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Chemical and folk remedies for combating leaf rollers on apple trees. Effective methods and means of combating leaf rollers Treatment of fruit trees against leaf rollers

Belongs to the butterfly family. The wingspan of the insect reaches 2.5 cm. The body of an adult is quite thick. On the light brown wings, when folded, you can see a dark brown triangular pattern.

It is the caterpillars that cause the main damage. They twist the leaves and wrap them in webs. If you touch a caterpillar, it will slip out of the leaf and hang on its web.

Leaf rollers, which significantly reduce the yield of fruit trees, belong to the genus “codling moth”. Among them: apple, plum, pear, bunch, oak, oriental, rose.

Here are several ways to deal with leaf rollers.

Prevention of occurrence

First of all, it is necessary to apply agrotechnical methods in a timely manner. Namely: regularly water, weed, fertilize and pruning. It is important to maintain a balance of fertilizers and moisture in the soil, because their lack or excess can be harmful. It is also necessary to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds from the area around the trunk.

To prevent the spread of the pest along the perimeter of the site, in the spring it is necessary to remove dead sections of bark and treat the trunks with lime milk and copper sulfate. You also need to immediately remove fallen leaves and fruits, especially if a leaf roller has already settled on them.

We use insecticides

In addition to agricultural methods, you can use special insecticidal preparations against leaf rollers on trees. This treatment should be started in the spring, when the air temperature is above 10 degrees. At low temperatures the pest will crawl under the bark of the trees, and treatment will be useless.

The drug “Decis” is used for spraying. If the question arises of how to treat trees against leaf rollers after flowering and before, then “Decis” is also suitable. You can also use Kinmiks.

During fruit ripening, it is necessary to treat with one of such preparations as Iskra, Karbofos, Tsitkor, Decis. Then the treatments stop, and you just need to remove fallen leaves, pick off infected leaves, and place traps.

When the leaves fall, you should remove the leaves, loosen the soil around the trunk and treat the trees and soil with copper sulfate.

If the pest has already appeared

In case of mass infection, special insecticidal agents are very effective. For example, “Alatar”, “”, “Dursban”, “Atom”, “Landing” and others.

If a small number of insects are found, you can do without chemicals. Moreover, there are simple and harmless folk remedies for treating fruit trees.

For example, you can use wormwood. You need to add 800 g of dry wormwood to a bucket of water. After a couple of days, boil the infusion over low heat for 30 minutes. After cooling, the infusion must be strained, brought to a volume of 10 liters and before use add the same amount of water.

You can also use tobacco infusion. To prepare it, 500 g of tobacco powder is added to 10 liters of hot water. After two days, the strained infusion must be diluted with water by half.

Ordinary soap will also help in the fight against insects. For 10 liters of solution you will need 50 g of crushed laundry or tar soap. You can use liquid.

Even potato tops can be useful against the pest. Add 4 kg of fresh finely chopped tops to 10 liters of warm water. After 4 hours, add 40 g of soap to the strained infusion.

Treatment with the above solutions must be carried out before and after flowering.

Thus, timely prevention and application of the necessary measures to combat the leaf roller will allow the trees to be healthy and enjoy a rich harvest.

The most common method of fighting, which is used primarily, is mechanical. It involves removing insects by manually throwing them off. Affected foliage is cut off and burned, as pests or eggs may remain inside the leaves. However, if the plant is already severely damaged, this method will not work.

Biological methods

This is getting rid of the leaf roller pest using the food chain. Insects have enemies, and these include birds. Feeders with seeds hung around the garden will help attract a whole army of salvation, which will do an excellent job of ridding the garden of harmful insects.

Fighting Leafworms

Important! You should not pour a lot of food into the feeders, since well-fed birds are poor hunters of caterpillars and larvae.


If none of the above methods helped get rid of leaf rollers, you need to resort to the help of insecticides. They are divided into 2 groups:

  • contact (destroy insects only in direct contact with the pest);
  • systemic (penetrate the treated plants and destroy insects. They usually contain substances with a high degree of toxicity).

Destruction with chemicals is considered an effective, but extremely aggressive method. During processing, substances can penetrate into the pulp of the fruit, and then into the human body. For this reason, you should resort to this method of treatment only in extreme cases, strictly adhering to the instructions. Of all the insecticides, gardeners distinguish Alatar, Karbofos, Atom, Actellik. Biologically active drugs - Lepidocide and Dendrobazzelin - also cope well.

Important! Carefully read the instructions on back side packaging, since the effectiveness of some insecticides directly depends on air temperature and climatic conditions.

What to do if leaves curl on fruit trees

If the leaves on fruit trees curl, then the plant is definitely not healthy. First, it is worth conducting an examination to identify the cause of the disease. The presence of pests is not the only problem that can cause foliage damage. If upon inspection no larvae or other insects were found on the visible surface, you need to pay attention to the general dynamics of the plant’s condition.

Folk remedies against leaf roller

Gardening has been around for centuries, but chemicals and insecticides are relatively new. How did the ancestors maintain healthy trees, juicy and ripe fruits, which were often the main source of vitamins? For a long time, folk remedies were the only weapon against harmful insects. Their advantages are that they use raw materials that can be found in any home. Besides folk recipes They act quite gently and do not harm the fruits. Through trial and error, the most effective remedies for leafworm on fruit and fruit trees have come down to this day:

  • Wormwood tincture. For infusion, the leaves of wormwood are cut and dried during the flowering period. About 200 g of the plant is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused in dark place 3 days. Afterwards, the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and the affected, curled leaves are sprayed. Wormwood has a bitter, specific smell that repels not only leaf rollers, but also other insects. Marigold inflorescences also have the same properties, which should be grown in close proximity to fruit crops.
  • Infusion from potato tops. The most common and easiest way. To prepare it, finely chop 2 kg of tops and add 5 liters of boiled water. After the infusion has cooled, add 20 g of liquid soap or other foaming component. The solution can be treated with fruits and leaves using a spray bottle or dishwashing sponge.
  • Tobacco infusion. This method is the harshest and even toxic. Half a kilogram of shag is poured into 10 liters of boiling water, left for 2 days, then carefully filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. The finished solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, where the second indicator is the amount of water. For greater effect, you can add a bar of grated soap; it will help clean the infected areas of the plant. It is not recommended to treat ripening fruits with tobacco solution.


