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Why do you dream about an old apartment and what should you pay attention to in reality? Why did I dream about the apartment, interpretation from dream books Dream Interpretation I live in an old apartment

Apartment? To find the answer to this question, you need to plunge into the mysterious world of dreams and leaf through the pages of numerous dream books. The results of this study will be presented in this article.

Everyone dreams about the house

Every person has dreamed about a house at least several times in his life. These dreams can range from terrifying to enlightening. apartment?

Houses are part of our daily experience and often appear in dreams. Houses and rooms as symbols in our dreams, as a rule, have general values. Dreams about houses or individual apartments are one of the most common dream themes.

Dreams about an old house

Why do you dream about an old apartment? The number of things that can symbolize housing is limitless. Besides reflecting one's own thoughts and ideas, home tends to relate to our physical body, our mind and/or state of soul. While house dreams may reflect our desire to buy a house, they are often a reflection of internal, and often unconscious, experiences that we cannot be aware of or consider during our waking hours. Dreams about housing mean the question: “What lives in my heart and mind?”

If the dream reflects a daytime experience, memory, or television information seen before sleep, one might wonder, “How did this experience or image enter my dream?”

Size and condition

Why do you dream about buying an old apartment? The size and condition of the home can help us understand the meaning of the dream. It is interesting to track our dreams over time and recognize the change in size and state. It can help us take control of our lives, guide us to better decisions in at the moment time.

Was the house abandoned or forgotten? Perhaps this reflects the fact that we also argue and neglect someone. We may feel physical energy, but the dream shows us that we are neglecting a certain part of ourselves that needs our attention.

Was the house too small or too big? The feeling in our dreams is often more indicative of their meaning or purpose, but exaggeration can help us pick out an important symbol. The feeling that the house is too small will refer to something small or weak. Or not having enough space for growth and development.

Ironically, too big house may also give us too little feeling depending on the perspective of the dream. A home that is too big can also reflect our feelings of being overwhelmed by the need to grow and develop further. Finding a mansion in a dream can have a similar meaning to a house that is too big.

The type of home can also be significant. Why do you dream about an old apartment? A home that seems outdated or lacking functionality may show that you're ready for a change. overhaul or a less drastic "transformation". Ask yourself: “What do I want to do with this house in my dream?” The answer may lead to things you need to change in yourself and in your life.

Dreams about several apartments

Why do you dream of someone else’s old apartment? Dreams of multiple houses represent opportunities that are in front of us. When we explore and decide where to go next. Just as a house often symbolizes the inner self, the street or road on which a house is located often represents the path of life. Many apartments can symbolize different periods of time in a person's life, as well as endless possibilities for future changes.

Sometimes I dream about the old apartment in which I lived. Dreams about grandpa's house or childhood apartment often reflect how our childhood, upbringing, and past influence the way we live now. These types of dreams often heighten our awareness and allow us to understand what influences our decision making and behavior every day.

Viewing many houses in a dream can be confusing, but the experience can allow for further reflection on current options, the influence of others on one's life, and how changes have occurred in one's personal experience over time.

If you dream about a bathroom

Bathroom dreams often speak to how well we are letting go of what no longer serves us or cleanses us. The bathroom is often a place where we allow ourselves to be alone with our most authentic or vulnerable selves. So many of us dream about an abandoned bathroom, one that doesn't work. When we don't have enough space, privacy or enough opportunity to somehow properly use the bathroom in our dreams, it makes us realize that we are suffering from emotional stress.

A beautiful, well-functioning bathroom can provide us with positive self-help images, ease emotional stress, and provide psychological cleansing. This one can leave us feeling rejuvenated and help prepare us for the stresses and obstacles in life.

Dreams about the bedroom

The bedroom is the most private and intimate part of the house. In dreams, the bedroom is often a symbol of oneself. Bedrooms can help us understand our personal characteristics. This place has the ability to reflect thoughts, feelings, desires and aspects of who we are.

Who in the bedroom often gives more meaning to our dreams. While other people may symbolize themselves or their feelings towards someone else, they also symbolize an aspect that we associate with that person. This often happens when we dream about a person of the opposite sex.

Other places of the apartment in a dream

Gender can often reflect how stable we are. Finding cracks in the floor and observing what is in those holes can help us identify unconscious emotions that influence our thoughts and actions in waking life. For example, fault finding may refer to an unconscious emotion that requires our attention to be managed.

If we dream of an old apartment in which we lived before, this dream from past years allows us to analyze mistakes and prevent them from happening in the future.

Let's sum it up

An apartment or house in a dream is a symbol of our inner world. If you dreamed of an old home, you need to carefully analyze past actions and thoughts and reconsider your views. So that new dreams are only bright and joyful.

