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What can an expectant mother do to give birth to a healthy baby? A healthy pregnancy means a healthy baby! What you need to do to bear a healthy baby

Pregnancy is the most unforgettable and amazing period in the life of every woman. During this time, many changes occur, both physiological and psychological.

How to prepare for pregnancy and carry a healthy baby? Almost everyone asks themselves this question. expectant mother, bearing her first child.

If you follow the following 5 rules, you will be able to bear and give birth to a strong, healthy child:

  1. Proper nutrition. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. Our parents’ advice to “eat for two” is absolutely wrong. Food should be as healthy as possible, rich in vitamins and microelements. For example, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, and fruits must be included in the diet of the expectant mother.
  2. Forget about your bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy itself.
  3. Only positive emotions. Avoid stressful situations, don’t listen to other people’s negative experiences. The attitude should be: “Everything will be fine, I will give birth to a healthy, beautiful baby.” You can look at your childhood photos, often imagine what your baby will be like. The child feels the mother’s mood, so during pregnancy you need to spend maximum time with your loved one, listen to pleasant music, watch funny films or even cartoons. Be sure to talk to your baby, read fairy tales, he hears and understands everything. You can do something with your own hands. For example, knit a hat, embroider a shirt, sew a diaper. Not only is it an enjoyable experience, but it will also be a memory that will last a lifetime.
  4. Fresh air and activity. Pregnancy is not a disease; you should not lie on your bed all day. Training some types of muscles is very useful and even necessary during childbirth. An expectant mother can sign up for yoga to learn how to breathe and relax correctly. Swimming is very useful during pregnancy. On last month During pregnancy, you can go for a back massage to relieve stress and relieve lower back pain.
  5. Take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor. You can try first folk remedies, herbs, but take them very carefully, after consulting your doctor.

Pregnancy should not cause negative feelings, anxiety and fear. Everything that worries you needs to be voiced to the doctor, you can go for a consultation with a psychotherapist.

He will help you overcome all your phobias and fears, restore psychological balance, comfort, positive attitude and advise you on how to bear a healthy baby.

In the subconscious of every girl and woman there are maternal feelings, the so-called instinct. Almost every representative of the fair sex wants to become a mother, bear and give birth to a healthy child. Many women claim that their life took on completely different emotions and sensations when they learned the beauty of motherhood, even if it was. It is this topic that we would like to dedicate this article, touching on the issue of bearing and giving birth to a baby.

So, you have learned the wonderful news that you are pregnant. Surely you have already come up with... Now your main task is to safely carry and give birth to a child. Next, we will give a number of recommendations about this, which will be very useful to you.

How to carry a child to term so that he is born healthy?

It would seem that the girl is pregnant, everything is fine, the main thing is not to worry and visit a doctor, thanks to which bearing a child will be easy and successful. But bearing a baby is a very serious process that requires knowledge and a special approach.

Going back a little, it is worth noting the importance of conception, for which future parents must carefully prepare. At the first stage, parents must undergo compatibility tests, as well as tests for the presence of any diseases that can negatively affect both the conception itself and the girl’s carrying a child. We talked in more detail about conception in the article. Particular attention should be paid to this issue if you are planning to give birth to a child after 30 or. It is also possible at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. Well, now let’s move on to the immediate topic of our article – bearing a child. Let's start in order.

  • Visit to the gynecologist

    As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should get tested. Which will be prescribed by your attending physician. From this moment on, your main doctor is not a general practitioner, but a gynecologist.

    Very often, girls do not know how often and when to visit a gynecologist during pregnancy. IN in this case A visit to a gynecologist for each expectant mother is determined individually, but in most cases, during the first 6 months of pregnancy, a gynecologist should be visited once a month, starting around the 30th week, a visit to a gynecologist should be made once every two weeks, and from the 36th week, visits should be weekly.

