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Kutaby with potatoes and cheese. Kutaby – flatbreads with potatoes and herbs (lenten version). Green stuffing

Kutaby with potatoes

Kutaby with potatoes are delicious flat crescent-shaped pies made from simple dumpling dough, baked in a dry frying pan (no oven). You can make a lean version. Kutab stuffed with mashed potatoes is not only delicious to eat with sweet tea, but also fun to cook (with the whole family).

Composition of dough and filling

for 24-25 kutabs with a diameter of about 15 cm

  • Flour – 3 cups + for adding and rolling;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg - 1;
  • Water – 150 ml (3/5 cup)

Potato filling

  • Potatoes – 10-14 medium-sized tubers;
  • Boiled carrots – 1 small;
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon (optional);
  • Vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Salt;
  • Dill - a couple of sprigs (can be replaced with dried basil);
  • If you like onions, take 1 onion (finely chop, fry until translucent with light browning, season mashed potatoes with it instead of plain vegetable oil).

Butter (about 2-3 tablespoons) or vegetable oil for greasing.

How to cook

1. Make unleavened dough (like dumplings)

  • Combine flour with eggs, water and salt. Knead the dough. Cover (so as not to dry out) and leave it to stand for about 20 minutes. The dough turns out soft, not tough. If it's slightly sticky, it's okay. When rolling, flour on the table and rolling pin will help you.

2. Prepare potato filling

  • Boil the potatoes. Drain the water, leaving some at the bottom for puree. Salt and crush, season with oil - vegetable and butter. Add carrots (finely grated) and finely chopped dill. Stir, cool to room temperature (or until warm).

You can prepare mashed potatoes in advance or use leftovers from lunch or dinner. If you do not put butter and grease the kutabs with vegetable oil after baking, then the recipe will be lean.

If you cook with onions, you can season it with just the onions and the oil in which it was fried.

3. Make kutabs and bake them in a frying pan

  • Roll the standing dough into a sausage and divide into 8 equal parts. Roll each piece into a ball again. There is always one ball in use, the rest are covered with film or a lid (so as not to get stale).
  • Roll out the ball thinly. I got 3 kutabs of each ball. Cut a circle around the saucer. Place 1 tablespoon of filling on one half of each mug (approximately, I scooped it directly with my hand, the puree is plastic, I took a piece the size of half a small cutlet). When spreading the dough, step back 1 cm from the edge (for pinching).
  • Cover the filling with the second half of the dough. Seal the edges (tightly).

For a stronger connection and for beauty, I made a wavy edge. I’ll better show you how to do this in the photo. This is the same as the curly edge of dumplings (with the edge folded at regular intervals (about 1 cm).

  • Heat a frying pan (which can be used for baking without oil, for example, cast iron) very hot (do not lubricate or water it with anything). Place the kutabs in it and bake over medium heat until lightly browned, then turn over and brown the other side.

4. Lubricate the kutabs with oil

  • Grease the finished hot kutabs with butter (or vegetable oil) and put under film or put in a plastic bag. This will make them softer and more tender.

Kutaby with potatoes are good with tea or just like that. This is excellent homemade food made from natural products, prepared with your own hands.

If suddenly you don’t have anything for dinner or don’t know what to serve for lunch after soup, potato kutabs will completely satisfy the hunger of your family and delight them with their interesting appearance and satisfying taste.

Bon appetit!

Homemade kutabs with potatoes

Baked pies with potatoes - kutabs

Finely grated boiled carrots and a little dill
Combine potatoes and carrots
We make the filling from potatoes with the addition of carrots and dill

Potato filling
The whole dough is into 8 parts, then from each kolobok you will get 3 kutabs
Cut out a circle from the dough

Place the filling on 1 half of the dough and cover the other half.
First we bend the tip
Fold the edge inward at equal intervals

We pinch the edge with a stroke of 1 cm
The pinched wavy edge of the kutab
You need to start baking kutabs when there are 2 times more of them than fit in the frying pan. While they are baking, make new ones.

