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Borovoy: Hatred towards Putin, his insane corruption and deceitful propaganda is brewing in Russia. Hatred towards Putin and his insane corruption is brewing in Russia

Recognized as an aggressor country on January 27, 2015 by the Verkhovna Rada) is inevitable, the country now looks like a territory in the center of which, in Moscow, there is a barrel of gunpowder, and around, in the regions, fires are burning. One spark - and everything will explode, Russian oppositionist, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1995-2000, chairman of the Western Choice party, entrepreneur and businessman Konstantin Borovoy said in an interview with GORDON today.

“In Russia, of course, hatred towards Putin, his insane corruption and deceitful propaganda is brewing. In the country, despite the results of the State Duma elections, an absolutely revolutionary situation has arisen, when a barrel of gunpowder can explode at any moment. It has long been clear to the people that it is coming from above the struggle of bulldogs under the carpet for rapidly dwindling economic and financial resources. This struggle spills out in the form of incriminating evidence, investigations, criminal cases initiated by the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and so on,” Borovoy said.

In his opinion, the regions will be the first to rebel against the policies of the central Kremlin government.

“Two years ago, I spoke about the inevitability of the collapse of Russia. Then it seemed absurd and an exaggeration. Now - no. Putin, in fact, created a complete set of conditions for the inevitable collapse of Russia. Protests will begin, and very quickly. The most likely scenario is calm protests in the regions or single-industry towns, Putin will order the National Guard to suppress the rallies, which will lead to casualties. And then, of course, the wave of protest will reach key Russian cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg,” Borovoy predicted.

The key reason for the collapse of Russia, in his opinion, will be the rigid vertical power structure built by President Vladimir Putin over the 17 years of his actual rule.

“Putin created a system of strict management called the “Vertical of Power”. This is a vertical of absolutely centralized distribution of resources from Moscow to the regions. All these years, the vertical was based on oil revenues, but now prices have collapsed. Low oil prices, insane corruption and irrational use resources skewed toward military programs have already created an explosive revolutionary situation in Russia,” Borovoy noted.

He recalled that if in the mid-1990s the scale of corruption in Russia was measured at $10 billion throughout the country, then under Putin this same money is “siphoned out of the budget” for only one of many government programs.

“In the mid-1990s, there was a report on corruption in Russia. At that time, corruption was measured at approximately 10 billion dollars. Now 10 billion are corruptly siphoned from the budget just for laying granite and marble tiles throughout Moscow. In the 90s they said that the biggest rollback in contracts were in the Ministry of Defense - almost 40-50%. Now this is, perhaps, the minimum rollback in any area. During Putin’s reign, corruption has acquired a qualitatively different level,” Borovoy explained.

According to a former State Duma deputy, national and remote regions such as Tatarstan and the Far East will be the first to sever ties with the center.

“I think separatism will begin in national regions, for example, in Tatarstan, which has already declared its independence once. Or it will begin in remote regions like the Far East, which quietly survives without Moscow only on transit and huge customs revenues. The Far East in general partially works for China and Japan, they have reliable buyers. What does a rigid vertical power mean? This is when there is a keg of gunpowder in the center, and fires are flaring nearby in the regions. The regions will have to either break ties with the center and survive on their own, or continue to remain. in the orbit of Moscow, but then the risks of popular protests and conflicts within regional elites increase,” Borovoy concluded.

It is noteworthy that another famous Russian politician, Grigory Yavlinnyaki, made a similar forecast about the impending collapse of Russia through the efforts of Putin.

Borovoy has expressed similar thoughts before. In particular, in June of this year he pointed out that in Russia in 1917. The Muammar Gaddafi scenario is approaching, the politician warned at the time.

By the way, in March of this year, Borovoy expressed completely fair assessments regarding Ukraine. He then wrote that the current government is in Ukraine, and therefore a third Maidan is needed.

On February 19, Svetlana Peunova sent an appeal to President Putin in connection with the developments in eastern Ukraine.

To the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

from the leader of the All-Russian political party "VOLYA" Svetlana Mikhailovna Peunova

Mister President!

I believe that you and your circle are deliberately dragging Russia into the third world war and imposing on us a “new world order” that will destroy Russia, our people and most of humanity.

An analysis of the events shows that it was you who provoked the bloody hostilities in eastern Ukraine, and not the civil activists of this poor and unarmed country.

Before our eyes, the same spectacle of provocations that began both the first and second world wars is being played out.

If these cross-dressing performances of the secret services had been exposed in time, there would have been no world wars, ordinary people would not have died in the tens of millions for the interests of the bankers dividing the world's wealth among themselves.

Most of this wealth rightfully belongs to us - the indigenous peoples of Ukraine and Russia, who are being drawn into a bloody massacre by your actions.

After all, you know that the first checkpoints in eastern Ukraine were set up by retired FSB colonel Strelkov-Girkin, who illegally crossed the border with Ukraine.

All over Russia there is a massive recruitment of mercenaries - also obviously not without your knowledge.

Our military contractors, and according to some reports, conscripts, are going to fight in our brotherly country, causing legitimate indignation of Ukrainians who are defending their land.

Russian warriors have never been mercenaries or aggressors.

We, the peoples of Russia, are experiencing this shame precisely during your reign, Mr. President.

Who gave you the right to send our relatives to death?

You do not inform the country's public that Russian military personnel are being sent to a neighboring state.

