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Denis Fatykhov public procurement. Bonuses. What will you learn from the multimedia course?

Practical training course

Over the past 8 years, the volume of funding for a targeted program for the purchase of housing for orphans left without parents has grown more than 50 times and continues to grow. The income of a real estate supplier for state and municipal needs of 100,000 rubles per month is not the limit.

I present to your attention a project


Each of the participants:

Will occupy this niche in its region.

Will earn from 100,000 rubles monthly.

A government procurement manager will have the opportunity to participate in the project to work at the federal level.

The name of this project does not attempt to embellish reality, there is no goal to attract your attention with a catchy advertising title. Everything is really as it is written. The goal of this project is to bring each person to a specific result. Make everyone a professional real estate supplier for state and municipal needs.

What will you get as a result?

After completing the practical course, you will receive a specific result, namely:

Occupy this niche in your region.

You will earn from 100,000 rubles monthly.

Get the opportunity to participate in the project as a government procurement manager to work at the federal level.

Why these three things? Because the goal of the course is to make you a professional supplier of real estate for state and municipal needs, that is, to teach you the main skill of working with government customers and supplying them with real estate in accordance with their requirements, as well as confidently participating in electronic auctions, and steadily developing in this direction.

Who does not need to fit into this project:

If you think that a good fairy will appear and do everything for you

FOR PEOPLE hungry for quick and easy money

Lazy people who dream of earning 100,000 rubles while lying on the couch

What will you learn from this practical course?

This practical training course is professional training, it is continuous practical actions that are intended for only one purpose - to teach you how to make money in the field of public procurement, how to work with government customers and how to sell real estate through electronic auctions.

Therefore, first of all, you will: Learn how to prepare documents to obtain a digital signature. Learn to register on electronic platforms. Learn how to search for applications from customers in your region. Learn to find real estate according to customer requirements. Learn how to quickly work with real estate
Learn how to apply for participation in an electronic auction. Learn how to win at an electronic auction. Learn how to sign a government contract after the auction procedure. Find out how to register a contact with the registration chamber in 5 days. You will learn how to earn an income of 100,000 rubles in 30 days.

This knowledge will give you complete clarity in your understanding of how work in public procurement works and under what laws transactions involving electronic auctions are formed.

By completing this course you will learn the following skills:

You can read mountains of literature, but only practicing technical skills in practice will allow you to really earn decent money. You can achieve results only through constant training, regularly polishing your performing skills. This is exactly what this training is designed for. No water, just a practical approach.

The training consists of 4 stages: Electronic platform, Application, Real estate, Contract.

Therefore, at the stage "Electronic platform" You will learn:

  • Order a digital signature to participate in electronic auctions.
  • Register your personal account for the auction participant.
  • Participate in electronic trading.
  • Pay for the application security for participation in the auction.

Therefore, at the stage " Application" You will learn:

  • Find applications for the purchase of real estate.
  • Conduct negotiations with the customer on purchased real estate properties.
  • Understand the requirements of competitive documentation of an electronic auction.
  • Complete the application in accordance with the requirements of the competition documentation.
  • Generate documents on the property and post them on an electronic platform.

Therefore, at the stage " Property" You will learn:

  • Find real estate properties in accordance with customer requirements.
  • Conduct negotiations with the owner of the property.
  • Understand real estate documents
  • Prepare the necessary real estate documents for the electronic auction.
  • Conclude an agency agreement for the provision of services.

Therefore, at the stage " Contract" You will learn:

  • Sign a municipal contract with an electronic digital signature.
  • Sign a municipal contract on paper.
  • Register the municipal contract 5 days in advance at the registration chamber.
  • Close the deal, with payment for your services, from the owner of the property being sold.

In fact, the above skills are the professional STANDARD of a supplier of real estate for state and municipal needs. And if you want to get into it, then you definitely need to master them.

Evgenia Pichueva, Krasnoyarsk

Good day, I work for a company as a mortgage broker, I am directly involved in real estate transactions, I learned about Denis Fatykhov from the Infobusiness2ru website newsletter, I immediately signed up for the evening seminar, I was attracted by the topic.

The meeting turned out to be very useful, the information was presented in an accessible way, nothing superfluous, the step-by-step chain of actions was clear, I signed up for Denis’s group and am counting on the best results, since with a professional in his field it’s easier to walk hand in hand and you can achieve results faster. Denis sincerely shares what he knows, is very tactful, and it is very pleasant to communicate with him.

If you need an additional source of income, and you are at least somewhat familiar with the topic of real estate, you can safely contact Denis, because his project is truly a godsend, the niche is absolutely empty and Denis has excellent demonstrative, real, live experience.

Katerina Moshkina

I learned about Denis Fatykhov from a random newsletter on VKontakte and became interested. I decided to try it. I joined the seminar and began to absorb all the information and listen carefully....and realized that I was not mistaken.

Denis began to explain such subtleties in the real estate industry from which I realized that he is a very smart person who has really tried everything on himself and is now trying to convey to everyone how you can earn money for yourself, not depend on anyone, and moreover, he wants to teach everyone!

