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Methodological recommendations for parents “How important is reading in child development or how to help a child fall in love with poetry. Consultation for parents “what and how to read to children”

“The role of books in the development of preschool children”

A book is one of the first teachers in a person’s life. Children who have not been shown the whole colorful world of made-up stories lose a lot in their development. There is a huge amount of varied children's literature, with colorful drawings and musical effects. The main thing is to choose a book according to age and instill a love of literature from the very beginning. early age.

It is difficult to imagine preschool childhood without books. Accompanying a person from the very first years of his life, fiction has great influence on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech: it fosters imagination and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Listening to a familiar fairy tale or poem, the child experiences and worries along with the characters. This is how he learns to understand literary works and through this is formed as a person.

Folk tales reveal to children the accuracy and expressiveness of language; in stories, children learn conciseness and precision of words; the poems capture the melodiousness, musicality and rhythm of Russian speech. However, a literary work is fully perceived only if the child is appropriately prepared for it. Therefore, it is necessary to draw children’s attention to both the content of a literary work and its means of expression. Do not forget that interest in reading can be instilled only if literature corresponds to the interests of the child, his worldview, needs, and spiritual motivations.

Children's perception of literary works in preschool age quite difficult. Each child goes a long way from simple participation in the events depicted to more complex forms of aesthetic perception of a literary work. Growing up, children master the ability to analyze literary works, learn to convey certain content in the unity of its artistic form, and also actively master the means of artistic expression.

Illustrations for books help the preschooler better understand the content of the work, more clearly imagine the nature described in it, the specific situation in which the hero acts. Books teach the child to understand what is good and what is bad. They develop imagination and memory, abstract and logical thinking. From the works, the little reader learns many new words, expanding his horizons, and learns to speak correctly.

Often parents do not understand how important a role a book plays in the development of a child and in the formation of his personality. Children who have had a close connection with printed publications since childhood are drawn to reading and adolescence and in adult life. A child who is not brought up on works of fiction most often does not want to read when he grows up. But the book not only helps to develop, but also reveals the artistic talents of some children. They begin to compose poems and short stories. This is how new poets and writers are born.

It is especially important to discuss what you read with your child and solve problem situations together. And how your child needs your help when choosing a book both at home and in the library!

If you are introducing a new book to your child, after reading it to the end, put it aside for a while. We must give the child the opportunity to understand and experience what he has heard. You should not ask what this book is about, so as not to destroy emotional state, then you can return to reading this work a second and third time.

There is no rush to read a book. You need to read slowly, clearly, expressively. Teach your preschooler how to handle books carefully.

Children have a great need for their parents to read aloud to them. For the successful development of a child, family reading is very important, and not only while the child himself cannot read, but also at a later age. Children look forward to when mom or dad will have time for them.

For a child to be mentally healthy, he needs full communication with his parents, personal communication, when attention is given to him completely, and reading together provides this opportunity.

What books should children read?. For younger children, there are a number of wonderful works that have already been “tested by time” and not only give rise to positive emotions in children, but also teach them a lot - kindness, courage, honesty and other qualities that you probably want to see in your child. This book is a child's friend. Of course, a book alone will not teach these properties if the son or daughter does not see positive examples and patterns of behavior around you. However, literary images are well remembered by children, and the characters of books become role models for them. Don't forget about this when you advise your child to read this or that book. The modern world is full of scary, cruel images - you just have to turn on the TV, and an avalanche of cruelty falls on the child. And, although children often like to “get scared” and tell each other all sorts of horror stories, adding to this frightening stories from books can break the fragile child’s psyche and cause phobias, fears, and subsequently the grown-up child loses the ability to empathize with other people’s suffering and grief . It is noticed that in modern world this is becoming more and more common.

Therefore, try to make books one of the factors through which the child’s emotional and moral development occurs. Take the time to discuss what you read with your child, talk to him about the characters of the characters in the book, the reasons for their behavior, and their feelings. And ask your children more and more questions so that the conversation does not turn into an adult’s moralizing monologue. And if a child suffers from any character flaw, then read with him a work in which the heroes overcame this flaw in themselves, but avoid reproaches - this will not help you in your upbringing, but, on the contrary, will make the child close himself off from you.

Teach your children to read as many books as possible, this will help in the future both in their studies and in communicating with the outside world. It is always more interesting to communicate with a person who reads a lot; he has a better developed imagination and a broader horizon.