We bake kutabs in a dry frying pan
Hot kutabs, greased with oil
Kutabs on a plate

Boil potatoes for filling. Select three medium-sized tubers, rinse thoroughly to remove soil and other dirt, place in cold water, salted with 1 tsp. salt and boil until tender. It took me about 25 minutes.

Sift good-quality white and dry flour along with salt into a wide and deep bowl. To better combine the liquid with the flour, make a depression in the dry mixture. Pour in the specified volume of warm (not hot!) water with the addition of non-fragrant vegetable oil.

Using your fingers, gently combine the water with the butter and flour.

Knead the dough quickly so that it does not become too elastic. This unleavened dough will not stick to your fingers and work surface, so additionally sprinkling flour on the table or hands will be unnecessary.

Before rolling out the dough, give it a little rest - transfer it to a clean surface (board, bowl), cover with a towel or cover our dough ball with film, but be sure to cover it so that it does not dry out.

While the dough is resting, let's make the filling.

Peel the skin of the boiled potatoes, cut the tubers several times and place in a bowl. Mash the potatoes into a puree. You can do this with a potato masher, through a meat grinder, or grind the potatoes in a blender. If the potato mixture turns out to be too dense, you can add a little boiled water.

Finely chop the washed and dried greens. This could be young green onions, young garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.

Mix mashed potatoes with herbs. Stir and flavor the filling by adding salt and pepper.

If you have some leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday at home, you can also use it for the filling, additionally mixing it with herbs.

Divide the dough into equal parts. Take a ball of dough and roll it out on a flat and smooth surface into a thin cake (the thickness of the dough should be the same).

Place the filling (about 1.5 tablespoons) on one half of the thin flatbread.

Cover the potato filling with the other half of the dough and seal the edges.

I suggest using a fork. Firstly, you will get a beautiful curly edge, and secondly, when pressed with a fork, the dough sticks together very well and will not open when frying.

Tip: do not make the edge of the dough too wide, as during frying the dough will dry out and may be too hard.

There are a great many options for preparing kutabs. So today I wanted to cook them with different fillings. They are prepared quickly, most of the ingredients are always at hand, and are eaten instantly. Baked in a frying pan without oil. You can “compose” the fillings yourself, depending on your preferences. Today I had vegetarian toppings. You can make them completely lean (that is, without using butter and other non-lenten ingredients in the recipe). In general, use your imagination! I guarantee you one thing - they will fly apart in five minutes! :) From the specified amount of products I got 7 quite large kutabs.

Ingredients for “Kutaba with herbs, tops, potatoes, cheese”:


  • / (I cook by eye, so the quantities are approximate!) - 3 cups.
  • (The water should be lukewarm or at room temperature. The quantities indicated are approximate, depending on the quality of the flour - see for yourself!) - 450 ml
  • 2 pinches.
  • (Meltted, for greasing ready-made kutabs. Vegetarians or fasting people can skip this step, or use some sauce acceptable to themselves, for example, based on olive/vegetable oil or tomatoes.) - 100 g

Green stuffing

  • 1 bundle
  • 1 bundle
  • 1 bundle

Potato and cheese filling (or one or the other separately)

  • (I boiled two jacket potatoes in a double boiler, peeled them, simply mashed them with a fork and added salt.) - 2 pcs.
  • (Any white (not boiled) cheese such as Adygei. You can use feta cheese or even cottage cheese. I had Italian Ricotta cheese on hand. Grate and mix with potatoes. You can use each ingredient separately.) - 80 g
  • (for tenderness. You can do without sour cream.) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • 1 pinch.

Tops filling

  • (We often sell beets along with the tops. Today I put the beets in a vinaigrette, but the tops remained. I decided to use them by preparing kutabs!!) - 1 bunch.
  • 80 g

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Recipe for “Kutabs with herbs, tops, potatoes, cheese”:

Add flour, gradually adding water, mix with a fork. Then knead with your hands for about 10 minutes. The dough should be quite stiff, but not hard. Roll into a ball, place in a bowl, cover with a lid and let rest for 20 minutes, or better yet 30.

In the meantime, prepare our fillings. We cut the dill, parsley and cilantro and put them in a separate bowl.

