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Excess weight: how to fight it with diets. Fighting excess weight with folk remedies. What's wrong with being overweight?

The BRAIN does not allow a person to lose excess weight and avoid regaining lost kilograms.

The creation of images most often occurs through self-suggestion. The brighter and more emotional the image, the more reliably it will be recorded in the subconscious (in scientific language it sounds like “excite the dominant”). And then this image (“excited dominant”) will do everything to come true. The subconscious will work for you, even when you are sleeping, when you are eating or riding on the bus. The dominant is that something most important is highlighted in the brain, the most important reaction of the current moment, and everything secondary is inhibited and ignored.

The dominant is (like everything that concerns the subconscious) another manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation and also helped our distant ancestors to survive in conditions wildlife. The principle of dominance does not allow the existence of many equal centers of excitation in the brain; it transfers all the energy of the brain to perform only the most important task at the moment.

The dominant allows you to concentrate on one thing, suppressing and ignoring everything else. If you have a strong desire to eat, then you will only think about food. But if at this moment a fire suddenly starts, the center of excitement will move and you will forget about food, and you will run as hard as you can, taking your feet away from the fire.

Moreover, the dominant focus of excitation not only suppresses other centers, but also takes away their energy. Roughly speaking, the more you wanted to eat before, the more you will now run from the fire.

But if an animal has not so many dominants (i.e. needs) - to feed itself, to avoid danger, to mate, then a human has just an insane amount of needs. There are physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sexual desire, the need for warmth, light), and the need for safety, and the need for love (to be in a group, not to feel loneliness), and the need for respect, and the need to explore (craving for knowledge ), aesthetic needs (craving for beauty and order), the need for self-realization, etc.

Each of these biological, social, spiritual, etc. needs can become a dominant need, and our task is to make sure that the dominant does not arise on its own under the influence of some external factors, but arises according to our desire.

Dominant in the fight against excess weight

That is why, in order for the brain to allocate its resources to solving the problem of losing weight, then our FIRST and MAIN task is to awaken the dominant force in the fight against overweight.

With this action we will bring all the capabilities of the brain to our side! We will force the subconscious to work on this task, and at every step it will look for and find solutions.

How we configure our subconscious (with the help of emotional images), that’s how it will work, that’s what it will achieve.

But look at how we act now. Suppose that you want to be slim and beautiful, but if an emotionally charged image of yourself as fat has taken root in your subconscious, or if you do not believe that losing weight is even possible, then there is no doubt that in this case nothing will come of losing weight.

The desires of consciousness (mind) are nothing compared to the ancient power of the subconscious, and in in this case you did not want to win this power over to your side.

To avoid this, you need to create a bright, emotionally charged image for yourself. In our case, the main goal of creating an image is to see yourself thinner, to see how the fat has disappeared from your body.

Start with the statement: “I am losing fat every second.” Then imagine the fat draining like water from your body. How it melts like snow under the rays of the sun. It evaporates like water on glass on a hot day.

This image of fat draining from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases 3 times.

If your imagination is well developed, then you can go further. Imagine that fat is gradually evaporating from your body, and now your body has reached the condition you need! It's lost weight! Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself as slim and beautiful (you will delight yourself).

Next, imagine as clearly as possible: you are slim and beautiful, you get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, douse yourself with water. Here you are walking down the street and people look at you, see your reflection in the window and smile at it. So you come to work, the employees compliment you, congratulate you, and start asking you how you did it. You meet an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, at first he does not recognize you and exclaims: “God, this cannot be! How did you lose weight!”, “It’s a miracle!” You feel proud and confident from the changes that have occurred.

It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future.

You need to evoke the desired image for 10-30 minutes a day (you can do it 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use the time of traveling in the subway, minibuses, taking a shower, etc. for this. There are many opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day. It is highly advisable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day.

Your brain is stopping you from losing weight!

Newsweek magazine (No. 56, 2005) published research by British scientists from the universities of Newcastle and Edinburgh on the problems excess weight. Experts set out to understand why people on diets initially lose weight, but, as a rule, after some time the lost kilograms return.

Over the course of several years, numerous studies have been conducted on thousands of people wanting to lose weight. As a result, a clear conclusion was made: the BRAIN (subconscious mind) does not allow a person to lose excess weight and avoid regaining lost kilograms. As soon as a person gains excess weight, the brain “reprograms”, gets used to its new image and begins to perceive extra pounds as the norm!

