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Where should you store nuts? How and where to store different types of nuts: proven methods. General features of cleaning and storing nuts

Nuts are a real storehouse of macro- and microelements that help maintain the health and tone of the whole body. Their undoubted advantage is the possibility of long-term storage, subject to certain conditions.

How to choose good nuts

When you stand in front of a store counter that is replete with different types of nut products, it is important to choose carefully.

It is better to purchase nuts in shells. This way they stay fresh longer.

Nuts must meet the following criteria:

  • have no damage or chips;
  • not be broken (if peeled kernels are purchased) and too dried;
  • the shade of the shell must be uniform, the presence of stains and traces of mold is not allowed on it;
  • The kernels of peeled products should be of a healthy color, not wrinkled and even.

It is important to pay attention to the countries of origin. For example, it is preferable to take French walnuts, Iranian pistachios, cashews from the Middle East, and Chinese peanuts.


  • rich aroma;
  • shade from soft yellow to dark brown;
  • the taste is oily, bitter;
  • The consistency is crispy, hard and slightly moist.


  • light;
  • solid;
  • no rotten smells.

They are chosen solely according to taste preferences; the variety of varieties makes it impossible to determine characteristic features quality product.


  • heaviness;
  • no sounds when shaking;
  • kernels are light brown in color;
  • sweet woody smell.


  • uniform shell color;
  • equal size of slightly moist kernels;
  • presence of a black dot on the shell;
  • no plaque;
  • pleasant aroma.

Brazil nut

  • no sounds when shaking;
  • presence of weight;
  • flat surface;
  • bright color of the core.

Which nuts can be stored for a long time?

Nuts are designed for long-term storage. They were found by archaeologists during excavations of the most ancient mounds and pyramids of Egypt. Moreover, the specimens found had excellent taste and aroma.

This fact is explained by the fact that in pyramids closed from influence environment, an even temperature and humidity regime was maintained.

Modern realities do not allow storing nuts for such a long time, due to constant exposure to heating devices, sunlight and high levels of humidity in apartments.

The general rule is that whole nuts can be stored (under certain conditions) for up to six months, and peeled ones - no more than 2 months.

Do I need to wash nuts?

It is better to wash shelled nuts after purchasing. They cannot be soaked in water for a long time; it is enough to put them in a container with liquid, mix thoroughly, wash, clean from dirt and remove. After this, the product is dried in microwave oven or oven.

It is better to purchase unrefined kernels; in them, oxidation processes proceed more slowly, which means that the valuable fatty acids contained in the nuts are preserved.

Features of storing different types of nuts

Very important proper preparation for storage:

  • sort through and remove spoiled specimens with damaged shells;
  • clean (if necessary);
  • wash in warm water;
  • dry on a towel;
  • package.


Purified kernels store:

  • in jars made of tin or glass, hermetically sealed, standing in a dark place, for 3 weeks;
  • in glass on the side shelf of the refrigerator - six months;
  • in freezer bags freezer- year.

Green walnuts

Preparation for storing this type of nut product involves thoroughly drying the freshly harvested kernels. They do not require washing.

The required air temperature is between 10 and 20 degrees. So the green nuts will last for a week.

Pine nuts in shell

Pine nuts require thorough drying before storing. To ensure their safety from damage at home:

  • store in bags that allow air to pass through, glass or ceramic jars;
  • keep the container tightly closed, occasionally opening it for ventilation;
  • Place it on the refrigerator door or in the pantry, where the nuts will stay for 3 months.

Shelled pine nuts

It is preferable to eat peeled cedar kernels immediately. If you need to hold them a little, it is important to follow these rules:

  • tightly closed container;
  • lack of contact with moisture, light and air;
  • stored in a refrigerator, where the kernels will not lose their properties for 3 months.


Choose a cool and dry storage location. Pre-sterilize the container and close it with a lid to ensure a tight seal.