The most reliable method of pest control is to prevent their occurrence. Periodic prevention ensures good health of fruit trees and shrubs. Since the leaf roller attacks weakened plants, you need to pay special attention to them. general condition. To maintain immunity, you need to promptly water, weed, fertilize and trim leaves that begin to curl. With the onset of autumn, the stem part also requires attention. The old bark must be torn off and burned so that all the bugs in it do not survive until the next flowering season. It is important to follow these rules for each property on garden plot, as harmful insects and fungi quickly spread throughout the area. In addition to mechanical effects, there are also chemical methods of prevention:

  • iron sulfate enriches fruit crops with microelements necessary for health;
  • profelactin - a product from a specialized store for treatment during a particularly vulnerable period of bud break;
  • lepidocide is a biologically active substance that is suitable not only for pest control, but also for prevention.

A healthy, blooming garden is the goal and pride of every gardener. By following preventive measures, you can avoid any attacks by harmful insects, fungal infections and viral infections.

>Apple leaf roller pests, methods and methods of control

How to get rid of leaf rollers on fruit trees: remedies and preparations

Before getting rid of leaf rollers on fruit trees, it is important to identify the type of insect and choose the necessary measures to deal with it.

The most common species on apple trees is the fruit budworm Archips variegana Schiff. (syn.Argyroploce variegana Hb.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 17-21 mm, the front wings are brownish-brown or dark gray, light in the upper part and have several dark spots, the hind wings are plain, dark gray. Caterpillar up to 20 mm long, gray-green in color. The head, legs, pectoral and anal scutes and warts throughout the body are black. The pupa is dark olive, turning black-brown before the butterfly emerges.

Older caterpillars overwinter in cobweb cocoons under dry leaves and in crevices of the bark. Therefore, the remedy for leaf roller on fruit trees should be started immediately after the snow cover melts.

In the spring, the caterpillars emerge from their cocoons and feed on the opening buds, which turn brown and fall off. Later, the caterpillars twist up the ends of the leaves and fasten them with cobwebs into a lump together with the inflorescence, in which they feed. Often caterpillars feed on leaves without holding them together with webs. Having finished feeding, at the end of May-June the caterpillars pupate between two intact leaves pulled together by a web. After 9-15 days the butterfly flies out.

After feeding on nectar and fertilization, females lay up to 100 eggs, placing them one at a time on leaves and fruits. After 8-12 days, the caterpillars hatch and feed until autumn, skeletonizing leaves and fruits. The leaf roller is polyphagous, damaging all fruit trees, many deciduous trees and berry bushes.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of all trees and shrubs during bud break with a preparation against leaf roller on fruit trees: fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos) are more often used. Collection and destruction of caterpillars and pupae in curled leaves, collection of carrion with leaf roller caterpillars.

Multi-colored fruit leaf roller Acleris variegana Den. et Schiff. - a butterfly with a wingspan of 18-24 mm. The caterpillar is 16-18 mm long, gray-green, the anal shield is yellow-brown, the head and occipital shield are black. Caterpillars cause damage in April-May, feeding on buds and young leaves, which are often bundled together in a web.

Control measures are the same as against the fruit leaf roller.

Look at this leaf roller caterpillar in the photo, which illustrates its distinctive features.

The lunate leaf roller, or selenium leaf roller Ancylis selenana Gn., is the smallest of the leaf rollers, its wingspan is 10-12 mm. The fore wings are brownish-brown with a yellowish-white oval spot along the outer edge, the hind wings are dark gray with a yellow fringe.

How to deal with leaf rollers on trees in your garden depends on the degree of crown density. If the tree is in a neglected state, you need to thin out the skeletal branches. Younger caterpillars are yellow-green, with translucent intestines. At an older age, the color of the caterpillars is lemon yellow, there are warts with light hairs on the body, the body length is 9-10 mm. The head and anal scute are light brown, the pectoral scute is pale with dark spots, the legs are yellow.

The pupa is pale yellow, 6-7 mm long, and has 8 yellow hooks at the end of the abdomen. Older caterpillars overwinter in fallen leaves; in early spring, they pupate there in the leaves or in crevices of the bark, and after 9-12 days the butterflies emerge. Mass flight is observed in May. Females lay eggs on the upper side of the leaves one at a time or in 3-5 pieces, the fertility of each is up to 70 eggs. The hatched caterpillars skeletonize the leaves, gnawing out sections of the pulp.

Feeding continues for 18-20 days, after which the caterpillars pupate between the glued leaves on which they fed. In July, the second generation of butterflies begins to emerge; the mass flight occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. The hatched caterpillars feed until late autumn, and with the onset of frost they enter a state of diapause and overwinter between fallen leaves glued together with cobwebs.

Caterpillars of the second generation skeletonize the leaves and damage the fruits, gnawing deep holes in them, and glue the leaves to the fruits with a web. Fruit rot develops in areas of damage. The leaf roller damages all fruit and many berry crops.

Control measures. Spraying all fruit trees and shrubs two weeks after the end of apple tree flowering with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos, etc.). Collecting and burning fallen leaves in autumn or spring.

Means for combating leaf rollers in the garden

The fight against leaf rollers in the garden must continue constantly. This insect is capable of feeding on many crops. But most often it affects the apple tree. It also harms flowers: roses, peonies, lilies, etc. When choosing means to combat the leaf roller, take into account its variety and choose the safest drugs for the garden and effective against the pest. The roseate leaf roller and the variegated golden leaf roller are often found in the garden; they cause significant damage to berry and fruit crops.

The rose leaf roller Tortix rosana L. (syn. Archips rosana L., Cacoecia rosana L.) is a butterfly with a wingspan of 18-22 mm in females and 14-19 mm in males. The forewings are ocher-golden or dark brown with narrow wavy stripes and several spots, the hind wings are light brown with a pinkish tint at the base. The caterpillars are 17-20 mm long, green and grayish-green in color, with a shiny brown head, covered with light sparse hairs. The pupa is green, later becoming dark brown with a lighter belly. The female pupa is 9-13 mm long, the male is 5-7 mm long. The roseate leaf roller develops in one generation and damages many fruit and berry and ornamental plants. Eggs overwinter in oviposition under a shield on the bark of trees and shrubs. In the spring, after the buds open, caterpillars hatch and begin to feed on buds and leaves, and later on flowers and fruits.

Caterpillars live in curled leaves, from which they emerge to feed on neighboring leaves. The caterpillars feed for 25-40 days, after which they pupate there in the leaves. Butterflies fly out after 8-14 days, mass flight is observed in June - the first half of July. After fertilization, each female lays up to 250 eggs in egg-clutch groups covered with smooth scutes. The leaf roller is polyphagous, feeds on many deciduous trees and is distributed everywhere.

