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What needs to be done for the gladioli to open. How to keep cut gladioli fresh in a vase? Preparation for storage

Every housewife is pleased to see a beautiful bouquet of tall and lush flowers on the table in the living room, which can remain fresh for a long time. To appearance flowers pleased the residents of the house and their guests, you need to know how to preserve cut gladioli in a vase, using the simplest and most affordable methods that do not require expensive drugs. First of all, experts tell those interested how to cut gladiolus correctly, because unsuccessful cutting can not only shorten the life of the cut flowers, but also damage the bulbs, making them unsuitable for subsequent planting. Gardeners believe that the stem of a gladiolus should be cut in the place where the cut will be covered by the remaining leaves. They will cover the damaged stem and prevent water from entering from rain or irrigation. as a result, a correct and healthy corm will be formed, which will produce beautiful flowers next year.

The weather in which the stems are cut and the time of day are of great importance for the preservation of flowers in a vase. Flower growers warn that it is best to cut in the morning, before 11 a.m., and in the evening after 6 p.m. If it is a cloudy, rainy day, gladioli are cut at any time, because they have accumulated enough moisture to make the flowers feel comfortable. It is known that the flowers on the stem begin to bloom from the bottom, so cutting is carried out when there are 2 or 3 fully bloomed flowers. However, quite often gladioli are cut in the bud state, in which case they will take shape gradually and there will be several fresh flowers on the stems within 10 or 15 days. When corrugated dense gladioli grow in a flowerbed, you need to wait until the 4 or 5 lower flowers bloom, only then can they be cut and placed in a vase.


Before placing gladioli in a vase, you need to check the cuts of the stems, they should be fresh, smooth and made a little obliquely. Flowers bought in a store or given by someone they know are especially carefully examined. If necessary, the ends are trimmed a little and after this treatment they are placed in a suitable container. It should be taken into account that the stems should not rest against the bottom of the vase, otherwise they will begin to bend and the bouquet will lose its beautiful appearance. Sometimes a special device is used that allows flowers to be suspended; you can make it yourself or purchase it at a flower shop. Knowing how to preserve cut gladioli, the housewife will have a beautiful fresh bouquet on the table for 10 days or even 2 weeks.

To better preserve the bouquet of their gladioli, it is advisable to create a suitable environment for them, for which they are lowered into water various substances. The most well-known remedy is aspirin, the tablet of which should be crushed and the powder poured into water prepared for flowers. No less effective way- adding granulated sugar, dissolve a couple of teaspoons of sugar in one liter of water and pour the solution into a flower vase. Used similarly activated carbon(1 tablet), ammonia (3 drops), salt (1 teaspoon, or vinegar, which you will need one tablespoon. Each housewife has her own recipe for preserving a beautiful bouquet for a long time.

If gladioli are cut correctly and in a timely manner, they will remain fresh and attractive for at least 10 days, but the water must be changed every day or at least every other day. It is best to use chilled boiling water, but if you can pour spring water into the vase, the flowers will undoubtedly last even longer. Withered flowers must be torn off, and the ends of the stems must be trimmed a little each time, changing the water. This kind of care is quite enough to keep gladioli in a vase fresh and beautiful for quite a long time.

Gladiolus is appreciated for the beauty of the flowers and long flowering. Its positive quality is the ability of all the flowers of the inflorescence to bloom gradually when cut. The disadvantage is the lack of aroma. But in the 50s. of the last century, varieties with a weak aroma were obtained (Acacia, Sweet, Fragrance, Yellow Rose, etc.). And in recent years Shaw's work continues on the selection of fragrant gladioli. But widespread They were not found among flower growers, since they are significantly inferior in decorative properties to unscented varieties.

Gladioli inflorescences cut at different times of the day depending on the temperature and moisture supply of the plants. In moderate daytime temperatures or in cloudy weather and sufficiently moist soil, cutting can be done at any time of the day. In the hot southern summer I think best time For cutting, early morning, since plants store moisture well during the night.

Cutting can be done in the phase of the half-opened first bud. In this case, all the flowers gradually open, and the inflorescences stand in water for 10-15 days. However, many varieties with dense corrugated-folded petals in the colored bud phase open the flower rather slowly. It is better to cut off such inflorescences when the two lower flowers have opened.

