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Alcohol content in exhaled air ppm table. Alcohol calculator. In this case, the input data is usually

Alcohol has a depressing effect on the human body and can change behavior and perception of the surrounding reality, since the substances contained in its composition directly affect the nervous system and consciousness.

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The level of change in a person’s behavior and the amount of alcohol consumed are called degrees of intoxication, so we can assume how the drinking organism will behave and what behavioral signs will be characteristic of it.

Based on medical observations, you need to figure out what the degrees of intoxication are in ppm in 2020, and how this knowledge can be applied in practice.

Important information

The level of alcohol in the human body is indicated in ppm, a concept that characterizes thousandths of something as a whole.

That is, knowing this indicator, we can guess how much alcohol is in a person’s blood, and how close he is to one degree or another of intoxication.

Doctors often use previous findings, since mood changes, a person’s psychological and physical state - all these aspects have already been described based on observations and measurements, and tables have been drawn up showing what levels of alcohol affect the body.

Basic Concepts

To understand what degrees of intoxication exist and what is characteristic of them, you must first become familiar with the basic terminology, which will make it possible to learn about the distinctive features of a particular condition and its threat from a health point of view.

Concept Meaning
ppm A unit of measurement that, in the field of alcohol measurement, indicates the proportion of alcohol in the blood mass. The higher this indicator, the more influence alcohol has an effect on a person, and some values ​​are completely prohibited for drivers
Spirits Products in which alcohol takes up a significant part, and it can reach up to half of the composition, or occupy a larger or smaller proportion. Such products are prohibited for consumption in public places, and excessive consumption of them may well cause alcohol addiction
Intoxication The effect that alcohol has on the body is clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination and dulling of the organs of touch and vision. In addition, is able alcohol intoxication self-preservation instincts and the feeling of pain practically do not work, so it is quite possible that the injury will not cause discomfort

Detection of alcohol in blood

To detect the presence of alcohol in the blood, and as a result, to convict a person of using it, they turn to doctors.

But not only voluntary, but also forced examination of blood composition can be used, since a person may simply be in an inadequate state, but will commit a crime, and it will be necessary to determine the level of intoxication in any case.

There are different methods for analyzing alcohol content, for example, gas chromatography involves evaporating a taken blood sample and studying its residues present on the walls of a special flask.

The enzymatic method uses a sensor strip, which is colored when ethanol is detected in the blood, but there are a lot of nuances, for example, the liquid being studied should not be exposed to light, work should be carried out exclusively with gloves, and there should be no ethanol vapors in the room.

The last method is the Widmark formula based on the method of the same scientist, but it assumes that the person himself will be able to provide personal data and is based on mathematical calculations.

Current regulatory framework

The degree of intoxication is not stipulated in any way in the legislation, but there are quite strict standards regarding a person’s intoxication and his appearance in public places.

It says that a person should not go out while intoxicated, and in addition, getting behind the wheel while drunk is punishable for this, as well as determining what degree of intoxication is 0.15 ppm. Considering the legislation, this is a completely normal indicator.

Regarding the specific level of alcohol content in the blood and air, there are standards that also relate to the Administrative Code.

As for air, the maximum possible value that will go unpunished is 0.16 mg/l, and if we are talking about a blood test, then the figure reaches 0.35 ppm.

The specific amount of alcohol that can be drunk is individual; a person’s build, age and weight, as well as the presence of diseases and even experience of drinking alcohol, play a role here.

But in general, you can afford to drink about 20 grams of vodka, about 40-50 grams of wine or 100 grams of beer; this will not lead to a significant increase in the indicators and the inspector will not be able to apply punishment.

If you still had to drink alcohol before the road, and you can’t wait until it wears off, then you should not move too fast or too slow, but you should keep the car level and not break the rules, this way there will be fewer reasons to stop.

Degrees of alcoholic state in exhaled air (table)

Depending on what value will be shown after the test with a special device that analyzes the air, it will be possible to assess the specific degree of intoxication and find out what features of behavior and state are characteristic of it.

