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International KET exam. Materials for preparing for Cambridge English exams Preparing for ket

Key English Test (KET)- international exam in English language, the result of which is an indicator of English language proficiency at a basic level (CEFR A2). There are 2 types of exam - for adults (from 15 years old) and for children and teenagers (it is called KET for Schools) - for children 11-14 years old. They differ in topics - for example, schoolchildren will be offered reading topics such as school, hobbies or plans for the future, while adults will be offered work or studying at university. On at the moment It is possible to take the test on paper or on a computer - your choice. In any case, the exam is taken at an authorized center.

KET Exam Modules

The KET testing process includes 3 modules: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking.


The “Reading and Writing” module lasts 1 hour 10 minutes. It includes 9 parts with the following types of tasks:

  • Matching offers with short notices
  • Reading text and answering multiple choice questions
  • Comparison of question and answer
  • Spelling and orthography task
  • Text with blanks that need to be filled in
  • Letter

KET results are assessed according to the following system: a total of 230-point scale is adopted in the assessment system. The maximum score for KET is 150. With a result from 120 to 133 points you receive a Pass grade, from 134 to 140 points - Pass with Merit and receive a level certificate A2. If you score 140-150 points, you receive a Pass with Distinction rating. When receiving a Pass with Distinction rating, the level is indicated in the certificate B1. If you scored less than 120 points, then the level is indicated in the certificate A1.

How to Pass the KET Exam

In order to take the exam, you need to find an authorized center in your city. After this, you need to choose a convenient session - as a rule, they take place three times a year: in March, June and December. Then you need to register at the selected center - send an application and pay for the exam. Registration usually begins 3 months before the exam. The cost of the KET exam in Moscow is now about 6,000 rubles. When registering, you will immediately find out the date of the written part, but the oral part, as a rule, is held on a different day. First, only the frame is indicated (for example, from December 3 to December 17), and after payment and confirmation of registration, approximately 3-4 weeks before the exam, you receive the exact schedule and information about the location of the exam.

You must have your schedule and identification with you during the exam. When you enter the classroom, you will be asked to remove all your belongings and mobile phones They will collect it and give you a number in return, just like in a wardrobe. You can only leave a document and a bottle of water on the table. All stationery supplies are provided by the center. All parts of the exam, except Writing, are completed with a pencil, and Writing with a pen. Erasers are also provided, so even if you make a mistake, you can change your answer. For each part you receive a booklet with tasks and an answer sheet. The booklet can be used as a draft, and the final answers can be transferred to the form. For the Writing part, you will be provided with a draft. Even if you made a mistake in the final version, it’s okay, it can be corrected. The most important thing is to write the text so that it is easy to read.

You will learn the result 4-6 weeks after passing the exam. It can be viewed on the website. And after a few weeks at your center you receive your certificate.

Why do you need a KET certificate?

The KET certificate is valid for life and is a recognized international document in business and academic environments.
Possession of a KET certificate will be a significant advantage when entering prestigious educational institutions in the UK and the USA, and will also significantly help you in finding work in large foreign companies. The KET certificate is proof of the holder's basic knowledge of the English language.
Although KET is an entry-level exam, it gives you a unique opportunity to learn about your strengths and weaknesses your English and determine what you need to “pull up” in the future, and also allows you to pass exams in the future more high levels: And .

KET is an acronym for Key English Test, so the phrase “ket exam” is essentially a tautology. This name was coined at the University of Cambridge by specialists from the ESOL unit aimed at foreigners. More precisely, for learning English by native speakers of other languages. So, for you and me.

To test the knowledge and proficiency of the language by foreigners, you need special approach. Special international tests were developed from 1991 to 1994. In 2004, they were significantly improved, and today every student in 130 countries can take the Cambridge English language test.

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Cambridge English: Key shows the basics of English. This is the level thanks to which you can communicate in simple everyday circumstances (shopping in a store, traveling on transport, dating, tourism, etc.) and continue to study the following levels. In other classifications, similar training is called Pre-Intermediate, or A1-A2 on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) scale.

As for the requirements for students, age is not strictly regulated. You can take the KET when you feel ready and/or when you have completed an appropriate course at an English language school. And if this happened before your 15th birthday, then you will probably be asked to take KET exam for schools. It is intended to test the same knowledge, but the topics of the tasks focus on school life and related situations.

Where and how do you take the Key English Test?

KET consists of three compulsory parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Reading and Writing



lead time

Number of tasks


Each correct answer earns 1 point

You need to have time to transfer the answers to the form

Performed in pairs

Examples of tasks

You need to fill in the gaps in words and/or sentences yourself or from the suggested options; choose the correct answers in dialogues; answer questions correctly according to the information in the given text, etc.

