Insulation materials Insulation Blocks

Walkthrough of Natalie Brooks's Inheritance Mystery at the Police Station. Walkthrough of the game "Natalie Brooks. Secrets of classmates." City of the Sun - school of philosophy of life

Location: Mansion
We approach the gate and take the stick. We use it on the wall on the left, there is a cache there. We take the gate key from the hiding place. We select a postcard and part of the picture. We take the key and open the gate, go inside. We select a card from the sofa. There is a statue of grandfather on the stairs. We click on it. We take money under the statuette. On the right side of the lamp we will select a postcard. Behind the mirror we will pick up another piece of the picture. We look at the table. We read a letter from a lawyer. We call the lawyer, the number is written on the magazine. We're going to see a lawyer.

Location: Henry Eison's office.
We take the magnifying glass and medallion from him and talk to him. After the conversation, we examine the lawyer’s ballot box, find the disk and keys. On the right, take a checkered scarf. On the left you will find a CD with classical music. There you will also find a plug for the music center. Near the window, on the left, hangs a binocular. There you will find part of the postcard. We examine the room and find two more. Now take the plug and insert it into the socket. This will turn on the music center. We insert a disk with classical music and the lawyer falls asleep. We take the keys and open the first bottom drawer, there you will take the birdseed. Now open the top drawer. There you will pick up a fountain pen. We take food and feed the parrot. Some debris falls out of the cage. Take a red checkered blanket and use it on the trash. We get the key. Use the key on the left box. We open the lock. Click on the 1 4 2 3 lock. Open the box. We take the petition from the box. Now take the second disc and insert it into the tape recorder. The lawyer wakes up, give him the petition and pen. Let's take the petition.

Location: bank.
We talk with the banker. During the conversation, it turns out that the grandmother owes the banker money. In the banker's office we select a screwdriver, a handle for the window, from the table, to the right and left of the table - postcards, from the table - tape. Let's look at the picture. We open the picture and see the safe. The safe is broken, take a screwdriver and unscrew the bolts. Open the lock cover. We use tape on the broken wires. We look at the table to the right of the banker. Click on the dollar in the frame. We set the clock on the piggy bank to 7 o'clock. The piggy bank will open and the key to the safe will fall out of it - take it. We use the window handle on the window. Let's open it. There are platforms outside the window. From there we take a sponge and use it on a bucket of water. We use a wet sponge on the stain with reverse side paintings. We will see the safe code 5791. Open the safe. We take the tie and give it to the banker.

Location: jewelry store.
To the right of the door, click on the switch. The jeweler behind the cabinet needs to be freed. We take the picture, under the rug on the window, on the closet. We click on the closet, but it is closed. We take the key under the rug. We select a panel with buttons. We plug the plug into the socket. We open the closet. We take payment from the cash register. There is a horseshoe hanging above the door, take it and use it in the display case. From the display case we take a roller for a music box, a piece of paper with grooves, and a part for the cash register. We insert the board, the coil and part of the keyboard (we save the Jew $1000). We use paper with slots on the window next to the cash register, where something is written in diamond. And we get code 7659. The cash register will open and there we take the handle from the box. We look in the closet at the music box. Insert the roller and handle. Turn the handle and the secret door will open.

We select pictures from the donut machine, surveillance camera, from the stand and the box on the right. We select the coin on the left on the table. We try to talk to the police chief, but he wants donuts. We look at the machine, push the coin. Few. Click just above the slot for coins (hit the machine). A card will fall out of the machine, take it. There is a radio station on the right table. We remove the battery from it. Behind the sheriff, open the cabinet and take the second battery on the top shelf. Let's look at the robot. In the raincoat in the pocket we find the third battery. We insert three batteries and a card into the robot. The robot releases the keys, we pick them up. Open the sheriff's desk drawer. Take a pen and a coin. You'll find three more coins on the floor under the sheriff's desk drawer, next to the robot to the right of the desk. We talk with the director of the museum. We give her the fountain pen. We talk to her again. We approach the machine. We throw five coins. We take the donuts and give them to the sheriff.

Location: museum.
We talk with the director of the museum. Click on the bag. In the lower right corner we take the keys and the lock part from it. We take photographs from the legs of the fence of two columns and the sarcophagus from the side of the head. We take the keys and open the grille.

Location: museum storage room.
We take the cards on the left from the chest, under the globe in the upper right corner, to the left of the picture (top of the screen, center), to the left behind the mask. We find 4 gears and a key. Use the key to open the chest and pick up the fifth gear there.

Location: museum.
To the left of the column you will find a box with an alarm, turn off the alarm. We open the far right stand and take the key, two gears and a disk from there. In the left stand you will find 3 more gears. Take the key and open the nearest right stand. There we will take the gear, and inside the sarcophagus we will take the unknown Egyptian device.

Location: museum storage room.
We use the disk on the Egyptian chest of drawers. Putting the picture together. (A camel with a rider and pyramids. If you assemble correctly, the chest of drawers will open.) There you will find the twelfth gear and the second part of the circuit. We insert the unknown device into the slot on the left on the stone. We select a code. We take the gear and go to the museum. As a result, we got 13 gears.

Location: museum.
We look at the sarcophagus. We take the diagram and put it on the mechanism, and then install 13 gears.

Location: mansion gate.
We select a garden shovel and pruning shears. We open the garden bag and take a metal rod from there. In the same location we find 5 pictures. Using a spatula, we pull out five cobblestones. We use stones on the window. When the window breaks, use pruning shears to remove the adhesive tape. Using an iron rod, we tear the broken bird away from the gate. We use the bird on the sticky tape. A bird with duct tape on the tree to the left above the fence.

Location: mansion.
We collect 4 pictures. Next to the broken figurine we select a figurine of a bear. Where the picture hung, we take the key on the nail. We take a police baton on the sofa, and take a flashlight from the overturned bedside table. We tear off a piece of wallpaper and take out a mouse figurine from there. We take the eagle figurine from the window frame. On the third step from the top you will find a cache, open it with the key and find a rhinoceros figurine. We remove the cheetah figurine from the stairs above the mirror. From the leg of the sofa there is a figurine of a giraffe. The last lion figurine is your amulet. We insert the figures into the mirror. Now click on the cheetah, lion, rhinoceros, bear, eagle, elephant, giraffe, mouse. The mirror will open slightly and jam. We use the baton on the mirror. We go into the basement.