Good luck to you!

“Consultation for parents “What books should children read?” Children's literature is the richest fund of domestic and...”

Consultation for parents

Children's literature is the richest fund of domestic and

foreign poems, fairy tales, stories and stories designed for different

age groups. Often on the back page of a book you can find

marked “for reading by parents to children”, “for preschool age”, “for

primary school age." However, at present, this segment

market has expanded greatly: new authors, new works have appeared,

books beloved by parents since childhood have been republished. It is very difficult to understand all this abundance, because you need not only to find an interesting book, but also to understand how accessible it will be to the child.

How to choose a book by age?

First of all, you need to be guided by how much your child is able to perceive this text. Some children, as young as 3 years old, enjoy listening to Nosov’s stories, while others have difficulty understanding the simplest fairy tales. It all depends on the child's experience. If they read to him constantly and a lot, retell and discuss with him the books he read, it is much easier for him to move from fairy tale To real life and start listening to stories.

A very important indicator of the accessibility of a book is the age of children it talks about. For example, in N. Nosov's stories the boys are 6-7 years old, so it is too early to read this book at two or even four years old. In general, the child will be able to understand the content, he will be interested in hearing about funny incidents, but most of the events will remain incomprehensible, since he does not yet have enough life experience. A. Lindgren's story “The Kid and Carlson” tells about a boy who is 7 years old. But preschoolers love this book because it has a fairy tale element that blurs age boundaries. Carlson is a hero without age.

But here is another story by the same Astrid Lindgren, “Emil from Leneberga,” about a five-year-old naughty boy. It is five-year-old children who are delighted with it, because everything is absolutely clear to them, the plot does not cause difficulties, is easy to understand and remember. Therefore, when choosing a book for your child, I advise you to leaf through it and pay attention to the age of the characters. After all, they do the same thing as your baby could do if he were in their place. The closer the age of the characters in the book is to the age of your child, the more understandable this book will be for him.

Fairy tales seem to have no age restrictions. Everyone always loves magic. However, this is not entirely true. The fairy tales “Teremok” and “The Snow Queen” are very different from each other, and if the first is no longer interesting to a five-year-old child, then the second is still poorly understood.

Marshak, fairy tales “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”. From the age of one and a half, one begins to become acquainted with K. Chukovsky and his inexhaustible heritage of obscure fairy tales that are probably so attractive to children. “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Doctor Aibolit” - children love these works very much, they constantly ask to re-read them until they remember them by heart. In addition, it is at this age that acquaintance with Russian folk tales, fairy tales by V.

Suteev and others. We should not forget about poetry. The collection of poems by Yunna Moritz, “A Big Secret for a Small Company,” is very popular among children two or three years old.

After three years, you can move on to more voluminous works that will be read every evening before bed. These are the immortal creations of E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “38 parrots” by Grigory Oster, “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”

Alana Alexander Milne, the already mentioned fairy tale story by Astrid Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.N. Tolstoy.

At four years old, children begin to realize what is happening in the book and express their attitude. It is important not to miss this moment and include “The Adventures of Bambi,” “Cinderella” and “Snow White” in the list of books.

These are books about relationships, experiences, pain. These feelings are very important for a person, you need to learn to understand them. The tale of a touching fawn makes adults cry too. Children who have already learned to listen to a book often think about injustice for the first time and seriously worry about what they read. After such a heavy book, be sure to switch to something calmer and fun.

Choosing books for children 5-6 years old is already easier, since the child’s life experience allows him to understand and assimilate a lot. At this age, you can start visiting the children's library so that he can choose the book that he would be interested in reading. Many children at this age are already beginning to learn to read independently, in which case the child’s own choice is especially important.

Just reading the work is not enough. It is necessary to know how much the child understands what the book says and remembers key points. This is especially important when it comes to voluminous works that cannot be read in one evening.

As you read, be sure to stop at those words that your child doesn’t know the exact meaning of and explain them. Sometimes the storyline itself is complex, and it also needs to be revealed.

The extent to which a child has understood what he has read can be easily determined when trying to retell the text or answer questions. Especially the next day.

He must remember what he read yesterday and wait not just for the evening reading ritual, but for the continuation of a particular book.

