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Conducting an inventory of property and liabilities. Inventory of property and financial obligations - lecture Why an inventory of property and obligations is carried out

And the financial obligations of the organization are carried out, as a rule, before submitting reports at the end of the year. This procedure has a number of features. Let's look at them in the article.

General information

Carrying out an inventory of an organization's property is a set of activities aimed at checking and documenting the presence, condition and value of material assets. Information about them is contained in the relevant documentation. The enterprise has a special department that conducts accounting. The inventory of an organization's property is preceded by the issuance of a corresponding order. This document specifies the grounds for carrying out this procedure and appoints a commission. The order also indicates the deadlines for completing the work. Inventory of an organization's property can be carried out both planned and unscheduled.


An inventory of the organization’s property is necessary:

  1. To establish the actual availability of material assets.
  2. Comparison of the obtained data with the information in the financial statements.
  3. Identifying substandard resources, forming reasoned conclusions, preparing documentation for their write-off or markdown. When carrying out these procedures, the necessary specialists and competent structures may be involved.
  4. Determination of those responsible when surpluses, shortages, or damage to property are discovered.
  5. Checking the completeness and reliability of the display of property and obligations, compliance by counterparties with contractual deadlines, the application of measures to collect and repay debts, and write them off after the expiration of the statute of limitations.


There are various types of inventory of property and liabilities of an organization. For example, procedures can be partial, selective, complete, or periodic. Meanwhile, a complete inventory of the organization’s property allows one to check the accuracy and completeness of the reporting and determine to what extent the content of the data corresponds to the actual state of affairs. It is mandatory in accordance with clause 7 of the instructions regulating the rules for compiling and presenting final (monthly, quarterly, annual) indicators. Inventory of the organization’s property and registration of its results are carried out in accordance with the methodological instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 of June 13, 1995.

General rules

The organization of property inventory is carried out in relation to material assets, regardless of their location. The procedure applies to production inventories and others that do not belong to the enterprise, but are in storage, leased, received for processing, etc. Inventory is also carried out in relation to unaccounted for property. The audit is carried out at the location of material assets. This could be a workshop, a workshop, a production site, a laboratory, and so on. The procedure for conducting an inventory of an organization’s property includes the following stages:

  1. Issuance of an order.
  2. Check and inventory.
  3. Documentation.
  4. Data matching.
  5. Drawing up a conclusion.


It must be adopted in advance so that organizing an inventory of property does not come as a surprise to employees and responsible persons and they can prepare for it. The order specifies the composition of the commission, its chairman, the objects in respect of which the audit will be carried out, and its timing. The document can be drawn up according to the form given in the guidelines. The order is registered in the control book.


Its members can be administrative workers, accountants, and other specialists who have the appropriate competence and professional skills to assess the state of the enterprise’s liabilities and property. The inclusion of financially responsible persons in the commission is not allowed. In the absence of at least one of the appointed members, the results of the audit may be considered invalid. This is especially true in cases where the organization of an inventory of property is aimed at identifying those responsible for theft, damage to material assets; the check is carried out when changing financially responsible persons, as well as when submitting the conclusion to the court.

If there are a large number of inspection objects, working commissions can be formed. They report to the chairman of the standing core group of auditors. The tasks of the working commissions include not only checking the condition and availability of material assets. They have the right to make proposals to improve control, storage, acceptance, and release of property.

Delivery of materials

Organizing a property inventory involves determining the balances of material assets and existing debts according to documents. To do this, members of the audit commission study all receipts and expenditure statements, reports on the movement of objects and funds. The chairman endorses all documents attached to the registers. In this case, a mark is made indicating the date of inventory. This serves as the basis for the accounting department to determine the balance of material assets at the beginning of the procedure.