Almonds are stored:

  • in the refrigerator - up to a year;
  • in the freezer – from 2 to 3 years;
  • in the pantry - 6 months.

Almonds that have acquired a bitter odor and bitter taste are unfit for consumption and must be disposed of immediately.


Hazelnuts, if created optimal conditions, can be stored at home for a very long time, even for several years. Naturally, we are talking only about unrefined kernels.

Nuances of storing hazelnuts:

  • peeled kernels, whether fried, salted or glazed, cannot be kept for long;
  • the best container for hazelnuts is a ceramic or glass container with a lid;
  • the temperature should be low - 0–12 degrees, and the place should be protected from sunlight.


Peanuts, if storage rules are not followed, begin to release oils and acquire a bitter taste and smell.

  • do not store peanuts in plastic, but only in glass (in a sterilized container) or ceramics;
  • store in the refrigerator or freezer, which will significantly extend the shelf life of the kernels (from 4 to 9 months);
  • nuts that have been fried or sprinkled with salt cannot be stored for more than 2 weeks;
  • to increase shelf life, bake the kernels for 10 minutes in the oven at 50 degrees.

Cashews, peeled

Shelled cashews can be stored unchanged without any problems if placed away from central heating and food preparation areas. In darkness and relative dryness, in proper packaging, the harvest will last for at least 4 weeks.

Shelf life:

  • in the refrigerator – up to 2 months;
  • in the freezer - up to 6 months.

Brazil nut

Only those Brazil nuts that are fully ripe and have not yet begun to spoil can be protected from spoilage.


  • prevent penetration of sunlight;
  • store in the refrigerator;
  • close the container with a lid;
  • freeze to extend the period;
  • store only unpeeled foods;
  • do not mix with other types of nuts.

In the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2–8 degrees, Brazil nuts will last for 2 years.

Are nuts stored in the refrigerator?

Nuts of different types are stored well in the refrigerator.

  • store in a hermetically sealed glass container;
  • place the container on the lower shelves of the refrigerator or on an unheated balcony in winter;
  • Keep nuts in the refrigerator for up to 1 year (this applies to almonds, pistachios, pecans and walnuts), others last a little less.

Can nuts be stored in the freezer?

Frost extends the shelf life of any nuts.

  • pour the product into a clean and dry container (a vacuum bag will do, but only if there are no strong-smelling products nearby, the odors of which it will quickly absorb);
  • store the container with nuts for 1 to 3 years (provided the temperature is maintained at 18 degrees below zero).

The shelf life of nuts in the freezer ends:

  • chestnuts and almonds – 1 year;
  • walnuts and pecans – 2 years;
  • pistachios – 3 years.

Is it possible to store different nuts together?

Different types of nuts should not be stored together in the same container. This is especially true for Brazil nuts and peanuts. If you break the rule, there is a high probability that the products will absorb each other's odors, which will disrupt them taste qualities. Some types of kernels contain a lot of moisture and oil, which will negatively affect their storage together with other nuts.

Not really

The taste of walnuts has sunk into my soul since childhood, so I always have them in stock. And if the nuts are stored in the shell for quite a long time, I still don’t know what to do with the already peeled kernels. I propose to figure out together how to store shelled walnuts at home.

Quality comes first

Most often, nuts are sold in shells, so when purchasing you need to pay attention to:

  • The surface must be clean, without residues of dried peel;
  • Whole shell, without visible large cracks or chips;
  • Whole nuts should be approximately the same size(example in the photo below);

  • There should be no extraneous sounds when shaking(if you can hear the kernel shaking inside, it means it has already dried out and such nuts have no nutritional properties).

Shelf life of walnuts in shell- up to 6 months at temperatures from 0 to +10 °C.

Nuts are possiblebuy in already cleaned condition, but their price will be slightly higher. What you should pay attention to:

  • Smell– fresh kernels have a pleasant woody aroma;
  • Taste– if there is bitterness, then the product is not the first freshness;
  • Appearance- stains, mold, insects and their larvae - all this is a reason to refuse the purchase.