Location: basement of a mansion.
We take a light bulb from the left shelf and screw it into the socket, turn on the switch. We collect 4 pictures, take the hook from the top shelf of the far closet and hang it on a chain next to the barrels. In the nearby closet on the shelves, open the chest and take the barrel key from there. Open the top cabinet on the far cabinet and solve the puzzle. The puzzle is simple - arrange everything by color. We get 4 chips, insert them into the chips on the wall. The rays will indicate hiding places. In the hiding places you will find a key (4 keys). We move the rug on the floor and we will see a hatch, open it with the help of the found keys. In the puzzle we combine the circles on the inside with the emblems on the outside. And here is your money.

Location: police station.
We find 4 photos. On the table on the left and right we take 2 parts. You will also find 2 pieces behind the blinds and on the cabinet. We move the mini golf ball and in the hole we find a piece of paper with a code. Click on the paper tray. We try to open the safe, but, alas, the handle falls off, we select the handle and two more parts. We look into the right cabinet of the table. In the bookcase on the top shelf on the right we pull the book criminology. The cache opens. Someone is trying to visit the sheriff and may find you. We take a chair and prop the door. We find the fifth part in the aquarium, and the sixth next to the safe. We collect the broken safe. We use six unknown parts on the lock in the bookcase. Another puzzle. In it you need to slide the blue part into the recess. In the cache we find the second part of the medallion and a journal. Open the safe (using the found piece of paper, click on the safe). We take the keys. We read the case about smugglers. Open the second drawer of the table and take a card from there. We open the window and go into the archive.

Location: archive.
In the middle of the screen you will see an alarm panel. Use the police chief's card on the shield. Let's solve the puzzle. There is a switch under the alarm panel. Turn on the light. We find 4 photos. On the floor we select two steps and a wheel. On the near left cabinet we select a step and a paper knife. On the right side of the table, take a paperclip in the shape of a master key. Use a knife to pick out the chewing gum under the table. Let's take a gear from the table. Using a knife, cut the cord from the table lamp. Now let's fix the stairs. We insert three rungs and a wheel into the ladder. We move the ladder and take the key from above on the shelf, read the case about the burglar. We take a magnet from the wall of the closet, you will get a universal burglar key, with the help of it we open the box with the smuggling case and read it.

Location: cave.
We talk with the smuggler. We find 4 cards. We pick up the hook and nails from the floor. Using a hook, we remove the floating part from the device. We select a board next to the closet. We take the helmet in the closet, and the second part on the closet. Let's take the second board from the table. On the second cabinet we will take the part and the bugs. We take the helmet and pour water. We extinguish the right torch and remove the keys from the torch. We open the locked cabinet and take the slingshot. We shoot at the red circles. The grate will only open when everyone is green. Behind bars we take a hammer. We open the chest and take another part. We inspect the hole in the boat, place two boards on the hole, insert nails, and hammer it in with a hammer (the boat is repaired, but the smuggler will do the putty himself). We look at the listening device, insert 4 coils and a box of bugs. The device is ready.

Location: police station.
Disable the security camera. Collecting pictures. We take the tape from the table, take our signed petition from the tray, read the documents on the table (we find out that the lawyer and the police chief are conspiring against you), install a bug in the telephone receiver. We examine the bag next to the robot and take a screwdriver. We install the second bug in the flower pot on the safe. We look at the switch. We unscrew the lid and install the beetle. The wiring burns and you find glowing text on the wall. In this text you will see code 35691. Using tape, we repair the switch. Open the safe and take the card for the robot. We insert the card and the robot drives off. We mount the fourth bug in the socket, and the fifth in the robot. Reading the final comic.


English - language name of the game: Natalie Brooks. Secrets of Treasure House

At home:

take a stick
use a stick to move a brick in a fence
take the key, open the gate with it, enter

At home:

take the card from the sofa
look at the table, look at the letter, call the lawyer on the indicated phone number
take a closer look at the figurine on the table on the stairs, take the money


look at the box, take the magnifying glass and medallion
look under the table, take the disk and keys
take a disk from the center and a fork from the center
plug the plug into the socket
insert a classical music disc into the center
use the keys to open the top right drawer, look, take the pen
use the keys to open the lower right drawer, look, take food for the parrots
take the scarf off the cage and give food to the parrot
pick up a lump of sawdust with a handkerchief, we get the key
use the key to open the left drawer, look, solve the puzzle
insert a rock music disc into the center
give the petition and pen to the lawyer


take the screwdriver and pen from the floor
take the tape from the table
attach the handle to the window, open
take a sponge and dip it in a bucket
open the hiding place behind the painting, wipe off the stain with a wet sponge
look at the safe, unscrew the bolts with a screwdriver, open the lid, cover the wires with tape. Close the lid. Enter the code.
Click on the dollar on the table with the piggy bank
set the piggy bank to 7 hours. Take the key
use the key to open the safe lock
open the safe, take the tie, give it to the banker


turn on the light - switch by the door
move the edge of the mat, take the key
use the key to open the cabinet door
take the payment from the cash register, the panel with buttons, the horseshoe above the door, the fork from the cash register by the pot
plug into the socket
use a horseshoe to break the windows, take a roller, a spool and a piece of paper with cutouts
insert the coil, board and panel into the cash register
attach the sheet to the window. Code 7659. Enter the code into the cash register. Take a pen
look at the box in the closet, insert the roller and handle
puzzle: you need to repeat the sequence in which the figures light up

Police station:

take a coin from the table, 3 from the floor
open the cabinet door, take the battery
see the robot, open it. Take the battery from your jacket pocket
watch the radio station, remove the battery
look at the machine, tap it, take a card
insert batteries and card into the robot
pick up the keys from the floor
open the desk drawer with the key. Look. Take a pen and a coin
give the pen to the director of the museum
Put 5 coins into the machine
puzzle: you need to make sure that all the coins fall into the hole using the bottom stand. You need to move it and not let the coins fall.
give the donuts to the policeman


get half the scheme after talking
see the bag. Take the part and keys
see alarm: puzzle. We need to catch signals. White signals can be caught in any sector, blue signals in blue, red signals in red. You just need to have time to click on them.
open the left stand, take 3 parts
open the right stand, take the key, metal disk and part
use the key to open the display case door, take the part, open the sarcophagus, take the device
use the keys to open the grille lock and enter
apply the device to the ledge in the stone.
puzzle: you need to remember the symbols and repeat them by choosing on the stone. Take part
take 2 parts in the pile of exhibits, another part on the top shelf
take the key on the bottom shelf of the dresser
use the key to open the chest, take the part
apply the disk to the device on the chest of drawers
puzzle: you need to combine all the circles so that a picture is formed. Take the part and the second part of the diagram
come out of the closet
apply the diagram and details to the sarcophagus