Important point

Before conducting an inventory of the organization’s property, materially responsible employees provide receipts stating that all expenditure and receipt documentation has been submitted to the accounting department or transferred to the commission, and also that all incoming objects have been capitalized, and those that have been disposed of have been written off. The same papers are drawn up by persons who have accountable amounts or powers of attorney for the acquisition/reception of material assets. Verification of the actual availability of property is carried out with the obligatory presence of responsible employees. If they are changed, the receiving persons sign the receipt receipt. At the time of verification, all operations with objects are stopped. If material assets are received during the audit process, they are placed separately and an inventory is drawn up on them. If the inventory is carried out over several days, the premises with the property are sealed.

Checking material assets

As a rule, it is performed using the continuous method. It involves the recalculation of absolutely all values. This process is quite labor-intensive. The inventory rules allow the use of simplified verification methods only in exceptional cases. For example, such methods are permitted when inspecting goods and materials located in undamaged supplier containers. In this case, the number of objects can be established on the basis of accompanying documentation during a mandatory audit in kind. If, based on the results of a random check, a discrepancy is revealed between the indicators reflected in the labeling or specifications of suppliers and the actual availability of valuables, the commission is obliged to carry out a continuous (full) inventory.

Debt audit

An inventory of an enterprise's obligations is a reconciliation of data on settlements with customers/contractors. During the audit, the validity of the occurrence of debts (availability of primary documentation), the correctness of calculations and the formation of the final balance as of the date of the procedure are checked. If necessary, the commission has the right to request that its data be compared with information from the accounting records of the enterprise.

Drawing up inventories and acts

Instruction No. 25n (Appendix 3) provides separate forms of documents for each audit item. An enterprise has the right to develop inventory forms independently. In this case, the forms may contain additional details and quantities, which take into account the specifics of reflecting information on material assets and the features of their storage. However, in any case, such forms must contain the indicators established in Appendix 3. Data on the actual availability of property and actually registered obligations are entered into the acts and inventory lists. The audit commission is responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of entering information. Each inventory is compiled in at least 2 copies.

Specifics of filling

The names of inventory items are indicated in accordance with the nomenclature and in the units used in accounting. Each sheet indicates the number of values ​​(in words) and the total number in physical terms written on the page, regardless of what quantities (kilograms, pieces, meters, etc.) they are shown in. If errors are made, they are corrected in all copies by crossing out incorrect entries and putting the correct ones on top. At the same time, the signatures of the commission members and financially responsible persons are affixed. It is not allowed to leave blank columns in the inventories. Blank lines on the last pages are crossed out. Separate inventories must be drawn up for property that is leased, in custody, or received for processing. One copy of the document must be sent to the owner of material assets. On the last page a note is made about checking taxation, prices and calculation of results. It is certified by all members of the commission and financially responsible employees. After the procedure, the latter give a receipt stating that the inspection was carried out in their presence, they have no complaints against the auditors and they accepted the property for safekeeping.

Data Mapping

Acts and inventories signed by members of the audit commission are transferred to the accounting department. It checks the correctness of registration and calculations, and compares actual data with reporting indicators. If deviations are identified, a statement of discrepancies is drawn up in form 0504092. This document must reflect the following information:

  1. Shortage within and above the normalized values ​​of natural loss in value and quantity terms.
  2. The market price of the object, the difference between it and the book value.
  3. Surplus in value and quantity terms.

The number of copies of the statement is at least 2. When comparing indicators, one should take into account the re-grading of values ​​and the amount differences that arose as a result of it. In addition, losses should be written off within the normalized values ​​of natural loss. The results of the audit are recorded in. Separate forms are filled out for each type of material assets.


In the inventory process, the following inventories are used:


Information from accounting reporting documents may be considered unreliable if the inventory was not carried out according to the rules or its results were documented in violation of the requirements. This is revealed, for example, in cases where an enterprise decides to impose a penalty on a financially responsible employee through the court. To substantiate its position, the organization will have to submit inventory documents to the authorized authority.