    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that such a schedule for visiting a gynecologist is established provided that the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, when the mother feels well and the fetus develops according to established standards. If any suspicions arise on the part of the doctor, the visit schedule may be changed by the doctor.

  • Proper nutrition

    If you want to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, then an integral part of your lifestyle in this period time should become healthy and proper nutrition. In addition to the fact that proper nutrition will eliminate the occurrence of issues that can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus, they can also contribute to its smooth course and even the development of the fetus. The lighter and “purer” the food you eat, the better, because everything that the mother eats is reflected in the baby.

    You can find out more about it in a separate article. Here we will look at the so-called basics of nutrition for pregnant women. The expectant mother's diet should consist of vegetables and fruits, which should take up almost half of the daily diet. Meat and fish are also very important for the nutrition of the expectant mother; they cannot be excluded. Porridge and dairy products are no less useful and recommended during pregnancy. At the same time, it is very important to refuse or at least minimize the use of harmful products: fried, smoked meats, preservatives, various sauces and sauces, foods with dye, etc.

    The choice of food and the preparation of a diet must be approached very carefully, since you need to take into account your “ interesting situation" Your attending physician will help you adjust the menu.

    And finally, it is worth mentioning the amount of food consumed. There are no dietary restrictions as such while carrying a baby; you should eat as much as your body requires, because you are practically eating for two. At the same time, you should not, in the literal sense of the word, eat for two and thereby overeat; eat as much as your body requires, but not excessively.

  • Movement and warm-ups

    Some girls are very accepting big mistake, when during the period of bearing a baby they lead a sedentary and sometimes recumbent lifestyle. Physical activity (not exercise) is simply necessary, because thanks to it you will burn extra calories, keep your body in good shape, and this is beneficial for the fetus. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is also possible physical activity, only moderate and in consultation with a doctor, under the strict supervision of an instructor.

  • Walks and fresh air

    Daily walks are a must for pregnant girls. Firstly, it's still the same physical activity, and secondly, this is a great opportunity to get some fresh air. It is best to take walks outside the central streets, preferably in a green area, where there is more or less fresh and clean air. It is recommended to take a walk at least 2 times a day, the duration of which should be at least 40 minutes; if it is winter, then it is better not to prolong the walk, but in the summer, when the weather is good, on the contrary, it is better to extend it as much as possible in the fresh air, the main thing is not to Sun.

    It is very useful for pregnant girls to travel outside the city. Try to spend every weekend with your husband in nature outside the city; if possible, take a vacation and go to a sanatorium or on a seaside vacation.

  • Rest

    Many girls work during pregnancy, and in addition to work, they also do household chores. As we said before, being active during pregnancy is good, but you also need to give yourself some rest. After all, being in a state of pregnancy puts a double burden on the body, which is why it is necessary to give it the opportunity to regain strength. Entrust some of the household chores to your husband or ask your mother for help. Healthy sleep is no less important for pregnant women; it should be the established norm of 8 hours a day, and if you want to sleep during the day, do not neglect it - rest.

  • Good mood and calmness

    During pregnancy, we must not forget that the expectant mother should always be in a good mood. Oddly enough, mood also affects the baby. If you always have a cheerful and good mood, then this will be passed on to the child and have a positive effect on the formation of his nervous system.

    We would like to draw your special attention to the fact that you must remain completely calm. After all, everyone knows that pregnant women are strictly forbidden to worry. Yes, it is very difficult, especially the closer the time approaches to giving birth. In order to get rid of worries, learn to relax, and in extreme cases, if necessary, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a safe sedative.

  • Planning a child: everything young parents need to know Nina Bashkirova

    Is it possible to carry and give birth to a child without special expenses? (economical option)

    1. Planning pregnancy

    Tests, x-rays, consultations with specialists - all this can be done free of charge in your local clinic, and for both potential parents. True, ultrasounds are often prescribed free of charge according to indications, that is, if you have any pain, and you will have to wait six months for your turn. And most often they are sent to a commercial clinic or diagnostic center in a self-supporting department.

