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How to make a beautiful heron for the garden with your own hands? Master class: firebird from plastic bottles for beginners How to make a bird from plastic bottles with your own hands

Add bright colors summer cottage Do-it-yourself decorative elements from plastic bottles will help. Crafts vary in degree of complexity, but always become the subject of attention of others. Many birds made from plastic bottles are made using a similar algorithm, only the outlines and details differ. About the options for their production we'll talk further.

Available materials and nuances of the design process

The creative imagination of a master is capable of creating a masterpiece from ordinary things. In addition to bottles, other available materials are used to decorate birds:

  • Plastic canisters make an excellent base for the bird's body.
  • Polyurethane foam helps to add the required volume.
  • Styrofoam will help make the bird's head as close to the original as possible.
  • Self-tapping screws, wire or glue are used to connect the parts together.
  • The finishing of the bird's legs is carried out with a corrugated pipe, twine, or parts are cut out from plastic containers.
  • Small dairy bottles help give the bird's thighs the desired shape.
  • Moisture-resistant acrylic paints and anchor varnish transform the nondescript silhouette of the bird beyond recognition.

To cut and connect all this, you will need scissors, a stationery knife, a stapler, and an awl. This is the main list, which changes depending on the selected bird model.

Comment! The beauty of a craft is largely determined by the quality of the plumage. If you want to decorate your area with a spectacular bird, be patient to make a large number of small and large feathers.

Beginners can offer a simple step by step guide, where a peacock acts as a bird made from plastic bottles:

Advice! Preliminary filling of the body with sand will help to give stability to the bird's figure.

Making poultry using a rooster as an example

Having gained experience with easy crafts, you can move on to a more complex process. The proposed algorithm for making a rooster from plastic bottles will be an excellent guide for making other birds.

Available materials:

  • plastic canister and 5 liter bottle;
  • PVC pipe about 40 cm long;
  • 1.5 liter containers for thighs - 2 pcs.;
  • lots of fletching bottles.


Creation process:

  • The work begins with the formation of the bird's frame. The side of the plastic canister is cut and moved to the side.
  • The pipe is given the desired shape, after which it is screwed with self-tapping screws to the body of the bird.
  • The rooster's neck is made from a 5 liter plastic bottle rolled into a ball. Depending on the selected bird model, elements can be replaced with other parts. For example, another piece of plastic pipe would be perfect for a flamingo’s neck.
  • The rooster's legs have a thickening at the top, bags made from 1.5 liter bottles will serve as thighs. For other birds, the volume of containers is selected in proportion to their figure. The elements put together represent a similar frame:


The rooster's head is cut out of foam plastic. If it is difficult to cut out a whole figure with a comb and beard, you can prepare all the elements separately and then connect them with glue. Sometimes this part is also formed from a plastic bottle. To ensure that the foam blank can be easily painted in the future, the following measures are carried out with it:

  • carefully processed with sandpaper;
  • covered with acrylic putty;
  • after the composition has dried, sand it again to give a smooth surface;
  • Apply a layer of PVA glue.

Elements of the bird's head are decorated at the discretion of the master. Eyes can be painted with paints or finished parts can be fixed. Various crests and scallops are cut out of plastic or foam. The beak is often made from a thick plastic container (usually a shampoo container).


The size of feathers varies not only among different birds, but also on the same figure:

  • The back, sides and breast are usually decorated with medium-sized feathers.
  • Smaller elements are cut out for the neck.
  • The wings and tail are most often formed from long feathers.

Comment! Feather bottles are supported in the same color, so that after dyeing you get a uniform shade over the entire figure.

They begin to form the plumage from the thighs, fixing each subsequent row in such a way that the attachment point of the previous one is not visible. The work is carried out using wire, threading it into holes prepared with an awl, or with self-tapping screws.

After the legs, they move on to the rest of the body, leaving the back free, where the bird’s wings will be attached. In order for a rooster made of plastic bottles to stand firmly on its feet, it needs to have its paws made. The frame is made of rigid wire, subsequently it is fixed to plastic pipe. Then the base is processed with a corrugated tube or twine.