In accordance with the general rule, the Federal Tax Service inspection cannot impose a fine on an enterprise for failing to carry out an audit, despite the existing obligation. The legislation does not establish any sanctions for failure to carry out inventory activities. Enterprises must understand the importance and necessity of implementing this procedure. After all, it is based on the results of the inventory that a reliable idea of ​​the state of one’s property and existing debts is formed.

Conducting periodic inventories of the availability of property and the status of payments is the responsibility of each company. As a rule, this procedure is carried out before preparing annual financial statements. Let us understand the nuances of this process, which is quite labor-intensive, but necessary for the competent organization of company accounting and control over the safety of assets and settlement transactions.

Inventory of property and financial obligations: preparation and documentation

The need to conduct inventories is provided for in Art. 11 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. The rules for conducting an inventory of property and financial obligations are established by the Methodological Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.

All assets and liabilities of the company are subject to routine inspection.

The property includes:

  • OS and intangible assets;
  • financial investments;
  • industrial reserves – materials, fuel, raw materials;
  • finished products;
  • inventory;
  • money and other assets.

The company's liabilities are usually represented by:

  • debt to creditors - suppliers, budget, banks, personnel, funds;
  • accounts receivable;
  • formed reserves.

The procedure and timing of the inventory of property and financial obligations is established by the head of the company, except for situations when an audit is carried out initiated by investigative authorities, higher organizations, etc. Inventories carried out before drawing up annual accounting reports, as well as for any reason - for example, when changing materially responsible employees, abuses of responsible or officials, when transferring assets for rent or when selling them, after natural disasters or thefts - are considered mandatory.

The inventory procedure begins with the manager’s order (inventory order), in which:

  • a list of types of property subject to inventory is determined;
  • an inventory commission is appointed listing the positions and full names of those involved (for each group of assets or settlements being inspected). Such permanent commissions are created at the enterprise by order of the administration; they include specialists from different departments - technologists, financiers, engineers, and, if necessary, independent auditors. When conducting an inventory, the presence of all members of the commission is mandatory;
  • the circle of persons responsible for registration and preparation of inventory documents is determined;
  • deadlines are set for conducting inspections and presenting documented results.

An inventory of any assets is preceded by the determination of their accounting balances as of the date of inspection. The inventory procedure is a comparison of available assets with accounting data.

Inventory of financial obligations

The need to conduct an audit of financial obligations is dictated by the norms of the Regulation on accounting (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n), which excludes the presence in the company’s accounting of inconsistencies in settlements with counterparties and discrepancies in the operating amounts. According to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 07-02-18/01 dated 01/09/2013, scheduled checks of the status of settlements are carried out on December 31, i.e. immediately after the end of the year. But the reorganization of the company will require an unscheduled inventory, the date of which is set in accordance with the plan of transformative measures.

Verification of settlements with creditors and debtors is carried out by comparing accounting data on debt balances with data from reconciliation acts with counterparties. They indicate the amount of debt, the moment of its formation, intermediate calculations, and the amount of debt as of a certain date. The act is drawn up in 2 copies (one for each party), and becomes a legal document when certified by both parties.

Similar to the reconciliation of settlements with counterparties, inventories are carried out on other obligations - reserves, settlements with employees, etc. Checks by type of obligations are carried out separately for each of them and by position.

Preparation of documents based on inventory results

Information about the availability of assets and the reliability of accounted liabilities is recorded in inventory records or inventory reports. They are filled out according to certain rules: on each page the number of checked positions and their total in natural and monetary values ​​are counted. Blank lines must be crossed out.

Established discrepancies between actual data and accounting data are recorded in matching statements. Based on the received explanations from the responsible persons, the manager makes a decision on how to write off shortages. Surplus property is accounted for.