Measures to combat the leaf roller include preventive spraying in the spring, immediately after bud break, of all fruit, berry and ornamental plants in the garden with the drug fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos), as well as drugs, actellik, caviar, Inta-Vir, taking into account the timing expectations. Single caterpillars in curled leaves can be collected and destroyed. Repeated spraying of the garden after fruit blossoms also reduces the number of flying leaf roller butterflies. However, treatments against butterflies are less effective, since they fly at dusk and at night, and hide under plant leaves during the day.

The variegated gold leaf roller Archips xylosteana L. (syn. Tortix xylosteana L., Cacoecia xylosteana L.) is a butterfly with a wingspan of 19-22 mm in males and 22-24 in females. The front wings have a bright red pattern, bordered by light, almost silvery curved lines; the hind wings are brownish. The female lays eggs in batches of 6 eggs. The caterpillars are similar in size and color to roseate leaf roller caterpillars. The length of the caterpillar is 17-20 mm, the color is green and grayish-green, the body is covered with light sparse hairs, the head is brown and shiny. The pupa is 11-12 mm long, dark brown, with an abdomen with dark transverse stripes. The end of the abdomen is elongated, has 4 hook-shaped setae at the apex and two on the sides.

Caterpillars live in curled leaves, from which they emerge to feed on their neighbors. Unlike the roseate leaf roller caterpillars, the variegated gold leaf roller caterpillars roll the leaves into a tube across the central vein.

The caterpillars feed for 25-40 days, after which they pupate there in the leaves. Butterflies fly out after 8-14 days, mass flight is observed in June - the first half of July. The leaf roller is polyphagous, feeding on fruit and berry crops and deciduous trees.

Control measures are the same as against the roseate leaf roller.

Measures to combat the hawthorn leafroller

Hawthorn leaf roller Archips crataegana Hb. (syn. Cacoecia cratae-gana Hb.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 26-27 mm in females and 19-21 mm in males. The color of the forewings varies from brown to gray-brown. The female has a wide brown-brown band, the males have velvety dark spots, hind wings are light brown. The eggs are yellow, in oviposition, covered on top with a waxy lump.

Caterpillars at a younger age are light gray, at an older age they are grayish-green and velvety black, up to 20-26 mm long. The pupa is matte black. One generation develops. Eggs overwinter in ovipositions, each containing from 10 to 70 pieces. In the spring, during bud break, the caterpillars emerge and begin to feed; the nature of the damage is similar to that of the roseate leaf roller. Older caterpillars live in the leaves, holding them together along the central vein. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars pupate at the end of June - beginning of July, and after 10-12 days the butterflies emerge. Females lay eggs for 20 days in oviposition, the fertility of each female is about 270 eggs. The leaf roller damages all fruit trees and many deciduous trees and shrubs.

Measures to combat the leaf roller are the same as against the roseate leaf roller.

Remedy for lead striped leaf roller on trees

The lead-striped leafroller Ptycholoma lecheana L. (syn. Cacoecia lecheana L.) is a butterfly with a wingspan of 16-21 mm. The front wings are dark brown, sometimes with a yellowish or brick-red tint, with shiny stripes of steel or lead color, the hind wings are dark gray. The eggs are green, the oviposition is in the form of a shield.

The caterpillar is up to 20 mm long, pale green, the head and chest shield are light brown. Sometimes 2 horseshoe-shaped spots are visible on the head, and black spots on the chest shield. The pupa is brown with a darker back, 10 mm long. Third instar caterpillars overwinter in a dense white cobweb cocoon. One generation develops per year. The caterpillars live in curled leaves, from which they emerge to feed on nearby leaves and fruits. Damages fruit crops and many deciduous trees.

The remedies for this leafworm on trees are the same as for the roseate caterpillar.

The currant leafroller, or currant leafroller Pandemis ribeana Hb., is a butterfly pest of currants with a wingspan of 24 mm in females and 16 mm in males. The wings are yellow or light brown, the base, middle band and upper spot are brown with a thin brown border. The hind wings are dark gray. The eggs are yellow-green, females lay them on the upper side of the leaves in the form of oval oviposition with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

The caterpillars are cylindrical, 16-20 mm long, yellow-green, greenish-brown when older, with a black head. Older caterpillars overwinter in a cocoon in crevices of the bark. In the spring they feed on leaves, wrapping them in cobwebs and twisting them along the central vein, and pupate there. The flight of butterflies extends from the end of May to the end of July. After fertilization, females lay eggs, up to 200 eggs each. The hatched caterpillars feed on leaves and fruits. The leaf roller damages many berry bushes and fruit trees.

Control measures. Spraying plants after flowering with one of the preparations: Fitoverm, Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir.

Leafrollers: butterflies and caterpillars

Leafrollers are medium-sized butterflies with a wingspan of no more than 30 mm and a bright pattern on them. Found in all regions of Russia. Caterpillars damage almost all parts of the tree except the trunk. Their harmful activities sometimes lead to significant crop losses.

Garden leafrollers are polyphagous. In addition to a variety of fruit crops, their caterpillars can damage many deciduous trees and shrubs. In this regard, leaf rollers are most often found in gardens adjacent to forests and garden protection belts. Leaf rollers are dangerous not only because they eat leaves and cause various curls, often collecting them into a loose lump.

The caterpillars of the bud roller gnaw out passages in the buds and pulp of young leaves, and twist the leaves into characteristic tubes using a web.

Adult caterpillars damage the ovary, often eating it completely. They gnaw out surface depressions on the fruits. The fruits become unmarketable. The caterpillars of leaf rollers are easily distinguished by their behavior: they are very mobile, and if you touch them, they quickly back away and, falling, hang on the cobweb. Often the wind picks up such caterpillars, especially those that have just hatched from eggs, usually always on a cobweb, and carries them from tree to tree, and often from a nearby abandoned garden or forest.

Leaf roller pests can be distinguished from other insects by the following characteristics: the wings are elongated, mostly triangular in shape, and have veins on them.

As you can see in the photo, female leafrollers have bristle-like antennae, while males have finely ciliated antennae:

In addition, these insects are characterized by an underdeveloped short proboscis in the form of a spiral. There are many varieties of this insect pest. Pinkish-white or greenish caterpillars of leaf rollers feed on the buds, leaves, inflorescences and fruits of various plants. They tighten the leaves with a web and remain inside.