Storage specifics

You can store walnuts in different ways, but before you begin the harvesting process itself, the kernels need to be properly prepared:

Step 1: Cleaning

Let's find out how to process and peel walnuts with your own hands.

Primary processing:

  • It is necessary to carefully sort out the nuts, empty and blackened - throw away;
  • Remove any remaining peel and leaves;
  • Sort again and remove already cracked shells.

Now instructions on how to peel a nut from the shell:

Image Recommendations
Method 1. Bag + hammer.
  • Place the nuts in a small bag or wrap them in burlap;
  • Tap the top with a hammer;
  • Take out the already peeled kernels.

It is imperative to wrap the nuts in burlap, so pieces of the shell will not scatter throughout the room.

Method 2. Nut cracker.

Place the whole nuts in the special hole of the nutcracker and squeeze the handles.

Method 3. Boiling water + knife.

Place the treat in boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, it will become much easier to crack the shell: you can simply squeeze it with your hands or use a knife.

Method 4. Oven.

How to roast nuts in the oven so that they can be easily peeled later? You need to lay them out on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 °C.

Afterwards the shell can be removed manually.

Method 5. Tools.

You can easily crack the shell using pliers, some wrenches and processing machines.

A wrench is used as an example.

Step 2: Washing

At this stage, we will figure out how to wash shelled walnuts. The algorithm is quite simple: add warm water to the kernels and mix thoroughly.

After washing, remove the grains from the water using a slotted spoon and dry them by spreading them on a terry towel. Now you can start packaging.

Step 3. Packing

Storing walnuts at home in shelled form is significantly different from storing them in shells.

  1. The kernels must be packaged in sealed tin or glass jars and hide in dark place. At constant (room) temperature, the shelf life will be 2-3 weeks.

  1. If you put the nuts in glass jars and put them on the side shelf of the refrigerator– shelf life will increase to 6 months;
  2. You can place the kernels in freezer bags, tie tightly and place in the freezer. The period will be up to 12 months.

There are several more methods How to properly store shelled walnuts. For example, you can prepare canned products. Nuts in honey, caramel or alcohol can be stored for up to several years.


The walnut is often called the “tree of life.” Indeed, thanks to its rich composition, it satisfies hunger, restores strength, and treats almost any disease.

It is enough to eat three nuts a day so that the body receives as many beneficial microelements as it needs to maintain health and strong immunity.

But to do this, you need to stock up on nuts for future use in the fall, while they are fresh and not spoiled by improper storage.
After all, it is not enough to collect them, you also need to preserve them until the next harvest.

Which walnuts are suitable for storage?

  • They should be the same size, clean, without peels that have darkened over time and sticking to them.
  • There should be no cracks in the shell, as such nuts will not be stored for long.
  • Before buying them, you need to split one or two fruits to ensure their freshness. If the nut kernel is dark or has a bitter taste, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • You can shake the nut. If the characteristic sound of a rolling kernel is heard, then such a nut has already dried out from the excessively high temperature at which it was stored.
  • Walnuts should not be too light. Such fruits most often turn out to be empty.

How to store walnuts in shell

It’s very good if you have your own walnut tree.

  • In this case, dry, settled weather is chosen for collecting nuts.
  • Nuts are shaken off the tree. Ripe fruits fall easily to the ground.
  • Peel the skin, as it causes the nuts to become moldy.
  • Scatter them to dry on the mat. Ideally, the nuts take 5–6 days to dry. If the weather does not allow this to be done outside, they are dried at home, scattered on the floor covered with cloth or paper.
  • If the nuts need to be stored for a long time, it is recommended to place them in a warm oven and heat them for about an hour to get rid of excess moisture.
  • Store nuts in linen bags or boxes in a dark, dry place. The room temperature should be no higher than 10–15° (room temperature is an extreme case).
  • Some housewives store nuts on the balcony. But this should not be done because of the high humidity, at which the nut kernels will begin to mold.
  • High temperatures are also contraindicated for walnuts. After all, they contain a large amount of oil, due to which they quickly become rancid.