All attempts to lose weight are interpreted by our brain, accustomed to excess weight, as a threat to the very survival of the body, so the brain automatically slows down the metabolism. And after a while, no matter what a person does, the lost kilograms return.

Those. serious problem the fact that, even having lost weight, a person, as a rule, still perceives himself as fat, sees himself as fat in the future and considers this the norm.

So, after many years of research, scientists made a discovery: you can lose weight and, most importantly, ensure that the lost kilograms never return again, in the following way - you need to introduce a new optimal weight norm into your brain, which controls the human body, and imprint an image into your brain ideal self.

If this is achieved, then you can lose weight without even changing your lifestyle, without changing your eating habits. The body itself will gradually change its metabolic rate and bring its weight into line with the new optimal norm. Simply because now the brain will perceive extra pounds as a threat to the very survival of the body.

Once again I repeat this most important point - you need to drag the subconscious to your side at any cost, make it see you in the future as slim, thin and young. Scientifically speaking, you need to stimulate the weight loss dominant.

If you can't get the images, there is an easier option.

In my sports practice there was such a case. A young 16-year-old boy had a congenital heart defect. He was a smart, kind, well-read guy, won regional olympiads in mathematics and chemistry among schoolchildren. But due to a heart defect, he never played sports. Physically, he looked like a dystrophic person, wore glasses with thick lenses, girls avoided him, and he was very worried about this.

And at some point he got tired of it. He placed a photograph of the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of the table mirror and began to engage in imagery every day, strictly for 30 minutes a day.

He looked at the photograph of the muscular Schwarzenegger, then at himself in the mirror, and tried his best to imagine this powerful body in himself. Within six months he looked completely different. He did not become, of course, a bodybuilder, but he also ceased to be dystrophic. Now he was a fit young man with fairly strong and voluminous muscles.

To be honest, this incident amazed me then, because the guy really couldn’t play sports, but he was able to change his figure solely through figurative ideas. The power of the subconscious is truly limitless!

“And about the imaginary desired figure. I also read this in your newsletter. I found a photo of one super-model, cut it out and glued my face to it, and every day I looked at myself in this form for a very long time, carefully examining and admiring my new body.

And finally, I could close my eyes and see myself very clearly, in color, with all the details. But, I must admit, this did not happen right away; quite a lot of time has passed since the release of your newsletter.

But then, OH, MIRACLE! My stomach began to melt by leaps and bounds! But really, it wasn't too big, but I wanted to make it FLAT! And this despite the fact that I didn’t change ANYTHING, neither in nutrition nor in physical education. I really didn’t lose weight (I didn’t have such a goal), I just wanted my stomach to become flat, and it did! Without special effort." (Valentina D.)

Yes, the power of the subconscious is truly limitless!

I must warn you right away - The most important thing here is practice. At first, the brain is reluctant to respond to a new task - vivid scenes, ideas, and images are difficult to draw. Don't worry - this is normal. Just keep practicing, and very soon everything will turn out beautiful and bright. Such figurative representations are very effective and have long been used by athletes.

American psychologist Alan Richardson conducted such an experiment.

He divided the student basketball team into three groups in order to find out the best way to practice serves. The first group trained as usual, the second (control) did not train at all, the third also did not go to the gym, but were engaged in a mental representation of the training. A check-up a month later surprised many - there was no improvement in the second group, but both the first and third groups showed the same improvement in results - by 20%.

Sambo is a very traumatic sport, and our sambo wrestlers have accumulated considerable experience in quickly recovering from the most serious injuries.

Kharlampiev usually recommended that for a speedy recovery, mentally work on the injured leg as often and as intensively as possible. He also recommended lying down with your eyes closed and mentally working out your throws in every detail. This turned out to be so effective that sometimes an athlete, forced to stop training due to injury, later, when starting training, surprised everyone with new techniques.

Of course, this is not for the lazy; it is very difficult to mentally work in such a way as to sweat. But the healing of injuries is incomparably faster than with passive lying and sports results practically do not decrease.

Just as water takes the form of a vessel, so the subconscious will create our lives depending on the images (dominants) that we put into it every day.