There is always an answer to any question from him. And even the way he invites everyone to learn deserves respect, because even here everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

After listening to the seminar, I made one right decision for myself - that Denis offers an excellent option and a completely new niche for developing your own business, and please note that in our time, where it would seem that everything has already been invented, it is very difficult to find a new niche.
But Denis did it!

I won’t hide that for a very long time I was looking for options on how I could work for myself, and not for my “uncle,” and I got this chance to meet Denis. Guys, all this is real. try, try, sign up for seminars and earn money for yourself, stop living from paycheck to paycheck!

What is the main problem you will solve after completing this course?

Of course, most of you have tried or are trying to engage in real estate services or investments in one form or another. But if you are reading this text now, it means you are not satisfied with the result.

The reason is simple. You acted unprofessionally. Your actions were chaotic. According to the principle: “Let’s try.” This is the principle of amateurs. This is the path to financial failure.

This practical course will completely change your approach to unstable money. You will move from occasional unsuccessful attempts to make money in real estate to the planned creation of your own permanent sources of income

Who needs to take this practical course?

  • First of all, this course is necessary for those people who are determined to change their financial condition, but do not know where to start.
  • For those who are tired of the situation when there seems to be money, but it constantly “slips through your fingers.”
  • For those who have already tried various options for working in real estate but still have not gained regular clients.

Interview,Olga Zitan Yeysk

Thus, if you are tired of lack of money, if you want to change your financial situation at any cost, if you are disappointed in the numerous advice of “realtors”, if you have lost faith that you can make big money in real estate, then this course is exactly what you need for you.

However, despite all its usefulness, this course
can play a cruel joke on you if:

    • You already know everything and look at this world through the eyes of a complete cynic.
    • You think that government procurement is within your reach.
    • You not ready work quickly, with a mentor, and receive an income of 100,000 rubles.

Therefore, if you are from this category of people, then taking this course is simply contraindicated for you.

How will the training take place?

This practical course is distance learning, which takes place in mode of electronic video lessons

The training proceeds as follows:

    • First, I introduce you to the materials in electronic form.
    • You complete tasks
    • Post task completion reports
    • We sort out typical mistakes at regular Skype discussions and online conferences (for the program
      training partner)

There are no restrictions for taking this course:

    • presence or absence of work
    • presence or absence of business
    • participation in other trainings and courses
    • your geographical location
    • the ability to master the material at certain hours

All this does not prevent you from completing training!!!

Review Stanislav Metashev, Kyiv

My name is Guzalia Fakhrutdinova. I am a pensioner, but business issues do not leave me indifferent. I don’t remember how, but I subscribed to the newsletter of Denis Fatykhov, an expert and real estate consultant. and then got to a free webinar where the topic was discussed: “On real estate transactions in government procurement.”

Where did I first hear about this opportunity to build a business and which simply absorbed me. Since, in my vision, the niche is not crowded and one might even say free. This topic is now very relevant, and only those who are ready to make quick decisions can take a place in this market.

Ilya Taran, student. Hello, I am a student at the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

I learned about Denis Fatykhov from the TimePad newsletter. As a future lawyer, I was immediately interested in the topic of this seminar. Throughout the entire speech, Denis presented the material very clearly, concisely and interestingly, without deviating from the stated topic, which immediately made it possible to conclude that him as a professional in his field.

He also supported all his words with specific facts and examples from life experience, showed photographs of his diplomas and certificates, which once again confirmed his competence in the public sector. procurement. After the seminar, I contacted Denis on Skype and he individually answered all my questions and explained certain nuances, which once again made me very happy. I immediately signed up for his practical training course.

Even before it started, Denis sent me many useful links to Internet resources, which allowed me to immediately begin practical actions. In my opinion, Denis managed to find exactly the niche that can help young people without start-up capital and big connections, make very good money and gain tremendous experience in business.

Training course program

After completing this course you will become a professional real estate specialist and supplier of real estate for state and municipal needs.

Listen to reports from several of my students:





Review by Elena Ponomareva, Izhevsk

Review by Ekaterina Ivanovna, Krasnoyarsk

Interview with Evgeniy Luzin, Ekaterinburg

Interview with Sergei Krasnochenko, Moscow

This practical course is available to you under the program:

Partner- take the training online, at home, after each lesson you are given the opportunity to view the lesson in the recording.

Based on the results of the training, you and I enter into a deal; as a result of the deal, we work as partners and split the first deal with you 50/50.

You will be connected to a private chat on Skype. A MENTOR + PERSONAL MANAGER will be assigned to you.

Such tools will be available to you for work

Name Partner
Lessons recorded for re-listening
Bonus 1 Legal block of documents
Bonus 2 Multimedia training course "Rules for a safe transaction"
First deal 0 investments, result 50% to 50%
Technology of interaction with the owner
Technology of interaction with the customer
Technology for identifying and eliminating competitors
Telephone conversation scripts
Technology for recruiting agents in other cities
Block of documents for filing a complaint with the FAS

65,000 rub.