It often happens that at certain moments in life one begins to dream about an old home, which the dreamer has not remembered for a long time, because there was no suitable environment or communication situation. Being in an old apartment in a dream means wanting to return everything back in order to significantly change what is happening; such dreams often occur during age-related crises, when an assessment of the accumulated experience is necessary. An old apartment is also a sign of dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, envy of others, especially those who have long fallen out of everyday circles of communication. Anyone who often returns to their previous home in a dream, in life, as a rule, does not have a strong position, easily gives in to persuasion and unquestioningly shares the point of view of the interlocutor, as soon as he only hints about the possibility of a different state of affairs.

In a dream, seeing an old apartment on the eve of moving or traveling means troubles and an unexpected turn in long-planned events; such incidents will at first seem catastrophic, but will soon bring significant satisfaction and understanding that this is the best combination of circumstances. Walking in an old apartment and feeling like you’re in the past means striving to forget past grievances and start life over with a new leaf, understanding that this is the present time—actively resisting what’s happening. What you dream of about your former apartment on the eve of a job change is a sign of successful advancement up the career ladder, but subject to complete subordination to higher positions.

What if you dream about an old apartment

According to the gypsy dream book, a former apartment is a desire to get rich quickly, but a denial of fair rules of the game, the possibility of easy money, which can result in significant problems. Walking barefoot in your old apartment means receiving an unexpected gift from someone who has not been part of your social circle for a long time, rearranging the furniture in it means fulfilling your cherished dream, but not getting the satisfaction you are making. According to the urban dream book, an old apartment represents long-forgotten grievances, a desire to forget the past, but a constant reminder to oneself of past troubles. If you often have a dream in which an old apartment is destroyed in front of the dreamer, then you should think about whether, surrounded by someone who constantly spoils plans and never tires of apologizing about this, this person may be very unreliable.

According to Miller’s dream book, the previous apartment is a desire to find peace, a conscious refusal to squabble between family or friends, which can cause an even greater round of indignation on their part, but the one who sees the dream will be ready for this. An old apartment in a dream, according to Vanga’s dream book, is the beginning of a new stage in life, fear of losing confidence, searching for a patron or someone who can keep everything under control. Living in the same apartment again means feeling like a weak-willed person, constantly finding yourself in an awkward position due to your own shyness and inappropriate modesty. Destroying everything in your previous home means resolutely rejecting all proposals that seem illegal or arouse even the slightest suspicion.

What does the old apartment portend?

Old apartment - the dream book of yogis prefers to interpret this dream as a sign of successful undertakings, which can only happen if there is firm confidence that the goal will be achieved, in addition, you should not immediately discard completely fantastic options for the development of events, in life anything can happen . Also, according to this dream book, to sell an apartment again and understand that this transaction does not make sense and is illegal means to feel dependent on someone who wants to get rid of the dreamer, to understand that not everything in life can be settled with the help of a patron. If a girl sees herself in her parents’ apartment in a dream, then she is quite ready to become the mistress of her own home, a married lady and a mother.

But for a pregnant woman, an old apartment is a fear of new changes that inevitably await her; she is afraid not so much of newness as of the fact that she will lose her influence on her husband and will be forced to submit to the whims of an unborn child. Moving into your old apartment again, notifying your neighbors about it means doubting the correctness of your current life position, trying to change, but being so dependent on your old habits that you give up at the slightest change in your usual way of life. Seeing your previous apartment in disrepair means suddenly receiving a lucrative offer that will concern not entirely legal transactions or actions, realizing that this is a good, but not entirely correct way to get rich quickly.

The article on the topic: “dream book previous place of residence” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Her appearance in a dream reflects not only various experiences and incarnations of the past, but also what is worth starting from in order for changes to occur in life.

A dream in which an old apartment appears in a dream almost always shows a transformation of the period of time when you lived in it, changes in your usual life and activities.

To understand why you have such a dream, remember what happened during the period of time when you lived in it. The memories, aspirations and goals that are relevant at this time, as well as the changes that you see again, are informative.

However, the dream book does not explain why you dream of an old apartment when you have just left it. By analogy, modern books do not give an interpretation to night pictures, if immediately after the prom you may dream about school again for a while.

These experiences help the psyche to more quickly accept changes and adapt to them. However, seeing an old apartment in a dream when you are already accustomed to a new environment and place of residence is an important sign that foreshadows various changes and changes in your life. This is what she dreams about most often.

Pay attention to the furniture, various events and changes in it, they can be an important clue for your future.

Completing old tasks

If you dreamed about your previous apartment as it was in reality, what is this dream for? Modern dream book writes that several dreams of the same type predict you that an unfinished business or relatives with whom you lived there will soon remind you of yourself.

If you dreamed of an old apartment in which you forgot something, this is a sign that something from past experience is haunting you and requires action or application. Searching for an item, clothing, means that in the whirlwind of change you need to take something from the past in order to feel the value of the present.