This is similar to dropping one drop of red paint into a jar of water. At first you do not notice any effect - the color of the water does not change. But gradually, as you continue to drip day after day, you see that the water turns pink and then red.

We must take care of the contents of our subconscious and cleanse it of harmful and negative ideas much more thoroughly than, for example, brushing our teeth. If some restless and limiting image gets into it, then it will begin to act according to this image - we will experience fears and uncertainty.

Clean up this idea, with the help of an emotional image, arouse a new dominant and all the uncertainty will disappear as if by hand. published .

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Doctor Philip Kuzmenko – therapist,
nutritionist, cardiologist, scientific
employee of the department of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Dr. Phil is the host of a popular YouTube blog. This is a blog “for those who want to live longer”, it is read and viewed by hundreds of thousands of users, because Dr. Phil gives very useful tips. Today's conversation is about how to cope with excess weight.

How to lose excess weight?

First you need to understand whether you are overweight (maybe everything is fine anyway). There are two simple methods for self-diagnosis.

Body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by the formula weight (kg) divided by height (m2), from 18.5 to 24.9 is considered a conditional norm. Anything lower is underweight, and anything higher is overweight. Moreover, above 30 is already considered obesity of the first degree.

It's time to think about losing weight if your waist size is more than 100 centimeters (for men) and 88 centimeters (for women). This dramatically increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

And if my BMI and waist size are slightly higher than normal, but overall I’m happy with everything, is it worth losing weight?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. According to some studies, people who have a slight excess body weight (BMI) - 25-30 - live longer, according to others - those who have a BMI from 22.5 to 25. In general, we can conclude: people have longer life expectancy , whose BMI does not exceed 30.

It looks like I'm overweight. So where to start?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that quick results(in 1-2 days) you will not achieve. You didn’t gain excess weight in a couple of days; it took months or even years to grow a round belly. Also, don't try to find some secret pill - weight loss will involve certain changes in your lifestyle (but this is rather good).

Maybe the problem is genetics?

Weight gain is solely due to the fact that you consume more energy through food than you expend. Genetics, predisposition or “my friend eats everything and doesn’t get fat” are misconceptions. And the sooner you get rid of these illusions, the faster you will begin moving towards your ideal figure.

So I'm fat just because I eat too much?

In general, yes, but it's not entirely your fault. From an evolutionary perspective, fat people are more likely to survive. The thing is that Homo sapiens appeared on the planet only about 250 thousand years ago, at a time when there was a monstrous shortage of food. A hunter who went in search of prey could not only be left with nothing, but sometimes he himself became prey. Therefore, our brain is configured in such a way that when we see food, we immediately send impulses to eat it and store it as fat - what if there is nothing to eat tomorrow? That's when supplies will come in handy.

Even our taste buds are designed to recognize the most fatty and high-calorie foods - they seem tastier to us. This used to be a very important adaptation for survival, but after the Green Revolution (the period from the 1940s to the 1970s, when modern methods of growing food on an industrial scale appeared), high-calorie and easily accessible food became too much, leading to an epidemic of obesity. According to WHO, approximately 39 percent of the world's population is overweight.

Do you need to “eat less” and “move more”?

Not really. The fact is that when a person wants to lose weight, he really eats right, visits regularly gym, and the kilograms begin to melt away. But according to research, up to 60 percent of everyone who loses weight returns to their previous weight or gains even more within two years.

Because weight gain is formed mainly due to your usual lifestyle, which needs to be changed first, but this must be done gradually.

When you go to the gym every day and severely limit yourself, it's like you're running a sprint - fast, efficient, but for a short distance. To lose weight and maintain results, jogging is best suited (by the way, not only figuratively) - although not so fast, not so effective, but you can run for a very long time.

So what to do?

It is enough to follow a few simple rules so that excess weight begins to go away.

Motivation. You need to understand: do you even want to lose weight? It is important that this is your desire, and not someone else’s (mother, husband, friend). If you are satisfied with everything about yourself, most likely you will not be able to lose weight. It is important to set a realistic goal and set a deadline (preferably one or two weeks). For example, in two weeks I will lose two kilograms (by the way, this is an excellent result, imagine a whole two-liter bottle of water “coming out” of you). Or this: in one month I will be able to fit into my favorite dress in size S.

