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Israel holidays with children on the Red Sea. Israel. The most children's hotels. Jordan all-inclusive hotels on the Red Sea: holidays with children

Hello friends!

We usually think about this country when we really want to relax somewhere in an unusual environment, swim in the sea and bask in the sun.

It is also attractive that the flight is short, the holiday is relatively inexpensive and is well known to us through the already familiar All Inclusive system.

In addition, there is a real opportunity to meet your compatriots, which will allow you not to feel completely cut off from your usual habitat, and, perhaps, make friends with some of them.

And one more big plus: Egypt is an opportunity to relax on the shores of the Red or Mediterranean Sea all year round. And if we add to this a varied excursion program - what else can you dream of when going on holiday with children to Egypt? Perhaps just to find out more about the country where we want to go.

A little about Egypt

Egypt is located on the Sinai Peninsula in Asia and North Africa, that is, on two continents. It borders by land with Libya, Sudan, Gaza and Israel and by sea with Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Egypt is surrounded to the north and east by the Mediterranean and Red Seas, which are connected by the Suez Canal.

The largest cities: the capital of Egypt - Cairo (it is also the largest city in Africa), Giza, Alexandria, Shubra al-Kheima, Suez, Port Said and Luxor.

The main population of this country is Arabs (98%), official language– Arabic. But many people communicate in English, and at resorts, especially those visited by Russian tourists, you can often hear Russian speech.

The majority of the population professes Islam and only a very small part of the population is Christian. This circumstance must be taken into account when planning to visit Egypt, as well as any Muslim country.


The national currency is the Egyptian pound (EGP), but more often it is called “guinea”, and on the price tags you can read “lira” - L.E. (Lira Egyptian). One Egyptian pound is approximately equal to 5.03 rubles.

The peculiarity of shopping in Egypt is that you definitely need to bargain “to the limit”, because when offering something to foreigners, merchants raise the price several times.

The time difference is minus two hours with Moscow.

How to get there?

The flight from Moscow is approximately 4.5 hours (3250 km). The resorts of Egypt can be reached by regular flights from St. Petersburg and Moscow, from regions and CIS countries. But it is more convenient and cheaper to fly on charter flights. IN in this case, buying a tour will be more profitable than a self-organized trip.


A visa is required to enter Egypt, but you do not need to apply for one in advance. A visa stamp for $15 is affixed to foreign passports right at the airport. And you can stay in the country for a whole month without any problems.

Children who have their own passports can also buy a tourist visa for the same money as for an adult. Those children (or their parents) who are included in their parents’ passports will be luckier. In this case, they will not have to pay for a visa. The passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry into Egypt.


The main urban transport in resort towns is minibuses and city taxis. To avoid being deceived, you need to agree on the fare with taxi drivers in advance.

It is more convenient to travel between cities on comfortable buses. There are also domestic airlines, ferry, and railway.


When is the best time to go to Egypt? Yes, any time.

The climate in Egypt is such that even in winter the air temperature is the same as ours in summer. And in summer it’s even very hot.

Therefore, it is not at all uncommon for many of our compatriots to go to Egypt to celebrate the New Year holidays with the whole family or spend school spring holidays on the shores of the Red Sea.

And even the dry hot wind “khamsin”, which often blows in the winter and spring months, does not stop those who want to bask in the rays of the Egyptian sun.

The best resorts in Egypt

Even if you have never been to Egypt, you have probably heard such names as Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada more than once. And this is not at all accidental.

These resorts are the most famous, most loved and most visited in Egypt.

Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh (“Sheikh Bay”) is considered the most prestigious and expensive resort in Egypt. This popularity is partly due to its geographical location.

From the north-west, the resort is protected from unpleasant winds by the Sinai Mountains, the south-eastern coast is washed by the warm Red Sea, and very close to the city there is a place where many divers dream of getting to – Ras Mohammed National Park.

Sharm el-Sheikh is sunny and warm all year round, with an average annual temperature of +31°C. The hottest months are July and August, but there is almost no rain here, the air is dry and the heat is easily tolerated.

You can swim even in winter (December-January) – the air temperature is up to +23°C. The truth in winter months It can be cool at night (up to +15°C), so you still need to take some light jackets or sweatshirts with you.

How to get there?

Sharm el-Sheikh is located just over 3,000 kilometers from Moscow, and you can fly there in 4 hours. Tourists are brought to Sharm el-Sheikh (Ras Nazran) airport by charter flights that fly not only from Moscow, but also from all over Russia. There are no regular flights to this resort. Independent travelers can fly to Alexandria or Cairo, and from there get there either by domestic flight or some other transport.

Beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh is made up of several picturesque areas that stretch along the coast and are united by the main street of the city, Peace Road.

The resort is famous for its beautiful coral reefs, exotic fish and amazing marine life. The peculiarity of the local beaches: most of them have uncleared coral reefs and a steep, relief seabed.

On the one hand, this is great. You can admire untouched corals and their inhabitants every day. The downside is that you can’t just enter the sea, you can only do it from pontoons, and also by observing safety precautions. It is very easy to scratch your feet on the coral.

The oldest, most comfortable and beloved part of the city by vacationers is Naama Bay (“Elder’s Bay”). Along the entire Naama Bay there are beaches, many hotels in two or even three lines, pedestrian street with numerous restaurants, cafes, discos and shops.

All the beaches in this area can be called sandy. There are practically no corals in these places, but only because they were cut down several years ago. And in the area cleared of corals, fenced with buoys, you can swim without special shoes.

New resort areas of Sharm el-Sheikh Hadaba Um Sid, Sharks Bay, Ras Um El Sid, Nabq Bay.

There are especially beautiful beaches here with luxurious coral reefs that start from the very shore. They are especially good in the resort area of ​​Sharks Bay. There are many high-class hotels in the same area.

Sharm El Maya

Along this bay are the only natural sandy beaches in Sharm el-Sheikh. There are 26 of them in total, and each of them belongs to a hotel.

Here you can swim without fear of getting hurt on rocks or corals or carelessly stepping on a sea urchin when entering the water.

From here it is convenient to go on a yacht excursion to Ras Mohammed or do shopping at the Old Market or in the Old City.

Sharm El Sheikh Hotels

There are a lot of them, about 200. Mostly “fours” and “fives”. But there are also three-star hotels. These are mainly new buildings with large surrounding areas and everything necessary for a holiday with children. There are many hotels with water slides and water parks.

Experienced tourists traveling with children recommend hotels with a convenient sandy entrance to the water (without pontoons and corals) such as, for example, Beach Albatros, Iberotel, Sharm El Maya hotels.

What to see in Sharm el-Sheikh?

There is a lot of entertainment: you can simply sunbathe and swim, dive with a snorkel and fins near the shore, ride a glass-bottomed boat, on motorboats and yachts, or ride a camel.

Or you can go to the Ras Mohammed Marine Park or admire the views from Mount Moses, where, according to legend, the prophet Moses communicated with God.

Being close to the Israeli border is an opportunity to visit Eilat, Jerusalem on a tour, or even visit Jordan in ancient city Petra.


Hurghada is another famous, oldest and most often visited resort by Russians. Sometimes it is also called the “Russian capital” of Egypt. And you can often meet your neighbor on the landing or a work colleague on the streets of this resort. Many local residents know at least a few Russian words, and you can often find Russian names on the signs of shops and stores.

Hurghada is quite affordable, democratic, not as ambitious as Sharm el-Sheikh, beloved by foreigners, a universal resort where everyone can find suitable entertainment.

Excellent sandy beaches with convenient access to the sea and safe swimming are the main argument in favor of choosing this Egyptian resort for families with children.

And no matter what they say, but, according to many tourists, this is the most economical and fairly comfortable option for a holiday on the Red Sea.

How to get there?

The flight time from Moscow and from the cities of central Russia to Hurghada International Airport is approximately 4 hours.

Hotels and beaches of Hurghada

The city can be conditionally divided into several parts: the old part of the city - El Dahar with all administrative institutions, the Sakkala district, one of the attractions of which is the largest shopping center in the city, where you can very cheaply buy souvenirs and duty-free goods, and the resort tourist area of ​​New Hurghada , which stretches along the coast. There is everything for tourists - shops, restaurants, discos and hotels (more than 200), the number of which is constantly increasing.

How comfortable your stay will be often depends on the hotel you choose. An “unsuccessful” hotel can not only ruin your vacation, but also permanently exclude a place where you would like to go on vacation from your list.

In Hurghada, most hotels are located along the coast on the first line and have their own landscaped sandy beaches, some of them have water slides, for example, Golden Five City, Beach Albatros, Sindbad, Albatros Family Resort, Reemyvera.

Unlike Sharm el-Sheikh, strong winds often blow in Hurghada. And many hotels install special windbreaks on the beaches and, just in case, protective nets against shark attacks (although those cases of shark attacks that did occur occurred in Sharm el-Sheikh).

What to see and how to have fun in Hurghada?

You can have fun without leaving the hotel premises. But, you must admit, visiting a foreign country and not seeing anything except the hotel territory and what is on it is somehow not very impressive.