Amount of alcohol (ppm/mg/l) Peculiarities
Up to 0.3/0.16 Intoxication is not expressed, normal state
0.3-1.5 (0.16/0.65) (mild) The person relaxes, fatigue and tension disappear, mood improves significantly, as does activity. There is a characteristic talkativeness, self-confidence and a thirst for communication. But you may notice a slight lack of coordination and speech hesitation
1,5-2,5 (0,65-1,25) Speech becomes slurred and individual words become difficult to understand. A distinctive feature from the previous condition is increased aggression, sudden changes in mood, which increases the risk of a fight or argument. Poor coordination, uneven gait, and the person will subsequently only partially remember what happened
2.5-3 (1.25-1.5) (average degree) Coordination is lost, the person walks staggering, speech is very slurred, and consciousness can be lost at any moment. In such a serious condition, a person may urinate or have an involuntary bowel movement.
3-4 (1,5-2) Speech is incomprehensible or absent, the person also cannot move because he falls. He does not recognize other people, and the memory of what is happening in this state is completely absent
5 or more (from 2.5) Affected nervous system, breathing and working may well be problematic cardiovascular system, and death may well occur. Physically, the condition is expressed by a person’s complete disconnection from reality, he does not realize what is happening around him and lies motionless; if medical assistance is not provided, then everything will end sadly

The impact of alcohol on driver behavior

A driver who has drunk alcohol poses a threat, because if in the initial stages of intoxication he experiences euphoria and can only accelerate quickly or compete with other drivers, then in more severe stages he has practically no control over the car.

He loses his sense of distance, cannot differentiate road signs, at the same time does not feel fear, but there are often situations when a person with approximately 4 ppm confidently drove a car.

In most cases, a drunk driver can simply fall asleep at the wheel, depriving the car of control, which can easily cause an accident or hit pedestrians.

The most dangerous stage is the stage at which aggression is expressed; the driver can deliberately cut off other drivers, and if he doesn’t like something, he will deliberately crash, since the instinct of self-preservation practically atrophies in a drunken state.

Inspectors most often identify a drunk driver by his low speed, uncertain control, in which the car drifts across the lane or even into neighboring positions.

Therefore, drunk motorists are identified quite easily and receive their punishment.

Video: mechanism of intoxication

The rate of its removal from the body

The rate of elimination from the body depends on the physiological characteristics of the person, and how much alcohol was drunk and what strength it was also plays an important role.

For example, large doses of vodka will be eliminated in more than a day, wine can leave the body in about half a day, and beer - within 7-8 hours.

Despite this, a fume may remain, that is, the smell of excreted alcohol, and after this time the testers can also determine the presence, so after a large party there is no need to get behind the wheel even after a day, it is better to wait a little longer.

In the case of 0.25 and 0.46 ppm, it is enough to wait about two hours.

Despite rumors, no drugs or methods will help remove alcohol faster; they can more or less speed up the withdrawal of an IV in the hospital or an enema, but these methods require time and are effective only if there is a high alcohol content in the body.

Fatty foods and heavy snacking also only affect the absorption of alcohol and the increase in ppm, but have absolutely no effect on its reduction, so you should not eat heavily, if the goal is to return to duty as quickly as possible, it is better to drink less.

What dose is considered lethal?

According to the medical classification, in which the number of ppm in the body exceeds 5.

But at the same time, there are cases when people had 9 ppm or more, but nevertheless felt well and did not die, but this is most likely an exception.

In addition, in order to bring yourself to a lethal dose, you need to drink it in a short time (within an hour), and also not have a snack.

Photo: lethal dose of alcohol by age

Driving while intoxicated is a crime. It would seem that everyone knows about this, but... the facts speak for themselves - there are a lot of such cases.

Many people often ask questions: how much can you drink, how long after can you start driving, how long does alcohol stay in the blood, how to remove it from the body and how it affects human behavior. Let's try to figure it out.