At home:

take pruning shears, garden shovel
see the gardener's bag. Take a metal rod
dig out 4 stones with a shovel
throw a stone at the window. Puzzle - you need to choose a position and impact force so that the stone hits the window. We use the selection method. First, you need to try to put your “hand” in such a position that the stone does not hit the fence while flying, and then adjust the force of the impact.
cut the ribbon with scissors
use a metal rod to pull out the metal bird on the gate
use the resulting hook on the tape to hook onto the tree

At home:

take the police baton from the sofa
take the flashlight from the nightstand
take the key from the wall, use it to open the hiding place in the stairs, take the rhinoceros figurine
above the picture, tear off a piece of wallpaper, take a mouse figurine
take the rest of the figures:
- giraffe by the sofa
- cheetah - on the stairs
- bear - near the broken figurine
- eagle - on the window frame
look at the mirror and put all the figures in their places
Click on the figures in the following order:
The mirror will open.
use a baton to pry off the mirror. Login


take a light bulb and screw it into the socket. Press the switch
move the rug
Look at the box on the shelf on the left, take the barrel key. Move the rag at the top
take the hook from the closet
open the cabinet door and look.
puzzle: puzzle. Everything is simple - an ordinary puzzle, pieces to pieces. We will receive 4 chips for the solution
Place the received chips in their places:

The chip with the X sign should be placed on the top shelf of the left cabinet, having first removed the rag from the shelf.
- A chip with a sign.//. - place in a box on the second shelf of the left cabinet
- Chip with the Z sign - place on the wall on the right above the barrels
- A chip with a sign -> - place it on the column under the switch

When the chips are placed, rays will appear - these are hints where to look for the keys to the hatch.
hang the hook on a chain, take the hook with the chain, attach it to the grille
lift the grate with a winch, take the key
look at the barrel, open the lock with a barrel key, take the key
open the tile, take the key
look at the box, take the key
look at the sunroof, insert the keys, look
solve the puzzle with keys

Policeman's office:

move the golf ball away, remove the piece of paper with the code from the hole
take 2 parts from the table
see papers, document tray
look at the box, in the notebook - capital letters spell out the word "CRIMINOLOGY"
open the blinds, take the part
take the part from the aquarium, from the safe and from the closet
move the book "Criminology" in the closet
take a chair, block the door
look at the safe, take the part
pick up 3 parts from the floor
put the parts in place
apply the piece of paper with the code to the safe, take the keys, look at the document
use the keys to open the box, look, take the activation card
6 parts to apply to a lock in a closet, see
puzzle: tag. You need to pull out the blue plaque
take half of the amulet, read the magazine
open the window, leave

Police archive:

apply the card to the alarm unit, solve the puzzle
turn on the light with the switch
take the wheel and 2 steps from the floor
in the closet on the left take the step, look at the papers, take the knife
use a knife to tear off the chewing gum under the table and cut the lamp wire with a knife
take a paper clip from the drawer
take the gear on the shelf above the table
take the magnet from the cabinet wall
Apply the wheel and steps to the ladder and move it. Read the papers, take the key
look at the contraband box, open it with a master key, read the dossier


take nails and a hook from the floor
take the board from the table
take the board from the closet
helmet in the closet
take a part from the cabinet
in the closet on the left take a part, a box with bugs
use a hook to remove the part from the water
fill your helmet with water
use a helmet and water to put out the fire in the torch, take the keys
use the keys to open the cabinet door, take the slingshot
Use the slingshot on the lock behind bars.
puzzle - hit all targets with a slingshot
open the chest, take the part
take a hammer
look at the hole on the boat, apply 2 boards and nails to it and nail it with a hammer
bugs and parts - on the device in the closet

Chief's office:

watch the camera
puzzle: you need to have time to press the toggle switches
open the blue box, take a screwdriver
take the tape and petition from the table, look at the documents
look at the phone, remove the cover, install a bug
look at the switch on the wall, remove the cover with a screwdriver, and install the bug. The lights will turn off
see code 3-5-6-9-1
look at the switch, tape the wires together
look at the safe, take the card
put a bug in a flower on the safe
open the panel of the robot, insert a card, move the robot away, insert a bug into it
look at the socket, unscrew the cover with a screwdriver, insert the bug

Location: Mansion
We approach the gate and take the stick. We use it on the wall on the left, there is a cache there. We take the gate key from the hiding place. We select a postcard and part of the picture. We take the key and open the gate, go inside. We select a card from the sofa. There is a statue of grandfather on the stairs. We click on it. We take money under the statuette. On the right side of the lamp we will select a postcard. Behind the mirror we will pick up another piece of the picture. We look at the table. We read a letter from a lawyer. We call the lawyer, the number is written on the magazine. We're going to see a lawyer.

Location: Henry Eison's office.
We take the magnifying glass and medallion from him and talk to him. After the conversation, we examine the lawyer’s ballot box, find the disk and keys. On the right, take a checkered scarf. On the left you will find a CD with classical music. There you will also find a plug for the music center. Near the window, on the left, hangs a binocular. There you will find part of the postcard. We examine the room and find two more. Now take the plug and insert it into the socket. This will turn on the music center. We insert a disk with classical music and the lawyer falls asleep. We take the keys and open the first bottom drawer, there you will take the birdseed. Now open the top drawer. There you will pick up a fountain pen. We take food and feed the parrot. Some debris falls out of the cage. Take a red checkered blanket and use it on the trash. We get the key. Use the key on the left box. We open the lock. Click on the 1 4 2 3 lock. Open the box. We take the petition from the box. Now take the second disc and insert it into the tape recorder. The lawyer wakes up, give him the petition and pen. Let's take the petition.