The most difficult stage for many may be the formation of the wings and tail of a bird using plastic bottles. For these purposes, reinforcing mesh is usually used. The size of the base for the wings and tail is selected depending on the species characteristics of the selected bird. For example, peacock tail feathers can be mounted on an oval piece of linoleum. But the grid is a more common option. The elements are fixed with an overlap, each row covers the fastening of the previous parts.

The moment of complete assembly of all elements from plastic bottles can be carried out before or after applying paint. At the finish line they are painting. A bird with the same plumage throughout the body can be decorated after complete assembly. It is more convenient to paint the elements of the frame, tail and head separately, and then connect them using screws and wire.

Review of interesting ideas

The versatility of plastic bottles allows you to make crafts of varying degrees of complexity. The same bird can be presented in different variations, and its production is not always a labor-intensive process.

Bright pink handsome flamingos will help add exoticism to the area. Guided by the algorithm proposed above, you can make a bird in a short time thanks to its large plumage. A variety of options are shown in the photo:

Another pretty bird of hot countries is the parrot. A lot here determines the originality of the coloring. The body made of plastic bottles can be trimmed with feathers or simply covered with paint. The complexity of feathers and tail is chosen at the discretion of the artist. Design methods are shown in the photo:

The owl or eagle owl, familiar to our regions, is another worthy garden decoration. An impressive beauty made from plastic bottles can take a lot of time.

For busy people, there is a simplified version of the night bird.

A peacock will help you get closer to the scenery of the royal court. The gorgeous tail of the bird will not leave anyone indifferent. It is up to the owner of the site to decide whether to make the peacock bright or white, to leave the tail folded or straightened. Or maybe you liked this firebird?

A chic dove will require perseverance and patience, the production of which will come in handy with plastic bottles white. It is better to prepare the plumage on long winter evenings, when all work in the garden is suspended, so that by spring the area will be transformed with a new resident.

Which model of bird to choose is up to the craftsman to decide. The process of making any craft can be made easier by replacing parts with a more jewelry-like design. simple elements from plastic bottles.

To make such a handsome peacockAlena Zinovieva (Lipetsk, Russia)it only took 10 days! Alena describes in detail what materials will be needed and the manufacturing process itself.

Master class by Alena Zinovieva "How to make a peacock from plastic bottles".

Photo 1. For the PEACOCK you will need: foam plastic for the head, welded metal mesh, strong wire and plastic tubes for the legs, two 5L bottles (preferably round), brown and green plastic bottles different forms and sizes (more details below), a bottle of draft beer.

Photo 2. Bend the wire so that the back of the bird lies on the bend (top of the canister).

Photo 3. The canister is cut from the top and back, the cut strip is slightly shifted and secured with self-tapping screws or wire, forming the body.

Photo 4. By connecting the legs and body, we give the necessary position to the future bird. We fix the legs on the canister in several places with strong wire.

Photo 5. A dark 2 liter bottle is cut into 8 long feathers, and from the bottom - another 6 short feathers. In total you will need about 60 bottles.

Photo 6. We begin to screw the feathers row by row. For the tops of the legs, cut off the smooth part of the milk bottles, roll them into a ball and screw them to the body.

Photo 7. We cover the chest, belly, and a little side with feathers.

Photo 8. Front view

Photo 9. We bend the mesh to the shape of a canister, using wire cutters we make wings and a tail (narrow near the body, gradually widening towards the bottom).

Photo 10. Tail length as desired.

Photo 11. Cut out the middle part of the bottle, cut it into feathers 5-7 cm wide, 7 pieces each. on each wing.

Photo 12. We screw it to the mesh, shifting each next feather relative to the previous one, trimming as necessary.

Photo 13. The second row of the wing is made from 1.5 liter dark bottles, which are cut into 6 feathers. You need 3-4 bottles.

Photo 14. We also arrange the feathers in a semicircle.

Photo 15. All subsequent rows of the wing are laid out with feathers from 0.5 liter bottles (4 feathers from 1 bottle). About 30 bottles will be required.

Photo 16. We place the feathers close to each other.

Photo 17. Finished wing.

Photo 18. Head made of foam plastic, eyes from an old soft toy or bead.

Photo 19. The shape and position of the head depends only on your desire and imagination.

