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Virgin milk in goats: causes and solution. Increasing the milk productivity of goats Virgin milk in a goat, what to do

Hello, Lyubov Viktorovna! Please tell me why the goat began to give milk if she had not yet lambed. She's not even pregnant. (Elena)

Hello, Elena. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the goat began to give milk ahead of time. This phenomenon is quite common and experienced goat breeders have encountered it at least once. This phenomenon is more common in dairy goat breeds. In common people, milk milked from such a goat is called “girl’s milk.” It can appear at any age. There have even been cases when newborn goats already had a swollen udder.

When “girl” milk appears, there is no need to take special measures in relation to the animal. But this matter should not be left to chance either. If the udder is not very swollen, then the product is not milked. Sometimes the milky consistency disappears the next day, and sometimes the goat is milked until birth. It depends on your luck.

As you may have correctly noticed, if the udder is very swollen, then the product needs to be milked. Otherwise, failure to take any action is fraught with mastitis. Of course, the raw material can simply burn out, but then casein clots form inside the milking organ. They will definitely affect the pet’s health in the future.

So, it is advisable to milk it together, one works, the other strokes the animal, and from time to time treats it with something tasty. So, the goat will get used to the process of milking and it will always be associated with something pleasant. Thus, she will produce more milk per milk yield. As soon as the “girlish” product disappears, you can start the animal again. There is no point in continuing to milk it anymore.

Also remember that now you need to constantly monitor such a goat. Due to the early swelling of the udder, she became more prone to mastitis.

“Girl’s” milk is no different from ordinary goat’s milk. However, it is not recommended to drink it raw. It must be boiled before use. In its raw form, it can be given to other livestock, for example, pigs. An excellent option would be if the young goat drinks her own product. This way she will regain the strength spent on the early production of raw milk.

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Determining the fat content of milk

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Need some advice?

What to do if a goat, which had already given birth before, was empty, but the milk appeared, the udder became swollen, and had to be milked. The udder fills in 3 days, I milked it twice, the first time the milk was normal, and the second time it was light brown. Is it mastitis? The udder is soft, there are no bumps. Tell me what to do?

Hello. It doesn't look like mastitis. Maybe, inflammatory process. Is the udder warm/hot? Does the goat allow you to feel it without any problems? Milk may appear - this is normal, you need to milk it. Observe the situation for a couple of days: has anything changed or not? The color of the milk may be caused by a blood clot. It would be advisable to submit the milk for bacteriological analysis. If the situation gets worse, write.

People, I ask for help. There is a goat on my farm, she is 2 years old. The goat has never given birth. The first coating was at 8 months, but there was no gestation, the second coating in July 2013 ended in miscarriage, the goat walked through a field treated with herbicides. The goat had virgin milk, last summer she milked up to 2.7 liters, but at the same time the goat began to have blood in her milk. The udder was soft, there were no lumps, she was milked calmly. The goat was examined by veterinarians and they said that the vessels were bleeding because... The milk comes in intensely, but the udder is not ready for it. I will say that the first time I discovered a engorged udder, I milked 800 ml of milk. The milk was without blood, the blood appeared a week later, and after two weeks the goat was already giving more than two liters of milk. After examining the veterinarian, I calmed down and began to wait for the vessels to stop bleeding and the milk to clear, but there was more blood in the milk and clots appeared. I called the vet again, he began to inject an antibiotic into the udder, but this did not help, so we changed the antibiotic several times but nothing helped, and what’s more, subcutaneous white balls appeared on the goat’s nipples. The vet put the goat on a drip (glucose), but nothing helped. Then I went to the vet. laboratory and submitted the milk for analysis. A bacteria was detected in the goat (I don’t remember the name), they did a titration, I injected the necessary antibiotic, the goat recovered. After covering, I started the goat, it started easily, but after the miscarriage, which I wrote about above, I milked the goat on advice so that it wouldn’t get fat. And again, after about two weeks, blood appears in the milk and everything starts again. I periodically brought milk to the farm; they did a test for mastitis in some kind of machine, mastitis was not detected. A couple of days ago, clots appeared in the milk. On Monday I will take the milk for analysis, but the goat is pregnant (two months after the miscarriage, she came into heat and I covered her). Now I need to run the goat. Let’s say I treat mastitis, but then I think that maybe I shouldn’t start it? Or still launch it. And in general, what could happen to a goat? Vet. the doctor said that she needs to be culled, but I feel sorry for her. Maybe someone will advise something, maybe someone had a similar situation, what am I doing wrong. I would be very grateful for your advice.