Location: bank.
We talk with the banker. During the conversation, it turns out that the grandmother owes the banker money. In the banker's office we select a screwdriver, a handle for the window, from the table, to the right and left of the table - postcards, from the table - tape. Let's look at the picture. We open the picture and see a safe. The safe is broken, take a screwdriver and unscrew the bolts. Open the lock cover. We use tape on the broken wires. We look at the table to the right of the banker. Click on the dollar in the frame. We set the clock on the piggy bank to 7 o'clock. The piggy bank will open and the key to the safe will fall out of it - take it. We use the window handle on the window. Let's open it. There are platforms outside the window. From there we take a sponge and use it on a bucket of water. We use a wet sponge on the stain on the back of the painting. We will see the safe code 5791. Open the safe. We take the tie and give it to the banker.

Location: jewelry store.
To the right of the door, click on the switch. The jeweler behind the cabinet needs to be freed. We take the picture, under the rug on the window, on the closet. We click on the closet, but it is closed. We take the key under the rug. We select a panel with buttons. We plug the plug into the socket. We open the closet. We take payment from the cash register. There is a horseshoe hanging above the door, take it and use it in the display case. From the display case we take a roller for a music box, a piece of paper with grooves, and a part for the cash register. We insert the board, the coil and part of the keyboard (we save the Jew $1000). We use paper with slots on the window next to the cash register, where something is written in diamond. And we get code 7659. The cash register will open and there we take the handle from the box. We look in the closet at the music box. Insert the roller and handle. Turn the handle and the secret door will open.

Location: police station.
We select pictures from the donut machine, surveillance camera, from the stand and the box on the right. We select the coin on the left on the table. We try to talk to the police chief, but he wants donuts. We look at the machine, push the coin. Few. Click just above the slot for coins (hit the machine). A card will fall out of the machine, take it. There is a radio station on the right table. We remove the battery from it. Behind the sheriff, open the cabinet and take the second battery on the top shelf. Let's look at the robot. In the raincoat in the pocket we find the third battery. We insert three batteries and a card into the robot. The robot releases the keys, we pick them up. Open the sheriff's desk drawer. Take a pen and a coin. You'll find three more coins on the floor under the sheriff's desk drawer, next to the robot to the right of the desk. We talk with the director of the museum. We give her the fountain pen. We talk to her again. We approach the machine. We throw five coins. We take the donuts and give them to the sheriff.

Location: museum.
We talk with the director of the museum. Click on the bag. In the lower right corner we take the keys and the lock part from it. We take photographs from the legs of the fence of two columns and the sarcophagus from the side of the head. We take the keys and open the grille.

Location: museum storage room.
We take the cards on the left from the chest, under the globe in the upper right corner, to the left of the picture (top of the screen, center), to the left behind the mask. We find 4 gears and a key. Use the key to open the chest and pick up the fifth gear there.

Location: museum.
To the left of the column you will find a box with an alarm, turn off the alarm. We open the far right stand and take the key, two gears and a disk from there. In the left stand you will find 3 more gears. Take the key and open the nearest right stand. There we will take the gear, and inside the sarcophagus we will take the unknown Egyptian device.

Location: museum storage room.
We use the disk on the Egyptian chest of drawers. Putting the picture together. (A camel with a rider and pyramids. If you assemble correctly, the chest of drawers will open.) There you will find the twelfth gear and the second part of the circuit. We insert the unknown device into the slot on the left on the stone. We select a code. We take the gear and go to the museum. As a result, we got 13 gears.
Location: museum.
We look at the sarcophagus. We take the diagram and put it on the mechanism, and then install 13 gears.

Location: mansion gate.
We select a garden shovel and pruning shears. We open the garden bag and take a metal rod from there. In the same location we find 5 pictures. Using a spatula, we pull out five cobblestones. We use stones on the window. When the window breaks, use pruning shears to remove the adhesive tape. Using an iron rod, we tear the broken bird away from the gate. We use the bird on the sticky tape. A bird with duct tape on the tree to the left above the fence.

Location: mansion.
We collect 4 pictures. Next to the broken figurine we select a figurine of a bear. Where the picture hung, we take the key on the nail. We take a police baton on the sofa, and take a flashlight from the overturned bedside table. We tear off a piece of wallpaper and take out a mouse figurine from there. We take the eagle figurine from the window frame. On the third step from the top you will find a cache, open it with the key and find a rhinoceros figurine. We remove the cheetah figurine from the stairs above the mirror. From the leg of the sofa there is a figurine of a giraffe. The last lion figurine is your amulet. We insert the figures into the mirror. Now click on the cheetah, lion, rhinoceros, bear, eagle, elephant, giraffe, mouse. The mirror will open slightly and jam. We use the baton on the mirror. We go into the basement.

Location: basement of a mansion.
We take a light bulb from the left shelf and screw it into the socket, turn on the switch. We collect 4 pictures, take the hook from the top shelf of the far closet and hang it on a chain next to the barrels. In the nearby closet on the shelves, open the chest and take the barrel key from there. Open the top cabinet on the far cabinet and solve the puzzle. The puzzle is simple - arrange everything by color. We get 4 chips, insert them into the chips on the wall. The rays will indicate hiding places. In the hiding places you will find a key (4 keys). We move the rug on the floor and we will see a hatch, open it with the help of the found keys. In the puzzle we combine the circles on the inside with the emblems on the outside. And here is your money.

Location: police station.
We find 4 photos. On the table on the left and right we take 2 parts. You will also find 2 pieces behind the blinds and on the cabinet. We move the mini golf ball and in the hole we find a piece of paper with a code. Click on the paper tray. We try to open the safe, but, alas, the handle falls off, we select the handle and two more parts. We look into the right cabinet of the table. In the bookcase on the top shelf on the right we pull the book criminology. The cache opens. Someone is trying to visit the sheriff and may find you. We take a chair and prop the door. We find the fifth part in the aquarium, and the sixth next to the safe. We collect the broken safe. We use six unknown parts on the lock in the bookcase. Another puzzle. In it you need to slide the blue part into the recess. In the cache we find the second part of the medallion and a journal. Open the safe (using the found piece of paper, click on the safe). We take the keys. We read the case about smugglers. Open the second drawer of the table and take a card from there. We open the window and go into the archive.