How to deal with leaf rollers: spraying with drugs

To combat leaf rollers, there are such chemical means of protection as “Decis”, “Karate”, “Kinmiks”, karbofos.

Biological means of protection: early spraying with concentrated mineral fertilizer (700 g of urea per 10 liters of water) before the start of sap flow, “Healthy Garden” at the moment the leaves turn.

Folk remedies: manual collection of dried tubes hanging on cobwebs.

How else to deal with leaf rollers in the garden and vegetable garden? The following drugs are effective:

  • Fozalon. 35% e. k., 0.2% concentration, 1.6-4 kg/ha, 20 g per 10 l, spray apple trees at the beginning of bud break along the green cone, spray pears and stone fruits before flowering, treatment against codling moth is both effective and against leaf rollers, last spraying – 40 days before harvesting; 30% p. p., 0.2% concentration, 2-4.6 kg/ha, 20 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way;
  • chlorophos. 80% s. p. and technical, 0.2–0.3% concentration, 1.6-6 kg/ha, 20-30 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one – 20 days before harvesting;
  • phosphamide 40% e. k., 0.15-0.2% concentration, 1.2-4 kg/ha, 15-20 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one – 30 days before harvesting;
  • antio. 25% e. k., 0.2% concentration, 1.6-4 kg/ha, 20 g per 10 l, spraying should be carried out in the same way, the last one 20 days before harvesting;
  • metaphos. 20% e. k., 0.2% concentration, 1.6-3 kg/ha, 20 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one – 30 days before harvesting; 30% p. p., 0.15% concentration, 1.2-3 kg/ha, 15 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one 20 days before harvesting;
  • karbofos. 50% e. k., 0.15-0.2% concentration, 1.2-3 kg/ha, 15-20 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one – 20 days before harvesting;
  • trichlorometaphos. 50% e. K., 0.15-0.2% concentration, 1.2-4 kg/ha, 15-20 g per 10 l. Spraying with this preparation against the leaf roller is carried out in the same way, the last time – 30 days before harvesting;
  • gardon. 75% p. p., 0.15% concentration, 1.2-2.7 kg/ha, 15 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way, the last one – 20 days before harvesting; 50% p. p., 0.2% concentration, 1.6-4 kg/ha, 20 g per 10 l, spraying is carried out in the same way.

The optimal period for control is early spring, from bud opening to the pink bud of the apple tree. Effective remedies against leaf rollers are Fitoverm, bacterial preparations or their tank mixture at half the consumption rates. For high numbers, Fufanon is used.

In the summer, approximately in the second half of June - early July, when the second generation caterpillars hatch en masse from eggs, the same preparations are used as in the spring, preferably biological preparations.

As a protective measure against leaf rollers on apple and pear trees, spraying plants with infusions and decoctions of yarrow and chamomile is used.

Rose leaf rollers and methods of combating them

The roseate leaf roller is a butterfly with dark brown or lighter forewings, the caterpillars are yellowish-green, with a brown head. Young caterpillars skeletonize leaves, gnaw buds and flowers; mature ones - roll the leaves into loose tubes and fasten several pieces with cobwebs. Damaged ovaries fall off and the fruits are deformed.

Small, unassuming looking butterflies can usually be seen in the rose garden after dark. This insect pest spends the winter hiding under the bark of fruit trees - cracks on their trunks and branches reliably shelter the butterfly from the cold.

Rose leaf rollers reproduce by laying eggs on rose bushes, their clutches bordering the leaves of affected plants. After some time, the eggs hatch into milky white or light green caterpillar larvae of a relatively large size (at the end of July they can reach a length of about 9 mm).

Leaf roller caterpillars cause enormous damage: they eat rose buds from the inside, eat buds and young leaves, secrete a special web that entangles the leaves, wrapping them in peculiar cocoons and thereby giving them a completely unsightly appearance.

A characteristic sign of the appearance of leaf rollers on the site can be these described tubes of leaves, which die soon after being entangled in a web.

The eggs of the pest overwinter on the surface of bark or thick branches. Caterpillars appear in the spring, when the air temperature rises to 12–13 °C. Young caterpillars damage leaves and flowers, while older ones roll up the leaves, holding them together with cobwebs. By gnawing holes in the fruits, the pest causes them to fall prematurely. The caterpillar development phase lasts 30–40 days, after which pupation begins. After 10–15 days, butterflies appear. Females lay eggs, which remain in this stage until spring.

In early autumn, the leaf roller lays yellowish eggs on the smooth side of tree bark, where they overwinter. A clutch can contain up to 200 eggs, approximately 5 mm in diameter. By the end of spring, greenish-brown caterpillars emerge from them, reaching a length of 25 mm (Fig. 28); it is they who mainly harm roses. Caterpillars eat the pulp of leaves on almost all shrubs and trees in the garden.

From the beginning of May, the leaf roller caterpillar can be found on the leaves of plants. Its lifespan is 1–1.5 months, so by mid-summer the number of this pest decreases.

If the rose bush has not yet been completely invaded by leaf rollers, then you can limit yourself to simply cutting off infected flowers or leaves on which clutches of eggs are found. If the degree of damage is so strong that all damaged shoots cannot be cut off. One of the methods of combating leaf rollers is spraying with pyrethrin-containing preparations. Particular attention should be paid to the back side of the leaf, on which pest eggs can still remain.

How to get rid of budworms and their larvae

An adult budworm is a gray butterfly with a characteristic white stripe on its wings, the span of which does not exceed 14–18 mm. Caterpillars have thoracic legs and a well-defined head. The color is dark brown.

The caterpillars damage young buds and later feed on leaves and buds.

The pest's caterpillars overwinter in cobweb cocoons. Cocoons are attached to the forks of branches or to the bark. Caterpillars become active as buds begin to bloom. They gnaw passages in the buds and pulp of leaves, entwining them with a web and forming small tubes. The pupation phase begins at the end of June, and already at the beginning of July young butterflies appear and lay eggs on the surface of the leaves. The embryonic period lasts until the end of summer. The emerging leaf roller larvae leave for the winter in early September.

How to get rid of leaf rollers without chemicals? You can catch butterflies using compotes made from fruits and berries, destroying wintering nests. In early spring, when the buds are breaking, it is necessary to spray the trees with a 0.2% solution of chlorophos, and after flowering - with a 0.5% or 1% solution of entobacterin-3 with the addition of a 0.05% solution of chlorophos. Against overwintering eggs, you can spray the trees with a 3% solution of nitrafen.