The photo shows the udder of a goat. The seals I wrote about above are circled in red.

No offense intended...I don’t see any point in fucking with such a goat. Twice infertile, milked with blood periodically and constantly...etc. All the same, that’s why a goat, as a useful animal valuable for milk for humans, must be one hundred percent healthy. Have pity on yourself, your time (which is wasted on a worthless animal) and your money, which you spend on treating this animal. About culling your vet. I was absolutely right about this goat. IMHO

If you decide to start raising goats, then you need to know when they start hunting. At the beginning and end of the breeding period, it is difficult to recognize them. The most active time is from September to February. The sexual cycle lasts from the first days of hunting until the beginning of the next one. The average period is from 18 to 24 days. The hunt lasts from 12 hours to 4 days, with an average of 25 hours. Hunting from October to December is the most productive and promises large offspring.

Signs of hunting look like this:

  • The animal's genitals turn red and swell.
  • The goat is balanced and often gets sick.
  • He sniffs, smelling the goat.
  • The tail is actively spinning.

A goat entering a cycle provokes goats into active behavior.

If you plan to sell milk and dairy product, then it is recommended to mate the animal in spring or summer. Mating in September will please you with a February litter, and then an August one.

The amount of milk depends on the mating period, even if the animal is of the same breed. If mating was in August, then there will be less milk during lactation, in February - more. Some goats don't start hunting until September. It can be induced artificially. There are 2 methods:

  • Hormone.
  • Light.

The light method involves reducing daylight hours. To go hunting, a goat needs a day of 12 hours. In May-June, the room where the animal is kept is darkened. The advantage of this method is that it is absolutely harmless and safe.

The hormonal method involves the effect of chemicals on the body. With its help you can trigger a hunt at any time. This method is not used if the goat has already been covered, as this is fraught with abortion. Another disadvantage is that a person is not allowed to use milk during treatment with a hormonal drug.

Mass hunting takes place in October. If there are only a few goats in the farmstead and there is no goat, the hunt will begin in March. This does not make the farmer happy. Kids born in winter are more hardened and strong. Pregnancy in this case occurs at the moment when there is a sufficient amount of:

  • Lush grass.
  • Fruits and vegetables

By spring, kids will gain strength and easily move onto green lawns.

A goat that gave birth in November will produce a lot of milk all winter and spring. The highest milk yield is obtained in the first 5 months after lambing. At this time, the greens will begin to actively grow, and the amount of milk will increase again.

Based on this, it turns out that goats that lamb in winter bring more milk throughout the year.

Many people are skeptical about winter lambing. They are afraid that the kids may be cold and sick. If the offspring are born strong and healthy, then frost is not a problem for them. It is important to provide a clean and warm barn.

During the daytime the frost is weaker. Therefore, it is good if the goat lambs at this time of day.

Some farmers have experimented and achieved such results. If you milk a goat before starting in the morning, and not in the evening, then she will produce offspring during the day. Many have tried it - the method works.

The mother goat feeds her kids milk once a day, with a good milk yield twice. It is recommended to check how well the babies suck the udder. When the kids are full, the remaining milk must be milked. If this is not done, milk stagnation may occur, which will lead to dire consequences.

Milk is also given before lambing if the udder is very full. Don't worry that the kids will go hungry. The goat must be milked daily while the kids are suckling. When milking, massage the udder thoroughly.