Photo 20. Tuft from a bottle strip.

Photo 21. Fill the hole in the head with glue and insert feathers.

Photo 22. The beak needs to be strengthened. Cut a triangle out of the bottle, bend it in the center and glue it onto the beak. Self-tapping screws until the glue dries.

Photo 23. A neck made from two 5L bottles. We roll them up into little balls and connect them together.

Photo 24. Screw the feathers in a circle.

Photo 25. We cut out the paws from a 0.5 liter bottle (for example, from an energy drink)

Elena Dyachenko

Every summer in our city of Severodvinsk there is a traditional “Stroller Parade” dedicated to City Day.

This is not the first time our family has participated in such a large-scale, spectacular and family-uniting event. This year we decided to make a stroller" Firebird"Based on the fairy tale by Pyotr Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

Firebird my husband and I made it from plastic bottles and covered it with bright spray paint.

And I sewed costumes for fairy tale heroes for all the members of our support group. My two-year-old granddaughter Alyonushka suited the role of “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

Mom became "Mare". A bright suit was made for my niece" Firebirds"Alyonushka's grandfather reincarnated as Ivan the Fool,"

and I'm in "The Tsar Maiden". The rest of our group also wore beautiful costumes corresponding to the fairy tale.

After the parade of strollers, I decided to plant " Firebird" to the flowerbed located on the territory of the "Children's House", which I create every year.

Together with the children we plant seedlings.

Kids enjoy caring for plants, watering them, loosening the soil, and watching the plants grow.

In addition, the children get acquainted with the types of plants and their structure (flowers, grass, bushes, trees, and become familiar with the world of beauty. Also, with our own hands, my husband and I made figurines of caterpillars, frogs, ladybugs, snails, bees, grasshoppers, butterflies and other insects that children become familiar with during walks.

The firebird was a worthy decoration for the flower bed, which I called “The Cheerful Flower Garden,” and evoked pleasant emotions not only in children, but also in adults. Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

For work we will need: 1. Plastic bottles of various configurations, depending on the configuration of the bottle appearance dolls; 2. Sculptural.

Hello dear colleagues! Many of us probably had to invent and make various aids and devices for.

Sakura is one of the most beautiful trees. Flowers fascinate with their tenderness, simplicity and beauty. In Japan, sakura is not grown for its fruit.

You will need: 60 empty plastic bottles of the same shape; foam rubber - 1.5 x 1.1 m; calico - 1.5 x 1.1 m; fabric ribbons - 7-8 wide.

A little about this flower. Lilies are very beautiful flowers, they belong to the Liliaceae family. The lily has large buds of various shades.

1. Weld a frame of rods; if you make a smaller bird, you can tightly twist the rods with wire.

2. The body is made from a 10 liter canister, I cut out a strip on the top part and move it back - I attach it with self-tapping screws. I cut out feathers from 2 liter bottles and close the resulting hole.

3. I put “fingers” cut off from pipes and nails from bottles onto the wire.

4. The leg itself is a hose from a vacuum cleaner. I fasten it with self-tapping screws.

5. This is what the leg looks like.

6. I attach a bag from a bottle to the top of my leg, forming a thickening. I then attach long feathers to it, creating the necessary shaggy legs.

7. This is what it looks like up close.

8. For the head, I glue together two pieces of construction foam with Titan glue.

9. I remove excess with a hacksaw.

10. I highlight the beak.

11. Shaping.

12 Using sandpaper I sand until smooth, deepening the eye sockets.

13. I insert eyes - (For soft toys.)

14. I strengthen the beak with a part from a bottle, and glue the eyelids to the eye.

15. I make the neck from a 5 liter bottle.

16. Neck front view.

17. I fasten the feathers to the neck with wires through punctures with an awl. I glue it to my head with Titan glue. In the recesses of the head I additionally tighten it with self-tapping screws.

18. I cut flight feathers from 3-liter bottles. The width of the feather is 6-7 cm. I attach it to a metal mesh using wire through punctures with an awl.

19. The second and subsequent rows are feathers from 2 liter bottles. 8 pcs. from one bottle.

20. Another row of feathers.

21. Finished wing from above.

22. I turn the wing over to attach the feathers from below.

23. At the bottom of the wing, the feathers should be straight; for this I use only the middle of the bottles (without roundings.)