How to choose already shelled nuts

Many housewives prefer to buy nuts without shells. Because, firstly, it is convenient, since you do not need to waste your precious time on cracking the hard shell and extracting the kernels.

Secondly, unlike whole walnuts, which everyone buys like a pig in a poke, shelled walnuts can be examined, smelled and tasted, thereby determining their quality.

  • Walnut kernels should be whole and, if possible, the same color. In this case, we can hope that they are all of the same variety and are not mixed with spoiled kernels or nuts from last year.
  • You cannot buy crushed kernels, because the seller in this way can hide low-quality goods.
  • Do not buy shelled nuts on the street, because they, like any other product, perfectly absorb dust, exhaust gases and can be infected with pathogens.
  • You need to try the nuts before purchasing. If they are bitter or have an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Video recipe for the occasion:

How to store shelled walnuts

  • Walnut kernels are stored in an airtight glass or tin container in a dark and cool place. You cannot store shelled nuts in a plastic bag, as lack of ventilation will lead to their rotting.
  • The shelf life of nuts at room temperature is about two weeks.
  • To preserve shelled nuts for up to six months, place them in a glass jar, tightly close the lid and put them in the plus compartment of the refrigerator.
  • To prevent putrefactive microorganisms from developing in them, it is recommended to first roast the nuts in the oven, avoiding the release of oil. Otherwise they will acquire a rancid taste.
  • If you need to save nuts until the next harvest, they are packed in thick plastic bags, hermetically sealed and put in the freezer. To prevent them from absorbing foreign odors, they are stored separately from other products, especially those with a strong smell.

How to store green nuts

Green nuts cannot be stored. Most often they are used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are immediately processed.

What can be prepared from green nuts or green peels?

  • Alcohol tincture. The bottle is filled 3/4 of the volume with crushed peel. Fill with vodka or alcohol. Insist for a month in a dark place.
  • Green oil. Green walnut peels are infused in olive oil in the sun for 40 days (5 pieces per half liter of oil).
  • Green shell juice. It is boiled with honey and used to gargle for sore throat.
  • Green nut juice extraction. Unripe nuts are washed, dried and cut into thin slices. Place in jars and sprinkle with sugar (for 500 pieces, take 1 kg of granulated sugar). Cover the neck with thick paper and put it in the refrigerator. The juice that is released subsequently is drunk throughout the year.
  • Green nut juice. Nuts are crushed in a juicer and mixed with sugar in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Decoction of unripe fruits. Chopped green nuts are poured with boiling water (20 g per glass of water) and boiled for 30 minutes.
  • Tincture of green walnuts on kerosene helps against many diseases.
  • Green nuts with honey. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and left for a month in a dark, cool place. This tincture improves immunity.
  • Green nut jam.

All these methods of storing walnuts are easily feasible both in a private home and in a city apartment. The main thing is to buy quality nuts.

The walnut tree, or, as it is also called, royal walnut, is distinguished by its high yield. The fruit of the crop is an indehiscent stone, the woody shell of which contains an edible kernel. This is a real source of health, given by nature. Every year you can collect up to 25 kg from one mature tree. In order for the valuable product to remain fresh for a long time, it is important to know where and how to store walnuts.

Characteristics of walnut

An important factor ensuring the integrity of the product is the period of maturity. In September - in early October the nut ripens and falls from the tree. The green amniotic rind dries out, bursts into several pieces, and separates from the seed. The natural shell protects the shell from exposure to ultraviolet rays and oxygen. If the fruit is picked from the branch and cleared of greenery yourself, a rapid loss of moisture occurs, which leads to disruption of the ripening processes.