Location: archive.
In the middle of the screen you will see an alarm panel. Use the police chief's card on the shield. Let's solve the puzzle. There is a switch under the alarm panel. Turn on the light. We find 4 photos. On the floor we select two steps and a wheel. On the near left cabinet we select a step and a paper knife. On the right side of the table, take a paperclip in the shape of a master key. Use a knife to pick out the chewing gum under the table. Let's take a gear from the table. Using a knife, cut the cord from the table lamp. Now let's fix the stairs. We insert three rungs and a wheel into the ladder. We move the ladder and take the key from above on the shelf, read the case about the burglar. We take a magnet from the wall of the closet, you will get a universal burglar key, with the help of it we open the box with the smuggling case and read it.

Location: cave.
We talk with the smuggler. We find 4 cards. We pick up the hook and nails from the floor. Using a hook, we remove the floating part from the device. We select a board next to the closet. We take the helmet in the closet, and the second part on the closet. Let's take the second board from the table. On the second cabinet we will take the part and the bugs. We take the helmet and pour water. We extinguish the right torch and remove the keys from the torch. We open the locked cabinet and take the slingshot. We shoot at the red circles. The grate will only open when everyone is green. Behind bars we take a hammer. We open the chest and take another part. We inspect the hole in the boat, place two boards on the hole, insert nails, and hammer it in with a hammer (the boat is repaired, but the smuggler will do the putty himself). We look at the listening device, insert 4 coils and a box of bugs. The device is ready.

Location: police station.
Disable the security camera. Collecting pictures. We take the tape from the table, take our signed petition from the tray, read the documents on the table (we find out that the lawyer and the police chief are conspiring against you), install a bug in the telephone receiver. We examine the bag next to the robot and take a screwdriver. We install the second bug in the flower pot on the safe. We look at the switch. We unscrew the lid and install the beetle. The wiring burns and you find glowing text on the wall. In this text you will see code 35691. Using tape, we repair the switch. Open the safe and take the card for the robot. We insert the card and the robot drives off. We mount the fourth bug in the socket, and the fifth in the robot. Reading the final comic.

Over the long weekend I decided to stretch my brain with some logic game. This game turned out to be. A beautiful toy that includes a twisted quest plot, mini-games of varying difficulty and “I’m looking” games. Full version games without trial restrictions can be easily found on some Internet, but here I will write complete walkthrough games with pictures, in case someone needs them.

Read the letter from Chad. Take the pry bar and open the cache on the porch. Take pruning shears from the hiding place, look at the rose bush by the gate, cut flowers with the pruning shears, open the hiding place behind the stone with a pry bar, take the key to the locker, open the locker. Find all items from the list. Take paper (airplane on the tree), matches (boxes on the closet), coal (in a wheelbarrow in the middle of the yard). Mini-game “light the iron”: put coal in the iron, turn the iron end-to-end, open the firebox, put paper, light the paper with a match. Run the iron over Chad's letter. Turn on the laptop, find out information about the address from the letter.

Talk to Chad, take a drill and screwdriver. In the middle of the room, find a stack of bricks with a key attached, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws, and pick up the key. Look at the door with the chained figure, collect all the missing parts of the lock, open the lock. Look at the heart hanging under the stream, collect the missing parts of the heart, use the key to open the heart, get a CD from the surveillance camera, watch the recording. Open the curtain, pick up the stepladder. Look at the wall with the pictures removed, collect all the pictures, hang them on the wall. Take the key from behind the fallen picture, open the door, go down to the basement. Take a newspaper, a cutter, use a stepladder to remove the knitting needle and drill from the box on the shelf. Slide the newspaper under the door, use a knitting needle to push the key out of the hole, pick up the key, open the door. Find all items from the list. Use a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire in the bucket, read Chad’s diary in the bucket, pick up the switch, put the switch in place, turn off the light. Return to the gallery, look at the painting with a seascape, insert the lamp into the socket, cut the painting out of the frame with a cutter, drill into the safe, pick up the painting and the telephone receiver. Hang the picture in the frame, look at the phone number. Go down to the basement, close the door to the street, look at the phone, attach the receiver to the phone, call Kitty.

Take a hammer, look at the boat, take a wet phone and a handle. Look at the ladder, attach the handle to the block, lower the ladder, climb to the upper deck. Look at the broken winch, collect the missing parts, go down to the lower deck, straighten the bent gear on the anvil, return to the upper deck, fix the winch, open the grate in the hold, talk to Kitty. Dry the phone in hot steam from the pipe, read the SMS. Take the scissors and go up to the deck. Look at the water, take the starter from the engine. Climb to the upper deck, use the starter to start the engine, cut the hammock with scissors, and pick up the electrical cable. Return to the deck, connect the cord to the robot, break the window with a hammer, climb into the wheelhouse. Take scuba gear from the locker, take a fish hook from the aquarium, collect the scuba gear parts. Return to the deck and go underwater. Find all items. Mini-game “defuse the bear cub”: insert the key into the hole on the bear’s head, raise its paws, find all the pieces of wire and cut them. Go down into the hold, close the steam valve, take the lever. Go up to the deck, use the lever to open the robot, take a fishing rod, a piece of a map, a diagram of the lighthouse, look at Chad’s note, talk to Kitty. Look at the water, mini-game: catch three fish with a fishing rod. Go up to the upper deck, give the fish to the seagull, pick up the keys to the yacht. Get into the wheelhouse, collect the map on the wall, insert the key into the ignition. Go down into the hold, go up to the deck, collect everything you need to extinguish the fire. Go down into the hold, put out the fire, press the button and pump out the water. Return to the control room and press the red button. Mini-game: ride the boat to the exit.