Favorable atmosphere. If you decide to lose weight during a difficult period of work or another difficult period in life, you are unlikely to succeed. Because losing weight is a long process (one to three months), and all this time you will have to keep yourself within certain limits. And this is very difficult if something unpleasant happens. Try to avoid stress.

Diet. Normally, our daily diet is the sum of calories spent on basal metabolism and physical activity. Basal metabolic rate (BM) is the energy that is expended to maintain normal functioning. internal organs. The easiest way is to multiply your weight by 22 - as a result you will get an approximate OO.

Then you need to multiply this figure by the physical activity coefficient (PA). CF for sedentary work – 1.2; if you go to the gym 2-3 times a week, then your EF is 1.5; and if, in addition to the gym, your profession involves heavy physical work - 1.7. Of course, all this is conditional.

Menu. It doesn’t matter what you eat, the main thing is to eat it in moderation. It is recommended to maintain the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). It’s good if in your diet they are in the ratio 5:3:2 - 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, 20% fats. If you want to lose weight a little faster, you can increase this ratio in favor of proteins - 45% carbohydrates, 35% proteins, 20% fats.

Prohibitions. It is worth limiting foods with a high glycemic index. They are absorbed into the blood very quickly, and the body receives a huge amount of energy that it does not have time to use. This means that energy has nowhere else to go except to be deposited in adipose tissue.

Sport. Cardio exercise is best for weight loss. They are of medium intensity (60-85% of your maximum heart rate) and quite long (from 25 minutes). Your maximum heart rate can be easily calculated using the formula: 220 minus your age. For example, 220 – 30 = 190. 70% of 190 is 133. It turns out that for an effective workout you need to do something (jogging, fast walking) so that your heart rate is at least 130 beats per minute, and at the same time exercise at least 25-30 minutes. Such training can be done daily. By the way, to lose weight, just walking 40-60 minutes every day is enough.

Portioning. Often overweight people add food to themselves after finishing lunch. Immediately put a certain portion on your plate, and put the food container in the refrigerator.

Scales. Anyone who is overweight usually puts more on their plate than they need (though they don't think so). Train yourself to weigh your portions. Buy a kitchen scale. Or this: a portion of something is your fist. If you have chicken and vegetables for lunch, put each in a fistful.

Feeling full. It doesn't come right away. People who are obese often have a defect in the saturation center; it works later than in others. That is, you feel hungry longer, and satiety, on the contrary, is delayed.

Carrot and stick. It is very important to reward yourself for success (but not with food!). Search alternative sources get the joy hormone dopamine: go to the cinema, buy a new dress, spend time with the children. In general, learn to enjoy life without a bucket of ice cream.

LLC "TN-STOLITSA" (especially for "ZN"), photo

Which woman does not dream of an ideal figure? Standards in different eras perfect figure were different. Thus, during excavations in Austria, they found a firuka of Venus from Willendorf, the age of which was determined to be 20 thousand years BC. The figure of this woman is very far from the idea of ​​an ideal figure in the modern concept: she had huge breasts, hips and a stomach.

During times Ancient Egypt and Rome, the standard of femininity and beauty was considered to be sizes close to our modern ones. And this can be understood by looking at the sculptures and images of Aphrodite of Knidos, Nefertiti, Cleopatra. But later, during the Middle Ages, about standards female beauty completely forgotten. These times were considered “dark”; culture was dying out. The religions that existed at that time, including Christianity, did not welcome external beauty. It was only in the 13th century that attention was again paid to female beauty; in those days it was considered beautiful women small in stature, with small breasts and a fragile build.

Another century passed and the Renaissance began. And at this time, plump women again became the standard of female beauty. You will notice this if you look at the paintings painted by artists of this era. In their paintings you will not notice a single thin woman.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, women with boyish shapes, thin, with small breasts became the standard of beauty. And this fashion has survived to this day. Now any girl, and women too, at all costs, try to bring their figure to 90-60-90. This is good because excess weight has always been and is the enemy of health. But everything is good in moderation, being very thin is bad, and obesity will not improve our health.

Today we will talk about obesity how it affects our health and whether we need to fight it overweight and how to do it?

Obesity is a condition in which an increase in body weight occurs due to the deposition of adipose tissue on the hips, abdomen, and mammary glands. A body mass index table, which can be found from an endocrinologist or even on the Internet, will help you find out whether you are obese.