RUB 49,900


Bonus No. 1

Legal package of documents

  • Federal Law FZ-44
  • Regulations of electronic platforms
  • Auction Mapping Template
  • Agency agreement
  • List of documents accepted from the client
  • Certificate of approval of completed work
  • Power of attorney to participate in the auction
  • IOU
  • Scandinavian Documents Program
  • scripts for conversation with the owner
  • scripts for conversation with the customer
  • conversation scripts with a competitor
  • Sample of a complaint to the FAS
  • Sample form of a request for clarification of tender documentation

Bonus No. 2
Multimedia training course "Buying and selling housing, rules for a safe transaction"

What will you learn from the multimedia course?

    • What documents exist for real estate?
    • What do they look like?
    • What should they look like?
    • What are the types of errors in documents?
    • What can prevent you from selling/buying an apartment?

What will you learn after taking the multimedia course?

    • Save money and nerves when buying and selling real estate.
    • Supervise the work of a real estate agent.
    • Avoid problems during the transaction preparation process.
    • Prepare a complete list of documents for a specific transaction, regardless of the complexity of the situation.

What problems can you solve with the help of a multimedia course?

    • The main problem is lack of knowledge.
    • “Black brokers” will not be able to deceive you.
    • You will not overpay for certificates and documents.
    • You don't have to risk money and housing.
    • You don't have to redo documents several times.

List of topics that will be covered in the course:

    • What documents confirm ownership of the apartment?
    • What are the grounds for owning real estate?
    • On what basis does the owner own the apartment (in various cases)?
    • What technical documents exist for an apartment?
    • What documents for an apartment have a limited validity period?
    • What to do if there are errors in the documents for the apartment?
    • What to do if documents for an apartment are expired?
    • How to check and confirm the presence of registered citizens in a given apartment?
    • How to check encumbrances on an apartment?
    • What is an extract from the Unified State Register and why is it needed?
    • What are the features of the transaction if the owner of the apartment is married?
    • What to do if there are minor children registered in the apartment?

As a bonus to the multimedia course “Purchase and sale of housing: rules for a safe transaction,” you will receive a sample purchase and sale agreement with detailed comments.

Who will benefit from this multimedia course?

    • For those who have no experience in buying and selling matters.
    • Beginning real estate agency employees.
    • Real estate experts - you'll have an excellent reference guide for you and your subordinates who want to protect themselves from unscrupulous agents and brokers
    • Anyone who is going to buy or sell real estate.
    • For those who want to learn how to properly prepare documents for a transaction.
    • For those who are afraid of getting caught by a “black broker”.
    • For those who want to check the progress of the transaction on their own.

Who should not take this multimedia course?

    • For those who are willing to risk their apartment and money.
    • For those who want to overpay for the urgency of processing documents.
    • For those who are not interested in the legality of the transaction.
    • Someone who doesn’t care at all about how buying and selling takes place.
    • Someone who likes to sue for their rights to an apartment and have problems.

Who should definitely take this multimedia course?

    • For those who want to easily go through all stages of the transaction.
    • For those who want to become an expert in the field of buying and selling real estate.
    • For those who want to know the rules of the game in the real estate market.
    • For those who do NOT want to become a victim of scammers.

See you at the State Procurement project!


He was educated at the Izhevsk Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, in 1995 - 2000. In 2000, he entered the Russian State Technical University of Railways, Faculty of Economics. Thus, he received two higher educations, which were useful to him in life.


From 2006 to 2007, Denis Fatykhov held the position of retail lending manager of the open joint-stock investment credit company Izhladabank. Where clients are provided with a large list of services, including the preparation of credit histories, electronic applications to the bank, and organization of obtaining a loan.

So he became the head of a real estate agency called “All Udmurtia”, a participant in the second Moscow All-Russian Congress of Brokers and a member of the Republican Guild. During the same year, I completed the “Simply Mortgage” course and became a third-level broker. Today it is known that his company has been operating in the real estate market for eight years. After some time, he developed his own schemes in real estate transactions.

Since 2015, he began to engage in government procurement of real estate. This real estate scheme attracted him because he could continue to work in his field. And have a good income, while also helping people. The scheme involves the purchase of real estate for orphans through government procurement, and the income is a percentage of the transaction, which is paid by the state.

More than 14 years of experience in real estate

Interview with Fatykhov Denis Raisovich.

Konstantin: Hello! Today we are conducting an interview as part of the “Government Procurement of Real Estate” project. And with us today is an expert in this field.

Denis: Greetings.

Konstantin: Denis, of course, I wanted to know more about you. Please tell us about yourself and your business. What are you doing now?

Denis: I have been involved in real estate since 2004, I am still in real estate. I have developed many niches and specializations through myself. At one time he was involved in renting and buying and selling real estate, legitimizing redevelopments, transactions related to inheritance matters, and land plots. That is, everything that real estate specialists do. At a certain period of time, it was very difficult during the crisis, I began to receive offers, when, having shown the facts that the state was purchasing real estate in huge quantities, I decided to settle in this direction, in this niche and prove myself. Since 2009, in government procurement. And to this day I work with government officials all over Russia. Regardless of where this auction would be announced - be it in the northern part of Russia or in the south - I can sell any property without leaving my office or home.