    Tests for urogenital infections are provided free of charge at the Clinical Department upon referral from a urologist or gynecologist. You can get tested for free at the antenatal clinic.

    Test for RV infections, HIV, hepatitis for two – 1100x2 = 2200 rub.

    Vaccinations against rubella and hepatitis – 400 rubles.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs – 2500 rub.

    Dentist – 1000–3000 rub.

    2. Pregnancy

    When conception has occurred and you find out that you are pregnant, the first thing you simply must do is register with the antenatal clinic. Moreover, it is advisable to do this before 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you will receive additional, albeit small, financial assistance from the state - a one-time benefit.

    If your pregnancy is going well, you will visit your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic every 3 weeks.

    In total, you will have to take about 14 tests and undergo an ultrasound examination 4 times - at the 16th, 24th, 30th and 39th weeks of pregnancy. You have the right to do all these procedures completely free of charge. But there are situations when the device breaks down or the necessary specialist is on vacation. Then you will be offered commercial laboratories. You can check the quality of research yourself in a private clinic if you do not fully trust free medicine. But this is your own choice.

    In case of complications, for example, toxicosis, the woman is sent to the maternity hospital free of charge for safekeeping. There you won't have to pay a penny. But this is an ordinary multi-bed ward with appropriate conditions. The quality of medical care is at the level of a regular hospital stay. Food too.

    Tests for thyroid hormones - 3 times (at the 18th, 26th, 34-35th weeks) (each analysis from 290 to 400 rubles) - 870-1200 rubles.

    Tests for RV infections, HIV, hepatitis - 3 times (at the 13th, 30th, 37th weeks) (each test for 1100 rubles) - 3300 rubles.

    3. Vitamins and medicines

    What you really need money for is medicine (if needed), vitamins and good nutrition.

    True, from 30 weeks the birth certificate includes free vitamins and medicines with a doctor’s prescription.

    Vitamins, folic acid(5–9 packages for 230 rub.) – 1150–2070 rub.

    Magne B 6 tablets or others (13–18 packs, each about 250 rubles) – 3250–4500 rubles.

    Tea for pregnant women (2 packs of 150 rubles each) – 300 rubles.

    4. “Dowry” for the baby and clothes for the mother

    You can save a lot on a crib and clothes for a newborn if you use second-hand ones. Friends whose children are already grown up usually willingly give away beautiful, almost new things. Moreover, after repeated washings, the fabric becomes softer and more pleasant for the delicate skin of the child. Therefore, you should not neglect such gifts. But, of course, you still can’t do without new overalls, caps and blouses.

    But it’s better to buy a stroller: it must be reliable.

    You will also have to buy hygiene supplies. Choose clothes according to your taste, but it is better to update your wardrobe. You are unlikely to fit into old jeans in the seventh month, and walking around in the same oversized sweater and grandma’s skirt means forgetting about yourself as a woman. Meanwhile, it is pregnancy that allows a woman to open up in a new way and show her femininity.

    Minimum clothing for women

    Trousers from 1000–3000 rub.

    Two blouses for 900 rub. – 1800 rub.

    Skirt – 1000 rub.

    Underwear – 2000–2500 rub.

    "Dowry" for a child

    Stroller – 5000 rub.

    Crib – 10,000 rub. ^ Mattress – 1000 rub.

    Chest of drawers or changing table – 1500–4500 rub.

    High chair - from 3000 rub.

    Bath – 200 rub.

    Kangaroo backpack – 1000 rub.

    Car seat – 5000 rub.

    Blanket, duvet covers, sheets, diapers, towels – 4000 rub.

    Overalls – 1500 rub.

    Blouses, vests and rompers – 3200 rub.

    Hats or bonnets – 800 rub.

    Diapers – 500 rub.

    Other small items – 2000 rub.