Take electrical tape, a rag, a basin, turn off the switch, use a rag to remove the water from the wire, place the basin under the dripping water, wrap the torn wire with electrical tape, and turn on the light. Collect the necessary items and bandage Kitty's leg. Hang the lighthouse diagram on a picture frame and look at the diagram. Find a tripod and place it on the strange symbol on the floor. Move the picture at the top, look at Chad's safe. Mini-game: lay out the tiles like dominoes so that the pictures on the sides match. Take glass and lamp from the safe. Take the soffit, install the soffit on a tripod, look at it, install the lamp and glass, turn it on. Take the red hammer and open the lighthouse window. Mini-game: drive away bats with a flashlight. Look at the hatch in the ceiling and at keyhole next to him. Find all the keys, open the hatch in the ceiling, climb onto the lighthouse, take the adjustable wrench and rope, open the window above the door, hook the handle with a loop from the rope and open the door. Look at the lighthouse lantern, take the key from Chad's jacket, look at the broken mirror. Collect all the parts of the mirror, fix the broken mirror. Go downstairs, open the nightstand with the key, take the lamps. Climb up and put the lamps in the lantern. Take matches and mirror from the floor. Go down to the ceiling level and install the mirror in place. Use a hammer to break the brick in the indicated place. Use a wrench to unscrew the bolts in the indicated location. Move the picture, take the burner, go upstairs, fill the burner from a barrel with fuel, put the burner in place, light it with matches. Mini-game: guess the animals by their silhouettes (dog, deer, hare, swan, elephant, goat). Open the cache, take the crowbar. Go upstairs, open the box with a pry bar, pick up the weights, go downstairs. Mini-game: place weights so that all areas turn green. Take the lantern control panel, go upstairs, install the panel on the lantern, give the signal that is indicated on the mirrors in the hiding places: dash, dot, dash, dash, dot. Look through the telescope at the ship's flag. Use a pry bar to lift the cache board, install symbols on the safe like on the flag (shield, bird, anchor, flower), read Chad’s letter, read SMS from the kidnappers.

Look at the griffin statue, take a sneaker, a hacksaw, and solvent. Look at the cabinet, clean it with paint thinner, open the cabinet, take a lighter and powder. Look at a box of shoes and use a sneaker on it. Mini-game: find pairs of shoes. Put the sneakers on the griffin, look at the coat of arms on the shield, collect the missing items, and install them on the shield. Look at the stand with the bat, take the handle, open the curtain, apply powder to the buttons, open the cabinet, cut out the bottom with a hacksaw, pick up the bat, insert the bat into the griffin’s paw. Insert the handle into the fire shield, take the hook, use the hook to remove the letter “N” from the banner, place the letter on the griffin, pick up the keys from the griffin’s mouth. Look at the door to the kitchen, melt the wax with a lighter, and open the lock with the keys. In the kitchen, look at the sink, take the filter, open the curtain under the sink, install the filter, drain the water. Take a hammer from the sink and use it to knock down the lopsided menu. Take the hook next to the hood. Go out into the hall and look at the school map. Mini-game: find Chad's place of imprisonment on the map. On stage, take the rope, look at the spotlights, press the button. Look at the broken stepladder wheel, return to the lyceum hall. Look at the dropped menu, go into the kitchen, set the oven timer to 01:35 (the time from the chicken recipe), pick up the screwdriver. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the wheel from the trash can, go out into the hall, out into the yard. Place the wheel on the stepladder, tie up the soffits with a rope, tighten the wires with a hook, and turn on the light. Take the guitar, take the flashlight on the bus mirror, find 4 batteries. Use a flashlight to illuminate under the stage and find all the objects. Place the guitar in place, play a chord, look at the speaker, pick up the keys. Return to the hall, open the locker with the keys, find all the items. Go into the kitchen, set the handle on the oven, take a pan of water, melt the ice. Open the refrigerator, find all the items. Return to the stage and use a ruler to open the bus door. Pull the lever, oil the lever, raise the seat, pick up the wheel from the bus, take the jack. Look at the panel with wires. Mini-game: connect contacts in a maze. Get off the bus, jack up the bus, change the wheel, drive the bus away, look at the hatch. Look under the bus, take a hair clip and a stone. Use the hairpin to open the lock on the backpack, take the slingshot and pliers, and use the slingshot to knock down the griffin statue. In the kitchen, use pliers to open the cabinet and take a knife. Use a knife to cut out the linoleum next to the refrigerator and go down to the basement. Mini-game: go through the basement without touching the walls. Use pliers to cut through the wire on the switch, pull the switch, and take the ring from Madeleine. Open the lock on the hatch.

Take a ball, throw it into a notebook, take a paperclip, open the handcuffs. Look at the hanger, take a glove, open your wallet, take a card. View at solar system, take a light bulb. Use a glove to move the cactus, open the window, take a sponge. Look at the evacuation plan and erase the shading with a sponge. Look at the portraits, take a knife. Look out the window. Mini-game: find all the policemen. Use a knife to cut Chad's ropes. Look at the table, open the drawer with a card, take the flute, look at the folder on the table, screw the light bulb into the lamp, look at the brochure. The code for the suitcase is 871 542 (compiled from the pictures in the brochure and in the wallet). Look in the suitcase, find all the items. Look out the window, pop a balloon with a dart, take a caramel. Melt the caramel on the lamp and make a seal impression. Look at the evacuation plan and the pedestal with cups, find all the cups. Place the cups on the pedestal and attach the seal. Take a wrench, unscrew the bolts on the hanger with it, and take the acid from the shelf. Look out the window, throw the cat up, climb up the stairs. Clean the lift with acid, lower the bell, take a crowbar, take a rope. Look at the clock on the wall, use the rope on it, find steps for the ladder, make a ladder, go up and look at the clock. View the note in the bell. Use a crowbar to open the box, use a flute to put the snake to sleep, take the planet from the eye socket, open the skull, take the key and lighter. Go down, use the key to open the solar system, install the planet, collect all the remaining planets, install them. Read the letter, take the key. Go upstairs, set the year of the rat and the sign of Gemini (Madeleine’s date of birth) on the clock, use the key to open the cache, take the key. Go down, open iron door, collect all items. Go upstairs, install dynamite on the clock, blow it up. Look at the resulting passage.

