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Effective rituals for money for each zodiac sign. Money talismans Aries How to attract money into your life Capricorn

The Zodiac horoscope begins with the sign Aries. This is a sign of the fire element.

For Aries, there are many talismans and amulets that bring happiness and good luck to them.

Today we want to tell you specifically about money talismans for Aries, which will help solve financial issues, provide the opportunity for constant income and attract random money into your life.

Talismans and amulets not only protect against external influences and energy losses, but also correct the biofield of representatives of the Aries sign, enhance its positive qualities and weaken the negativity that interferes with the penetration of monetary energy.

In the case of Aries, this is especially important, because from birth this sign is endowed with powerful energy, as well as pressure, stubbornness, vanity and some conflict, which do not always benefit him.

To balance the strengths and weaknesses of Aries, you need suitable amulets that will balance his energy and direct it towards making money. Or obtaining them in some other way.

1. Gold coin. The element of Aries is Fire, and all gold items can become magical money talismans. And even more so, the money itself. Its round shape and golden color will attract financial luck and fortune.

This is the personification of success, a symbol of prosperity, values, a talisman of abundance and prosperity.

When purchasing it, you must say:

“Help the Golden Fleece in business, bring success and wealth to my home. I have it and I don’t know grief.”

If there is always not enough money, a person loses faith - in himself and in the world. In this case, there is no chance of waiting for at least some gift from fortune: after all, any money that falls into the hands of such a person is saturated with the energy of hopelessness and tends to quickly leave his inhospitable wallet. We offer a unique ritual.

It should be carried out on the waxing Moon after sunset. You will need fifty-ruble bills and five-ruble coins. In the eastern part of the apartment or room, place an inverted crystal glass on the table, place a wax candle on it and light it. Convey all your financial problems to the fire: let them burn. When the candle burns out, light a new one. Place a circle in a circle around the candle: the inner one is made of coins, the outer one is made of bills. While the candle is burning, imagine how your well-being is growing, how your life is improving. The candle should burn out. Leave the money on the table until the morning. In the morning, count them and put them in your wallet. It is important to spend everything by the end of the month, leaving one bill and one coin - for good luck.

Money egregor

What if it didn't work? Three options - either you didn’t try, didn’t really believe in the power of the ritual (then you shouldn’t have started), or... Yes, alas: either the reason is karmic. Unfortunately, this also happens. If you had ancestors in your family who “quarreled” with the egregor of wealth, financial problems may be inherited. Well, we need to establish relationships with the egregor. So, we learn to talk with the egregor of wealth.

First you need to understand what it is? A special energy entity that “supervises” one or another area of ​​life, activity, or a group of people united by common tasks. Egregor is devoid of emotions, and it is useless to beg him for something. But you can come to an agreement with him, convince him to support you: after all, in return you will begin to share your strength with him. The egregor of wealth is fueled by the energy of people who have achieved material well-being: the more of them, the stronger they are and the more correctly they treat their condition (they do not save thoughtlessly, but invest in themselves, in their loved ones, in business) - the stronger the egregor. Try to imagine this essence: you need to find a mental image for it, to somehow personify it.. When the image of the egregor of wealth is formed in your mind clearly enough, you can begin the ritual.

On the waxing Moon, shortly before midnight, sit in a chair facing east, preferably with a window in front of you. In front of you (on the windowsill or on the table), place a lit wax candle mounted on an inverted crystal glass, place all the gold objects that are in the house around: chains, rings, and so on. It is important that at least one “golden piece” lies next to the candle, but the more there are, the better. Family jewels are especially appropriate. As a last resort, silver will do.

Burn some incense. It doesn’t really matter which ones: the aroma should help you relax, immerse yourself, enter into meditation. Now turn to the egregor of wealth. Point to the gold placed around the candle - it testifies to how much you value its gifts, ask to bless you. They “talk” to the egregor using mental pictures: you imagine that you have achieved prosperity, and your strength rises to the egregor, simultaneously becoming its strength. This creates an energetic connection with the egregor of wealth and opens your personal money channel (here the word “money” is appropriate, because the channel is a means of communication with the egregor of wealth, and the connection is made through money).

Meditation should last until the image of the egregor begins to gradually blur. At this moment, thank him - and return to the real world. He is very good at performing such a ritual, not alone but in a group. If you just do meditation as a family, your chances of success will increase.