It is very important to cut off the inflorescences, keep as many leaves as possible on the plant (at least four). If you leave 2-3 leaves, then full-fledged corms and children will not have time to form, weakened plants will grow from them next year, or they may die during winter storage.

To have greater length cut the stem and leave the maximum number of leaves on the plant, use the following technique. On the flat side of the stem, where the fourth and fifth leaves diverge, a transverse puncture is made with a narrow knife, sharpened on both sides. Then move the knife left and right to cross the stem as much as possible. Can I have the same cut? do it on the opposite side. Holding the plant with your left hand below the puncture (so as not to pull it out of the ground and damage the roots), break the stem with your other hand, bend it a little and, carefully twisting the peduncle, release it from the leaves.

To prevent diseases It is recommended to disinfect cutting tools as often as possible; when cutting a small number of inflorescences, after each plant. For this purpose, it is convenient to have several knives (they can be easily made from pieces of old hacksaw blade), which are used alternately and, after cutting, the blades are placed in a disinfectant solution (alcohol, strong solution of potassium permanganate, etc.).

Cut flowers as quickly as possible (preferably immediately) place in vessels with cold water and leave in a cool room for 1-2 hours. For transportation, the inflorescences are tied into bundles, lightly sprinkled with water (but so that the drops do not fall on the flowers), packed in thick thin paper, placed in long cardboard boxes, close the lid and secure with adhesive tape. In this form, gladioli can be transported within 1-2 days. For long-distance transportation, after cutting, the ends of the peduncles must be lowered (3-4 cm) into molten paraffin (30-35 degrees). After the paraffin has hardened, the flowers are wrapped in paper. In this form they can be stored at moderate temperatures for three to four days.

After unpacking the stems cut by 1-2 cm and immediately place in deep vessels with warm water (35 degrees) for 1-2 hours (in a cool, bright room). Gladioli in buds, after treating the stems with paraffin and packing them in semi-parchment paper and perforated film, just like peonies, can be stored for two to three weeks in the refrigerator and on an icebox (at a temperature of 1-3 degrees). If cut flowers are intended for quick sale and have many blooming flowers, then it is better to place them directly in buckets of water. To ensure the stability of the inflorescences, the top of the bucket is covered with a coarse mesh grid.

With timely cutting of inflorescences Gladioli last in a vase for up to two weeks. It is necessary to remove fading lower flowers in a timely manner, change the water in the vase daily, each time slightly trimming the stems before placing them back in fresh water.

For better preservation of inflorescences Fresh gladioli are used in various compositions of nutritious and preservative mixtures:

0.8 g of potassium alum, 0.3 g of potassium chloride, 0.2 g of table salt, 15-20 g of sugar;

One crushed tablet of aspirin or activated carbon;

Several crystals of potassium permanganate or citric acid;

A few drops of ammonia or camphor alcohol;

1 hour spoon of table salt or boric acid;

10 g of pine extract and 50 g of sugar;

50 g sugar;

1 cap of liquid fertilizer effect per 5 liters of water;

0.3 g of silver nitrate per 1 liter of water.

There are many ready-made chemical preparations for extending the life of cut gladioli: bud 2, tsvetin, Marooski solution, no-ra and others. We must also remember that the lifespan of flowers after cutting largely determines the quality of water. The softer the water, the longer life cut flowers. It is better to use distilled, settled, boiled or rain water.

Every housewife is pleased to see a beautiful bouquet of tall and lush flowers on the table in the living room, which can remain fresh for a long time. In order for the appearance of flowers to please the residents of the house and their guests, you need to know how to preserve cut gladioli in a vase, using the simplest and most affordable methods that do not require expensive preparations. First of all, experts tell those interested how to cut gladiolus correctly, because unsuccessful cutting can not only shorten the life of the cut flowers, but also damage the bulbs, making them unsuitable for subsequent planting. Gardeners believe that the stem of a gladiolus should be cut in the place where the cut will be covered by the remaining leaves. They will cover the damaged stem and prevent water from entering from rain or irrigation. as a result, a correct and healthy corm will be formed, which will produce beautiful flowers next year.