It is possible that some unfinished action may interfere with a full life, and the dream book shows this with such dreams. A clue may be what exactly you are looking for in a dream.

If this is clothing, an expensive thing, then you need to reconsider your values ​​and rely on past experience. A clue can be a hobby, business or activity that was relevant at that time.

Sometimes the dream book suggests that you need to learn some lesson from past experience in order to realize yourself in the present time and live a full life. Finding this thing is very good.

The dream book writes that you can not only draw the right conclusions from the past, but also accept changes.

Notice whether it was easy or difficult for you to find something. The characteristics of the thing found in a dream mean what exactly will help you at the present time. This symbol needs to be interpreted separately.

Money and valuables, such as gold, mean useful skills that will serve you well and will always come in handy, toys often show a longing for childhood memories, affection and tenderness, like pets, but clothes mean a desire to return to old times, an image , which has ceased to be relevant.

For example, a woman may worry about the appearance of excess fat after childbirth and the fact that she no longer fits into her old dresses. Any symbol requires detailed interpretation.

However, if in a dream you do not know what exactly you are looking for, the dream book indicates that while you are in search of the desired result, yourself. The past attracts you, you are trying to solve some problem, but so far you can neither draw a conclusion nor find the right solution.

Another sign seen in a dream associated with an old apartment is associated with the fact that the dreamer constantly returns to it. It is not necessary that he, before leaving her completely, will look for some forgotten thing, but in some way the past does not let him go. This may be due to the fact that you will worry about personal unsettlement or the fact that life in the new apartment will leave much to be desired. Sometimes such a dream means that a skill or activity from a recent period of time will become relevant again.

Changes from past experience

Typically, dreams of this kind associated with an old apartment come long after moving to a new place (5-7 years or more), when people have settled in a new place and are accustomed to the way of life. The dream book writes that a dream of this kind predicts a change in your past experience and outlook on life, which is expressed in various scenes with changes in old housing. Seeing it dusty and dirty means unsettled life in the present, a feeling of chaos, confusion, vanity and lack of order.

You dream about cleaning an old apartment and taking out the trash from there as a sign that you are putting things in order without noticing it in your affairs, thoughts and feelings, and needs.

The dream book also writes that the dreamer is gradually revising old settings that have long ceased to be relevant. Therefore, modern books believe that in real life you can achieve success through patience and work.

Seeing new furnishings in an old apartment, furniture and interior is a sign of renewed ideas. Most likely, you will be able to draw the right conclusions from the past to move on.

It is possible that the person with whom you communicated then, or an unfinished business, will remind you of yourself. They will move into the old apartment again - to improve relationships with parents and relatives.

Dream Interpretation previous place of residence

Dream interpretation old apartment

The house we live in is a fortress. It happens that for certain reasons we change it. But in dreams we often see ourselves as before, in the old home, before the move took place. Sleep can evoke a wide range of feelings, from relief to nostalgia. Why do you dream about an old apartment?

The message of a dream about an old place of residence

A dream about an old apartment in which you lived reflects your state of mind.

If you have positive emotions associated with the housing in which you previously lived, then the dream book considers the interpretation of the dream to be good. Negative memories - the dream will lead to negative consequences.

Seeing a former house in a dream - subconsciously crave change, a desire to move, change your field of activity, faith, habits.

If you dreamed of an old apartment

A house that you have left a long time ago, appearing in a dream, signals problems in family life. Try to diversify the dull everyday life, bring a holiday to life. There are two options:

  • you are tired and bored with your partner - take immediate action if you don’t want to lose him;
  • your partner is tired of you - in the case when you understand that you made the wrong choice, that the person next to you is not yours, feel free to put an end to it, now is the time to start life from scratch;
  • the third option is that your relationship has exhausted itself, by breaking it off you will open yourself up to something better.

It is important to remember what you did in your dream, in the house where you once lived. To see how you are doing repairs - you can soon change your job, or in your old place you will move up the career ladder. Looking into the dream book, you can see that the dream carries a message - new opportunities open up before you, but you need to make an effort. There is a saying: “No water flows under a lying stone.”

If a person does not make an effort, the omen will pass by, and there is no point in blaming the dream book.

Seeing the old apartment where you lived, in which you move or throw away furniture - soon something in life will change for the better. If this is a job, then you can expect a promotion or salary increase. If your personal life, then you may meet a loved one, and if you already have one, then he will present a pleasant surprise.

The dream book often associates old furniture with love relationships. Did you dream about dirty furniture? Take a close look at your partner; your relationship has cracked. Your loved one is faced with the choice of whether to stay with you or go on a solo voyage. Don't wait for his decision; if you care about him, show him that you are exactly what you need.

Seeing how you are renovating an old living space, changing wallpaper, buying curtains, appliances, or arranging furniture is a great sign. The dream book says that in reality you will learn something, master a new business, change your field of activity.