If you jinxed your luck

Evil eye, damage, curse - they are capable of tightly blocking the money channel and breaking the connection with the egregor of wealth. And there are two options. First: the evil eye lying on a person will be attracted by him. If you have not repaid some debt, you have attracted energy negativity, which has closed the path to prosperity. Of course, the most natural and simple solution is to repay the debt. If for some reason this is absolutely impossible, think about who you can provide free help to, who you can support. Let it not be in money: our time, our strength, our spiritual destiny are also worth a lot. Just keep in mind: you shouldn’t cheat with the egregor of wealth, as well as with the astral world in general: they know exactly what you can do and what you can’t do. Well, if, God forbid, the evil eye or damage is the result of the “work” of a dark magician, you cannot do without the help of a psychic. Only after the negativity is removed will a direct path to financial success lie before you.

In the second month of autumn, each representative of the zodiac circle will be able to attract good luck and financial abundance into life. Use proven conspiracies and advice so that there is no room for trouble in your life.

Experts recommend that all Zodiac Signs, without exception, fight the autumn blues so that a negative attitude does not lead them astray. Follow folk signs and be sure to use folk wisdom to improve your financial situation and enlist the support of capricious Fortune.


Determination and desire to become better will help Aries attract luck and money. It is important for them to decide on a goal and not deviate from the path, overcome obstacles and believe in themselves. They may be prevented from spending their savings on unnecessary goods. Representatives of the fire constellation will be able to attract financial success with the help of a simple conspiracy. You need to collect change from your pockets, put it in a piggy bank and say:

“As many coins as I put in, so many will be added. Every coin will attract money to me.”

Next to the piggy bank you need to leave a piece of paper listing the necessary purchases. This plot will help you quickly attract money to your home.


Taurus can be disturbed by envious people. Amulets, as well as an effective conspiracy, will help protect you from them. On the day when Taurus is planning serious matters, especially related to financial transactions, they should pick up a bill and say:

“How much money I earn - all by honest work. No one will interfere with me, no one will push away my luck.”

The bill must be carried with you until the plan is fulfilled.


For Gemini, October will bring a lot of pleasant news and prospects. But you shouldn’t take on too many obligations, otherwise it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to accomplish everything that’s planned. A to-do list will help Gemini overcome the difficulties of choice. Everything that is written needs to be spoken:

“Things are going well, money is coming, luck accompanies me in everything.”

You should carry this list with you to avoid any trouble.


Cancers are threatened with autumn blues in October. A course of health-improving exercises, as well as an effective ritual that attracts good luck and positive thoughts, will help you cope with a bad mood. Cancers need to write all their fears on a piece of paper, collect fallen leaves and burn them at the stake, saying:

“The fallen leaves will give new life, my fears will become a thing of the past. Just as new leaves grow in spring, so do my affairs.”


In October, Leos should cut down on spending on useless things so as not to be left without savings. You can get rid of the desire to spend money “right and left” with the help of a conspiracy. Place several bills and coins in an opaque jar, close the lid tightly and say:

“Money doesn’t like light; it scatters. I put money in the dark, save it and increase it.”

Such a money talisman will save you from spending. If you want to buy an expensive trinket, Leos just need to throw a bill into the jar and say: “Both spent and saved.”


Excessive savings can harm Virgos. They are not used to spending money, often thinking only about how to save a little more. Thus, they block financial flows and do not allow the monetary energy to renew itself. It is important for Virgos to start October with shopping: for example, purchasing warm and bright wardrobe items. Virgos will be able to attract luck and money this month if they carry an irredeemable coin with them.


Libra needs to find a hobby that could become an additional source of income in the future, or try their hand at running a small business. It is important for them to enlist the support of loved ones in order to feel a reliable shoulder nearby. An effective bay leaf spell will help representatives of this Sign attract good luck and money.


For Scorpios, with their restless nature, it is important to find a use for their energy. They can look for a new position or take training courses to qualify for a better paying job. You can attract luck in your search using a spell. To do this you will need a world map and a handful of change. You need to scatter money on the card and say:

“Where the coin falls, income will come from there. I'll collect the coins and put them in my pocket. They will attract me knowledge from all over the world and open up a financial flow.”

Coins should be placed in the pockets of all clothes so that luck is always nearby.