In a goat, pregnancy lasts 149 days (5 months). It is easy to determine whether fertilization has occurred. During estrus, the amount of milk supplied decreases. If it increases after mating, the goat is fertilized. Over time, the belly increases, the amount of milk decreases:

  • Second half of pregnancy - the belly is visible.
  • 3 weeks after mating, milk yield decreases.

After a month, a month and a half, you can feel the fetus on the sides of the goat.

During pregnancy, the goat should be carefully looked after. Miscarriage can be caused by:

  • Tremors.
  • Cold drink.
  • Spoiled, moldy food.

A couple of months before lambing, the goat is taken out to graze on level ground, so that there are no obstacles and no desire to jump over anything. Protect from drafts and dampness. Sudden changes in weather can be harmful.

There is no need to overfeed a pregnant goat, otherwise childbirth will be problematic. If your goat has gained a lot of weight 2 weeks before lambing, put her on a diet. Give warm water with bran, boiled potatoes and beets, fresh herbs. Animals that are kept on pasture give birth more easily.

If the udder swells excessively, the goat must be doubled. In the last weeks before lambing, the goat is not happy with this behavior on the part of the owner. It may not work at all.

Livestock breeders often raise goats to make a business selling milk. If the animal gives 200-300 g more, this is already good result. To increase your milk supply, you should follow simple rules:

  • Good feeding.
  • Proper milking.
  • Decent care.
  • Individual approach.

It is recommended to stop milking 1-2 months before lambing. Future offspring need nutritional components. This should be done gradually, reducing the number of milkings. They only feed him hay and do not allow him to drink much water. After milk release is completed, intensive fattening begins.

After lambing, the first milking is carried out after 1.5-2 hours. The first few days you should give milk 4 times a day, before feeding the offspring. Next, milking is reduced to 3 times.

In a dairy farm, goat kids are taken from their mother and fed milk on their own.

Soldering goats:

  • The first 3 days – 240 grams (20 grams at a time).
  • From 4 to 8 days – 450 grams (75 grams at a time).
  • From 4 to 30 days - liter, 1.3 (250 grams at a time).

Over the next 3 weeks, the displacement is reduced. Milk is diluted with boiled water. Introduced into the diet:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Roots.
  • Coarse feed.

At the age of 30 days, young animals are given crushed oat bran and cake.

After the hunt, after 15-25 days the hunt will begin to actively dry out. If you miss this time, the lactation will be delayed, the annual offspring will be one-time.

After childbirth, the placenta should come out within 150-20 hours. This process can be accelerated by periodic milking. If it does not bring results, you should not engage in amateur activities - this can kill the animal. It's better to consult a veterinarian.

At the end of childbirth, a dairy goat should be milked, otherwise the udder will harden and inflammation will appear. After 1.5-2 hours, the goat should be given warm water.


Proper feeding plays a very important role. It directly depends on him. Useful tips:

  • When keeping goats on green lawns, it is recommended to include tree branches and bushes in the diet. Goats love them very much, and the milk will become more tasty. For the winter period it is better to stock up on birch brooms.
  • You can increase your milk yield by eating vegetables. They give small potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage. It is fashionable to give pre-washed vegetable peels.
  • It is believed that fodder turnips and turnips have a milk-guzzling complex. So please your goats and they will thank you with lots of milk.
  • Chamomile will delight the animal. Give her some flowers and the milk will increase.
  • Grain is an important component of the diet. Giving is boring:
  • Oats.
  • Barley.
  • Wheat.

Goats will be happy with this food. Many livestock farmers pre-soak grain crops.

  • The more milk, the more actively the need for mineral supplements will grow. Namely, calcium. It would be more correct to provide the goat with minerals even before the start of active milk production.
  • Sometimes, full feeding is provided, but the amount of milk decreases. In this case, vitamin supplements are introduced into the diet. Vitamin deficiency is the cause of low milk yield. Along with minerals, buy your goat vitamins.
  • Compound feed will be able to compensate the animal for mineral and fortified bait. However, goats get fat very quickly on it. Therefore, feed should be given carefully and in small portions.
  • You can often see a picture of a goat licking a brick wall. To avoid this, buy slimes (pressed salt). This is precisely the component the animal lacks.
  • The condition of the goat and the amount of milk depend on water. It should always be clean and fresh. Provide free access to a drinking bowl (bucket of water).