Making repairs after you have moved will bring something new and interesting into one of the areas of your life.

Someone else's, bought, gifted

If you rented out the house

If you dreamed about someone else’s apartment, you will regret the actions you take. It's better to think carefully before doing anything.

Renting a house is a positive change; you will soon find something new, a job, hobbies, and acquaintances.

Rent out - new acquaintances, flirting.

The dream book considers a dream in which a new home is being purchased to be positive. Buy in a dream new home– changes for the better, perhaps winning the lottery. But when in a dream you see yourself buying an apartment that is too large, and you don’t see all the details and don’t notice how much the furniture costs, you are too self-confident. This character trait can backfire on you.

Back to the past

It has already been mentioned that an important detail in the interpretation of sleep is your emotions and memories associated with how the move occurred. Once upon a time you lived in this apartment, where all the rooms, furniture, and windows were familiar to you. So why is she a stranger to you now? Under what circumstances did the move take place? Believe me, this is very important. After all, if you just moved and you still have the warmest feelings for your old home, then the dream will only promise favorable changes in your life.

But, if you had to buy a new house and move under tragic circumstances, then such a dream does not bode well.

If a stranger tries to break into your house, do not let him in! It is believed that in this way a certain demonic entity is trying to move in with you. Go to church, light candles and ask God for protection.

Battle of the sexes

The answer to the dream lies in who is dreaming the dream. The girl dreamed that she was in someone else’s old apartment - she would soon meet her betrothed. For a woman, a suitor or lover is expected.

The same dream for a man means an affair on the side.

To meet the betrothed

Interestingly, if this apartment is not well-kept, the furniture is dirty, expect trouble. The husband will not be the nicest person, the admirer will turn out to be a scoundrel, and the affair will result in big trouble.

A woman in a dream is kicked out of the house, then, oddly enough, this good sign. Soon she will receive a long-awaited gift.

For a bride, a dream about an old home predicts a short life with her future husband.

The dream book sometimes gives an interpretation even to such a phenomenon as paying for utilities. The dream predicts a quarrel with a close friend. Receiving rent from a tenant means a trip to the places where you spent your childhood.

In a dream, in the apartment where you lived, you can clearly smell dampness and mustiness - listen to the older generation, their advice will be very useful for you.

A dream where the apartment is dirty, dilapidated, falling apart - you are too zealous. Slow down, otherwise you'll get yourself into trouble.

If the apartment you lived in is cozy and clean, get ready for a feast with long-awaited guests.

You dream about your current apartment, dirty and unkempt; someone is not treating you sincerely, flattering you.

Most importantly, dreams are only a warning, not an inevitability. Stay positive and take action, and everything will be fine!

Why do you dream about an old apartment?

An old apartment in the broadest sense means emotional state person. The old place of residence can be associated with both good and negative memories. This is what we need to start from when deciphering this dream.

What if you dream about an old apartment?

If a person dreams of an old apartment, it means that in reality he is striving for some kind of change. These changes can be associated either directly with a change of place of residence, or indirectly: with a change of place of work, personal position, or spiritual state.

Be that as it may, the man is tired old life, and this dream is a kind of impetus into something new, unknown. How to change everything in your destiny depends only on the person himself. It is necessary, first of all, to understand what exactly is preventing him from doing this at the present time and not delay the choice.

After all, a successful resolution of cases can only be achieved now. Therefore, you should cast aside all doubts and throw out the “old trash” from your existence.

If in a dream an old apartment suits a person quite well, then in reality I will impose someone else’s opinion on him. In reality, he should try to defend his self, and stick to his priorities and life position, no matter what.

Another answer to the question of why you dream of an old apartment will be the following answer.

Perhaps in reality a person is not satisfied with his marital status. Thus, you should think about family relationships. We must try to bring bright emotions and positive moments into boring and uneventful everyday life.

A person should pay more attention to his partner if he does not want the relationship to come to naught. If he is really tired of everything, and he realizes that the choice made earlier is not successful and correct, then he should put an end to it and start life in a new way.

Such a dream is also an impetus for breaking off relationships; the main thing is to understand for yourself what really makes him happy and, conversely, what burdens his existence.

What does it portend?

If a person dreams of an abandoned, old apartment, it means that in reality he regrets the actions he has done in the past and is trying to return everything back. But the best solution for him it will be to forget about everything, and try to look into the future, and not live in the echoes of the past.

After all, as they say: “The past cannot be returned,” and the future depends only on ourselves. Therefore, having let go of everything and drawing the appropriate conclusions, a person must try not to repeat these mistakes in the future.

A dream in which other people besides this person live in an old apartment indicates that in reality he is very tired of society. This individual should be alone and relax. We must try to be a hermit for some time and restore our vitality.