In October 2018, Sagittarius will be able to earn extra money through their skills and hidden talents. A handmade talisman will help them attract good luck and avoid unforeseen difficulties. To do this, you need to find an acorn, put it under your pillow at night and say:

“Oak is strong and unshakable. I take his endurance and endurance for myself, I don’t know any problems.”

You need to carry the acorn with you so that no problem prevents you from achieving your goal.


October can be a turning point for Capricorns, when they can free themselves from everything that prevents them from developing. A talisman will help you attract good luck and fulfill all your wishes. You can make it yourself or purchase it in a store. A miniature horseshoe or four-leaf clover will do the job perfectly. You need to speak to the little thing while holding it in your hands:

“I don’t know sadness, I don’t think about poverty. No matter how much effort is spent, everything will come back. Luck follows me on my heels and drives away troubles.”

You need to carry the talisman with you and touch it often so that it interacts with the energy of Capricorns.


Aquarians should beware of loans in October. This way they can calculate the actual expenses and avoid paying huge interest. In addition, in October you should not lend your savings, otherwise their return may take a long time. Amulets that attract financial flows will help Aquarius save luck and money. For example, a charmed bill.


Pisces in the second month of autumn must take care of themselves. You shouldn’t help everyone so as not to lose your strength and last savings. A money plot will help Pisces avoid large expenses. At midnight you need to open your wallet and say:

“Everything that is earned is spent on yourself. Everything that goes to help will be returned threefold.”

A simple conspiracy will help attract good luck and prevent you from “squandering” your hard earned money.

Mid-autumn is the time to think about how exactly you will spend the New Year holidays. By planning your expenses in advance, you can sensibly assess your strengths and capabilities and start saving the necessary amounts now. Perform rituals to attract money so that you always have the opportunity to buy what you need. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

It's great to be rich. No matter how much you say that poverty is not a vice, you always feel better with money in your pocket than without it. But why do some people have money sticking to their hands, while others, even with hard work, barely make ends meet?

For a long time, people have been trying to find the answer to this question in heaven. Astrologers of all times carefully observed the location of the stars and planets, trying to determine the fate of a person by his zodiac sign. And indeed, you can believe in astrology or not, but the fact that Taurus are, as a rule, people with money, exists. “Taurus builds his wealth with his own hands, gradually... But real success comes to him, and the state of affairs is such that he can afford himself and his wife the luxury of a winter holiday somewhere in Florida or other exotic places... Taurus love luxury and can afford it"- says the famous astrologer Linda Goodman, and everyone can check this by remembering some Taurus acquaintance: eight chances out of ten that he, to put it mildly, is not in poverty. It turns out that it is not for nothing that since ancient times the Golden Taurus has been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

But the Virgo sign is much less fortunate in this regard. If you believe the stars, Virgos are ready to work hard, but they absolutely do not know how to demand more or less decent payment for their work. And Virgo is far from the worst sign of the zodiac financially...

In connection with all this, a logical question arises: what should a person who was born under not the richest star do? Is it really his fate to barely make ends meet all his life? It turns out that everything is not so hopeless, and psychologists completely agree with astrologers in this regard.

The fact is that, according to astrologers, the zodiac sign is not a prediction of fate, but certain character qualities that are embedded in a person from birth. That is, if you want to overcome one or another negative influence of your horoscope, you do not have to fight Fortune, but should “just” change something in yourself. Of course, this is not easy to do, but anyone can do it.

Psychology also speaks about this: under the same conditions, one person can make a lot of capital, and another can go broke. However, if someone who is not capable of business realizes his mistakes, if he begins to gradually change his character, observing successful people and adopting their experience, then over time nothing will prevent him from becoming a good businessman.

That is why the main rule of astrologers is: “The stars incline, but do not oblige.” In other words, nothing prevents the same Virgo from trying to imitate the assertive Taurus in business. In this regard, your Zodiac sign is an invaluable assistant: it helps you look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and act based on this. By taking a closer look at your horoscopes, you can find in them tips on how to make the most of the advantages of your zodiac sign and what disadvantages you should pay attention to. By following these tips, you have every chance of achieving prosperity and wealth.

Aries treats money calmly; for him, it is not an end in itself, but just a means that helps him achieve his goals. Aries's even-keeled attitude toward money is best illustrated by the fact that, given the choice between fame and money, he will almost certainly choose fame. However, Aries’s career aspirations also affect his financial well-being. Aries knows how to not only work well, but also earn good money.