Today in an efficient way increasing milk supply are probiotics. There are a wide variety of them on the market. You should choose carefully, preferably on the advice of a specialist. The most famous:

  • Bacell-M.
  • Monosporin.

By adding 40 grams to the diet, the amount of milk will increase by 250-350 grams, as well as its fat content.

Note! The diet of goats should be varied. If the goat refuses to eat after lambing, we advise you to read the article.

The amount of milk depends on the correct milking. Basic rules:

  • It is recommended to maintain periodicity and milk the goat at the same period. This does not mean that you need to run to milking at 5 am. You can at any time.
  • Milking 3 times a day will increase milk volume.
  • When the schedule is determined, let's talk directly about the process. You need to milk with your fist and grab the nipple with your thumb and index finger. The remaining fingers make methodical movements.
  • Stretch your udder before milking. The procedure is carried out after washing. Wipe the udder until dry with a clean towel. The udder is rubbed evenly on all sides with slow, gentle movements.
  • The goat is milked to the last drop.

Feeding and milking are an important factor in increasing milk supply. But caring for the animal and an individual approach are also important.

To make the goat feel like a full-fledged member of the farmstead, give it a name. Over time, she will respond to him. When milking you call her affectionate name, and she will be calm and friendly.

For goats to have a wonderful appetite, they need to work it up. Provide a spacious walking area for animals. Goats that lead an active lifestyle produce more milk. There will be no good results on a leash or in a barn.

It is advisable to get a dairy goat. Breeds with high milk yield:

  • Saanenskys.
  • Alpine.
  • Nubian.

Treat your animal kindly:

  • Don't scold.
  • Don't raise your voice.

Goats are very sensitive and poor handling will significantly reduce milk yield.

Young goats are very painful early pregnancy. The first coating should be carried out no earlier than 14-18 months of age. The maximum amount of milk and good health can be obtained by mating at the age of one and a half years. Already at the age of 4 months, the goat is ready to hunt, but it is worth waiting another year. With early coverage you can earn:

  • Cyst.
  • Mastitis.
  • Bleeding.
  • Complications during childbirth.
  • Rapid aging.

The creation of our herd began with an advertisement that we placed in the local newspaper - “I will buy a dairy goat.”

Only two sentences followed. The first, in our opinion, was very strange: the granny offered to buy a one-year-old goat, which began to give “girl” milk.

We ask again - is this a milk goat? It was difficult for us to understand the information about “girl” milk. “No, the young goat has never been covered, but she can already be milked.”

Well, no. This is some kind of oxymoron! A combination of the incongruous. We politely refuse granny.

On the second call, we acquire the wonderful goat Sima, with whom our farming life began. The topic of “girl’s” milk was no longer discussed by us. In general, we didn’t believe it. You never know there are grandmothers with their own quirks.

But then a couple of years pass. From five goats we get our first big offspring - 11 goats were born in the spring. A year later, at the beginning of summer, I suddenly notice that most of them already have such an udder that it is just right for milking.

But they are only a year old, and they have never seen a goat in their lives! This is some kind of nonsense.

We are discussing the situation with my husband. We agree that, of course, they cannot have milk, but just in case, we need to check.

The next day we drag the perplexed and reluctant Zlata, a very beautiful fawn goat, onto the pen. We attach the collar to the stand and I start milking. And the milk started flowing! The same thing – “girlish”.

Let's try it - delicious! Wow! We shouldn’t have thought badly of grandma.

We examined all the goats. Of the eleven, eight already need to be milked. Necessarily. Not for the sake of milk - I milked, at most, half a liter. The goats still need to grow up.

There is an opinion that if a goat is not milked, its milk will burn out, but this is not true. Nothing burns out. But mastitis begins - seals appear in the udder. Such a goat will never become highly productive.