Reading time is determined individually. Some children can easily stand it for half an hour and ask to read more; for others, 10 minutes is enough, after which they begin to get distracted and stop listening carefully.

A book is a source of new information; this information must reach the child and be perceived by him. While playing, the child will listen inattentively.

He will most likely remember some things and even be able to retell them, but in general the goal will not be achieved and time will be wasted

If the child doesn't want to listen

This is a fairly common problem among modern children.

There are too many other entertainment and sources of information.

You can watch cartoons in any quantity and whatever you want. Why else read boring paper books with motionless pictures, when everything on the screen is dynamic, bright, beautiful and at the same time the plot is the same.

This is exactly the position of children who are not limited in watching TV. When parents come to their senses and begin to try to read fairy tales to their children, they receive a violent protest in response. Really, why do you need books when you have TV? It’s another matter when there is TV only for 15 minutes a day. The natural need for new information will inevitably attract the child’s attention to the book, and he himself will ask you to read it.

It is also important to finally say that there is no need to limit the repertoire of children's books for your child to the works listed above. The books discussed in the article are classics of children's literature. However, the world does not stand still, and every year new children's writers write no less wonderful children's books, which, unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to learn about. In order to somehow navigate the vast world of books, visit bookstores with your child, ask sellers about new products, go to the websites of children's publishing houses, and perhaps your child will have new favorite books.

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Irina Kolmakova
Consultation for parents “Why is it important to read fairy tales to children?”


(Consultation for parents)

Prepared: Irina Sergeevna Kolmakova, teacher at OCHU PMG, 2016-2017 academic year.

Fairy tale was created orally and passed down from generation to generation. Fairy tale arose on the basis of direct improvisation, the creators and custodians fairy tales were original folk Chrysostoms. They captivated listeners not only with a magical plot fairy tales, but also with his eloquence. Over centuries of existence in fairy tale developed and consolidated their own norms of living speech style. Thus, it has established a unique, optimally convenient for memorization and reproduction fantastic composition with its beginnings, endings and triple repetitions. IN fairy tale A special pronunciation culture of oral speech with its rhythmic, rhymed, euphonious expressions also established itself.

Many Russian writers public figures, scientists and artists left their memories of nannies, grandmothers, storytellers, about your impressions of fairy tales.

“The nanny introduced me closely to the Russians fairy tales, and they kept me up at night. They were also the main impetus for musical improvisations on the piano at a time when I still had no idea about the most basic rules of playing the piano,” wrote M. P. Mussorgsky in his autobiographical note.

The sculptor S. T. Konenkov left in his memories the image narrator from the city of Roslavl and its wonderful fairy tales and sayings:

In some kingdom, in some state,

Namely, the one in which we live.

It was in marriage, in the kingdom

Out of the blue.

This is not fairy tale, but only proverb

From Bryansk to Vitebsk,

A fairy tale I will speak tomorrow after lunch, after eating meat and bread,

So King Dodon lived in that kingdom, and King Dodon had a daughter, Alena...

The poet I. V. Surikov conveyed his memories of his grandmother’s fairy tales in a famous poem "Childhood":

An old fur coat

Throw it off your shoulders;

Climb onto the stove

To grandma's gray hair

And I'll start at grandma's

I ask for a fairy tale.

And my grandmother will start for me

tell a fairy tale:

Like Ivan Tsarevich

Caught the Firebird

How can he get a bride?

The gray wolf got...

But M. Yu. Lermontov regrets the absence of such a faithful friend of the child as a fairy tale from my childhood: “What a pity that I had a German mother, and not a Russian one - I didn’t hear fairy tales folk - there is more poetry in them than in all French literature.”

A. S. Pushkin in a letter to his brother writes: “Do you know my classes? I write notes before lunch, have lunch late; After lunch I go horseback riding, in the evening I listen fairy tales and thereby compensate for the shortcomings of my damned upbringing.”

Educational and educational power fairy tales are undeniable.

After all fairy tales known more than other works of folklore children. Life-affirming idea fairy tales, their optimism evokes reciprocal feelings in children. Fairy tale captivates with its richness of fiction, its images, the amazing interweaving of the fantastic and the real. Heroes fairy tales fly on flying carpets, build palaces in one night, defeat monsters and at the same time are no different from ordinary people people: peasants, artisans. I especially like this amazing combination of truth and fiction children. Fairy tales make up a special world for children.