Fighting grape budworm on grapes

The cluster leaf roller is a butterfly with a wingspan of 10–13 mm. The front wings are olive-brown with a yellowish-gray complex pattern, the hind wings are gray, lighter at the base. The eggs are slightly elliptical (0.6×0.5 mm), flattened, transparent with a gray rim. The caterpillar is 10–13 mm long, olive green with a gray tint, the head is light brown. The forelegs and prothoracic shield are brown. The pupa is 5–6 mm long, brownish-yellow with a green tint and a yellow tip of the abdomen.

Over the summer, the butterfly produces 2–3 generations. They appear in the spring, when the temperature rises above +10 °C. After 10 - 12 days, each leaf roller on the grapes lays up to 100 eggs in the form of yellow dots.

After 8–10 days, caterpillars appear and live for about 20 days. During this time, one caterpillar can damage up to 50 buds.

Caterpillars of the grape budworm weave a web around themselves and immediately pupate on the inflorescences. The 2nd generation butterflies appear and lay one egg on the green berries. And after 6 days, caterpillars emerge and immediately damage the berries.

The pupae overwinter in white cocoons under the bark and in other shelters, as well as in the soil at the base of the trunks. The butterfly flight begins in the spring with an average daily air temperature of 14 °C. 3–5 days after emergence, butterflies lay 60–160 eggs on individual buds and flowers, less often – 2–3 eggs each. The embryonic development of the first generation lasts 8–10 days, the second and third – 5–7 days. The pupal stage of the first generation is 10–11 days, the second – 7–8 days. By the time of harvest, the third generation caterpillars move to wintering grounds, where they pupate.

The first generation caterpillars damage the buds. One caterpillar can damage 40–60 buds. The second generation caterpillars feed on the pulp of green berries, which causes them to stop growing and dry out. In wet weather, gray rot develops on damaged berries. Third generation caterpillars damage ripe berries. Such berries wrinkle, dry out, and in wet weather are affected by gray rot. There are no resistant varieties, but varieties with loose inflorescences and clusters are less damaged.

To combat pests, careful soil cultivation is necessary. Cleaning the trunks and sleeves from old bark. Spraying immediately after flowering with 0.1% rovicurt or 0.2% fozalon, cymbush, decis. Hanging pheromone traps with KM-EK pheromone (1 trap per 200 grape bushes).

The bunches should be sprayed with 0.2 - 0.3% chlorophos solution (20 - 30 g per 10 liters of water). These means of combating leafworms are used 12–15 days after the arrival of butterflies of the first and second generations. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to remove bark from posts and stakes.

Measures to combat biennial leaf roller

A butterfly from the leaf roller family. Damages the grapevine. Berries of privet, euonymus, viburnum, and currant can also serve as food for it.

The forewings of butterflies are straw-yellow, with a transverse brown band, the hind wings are grayish-brown; wingspan 14–18 mm. The caterpillar is grayish when young, and becomes reddish in color with age; head and dorsal shield black-brown; length up to 14 mm.

Butterflies are nocturnal and fly after sunset. Females lay eggs one at a time on the buds of inflorescences, up to 70 eggs in total. Embryonic development lasts 8–10 days. The caterpillars bite into the buds and eat them away, entwining the inflorescences with cobwebs, resulting in the formation of a dense cobweb nest. Damaged buds fall off. One caterpillar destroys up to 30 buds.

The caterpillars develop in 3–5 weeks and pupate in a spider's nest. The pupal phase lasts 1.5–2 weeks. Butterflies of the second generation begin to lay eggs on green grapes when they are the size of peas. The eggs develop in 6–10 days, the caterpillars live for about 3 weeks and during this time they damage up to 17 berries, eating away their pulp. When moving from one berry to another, the caterpillars fasten them together with a cobweb. Damaged berries dry out and rot in wet weather.

When the grapes ripen, the caterpillars leave the berries and climb under the peeling bark, into the cracks of the stakes, where they pupate in cocoons; the pupa remains for the winter.

The optimal conditions for the development of the biennial leaf roller are high humidity (70–90%) and a temperature of 18–25 °C.

Control measures are the same as for the cluster leaf roller. Chemical control is carried out 10–12 days after the start of flight of the first generation butterflies and 12–15 days after the start of the second generation, when the caterpillars hatch. The onset of butterfly flight is detected using pheromone traps. Light traps are placed in vineyards to catch butterflies of the first generation when the sum of effective temperatures approaches 150 °C, and to catch butterflies of the second generation - 46–48 days after the start of flight of butterflies of the first generation.

Biennial leaf roller and pest control methods

The biennial leaf roller (lat. - eupoecilia ambiguella) belongs to the family of leaf rollers of the order Lepidoptera. It is considered primarily a grape pest, but it also poses a danger to currants, dogwoods, viburnums, lilacs, sloe, and euonymus.

The wingspan of the butterfly is 1.3–1.6 cm. The upper wings are yellow, with a pinkish tint and a brown transverse stripe. The lower wings are light gray. The eggs are oval, flattened, 0.8–1 mm long, initially greenish in color. Later they become covered with orange spots. The caterpillars are violet-red, 1.2–1.4 cm long. The pupa is light brown, 7–8 mm long. It has 2 branches.

For the winter, caterpillars pupate in cracks under the bark, between shoots, and in garter materials. The pupae are covered with a white cobweb cocoon. From mid-May, when the air warms up to 15–16 °C, butterflies emerge from their cocoons. A year lasts 10–15 days. From the 5-7th day, butterflies begin to lay eggs. During the day, leaf rollers hide in shelters, and at night, from dusk to dawn, they actively fly and lay eggs. They attach 1 egg to buds, pedicels, and shoots. One butterfly can lay from 30 to 100 eggs per season.

After 7-10 days, caterpillars emerge from the eggs. They devour pedicels, flowers and ovaries, entangling them in a dense ball of cobwebs. Leaf roller caterpillars can damage even young shoots, causing them to dry out. One caterpillar can eat about 30 buds.

After 15–24 days, the 1st generation caterpillars pupate in dry flowers, on leaves or bark. After 10–14 days, butterflies of the 2nd generation appear, which, in turn, lay eggs on the berries. The emerging caterpillars destroy them, eating the pulp and seeds. Damaged berries dry out or rot. One caterpillar of the 2nd generation is capable of eating 10–15 berries. At the end of August, the caterpillars pupate until the following spring.