    Items for feeding and caring for the baby

    Bottles (3 pcs. for 200 rub.) – 600 rub.

    Pacifier (2 pieces for 90 rub.) – 180 rub.

    Thermal bag for bottles – 500 rub.

    Brush for washing bottles – 20 rub.

    Bib (5 pieces, 50 rubles each) – 250 rubles.

    Children's hygiene products and first aid kit – 2000 rub.

    Don't forget about courses for pregnant women (RUB 10,000).

    Now about childbirth. You will be given birth completely free of charge using a birth certificate, which will be issued at the antenatal clinic. This document is a guarantee of free medical care. Of course, the conditions will be the most ordinary - the same multi-bed ward, a common maternity ward, one midwife for several women in labor, etc. But professionalism, as well as the warmth and attention of the staff, depends not on money, but on people. Therefore, even in the case of free childbirth, you may well be satisfied. The only thing that will not be there is the comfort that you are used to at home, and the constant presence of your husband or loved one.

    As a rule, if everything happens normally and the child is born healthy, women tend to thank the doctors, midwives and nannies. Therefore, a certain amount must be planned in the case of a completely free birth (from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles).

    In total it turns out to be about 6500 rubles. However, this figure is also conditional, because you can exclude something, add something, or your relatives will give you something, with whom you can agree in advance. You can’t just refuse tests, medications and vitamins. In addition, this does not include the costs of improved nutrition, because a pregnant woman needs a lot of fruits, fresh (preferably market) cottage cheese, etc. All this costs special expenses.

    This text is an introductory fragment.

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    Pregnancy is not a disease, but the body of the expectant mother works with double the load. Physiological changes contribute to adaptation to pregnancy, proper development of the fetus and preparation for childbirth.

    What is changing?

    Central nervous system: V early dates weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, drooling, heightened sense of smell, and tearfulness may appear. As pregnancy progresses, symptoms associated with an enlarged uterus and the influence of placental hormones on all systems of the woman’s body (heartburn, constipation, frequent urination, palpitations, muscle pain in the legs) will appear.

    The basic rule of behavior for a pregnant woman is to exclude the influence of negative environmental factors on the fetus.

    It is especially important to ensure safety in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy - the period of active organogenesis (formation of organs and tissues of the unborn child). Also critical periods of development include weeks 15-20 (increased brain growth) and weeks 20-24 (formation of functional systems of the fetal body).

    Correct behavior and lifestyle

    Bad habits. Smoking is absolutely contraindicated. Smoking mothers have been shown to increase the risk of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, fetal growth retardation and sudden infant death syndrome. Alcohol consumption - more than 60 ml. ethyl alcohol per day leads to a delay in physical and mental development child, miscarriage.

    Drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

    It is recommended to take walks, as they have a beneficial effect on physical and mental state women. Warm air baths (temperature 22 degrees) for 5 minutes in the first days with a gradual daily increase are also indicated.

    Rational nutrition for a pregnant woman. Nutrition should be balanced, differentiated, high in calories (2500 kcal per day, and at the end of pregnancy 2800-2900 kcal). With an uncomplicated pregnancy and normal physical health, a woman can receive a diet supplemented with vitamins and microelements with a proven positive effect on the course of pregnancy and fetal development (vitamin A, E, folic acid, iodine).

    Sources of animal protein should be varied. It is necessary to alternate meat in the diet, lean fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk, yogurt, yogurt). The preferred types of meat are lean beef, rabbit, and chicken.

    Fats must be presented vegetable oils(olive, corn, sunflower). Plant fiber (wholemeal bread, with bran, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice cereals, raw vegetables, fruits, berries). It is recommended to replace regular salt with iodized salt.

    Vitamins. Long-term observations have led to the conclusion that it is necessary to limit the intake of vitamins. It is advisable to use vitamin E, beta-carotene and folic acid.