During the hearing fairy tales acquaintance with the native language also occurs. Listening fairy tale, the child absorbs it, comprehending the beauty of language.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: « Fairy tale- this is the cradle of thought, be able to organize the upbringing of a child in such a way that he retains an exciting memory of this cradle for the rest of his life. The beauty of a native word - its emotional colors and shades - reaches the child, touches him, awakens a sense of self-esteem, when the heart touches the heart, the mind touches the mind. The poetic sound of a native word becomes music for a child...”

Fairy tale creates the structure of the child’s intellect, establishes various types communications: "Me and others", "Me and Things", "things real and imaginary".

Fairy tale The child needs it in order to create an idea of ​​space ( "far - close", about time ( "long ago - now", "first - then", "yesterday - today - tomorrow"). Traditional start fairy tales“once upon a time there lived” no different from “that was back then” true history although the world fairy tales- and the child very soon discovers this - different from the one in which he lives. Fairy tale– this is also a means of introducing a child to the life of people, to the world around him.

A child who, from childhood read fairy tales, is more likely to become interested in reading books in the future, because from a very early age he will be immersed in a beautiful and wonderful world, the world of literature.

In our technocratic times, parents are increasingly replacing “live reading” with audio books or various video applications on their gadgets. But it’s very useful for a little person!!! (yes, yes, it’s actually useful!) reading fairy tales out loud. This consultation reveals this issue in detail.



Modern parents are wondering: is it so important to read aloud to children? Maybe it’s enough to play a good fairy tale on your child’s tablet? The pictures are interactive, the narrator’s voice is pleasant, and the diction is noticeably clearer than ours...

To answer this question, you need to know one important fact from psychology: the parental voice creates a situation of the author’s personal appeal to the baby. You seem to “turn” the author’s voice towards the child. Personal attention and personal interaction predetermine the very possibility of speech development.Psychologists made an interesting observation: if you say the phrase “Children! Come to me quickly!”, then no one will react. But if you address everyone by name, the situation will be exactly the opposite!

Therefore, speech coming from a TV or computer can entertain the baby, but nothing more. It does not in any way affect the speech development of a young child. Such listening will be effective for an older child who has already “developed” the speech space.

In addition, there are at least 10 more reasons why we should read aloud to our children:

1. Vocabulary.Reading aloud shapes children's speech and expands their vocabulary. Studies have shown that the more words parents use in conversation with an 8-month-old baby, the larger his vocabulary will be at the age of three. There are many words in books that a child is unlikely to encounter in oral speech. There are 50% more rare words in children's books than in prime time television or in student conversation! Speech is the basis of thinking. Book speech is more complex than oral speech, since it is not related to a specific communication situation (it is not complemented by the visual perception of the interlocutor, facial expressions and gestures), it is always distinguished by more complex grammatical structures, and the grammar of a language reflects the ways of human thinking. Therefore, reading aloud to children at any age turns out to be an effective mechanism for development.

2. Fantasy. Reading develops imagination: the child does not see what the author describes, he imagines it. Reading aloud shows your child how to use their imagination.

3. Proximity. Reading aloud is also a treasured time for a child to spend with mom and dad, grandparents. Children love to be with adults when they read books out loud to them! Babies love to sit in the arms of mom or dad, and through this closeness a close bond develops.connection between parents and children .

4. Authority, values ​​and outlook.When you read aloud, you increase self-respect and develop motivation for actions based on certain values. Sometimes you need to additionally explain to the child why the hero acted this way and not otherwise. Only you can do this, because now you are the one assigned the role of authority in all matters. If a child reads on his own, he learns for the most part only what he knows well. Parents, by reading aloud, can tell their baby about incomprehensible things, thereby developing his horizons.

5. Calm. Reading aloud calms the child. Sometimes parents note that their baby is too active, cannot concentrate on a book and is more willing to watch TV. Perhaps you have not yet found the right book for your baby. Use moments when your child is calmer. Early in the morning, after lunch beforenap or in the evening after brushing your teeth - good time to read aloud. Once you find the perfect combination of time and book, you will see how easily and calmly your baby will begin to fall asleep. Reading aloud is a proven tactic for helping children cope with stress.