Adipose tissue is not normally a simple fat depot. It has high metabolic activity. It continuously undergoes intensive metabolic processes, such as the synthesis and hydrolysis of lipids: the synthesis of fatty acids, including from carbohydrates, their esterification into triglycerides or neutral fat, its deposition and breakdown to form fatty acids, and the use of the latter for energy purposes. U healthy person the processes of lipogenesis and lipolysis are balanced.

There are 4 stages of obesity:

  • Stage 1 - excess weight up to 20%,
  • Stage 2 - excess weight from 20 to 50%,
  • Stage 3 - excess weight from 50 to 100%,
  • Stage 4 - excess weight more than 100%.

Causes of obesity

The causes of obesity can be systematic overeating, excessive and late dinners, a sedentary lifestyle, the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet, metabolic disorders, and lack of sleep.

Obesity can also be caused by:

  • diseases of the endocrine system: hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), hypogonadism (a disease caused by a deficiency of androgen hormones in the body);
  • a tendency to stress, which results in a psychological eating disorder; a person tries to eat away any stress.

Everything would be fine, but the most unpleasant thing is that increased weight and obesity can cause complications. The most common are atherosclerosis and hypertension, which have recently become frequent companions of obese people and, as a result, such people have a high risk of developing such serious complications as stroke or myocardial infarction.

Increased weight often leads to diabetes mellitus Type 2, cholecystitis and stone formation gallbladder, pancreatitis, fatty liver degeneration, cancer. Obesity contributes to disruption of water-salt metabolism, resulting in complications such as deforming osteoarthritis, herniated intervertebral discs, and gout.

Recently, people with terminal obesity have been shown on television in various talk shows. But what brought them to this state? First of all, low physical activity and eating disorders. If you are overweight, it is usually very difficult to exercise physical activity, thereby further aggravating your condition and causing even greater fat deposition.

How to reduce your weight

  1. The most important thing is to get up from your chair or sofa. Literally and do anything physical exercise or work. To become Aphrodite, you need constant physical activity. This can be any housework. I recommend, for example, that you wash the floor the same way you did when there were no vacuum cleaners, bending over and holding a rag in your hand. No one canceled walks in the fresh air, running, swimming, fitness classes, and dancing. The most important thing is to move as much as possible.
  2. Be moderate in your eating, try to eat every 3 hours, this dulls the feeling of hunger, eat more protein foods. Limit your intake of flour and sweet foods - they inhibit the breakdown of fats. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, wheat bran, sprouted cereal seeds, etc.) Do not give up bitterness and spices, they regulate fat metabolism (mustard, coriander, horseradish, ribeye, spicy pepper). But at the same time, try to limit salt to 2 grams per day and do not forget to drink plain unboiled water up to 2-2.5 liters per day. To somehow reduce the feeling of hunger, drink water half an hour before meals, this way you will deceive your stomach and eat less food.
  3. Gradually reduce the calorie content of meals to 1100-1400 kcal per day. This can be achieved not only by consuming low-calorie foods. You can allocate a small plate and spoon for yourself. A small plate holds less food, but with a small spoon you will eat longer and feel fuller faster. It has been proven that no matter how much food is put on a plate, in most cases the entire portion is always eaten.
  4. Salt baths (2 grams of salt per bath), sea, and mustard baths help normalize weight.
  5. There are plants that improve metabolism and promote weight loss: barberry, dandelion, cucumber, tansy, burdock, lingonberry leaves, celandine.

You can make the following collection: take 20 grams of corn silk, dandelion leaves, yarrow herb, sage, mint, chicory root or herb, buckthorn bark, parsley fruits, mix everything. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.


There are several biologically active points on the human body, massaging which can dull the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. Try massaging the following points:

- At the junction of the earlobe and the jaw.

— If you place your index and middle fingers at the top of the lower jaw near the ears, then when you open and close your mouth, you will feel the place where the jaw moves under your fingers, grab a little area of ​​skin that protrudes into the inner part of the ear, just above its lobe and massage within 3 minutes.

- Massage the point located between the upper lip and nose. Place your thumb under your upper lip and your index finger outside.

- Find the most voluminous part of the lower leg and massage it.