Insecticides used to control pests are cell poisons. When they enter a living cell, they change its internal structure and enter into chemical reactions with proteins and other components of the cell. As a result, metabolic processes are disrupted, which leads to cell death.

The leaf roller has many natural enemies: riders of the ichneumonid and braconid families, as well as larvae of tachine flies.

Leaf rollers are susceptible to heat. At air temperatures above 31 °C, the fertility of butterflies decreases, and eggs laid in large quantities die.

To protect plants from leaf rollers, cocoons of this pest are collected and destroyed in autumn and spring. It is also advisable to use insecticides.

Dealing with the leaf roller is quite simple. For prevention, you can use a nitrophen solution in early spring, which will protect rose buds from damage. It is necessary to dilute 200–300 g of this product in 10 liters of water and spray the leaves of the plant.

It is recommended to combat this pest during all periods of its life cycle. First, you need to monitor the appearance of holes on the leaves of the rose, and then make sure that they are left by the leaf roller caterpillar. Next, you should determine the number of caterpillars. If it is small, you just need to collect and destroy individual individuals, but if there are a lot of caterpillars, you need to spray the plants with insecticides. For example, use the drug "Aktara" for this purpose.

In addition to collecting and destroying caterpillars, it is also important to catch leaf roller butterflies so that they do not have time to lay eggs, from which new insects will appear next year. Why use special traps, for example, glue a triangular house from a sheet of paper, inside which place a sticky substance containing pheromones. It is enough to make several of these traps and hang them around the bushes to get rid of a large number of butterflies.

Grape leaf roller and pest control with folk remedies

The grape budworm is a butterfly with a wingspan of 18–22 mm. Its forewings are double yellow or green-gold with a brown-gray pattern, which is often blurred and sometimes absent. The hind wings are gray-brown. The egg is 1 mm in size, oval. The clutch of eggs is initially yellow-green and turns yellow before the caterpillars hatch. Caterpillar 18–23 mm long, gray-green. The pupa is 10 mm long, first green, then acquires a brownish tint.

Overwintering of only the revived black-brown caterpillars takes place in dense pearl-colored cocoons in bark cracks or soil at a depth of 4–5 cm.

In spring, the caterpillars move onto plants, penetrate the buds of grapes and feed on them from the inside. After which they move on to young foliage, inflorescences and ovaries at the top of the shoots. They gnaw through holes in the leaves.


Sometimes grape leaf roller caterpillars can gnaw through the ridge at the base, causing the bunch to dry out. Several damaged leaves entangled in a web form a loose ball, then turn brown and dry out.

After completion of development, which lasts about a month, the caterpillars pupate in their feeding areas. After 2 weeks, butterflies fly out, and their activity continues until the end of July. After mating, females lay eggs on the upper side of the leaf near the main vein. The oviposition is covered with foamy secretions. After 2 weeks, the caterpillars are reborn, but do not feed, but move to their wintering areas.

To combat leaf rollers with folk remedies, it is recommended to treat plants with a decoction of potato tops. To prepare it, you need to pour 1.5 kg of fresh potato tops with 10 liters of water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Then dissolve 50 g of laundry soap previously grated on a coarse grater in the broth. Spraying with the resulting decoction should be carried out as needed, preferably in the evening.

Most of us own personal plots When you arrive, you can take a break from the bustle of the city. Many people also grow fruit trees and shrubs in such areas in order to combine relaxation with pleasant joys - harvesting a healthy and tasty harvest. At the same time, we can often observe pictures of crops damaged by pests. And even such an inconspicuous little butterfly as leaf roller, can ruin not only the fruit crop, but also your mood. Therefore, this article will focus on how to deal with such pests.

Leaf roller on a pear tree - how to fight

Leafrollers are a family of butterflies that has about 10,000 species. And fighting such pests can take quite a lot of effort and time if you do not know the correct methods and means of getting rid of them.

In the future, for preventive and therapeutic treatments of pear trees against leaf rollers, the preparations Decis, Desant, Atom, Binom, Terradim, as well as those that we have already written about in the section about apple trees are used. Chemical treatments are stopped when the fruit mass begins to grow. After this, you can use only folk remedies and mechanical methods of combating leaf rollers - weeding and loosening tree trunk circles, collecting leaves with caterpillars wrapped in them, fallen fruits and leaves, hanging baits with fermented sweet liquid on branches, putting on hunting belts made of burlap or corrugated paper. At the end of the season, after leaf fall, all fallen leaves are raked and burned.

How to deal with leaf roller on a young pear tree

Most types of leaf rollers need to be controlled before fruit trees bloom. If the gardens are dominated by leafrollers that overwinter in the caterpillar stage, then insecticides should be applied in the green cone phase or bud development phase of late-growing apple tree varieties. If leaf rollers predominate, overwintering at the egg stage, control is carried out in the pink bud phase of the apple tree. In spring, treatment is carried out at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C, since caterpillars in cold weather hide under cobwebs or in curled leaves and are inaccessible to contact insecticides.

In summer, control of leaf rollers is less effective; in addition, the treatments are destructive to beneficial insects and predatory mites.

Before pear blossoms, many insecticides are effective against leaf roller caterpillars: Atom, Ditox, Di-68, Binom, Bi-58 Novy, Rogor-S, Terradim, Desant, Tagor, Tod, Zolon, Fufanon, etc. - 10 ml/10 l of water . Consumption – from 2 to 5 liters per tree (depending on the age and type of tree).
It is possible to use the drugs Avant, Lannat 20 L, Actellik, Calypso, Sumition, Samurai Super, Sumiju, Coragen and others.

If treatment is carried out late, when the caterpillars are already in buds and curled leaves, then pyrethroids are preferred. For example, Ivanhoe, AltAlf, Accord, Alfatsin, Alfashance, Qi-Alpha, Fatrin, Fastak - 3 ml/10 l of water, working fluid consumption - up to 5 l/wood. Kinmiks, Fury, Taran, Tarzan - 1.5 ml/10 l of water, consumption - from 2 to 5 l per tree, depending on its age and variety. It is possible to use the drugs Karate Zeon, Altyn, Lambda-S, Kungfu, Break, Sensei, Gladiator, Karachar, Samum, Lambdex. However, the use of pyrethroid preparations in gardens in summer causes an outbreak of mite reproduction, and at temperatures above 23–25 °C their effectiveness sharply decreases.

After flowering and in summer, it is undesirable to use highly toxic insecticides. It is better to use bacterial preparations (Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin) or Fitoverm and Akarin. Only when leafrollers pose a serious threat is one of the pyrethroids used.