The oily core contains up to 77% fatty acids:

  • stearic;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • linolenic

It is precisely because of the high percentage of fats that the conditions and location of placement must be taken seriously, otherwise the storage period will not last up to a year.

Why do nuts spoil?

The main reasons for poor quality and spoilage of the product are unsatisfactory indoor conditions, Where are walnuts stored?

Which nut do you prefer?

If there is no royal tree growing in the yard, healthy fruits can be bought. To evaluate the quality of the product, it is better to purchase peeled nuts. In addition, you won’t have to waste time splitting a hard bone. It is unknown where and how long the walnuts in the shell were stored before selling, so they choose light, whole halves. A dark colored peel indicates heat treatment. Slices that are too dried lose most of their vitamins and nutrients. But this choice is not suitable for creating strategic reserves. and the cost of the peeled fruit is high.

If you need to stock up on a nutritious product for the entire winter period, then purchase a nut in the shell. It should be dry, but not overdried, without thick green peel. The year of harvest is determined by color: golden or even brown - this year's harvest, darker - last year's. The fruits should be approximately the same variety and size. The presence of any damage, white coating or stains on the surface of the wood shell indicates a low-quality product.

Weighing by hand helps determine the integrity of the edible kernel. Nice nut will be much heavier than with dried core. If you shake it, then by the characteristic knock you can understand that the kernel is overdried . Store-bought nuts are recommended before consumption. rinse thoroughly with warm water. After splitting, separate the edible core and heat in a frying pan for about an hour over low heat.

It is better to purchase large quantities in the fall, since this is the time when the harvest takes place. To prevent the purchased product from spoiling at home, you need to know how long walnuts can be stored in shell and without it.

Storage conditions and periods

Preserving large quantities of nuts until spring is not at all easy. Rich harvests or large purchases will quickly fall into disrepair if favorable conditions are not created. The key to successful storage is the correct temperature conditions and regular monitoring of the stock status.

Storage methods

ABOUT beneficial properties ah, hard fruit has been known for a long time. It is consumed fresh, and medicinal tinctures are prepared from it. The oil is famous for its amazing amber hue and rich aroma. . Widely used whole and crushed kernels in culinary applications. Given their different uses, nuts can be stored in three ways:

  • cleaned;
  • crushed;
  • unrefined.

The first method is the most preferable, since low-quality seeds will be removed immediately. This saves space and prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

You can properly crack the shell without damaging the core using short-term exposure to high temperatures. Required number of nuts Place in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, the liquid is drained. With the help of a knife, the hard shell is easily split. You can use a nutcracker or a hammer, but keeping the kernels intact will be much more difficult.

The thickness of the shell is easily checked when purchasing. You need to take two nuts and press them in your palms. If the bone cracks, then there will be no special problems when cleaning.

Chopped nuts take up a little space. The method is also convenient because you can pre-make preparations for future dishes. But mashed nuts do not store well. In this form, it should not be bought in stores and shopping pavilions. It is better to complete this process yourself. How to grind walnuts at home:

Deep freezing increases shelf life chopped nuts. They are divided into portions, poured into special bags and placed in the freezer. Due to the high oil content, they defrost quickly. The product is ready for use in 15 minutes.

Where to store whole nuts

If there are a lot of fruits, canvas bags are used. They must be stored hanging in a dark, cool room. This ensures free access of air from all sides. The contents of the bag are periodically inspected and dried as necessary.

Nuts stored in wooden boxes do not lose their beneficial properties. They are placed in a room with minimal humidity and no foreign odors. The nuts are laid in layers, with canvas fabric laid between them. Canvas perfectly allows air to pass through and does not absorb water. Thanks to the dense fabric, moisture formed in any of the layers will not spread throughout the box. It is not recommended to pour fruits into a plastic bag. Due to the lack of air, they will lose taste and smell. If you follow all the rules, the shelf life of walnuts in shell can be increased to two years.