We had high hopes for our offspring, so we were not going to allow this to happen. It turned out that milking young goats is quite a troublesome task. Goats' behavior changes dramatically after the first goatling. They settle down, milk calmly, and stand still during milking.

Some may protest, but this will be an absolutely conscious demarche. I remember the first time I milked Zorya. This was the second goat we bought after Sima.

While I was milking her, she stood motionless. And at the end of milking, she raised her leg and carefully lowered it straight into the milk pan, into the milk that had just been milked! I wasn’t even upset then. It was clear to me that in this way she expressed her attitude towards me. After all, at that time I was a completely alien aunt to her. Then we became very friendly with her.

Young goats, unlike adult goats, behave like ordinary children. They are also carefree, disobedient and willful. Young goats have not yet realized that they should be milked and give milk. They have a completely clear idea in their heads that they don’t owe anyone anything. Therefore, our attempts to milk them were met with hostility.

We had to work hard to catch them and drag them, resting with all their limbs, onto the machine. Fasten the collar to the stand. Show miracles of sleight of hand while trying to milk a goat that kicks and tries to knock out the milk pan.

And with the aforementioned Zlata In general, an unpleasant story happened. I drag Zlata to milk, drag her onto the machine, and begin to strap her on. Then she twists herself out of my hands and jumps onto a box of grain standing next to the machine.

The shelf can't stand it - it collapses along with the cans to the floor. The cans break and the milk spills into a huge puddle. I start screaming when I see this.

Zlata, frightened by my scream, rushes to escape out the window. But there is a grill on the window. He hits the grille and breaks the glass with his horn; the glass crumbles with a ringing sound.

Frightened Zlata hides in a corner from all this noise, squealing and ringing. There is wild horror in the eyes. Despite the desire to strangle the obstinate goat, I run out into the corridor - realizing that Zlata is now experiencing much more stress than me. Zlata jumps out after her and gallops off into the meadows to calm down.

Alas, this experience did not pass without a trace for her. Zlata is already an adult productive goat, but she is still afraid of me.

Therefore, I now try to behave very patiently and affectionately with young goats. I especially succeeded with the goat Freckle. I'll tell you about this next time.

These are one-year-old goats. The muzzle is short, the beard has just begun to grow, and the horns are still thin.

Goat's "maiden" milk

Keeping goats for milk in the homestead is a common practice. How much product an animal produces and its quality largely depends on the condition of the udder. Milking is carried out daily, and before starting, the owner is obliged to inspect the goat's udder. It also requires regular care, which includes certain sanitary and hygienic procedures and massage. If this is not done, then udder diseases may occur, which will lead to a decrease in milk yield and the slaughter of the animal.

Goat udder

The original purpose of this organ is to feed the growing offspring. However, people who domesticated wild goats in ancient times managed to develop this function for their benefit. Therefore, animal methods provide milk all year round, regardless of lambing time. The quality of the drink and its quantity depend on the individual characteristics, breed and composition of the feed. But the condition of the udder also plays a role: if it hurts, then the individual will not be milked or will begin to produce little milk.

In my own way appearance A goat's udder resembles a cow's, only it is smaller and divided into right and left lobes with one nipple.

The structure of the mammary gland in a goat

The milky fluid is produced in the alveoli located in the glandular tissue, and passing through a special channel it enters a kind of reservoir, from where it is squeezed out using the nipples. These oblong-shaped organs are formed by smooth muscle fibers. They are slightly moved towards the front of the udder and turned out to the sides to make it easier for small kids to suckle. However, in selective dairy breeds the teats are directed strictly downwards - they are much easier to milk.

The formation of the internal elements of the udder is completed in a goat during puberty, and the animal gives milk for the first time during pregnancy - when the pre-development of the alveoli ends. When the organ fills with milk, it swells, almost doubling in size.

Video - Goat udder

What signs are used to determine the condition of an organ?

Anyone who keeps dairy goats on their farm must know how to determine a healthy udder. And such information is worth knowing for beginners who are just planning to purchase an animal. The organ needs to be examined, touched, and the size and color of the external tissues assessed.