    Exclude from the diet:

    For each trimester of pregnancy, nutrition has its own characteristics:

    I trimester- decisive for the development of the child. Deficiency of various vitamins can lead to disturbances in intrauterine development and even fetal death. Important elements for this period are iron, folic acid, zinc and magnesium. This means that the menu should be dominated by green lettuce, fish, chicken, nuts, fruits, legumes, blackcurrant or cranberry juices. And folic acid supplements.

    In II trimester The diet includes foods containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B12.

    IN III trimester Due to the rapid growth of the child’s brain, we increase the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, seeds and seed oils).

    Important and diet- often, but in small portions. Do not load your stomach at night. Drinking regimen: during the 1st half of pregnancy 2-2.5 liters. fluids per day, after 20 weeks limit to 1.5 liters.

    Physical training?

    The recommended frequency of classes is 2-3 times a week. Loads should be systematic and individually selected, lasting 40-50 minutes. Experts believe that walking, swimming and a special course of physical therapy are suitable for most pregnant women. Yoga and Pilates, adapted for expectant mothers, are very useful. Currently, many antenatal clinics have offices for physical therapy and yoga. Objectives of the lesson physical culture during pregnancy are:

    Intimate hygiene and physical intimacy

    During pregnancy, it is necessary to toilet the genitals with baby soap 2 times a day. Vaginal douching for hygienic purposes is contraindicated. Underwear should only be made from natural fabrics. Please note that there are contraindications to physical intimacy:

    • multiple pregnancy (after 20 weeks);
    • the threat of termination of this pregnancy;
    • a history of repeated miscarriages;
    • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
    • low location or placenta previa;
    • history of premature birth.

    Use of drugs

    During the formation of fetal organs (up to 14 weeks), to prevent abnormalities in the development of the neural tube and congenital cretinism, it is necessary to refrain from consuming any medicines. The exceptions are folic acid at a dose of 4 mg/day and potassium iodide 200 mg/day. They should be taken as early as possible, ideally from the moment the decision to conceive is made.

    Healthy women should avoid any medications throughout the entire period. Pregnant, suffering chronic diseases, it is necessary, together with your doctor, to prepare for pregnancy in such a way as to reduce the intake of medications in the early stages to a minimum.

    The question of taking vitamins specially designed for pregnant women currently remains open. However, taking multivitamins and mineral complexes especially for pregnant women, it remains relevant for women who do not have the opportunity to eat adequately or have a deficiency of specific microelements. But you need to know that multivitamin complexes intended for other groups of the population, including children, and pregnant women are in any case contraindicated.

    There is only one conclusion: pregnancy requires attention and serious attitude. After all, it depends only on the woman how her baby will come into this world.

    Miscarriages, especially early stages Pregnancies happen very often. The statistics are simply terrifying; from 15 to 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Health care providers are so used to it that they partly consider miscarriage to be a normal part of human reproduction. But it’s hardly any easier for women who lose future children.

    Fear of miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Many mothers, especially those who have already experienced loss, try to do everything to prevent it from happening again. Let's try to find out the most important thing, why this happens and what are the causes of miscarriage.

    After the test shows a positive result, women have an 80% chance of carrying and giving birth to a healthy child. It should be recognized that a miscarriage as a current is absolutely random event. The exact reasons are usually impossible to establish. This is especially true for the first case of loss of a child.

    If a woman cannot carry a pregnancy to term and suffers from repeated miscarriages, doctors suspect a medical problem. I draw attention to the word suggest, since even between repeated miscarriages in many cases there is no connection.

    Over the years, medicine has nevertheless identified some possible reasons miscarriage:

    Chromosomal abnormalities


    In 60% of cases, it is the chromosome mismatch that leads to the inability to bear a child. These tiny structures, which are contained in every cell, are sources of genetic information. Each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, each from their mother and father. The presence of chromosome abnormalities leads to miscarriage. Married couples who have gone through 2-3 miscarriages are required to take tests for chromosomal compatibility.