How to save cleaned kernels

To prevent unshelled walnuts from spoiling, you need to perform several sequential steps. The kernels are sorted and completely cleared of hard skin and partitions. Remaining shells accelerate the growth of fungi, so they must be carefully removed. The nuts are placed in a plastic or glass container, which is hermetically sealed. The container is placed in a cool, dry place at a temperature of +5 to +10 C°. Small containers can be placed in the refrigerator.

During long-term storage, peeled kernels can be damaged by insects. In this case, the fruits are washed well, then dried in the oven for 10 minutes. Warming reduces the amount of nutrients, but it is the most effective method pest control treatments. The fatty oil in fried halves is released faster, so the shelf life is short - up to 2 weeks.

Honey has good antiseptic properties. Nuts immersed in bee product are the most useful way storage Fulfilling all the conditions will allow you to preserve the generous harvest of the royal tree, as well as enjoy a tasty and safe nut all year round.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are many ways to store nuts, which differ from each other depending on whether the nuts are shelled or in shell.

Storing these healing kernels is important because you can use them with your own hands for a long time collected nuts, or purchased during the season at a lower price.

To keep the nuts as long as possible, it is necessary to select the right raw materials, avoiding contact with spoiled product:

  • It is best to store whole nuts, because when crushed they quickly become damp;
  • When purchasing nuts, you should pay attention to the expiration date; a worn-out date indicates that the product has been on the store shelves for a very long time;
  • appear on dried or moldy nuts dark spots characteristic color;
  • Also, a spoiled product smells unpleasant and can sometimes cause a gag reflex;
  • Experienced housewives claim that by purchasing shelled nuts you can protect yourself from buying a “pig in a poke.” Old kernels can be distinguished by a dark, yellow tint, wrinkled surface, or the presence of dark spots;
  • There is one little trick: expired nuts in the shell will rattle when shaken;
  • if a yellow cloud of dust forms when opening the shell, it means the product is spoiled;
  • It is advisable to try the nuts before purchasing, they should not be bitter;
  • If possible, you can ask the seller for the bag in which the nuts were placed; there should be no traces of various insects and mold on it.

There are also signs by which you can determine the freshness of a particular type of nut:

  1. Walnuts- if you try to crush the shell with your fingers, it will work with old nuts, but not with fresh ones.
  2. Pistachios- these nuts must be opened, and one can easily distinguish how this process took place, naturally or mechanically. If the pistachios have opened on their own, then when you try to return the shell to its original position, the joint will not touch.
  3. Pine nuts- spoiled peeled nuts are indicated by darkening of the tip. If the kernels are sold in shells, then the packaging must be free of any debris. Also, there should be a dark dot on each shell, this indicates that it is not empty. Another sign of an old product will be the shell being too dark or the presence of plaque on it.
  4. Hazelnut It spoils much faster than other nuts, and it needs to be stored especially carefully, so it is best to buy kernels in the shell, and there should be no mechanical damage on it.

We decide on the timing: how long to store?

Shelf life of nuts varies depending on the conditions in which they lie.

The shelf life of peeled nuts is conditionally equal to the following figures:

  • in a place with room temperature - 2-3 weeks;
  • nuts can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for up to 3 months;
  • If the kernels are frozen, the shelf life increases to 1 year.

All individual species There are at least a few nuts, but they differ in shelf life.

Kernels in the shell can be stored much longer than shelled ones; for example, at cold temperatures such nuts last not 2-3 months, but about six months.

How long and under what conditions can walnuts, hazelnuts and others be stored?