Chapter 7. The Black Cat Gang

Chapter 7. The Black Cat Gang

Look at the wanted poster, take the gaff. Look at the telephone booth, take a crowbar. Use a crowbar to remove the boards from the emergency exit. Look at the hatch, open the lid with a hook, take a tin can. Use a jar lid to cut the tarpaulin, look into the hole, find all the objects. Use the valve to open the water in the well, take the key, open the doors. Look at the mirror, break it with a brick, take the figurine, pull the lever. Look at the dressing table, take a fragment of the mirror, part of the lock and a screw key. Take the key from the picture, open the rabbit with it, take the figurine. Place part of the lock on the briefcase and take the figurine. Use the screw key to open the door under the diagram, take the figurine and the ball. use the ball to knock the rabbit off the cabinet, take the figurine and the zipper. Use the clasp to open the zipper on the hare, take the figurine. Set the exchange rate: yen - dollar - euro - pound, take a billiard ball and a cube fragment. Cut the sofa with a fragment of the mirror and take the figurine. Place the figurines on the tape measure, take the key, and use it to open the cabinet. Take a knife and place the red ball on the table. Use a knife to cut the wallpaper and look at the torn page. Return to the street and place a fragment of the cube on the telephone booth. Mini-game: connect colored squares with lines. Take a jar from the phone booth and look at the phone book. Return to the house and attach the torn piece of the page with the code. The code for the safe is "№&?#". Take the blue ball and insert it into the table. Place the spider in a jar. Go outside and look at the broken TV. Mini-game: catch all the larvae. Take the green ball and cut off the plug with a knife. Return to the house, place the green ball on the table, attach the plug to the lamp in the closet, take the wire cutters. Return to the street, cut off the antenna from the TV, return to the house, open the lock, take the yellow ball, insert the ball into the table. Read Madeleine's diary. Go outside, look at the phone booth, collect coins. Call the secret number 555-3402, read the papers from the cache.

Look at the cradle, find all the objects. Look at the distributor, unscrew the bolts with a screwdriver, connect the wires. The code for the laptop is 4142. Use the key to open the suitcase, take the lever from the cradle, install the lever, start the cradle. In the office, take a hacksaw, cut the chain on your leg, take an inflatable banker. Listen to the recording on your phone. Open the box, take gasoline and lenses. Look at the piggy bank on the floor, collect the missing parts of the dial. Set the dial, set the time on it to 18.00 (the time in the photo from the table), take the coins. Look at the cocktail list in the trash can. In a desk drawer, collect a cocktail: vanilla - vodka - grapes - lime - glass for hot drinks. Take an electronic card and matches from the bar. Take a fly swatter, swat a fly on the table with it, feed the fly to the sundew, take the key. Open the stand with weapons, take the stiletto and poker. Use a poker to open the fireplace. Use a stiletto to pierce the inflatable banker and go up. Place the lenses in the telescope and look at the house opposite. Unscrew the fan bolts with a wrench. Find wood for the fireplace. Go downstairs, light the fireplace with wood and matches, and take a hose. Fill the helicopter with gasoline, remove the broken propeller, install the fan blades. Remove the picture on the wall. Mini-game: set coins by country. Insert electronic card. Go upstairs, connect the inflatable banker hose to chimney pipe. Look through the telescope, send a helicopter for tape, tape the banker, open the security door. Mini-game: find the differences in the pictures and collect the keys. Go downstairs, insert the keys into the safe, open the safe. Read the note.

Take a garland, collect the bulbs of the garland. Look at the mouse hole, take a blade, cut the thread from the kite. Open the hatch, take a piece of jeans. Lower the garland into the hatch, take the cheese, lure out the mouse. Scare Madeleine with a mouse, take her purse, cut it with a razor, find all the objects. Give your passport to the banker. Look at the branches. Look at the balloon basket, take the rope and lighter. Use a rope to lower the lever. Look at the scene, find all the objects. Mend the balloon, light the burner. Go upstairs. Mini-game: find signs of the double and Chad. Take a valve, attach it to a hose, and pour water on the fighters. Take the gun and place it on the rack. Take a hook and a reel and install them on the gun. Collect ammo. Load the gun, shoot, climb onto the balloon.

Take a hook, a net, a bottle of water. Look down, take the pump and harpoon. Look up, knock the key off the burner with a harpoon, look down, cool the key with water, take the key. Open the bag, take a wrench, a lever. Look up, unscrew the hose with a wrench, clean the hose with a pump, take the button from the lock, screw the hose back, install the lever. Place the button in the bag, open the pocket, take the knife. Look overboard, cut off the ballast with a knife. Hook Madeleine's balloon with a hook, throw a net over Madeleine, take a rope ladder, look overboard, lower Kitty's ladder.

That's it, our team won, happy ending. Well, or almost :)

Part of the game, now it's the turn of the first. Yes, that’s how it all turned out the other way around. If you still haven’t mastered this part on your own, then I will be happy to help you with this.

Take a stick from the path, use the stick on the cache, take the key from the cache. Collect the parts of the postcard. Use the key to open the gate.

Take the city map from the sofa. Look at the table next to the mirror, read the letter, call the phone number written in the book “Lawyer 354-75-62”. Collect three parts of the postcard - one behind the mirror, the second on the table with flowers, the third on the right on the lamp. Look at the grandfather statue, take the money from under it.

Talk to Henry, pick up the magnifying glass and amulet from the box. Assemble the three parts of the postcard. Take the plug from the stereo, take the CD, insert the plug into the outlet, turn on the stereo. Look at the trash can under the table, take the CD and keys. Use the keys to open the drawers in the right closet. Take a pen from the top drawer, and bird food from the bottom drawer. Remove the scarf from the cage, apply bird food to the parrot, use the scarf to pick up a lump of garbage from the floor, take the key. Use the key to try to open the left cabinet. Mini-game: set the lock tabs to the center position (1-2-4-3). Pick up the petition. Place the CD in the stereo. Give the petition and pen to the lawyer.

Take the tape from the table. Pick up two scraps of postcards, screwdrivers and a window handle from the floor. Attach the handle to the window, open the window, take a sponge, wet it in a bucket. Look at the table, look at the dollar in the frame, look at the piggy bank, set the clock hands to 7:00, take the key to the safe. Look at the picture, unscrew the electronic lock cover with a screwdriver, glue the wires together with tape, and close the lock cover. Use a sponge to remove stains from the safe door. Look at the safe, insert the key into the keyhole, enter the code "5791", open the safe. Take the tie from the safe and give it to the banker.