The weather in which the stems are cut and the time of day are of great importance for the preservation of flowers in a vase. Flower growers warn that it is best to cut in the morning, before 11 a.m., and in the evening after 6 p.m. If it is a cloudy, rainy day, gladioli are cut at any time, because they have accumulated enough moisture to make the flowers feel comfortable. It is known that the flowers on the stem begin to bloom from the bottom, so cutting is carried out when there are 2 or 3 fully bloomed flowers. However, quite often gladioli are cut in the bud state, in which case they will take shape gradually and there will be several fresh flowers on the stems within 10 or 15 days. When corrugated dense gladioli grow in a flowerbed, you need to wait until the 4 or 5 lower flowers bloom, only then can they be cut and placed in a vase.

Before placing gladioli in a vase, you need to check the cuts of the stems, they should be fresh, smooth and made a little obliquely. Flowers bought in a store or given by someone they know are especially carefully examined. If necessary, the ends are trimmed a little and after this treatment they are placed in a suitable container. It should be taken into account that the stems should not rest against the bottom of the vase, otherwise they will begin to bend and the bouquet will lose its beautiful appearance. Sometimes a special device is used that allows flowers to be suspended; you can make it yourself or purchase it at a flower shop. Knowing how to preserve cut gladioli, the housewife will have a beautiful fresh bouquet on the table for 10 days or even 2 weeks.

To better preserve the bouquet of their gladioli, it is advisable to create a suitable environment for them, for which various substances are immersed in water. The most well-known remedy is aspirin, the tablet of which should be crushed and the powder poured into water prepared for flowers. An equally effective way is to add granulated sugar; dissolve a couple of teaspoons of sugar in one liter of water and pour the solution into a flower vase. Similarly, use activated carbon (1 tablet), ammonia (3 drops), salt (1 teaspoon, or vinegar, which you need one tablespoon. Each housewife has her own recipe for preserving a beautiful bouquet for a long time.

If gladioli are cut correctly and in a timely manner, they will remain fresh and attractive for at least 10 days, but the water must be changed every day or at least every other day. It is best to use chilled boiling water, but if you can pour spring water into the vase, the flowers will undoubtedly last even longer. Withered flowers must be torn off, and the ends of the stems must be trimmed a little each time, changing the water. This kind of care is quite enough to keep gladioli in a vase fresh and beautiful for quite a long time.

Great attention should be paid to cutting flowers, since improperly cut peduncles are often the cause of corm disease. You cannot cut off the peduncle, leaving part of the stem not covered by leaves. Water from watering or rain easily gets into such a stem, which leads to diseases.

In addition, when cutting inflorescences, it is necessary to keep at least 4-5 intact leaves– for the provision and ripening of replacement corms.

In order to cut the highest possible peduncle and at the same time preserve the greatest number of leaves on the plant, you can use the following technique: insert a cutting knife between the leaves to the cut point on the stem, make a cut, then make the same cut on the opposite side, after which Carefully remove the peduncle. The remaining leaves cover the cut area from water.

Peduncles, characterized by hard and short leaves and a strong stem, can be “unscrewed” quite easily. To do this, use the tip of a narrow knife to make a puncture at the desired height, then break the peduncle at the puncture site and, with light rocking and rotational movements, release it from the leaves and remove it, pulling it up. It may not work the first time; a successful result will require some skill, and with some varieties it is quite difficult to do this procedure.

Another way is that on the stem of the gladiolus, at the beginning of the topmost leaf, there is a slight thickening. Run your hand along the stem from the bottom bud down and you will immediately feel it. In this place the stem is very fragile and the peduncle can simply be broken. Moreover, the length of the inflorescence will be almost ideal, and you will not risk damaging the leaves. Personally, I think this method is the most successful.

If gladioli are not grown for cutting, then immediately after the 1-2 lower flowers bloom or when a peduncle appears, the spike should be broken off or cut off, otherwise the flowers, and then the ripening seeds, consuming nutrients, will weaken the corm and retard its growth, as well as reduce the number and size of the resulting children. For the same reason, it is better to prevent baby gladioli from blooming - when flower stalks appear, immediately carefully break them out. If this is not done, flowering will delay the ripening of the corms for a long time.