Almond Almonds will not spoil only if they are properly dried, that is, the skin is not wrinkled or damaged. Typically, these nuts are recommended to be stored at a temperature of 5-7 degrees and a humidity of 55-65 degrees, providing protection from sunlight. In such conditions, the kernels can last up to 12 months; if the nuts are frozen, the shelf life increases to 1.5 years. When purchasing a product in shell, the terms increase by 2-3 months.
Cashew Such nuts are stored at cold temperatures (4-6 degrees) in a dry place for about a year; if you keep the product at room temperature, the period is reduced to 1 month. Nuts in shells stored in the refrigerator or frozen peeled kernels can last up to 1.5 years.
Hazelnut Fresh hazelnuts are considered a perishable product compared to other nuts. peeled kernels must be stored in an airtight container and in a dry place. At room temperature, the shelf life is 3 months, when stored in the refrigerator for six months, when frozen, hazelnuts can last more than a year. Nuts in shell are stored for 2-3 months
longer. After 6 months of storage, hazelnuts become hard and lose some vitamins.
Peanut This nut must be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area. At room temperature, peeled peanuts can be stored for no more than 2 weeks, in the refrigerator for 3 months, and in the freezer for 6 months. Unpeeled kernels can be stored for 6-9 months at a comfortable temperature of 5-7 degrees.
Pistachios Such nuts can only be stored in airtight packaging in a dry place. indoors they can last no more than 1-2 weeks, in a cold place for up to 3 months, and when frozen, peeled kernels can be stored for up to six months. In-shell pistachios packaged at the plant retain freshness for up to 1 year.
Walnuts IN in this case It is very important to comply with storage conditions; the place must be dry and ventilated, and the container must be sealed. Peeled nuts can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 months, and in the freezer for up to six months. The presence of a shell increases these periods by 2-3 months.

How can you store shelled nuts?

There are several ways you can follow to preserve nuts for the required amount of time.

If you plan to consume nuts in the near future, then you can store them at room temperature. To do this, experienced housewives recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Some types of nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and cashews, need to be calcined in a frying pan without oil or in the oven, but do not allow them to dry out; for this, the condition of the kernels is constantly monitored and stirred.
  2. Chopped nuts will spoil much faster, so only whole kernels are chosen for storage.
  3. They are placed in a tin or glass jar and closed tightly.
  4. You can also use fabric bags.
  5. You cannot use plastic bags for storage, because they will not be able to provide the necessary air circulation and the nuts will begin to rot and become moldy.
  6. It is best to choose dry and dark places for storage.

How much and how to properly store walnuts at home:

  • It is best to store shelled nuts on the top shelf of the refrigerator;
  • before placing the kernels in a container, they need to be sorted and all rotten nuts removed, because they can cause damage to the entire batch; it is also advisable to carry out heat treatment;
  • For these purposes, you can use a glass, plastic or tin container.
  • whole, peeled nuts are sorted and calcined;
  • after that they are divided into small portions to make use more convenient. Nuts cannot be re-frozen, otherwise they will lose their taste and beneficial qualities;
  • To store in the freezer, portions of nuts are individually wrapped in baking paper or foil; you can also use cling film.

  • you can make walnut jam;
  • Also, many people really like nuts combined with honey.

How to extend the shelf life of inshell nuts

Nuts in the shell last much longer than shelled nuts. kernels, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. First you need to sort through the nuts, removing specimens with damaged shells.
  2. Large glass or iron jars are used as containers and placed in a dry, dark and cool place.
  3. You can also use canvas bags, which are hung from the ceiling in a cool and well-ventilated area.
  4. Another possible container could be wooden boxes.
  5. The maximum temperature at which the nuts will not dry out and lose their taste will be plus 10 degrees.
  6. You also need to take into account the ability of nuts to absorb foreign odors, so it is better not to store them together with onions, garlic, etc.

Although nuts in the shell take up more space, at the same time they will be stored longer and retain all the benefits.

Nuts are very healthy and delicious product Moreover, they are quite easy to store. The main thing is to ensure comfortable temperature, humidity, air circulation and protection from sunlight.

All types of nuts differ slightly in terms of shelf life, so you must take such nuances into account.