24. This is what the lower part of the wing looks like.

25. I attach the wings to the base,

I will then close the connection with feathers,

attached to the front side and bent to the lower part of the wing.

Alena we wish you good luck and creative success. Don't forget to share your new works with us.


1. For the head I use construction foam 10 cm thick. I use a hacksaw to saw off the required piece (about 30 cm on the long side).

2. I cut off unnecessary parts.

3. I round all the edges.

4. I divide the head into approximately three parts, where the lower two-thirds of the cheeks are.

5. I round out all the details, highlight the beak, cutting it off quite thinly. I cut out holes for the eyes.

6. I enlarge the eye sockets, narrowing the head towards the beak.

7. I sand the head with sandpaper, highlighting the details. I cut out the eyelids from thin foam plastic. The eyes are from a soft toy.

8. Everything is the same, but from the front.

9. I glue a strip from a bottle onto the beak until the glue dries, securing it with electrical tape.

10. Everything is the same, but from the front.

11. This is how I pierce and connect the feathers.

12. From the middle of a large bottle, cut out flight feathers (5 cm wide), 9-10 per wing.

13. A couple more rows of cover feathers.

14. We also cut the secondary flight feathers from a bottle, but shorter, screw them in a semicircle, slightly covering the first ones (the wing is slightly folded).

15. Wing.

16. For the tail, I cut the 30L bottle crosswise into strips of 5-7 cm and connect them with a fan.

17. I slightly lift the edge of the mesh from behind and screw on the tail. The next row is again made of 1.5 liter bottles.

18. Side view.

19. I cover my back with feathers from 0.5 liter bottles.

20. I will cover the bottom of the wings with feathers cut from the middle part of the bottles (they should not bend).

21. You will get two rows, the joints will be closed with feathers bent on the front side.

22. Finished wing.

23. Wings, bottom view.

24. I make the body. In this case, the frame is welded, but all the parts can be twisted with wire.

25. On the neck is a hose from a vacuum cleaner, and on the body is a canister of machine oil.

26. I put plastic tubes on my legs and cut out paws from a 0.5 liter bottle.

27. I screw the hose to the head with a long self-tapping screw (lubricate it with glue).

28. I cut off the handle from the canister, remove the part on top (needed for work), and thicken the legs (“legs”) from the tops of 2 liter bottles.

29. Feathers for the body are also from 2 liter bottles. One will make six pieces. You need both short and long ones.

30. I cover my torso completely.

31. At the bottom of the neck there is a fringe of halves of 2l bottles that covers the connection of the feathers.

32. It remains to connect the parts.

33. I painted this crane with aerosol paints, I was pleased with the result.


To make storks we will need:

1. Two 5 l canisters
2. Metal mesh for wings
3. Strong wire
4. Plastic tubes for legs and neck
5. Foam for the head
6. White milk bottles
7. Dark beer 1.5 l
8. Hose from a vacuum cleaner (can be replaced with corrugated material)

1. For the head I use construction foam 10 cm wide
2. I cut out the blank, highlight the eye sockets, and make a flat beak.
3. I sand it smooth with sandpaper, insert eyes (or beads)
4. I glue the eyelids, strengthen the beak with a part from a plastic bottle, gluing it onto the “Titan”. I make the second stork’s beak open.
5. For the body I take a 5 liter canister.
6. I cut off the handle.
7. I bend the mesh to the shape of a canister - this STORK will have folded wings.
8. I round off the “wings”.
9. I bend the wire for the legs.
10. A liter milk bottle is cut into 6 feathers.
11. I cut feathers.
12. I begin to screw the feathers from the lower part of the body.
13. I strengthen the wire for the neck and put a hose on it.
14. I screw a number of feathers to the hose with self-tapping screws.
15. Side view.
16. I cut the halves of milk bottles into fringes and secure them around the neck with tape.
17. I start with the flight feathers at the edge of the wing.
18. The second row overlaps the first by one third.
19. The third and subsequent rows of white bottles.
20. Paws from 0.5 liter bottles.
21. Making the body for the second stork.
22. Like the first one, I cut off part of the canister from the top - it is needed for screwing on the feathers.
23. I cover the body with feathers, but, unlike the first one, I screw the feathers onto the entire canister.
24. This stork’s wings are slightly open. The first row of feathers is from 1.5 liter bottles (6 pieces from one)
25. I screw the second row only to round the wing.
26. Third - for the entire wing.
27. I make the tail - it is short, the feathers are slightly apart.
28. I turn the wings over to screw the feathers onto the underside.
29. I make the last row, covering the edge of the wing, from feathers bent in half, rounded on both sides.
30. This is approximately what it looks like.
31. Each of the subsequent feathers covers the junction of the previous one.
32. We screw the wings with self-tapping screws and paint the birds.