6. Love of reading. Children who are read aloud during the first years of life and who live surrounded by books are much more likely toget into reading at an older age. The child learns that reading is important and at the same time enjoyable and fun. The care and attention shown by parents during reading aloud helps the child develop a positive attitude towards books.

7. Development of motor skills.The child learns how to use a book, how to hold it, how to turn pages - fine motor skills develop.

8. Sensual pleasure.A good children's book has engaging illustrations, paper that feels good to the touch, and a new book that smells good too. All this works to ensure that the child enjoys the process of reading together.

9. Listening skill.Reading aloud teaches your child to listen carefully. Before you know it, this skill will very quickly come in handy at school.

The tenth reason can be considered the most important. Remember how your mom or dad read your favorite book to you at night. Such sometimes fragmentary, but warm and bright moments of childhood add up to a picture that warms us in difficult moments throughout life. Now it is our responsibility as parents to leave the same for our children. memories , which will protect and warm them in adulthood.

8 Basic Rules for Reading Aloud to Young Children

Children to whom their parents regularly read aloud in preschool age do better in school, write more competently, and express their thoughts more comprehensively and beautifully.

However, all these benefits of reading aloud only occur if parents read to their child correctly. Unfortunately, according to child psychologists, few parents know how to read aloud to their children the way they should be done. As a result, so useful method development of the baby, like reading aloud to him, turns into sheer boredom and melancholy. Incorrect reading does not bring any benefit, but only instills in the child a dislike for reading.

  1. When reading aloud to a child, it is necessary to stop, explaining to the child incomprehensible points and drawing his attention to certain important details.
  1. A child’s favorite books should be reread many times, always discussing what they read and encouraging the child to retell and comment on what he heard.
  1. The reader must pronounce the words loudly and clearly, without any childish lisp.
  1. The younger the child, the better he reacts to singing speech. The text chanted should be pronounced somewhat louder, higher and slower than usual. This enables infants to differentiate syllables from whole words. Chanting is often called maternal reading. However, men should also read to babies this way.
  1. Children should only read books with a happy ending.
  1. The reader should try to pronounce the text according to the roles and make the correct acting accents.

And now answers to several questions that parents most often ask child psychologists.

At what age should you start reading aloud to your child?

According to the latest scientific assumptions, a baby should read aloud from the age of 9 months.

How often should you read aloud to your child?

At least twice a day, every day. It is very good if the second reading is timed to coincide with the child’s bedtime.

How long should you read aloud to your child?

The minimum reading time should be 5 to 10 minutes depending on age. The maximum is dictated by the child’s interest: until he gets tired.

How long should you read a chant to a child?

Until approximately three years of age.

Book is an integral part of raising a child. With its help, he will be able to find answers to questions that interest him, explore the world and himself, experience the stories of the characters, and fantasize about the development of further events in a particular work.

A book is an educator of human souls . The baby is growing, which means that every day more and more new impressions await him, he is actively exploring the world and making many discoveries. Receives more and more diverse information necessary for further correct physical, mental and mental development. Children receive new knowledge from the people around them, primarily from their parents, and also from books.
The book introduces a child to the most difficult thing in life - into the world of human feelings, joys and sufferings, relationships, motives, thoughts, actions, characters. The book teaches you to “peer” into a person, see and understand him, and cultivates humanity. A book read in childhood leaves a stronger impression than a book read in adulthood.

The task of an adult is to reveal to the child the extraordinary things that a book contains, the pleasure that immersion in reading brings. In order to attract a child to a book, an adult must love literature himself, enjoy it as art, understand complexity, and be able to convey his feelings and experiences to children.

In children aged five, the reading experience becomes more complex. To understand the work, a child no longer needs an illustration for every turn of the plot. When characterizing the characters, children most often express correct judgments about their actions, relying on their ideas about norms of behavior and enriched personal experience. At the same time, when perceiving literary works, the child does not set himself the task of evaluating the hero or events. The attitude of children to literary facts has an effective, vital significance. A child of 4-5 years old is, first of all, an active participant in the events depicted; he experiences them together with the heroes.

At the age of 4-5 years, activation occurs vocabulary, coming
development of coherent speech. When reading literary works to a child, you need to pay attention to individual words and expressions. You can teach retelling short texts of Russian folk tales. Slowly start memorizing poems.
At this age, you can introduce your child to fairy tales by foreign authors, heroic folk tales, stories about nature and animals, children get acquainted with Russian and world folklore in all the diversity of its genres - from lullabies, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers, riddles, proverbs to fairy tales and epics, with Russian and foreign classics (works by V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, P. G. Ershov, C. Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, H. C. Andersen), with the work of K. I. Chukovsky , S. Ya. Marshak and many others.