To be in someone else's old apartment in a dream means that betrayal awaits a person in love. Therefore, in reality you should be wary of your partner and not trust one hundred percent. To avoid cheating, you should talk about your relationship.

A dream about an old apartment can promise either a good or a bad state of affairs. But do not forget that this is just a warning, and the outcome of the situation depends on how the person behaves in the future. Therefore, we need to carefully analyze everything and choose the right path.

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I dreamed about a house in a dream. Dream interpretation new or old house

Why do you dream about a house? Dream interpretation house

According to the dream book, the house indicates various aspects of the dreamer’s “I”. The upper part of the house and the upper floors symbolize consciousness and the higher self, while the lower ones are associated with the subconscious. Individual details of the structure reflect the nature of the hopes, plans and capabilities of the sleeper, and inner chambers at home - his inner world at this stage time.

A popular dream is one in which you find yourself in an unfamiliar house with strange furnishings. Cleanliness, comfort and order in the house are a symbol of the dreamer’s inner harmony, and conversely, a dirty, neglected room indicates mental decline, sadness, sadness and melancholy.

New, beautiful and big house in a dream

The house is a symbol that reflects the internal state of the dreamer himself, as well as his relationships with others. Dreamed beautiful house in the dream book it is interpreted as a very positive omen; entering it means happiness and fulfillment of desires. If this is impossible, the interpretation is rather negative, the person does not adequately assess his capabilities, and he will not be able to get what he wants. The emptiness inside and the beautiful facade indicate that the dreamer is pursuing a false goal.

Why do you dream about a new house? The dream promises tangible life changes. If in a dream you are moving to a new house - dream book new house, then these changes will please the dreamer and meet his needs.

Seeing your house rich in a dream means discovering hidden reserves in yourself, gaining new opportunities, achieving success in your intended business, and gaining health. If the house is a stranger and the dreamer wanders around it, unable to touch anything, then a period of stagnation awaits ahead, which you just need to wait out. A large number of people promises troubles, loss of energy, in the bustle you will miss something important, so try to relax your mind and let go of anxiety.

According to the dream book, a multi-storey building always reflects the dreamer’s relationships with other people and difficulties in communication. Often this is a harbinger of a break in a love affair, disappointment, and loneliness. If a similar event has already occurred recently, you need to pay attention to the dynamics of sleep. Wandering around the house from floor to floor, performing some actions, means marking time for a long time, an empty attempt to figure it out, change everything and return to former happiness. Leaving the high-rise building means the situation will change for the better.

Why do you dream about a big house? If you dreamed of a large house, with lush decorations and a luxurious interior, then the dream is less significant and for the most part reflects the dreamer’s material appetites.

If the sleeper feels someone’s invisible presence in the house, some kind of ominous danger and threat, then this is a reflection of his worries and fears, which in reality are exaggerated or groundless.

The dream book interprets seeing a new big house in a dream as the onset of big changes, an expansion of the sphere of influence and responsibility. Going to him means moving up the career ladder. According to the dream book, moving to a new house foreshadows renewal in life, success at work or a change in work, reconciliation with those with whom you were in a quarrel.

Damaged or old house in a dream

A mess in the house accompanied by devastation (broken windows, broken furniture, holes in the floor, etc.) is an unfavorable sign. Obviously, a similar disorder reigns in the dreamer’s life; chaos can be both in his thoughts and in his soul.

Broken stairs in a high-rise building are a symbol of unrealized ambitions and opportunities.

If the roof, ceiling or walls of a house are damaged, then the dream indicates the vulnerability of the sleeper (on a mental and spiritual level); someone or something can easily invade his living space, disturbing his peace.

These are, perhaps, the main interpretations - why do you dream about a house or what do you dream about? old house.

The dream interpretation of an old house, as a former place of residence in which the dreamer once lived, should be interpreted as the likelihood of repeating previous mistakes or the return of some old problem stretching from the past, especially if the memories with this place are sad and difficult.

Why do you dream of a burned down house - an event will occur due to which efforts will go to waste, the intended goals will not be achieved, a difficult period of crisis (personal, financial or professional) lies ahead.

Why do you dream of an abandoned house - such a dream can be dreamed by people who do not devote any time to themselves in terms of rest, development, health, etc. Perhaps a lot of unfulfilled desires have accumulated. It's time to stop ignoring the signals of your self, get rid of all the accumulated grievances, spend general cleaning in the soul, personal growth training, spiritual practices, and yoga can help with this.

House from childhood

If in dreams you are often haunted by the image of the house in which you spent your childhood, then this may be a subconscious projection of thoughts about the past or an analysis of your past.

Why do you dream about your parents' house - turning to childhood memories, searching for the cause of your current problems in the past, the desire to shift your worries to someone stronger, lack of stability in life. In some other cases, this is an indication that you need to make peace with your parents and devote more time and attention to them.