Table 1. Signs of a healthy udder

SizeLarge enough - this indicates good milk yield, but not excessively - this is already a pathology
AppearanceThe shape is spherical, but the shares must be clearly marked and symmetrical. The udder should not sag, dangle when moving or wrinkle; the tissues must be elastic. A saggy, shapeless organ occurs in an old goat.
Shape of nipples and their numberThe norm is oblong and not too long nipples. If they are excessively elongated or, conversely, short, such an individual will not be milked well. There may be more than two nipples and this is not scary, but then the rest will be underdeveloped.

Healthy udder

If you don't take care of your udder

The condition of the organ should be checked every day before milking. If any alarming symptoms were noticed, then control should be strengthened and examinations should be carried out several times a day. After all, any disease is easier to cure early stage, and not when nothing can be done for the animal that will have to be slaughtered.

Basic hygiene procedures should not be neglected. The udder needs to be wiped, treated with disinfectants and special ointments prescribed by the veterinarian. A goat needs to be milked if for some reason the milk production process stops. To prevent this disease, massage is necessary. It is useful to do it before each milking.

Due to udder disease, milk quality suffers

If you do not pay due attention to the condition of the udder, then very soon even a high-yielding goat will produce noticeably less milk or there will be no milk at all. Timely detection of signs of disease will help maintain the good quality of the drink. After all, bacteria from the animal’s body can also get into this product, and in addition, a decrease in the level of lactose due to disturbances in the functioning of the organ will lead to a deterioration in the taste of the drink, making it bitter and liquid, quickly souring and not so healthy.

Daily care algorithm

Step 1. Before milking, the udder should be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in warm water and then wiped dry. Such simple actions help maintain the elasticity of fabrics and are a way to maintain a normal level of hygiene.

The udder must be clean before milking

The key to good milk yield is udder massage

Step 3. After milking, you can lubricate the udder with baby cream or fat, especially if irritation or pimples are noticeable on it. It is also recommended to do this in cold weather. You can also use a special ointment with an antibiotic if cracks and inflamed areas are noticeable on the surface.

Cream "Zorka" for milking

Table 2. Massage instructions

What causes udder diseases and injuries?

Most often, the source of illnesses lies in improper care of the goat in general. Internal diseases stem from weakened immunity. And he, in turn, suffers due to unbalanced or poor nutrition and keeping animals in a dirty, cold pen. In a sick goat, the udder cannot be healthy, and milk production stops.

You need to worry if the female does not allow you to touch her nipples, does not demand to be milked, falls into apathy and refuses food. The tissues of an unhealthy udder begin to swell and change color to very pale or, conversely, bright pink or bluish. Large blisters and ulcers, swollen veins, and strange spots may appear on the surface. All these signs are a signal that it is time to contact a veterinarian.

Spots on the udder can be pigmented, or they can signal illness

Mechanical injuries to the udder may also occur. This organ is quite delicate; due to its location and large size, a goat can easily scratch or tear it on sharp objects. The animal is by nature curious and restless, so many farmers prefer to tether their pets while walking if there is no pen. Otherwise, you will need to constantly monitor him and choose safe places for grazing. A goat may unsuccessfully jump over a fence or other similar obstacle, try to climb a tree trunk to reach tasty leaves, etc.

If an individual has problems with the udder, she should be immediately isolated from the herd. If the matter is not very serious physical injury, then you can try to help the animal yourself. If the matter is internal disease, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

A goat can injure its udder while walking

If a goat has injured its udder: first aid

  1. The affected area should be treated with a light solution of potassium permanganate and blotted with a clean cloth.

    Manganese solution

  2. A small scratch can be smeared with iodine; a larger wound can be carefully wiped with peroxide - it will not be so painful for the animal.

    You can treat a small wound with iodine

  3. A bactericidal patch or sterile bandage is applied on top.

    A bandage can be used as a styrene dressing.