Konstantin: Is this your only project now?

Denis: Real estate related to government procurement is one of the areas of my business. I have my own real estate agency with 20 people on staff. Brokerage business is the second direction. Also related to real estate - we help people apply for a mortgage remotely, there is no need to carry documents anywhere, all this is done remotely. And the third area is government procurement when working with a government customer.

Konstantin: Listen, Denis, in general, share how and when you decided to get involved in real estate? Why real estate? I could go anywhere, so to speak. People are opening businesses - taxis are opening, some are creating websites. Why do you own real estate?

Denis: You know, Kostya, I didn’t immediately come to this direction either. At one time I also had furniture production, that is, I made custom-made furniture. And they kept a bakery, that is, it was one of the unique projects of Bifidumbacteria. When processed in the oven, a complex of vitamins was formed, that is, fortified bread was produced. But there was also some kind of crisis period when there was no flour. Therefore, we went through business after business. We also ran a hardware store with the guys. But everywhere you need to buy goods, sell goods, that is, some capital, in order to support this business.

Konstantin: Working capital, right?

Denis: The production process is also a very difficult process. But I found myself in services, it doesn’t require large capital, but at the same time my temperament is the same - how you carry out your work, how you get results, is how you get pleasure. That is, our entire business today is connected with recommendations: your work depends on how you work. Therefore, here we can say that the person himself manifests himself as an honest businessman, a competent specialist. And as people trust, you begin to develop. Therefore, I have already been in real estate for 10 years.

Konstantin: What was your first deal? Tell me what it was like.

Denis: The first purchase and sale transaction was helping people buy an apartment. They paid me five thousand rubles for my work. My first money was in real estate.

Konstantin: Did people actually know that you had this first deal, did you help?

Denis: They understood that I was a newbie, because every newbie manifests itself in the form of some kind of uncertainty in communicating with people. Therefore, here, even working without a contract, people appreciated me in the fact that I paid attention to them, spent my time, did not leave them anywhere - I was next to them everywhere. And having appreciated it, people paid. I was even proud that these five thousand rubles were paid for the work.

Konstantin: What did you spend it on? Were you in real estate?

Denis: I don’t remember the first money in real estate. But for sure the table was set in the family, there was a festive table, because there was a new direction, the first salary. And somewhere your usual needs. After all, realtors, as a rule, have an unstable business. And I, as I remember now, conducted this deal for three months. That is, I was looking until a buyer was found for their apartment, until I found an option for them, and it all had to be put together into a single chain. But even after spending three months of his time, this five thousand was expensive, desired, long-awaited money.

Konstantin: The very first. I understand. Listen, we have the computer turned on here, I sometimes peek, subscribers write questions. I will ask some from there, people ask.

Denis: Yes, of course.

Konstantin: Denis, I understood everything about real estate - how you came. Why government procurement? At what point were they formed? I know that people are also involved in commercial real estate, some are engaged in rental housing, others only in the purchase and sale of residential premises - housing, apartments. But you have government procurement, which is also such an interesting niche. How did she come to you? At what point in life?

Denis: As the leaders of our country say, in any crisis period the boundaries of consciousness begin to expand, and you look for some opportunities. As I told you, I have been involved in real estate since 2004. In 2007-2008 there was a crisis when it was very difficult to sell. Real estate was practically not for sale. So let's say on the sidelines, I tell some people that during this crisis I even worked as an archivist on the railway: I stitched and filed the archives of railway workers.
And now, an active person in himself, over these five years he has developed a lot and left contact information on the Internet, and offers began to come to me. Managers from Moscow called; as a rule, it is important for managers to sell some kind of training, and they invited me to Moscow. Showing with facts, in reality, that budget money is spent through auctions all over Russia - this is a huge number of applications.
I decided that yes, I need to learn something new in order to somehow develop further and not sit still. At the same time, I was attracted by the fact that the state is a buyer with money. And all the people who want to sell real estate, the buyer who will buy their property is very important to them. Understanding that there is a very big “little box” somewhere, I can work according to the customer’s requests. And when there is a huge demand, the need of this demand is easier to satisfy.

Konstantin: Especially during a crisis, right? As far as I understand.

Denis: Yes. What does it crumble on...

Konstantin: When is the crisis, because what is the main problem? Most likely what everything is worth.

Denis: Everything is worth it.

Konstantin: That is, the housing is not for sale, because the conclusion is that there is no money.

Denis: Absolutely right.

Konstantin: Denis, please tell us about the training project that you are currently leading, “Supplier of real estate for the state and municipal needs.” It’s very interesting what kind of project this is. What are you teaching?

