delivery using an industrial auto mixer.

If this option is not suitable, then you should use a concrete mixer, and this work should be carried out by several people at once. The top layer of the base is leveled with a trowel. The foundation needs time to dry thoroughly; the complete setting period for concrete is about thirty days.

Construction of walls

How to build a brick house yourself? You can do the brickwork yourself, but if possible, it is still better to entrust the work to a professional craftsman. This is a rather complex matter that requires experience and skills.

Improperly executed masonry can lead to cracks in the walls and the collapse of the entire house. However, if you are confident in your abilities, doing it yourself will save you a lot of money.

Which brick to choose: silicate or ceramic?

It is important to choose the right brick that is optimal for building walls.

There are two options – silicate and ceramic, both have their advantages:

  • Sand-lime brick is the cheapest option, and in terms of decorative and other properties it is not inferior to ceramic;

  • Sand-lime brick can have different colors, which plays an important role in the construction of a house. Double sand-lime brick M 150 is convenient for the construction of load-bearing walls; its dimensions allow you to save on the purchase of materials. However, it is not waterproof, so it cannot be used to build a base;
  • Ceramic building brick has increased resistance to various destructive influences. He will not be afraid of either humidity or low temperatures, this is a very durable material, although compared to sand-lime brick it has greater thermal conductivity.

It is better to consider all the options in advance and choose the material that is optimal in terms of price and quality. Before starting masonry, a layer of roofing felt is laid on the foundation for waterproofing. A control cord is pulled from corner to corner, which helps to see an even line for the correct laying of rows of bricks.

Preparation of the solution

It consists of fine, carefully sifted sand, clean water and cement grade M400 or M500. For M50 grade mortar, the ratio of sand and cement during preparation will be 4:1. The more sand in the solution, the less durable it will be.

Before work, the sand is sifted through a construction sieve so that there are no pebbles, twigs or other construction debris left in it.

Advice! It is important that the amount of the prepared solution can be used at one time, otherwise it will harden and will no longer be suitable for further work.

The components of the solution in the required proportions are placed in a concrete mixer and mixed until completely ready, then the solution is poured into a bucket and you can proceed directly to the brickwork.

Brick walls

The laying starts from the corners, where several bricks are laid at once. Then the mortar is laid out on the base in an even layer up to 8 mm thick, and bricks are laid on it.

The first row should be a reference according to the diagram, since the entire subsequent wall will depend on it. The lower rows - the basement of the building - should be made of ceramic bricks only.

Instructions for laying bricks - basic rules:

  1. Before work, if the brick is very dry, then immerse it in water for several minutes. Ceramics tend to absorb moisture, and if this is not done, it will draw it out of the solution, reducing its strength;
  2. The laying is carried out with strict adherence to dressing: this is the name of the basic principle according to which each subsequent brick must be laid on two in the previous row. This scheme ensures the strength of the connections and prevents the appearance of cracks;

  1. With each new row, the corners rise upward; they should constantly exceed the main masonry by 4-5 rows. They are constantly checked using plumb lines. The horizontality of the rows is determined using a building level; it is important to ensure that the layer of mortar throughout the entire row is uniform;
  2. The walls must be strictly perpendicular to each other; a construction square is used to check. It is necessary to constantly monitor the correctness of all measurements and monitor the quality of work.

Brickwork is quite painstaking work that requires responsibility and patience. The photo shows what the correct masonry looks like.

  1. Before installing floor slabs in two-story house a bonded row of masonry must be made;
  2. Strength is enhanced by reinforcing the brickwork with special meshes every few rows. When working, the building brick must be intact, without chips or cracks.

The video in this article will show the main stages of building brick walls:

Roof in a brick house

As a rule, pitched roofs are used for low-rise buildings, since snow does not accumulate on them in winter and they last longer. After the walls are completely finished, you can lay the attic floor and proceed to arranging the roof.

Its frame consists of a mauerlat and rafters.

Mauerlat is a support for rafters; thick timber is usually used, and it is better to lay it along the entire perimeter of the building. Rafters are powerful beams that will later support the roof.

For fastening roofing materials use wooden sheathing, the step of which will depend on the selected coverage. If a soft roof is used, then solid plywood or OSB boards are used as lathing.

The roof of a brick house requires additional insulation. First, a layer of vapor barrier is placed underneath it, and insulation material is laid on it (most often, mineral wool), a layer of waterproofing on top to prevent condensation from accumulating in the attic.

A multi-layer “roofing pie” will allow the building not to lose heat, while sufficient ventilation must be provided in the attic.

Installation of insulated floors in a brick house

Floors in a brick house are often made of wood, since they are the easiest to insulate. In this case, wooden logs are installed, between which layers of insulation are laid.

Subfloor boards are laid on top, on which any finishing coating can be laid. Such a covering can be laminate, linoleum, parquet, but in any case the floor will not be cold to the touch.

If desired, in country house You can install a heated floor system. This is additional heating and protection against colds in cold weather.

Electric underfloor heating involves laying heating elements under the floor covering. It is comfortable, convenient and safe, especially since the temperature can be adjusted.

Upon completion of construction work, you can proceed to rough and finishing. There can be many options here, and the choice will depend only on the capabilities and desires of the owner.