  4. After 4-5 hours, remove the bandage and treat the wound again with iodine or peroxide.

    Hydrogen peroxide

  5. After 12 hours, it is recommended to remove the bandage completely and generously lubricate the injury with healing ointment, for example Levomekol.

    Ointment "Levomekol"

Important point! Especially for emergency assistance to pets, the farmer should keep on hand a first aid kit with essential medications, antiseptics and dressings.

Other types of injuries

Sometimes the udder can be damaged due to human fault. A very common occurrence is getting bruises and hematomas during milking if the goat's teats are pulled too hard and the organ is compressed. Swelling appears in the affected area, the animal begins to experience pain from touch, and if the bruise is severe, blood may appear in the milk. Such an injury should be treated with combined compresses: apply a cold cloth to the swollen areas, then apply warm wraps for three days.

A goat may also experience swelling of the udder: it swells sharply and causes pain to the animal. This happens due to poor circulation, which again can be a consequence of severe mechanical trauma or poor nutrition - if there is too much acidic and succulent food in the diet. Swelling can also be observed in pregnant females who are locked in a pen and not allowed to walk. If, after adjusting the menu and changing the regime, the swelling does not disappear within a week, it means that the animal has a problem with the kidneys or heart. He needs to be examined by a veterinarian.

Udder swelling after lambing

Lesions of the nipples

Cracks and micro-wounds on the protruding parts of the udder appear due to unsanitary conditions in which the animal is kept and increased dryness of the skin, which is a consequence of improper care before and after milking. Such lesions cause discomfort to the goat, so she begins to show aggression while expressing milk. In addition, infection can penetrate through cracks in the tissue, which can lead to inflammation and suppuration, and in especially severe cases, to gangrene and necrosis.

To remove unpleasant marks, be sure to wipe the udder and teats with a clean wet cloth, then dry. The affected areas are generously lubricated with Vaseline or fat. If the cracks are very noticeable and do not heal, then it is worth giving the animal warm compresses with medicinal herbs or potassium permanganate.

Cracked nipples

What is a “hard udder”

Sometimes in lambed animals there is a rejection of the mammary glands. Even after milking, the udder does not fall off and feels tightly stuffed to the touch. There is no need to panic - this condition is normal and occurs due to restructuring hormonal levels. Hardening will take place on its own within one to two months. But during this period, you will have to take extra care of the goat: express milk every 3-4 hours, massage the udder after milking, and, if necessary, bottle-feed the goats if they cannot get milk from their teats.

"Hard" udder

Furunculosis (“bumps”)

The animal must be treated with an iodine solution and penicillin-based ointment. If the cones are large, it is recommended to open them with a medical scalpel and lubricate them with streptocidal ointment. To prevent the infection from spreading in the body (which is especially likely with reduced immunity), the goat is injected with an antibiotic intravenously and given medications with vitamin B and riboflavin.

Bumps on the udder


One of the most common udder diseases. It appears in the form of compactions in different parts of it. It occurs primarily due to stagnation of milk, which was not milked on time or was partially left in the udder. Other causes may include colds, decreased immunity, constantly damp bedding on which the animal sleeps, or streptococcal infection. With mastitis, the organ swells and becomes bluish in color.

The disease can lead to very serious consequences, including death. Therefore, it must be treated promptly. The udder is pricked medicines“Creolin” or “Lysol”, and after each milking a solution of penicillin is administered. The affected areas are lubricated with camphor oil. A sick goat should be kept in a warm pen and not allowed outside until it recovers.

Udder mastitis


A healthy udder in a goat is an indispensable condition for high milk yields and good quality milk. This organ is very delicate and needs constant care. It is necessary to check its condition after each milking and even during breaks, because the animal can easily get injured while walking. Dirty housing, wet bedding, poor feed - all these factors invariably lead to weakened immunity and the occurrence of infectious diseases of the udder.

To treat them, you need, firstly, to eliminate the root causes, and secondly, contact a veterinarian. However, the owner himself must be able to provide first aid to the goat in case of an udder injury, for which he should keep a first aid kit on hand.