Why is it prohibited to drive a vehicle while intoxicated?

From July 1, 2015, there will be a significant increase in penalties for driving while intoxicated.

It should be noted that if we compare our legislation in this area with foreign ones, then our methods of combating this evil are much softer.

For example, in neighboring Belarus, drunk driving is punishable by a fine of 12.5 thousand dollars and deprivation of rights for three years, and criminal liability is provided for a repeated violation.

In some Asian countries, a drunk driver may even be sentenced to death.

So why is the law so harsh on drunk drivers? It's simple: a drunk person driving a car is deprived of the ability to adequately assess the road situation. Under the influence of ethanol (it is contained in ANY (!) alcoholic drink), vision deteriorates significantly, reactions slow down, a person loses common sense, although it seems to him that he is quite adequate.

In addition to personal risks, a drunk driver creates a threat to other road users, sometimes fatal.

How does a driver’s reaction depend on the presence of alcohol in the body?

If you ask this question to any car enthusiast, everyone will say that when drinking alcohol, the reaction rate becomes lower. The more a person drinks, the longer his reaction time to a given situation will be.

Many inexperienced drivers listen to such arguments and draw from this the erroneous conclusion that they can drink a little alcohol before the trip, the main thing is not to get drunk.

But statistics show the opposite; drivers with low doses of alcohol are more likely to cause accidents than those who are heavily drunk. This is easily explained: the latter prefer not to drive at all, but to use or call a taxi. The first ones believe that their condition is normal and they can go.

Referring to numerous studies, you can see that in critical driving situations, when a tenth of a second can play a decisive role, a clear reaction is necessary.

For someone who has taken even a small dose of alcohol, the reaction is significantly dulled, and often that same harmless glass or drink becomes responsible for the death of people.

Video is an experiment showing how the behavior and adequacy of drivers changes when consuming even a small amount of alcohol:

How long does alcohol stay in the blood (table)

Dependence on the degree of drink and body weight

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous and specific answer to this question. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each organism and the amount of alcohol consumed.

In addition, there are several approaches to studying this issue, and each of them interprets the concept of alcohol content in the body in its own way.

Below is a table with approximate calculated data on the time of presence of alcohol in the blood, which is considered correct by modern medicine. The basis here is the volume of 100, 300 and 500 grams of different alcoholic drinks:

In any case, all data given in the table are approximate and refer only to the presence of alcohol in the blood.

If we talk about the presence of alcohol in other organs, then some sources have information that, for example, alcohol can remain in the brain from 12 to 24 days after its consumption!

Based on these data, we can conclude that a person who drinks alcohol several times a month is constantly under its influence, although neither a breathalyzer nor a blood test will show this.

All this happens at the physiological level and is imperceptible to humans. Consequently, brain activity is inhibited, reaction, vision, etc. are impaired.

What determines the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body?

As can be seen from the table above, the rate of elimination of alcohol depends not only on the strength and quantity of the product consumed, but also on the person’s body weight.

There are several other factors that affect the time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body:

  • Floor. It must be taken into account that the female body takes about 15-20% longer to fight alcohol poisoning than the male body.
  • Age. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for his body to process harmful substances.
  • Health status.
  • Frequency of use. The more often a person drinks alcoholic beverages, the longer it takes to eliminate them.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

The main organ in the body that helps process alcohol is the liver. To speed up the process of removing ethyl alcohol from the body, experts recommend the following methods:

  • Induce vomiting. This method is applicable only in the case when alcohol was consumed recently, and it has not yet had time to begin to enter the blood;
  • Accept activated carbon . This is a universal remedy for any harmful substance, including ethanol. Taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight;
  • Take a diuretic. It will help quickly remove alcohol from the body along with urine. But here you need to first study the contraindications of the drug;
  • Bath or physical activity . Alcohol tends to come out through the skin through sweat. It is not recommended to use this method for people suffering from heart disease or problems with blood pressure;
  • Fermented milk products significantly accelerate the elimination of alcohol with the help of bacteria and amino acids.