To document the results of an inspection of different categories of property, unified forms of documentation for the inventory of assets and liabilities can be used (inventory lists for fixed assets No. INV-1, for inventory items No. INV-3, inventory reports of shipped goods and materials No. INV-4, cash No. INV-15 , settlements with counterparties No. INV-17 and others). The results of inspections by groups of assets and liabilities are summarized in Statement No. INV-26. It reflects information about discrepancies and the procedure for eliminating them in accordance with the order of the manager

A mandatory inventory of the organization’s property must be carried out at least once a year. This requirement follows from the regulations on inventory, which establish cases when an inventory is carried out without fail (before drawing up annual financial statements, in case of theft, fire, etc.). In addition to the mandatory ones, inventories can also be carried out at the initiative of the company itself.

Rules for conducting property inventory

In order for the inventory to be successful and its results to be recognized, you need to follow the procedure for conducting an inventory of property, which we will now discuss.

Inventory order

The inventory is carried out on the basis of instructions from the manager, which can be issued in the form of an order, directive, resolution or other administrative act. This instruction specifies the timing and reasons for the inventory, the composition of the inventory commission, and the property that is subject to inspection. Such an order can be issued in a unified form approved by the State Statistics Committee (INV-22).

Inventory Commission

The inventory commission is approved by the head of the company before the start of the inventory. There are special requirements for its composition that must be taken into account. Such commissions include employees of administration, accounting and other structural units (lawyers, economists, technologists, etc.). Company employees who are financially responsible for the safety of the inspected values ​​cannot be included in the commission.

Preparing for inventory

Before the inventory of property begins, all incoming and outgoing documents, reports on the movement of goods and materials and cash must be submitted to the commission. Receipts are taken from persons financially responsible for the safety of the property being inspected stating that all expenditure and receipt documents have been submitted to the commission or the accounting department; and the property for which they are responsible has been capitalized or written off as an expense. These actions make it possible to establish the actual condition of the property for comparison with accounting data.

Carrying out an inventory of property

The inspection must be carried out in the presence of all members of the commission and necessarily the financially responsible person(s). Violation of this rule will lead to unreliable inventory results. If a large amount of property needs to be checked and it cannot be done in one day, then the premises in which the inspection is carried out should be sealed when the commission leaves. Inventory labels (INV-2) are used to record intermediate inspection results.

Registration of inventory results

To record the results of the inspection, various forms of inventories and inventory reports are provided. At the same time, requirements are established for their content, order of execution, number of copies, corrections, etc. As a rule, organizations use unified forms of inventories and acts approved by the State Statistics Committee. For example:

  • INV-1 (OS inventory);
  • INV-3 (inventory of goods and materials);
  • INV-5 (inventory of inventory items accepted for safekeeping);
  • INV-6 (act for payments for inventory items in transit);
  • INV-11 (act for deferred expenses);
  • INV-15 (act for cash).

Their use is optional, and the company can develop its own forms. However, in practice they are often used, since they contain all the necessary details and information.

If the inventory carried out shows any discrepancies between the actual state of the company’s property and liabilities and the accounting data in the accounting department, then entries are made to bring them into compliance. Decisions are also made regarding responsible persons when it is established that they are guilty of loss or damage to property in excess of the norm.

The correctness and validity of the amounts reflected in the accounting accounts requires periodic verification. This verification is carried out by conducting an inventory of financial obligations. During such an inventory, the organization’s settlements with other persons, debts for shortages, receivables and payables are checked. Let's consider the procedure for conducting such a check.

The need for an inventory

According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, an inventory of the organization’s property and financial obligations should be carried out once a year. The verification period is from January 1 to December 31.

The need to conduct such a check follows, among other things, from paragraph 74 of Regulation No. 34n dated July 29, 1998, according to which there should be no amounts and discrepancies in calculations in the accounting records that are inconsistent (unsettled) with the organization’s counterparties. The audit is carried out before drawing up the annual report.

In addition, the legislation provides for a number of cases in which inventory is also necessary.

Mandatory inventory

Cases in which an inventory is mandatory (in addition to the above-mentioned inventory of financial obligations) are provided for in paragraph 27 of the above Regulations. Here they are:

  • transfer of property for rent;
  • operations in relation to state unitary enterprises or municipal unitary enterprises;
  • change of financially responsible persons;
  • damage, loss of property, consequences of emergencies;
  • reorganization or liquidation of a legal entity.