Seeing your grandmother's house in a dream means the power of childhood fears and grievances in your life, which prevent you from growing up. The dream may indicate difficulties in relationships with parents, an imposed feeling of guilt. It is necessary to change internally, turn to the history of the family, to religion.

Windows and roof of the house according to the dream book

According to the dream book, the roof of a house symbolizes the presence of someone’s authoritarian influence in your life, the important role of social attitudes. If the dreamer spends all his time on the roof of the house, this means a strong desire to independently influence his life, no matter what. Walking on rooftops in a dream promises to engage in a new activity in reality. The simpler and easier it is, the more pleasure new things will bring.

Seeing a house without a roof in a dream means loss of direction in life, confusion in business. The actions that the dreamer is going to take will lead him to a dead end. You should listen to the advice of older and wiser people.

A house without windows in a dream means an inadequate assessment of the current situation, an inability to see the true motives and desires of people around, and an escape from reality.

Incidents at home

Flooding at home is a desire for changes that will never come, life in captivity of one’s own fears.

Why do you dream of a burning house - a passionate desire for something, a strong temptation. The dream may signal the beginning of a personal crisis. A fire in the house, according to the dream book, warns of the danger that violent emotions bring with them; they can consume and destroy your personality. A dying fire foreshadows the unrealizability of hopes. Trying to put out a fire with water means curbing passions through strong internal resistance, conflict between attitudes and desires.

A house explosion in a dream portends serious danger and threat. Only drastic changes can prevent this.

According to the dream book, a house collapsing means a deterioration in business, weakening health, and a change in the usual way of life.

If you dreamed that the house was shaking, in reality someone will try to deceive or set you up. Excessive and unfounded self-confidence is a serious hindrance. Dreams in which the house is shaking also indicate the precariousness of your current position.

To dream that your house has been robbed means that in reality you will get rid of your problems.

Where is the house

If you dreamed of a house on the water, expect changes in your life. Houseboat on a calm and clean water means success in business, a surge of strength and inspiration, health. A sinking house symbolizes fear of life, reluctance to make decisions, have a positive attitude towards change, and the desire to maintain stability at the expense of development. A houseboat overcoming the waves speaks of difficulties ahead.

According to the dream book, a house in a village foreshadows a happy and calm family life; there are uneventful days ahead, but they will be full of peace and harmony. There is no need to wait for changes in business, the period of calm will continue for some time, spend more time on your family and children.

A house on the seashore is dreamed of as an indication of the need to relax alone with oneself, be saturated with energy, eliminate fuss, and relax the mind.

Living in a house in a cemetery in a dream indicates preoccupation with the past, a desire to return it, immersion in memories that interfere with living in the present.

Scary house in a dream

Gloomy castles, towers, fortresses and places of worship in a dream are associated with knowledge and secret information. If the sleeper gets inside such a building, then the details of the interior decoration and the further plot of the dream can inform something important.

According to the dream book, a scary house means knowing yourself, moving along the path of spiritual and personal growth.

A dark house portends confusion in matters that will have to be solved alone.

Seeing a haunted house in a dream means either an unconscious dependence on repressed desires, or the negative influence of someone close to you; the dreamer lives in someone else’s mind.

Finding yourself in a madhouse in a dream means finding yourself in a situation where everyone around you will be against your plans. A lot of energy will be spent on coordinating some matters, bureaucratic delays, and will be overwhelmed by a period of financial difficulties colliding with each other.

What kind of house did you dream about?

A wooden house in the dream book means a period of active work, the need to realize your energy and creative potential to the maximum, but a worthy reward will be given for all your efforts. All changes should be perceived as great opportunities. A period of fruitful activity will be replaced by calm and a sense of harmony. Also, a house made of wood often foreshadows a wedding. But to see a hut in a dream with smoke pouring out of the chimney means difficulties that will have to be worked hard to overcome.

Why do you dream unfinished house- the need to establish relationships with people. Please note whether the outside or inside needs work. In the first case, the dreamer allows big mistakes in communication with friends, colleagues, in a word, all those who are not family members. In the second case, we are talking about the closest circle - husband or wife, parents, children, sisters and brothers. Incompleteness means the relationship is damaged and inferior.

According to another interpretation, seeing an unfinished house in a dream is a symbol of postponed tasks, but which require completion.

In the dream book, living in someone else’s house or living in someone else’s house is interpreted as an inadequate attitude towards oneself, following false goals, which makes it impossible to achieve a sense of harmony within. Some personality traits are strongly denied and cannot be fully realized.

Seeing a glass house in a dream warns against being too open; not all people around you should be shown absolute trust. The dream also indicates the precariousness and fragility of your current position; someone could harm you.

According to the dream book, a nursing home predicts loss of strength and failure due to passive behavior and indulging in laziness. A person misses the opportunities given to him.