In any case, to be completely sure, it is better to purchase a breathalyzer and test yourself for the alcohol content in your body before each trip.

What is considered a state of alcoholic intoxication from the point of view of the law and the traffic police?

The legislation clearly defines the concept of alcohol intoxication - this mental state a person caused by the use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances; is expressed in a decrease in a person’s ability to account for or manage his actions.

As can be seen from the definition, the law places alcohol on a par with drugs and intoxicants.

If we talk about how this or that traffic police inspector will react to determining the state of intoxication, then everything depends on the specific case. But in any situation, the law is initially on his side.

Offer to undergo a medical examination, even if it just seemed to him that the driver showed signs of alcohol intoxication, for example:

  • The driver has a characteristic odor from his breath;
  • The driver’s behavior does not correspond to the situation (in the inspector’s opinion);
  • The driver speaks incoherently (again, according to the inspector), etc.

That is, saying in simple language, the inspector has the right to consider drunk a driver who: just drank a glass of fruit juice (smell), got out of the car and began to do push-ups (inappropriate for the situation), or even a simple foreigner who speaks Russian poorly (incoherent speech).


The procedure for carrying out the survey with the adoption of amendments to the minimum acceptable level (technical error) has not changed by and large. But there is one important assumption - the content of absolute ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 milligrams.

This amendment was adopted to take into account the total error of the measuring device, but in no case for the purpose of allowing you to drink a little!

There is a certain procedure for examination by a traffic police inspector for intoxication. The employee conducting it is obliged to strictly comply with all its points, and failure to comply with at least one of them can play into the driver’s hands in the event of further legal proceedings.

Before starting the inspection process, it would be a good idea for the driver to turn on a video camera or phone camera in order to later have evidence of the inspector’s unlawful actions, if any.

The main thing that the driver needs to know is that any “bad” traffic cop will hint in every possible way to resolve the issue on the spot. Many people immediately agree, especially if they actually drank alcohol the day before.

But if you are sober, then there is no reason to worry. There is no need to rush, you just need to know the laws and be able to use them.

Rules for testing for alcohol intoxication

Introduced, according to which, from November 15, 2014, when conducting an examination for intoxication instead of inviting witnesses, a video recording can be used made by a traffic police officer.

Removal from driving a vehicle

The first thing a traffic police officer should do, even if it just seemed to him that the driver was drunk, is to remove him from driving. Moreover, there is a separate protocol for this, which must be drawn up with the presence of two witnesses, and signed by them.

  • The driver needs to make sure that witnesses are invited from outside, i.e. not interested people. These could be accidentally stopped drivers or passers-by.
  • It is important to ensure that all information of witnesses is filled out based on the document presented - passport (address, full name). If the inspector fills out the information of the witness according to his words, then this action is illegal. In the event of a trial, it will be possible to indicate the involvement of witnesses in violation of the law.

There are cases when the driver’s insistence (when he is sober) to invite witnesses and fill out a protocol scares off a dishonest inspector.

Test for intoxication

An important point with many nuances. In the traffic police there is job description for inspectors who conduct inspections. But many employees either don’t know it or forget to use it. If the case eventually goes to court, the driver will be able to appeal against the inspector’s violations of the instructions.

Video - about some of the nuances of conducting an alcohol test by traffic police officers that you should know about:

  • The main thing that the traffic police officer must do is, in the presence of witnesses, tell the established procedure for the examination;
  • Tell the driver what instrument will be used to carry out the procedure and what its error rate is. Here you can ask for a certificate for the device or a verification report.

And one more very important point: any certified breathalyzer has instructions according to which, before testing, it is necessary to allow the person to catch his breath for 20 minutes. Many inspectors forget about this (or don’t know).

  • Before exhaling (again, according to the instructions), install a new mouthpiece removed from the sealed package.