The insect growth and development regulator Insegar has shown effectiveness against leaf rollers. It is used at the beginning of the peak flight of butterflies, so that the females lay eggs on an already treated surface.

How to deal with leaf roller on a pear using folk remedies

Of course, a gardener has no right to give up in principle. And even when there are already fruits on the tree, you can use a folk remedy for leaf roller on a pear to destroy the enemy. Although the use of products that gardeners have been using for decades is indicated at any stage of tree development. Trees need to be whitewashed with lime.
  • Bait. It won’t be difficult to build it yourself. Useless tins or cut-off ones are suitable for this purpose. plastic bottles. Fermented compote or kvass is poured into them. The traps are hung under a tree at night. In the morning they will be full of moths. The cans are removed every day to prevent them from getting hit. beneficial insects.
  • Hunting belt. For this you will need natural burlap. Tree trunks are wrapped with it and left until the end of the harvest. Such a belt is necessarily burned at the end of the season. Alternatively, you can use corrugated paper.
  • Tobacco. A tincture is made from this plant and applied to the tree before flowering. You can replace tobacco with potato or tomato tops, as well as wormwood. Repeated spraying with one of these compositions should be done after flowering.
  • Manual collection. Any curled leaves that are spotted from trees must be removed. If this is done at the initial stage of the pest’s spread, then it can be completely removed from the garden. You can also try to get the caterpillars onto the litter and then destroy them. After the pear tree sheds its leaves in the fall, they need to be collected and burned.

The caterpillar harms the plant by eating the leaves and buds of the apple tree. And then it harms the fruits of the trees. The leaf roller is very energetic, it has 8 pairs of limbs. If she is disturbed in her “leaf” cocoon, she will leave it, backing away, and hang on the cobweb.

This caterpillar is solitary, but in certain cases it can create a colony of up to 10 units per 1 cm2. This depends on unfavorable environmental conditions.

The body of the butterfly is covered with villi. She folds her wings in an unusual way - horizontally, creating the feeling that she is covered with them. The butterfly itself does not harm the apple tree.

The summer of butterflies begins in May. One individual is capable of laying 60 eggs. After 14 days, caterpillars are born. For 30 days, it spoils the leaves, feeding on them, climbs into the fruit, and after reaching adulthood, it curls up into a leaf, making a cocoon for itself from the cobweb inside. A leaf on a tree looks like a “tube”.

Young apple trees suffer the most from the leaf roller. The more leaves lost, the more photosynthesis is disrupted.

Fighting caterpillars

  1. Chemical.
  2. Biological.
  3. Mechanical.
  4. Gardening tips.

Chemical method of control

Chemical preparations (insecticides) are spray preparations that are widely used in the fight against leaf rollers. These insecticides can be used throughout the entire fruiting period of the apple tree.

A very effective way. The leaf roller is a favorite treat for some birds and insects.

Big fans of caterpillars are:

  • tits;
  • wagtails;
  • nuthatches;
  • flycatchers;
  • pikas.

Various methods are used to attract birds. Let's say tits really love lard. To attract them, pieces of lard are hung on the branches of the apple tree.

Microbiological agents can also be used. They contain live bacteria that effectively get rid of caterpillars.

Such means include:

  • Dendrobacillin;
  • Endobacterin;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Lepitocid.

The prepared product must be used immediately to avoid the death of living bacteria. Basically, live bacteria are used during the ripening period of the fetus, so as not to use synthetic drugs that are toxic, even in small quantities.

Mechanical way of fighting

The mechanical method of fighting caterpillars on an apple tree can be called manual. Homemade traps for caterpillars are created. The leaf roller loves apples. She is attracted by the smell. Take apple juice or compote, pour it into a container and hang it on an apple tree. The caterpillar will smell the scent and fall into the trap. Curled leaves need to be torn off, right up to cutting off the branch.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Some rules for treating apple trees against leaf rollers

Treatment of apple trees against pests takes place in several stages.

First stage

In early spring, when the snow has just melted and there are no buds yet, you need to:

  • Inspect the tree. If there are leaves left on it, they need to be removed.
  • Clear the tree of old bark.
  • Using biological preparations, treat the soil around the apple tree.

Preparations for treating apple trees:

The following drugs are used for treatment:

Apple trees are not treated with chemicals 30 days before harvesting. Only natural remedies such as laundry soap, celandine

During the flowering period, the apple tree can be sprayed only with biologically active substances, that is, those that have living bacteria, for example:

  1. "Lepidocide." Take 20-30 gr. for 10 l. water. Spraying should be done early in the morning.
  2. "Biotoxicbacillin". Requires 40-80 gr. for 10 l. water. Spraying this drug is possible during the day in cloudy weather.
  3. "Fitoverm". You need 1.5-2.0 ml. for 1 l. water. Spraying is not carried out in hot sunny weather. Best time morning or evening.

I regularly inspect my site, and I am very pleased with the results! I really liked that it works for solar battery. I recommend this repeller to everyone."

Means for treating leaf rollers on apple trees

Remedies for treating leaf rollers on apple trees:

Folk remedies

Folk remedies against leaf roller:

  1. Chamomile. Make an infusion of 150 gr. flowers and 10 l. warm water, tincture time – 24 hours. Then strain and dissolve 60 g. grated laundry soap. The tree needs to be sprayed before flowering.
  2. Sagebrush. 350 gr. dry wormwood or 500 gr. fresh herbs pour 10 liters of warm water. Leave for 24 hours. Afterwards, put the tincture on the fire and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the broth. Dissolve 40 g in it. grated laundry soap. Spray after flowering, repeat every 7 days.
  3. Green tomatoes. Tomato branches and leaves. You will need 4 kg. green tomatoes, 10 liters of water and laundry soap. Boil the raw materials on fire for 30 minutes. Strain. For 3 liters of decoction, use 40 g. grated soap. Dissolve in a bucket of water and spray after flowering every week.


Prevention is carried out both in early spring and in autumn, when the leaves have fallen.

At 10 l. warm water (30 degrees), you need to add 3 tablespoons of corn oil fried in a frying pan (you can use unrefined sunflower oil, which is sold on the market), 2 tablespoons of wood ash, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Everything needs to be stirred well, strained and the apple trees thoroughly processed.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."


In conclusion, we can say that the leaf roller is a caterpillar that loves apples and more. To catch it, you need to make a trap and hang it on a tree, only at night, because beneficial insects can get there during the day. And at night, the leaf roller and the butterfly lead an active lifestyle.