In some varieties of gladioli, in the axil of the topmost leaf (or instead of the lowest bud), another, smaller peduncle develops. If the main ear fades and is removed in a timely manner, then the second one will delight you with full flowering, but if the gladiolus is intended for cutting or for growing corms and children, then the second ear should be removed as early as possible.

If you are just starting to grow gladioli and want to several gladioli bloomed at the same time When composing a bouquet, it should be borne in mind that even corms of the same size, planted at the same time, can bloom with an interval of several days, or even weeks. In order for 3-5 gladioli to bloom at the same time, it is necessary to plant at least 7-10 corms. You can delay the blooming of flowers in an already cut peduncle. To do this, cut flowers are placed on cold water in a cool room (cellar, basement). With this storage method, the lower flower will bloom for up to a week.

Gladioli inflorescences cut at different times of the day depending on the weather. With moderate daytime temperatures or cloudy weather and a good supply of moisture to the plants, cutting can be done at any time of the day. In good summer weather, gladioli are cut in the morning from 6 to 10 o'clock and in the evening after 19 o'clock. Cutting should be done in the state of a half-opened bud. In this case, all gladioli flowers gradually open and the inflorescences are perfectly preserved in water for 10-15 days.

Flowers don't fade longer, if they are in a cool room, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

For better preservation of cut inflorescences For gladioli, various nutrient solutions are used. For 1 liter of distilled or boiled water cooled to room temperature, use one of the following additives:

  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • 1 tablet of crushed aspirin;
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1 teaspoon boric acid;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar;
  • 2-3 drops of ammonia;
  • 0.4 g citric acid;
  • 0.5 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Beginning to fade the lower flowers should be removed in a timely manner. Change the water in the vase daily, each time slightly trimming the stems in the water. It is better to use boiled or distilled water.

To revive wilted flowers, dip their stems in hot water and wait until it cools. This will make the flowers fresh again. Then cut off the ends of the stems and place the flowers in cold water as usual

You can start cutting gladioli flowers when the first lower flower on the peduncle fully blooms. Gladioli stand in the water for a very long time and one by one open every single new bud, from bottom to top. It is necessary to cut flowers so that the corm does not have time to use up all the reserves accumulated for a safe overwintering on flowering. Each gardener approaches the issue of cutting flower stalks in his own way. Some recommend breaking off the peduncle so as not to transfer various infectious diseases of gladioli from plant to plant during cutting. This rule is good to follow, but in practice it can be very difficult to break off a flower without disturbing the root system, since when the gladiolus arrow is twisted, the bush easily turns out of the ground. Therefore, it is better to pierce the peduncle with a clean, pointed knife, and then carefully break it off.

When cutting flower shoots, we always try to get the tallest flowers possible - these are the ones that seem to us to be the most decorative and suitable for a gift bouquet. But we must also remember that when cutting a gladiolus peduncle, it is imperative to leave as many leaves on the plant as possible, since the more leaves left on the gladiolus, the larger and more resilient the corm grows. But since the leaves of gladioli often enclose the flower stem high, gardeners cut the flower along with the leaves. The right way out in this situation lies in simple solution: it is enough to feel with your hand in the fan of foliage the place where the convex peduncle passes and, using a sharp flat knife blade, with the other hand, pierce the peduncle itself through the fan of leaves. Then, carefully, holding the puncture site with one hand, try to break and pull the peduncle from the rosette of leaves with the other hand.

Gladiolus inflorescences are cut off in the morning, leaving at least 4-5 lower leaves on the plant. Flowers are placed in a vase, regularly changing the water and renewing the lower cut. As the flowers fade, faded buds are removed from the peduncle. To keep gladioli in a vase for longer than 2 weeks, add half an aspirin tablet or several crystals of citric acid and half a teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of water to the water. To decorate bouquets, instead of leaves, the leaves of ordinary calamus are added to the tall flower arrows, which are very similar to the noble leaves of gladioli and go well with flowers.

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