Nowadays this is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but experienced drivers remember cases of extortion by inspectors when they inserted a piece of cotton wool pre-prepared with alcohol into the mouthpiece.

  • Next, the exhalation itself is done accordingly. There are no tricks here anymore. If the device is certified, and the inspector gave the driver a chance to breathe and inserted a new mouthpiece, and the breathalyzer still showed more than 0.16, then the driver is most likely really drunk. If the device shows less than 0.16, then the person being tested can safely proceed further.

It must be remembered that there must also be a separate protocol for this item, signed by attesting witnesses and the inspector, indicating the place, date and time of the examination.

If the device shows more than 0.16 ppm, this does not mean deprivation of rights; then there are two options: go for a medical examination or refuse it. When referring to doctors, a separate protocol is also drawn up indicating the time and date.

By the way, if the driver refused a medical examination in the presence of an inspector, but then went on his own, and the doctors drew up a document stating that there was no alcohol in the blood, then this document can be presented later in court. Most judges take it into account and the driver wins the case, and therefore remains with his license.

Video explaining the rules for testing for alcohol intoxication by traffic police officers.

— time of breakdown of alcohol in the blood in men.

— time of breakdown of alcohol in the blood in women.

Number of mugs/glasses/shot glasses
Drink (capacity volume) 1 2 3 4 5
Beer (0.5 l) 2 hours 6 hours 5 hours 12 h 7 hours 18 h 9 hours 24 hours 12 h 30 h
Wine (200 ml) 3 hours 7 hours 6 hours 14 h 8 hours 21 o'clock 11 o'clock 29 hours 14 h 36 h
Champagne (200 ml) 2 hours 4 hours 3 hours 8 hours 5 hours 13:00 7 hours 17:00 8 hours 22 h
Cognac (50 ml) 2 hours 5 hours 4 hours 10 o'clock 6 hours 13:00 8 hours 21 o'clock 10 o'clock 26 h
Vodka (100 ml) 4 hours 10 o'clock 7 hours 19:00 11 o'clock 29 hours 15 h 29 hours 19:00 38 h

Please note that these data cannot be absolutely accurate! It all depends on the human body.

Blood alcohol content table: effect on the body

BrAC, mg/liter (in exhaled air) Promille, g/liter (in blood) Final condition
External manifestations
0 — 0, 29 0 — 0, 4 Sobriety, behavior
with external
Some inadequacy in behavior, noticeable mainly to those who know the person closely: colleagues, friends, relatives. Excessive talkativeness and an “on the rise” mood are characterized by a somewhat obsessive nature, which is associated with the cultural and intellectual development of the individual. Permissible blood alcohol level. It is important to use a breathalyzer to “cool yourself down” in time and not get fined by the traffic police.
0, 15 — 0, 5 0, 3 — 1, 0

Euphoric state
"sassy" behavior

Unjustified self-esteem, confidence in one’s behavior, violation of social rules or morals. Poor focus and threat assessment. In fact, there is no longer any control over coordination. The state of intoxication (blood alcohol level) is often rejected. There is a high probability of being in an accident and being left without a driver's license.
0, 40 — 1, 0 0, 8 — 2, 0 excited,
somewhat inappropriate behavior
Incorrect gait, distortion of perceptions. Slow response. Possible nausea. Drowsy state. Anger-fear-apathy. Assessments of the environment are distorted.
"Kamikaze behind the wheel."
Conflicts with the police are difficult for the patient.
0, 70 — 1, 20 1, 40 — 2, 4 Psychotic, severely inappropriate behavior
Disoriented state. Stuck in anger, fear or grief. Sometimes he doesn’t see the color or uniform (including the police uniform, which ends in tears). The reaction is extremely bad. The feeling of pain is muted. The balance is disrupted, and so is the speech. Coma may occur.
"He'll go far."
1, 10 — 1, 60 2, 2 — 3, 2 Stupor, severe apathy
Apathy, lethargy, with a weak body - paralysis. The pathogens have no effect. “Vlyozhku.” Vomiting, “walking around on its own.” Possible death, but there is a chance to rest.
1, 50 — 2, 0 3, 0 — 4, 0 State of death, clinical coma
Coma. Suppressed or absent reflexes. Hypothermia (low temperature). Blood circulation and breathing function poorly. Possible death.
1, 90+ 3, 8+ Death Death due to paralysis of the respiratory tract.