You need to choose suitable illustrations for the listening fragments; answer questions about what was heard in the audio fragment; write down the information that was given.

Answer several questions asked by the teacher; in a dialogue with a partner, ask each other questions and give answers to them.

KET exams are taken all over the world, including in Moscow. In the capital of Russia there are several centers where you can not only learn English, but also take Cambridge exams. To do this, you need to find out the dates of the tests - as a rule, they are held throughout the year. Moreover, please note that knowledge of grammar, listening comprehension (listening), vocabulary and reading technique are tested on one day, and oral speech – on another (a little earlier or later).

How is KET assessed?

Test results are expressed in points. The maximum success is 100 points, or all correct answers. But to crack KET, it is acceptable to fail a few times.

  • 90-100 points – excellent result, or Pass with Distinction.
  • 85-89 points – satisfactory, that is, Pass with Merit.
  • 70-84 points – the exam is accepted and counted, just Pass.
  • 45-69 points indicate that your knowledge level reaches A1 Level
  • 0-44 points is too few, the exam is not passed, it is a Fail.

Only the first two options, that is, a test result of 89 points inclusive, allow you to obtain a KET certificate. In addition, an excellent result (from 90 to 100 points) automatically entitles you to the CEFR “B1” certificate. Those who score at least 45 points will be issued a CEFR “A1” certificate. Everyone else will have to repeat the basic training, improve their knowledge and retake the exam.

How to prepare for the KET?

Since the number of tasks in the three parts is not the same, points for completing them are awarded differently. As much as 50% of the exam depends on Reading and Writing. Listening and Speaking, respectively, add 25% of points. This means that only a comprehensive study of English will prepare you for successful completion Key English Test. The ideal option is if the school foreign languages is accredited to take Cambridge exams. But this is not a prerequisite. You can enroll in prep courses or study for the test yourself.

To prepare for the exam, you need to complete as many practice exercises as possible. And although the test itself is taken exclusively in the personal presence of the examiner, sample KET tasks are available online, and their completion depends only on your self-discipline. Knowledge of the rules, a good vocabulary and experience with typical questions and tasks - and you can get a high assessment of your knowledge.

You will see by passing the ket exam that this is only the first step on the path to learning English. It is no less important than the following, because it will give you confidence in your abilities and the desire to continue your studies. And then, you see, the time will come to take the PET (Preliminary English Test) - but this is a topic for another article.

You will receive a separate score for each of the three papers (Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking), giving you a clear understanding of your performance. These three scores are averaged to give you an overall result for the exam. You will also be given a grade and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) level.

When will I get my A2 Key Statement of Results?

All candidates receive a Statement of Results, and if you are successful in the exam you will also receive a certificate.

Your Statement of Results is released online, approximately four to six weeks after the exam for paper-based exams, and two to three weeks after the exam for computer-based exams. The fastest way to get your results is to sign up to ours.

When will I get my A2 Key certificate?

We send your certificate to your exam center about three weeks after results are available. Your exam center then sends it on to you.

  • If you took a paper-based exam, your certificate will be sent to your center seven to nine weeks after the date of your exam.
  • If you took a computer-based exam, your certificate will be sent to your center five to six weeks after your exam date.

A2 Key Scale Scores

Depending on which university, college or organization you are applying to, you may be asked to achieve a specific score or grade, either overall or for a particular skill. For A2 Key, the following scores will be used to report results:

Cambridge English Scale Score Grade CEFR Level
140–150 A B1
133–139 B A2
120–132 C A2
100–119 Level A1 A1

The exam is targeted at Level A2 of the CEFR. The examination also provides reliable assessment at the level above A2 (Level B1) and the level below (Level A1).

Scores between 100 and 119 are also reported on your Statement of Results, but you will not receive the Key English Test certificate.

The upper limit is the exam CPE, which is taken by those who speak English almost as well as. Accordingly, the international exam KET, which this article is dedicated to, is the first step in improving your knowledge.

International exam KET intended for adults and children over 15 years of age. For younger children, namely from 11 to 14 years old, there is a group of exams, which we will talk about separately. Exam Key English Test, being, developed directly by the examination department of the university of the same name Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). An international exam has appeared KET in the early nineties (1991-1994). Five years later it was revised. Was developed new structure and examination content, which came into force in March 2004. It should be noted that there is not only simple KET, but also KET for schools(for schoolchildren). There is no difference between the two versions of this exam. In the second case, the topics and content of the exam are more focused on the interests, hobbies, experience and age of the students.