Turn on the light. Take the panel with buttons from the floor. Collect three scraps of postcards - under the rug, behind the closet and on the windowsill. Try to open the cabinet door, move the rug, take the key, use the key on the cabinet door, open the cabinet. Take the horseshoe above the door. Break the horseshoe counter, take a reel, a roller from a music box, a piece of paper with slots. Take the payment from the cash register from the cabinet. Take an electrical plug from the floor and apply the plug to the socket. Look at the broken cash register, install the circuit board, install the reel, install the keyboard. Attach a piece of paper with slots to the code on the window. Open the cash register with the code "7659", take the handle from the music box. Look at the music box in the closet. Install the handle, open the box, install the roller. Mini-game: repeat the sequence of symbols.

Collect four scraps of postcards - behind the donut machine, in the desk drawer, behind the stand and behind the surveillance camera. Look at the radio station, remove the battery. Look at the donut machine, pick up the card. Collect four coins. Open the cabinet doors, take the battery. Look at the police robot, take a battery from your coat pocket, install batteries and an activation card into the robot, and pick up the key. Open the desk drawer with the key, take away the pen and coin. Look at the donut machine and throw coins into the slot. Mini-game: bring five coins to the coin slot. Pick up a bag of donuts. Give the donuts to the police chief. Give the pen to the museum director.

Take half of the diagram. Collect four scraps of the postcard - on the sarcophagus, on the fence, on two columns. Look at the travel bag, take the keys and the lock part. Open the alarm panel. Mini-game: prevent the discharges from reaching the center. In the right stand, take the parts from the lock and the key. In the left stand, take the parts from the castle. Use the key to open the vertical stand, take the lock part, open the sarcophagus, take the Egyptian device. Use the keys to open the door to the storage room.

Collect three scraps of the postcard - near the bag on the left, near the globe, behind the mask on the wall and in the box above the door. Collect parts from the castle. Take the key from the chest of drawers. Open the chest with the key, take the lock part. Place the metal disk on the Egyptian device in the chest of drawers. Mini-game: collect a picture. Take the part from the lock and the second part of the circuit. Insert the metal stick into the niche on the stone. Mini-game: find symbols on the stone. Take the lock part. Return to the museum, look at the sarcophagus, apply the diagram to it, apply all 13 parts.

Collect five postcard scraps. Take garden shears. Open the gardener's bag and take a metal rod. Take a garden trowel. Try to enter the gate. Use a spatula to collect stones. Throw stones at the windows. Mini-game: hit a window with a stone. Use gardening shears on the tape, use a metal rod to pick out the bird from the gate, and throw the tape with the bird onto the tree.

Collect four postcard scraps. Look at the mirror, insert the lion medallion. Take the police baton from the chair. Take the flashlight from the nightstand. Take the key from the wall. Take a bear figurine from a broken figurine, a giraffe figurine from the chair leg, a cheetah figurine from the staircase railing, an eagle figurine from the window frame. Look at the hole in the wall, take the mouse figurine. Use the key to open the cache on the steps of the stairs, take the rhinoceros figurine. Look at the mirror and place all the figures on it. Click the figures in the sequence: cheetah, lion, rhinoceros, bear, eagle, elephant, giraffe and mouse. Use a baton to open the entrance to the basement. Enter the basement.

Take a light bulb, screw the light bulb into the socket, turn on the light. Collect three postcard scraps. Move the rag in the rack, look at the chest on the shelf, take the barrel key. Open the cabinet door. Mini-game: collect several puzzles. Place four chips in the appropriate places. Take the hook from the closet, attach it to the chain, take the hook with the chain. Attach the hook to the grate on the floor, lift the grate with a collar, and take the key. Open the hiding place under the tiles on the floor, take the key. Look at the barrel, open it with the barrel key, take the key. Open the box, take the key. Pull back the rug and look at the hatch. Open the hatch on the floor with the keys. Mini-game: set the signs according to the pictures.

Collect four postcard scraps. Open the desk drawer and look at the document. Open the blinds on the window. Assemble six rectangular pieces. Click on the inbox and place the petition there. Look at the safe, turn the round handle, collect three parts of the safe from the floor. Move the golf ball and remove the piece of paper with the code from the hole. Look at the safe, install three parts from the safe, apply a piece of paper with a code to the safe. Take the keys from the safe and read the documents. Use the keys on the desk drawer and pick up the activation card. Pull the top right book in the closet. Take a chair and use it on the door. Use the parts for the hiding place in the closet. Mini-game: bring out the blue part. Take half of the amulet from the cache, read the magazine. Open the window, go out the window.

Apply the activation card on the alarm panel. Mini-game: follow the arrows according to the instructions. Turn on the light. Collect three postcard scraps. Collect three steps and a wheel from the ladder and apply them to the ladder. Look at the "Burglaries" box, take part of the master key, read the burglar's testimony. Look at the papers in the left cabinet, take the paper knife. Take the magnet from the wall of the far cabinet. Use the knife on the chewing gum under the table. Use the knife on the lamp wire. Take the gear from the box. Open the desk drawer, take a paper clip. Look at the “Contraband” box in the far closet, use the master key on the lock of the box. Read the smuggler's dossier.

Collect four postcard scraps. Take the gaff, apply the gaff to the part in the puddle, collect two more parts from the listening device. Take the conquistador's helmet, scoop up water with it, apply the helmet with water to the torch, take the keys. Open the cabinet with the keys, take the slingshot. Use the slingshot on the round lock behind the bars. Mini-game: hit the red circles with a slingshot. Open the chest, take the part for the listening device. Take a hammer. Take nails from the floor, take two boards, look at the boat, use boards on the hole, use nails on boards, use a hammer on nails. Take a box of bugs. Apply the parts to the listening device. Apply bugs to the listening device.

Look at the camera. Mini-game: have time to turn off the switches. Collect three postcard scraps. Take the tape from the table. Open the drawer on the floor, take the screwdriver. Look at the phone, open the cover, install the bug. Take the petition from the document box. Look at the switch, unscrew the screw with a screwdriver, install the bug. Look at the newspaper clippings, get the code "3-5-6-9-1". Look at the switch and secure the wire with tape. Use the bug on the flower on the safe. Open the safe, take the card. Apply the bug on the robot. Open the control panel on the robot, place the activation card, move the robot away. Look at the socket, unscrew the cover with a screwdriver, and install the bug. That's it, game over.