Alcohol in the blood: reasonable boundaries, and what lies beyond them

U different people at at different levels alcohol in the blood, external manifestations may vary. This is taken into account when conducting forensic analysis, especially abroad. There is a whole range of computer programs and calculations to determine the individual permissible amount of alcohol in the blood.

Above are tables about the alcohol content in a person’s blood, the degree of influence of alcohol in the blood on behavior and emotional state person, as well as how long alcohol stays in the blood after drinking it, depending on the amount of this “potion” taken.

Alcohol in the blood is not appropriate in a good way, unless it is meant, which is permitted by law, and for some people it is always present (alcohol, like a large number of other chemicals, is naturally present in the human body). Alcohol in the blood increases its content at banquets and holidays. Drinking alcohol is a very ancient tradition that exists in almost all human cultures. By the way, the Bible does not prohibit drinking within reasonable limits, as long as wine drinking does not turn into an uncontrolled passion.

But I appeal to you, readers, know when to stop! The table clearly showed to what extent alcohol in the blood can soar, and from there you can see what this is fraught with.

It is already known that death occurs when alcohol in the blood reaches 4 ppm... this is in theory. Exceptions happen in everything. A case of impossible, simply hellish intoxication was recorded. In 2005, a 67-year-old resident of Bulgaria was hit by a car, and in the hospital his alcohol level was determined to be 9.14 ppm! The man, in theory, should have been dead at least twice, instead he spoke coherently and almost =) thought logically!!

How to urgently reduce blood alcohol

There are times when it is urgently necessary to reduce the alcohol content in the blood. There are many ways to do this. These include special medications and numerous folk remedies. Can I have a glass? sunflower oil- not very pleasant, but it helps to clear the mind, and will treat you more neutrally;) Also known are going to the bathhouse, strong tea, coffee. If a drunk person loses consciousness. You can rub his ears, the blood rushing to his head will slightly disperse the alcohol in the blood and slightly dispel the intoxication. Some methods of quick sobriety overload the heart, be careful, for example, going to the bathhouse while drunk or taking an ice-cold shower! It is easier to initially control alcohol in the blood and not bring yourself to extreme intoxication.

“You need to have a snack”

By the way, the catchphrase “you need to have a snack” did not come out of nowhere. After all, alcohol consumed with food will be absorbed by the intestines much more slowly than on an empty stomach. So the snack affects your alcohol level.

To control blood alcohol easily and without nerves, purchase or.

Getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol is not only life-threatening, even in small quantities, varying levels of alcohol in the blood can lead to a collision with law enforcement agencies.

In order not to violate traffic rules, it is enough to have a good understanding of the data on the time of elimination of alcohol from the body, which the table of ppm indicators will help you understand.

The rate of ethanol elimination was determined experimentally and entered into special tables, the data of which is freely available.

Understanding exactly what ppm is, knowing what degrees of intoxication there are, it is enough to simply control your condition and protect yourself from unnecessary problems not only with the law, but also with health.

What is "ppm"

The precise mathematical definition is that a ppm is one thousandth of the whole, that is, 1/1000, or in other words, 1/10 of a percent. The use of parts per thousand in relation to blood alcohol content is determined by the higher accuracy of such measurements.

This indicator shows that for all the liquid contained in the body, there is 0.3 g of alcohol. This value indicates that the alcohol dose was not exceeded by consuming additional alcohol.

Calculating the ppm of alcohol makes it possible to understand what actions are possible, whether you can drive, if not, then how long you need to wait, in principle, you can calculate what harm will be done to the body.