    What to do?

    There is no need to panic after your first miscarriage. We need to try our luck a second time. In case of repeated miscarriage, compatibility tests will be required. If everything is fine with the chromosomes, you need to look for other reasons.

    Uterine abnormalities


    If the uterus is irregularly shaped or uterine septa are present, embryo implantation may be affected. Metabolic processes are disrupted, the embryo does not receive sufficient nutrition, and therefore cannot survive. As a result, a miscarriage occurs. Another problem is weakened uterine muscles. There are some peculiarities here. Miscarriage occurs towards the end of the 1st trimester. At this time, the fetus begins to actively grow, expanding the uterus. If the muscles are weakened, the uterus does not have enough strength to hold the fetus and the pregnancy is terminated. According to statistics, up to 10% of potential expectant mothers suffer from this problem.

    What to do?

    The problem can be identified in the midst of pregnancy, or after a repeat miscarriage. Surgery will be required to remove the uterine septum. Miscarriage due to a weak uterus can be prevented using a cervical suture (cerclage). To avoid miscarriage, it is recommended to go into continence at the beginning of pregnancy and be under constant medical supervision.

    Immunological disorders


    In fact, male seminal fluid is a foreign body in relation to the female body. However, the fertilized egg sends a special signal to the brain, this protects against rejection. But in the presence of immunological disorders, antibodies attack the embryo, which leads to miscarriage.

    What to do?

    Medicine is nothing to brag about. Research has been done, but there hasn't been much of it. Certain results were achieved thanks to experimental treatment methods. Aspirin, heparin and steroids are used to prevent miscarriages caused by immunological disorders.

    Chronic diseases


    Thyroid diseases, uncompensated diabetes mellitus, hyper- and hypothyroidism create an unfavorable environment inside the uterus. This reduces embryo survival and disrupts pregnancy.

    What to do?

    The best way to solve the problem of diabetes is to start leading a healthy lifestyle, following your doctor’s recommendations. The thyroid gland is treatable with medication.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)


    In some cases, repeated miscarriages occur due to polycystic ovary syndrome. A woman susceptible to this disease is diagnosed high level male hormone testosterone. Hormonal imbalance leads to irregular menstruation and ovulation. Even if the pregnant woman is not suffering diabetes mellitus, PCOS affects insulin resistance, and this interferes with the proper maturation of the endometrium. Between 5 and 10% of women of fertile age are susceptible to PCOS.

    What to do?

    Preoral antidiabetic drugs, such as metformin, can reduce the number of miscarriages in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Bacterial infections


    The human body is home to a wide variety of bacteria. They live in both male and female genital organs. However, some of them can significantly complicate pregnancy and contribute to miscarriage. Mycoplasma (hominis) and ureaplasma (urealyticum) are considered the most dangerous. Infection with these bacteria leads to the development of endometriosis, and this negatively affects the development of the embryo.

    What to do?

    The only way to rule out the problem is to get tested on time and undergo a course of treatment. The infection is treatable with antibiotics.

    Wrong lifestyle


    Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and toxins are the enemies of pregnancy. Nicotine, penetrating the placenta, negatively affects the blood supply and growth of the fetus. Smokers are twice as likely to have a miscarriage. Drinking more than 2 servings of alcoholic beverages can lead to pregnancy failure. The same goes for drugs.

    The most interesting thing is that there are certain professions that increase the likelihood of miscarriage. Workers often lose children agriculture, surgeons, dentists and medical laboratory technicians. Reasons why professional activity miscarriages are not yet known to medicine.

    What to do?

    Start leading a healthy lifestyle and give up forever bad habits even before you decide to have a child. If you are worried about what your workplace and working conditions may affect pregnancy, consult your doctor or take extended leave.

    I hope you are not in danger of miscarriage. And even if this happened once, it’s worth trying to get pregnant again. Be healthy, I wish you a speedy addition to your family!