By reading together, you open up an interesting and colorful literary world for your child. And remember, like this in a simple way you give your child a huge amount of happiness and love.

A book comes to anyone's home.

Touch its pages
She will talk to you
About the life of animals and birds.

You will see the rivers flooding,
You will hear the horse's tramp
Both Chuk and Gek will come to you,
Timur and Uncle Styopa.

The evil blizzard is not scary for her
And the mud is not scary
She's talking to you,
Like a smart travel companion.

Well, suddenly he gets sad,
Don't be too upset:
Like the best true friend
A book will relieve boredom.

(Arkady Markov)

In order for a child to love a book, parents need to work hard

Tips for parents.
Talk more often about the value of the book;
Foster respect for books by displaying your family's book heirlooms;
You are the main example for a child, and if you want your child to read, then you should also spend some time with a book;
Visit the library and bookstores together;
Buy books that are bright in design and interesting in content;
Rejoice at your child’s successes, and don’t focus on mistakes;
Discuss the book you read among family members; Tell your child about the author of the book you read;
Have family readings more often.
Reading for children should become a daily habit, a necessity.

Rules that will make reading aloud attractive:

  1. Show your child that reading aloud makes you happy. Don’t mumble as if serving a long-tired duty. The child will feel this and lose interest in reading.
  2. Show your child respect for the book. A child should know that a book is not a toy, not a roof for a doll’s house, and not a cart that can be carried around the room. Teach your children to handle it carefully. It is advisable to look at the book on the table, pick it up with clean hands, and carefully turn the pages. After viewing, put the book back in its place.
  3. Maintain eye contact with your child while reading.

An adult, while reading or telling a story, should stand or sit in front of the children so that they can see his face, observe his facial expressions, eye expressions, and gestures, since these forms of expression of feelings complement and enhance the impressions of reading.

  1. Read to children slowly, but not monotonously, try to convey the music of rhythmic speech. The rhythm and music of speech enchants the child, they enjoy the melodiousness of the Russian tale, the rhythm of the verse.

During the reading process, children should be periodically given the opportunity to talk about their feelings, but sometimes you can ask them to simply silently “listen to themselves.”

  1. Play with your voice: read sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly - depending on the content of the text. When reading poems and fairy tales to children, try to convey in your voice the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation, but do not “overdo it.” Excessive dramatization prevents the child from reproducing in his imagination the pictures drawn in words.
  2. Shorten the text if it is clearly too long. In this case, there is no need to read everything to the end; the child still ceases to perceive what he heard. Briefly summarize the ending.
  3. Read fairy tales whenever your child wants to listen to them. Maybe it’s a little boring for the parents, but for him it’s not.
  4. Read aloud to your child every day and make it a favorite family ritual. Be sure to continue reading together when the child learns to read: the value of a good book depends largely on how the parents reacted to the book and whether they will find a proper place for it in their family library.
  5. Don’t persuade him to listen, but “seduce” him. A useful trick: let your child choose the books himself.
  6. From early childhood, a child needs to select his own personal library. Go with your child to the bookstore and library more often. You should buy books gradually, choosing what interests children, what they understand, in consultation with the teacher.
  7. Read aloud or retell books to your child that you yourself liked as a child. Before reading a book you are unfamiliar with to your child, try reading it yourself to direct your child’s attention in the right direction.
  8. Do not interrupt your child from reading or looking at a picture book. Again and again, draw children's attention to the contents of the book and pictures, each time revealing something new.

In conclusion, some advice for parents: be careful when choosing books to read and organizing the reading process to your children.

For example: for children 6-7 years old among all genres fiction Fairy tales are still in first place, only fairy tales are added to folk tales. Therefore, they can be introduced to the works of Eduard Uspensky and the funny stories of N. Nosov.
Children 6-7 years old should buy bright books with large print and lots of beautiful pictures; the plot of the book should be interesting so that the child wants to read to the end. A book at this age should be enjoyable. When choosing a book, pay attention to the number of dialogues in the works, because you will be able to read by role.