The rate of absorption of alcohol depends on its concentration, and it is greatest in drinks with 10% alcohol content. That is, the fastest effect on the brain is the ppm of alcohol contained in wine. Slower in vodka, whiskey and so on. The prevailing opinion that if you dilute alcohol with water or juice, then less harm will be done is not true.

In fact, a liter of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as 400 grams of wine, or one hundred grams of vodka. Promille of alcohol in the blood refers to the content of ethyl alcohol in parts per thousand. By understanding the values ​​​​in the ppm table, you can save yourself from troubles associated with misunderstandings.

For example, a professional breathalyzer of a traffic police officer can show 0.6 after a glass of kvass, or 0.2 ppm, which will remain in the blood due to kefir.

The effect of alcoholic drinks on the human body

Quantity in ppm From 0.2 to 0.5From 0.5 to 0.8From 0.8 to 1.2From 1.2 to 2.4
Symptoms Behavior generally remains decent, but excessive talkativeness appearsManifestation of rudeness, some euphoria appearsSudden mood changes, from aggressiveness to complete indifference, symptoms of poisoning, dizziness appearBehavior is inappropriate, unpredictable, all signs of severe poisoning are vomiting
Impact on the car driver The reaction is weakened, the desire to increase speed increasesReaction to the color red is weakened - may not notice the stop light of a traffic light or the side lights of other carsAttention weakens, reaction is slow, does not notice pedestriansThe risk of misjudging the situation increases

The degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized not only general condition body, but with certain symptoms; moreover, it is the degree of intoxication that determines the driver’s absent-mindedness on the road.

Blood alcohol breakdown table

Knowing the time of withdrawal of drunk alcohol, an adult who soberly assesses the situation can well afford to drink alcohol, insuring himself in time and calculating his own degree of intoxication.

Type of alcoholic drink, in an amount of 300 ml.

The road is a source of increased danger for motorists and pedestrians. It should be remembered that the danger increases significantly when the driver gets behind the wheel after drinking alcohol.

General information

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It is necessary that the amount of alcohol consumed in the driver’s blood does not exceed that established by law.

Previously, Russia had a zero standard, but for 2020 it was established that 0.3 ppm of alcohol can be detected in the blood, and 0.16 ppm in the exhalation.

When drinking alcohol, the driver needs to have at least an approximate idea of ​​what its concentration in the blood becomes, and he must be aware of how long after it enters the body he will be able to get behind the wheel without risk to himself.

At the same time, a person’s blood constantly contains a certain amount of natural alcohol, synthesized by his organs and tissues, but it is relatively small.

On the other hand, a person can drink a non-alcoholic drink or eat a certain food and get increased content alcohol. However, it will not be large, and this alcohol will go away within half an hour.

Basic Concepts

Alcohol A concept denoting both ethyl alcohol or ethanol (a substance with the formula C2-H5-OH) and drinks containing this substance (alcoholic beverages)
Endogenous alcohol Ethyl alcohol of internal origin, formed in the body itself without external influences influencing this process
ppm A concept meaning a thousandth part of the content of a certain substance in a certain environment (in this case, alcohol in the air or blood). This term is formed similarly to the term “percent”; if “cent” means “hundred”, then “mille” means a thousand. Promille is indicated by the symbol ‰, also similar to the corresponding sign for ppm. For example, 3 hundredths of a ppm will be designated “0.3‰”

Permissible limit of alcohol in exhaled air

Photo: blood alcohol concentration in men

It is worth keeping in mind that within an hour the proportion of ethanol in the blood drops by 0.15 ppm, so to roughly determine how much alcohol will be in the body in an hour, you need to subtract this value from the table.


Below is a similar table for women:

Photo: blood alcohol concentration in women

Effect of ethyl dose on the body

A person's behavior changes depending on the amount of alcohol he consumes. In particular, these changes determine the driver’s ability to control his car.

At the same time, when taking a minimal amount of alcohol, a person remains generally the same as in a sober state.