With older children you can take a ship on a trip to the islands, dive 20 meters in a submarine and watch the underwater world through the observation window; with kids you can ride on a glass-bottom boat (it’s not so expensive, less tiring and safer).

If your hotel does not have a water park, you can visit it for a small fee at another hotel. The city has an interesting Red Sea Aquarium Museum.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address email; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Israel is a country in southwest Asia with access to four seas. It is a country with a subtropical climate, where the average January temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, and July - below 25. Accordingly, such geographical indicators cannot but attract tourists. However, where is it better to have a family holiday in Israel in 2019 – on the Dead Sea or Red Sea coast?

The Red Sea is southern, as a result of which the swimming season on it is considered almost year-round, only the winter period is excluded. It is important to know that at the peak of summer - July, August, the weather on the sea coast is too hot, and therefore it is better to go on vacation in May or September. The most popular resort is Eilat, where in addition to sunbathing you can go diving and observe amazing coral reefs.

Features of relaxation on the Dead Sea coast.

Israel's most popular sea is the Dead Sea. There are three important reasons for this:

1. Saturated with salts, the content of which is 33% of the total volume.
2. Water is rich in microelements.
3. The sea is located in a depression of significant depth, and therefore special dry air is formed above it, protecting against the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the human body. Therefore, getting a tan on its coast is a safe process.

It turns out that a vacation to the Dead Sea is not only a beach holiday, but also a therapeutic one. The most popular resort on the coast is Ein Bokek. This is a heavenly place where silence reigns, and tourists combine it with treatment. A special feature of the resort is the clock hanging at every step. The need for them arises from monitoring the time spent in salty sea water, which should not exceed 20 minutes.

Holidays with children in Eilat.

In addition to clean beaches with convenient entry into the water and a favorable climate for children, an interesting cultural program can be organized in Eilat. First of all, visit the underwater observatory of the marine park, where you can get acquainted with the inhabitants and vegetation of the underwater world.

Next, you can go to Dalphin Reef. This place offers you to observe the behavior of free dolphins, viewing them from a pier or boat. Then go with the whole family on an excursion to the Red Canyon and admire its desert landscapes.

The final stage will be a visit to the ice palace, where around the skating rink there is a huge shopping and entertainment complex for the whole family. There is a cinema and children's attractions on its territory.

As a result, the choice of a holiday destination in Israel with a child in 2019 depends on what kind of holiday the parents want. On the Red Sea, a beach holiday can be combined with interesting excursion programs, exploration of the underwater world and entertainment on children's attractions. If you want your child to take a break from the bustle of the city in silence, and even with a therapeutic effect, then go with the whole family to the coastal areas of the Dead Sea.

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The Red Sea is the pearl of the World Ocean. It is believed that in the Northern Hemisphere it has no equal in the diversity and richness of the underwater world.

An interesting detail concerns the increased salinity of the water (41 grams per 1 liter). Thanks to this, the waves themselves practically push a person to the surface, and it is very easy and pleasant to swim in them. Another feature of the sea is the amazing purity of its waters - there are no rivers flowing into them that could bring silt or sand with them.

You can come to the countries around the Red Sea on holiday at any time of the year, but it is better in spring and autumn, right up to. This is when the air and water temperatures are most comfortable.

Where is the Red Sea located, and in which country is it better to relax on its shores? In fact, it is a gulf of the Indian Ocean between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and belongs to the territory of not one, but several states.

Countries with access to the Red Sea

After all of the above, the main question remains: which countries are washed by the Red Sea and where is the best place to go on vacation? Eight countries boast an advantageous geographical location: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Yemen.


Perhaps Egypt is the most famous country on the shores of the Red Sea, where until recently thousands of tourists from Russia and the CIS countries came to vacation. Unfortunately, since the plane crash in the skies over Sinai, the local resorts have: Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, El Gouna, Safaga and others remain closed to Russians.

For two years now, the tourism industry has been eagerly awaiting permission to organize trips, but so far the parties have agreed only on the resumption of air traffic between Moscow and Cairo (the remaining airports have been recognized as unsafe, information as of December 2017).


It’s good that there are countries on the Red Sea for holidays, besides Egypt, and first of all, this is Israel. True, it does not offer a staggering number of resorts, but the main one is Eilat– makes a truly indelible impression on tourists.

Despite the proximity of Somalia, which is on the international “red” list of dangerous countries for tourism, and the border conflict with Eritrea, there is no official ban on organizing tours in Djibouti.