Denis: You know, Kostya, everyone asks me: “What do you teach?” Many even my realtors say: “Teach me.” You know, when I plunged headlong into this direction, I realized for myself that a person’s capabilities are limited. Within a month, I personally measured in my practice that I can make 10 transactions at the same time, but more is already very difficult. Because each owner has different circumstances, and keeping all this in mind is very difficult.
For myself, I defined this direction as a kind of mission. That is, on the one hand, I help the state purchase housing. The state allocates this property to orphans. And one day I thought: “Okay, if I can do everything, I have already developed step-by-step algorithms, step-by-step steps that I can pass on to any person - after going through these steps, he will get the same results as me. And the second thought is that if I alone can carry out 10 transactions, what if I have 10 partners in the regions where they live.”
I conducted my first experience of remote transactions, of course, with my colleagues who live near my city in the city of Votkinsk. Checked, tested, it works. I can work remotely.

Konstantin: That is, in essence, this turns out to be not a training project. That is, in essence, you are looking for partners.

Denis: On the one hand, yes. I teach everything that I can do myself. My partners receive this knowledge, and together with them we make transactions within the country.

Konstantin: This is like a kind of filter, as I understand it, for entry, right? That is, a person cannot just come from scratch and be your partner.

Denis: Of course. Many people tell me: “Denis, teach everything you know, we’ll make a deal, and I’ll pay you for your training.” Yes, but you understand, each person has his own unique knowledge, and I won’t just give it to anyone.

Konstantin: I agree.

Denis: I had such an experience when such a person came to me: why don’t I do this after him, because I taught him for free, and in the end he did not show himself to be an effective partner, but he received my knowledge. And now he, like a pirate, is selling my information for pennies, deceiving people on my behalf.

Konstantin: It turns out that the scheme has already been tested, that the path through training is the most effective?

Denis: Of course.

Konstantin: That is, it turns out that a person has some kind of responsibility. If he gave the money, it means he has a serious intention to move in this direction.

Denis: You are absolutely right that a person himself must decide to change something in his life. Firstly, he invests in himself, in his knowledge, then we turn this knowledge into money. At the same time, I have a unique offer for those partners who are with me. They don't invest anything, we work at the expense of my resources. At the same time, I declare that we will make a deal, and my motivation is to bring you to a deal in order to split the deal in half.

Konstantin: Listen, it’s really interesting.

Denis: Therefore, those people who come to me, they first undergo training. First, a person needs to learn something. Then we immediately carry out transactions.

Konstantin: Denis, what is the probability that the newcomer who comes to you has absolutely zero. Let's take, for example, a waiter who says: “Denis, this is what I want.” What is the probability that he will succeed?

Denis: The probability is always high. And this probability largely depends on the person himself. Those tools, those steps that I give, first of all, they have been tested more than once, on more than one person. Secondly, if a person pulls himself together, he will definitely get results. at the same time, every step he... We actually have a huge goal in the project - everyone should earn at least 100 thousand rubles. For many this is a big goal. But in order to achieve a big goal, you need to “cut it” into many small ones. And we have small lessons towards this goal. In the training program we go through 10 lessons. These are small lessons. And after completing the tasks, you get a small result of your own. You reach a small goal.
For example, let's take the first lesson: we need to study federal law 44-FZ and answer those questions that are important to us for our work - those articles, those tools that we use in our work. This is not a difficult lesson, it is actually a simple lesson, but after completing it, a person gets results. This is one, but small result. And we combine such small results and get one huge goal. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether a person is a real estate specialist or not, whether he’s a lawyer or not – that doesn’t matter either. Because as part of the training project, I have one of the lessons where, in a five-hour lesson, I explain to a person what awaits him when working with real estate; what are real estate documents; how to check encumbrances, arrests, legal claims of third parties. This is all the legal information we need in real estate.
As I state in the project, a person does not risk his money, I risk my resources. Therefore, I must be sure that my partner knows everything that I know. Since he will carry out this work in his region, negotiate with the owners, the commission, and the customer. And to be confident in him, I must teach him everything that I know.

Konstantin: Listen, you said that it doesn’t matter that the person is not a lawyer; it doesn't matter that the person is a beginner. What's important? What's important anyway?

Denis: It is important that a person makes a decision for himself. If he has decided to change his life, he must act, he does not need to stop. This job, when working with a government customer, is the same job as any other person. You also need to plunge into it. In it, too, you need to spend time, your resources and hone your experience and skills. And this, in fact, is the most important thing for a person to be able to pull himself together.
In every job, so to speak, there are pros and cons, some errors through which you need to overcome yourself - to make the same phone call. You will have to make a phone call in order to call the person, ask to go to his apartment and talk to him. Now, if it’s not scary, then everything will work out. But as part of our training program, we have practical lessons where we do training sessions. Five training meetings to help a person hone these skills so that they can communicate easily. And now we are putting all these results together.

Konstantin: In principle, I understand.

Denis: It is important that a person decides to acquire knowledge and apply it. Nobody expects freebies here - you have to do it.

Konstantin: That is, if I just give the money, teach for a couple of days, and the result...

Denis: But you won’t get the result, of course.

Konstantin: That is, I will have to do more.

Denis: No one will do anything for you, Kostya. I won’t do the work for you, so I’ll give you...

Konstantin: There are just so many courses on the Internet now, everyone promises something.

Denis: I agree, everyone promises.