A fairy-tale house in a dream symbolizes an escape from reality into a fantasy world.

What actions took place in the dream

Looking for a house in a dream means problems that will take a long time to solve. Perhaps you will change your occupation or reconsider your relationship with someone close to you. For some time, the feeling of safety and protection will be lost. For people following the path of personal development, sleep means the beginning of the journey of finding themselves and their place in the world.

Selling a house in a dream. If you dreamed that you were selling a house, in reality you will find yourself in a situation that will force you to change your beliefs and behavior patterns. Perhaps there are some changes ahead - a move, a demotion, a divorce, financial difficulties.

Why do you dream about buying a house - a possible promotion in your career, acquiring new connections, starting a family. Your environment is now favorable to you and no one will create obstacles, or they will be insignificant. According to the dream book, buying a house in a dream can also mean losing a little by getting more; you shouldn’t worry too much about any difficulties, they are temporary.

Renovating a house in a dream means working on a relationship. External renovation, therefore, symbolizes establishing contacts with people from the outside. Internal – with loved ones and family. All grievances will pass and all wounds will heal if the repair is successful. Doing it alone means the need to work on relationships on your own. Helping others in a dream means the same thing in reality. When the dreamer asks for help, it means that he feels unable to solve problems on his own. The dream then suggests that this is not so, you should shift the focus to your own mistakes and correct them.

According to the dream book, building a house in a dream foreshadows development, growth, and actualization of creative potential. Creative work will bring great success in everything that is planned. The presence of assistants in a dream may be an indication of real help from these people.

Seeing the construction of a house in a dream is a sign of the need for professional or career growth.

If you dreamed of a dirty house, too much negativity has accumulated in your life, which you should urgently get rid of. Otherwise, difficulties will drag on, relationships will not improve or will completely fall apart. Cleaning the house in a dream means in reality you will free yourself from bad experiences, change your thinking, and cleanse your inner world of everything unnecessary.

Kicking people out of your home means rejecting your own personality. The waking dreamer is actively trying to get rid of some of his qualities that seem to be shortcomings. If you yourself were kicked out of the house, then this means fear and uncertainty, inability to control yourself. In reality, dreams with such plots always foreshadow difficulties in almost any area of ​​life due to one’s own hesitations, fears, and futile attempts to reshape one’s personality.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

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An old apartment in a broad sense means a person’s emotional state. The old place of residence can be associated with both good and negative memories. This is what we need to start from when deciphering this dream.

What if you dream about an old apartment?

If a person dreams of an old apartment, it means that in reality he is striving for some kind of change. These changes can be associated either directly with a change of place of residence, or indirectly: with a change of place of work, personal position, or spiritual state.

Be that as it may, a person is tired of his old life, and this dream is a kind of impetus into something new, unknown. How to change everything in your destiny depends only on the person himself. It is necessary, first of all, to understand what exactly is preventing him from doing this at the present time and not delay the choice.

After all, a successful resolution of cases can only be achieved now. Therefore, you should cast aside all doubts and throw out the “old trash” from your existence.

If in a dream an old apartment suits a person quite well, then in reality I will impose someone else’s opinion on him. In reality, he should try to defend his self, and stick to his priorities and life position, no matter what.

Another answer to the question of why you dream of an old apartment will be the following answer.

Perhaps in reality a person is not satisfied with his marital status. Thus, you should think about family relationships. We must try to bring bright emotions and positive moments into boring and uneventful everyday life.

A person should pay more attention to his partner if he does not want the relationship to come to naught. If he is really tired of everything, and he realizes that the choice made earlier is not successful and correct, then he should put an end to it and start life in a new way.

Such a dream is also an impetus for breaking off relationships; the main thing is to understand for yourself what really makes him happy and, conversely, what burdens his existence.

What does it portend?

If a person dreams of an abandoned, old apartment, it means that in reality he regrets the actions he has done in the past and is trying to return everything back. But the best solution for him would be to forget about everything and try to look into the future, rather than live in the echoes of the past.

After all, as they say: “The past cannot be returned,” and the future depends only on ourselves. Therefore, having let go of everything and drawing the appropriate conclusions, a person must try not to repeat these mistakes in the future.

A dream in which other people besides this person live in an old apartment indicates that in reality he is very tired of society. This individual should be alone and relax. We must try to be a hermit for some time and restore our vitality.

To be in someone else's old apartment in a dream means that betrayal awaits a person in love. Therefore, in reality you should be wary of your partner and not trust one hundred percent. To avoid cheating, you should talk about your relationship.

A dream about an old apartment can promise either a good or a bad state of affairs. But do not forget that this is just a warning, and the outcome of the situation depends on how the person behaves in the future. Therefore, we need to carefully analyze everything and choose the right path.