Taurus is a very money-oriented and purposeful zodiac sign. Welfare and property are one of the first places for Taurus. In life, prosperity, comfort and convenience are very important to him, and sooner or later he will achieve this goal, having accumulated considerable capital. Having become the owner of a substantial fortune, acquired through hard work, Taurus is not inclined to throw money away. He is not a stingy person, but he is prudent and always spends money wisely.

Geminis, like everything else in their lives, approach money depending on their changeable mood. Money itself is not an end in itself for them, but it gives them a feeling of freedom and the opportunity to satisfy their eternal craving for novelty: traveling, trying new dishes, shopping. Depending on their mood, Gemini can either throw money down the drain, making senseless expenses, or save every penny. However, the latter happens to them much less often.

Cancer is a very thrifty and therefore very money sign of the Zodiac. He does not set himself the goal of saving money in order to later lead a luxurious life. In his understanding, money is a reserve, an insurance that must be kept for a rainy day. True, in creating this insurance, Cancer often gets carried away and loses all sense of proportion, so that his frugality in everyday life begins to border on stinginess.

One way or another, thanks to his foresight, Cancer eventually becomes the owner of quite substantial funds. At the same time, you can be sure that he has chosen the most reliable method of storing his savings, and he is not afraid of any crises!

Leo is a maximalist, and in relation to money he is also not inclined to know moderation, as in everything else. He loves to live large, dress in expensive clothes, and drive the latest model car. Usually Leo's house is an example of grace and by no means modest luxury, and his many friends and acquaintances know that they can always borrow a tidy sum from him. And this despite the fact that Leo’s finances are by no means limitless, and his habit of throwing money around can from time to time put him almost on the brink of poverty! However, the energetic Leo usually quickly finds a way to improve matters, so as not to deny himself anything further.

Virgos are extremely thrifty when it comes to money. Everything in life is difficult for them, so they know well the value of every penny. In addition, Virgo’s attitude to life does not involve wearing “rose-colored glasses”: she looks at the world soberly and understands that no one is immune from poverty, and you can only rely on yourself. That is why Virgo is able to deny herself even little things in everyday life, just to create a solid emergency reserve for a “rainy day.” Even if a huge inheritance falls on Virgo, you can be sure that she will continue to spend money sparingly, thinking about her every step. However, Virgo can by no means be called greedy: she is thrifty, but compassionate, and in case of need, she will willingly help a loved one with money.

Libras often behave ambiguously when it comes to money. Depending on the whims of their changeable mood, they can either show excessive frugality or make unreasonably large expenses. However, apart from extremes, in general Libras have a fairly reasonable attitude towards money: they prefer to buy quality goods at an affordable price.

By nature, Scorpio is a winner who knows how to get his way. He is infinitely confident in his own abilities and is able to overcome any obstacles on the way to his goal, so he almost always gets what he wants. In relation to money as such, Scorpio is quite calm, but you cannot call him a silversmith - he loves comfort (even luxury) and is fully able to appreciate the freedom and independence that a person with a lot of money has. Having set himself the goal of getting rich, Scorpio will definitely achieve this.

Sagittarius is as light as the wind; in work and money, this is both its advantage and its main disadvantage. Even when earning decent money, Sagittarius is able to live from paycheck to paycheck. He is extremely careless when handling finances, and his generosity and compassion sometimes know no bounds. When the mood strikes, he is capable of throwing money away, lending money to random acquaintances, and helping those in need with a generous hand. With such a character it is difficult to accumulate anything, but often Fate spoils the cheerful Sagittarius, and the money itself goes into his hands.

Capricorn is very practical and prudent when it comes to money. In his youth, not yet possessing large funds, he can lead the most modest lifestyle in order to accumulate substantial capital over time. Later career advancement, as a rule, makes Capricorn a very wealthy person, but he still continues to spend money wisely. Capricorn will never throw money down the drain, lend without firm commitments, or even simply make thoughtless expenses.

Aquarius treats money quite calmly. Thanks to his creative, talented, but not very practical nature, he can be both a very rich man and almost a beggar. In both cases, he will not worry about his money, although he cannot be called a spender either.