If you use chemicals, you must first protect yourself so as not to get poisoned. Then carefully read the instructions in what period of ripening or flowering these drugs are used and how they work.

When using folk remedies, you must not make a mistake in the dosage in order to avoid damage to the tree.

For a gardener, the appearance of a butterfly on a plot is not at all a source of delight. On the contrary, such an insect is his worst enemy. For example, the leaf roller is a small butterfly, there are thousands of varieties. In total, about 50 of its species live in the Russian Federation, and about 26 species are found in the central zone of the country. And all of them are garden pests that damage fruit and berry plantings.

Leaf roller photo and overview characteristics

Stages of development

The leaf roller is a small butterfly with a wingspan of up to 2.5 cm. It belongs to the Lepidoptera family. Its key difference from its fellow butterflies is that it folds its wings horizontally on its back, while other butterflies do it vertically. From the outside it seems that she is hiding behind them. Gardeners call the leaf roller a moth in their own way, but from the point of view of official science it is a bud spinner.

Her front wings are gray, close to black, and decorated with a wide light stripe in the middle. The wings at the back are a muted golden gray color. The butterfly lays transparent oval-shaped eggs - no more than 1 mm in diameter. In the caterpillar state, the bud spinner is characterized by a brown body color. The head is black, slightly shiny, and equipped with an occipital shield. The caterpillar has legs. Length about 12 mm.

In the pupal stage, the insect is red, closer to brown in color. Body length 10 mm. Each segment is protected by two rows of tiny spines. The end of the abdomen is equipped with 8 dark brown teeth, curved towards the head. The distance between them is covered with thick bristles.


For wintering, young caterpillars choose places near the buds, constructing cobwebby cocoons. They emerge from their shelter during the period when flower buds bloom. At this moment they eat the young shoots and pupate after a couple of weeks. By mid-June, the moth begins to emerge. It will end in August. Butterflies love twilight time.

One female butterfly lays from 40 to 150 eggs. The development period of embryos in them is 14 days. At the end of July, the caterpillars hatch and crawl through the web onto the leaves, devouring their juicy flesh and moving on to the fruits. By September, the caterpillars begin to prepare for winter.

So, if you see signs of damage to your fruit trees, use our description of the pest to identify the enemy. If this is a budworm, then below are recommendations on how to fight the leafworm on an apple tree or any other fruit tree.

What harm does a butterfly cause?

Young caterpillar - recently hatched

This is an omnivorous pest. She can choose her victim not only an apple tree, but also a pear and stone fruit trees. The butterfly appears in raspberry fields, on currant bushes and on gooseberries. The caterpillars eat the leaves, while they twist in a zigzag manner and are held together in appearance, resembling a loose, irregularly shaped lump. The caterpillar periodically changes its feeding site, pulling together damaged leaves with a web. If a fruit gets in the way, it is also damaged - depressions and grooves appear on it.

Fighting leaf rollers in the garden


  • Mechanical, or more precisely, manual destruction of pest nests. Up to cutting from branches and trunks along with the top layer of bark.
  • Meticulous destruction of damaged curled leaves where the larvae live. If there are only a few leaves, you can simply try to clean them by carefully unfolding them and removing the larvae. In this case, you need to wear gloves, and for greater effect use a paint brush. Caught pests at any stage of development must be burned outside the garden.
  • Spraying on a “bare tree”, that is, until the buds have blossomed and the air has not warmed above +4 °C. You can use, for example, the drug “Profilaktin”. A solution is made at the rate of 0.5 liters of product per 10 liter bucket of water. Processing one tree will require 2-5 liters, and a shrub will require 1-1.5 liters.

Active struggle

Most often, the remedy for leaf rollers on apple trees is selected from the category of insecticides. During the period before flowering, you can take any drug from the list below:

  • "Rogor-S";
  • "Di-68";
  • "Bi-58 New";
  • "Ditox";
  • "Landing";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Terradim";
  • "Tod", pr.

Important! The packaging of each of them contains instructions for use. But in principle, the recipe is the same: for 10 liters of water you need 10 ml of the drug. Consumption per tree is 2-5 liters - depends on the type of tree and its age.

Fighting leaf rollers on apple trees at the height of summer, when the caterpillars are already hidden in the inflorescences and curled leaves, is more problematic than in the spring. However, insecticide manufacturers also have products for this case:

  • "Alfacin";
  • "Karate Zeon";
  • "Ivanhoe";
  • "Lambda-S";
  • "Chord";
  • "Altyn";
  • "AltAlf."

Important! This group of drugs belongs to pyrethroids. And at temperatures of +23 C and above they can cause an outbreak of ticks. Moreover, in hot weather the effectiveness of these products is noticeably reduced.

We would like to draw attention to one more aspect – the phenomenon of resistance. Simply put, repeated use of the same microbiological preparations leads to pests becoming accustomed to them. One must always remember about acquired resistance, since the effectiveness of spraying may one day show zero results.

Fighting with folk remedies

Many gardeners prefer to get rid of leaf rollers on apple trees without the use of chemicals. Among the most common methods it is worth noting:

  • Homemade traps. It is necessary to strengthen the dishes with fermented drink - kvass, compote, molasses - on the trees. The butterfly becomes active at night, so in the morning you can “harvest” the pests. There should be no such traps in the garden during the day, so as not to kill beneficial insects.
  • DIY belt. First, glue is made from the following ingredients: sunflower oil– 1 glass, wax or resin – 100 g, grease – 100 g. The composition must be warmed well. It is applied to the fabric that needs to be fixed so that the adhesive part does not get on the tree bark. This means that you need to place cardboard or a clean thick cloth under the trap belt.
  • Trees after flowering can be treated against leaf roller, as well as on a “bare tree,” with infusions of wormwood, tobacco, potato or tomato tops.
  • Very effective assistants The gardener's favorite feathered friends are titmice. That is why it is worth feeding them in the winter so that they do not deprive your area of ​​attention.

Important! The use of chemicals should be approached only after making sure that there is a biological basis. That is, when the number of leaf rollers exceeds the harmful threshold. To do this, 25 rosettes of inflorescences are examined on each side of the selected tree. If 5 or more caterpillars are found in the bud and surrounding leaves, then you need to think about using an insecticide.

Also, please note that chemical agents are divided into systemic and contact. The latter are considered less toxic, but it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with their help. Systemic drugs are more aggressive, therefore they make it easier to cope with the problem that has arisen, but their cost is much higher than that of contact chemistry.