Good afternoon, dear friends, today we will look at two interesting master classes on making swans from plastic bottles and isolon. You can use plastic bags or regular film instead of isolon. Greenhouse film is familiar to everyone, because it is a common covering material. But this material can make quite unusual crafts that are pleasing to the eye and attract attention. Do you want to make birds with your own hands? Try it, it's not that difficult. Today we will show you the works of Svetlana Antakova and Stella Chizhova. You are already familiar with Svetlana’s works; if not, they can be found on the website. And look what wonderful swans and peacocks Svetlana made. Based on her work, many craftswomen have already been able to create such beauty for their garden.

* Wire.
* Plastic bottle.
* Izolon.
* Scotch.
* Glue.
* Electrical tape.

Method of making a swan:
First you need to make a frame from wire and a large plastic bottle. Immediately form a beak from the wire.

Now we take white isolon (this is a backing for linoleum) and cut it into strips 5-6 cm wide and begin to wrap it around the body of our bird. We fasten the isolon with tape and then wrap the entire body with tape for strength.

The drake’s wings must be immediately attached firmly to the frame and wrapped with isolon and tape.

For the plumage of a swan, we take a transparent six-meter greenhouse film one hundred and fifty microns thick and cut it into strips of seven to eight centimeters, and then we cut each strip like a fringe, without cutting one centimeter to the edge. This film, folded in several layers, is convenient to cut with fish scissors.

Now, starting from the tail, securing the film with tape, we wrap the swan with this fringe. The film must be burned to the body. Svetlana does this with a screwdriver heated on gas. If you simply secure the film with tape, then from a strong wind the whole swan will become disheveled and unraveled. The drake's wings must be wrapped after wrapping the body and neck.

When our swan is almost ready, we’ll start decorating it. Wrap the nose with red and black electrical tape. The eyes can be cut out of leather and glued with a heat gun or with Moment glue.

For the winter, swans must be brought indoors. Svetlana pre-washes them with shampoo and rinses them under pressure in the shower.

Peacock from bottles

Peacock, flomingo and other birds are made according to the same principle, only the peacock needs to attach a tail made of steel wire. We make a frame.

For the peacock, you need to take blue and green greenhouse film. When you wrap the entire frame with tape, then glue self-adhesive green and blue film on top for brightness. And then also wrap it with film and burn it. Feathers must be cut from plastic bottles. And we cut out droplets for feathers from CDs. The feathers are attached to the tail in a circle using a heat gun.

That's it, the peacock is ready.

Visit our website often and you will see many interesting master classes. We thank the author for an interesting master class on creating a swan from a bottle and film.

As I already wrote above, many interesting works have already been created based on this master class by Svetlana. But today I want to add one more work, this swan was created by Stella Chizhova. Stella created wonderful swans for her garden and also shared her work with us.

For production you will need:
* Wire (wire from the Svet store).
* Glue Titan.
* Red electrical tape.
* Scotch.
* Double greenhouse film.
* Izolon.

Method of making a swan:
We make a frame from wire, a plastic bottle and electrical tape.

Take isoline (linoleum backing) and cut it into strips.

We begin to wrap the frame and secure everything with tape.

We cut the plastic film into terry strips.

We start wrapping the film from the tail. Wrap and secure with tape. Greenhouse film for a large swan is 5-7 ms wide, for a small swan 3.5 cm.

That's it, the swan made from film and bottle is ready, you can place it in the garden.

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