Pisces are very talented, but impractical: in life they can achieve everything or nothing. Money for Pisces is not a goal, but just a means. Moreover, a means that can do little to enrich their already rich inner world. That is why Pisces are quite indifferent to money, and if they happen to get rich, then their compassion is manifested in generosity and charity.

Venus is not only the planet of love and beauty, but is also responsible for such an important area of ​​our life as finance and material assets. That is why its position throughout the year can influence our financial well-being and can tell us how best to act to attract money.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and therefore now is the time to think about what exactly you want from life and what you need, to become happy. Always remember that money is not a goal, but a means to achieve goals. First, decide for yourself what exactly you want and estimate how much money you will need for this. Now is the perfect time for planning.

Also during this period you should think first of all about yourself, and only then about others. For example, you should think about what you would like to have for yourself. Now it's not scary to be selfish. Especially when it comes to material wealth, otherwise you can lose a lot.

To attract money these days, you need to clearly declare yourself; you shouldn’t hide and be shy, otherwise money will turn away from you. That's when you They will notice you and offer you an interesting job.. Communicate on social networks, meet with friends and acquaintances, talk about yourself, your successes and achievements, what you can do and what you would like to do.

How to attract money to your home?

Venus in Aries feels very unfavorable, she loves to spend and she difficult to put off for a rainy day. This position of Venus encourages people to overspend, so it is important to calculate your expenses correctly. But it’s not worth saving money now, because

Money may arrive at this time from nowhere and also disappear anywhere, and in order for there to be more of them, in no case should you sit idly by. Take action, and the more effort you put into achieving your goals, the more money you can attract.

For example, if at this time you are offered the opportunity to earn money, even just a little, and it seems very unexpected to you and you are at a loss,don't refuse. You will be able to easily find time for urgent and quick work and will be able to lay the foundation for future projects or future proposals. After all, Aries is the very first sign in the astrological kaleidoscope of the year. That,How exactly will you start this year?, can affect your future.

The dangers of this period may be excessive sensitivity and passion, which affects your relationship with money. Don't take money issues too personally at this time, but don't ignore them either.

To raise money now must act quickly. For example, if you want to find a new job with decent pay, you need to look for new advertisements and try to send your resume as quickly as possible.

Independence now will bring you good luck. Should not be done during this period rely on someone as far as finances are concerned, but to act only independently. For example, you shouldn’t expect your employer or boss to call you and offer you a new job or position. Take the initiative and then your expectations will be rewarded.

How to attract money into your life?

How to spend money wisely with Venus in Aries?

It's no secret that we need money to to spend them. Attracting money is primarily aimed at getting rid of it later with a pleasant feeling, receiving in return the thing or service that we want.

During the period when Venus moves through Aries, it is dangerous to spend money impulsively and quickly, although you really want to. Should think ten times before you buy anything, so as not to regret wasted money. You need to know what exactly is best to buy and it is better if you were already planning to make these purchases some time ago. This is when the purchase will bring benefits and pleasure:

Sports equipment and clothing. Since Aries is an active sign, he often loves sports style and prefers to lead an active lifestyle. When Venus is in Aries, it is good to buy everything that can be useful when playing sports.

Subscription to a gym, sports club or swimming pool, trainer services. Investing in sports activities will be especially relevant now.

Bicycle or car. You can buy vehicles now, but only if these purchases were planned by you earlier. Since Aries likes to be on time everywhere, buying something that will save time is ideal for symbolism.

Cutting and piercing objects. Now you can buy various knives for the kitchen, as well as scissors, needles, awls and other sharp tools.

Money Forecast: Transit of Venus through Aries for Zodiac Signs


When Venus enters Aries, you immediately feel energized and inspired to do something new when it comes to making money. To attract money at this time, you should choose some new job or think about what new things you could bring to your day job. You are especially lucky now, because Venus enters your home sign of Aries.


This period is not very favorable for Taurus, especially in terms of finances, because Venus, the planet of Taurus, finds itself in a position of exile. You know the value of money, you know how to spend and earn, and with Venus in Aries you may be tempted to part with money quickly which brings some discomfort . This is why you are not advised to lend or spend at this time. If you want to attract money now, turn on your efficiency and responsibility, then it will be easier for you to survive this transit.