Dream interpretation old apartment

The house we live in is a fortress. It happens that for certain reasons we change it. But in dreams we often see ourselves as before, in the old home, before the move took place. Sleep can evoke a wide range of feelings, from relief to nostalgia. Why do you dream about an old apartment?

The message of a dream about an old place of residence

A dream about an old apartment in which you lived reflects your state of mind.

If you have positive emotions associated with the housing in which you previously lived, then the dream book considers the interpretation of the dream to be good. Negative memories - the dream will lead to negative consequences.

Seeing a former house in a dream - subconsciously crave change, a desire to move, change your field of activity, faith, habits.

If you dreamed of an old apartment

A house that you have left a long time ago, appearing in a dream, signals problems in family life. Try to diversify the dull everyday life, bring a holiday to life. There are two options:

  • you are tired and bored with your partner - take immediate action if you don’t want to lose him;
  • your partner is tired of you - in the case when you understand that you made the wrong choice, that the person next to you is not yours, feel free to put an end to it, now is the time to start life from scratch;
  • the third option is that your relationship has exhausted itself, by breaking it off you will open yourself up to something better.


It is important to remember what you did in your dream, in the house where you once lived. To see how you are doing repairs - you can soon change your job, or in your old place you will move up the career ladder. Looking into the dream book, you can see that the dream carries a message - new opportunities open up before you, but you need to make an effort. There is a saying: “No water flows under a lying stone.”

If a person does not make an effort, the omen will pass by, and there is no point in blaming the dream book.

Seeing the old apartment where you lived, in which you move or throw away furniture - soon something in life will change for the better. If this is a job, then you can expect a promotion or salary increase. If your personal life, then you may meet a loved one, and if you already have one, then he will present a pleasant surprise.

The dream book often associates old furniture with love relationships. Did you dream about dirty furniture? Take a close look at your partner; your relationship has cracked. Your loved one is faced with the choice of whether to stay with you or go on a solo voyage. Don't wait for his decision; if you care about him, show him that you are exactly what you need.

Seeing how you are renovating an old living space, changing wallpaper, buying curtains, appliances, or arranging furniture is a great sign. The dream book says that in reality you will learn something, master a new business, change your field of activity.

Making repairs after you have moved will bring something new and interesting into one of the areas of your life.

Someone else's, bought, gifted

If you rented out the house

If you dreamed about someone else’s apartment, you will regret the actions you take. It's better to think carefully before doing anything.

Renting a house is a positive change; you will soon find something new, a job, hobbies, and acquaintances.

Rent out - new acquaintances, flirting.

The dream book considers a dream in which a new home is being purchased to be positive. Buying a new house in a dream means changes for the better, possibly winning the lottery. But when in a dream you see yourself buying an apartment that is too large, and you don’t see all the details and don’t notice how much the furniture costs, you are too self-confident. This character trait can backfire on you.

Back to the past

It has already been mentioned that an important detail in the interpretation of sleep is your emotions and memories associated with how the move occurred. Once upon a time you lived in this apartment, where all the rooms, furniture, and windows were familiar to you. So why is she a stranger to you now? Under what circumstances did the move take place? Believe me, this is very important. After all, if you just moved and you still have the warmest feelings for your old home, then the dream will only promise favorable changes in your life.

But, if you had to buy a new house and move under tragic circumstances, then such a dream does not bode well.

If a stranger tries to break into your house, do not let him in! It is believed that in this way a certain demonic entity is trying to move in with you. Go to church, light candles and ask God for protection.

Battle of the sexes

The answer to the dream lies in who is dreaming the dream. The girl dreamed that she was in someone else’s old apartment - she would soon meet her betrothed. For a woman, a suitor or lover is expected.

The same dream for a man means an affair on the side.

To meet the betrothed

Interestingly, if this apartment is not well-kept, the furniture is dirty, expect trouble. The husband will not be the nicest person, the admirer will turn out to be a scoundrel, and the affair will result in big trouble.

If a woman in a dream is kicked out of the house, then, oddly enough, this is a good sign. Soon she will receive a long-awaited gift.

For a bride, a dream about an old home predicts a short life with her future husband.


The dream book sometimes gives an interpretation even to such a phenomenon as paying for utilities. The dream predicts a quarrel with a close friend. Receiving rent from a tenant means a trip to the places where you spent your childhood.

In a dream, in the apartment where you lived, you can clearly smell dampness and mustiness - listen to the older generation, their advice will be very useful for you.

A dream where the apartment is dirty, dilapidated, falling apart - you are too zealous. Slow down, otherwise you'll get yourself into trouble.

If the apartment you lived in is cozy and clean, get ready for a feast with long-awaited guests.

You dream about your current apartment, dirty and unkempt; someone is not treating you sincerely, flattering you.

Most importantly, dreams are only a warning, not an inevitability. Stay positive and take action, and everything will be fine!

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