Where to go on vacation in Israel? We talk about beach and cultural holidays, as well as the seasons. We give advice on where to relax in Israel with a child. Choosing the best resort!

The beach area in Tel Aviv includes several small and large beaches (Photo © xiquinhosilva /

A small resort located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Its 15-kilometer coastal zone has 8 beaches. According to reviews from tourists about holidays in Israel, this resort is good for active recreation - flying with a parachute, practicing horse riding. Some hotels are equipped with elevators leading down to the sea.

As you can see in the photo, the beach strip in Netanya is located under a cliff - the height is from 15 to 40 m. You can comfortably go down to the shore by elevators; the cabins can accommodate up to a hundred people. All beaches are free (Photo © Israel_photo_gallery /

Haifa is a seaport located on the slopes of Mount Carmel. Its main attraction is the famous Bahai Gardens. Nearby is one of the best beaches in the country - Dor Beach.

According to reviews, it is best to relax in Israel in Herzliya is the most prestigious Mediterranean resort in the country. It is located near Tel Aviv, in the south of the Sharon Valley. All hotels are built on the first coastline, the beaches are clean and well-groomed. Compared to the noisy metropolis, this is a calm and good place to relax. The resort has dive centers, yacht clubs and health centers.

Dor Beach is a wild beach that is part of a protected area. (Photo ©

According to reviews from tourists about holidays in Israel at the Dead Sea, you can get a relaxing health holiday in Ein Bokek, where most hotels are concentrated. There are no nightclubs or discos in Ein Bokek, there are only clinics and hotels with shops.

Dead Sea hotels operate on a half board basis - breakfast and dinner. Only five-star hotels have their own beach; everyone else uses municipal beaches with paid sunbeds and umbrellas. Before swimming, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that he can recommend dosed sea procedures; there are hours on the beaches for self-control. Bromide air is ideal for allergy and asthma sufferers, and skin problems are treated with mud.

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth (Photo © magentaD /

Red Sea

On the shores of the Red Sea gulf lies the southernmost resort of the country - Eilat. There is a very beautiful nature reserve around the resort. Due to its remoteness from other cities, Eilat has its own airport.

The northern coast of Eilat has sandy beaches, while in the south there are pebble and pebble-sand beaches. According to reviews of holidays in Israel on the Red Sea, the southern coast is more suitable for lovers of snorkeling and diving; you can only enter the sea from pontoons, while the northern coast is for family holidays.

All Eilat beaches are municipal, but hotels rent part of the beach to make it accessible only to their vacationers. Entertainment options include yachting, jeeping, fishing and water sports; many people come here for shopping.

Beach Village Beach in Eilat, Red Sea (Photo © / Ludvig14)

Where can you relax in Israel inexpensively?

The most unpleasant aspect of a holiday in Israel is the high prices. Hotels here are expensive, and, as tourists write in their reviews, star rating is very relative. The cheapest room in a 3* hotel in Tel Aviv or Eilat will cost at least $50 per night per person, and the average price hovers around $100. The lowest prices are in winter, approximately 1.5 times lower than in spring or autumn.

How much does a trip to Israel cost? We are available for trips of 3, 5, 7 and 10 days.

The most expensive hotels in Herzliya. This resort is considered elite, almost all hotels are 5*, there is a lot of entertainment for rich people. It is relatively inexpensive to relax in Netanya and Bat Yam. Hotels in Netanya are mostly 2-3*. This is a good resort for young people and everyone who loves active recreation and nightlife. Bat Yam is a suburb of Tel Aviv. Prices for holidays here are lower than in the capital, and much quieter, and for entertainment you can go to Tel Aviv.

Holidays in Bat Yam can be combined with shopping - there are many boutiques and shopping centers with Israeli cosmetics and branded clothing. (Photo © / Odo1982)

Cultural and excursion holidays in Israel

The most popular among excursion destinations is Jerusalem- tourists love to wander through the ancient quarters of the Old City. Here are the main religious shrines of Christians, Jews and Muslims - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Temple Mount, Western Wall, Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the southwest of the city there is a Biblical Zoo, and lovers of antiquities and museum exhibits can visit the Israel Museum.

Other biblical cities are no less popular - Bethlehem, Nazareth, Safed And Tiberias. In the capital, the greatest interest among tourists is Old town Jaffa. The city of Haifa has gained worldwide fame thanks to the famous Bahai Gardens. Vacationers in Ein Bokek visit Masada, a fortress built in the desert under King Herod.

It is worth noting that Israelis rest on Friday from sunset until sunset on Saturday - they have Shabbat. Transport and shops are also closed, so this nuance must be taken into account when planning trips around the country.