Konstantin: We’ll have to do more. Denis, this is a question that I think will be of interest to many. How long will it take for me to get the first result? Today, for example, is October 1, 2015. I say: “Denis, I agree with everything. I want. Come teach me everything. I'm ready to do whatever you tell me. I’m ready to do everything, that is, if you tell me to squat, I’ll do squats, if you tell me to do push-ups, I’ll do push-ups. Whatever you say." After what period of time can I get my first result? At least your very first deal?

Denis: First, of course, you need to take time to study. That is, our training process is 10 lessons twice a week. That is, in terms of time, it is a month and one week. That is, in any case, this time is necessary for you to undergo training. As soon as you complete the training, and within the framework of the training project, we immediately find deals, we immediately look for the owner, and immediately negotiate. And you understand perfectly well how much time you need for a deal. Since I state that all transactions are predictable - there is always a start date and an end date, you can calmly measure it.

As soon as you have completed the training, as soon as you have found the first deal, you understand the time when you must submit the documents - this is exactly 8 days. Today, let's say it's the first day, you found an auction, and on the eighth you need to find...

Konstantin: Is it difficult to find this auction?

Denis: It’s simple, in fifteen minutes, as part of an introductory webinar or as part of a training project, we study all this, how to find this auction. In 15 minutes he is there.

Konstantin: I mean, it’s not that difficult, that is, we can even sit down and find everything in 15 minutes right now.

Denis: Right now we can open the computer and see right now in which city the auction was announced.

Konstantin: And that’s it, I start working on it, I find the object.

Denis: Yes, the first step is we are looking for an auction. The second step is we look for an object that meets these requirements. Everything is also simple. We go to the Internet, open Avito, look at the advertisements. If we see a profitable deal, we start making a call. It is important for us to understand whether the ad is relevant or not. And within the framework of a telephone conversation, we need the owner to agree to work with us. Accordingly, making a phone call also means 20 minutes of negotiations. If the owner is ready to cooperate, I send the documents by email for signing.
So, on the first of the month, for example, I saw an auction and within 20 minutes I make a phone call. And on the fifth day I already receive the documents. By the eighth, I put them on the site and that’s it. All other dates are calculated using the appropriate formula. That is, as part of the training program, we calculate the formula by which formula to exit the transaction, and this date is clear and predictable. 45 days after training, you receive your first deposit.

Konstantin: That is, the training is 45 days. Everything, in principle, is clear.

Denis: That is, all these dates are spelled out in the law. Why I like this niche, its appeal - all the deals are predictable. As soon as I saw the auction, I already had a date in mind for when I would receive the money. It's very simple.

Konstantin: How many transactions can you make? This is a more mercantile question.

Denis: Everything depends on human capabilities, on your time. Here I am on my own - I don’t work anywhere, I’m just completely involved in real estate. Those partners who work with me work at their main jobs, some on a schedule, others on a rotating schedule. Who has the time? In a month, if you have enough time, you can actually make 10 transactions. If there is enough time!

Konstantin: What is the average check per transaction?

Denis: On average, we look at transactions starting from 100 thousand rubles. That is, those up to a hundred are not very attractive, because we, of course, think that the deal will be without competitors. But in any case, you need to take this element of predictability: what if there is a competitor. You will have to decrease, and your corresponding income decreases. Therefore, we try to look at deals starting from 100 thousand rubles.

Konstantin: That is, if it works out, I take mathematics, 100 thousand multiplied by 10 transactions, it turns out to be a million per month?

Denis: Yes.

Konstantin: Denis, everything is clear about the project. He explained everything in detail. I think that anyone who needs even more information can come to you for an introductory training webinar, where you will tell in detail and answer questions that relate to specific steps.

Denis: Yes. There are a lot of steps and details, so I periodically conduct introductory webinars. I invite you, subscribe to the newsletter and wait for an invitation by email.

Konstantin: Denis, business, money, earnings, this is all very interesting. But at some point this monetary need is closed and you already think in slightly different categories. There's more than just money, right? Do you have any mission in life?

Denis: I have already told you that I have already defined this direction for myself as a kind of mission.

Konstantin: So this is her, right?

Denis: Yes.

Konstantin: This is your life mission.

Denis: Yes. I made a decision for myself that I can supply 10 apartments to the state per month. This means that 10 orphans will receive apartments. At the expense of our partners, we provide two thousand orphans with apartments, thus reducing the queues. And in general, I don’t pursue money as my goal in this direction. My goal is to build a relationship with the customer. My goal is to work with him as partners so that I am seen as a competent employee. And all this leads to stability. This leads to the fact that I no longer have to waste my time searching for auctions.

Konstantin: The customer in the sense of the state.

Denis: And the customer, as a partner, can call me and say: “Denis, we will have auctions, prepare 2-3 apartments, we will purchase them.”

Konstantin: A regular client represented by the state.

Denis: Yes. I encourage all my partners to do the same: don’t chase money. All young people, of course, have dollars in their eyes. But there is no need to chase money. Let it be a little, but stable. And all this is relationships with people.