During the transit of Venus through the sign of Aries, you should spend time actively and surround yourself with pleasant people. This will allow you to find new sources of income and attract money. Especially communicate more with representatives of the opposite sex; it is from them that you should expect unexpected job offers or simply pleasant unexpected gifts.

Now is not the best time for you to raise money. The best thing you can do now to avoid damaging your financial situation is stop spending, especially significant ones. Of course, during the month during which Venus transits the sign of Aries, you will still have to spend something, but try not to make impulsive purchases and think about every step. Now you may have a desire to put aside work and give in to the desire to properly rest and relax at the expense of work. Better rest if possible, and try not to feel remorse. Will attract money now very hard for you therefore, being too active in financial matters will not be beneficial.

At this time, you may be drawn to aesthetic entertainment and want to get creative. This is the time when creativity can also attract money, if you do it with love and enthusiasm. If you are a creative person, you can make good money from your creative abilities during this period. Try now to make every effort to do something new and original, and the money will not keep you waiting long. If you are not a very creative person, you can still apply your abilities by changing your approach to work, proposing a new idea. This Venus transit is very favorable for you.


This month is not particularly suitable for attracting finance. Moreover, your income may even shrink somewhat, since Venus in the sign of Aries will not help you too much in terms of earnings. Try not to flattery, do not get involved in disputes and act quietly and calmly, as you are used to. It’s impossible to risk money, lend, or take out loans now.


For Libra, Venus in Aries is not the best position, because excessive activity is not very common for you. When Venus is in its exile sign, your discipline at work decreases. I want to give up everything and give in momentary weaknesses. Spoiling and self-centeredness can greatly ruin your relationships at work or with friends. You shouldn’t look for ways to earn more during this period. This is not the best time for you. It's best to cut down on spending and don't worry too much about the fact that the money doesn't come to you by itself.


Now you should think about every step and not act rashly. When it comes to finances, do not rely entirely on intuition and check everything carefully. Now is not the best time for you to attract money, but this period will not especially bring collapse. You should take into account the basic recommendations. You should not argue or have conflicts at work, especially with your superiors, this can lead to unpleasant consequences and, up to and including dismissal or removal from office. Don't risk your money, otherwise you will regret it greatly.


As with all fire signs, Venus, passing through Aries, can bring success and money. For you now too it's important to act so that money finds you on its own. Your scientific research, creativity, and ability to communicate with people can now be especially useful in attracting finance and new sources of income. If you treat money with respect and reverence, money will also not take long to arrive.


Even though you don't particularly like to part with money, during the period when Venus moves through Aries, you may have a desire to spend money at any cost. A strong desire to possess something will not bring anything good. For example, if you see something you really like in a store, you shouldn’t immediately run to spend money. Thoroughly think about every purchase. Now raising money is not a good idea. It's best to just not spend it.


During this period, everything depends directly on you and your desire to earn money or get money in another way. It's very good to meet new people now, and since Aquarius is usually a fairly sociable sign, this won't be a big problem for you. Popularity among acquaintances and especially friends will allow you to attract finance. Since you especially love freedom in choosing anything, this is a good time to use looking for a job with a flexible schedule. Venus is now giving you a chance to find something truly interesting, even if the earnings may turn out to be temporary. For example, they may unexpectedly throw in some “hack work” that you shouldn’t refuse. This is a chance to increase your income.


This month is neutral for you. Venus in Aries will require you to be active, even if you are not particularly proactive by nature. If you have been harboring an idea for a long time that you could use to implement your financial plans, now is the time to do the same jerk to bring your plans to life. If you still haven’t got any ideas on how to earn more, this period can change a lot, and you will find what you are looking for.

If Venus is in Aries in your horoscope

Venus in Aries is in a weak position. She does not have a tendency to hoard and sometimes does not know how to spend money at all. If you have such a Venus, impetuosity in actions and spending can sometimes lead you to problems. Often you have periods when money seems to appear, but then suddenly they are becoming scarce.

Venus in Aries gives some impulsiveness to feelings and actions, a desire for beautiful gestures and constant change of emotions. That is why the attitude towards money of the owners of such Venus is such that they constantly need money to spin and move around them: earnings, investments, earnings again, and so on.

You don't like saving money, this seems too tedious to you, and besides, you always want to spend it, especially on momentary pleasures. Money should give you a feeling of movement and activity, and if it sits around and gives you nothing, it's annoying.