In his book Zone Therapy, author Joseph Corvo recommends massaging the fleshy (thickest) part of the palm to reduce appetite and control your weight. In addition, this massage promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland and normalization of metabolism. Massage this area for 3 minutes, then gradually move up to the wrist, thereby further stimulating the pancreas, allowing you to regulate insulin production and normalize its level.

Follow these simple tips. And then, without any diets, you will know how to deal with your excess weight or obesity. And in conclusion, for those who want to lose at least a little weight, watch and do exercises with Laysan Utyasheva.

With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

Researchers divided overweight people into several groups based on certain characteristics and developed a special diet for each. Which group do you belong to?

It is very important to know what exactly a person losing weight has to fight with. Someone will say - with an excellent appetite and lack of willpower. No, scientists say, it’s not that simple. Most often, the path to slimness is hampered by complex individual chemical processes occurring in the body. Let's look at it in detail...

Group No. 1

When food enters the intestines, hormones are released, primarily insulin. At a certain point they give a signal of saturation. There are people who do not have enough of these hormones, especially glucocorticoid peptide 1. Due to its deficiency, the signal of saturation is much weaker. Therefore, it is difficult for such people to stop on time for a meal. The lack of gastrointestinal hormones affects the sense of proportion and the usual portion becomes small. As a result, a person eats more than his body needs.

Group No. 2

It has long been proven that a person’s psychological characteristics greatly influence his cravings for food. So, more excitable people eat more often and calm and balanced people eat more. Why is this happening? During times of stress, the hormone cortisol is produced, which is supposed to calm the body. When cortisol is released, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down more rapidly. The brain tries to compensate for the damage not with protein foods, but with fatty and sweet foods - that is, the most quickly available fuel. Of course, everyone consoles themselves after stress in their own way: for some it’s strong drinks, for example, jogging, for others, but for most it’s delicious food. Considering that stress follows us at almost every step - an unforeseen situation on the road, worries at work, at home - by the evening we are ready to eat everything and forgive ourselves for it, because the formula “eat and calm down” sits firmly in our heads and works perfectly .

Group No. 3

Scientists called the third group of people insatiable. They are always hungry and never deny themselves a snack. It turns out that there are genes responsible for this behavior. For most people, when there is enough fat in the body, a signal is sent to the brain that food is not needed. However, it has been proven that there are people in whom a certain gene blocks this signal. A person receives a command that he needs to constantly replenish supplies. The consequences of this are clear...

Everyone has a way out of this situation, researchers say, so no one should despair.

The first group requires a diet that includes foods with a low glycemic index, as well as protein products, which give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Their diet should consist of fish, chicken, bulgur, lentils, brown rice, beans, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, sweet peppers, and cabbage.

The logic is simple - there is no need to be afraid of large amounts of food if it is prepared from foods with a low glycemic index. For example, cucumbers - 10 calories per 100 grams. You don’t have to limit yourself in their quantity, or in the amount of cabbage, for example. This will not cause you to gain weight. The main thing is no potatoes or bread. The stomach can handle them quickly. Researchers observed how two dishes of equal calorie content were digested: one with the “correct”, so to speak, food, the other with the “wrong” food. When people in the first group ate the “correct” dish, their levels of glucocorticoid peptide 1, which they are deficient in, rose and kept them full for three hours, while the “wrong” dish was “forgotten” after 30-40 minutes.

Researchers have made interesting conclusions about those who eat on emotions. They certainly need a low-calorie diet, but this is not the key to success. Like no one else, emotional ones need like-minded people, a support group. Let it be an online diary or communication, the main thing is to enlist someone’s support, so that at the moment when you want to break down, someone will back you up. When emotions are overwhelming, a kind word calms them down just like delicious food - that's the secret. Motivation and an image of the ultimate goal are also important for them. It is also advisable to take courses to combat anxiety.

The most incredible way out of the situation was offered by researchers to people belonging to the third group. Five days a week they can eat as they ate before, and two days only 800 calories per day, which will contain proteins (lean meat, eggs) and greens. No carbs. In response to a sharp decrease in caloric intake, the body will begin to burn fat, and over time, the eating behavior of such people will change.

“Heredity is to blame for my obesity,” said the heroine of a Soviet feature film, and there is truth in her words. After the results of scientific research described above, it becomes obvious that such a justification for completeness has a right to exist.