Konstantin: Listen, but “a little bit”, someone from the audience will now say: “Wow, a little bit?! Ten transactions of one hundred thousand - one million rubles. Now I’m in March – a million, next month a million, another million.” For some of our viewers this is a very good amount.

Denis: Everyone, Kostya, has different priorities: some have money as a goal, I already have some other large-scale goals. And one of the fourth areas that I am currently developing is a new housing program. While she is working in Moscow, she is taking her first steps in Udmurtia. And this is an alternative to a mortgage. Today our state offers only one solution - a mortgage; there are no other options for improving housing. But there is a housing program that I am developing - “Housing Step”. This is getting an apartment on social rent for living. A person’s main goal is to solve the housing problem, and if they provide you with an apartment for a low rent, then you can live cheaply and for a long time and motivate yourself to save. Having saved up for an apartment, you can move out of this rented apartment and buy your own.
What is a mortgage? Everyone already knows that this is “bondage” for 15 years. Right now I have only one apartment in the housing program. That is, accordingly, having registered it, bought it, made repairs, I can move a person there at a socially low rent, so that he can live there for 5 or 10 years, resolve his life issues and be able to improve his living conditions.

Konstantin: Interesting, can you tell me in more detail later, because you sent me this information.

Denis: Yes, there will be one of the webinars on this information soon, where I will talk about this in more detail. All documents for this program are currently being prepared. The main goal is human security in the field of finance, because you have all heard that in our time there are a lot of different pyramids, etc. - People are being deceived. Everything here is within the law. All transactions are registered at Companies House.

Konstantin: Listen, the question just came here, interesting questions. If you could go back ten years, what would you change in your life? Such a difficult question.

Denis: So I could change it? In fact, I would have followed the same path that I have now taken. Because the experience that I received in my life, this experience was not passed on to me by my parents, I experienced it myself. And what I have now in my life, and within the framework of friends, partners, colleagues, I am proud of it. And if maybe 10 years ago or 5, I would have gone some other way, perhaps I would not have what I have now. Therefore, everything suits me, I would not change anything in my life.

Konstantin: Great. What is the most important thing in life for you? You can formulate it in five words.

Denis: Family, relationships with friends, partnerships, recommendations from friends and acquaintances about me as a person, about the benefits that I brought to certain people.

Konstantin: You said family. Do you have a spouse? Children?

Denis: Yes, two children. The daughter is 8 years old, the son is 13 and the wife has been married for 15 years.

Konstantin: Well done. Olga writes: “What barriers prevent some people from achieving their goals?”

Denis: What are the barriers? Actually human laziness. Those people who live, say, an ordinary, measured life: work - home, home - work. Everyday life gets boring, you get used to it and it’s very difficult to leave your comfort zone. Even within the framework of a training project, I tell my partners that: “I give you a task and you have 48 hours to complete it. After that, you must report to me on the work done.” And many people think: “So, Denis will force you to do something. We need to somehow get out of our comfort zone.”
One of the partners is an amazing man, he works as a plumber, and even after completing training, he says: “Can you imagine how my life has changed? I have to meet people, I have to look presentable somehow, I even shaved. I have never in my life gone to a store that sells men's clothing—suits and jackets. My life has changed in such a way that I am now forced to do this now.”

Konstantin: I also think that the most difficult thing is to do something new. And the difficulty is not in making this call? Just get out of your usual state, from your usual world in which you live - for some it’s a sofa, a TV, for others it may be something else.

Denis: Those who come to my webinars think: “When I call a person, what will I tell him? What questions will I ask? No need to think about it. Ready-made tools, ready-made questions, templates: you just call, ask a question, get an answer. Everything is actually quite simple. The most important thing is to decide to get out of your comfort zone, think about what awaits you when you get results and achieve your first big goal. That is, it motivates a person.

Konstantin: Let’s sum up the ending like this. What life position do you think allows a person to achieve success?

Denis: No matter what, no matter what life circumstances arise, at one time or another, you need to go, go and go with perseverance. To overcome something in life in order to get results. If it doesn't work, you need to try again. If it doesn't work, try again. Don't stop. Because remember, Kostya, remember yourself as a child, when you were just starting to take your first steps. Well, at first you crawled on your stomach, then you started on your knees, then you started to get up, but it didn’t work out for you - you fell. If it didn’t work out, you fell. But every time you took more and more new steps. And in any new business everything is the same. If you have trained as a turner, you will not come to a factory and immediately start turning parts perfectly. All the same, experience and practice will lead you to results. In the same way, here, by trial and error, you take small steps, getting small but important results. What I tell you is unique is that you don’t do everything at once. I told you, and in 48 hours you ran and did it. You took a small step, consolidated it, received the result, reported, I told you: “Yes, everything is fine.” You are starting a new step. And it’s easier to walk along the stairs. I stepped on one ladder and secured the result. He stepped on another and secured it.

Konstantin: It turns out that the main key point is simply not to give up in such moments.

Denis: Don't give up!