Structure of the international exam KET

Every year there is an international exam KET About 40,000 people from 60 countries are trying to pass the test. To be included in their number, you just need to register with training center The British Council, which accepts this exam, pay the cost of the exam, and at the appointed time pass all types of tests, and in this exam there are three of them:

  1. Reading and writing(reading and writing), to which 1 hour and 10 minutes of examination time is devoted. You are offered simple information from brochures, newspapers and magazines in English, on the basis of which you must complete several types of tasks - fill in the gaps in sentences, complete sentences, write a short text of up to 25 words.
  2. Listening(), which you are given half an hour to complete. After listening to announcements and monologues in the form of audio recordings, which will be spoken at a slow pace, you will have to answer a certain number of questions. This tests your ability to understand English by ear.
  3. Speaking(speaking), taking 8-10 minutes of your time. This test usually takes place in the presence of two examiners, one of whom communicates with you, and the other evaluates your abilities. In addition, in speaking you are paired with another candidate taking the international exam KET. This is necessary to complete a joint task. Accordingly, this stage KET involves a conversation containing questions and answers, as well as the ability to introduce yourself to a stranger.

Completed assignments are checked by accredited Cambridge specialists ESOL, which evaluate your knowledge based on the sum of points for all tests (1st stage - 50%, 2nd and 3rd - 25% each). In a couple of months you will be able to find out whether you passed this exam (70%-84%), whether you were successful in it (85%-100%), or whether you coped with the task, but not quite well, so you receive a level certificate A 1, which means you can participate in simple dialogue in English on a predictable topic, are able to compose a simple questionnaire or note indicating the time, date and place, but this is not enough for an international exam KET. If your percentage of points obtained is 0%-44% correct information, you have failed the exam.

As self-preparation for the international exam KET I would recommend the following training courses:

  • KET Practice Tests Plus
  • Key English Test
  • ObjectiveKET

Or use the materials offered by the official website of the Cambridge exams - .


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I don’t know about you, but my students and I just light up when we talk about the opportunity to take the International Cambridge English Language Exam. Besides the privileges and opportunities that the certificate provides, even preparing for it is fun, especially if you choose good materials for work. It’s the same as going to the gym and working out on cool machines or pumping up yourself with brand new chrome dumbbells - pure “buzz”! So we will devote today’s article to materials that will help you pass everything “excellently”. And right away I would like to say that although there are a huge number of resources, most of them can be paid, because the “flagships” of education in England are constantly working to improve their materials.


The youngest of the Cambridge family. Even a well-prepared schoolchild can handle it. Books recommended for preparation:

Activate! A2 is a fun textbook with lots of grammar and vocabulary topics. The authors also emphasize the effectiveness of using the audio and video materials that come with the basic book. You can view the assortment

We also recommend using specially designed books Practice Book for KET, and you can see more details


  • You can find many tests to practice or just test yourself
  • To replenish vocabulary:
  • Free sample assignments:
  • Lots of tests and exercises for PET:
  • Official page with a bunch of cool presentations for exam topics:
  • For grammar preparation:


Average, or the first among exams, is not for amateurs. In addition to the books officially developed by Cambridge University (which, by the way, we also use in online classes via Skype), there are many more places where you should look for good materials and resources:

  • Lots of test options for practice, especially in sections such as Reading, Use of English and Writing:
  • Grammar and more grammar:
  • Lots of useful stuff, a treasure trove of wisdom online:


  • Lots of tests and exercises from all parts of the exam:
  • Lots of useful links, from general technical tips to idioms:
  • Catalog of official certified textbooks for every taste, including CAE textbooks:
  • Tips, exercises and tests:


This is definitely one of the favorites among international exams in English. You need to prepare for it intensively, using the maximum number of different resources, because what you will get in the exam is known only to some druids in the admissions office at Cambridge University.

  • Russian-language site with a whole list of books that will be useful to you. Everything is clear and understandable:
  • Your "friend" and "assistant" for the exam:
  • The official source with a lot of information on rules, tasks, tips and tips!
  • The selection on this site will make your eyes run in different directions! It’s good that everything is clear and in alphabetical order:

Of course, if you have the funds, you can use the latest paid official sources of information (certified materials), as well as textbooks for the CELTA and DELTA programs. But even without any specific textbooks, a large number of free resources available will help you pass everything with flying colors!

When you just start learning English via Skype, it may seem that this is almost Moses’ road through the desert, because in terms of duration and abundance of materials, they are somewhat similar! But don’t worry, we will help you “filter” the information, and the “Promised Land” with a Cambridge certificate will soon appear on your horizon!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family