We cut the beet tops and place them in a separate bowl. You can mix the tops with cheese and add sour cream, but today I laid everything out separately. Grate the cheese, mash the boiled potatoes with a fork and add salt. I also topped it with one teaspoon of melted butter for flavor.
I mixed some of the potatoes with some of the cheese in a 1x1 ratio, salted it, and added a spoonful of sour cream for tenderness. I left the other part of the potatoes plain, as well as part of the cheese. This way you can combine the fillings with each other as you like.

Let's return to our test. We form it into a sausage like this, cut off a small part. Place the rest of the sausage back into the bowl and cover with a lid to prevent it from drying out.

Sprinkle the work surface and rolling pin with flour and roll out the dough as thin as possible. 1-2 mm thick is best. In shape it can be a circle, or maybe an oval, like mine... or even a rectangle))) The shape can always be corrected during the cooking process.
Place the filling (in this case, greens) on one half of the rolled out flatbread. Do not skimp on the greenery; add it generously so that there is more filling than dough.

ATTENTION: add the greens only now, when they are already on the flatbread, and not before! So that the liquid does not release and our filling does not turn into an incomprehensible mess. By the way, you can add pepper to taste, but this time I did without pepper.

We put our cheese and potato filling on top, distributing it evenly as much as possible. (about 1 tablespoon with top).

Cover our flatbread with the other half and make sure that there is no air left inside.

We slightly level our future kutab, and press its edges with a fork for better bonding. At this point, you can cut off the excess dough around the edges to improve the shape, just be careful not to overdo it. We put our kutab aside, preferably on a flat dish.

We do the same with the tops - I put them on half the cake, added salt,

Place a spoonful of grated cheese on top, fasten it together and place it on a flat dish, separate from the previous kutab. I have different plates for different fillings so as not to get confused :)
I do the same with all the following kutabs. The fillings can be combined with each other in any way you like.

I made two with greens, two with tops and cheese, two with potato-cheese filling (and a tablespoon of sour cream), and there was still a little filling left - I mixed everything that was left: greens, tops and potato-cheese filling and made this kutab .

Place our kutab on a well-heated frying pan. It is advisable to shake off excess flour to prevent it from burning. (they were slightly burnt, I didn’t shake off the flour, but oh well) :)

The heat can be reduced to "just above medium." Bake for about 2-2.5 minutes each side. We look at the dough, it is enough for it to just brown.

Turn it over. Our kutab resembles thin lavash. You can use the lid briefly, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that both sides are browned.

While the other side is browning, grease the finished side with melted butter directly in the frying pan.

We present to your attention a recipe for a very appetizing dish that everyone will like without exception.

This delicious appetizer is always very popular on my table. You can prepare it with different fillings. We suggest you make it with potatoes and cheese. This dish can be served as a separate appetizer or as a separate dish. Great as a snack. The kutabs turn out to be satisfying and mega appetizing. Save the recipe and add such deliciousness to your menu.

Ingredients needed

For the test

  • 250 ml water
  • 650 g flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

For the filling

  • 200 grams of Suluguni cheese
  • 4 potatoes
  • 50 grams of green onions
  • 30 g dill
  • 30 g butter
  • butter for greasing

Let's start the process

  1. First of all, let's start preparing the dough. To do this, combine water, salt, oil and flour in a separate container. Mix the dough. As a result, it should be quite dense. After which we cover it with a towel and leave it for a while.
  2. Let's start preparing the filling. To do this, boil the potatoes in salted water until tender.
  3. Then crumble the cheese or finely chop it.
  4. We mash the finished potatoes with the addition of butter.
  5. Then we send here the pre-chopped greens and cheese. Also add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Mix everything well.
  6. We form a rope from the dough and cut it into several pieces.
  7. After which we roll each of them into a thin flat cake. Place the prepared filling on one side and cover with the other side. We connect the edges, while we need to expel the air. Using the wheel, we trim the edges nicely.
  8. Place in a preheated dry frying pan to fry on both sides until golden brown.
  9. Then grease the finished products with butter.
  10. Now you can serve it to the table.

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