Konstantin: This is the moment that I will now project onto what you and I were talking about – the supply of real estate. Call the client: he, for example, does not want to sell his object through you. You look for auctions, but you can't find them. There will still be some difficulties. It’s not so simple: you go on the Internet, you don’t need to do anything, an auction pops up for you, which is already ready, that is, with a ready-made marginal good object, with a tasty one. Surely there are also some difficulties... Any person faces difficulties.

Denis: Kostya, you’re absolutely right. But the advantage is that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who take some courses, seminars, gain knowledge, and then don’t know how to apply it. Because they themselves are stewing in their own porridge. In my project, there is a team where you and the group are in the same pot, so to speak, in the same group. If you have any difficulties, you can ask any question.

Konstantin: This is a kind of community.

Denis: Yes. A kind of community where we all help each other, give advice, etc.

Konstantin: Is there a supportive environment? Where in difficult moments, I can always come and ask for support. Do I understand correctly?

Denis: Absolutely right. And do you know what other advantage is? Being in such a community, in such a group, you see that someone is moving forward, some leaders are already starting to make deals. And you think: “So, why can’t I? What's happened? Why am I not like others? And you begin to motivate yourself. This is such a kick: others do it, but you, what’s worse? You begin to move even more and get results.

Konstantin: Denis, thank you very much for the interview. It was very interesting.

Denis: Actually, the system works.

Konstantin: Just lastly. Last question: just a person watched the interview, tell him some wish. Future real estate supplier.

Denis: Dear subscriber! I ask you not to stop there. In fact, life today gives us enormous opportunities. In fact, the money is lying under your feet, just take it and put it in your pocket. Broaden your field of activity a little and look around - life is not as dull as you think. Basically, all our people think that work, home, TV, sofa, etc. But today we have limitless opportunities to live with dignity. Take action, don't stop!
I invite you to my water webinar. Subscribe to our newsletter. Read the news. I'll tell you a lot more interesting things in the newsletter. And at my next introductory webinar, I will send you an invitation by email. Under the video you will see a link, follow it, enter your name and email address and wait for an invitation by email. By the way, under the video there is a “comments” form, you can write me questions there, I will try to answer you. All the best to you. Bye bye.

Do you want to know how to earn from 100-500 thousand rubles on the Internet through government real estate purchases without investments? Denis Fatykhov, an expert in real estate and government procurement, a realtor, and a speaker at the BiS TV production center, can answer this question.

Everything the state needs is purchased exclusively through government procurement. There is a special article in the federal budget - providing housing for orphans. A certain amount is allocated annually for this item, which is spent only for these purposes.

The state needs housing for orphans and from this you can earn on the Internet from 100,000 rubles per month

How is it possible on this? The principle is simple. For example, the state needs a one-room apartment with an area of ​​30-38 square meters. m. in a panel house with a good repair, a bathroom within the city N. Moreover, the cost should not exceed 1,100,000 rubles.

We find a suitable apartment and agree with the owner on mutually beneficial cooperation: we pay him a little more than he wanted, we indicate 1.1 million in the contract, and the difference is our reward. And it cannot be less than 100,000 rubles.

Everyone wins:

  • the state has found an apartment - it has fulfilled its function;
  • the owner received more than he wanted;
  • the orphans were provided with an apartment on time;
  • you earned from 100,000 rubles by spending only 8 hours.

Can you imagine what will happen if you conduct two, three, four transactions at the same time?

Of course, everything is not so simple: you need to know a sea of ​​secrets and nuances:

  • Where to look?
  • How to win auctions?
  • The principle of working with the state and owners?
  • How to ensure that the owner will pay the difference?
  • How, in the end, can you organize your work in such a way that you can get everything done in 8 hours?

Well, working all over Russia without leaving home wouldn’t hurt either, right?

In order to start earning money through government procurement, you don’t need a lot of effort, everything is very simple. It is necessary to work officially, pay taxes on time and provide the necessary services in a timely and high-quality manner. In order to start working with the government via the Internet, you need to issue an electronic signature (EDS). After completing it, you can go to electronic platforms and search for the order you are interested in.

Every year more and more money is allocated from the state budget for the purchase of municipal housing for orphans or children left without parental care. Government procurement for municipal housing is currently considered the most profitable and promising way to make money on the Internet.

Judge for yourself:

  • A minimum package of documents is required, despite the fact that this is related to government activities;
  • The entire transaction can be carried out practically without leaving the computer;
  • No investment required;
  • And the most attractive thing is that few people know about this profitable way of making money on the Internet!

In addition to the fact that you have the opportunity to earn a decent profit on the Internet from government procurement of municipal housing for orphans and children without parental care, you also provide them with an invaluable service. After a child turns 18 and leaves the orphanage, he only then gets in line to receive housing from the state if he does not have any suitable property left for him to live in from his parents. And the length of this queue directly depends on how quickly a person can be found who will help the state purchase this property.

It turns out that a person who decides to engage in government procurement of municipal housing for orphans can not only make money on the Internet from scratch, but also helps orphans buy their own roof over their heads.

Do you want to learn more about how to make money online by providing municipal housing for orphans? Subscribe to ours by simply entering your name and email - we will send you a lot of useful information and an invitation to a free mini-lesson by Denis Fatykhov.