Carrying out an inventory of the organization’s financial obligations

The check in question includes:

  • inventory of settlements with credit institutions;
  • checking budget calculations;
  • checking the status of settlements with counterparties (buyers, suppliers);
  • inventory of settlements based on advance reports;
  • inventory of settlements with employees for wages and other payments;
  • a complete inventory of the organization’s financial obligations in relation to all debtors and creditors.

Verification of the identity of settlement data (in other words, reconciliation of settlements) is carried out in relation to each of the specified entities separately.

When conducting an inventory, you should be guided by the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 N 49.

The procedure for taking inventory of property and financial obligations

The inventory must be carried out by an appropriate commission, which operates on an ongoing basis.

The appointment of commission members is made by the head of the organization, for which a special decree (order) is issued.

In particular, debit balances on accounts 60, 62, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, as well as credit balances on accounts 60, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, are subject to inventory. 75, 76.

In order to carry out an inventory, the organization, among other things, requests reconciliation with counterparties.

The results of the inventory of settlements and financial obligations are reflected in the corresponding act.

There is a unified form of act No. INV-17. However, the head of the organization has the right to approve an independently developed form of such an act.

Reconciliation with tax authorities is carried out by drawing up a report in form 1160070.

The preparation of these documents must be preceded by a certificate of the inventory of the organization’s property and financial obligations. Such a certificate is the basis for drawing up the above inventory acts.

1. Inventory: concept, functions and goals

The methodological basis for conducting an inventory consists of the following regulatory documents:

1. Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting” (as amended and supplemented by N 123-FZ dated July 23, 1998);

2. Regulations on maintaining accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n;

3. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 N 94n “On approval of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application”;

4. Guidelines for inventory of property and financial obligations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 N 49;

5. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording cash transactions and recording inventory results” dated August 18, 1998 N 88;

6. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia “On approval of the unified form of primary accounting documentation N INV-26 “Statement of records of results identified by inventory” dated March 27, 2000 N 26 (to be put into effect on January 1, 2001).

Inventory is a check of the actual availability and condition of an organization’s property, its financial obligations as of a certain date and the subsequent comparison of the obtained data with accounting data.

The organization's property includes its fixed assets, intangible assets, financial investments, inventories, finished products, goods, other inventories, cash and other financial assets; financial liabilities include accounts payable, bank loans, borrowings and reserves.

All property of the organization, regardless of its location, and all types of financial obligations are subject to inventory.

Inventory of property is carried out according to its location and financially responsible person.

In addition, inventory is subject to inventory that does not belong to the organization, but is listed in accounting on off-balance sheet accounts (located in custody, rented, received for processing, etc.), as well as property that is not accounted for for any reason.

The number of inventories in the reporting year, the date of their conduct, the list of property and financial obligations verified during each of them are established by the head of the organization.

Inventory performs two main functions:

The accounting function is manifested in the fact that inventory is an element of the accounting method. When conducting an inventory, you can compare the accuracy of the documentation of all business transactions in a natural meter.

The control function of inventory is that it is a method of actual control over the activities of the materially responsible person, and its implementation is necessary to check the safety of inventory, the quality of raw materials, materials, finished products, proper warehousing and current accounting. During its implementation, changes in the composition of funds are identified, which are then reflected in accounting records. A high-quality inventory has a preventive effect on persons prone to violations and confusion of records, as well as those who take preparatory actions for the subsequent theft or waste of material assets.

The main objectives of inventory are:

Identification in kind of the actual presence of property;

Comparison of the actual availability of property with accounting data;

Checking the completeness of recording of liabilities;

Checking the completeness and correctness of the assessment of property and liabilities in accounting, as well as the possibility of assessing inventory resources taking into account their market value and actual physical condition.