Changes in the condition occur gradually, but there are several stages depending on the dose of ethanol that entered the system.

Of course, alcohol has a noticeably greater impact on women than on men. It takes much longer for alcohol to be removed from their blood, and the effect of this substance on their body is much more noticeable.

The situation is similar for people who suffer from various health disorders, minors and the elderly.

Table characterizing the effect of ethanol dose on the body:

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) content in exhalation in ppm Human condition The influence of the specified dose on the actions of the car driver
0.2 (or 0.3)–0.5 The person behaves in a manner somewhat different from the sober state, but generally decent. He is more sociable and intrusive The driver perceives objects worse as they move, primarily this applies to light sources. Often he tries to squeeze the gas pedal with great effort. Errors appear in estimating the actual distance for objects and maintaining the distance to other cars
0,55–0,8 A person experiences a euphoric mood, which manifests itself in relaxed behavior, decreased monitoring of one’s own state and a certain impudence A driver who has consumed a similar amount of alcohol noticeably loses the ability to quickly adapt to a new level of illumination. He sees red worse. The driver also reacts more slowly to what is happening and evaluates it less accurately.
0,85–1,2 A person loses adequacy in relation to what is happening. He becomes disoriented. The mood can quickly change from apathy to aggression. Nausea occurs due to intoxication The driver is not able to at least approximately accurately determine the distance to moving cars and pedestrians. He reacts to what is happening slowly and delays braking the car. Due to a decrease in the level of orientation, it becomes dangerous for other road users
Over 1.25 The person becomes unpredictable, the dominant emotional state is apathy. Possible vomiting, involuntary deurination A person cannot navigate in space and even coordinate simple movements. He is not able to adequately assess what is happening. In cases where this is combined with arrogance, he becomes dangerous to others

When drinking an amount of alcohol corresponding to the last line, the driver is unlikely to be stopped by the traffic police, since most likely he simply will not get to the inspector, because only once he finds himself on the highway, he can, without going far, immediately cause trouble.

Degree of intoxication depending on weight for motorists

Below is a detailed table that characterizes the level of intoxication taking into account the weight of motorists and the number of drinks they consumed:

Photo: table of the degree of intoxication depending on weight for a person

How to make the calculation yourself

To calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood yourself, you need to refer to the standards determining the number of doses, which have already been given in this article in the corresponding section.

It is necessary to calculate how many doses entered the driver’s body and then, taking into account the weight of the liquid in the body, calculate what the alcohol content is.

Yes=Mchs/(Mt*J), where

Video: how to deceive an inspector if you've been drinking

Example calculation

The man weighs 80 kilograms. Since we can assume that the fluid content in the male body is 70%, then its weight is 56 kilograms. According to the conditions, the man drank half a liter of vodka, the strength of which is 40%.

In this case, the amount of pure ethanol will be 200 milliliters, and since its density is 0.79, the mass of ninety percent alcohol will be 158 grams.

To get the mass of pure alcohol, you need to subtract an additional 10%, getting 142.2 grams.

Now what remains is 142.2 g (the weight of pure alcohol) divided by 56 kg (the weight of liquid in a man’s body) and get 2.5 ppm.

Acceptable limits of breathalyzer readings

These figures vary greatly across countries. Eastern European countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania have introduced a zero blood alcohol limit.

In Europe it is 0.5 ppm, and in a number of US states it even reaches one ppm. In Russia this figure is 0.3 ppm.

Thus, in Russia the presence of 0.3 ppm of alcohol in the blood is allowed. This amounts to 0.16 ppm per liter of exhaled air.

This indicator exceeds any amount of ethanol that can be synthesized in the human body or enter the body from any non-alcoholic foods and drinks.

The amount of alcohol consumed can be calculated taking into account the person’s weight and the volume of alcoholic beverages consumed.

At the same time, it is safer for the driver not to do the calculations, and not to get behind the wheel for a certain time (for example, a day) after drinking alcohol, unless it is just a bottle of beer.