Note: The Accounting Law emphasizes the need to confirm the correctness and reliability of the assessment of property and liabilities, and not the ability for the head of an organization to establish, based on the inventory results, an assessment of the item being taken into account, which he considers correct and reliable.

Checking compliance with the rules for the maintenance and operation of fixed assets, the use of intangible assets, as well as the rules and conditions for storing inventory, securities, and cash;

Identification of those responsible in the event of detection of shortages, surpluses, or damage to material resources.

2. Types of inventory

Based on the nature of the inventory, a distinction is made between scheduled and unscheduled inventories.

Scheduled inventories are inventories carried out at the enterprise at certain times during the year according to a schedule approved by the head of the organization.

Note: Inventory schedules are stored as documents that are not subject to disclosure and constitute official secrets, since the awareness of financially responsible persons about the date of the inventory can significantly reduce the efficiency or lead to its complete ineffectiveness (if there is information about possible abuses).

Unscheduled inventory is an inventory carried out outside of the schedule, by order of the head of the organization or higher organizations, investigative, law enforcement and other control authorities.

Depending on the volume of types of valuables covered by the audit, a distinction is made between complete and incomplete (partial) inventories.

A complete inventory is an inventory that involves covering all types of organizational assets and their sources.

The purpose of a complete inventory is to ensure the reality of the balance sheet at the end of the year and thereby the reality of the financial results shown in them.

Incomplete (partial) inventory is an inventory that involves covering certain types of economic assets of the organization and their sources (for example, an inventory of cash in the cash register, etc.).

Based on the type of funds covered, there are:

Inventory of fixed assets

Inventory of intangible assets

Inventory of financial investments

Inventory of inventory items

Inventory of funds, monetary documents and strict reporting document forms

Inventory of calculations, etc.

3. Cases of mandatory inventory

According to paragraph 27 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, inventory is mandatory:

When transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as during the transformation of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

Before drawing up the annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year, i.e. if after October 1 of the reporting year an inventory of any property was carried out, this property is not included in the list of property checked during the inventory before drawing up the annual accounting reports, and the results of an already completed inventory of this property are used to prepare annual reports.).

Note: An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every three years, and of library collections - once every five years. In organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas, inventory of goods, raw materials and materials can be carried out during the period of their smallest balances;

When changing financially responsible persons;

Note: When changing the financially responsible person, the inventory is usually carried out for the property assigned to this person.

If facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are revealed;

In the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergency caused by extreme conditions;

During reorganization or liquidation of the organization;

In other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 1.6 of the Methodological Instructions for Inventory in the event of collective (team) financial responsibility, inventory is also required in the following cases:

When changing the team leader (foreman)

When more than fifty percent of its members leave the team (team)

At the request of one or more members of the team (team).

Note: In accordance with Art. 245 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that collective financial liability can be introduced when employees jointly perform certain types of work related to the storage, processing, sale (vacation), transportation, use or other use of values ​​transferred to them. And only in the case when it is impossible to differentiate the responsibility of each employee for causing damage and conclude an agreement with him on compensation for damage in full.

A written agreement on collective (team) financial liability for damage is concluded between the employer and all members of the team (team). According to the specified agreement, valuables are entrusted to a predetermined group of persons, who are assigned full financial responsibility for their shortage. To be released from financial liability, a member of a team (team) must prove the absence of his guilt.

The list of works during the performance of which full collective (team) financial liability for the shortage of property entrusted to employees can be introduced was approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2002. No. 85.

For public catering organizations, recommendations for conducting an inventory are set out in a separate industry document - Methodology for accounting for raw materials, goods and production in public catering establishments of various forms of ownership, approved by Roskomtorg on August 12, 1994 N 1-1098/32-2. The methodology suggests that enterprises check the availability and condition of products (raw materials) and finished products:

In storerooms - at least once a quarter;

In kitchens and production workshops - at least once a month;

In buffets - at least twice a quarter.