Protecting the Russian-speaking population is an excuse.

It is obvious that there is a campaign to destroy the Ukrainian and Russian peoples.

How are you different from the Ukrainian president, who sends an army against the civilians of his country, uses the services of foreign mercenaries and announces a general mobilization of his citizens?

It is obvious to me and all the people that initially the civilians of Donbass who decided to become militias did not have heavy weapons, the skills to control them, the experience of armed seizure of buildings, the construction of fortified checkpoints, they are not able to kill in cold blood.

It is well known that the “militia” was initially led by citizens of the Russian Federation.

This was admitted, in particular, by the same Strelkov-Girkin.

We believe that without your assistance the situation would not have gone so far.

Maybe it was you who set them the task of starting and maintaining this war?

New facts are constantly emerging that support this conclusion. Thus, according to information from the RBC news agency, Russia finances a significant part of the militia’s needs; hryvnias unnecessary in what became Russian Crimea were delivered to the DPR ( ).

The army of Novorossiya is armed with hundreds of tanks, modern multiple launch rocket systems, and artillery that came from nowhere.

Their active use in battles requires hundreds of tons of fuel, lubricants, ammunition, and spare parts every day.

Over the entire period of fighting, the need for them is probably measured in tens of thousands of tons.

It is unrealistic that the “militia” could recapture all this from the Ukrainian army, without regular supplies from Russia.

Photos and videos of the latest Russian weapons and armored vehicles, which have never previously been officially supplied to Ukraine and are not in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, are often posted on the Internet.

These heavy weapons could obviously enter the combat zone only from Russia and with the knowledge of Russian government agencies.

Here are some examples:

During a video report by correspondent Graham Philipps from the scene of fighting in the area of ​​the “Debaltsevo cauldron”, the latest Russian T-72BZ tank, used by the “militia”, appeared in the frame ( Deliveries of these tanks to the Russian army began only in 2012;

TV channels (including the Rossiya 24 channel) showed a story about the exercises of the “militia” at the LPR training ground. BPM-97 armored vehicles (KAMAZ-43269 “Vystrel”), which are in service in Russia and have never been supplied to Ukraine, took part in the exercises . (

According to the “Committee of Soldiers' Mothers” of St. Petersburg, in various regions of Russia, conscript soldiers are being forced to sign contracts, apparently in order to send new “vacationers” to the war in Ukraine.

Can all this really happen without your knowledge and your instructions?

I believe that your actions too often directly contradict the interests and security of Russia, and it is primarily foreign states and international oligarchs who benefit from them.

During your reign, the Russian army has been reduced, disarmed and demoralized, the army's property has been largely sold off and stolen.

The systematic destruction of ammunition depots continues.

As commander in chief, you are directly responsible for this.

During the years of your reign, a catastrophically large number of ammunition depots were blown up, and more than 6 million tons of ammunition have been destroyed as planned since 2010!

I consider the transit of aggressive armies of NATO countries through our territory to be a betrayal of the interests of the people of Russia.

Many Russian citizens are unaware that, under agreements concluded during your reign with the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, foreign weapons, military equipment, military property and NATO military personnel with weapons and equipment are transported through our country visa-free and duty-free.

Thus, the US military alone is allowed to make up to 4,500 flights per year in each direction over our territory! Moreover, the Russian leadership transferred the costs of air navigation services for American transit to the Russian budget. In 2012 alone, 190 million rubles were allocated for these purposes. And even anti-Russian sanctions and military actions in Ukraine did not force you to break the agreement on NATO travel through Russian soil.

This is open cooperation with a potential enemy, not ostentatious hostility!

In a country with the largest farmland, agriculture and domestic food production have been destroyed, and dependence on imported products has been artificially created. This, in the context of anti-Russian sanctions, led to the threat of famine in the country.

Under your rule, industry also degraded, and Russia's colonial dependence on the sale of raw materials to the West was created.

Small and medium-sized businesses in Russia have been practically destroyed.

An unrealistically expensive Winter Olympics was held in subtropical Sochi, the country's budget is being wasted on the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Russian citizens may be left without pensions at all - the government is giving them... to the oligarchs!

I believe that in such a situation, your continued stay in power becomes dangerous for Russia and its people.

You say one thing, but do something completely different.

You declare that you are becoming independent from America and Western capital, but you yourself are drawing Russia into obvious dependence on them.

The agreement you signed in 2007 states that Russia undertakes to act as “if it were a member of the NATO bloc”!

Have you asked Russian citizens if they want this?

You hastily dragged Russia into WTO membership - and its charter is placed above the laws of Russia. Another step into colonial dependence.

The Bank of Russia is obviously not a state structure, and you carefully hide the name of its owner - obviously a private person, most likely a foreigner, American or Englishman.

This is not the “Bank of Russia”, as you deceptively call it, but in fact a “branch” of the IMF - a structure that kills the sovereignty of states.

And Sberbank (50% + 1 share) belongs not to the state, but to the Central Bank - that is, to a private person?

Thus, secretly from the people, we became the complete property of the West, because America writes the laws for us, as Deputy Fedorov claims.

And these laws are openly repressive, eliminating the indigenous people of Russia from the world, like the aborigines of Australia and the Indians of America - your masters have a rich experience in getting rid of the indigenous people.

The people are instilled with the idea that you have nothing to do with it, and bad officials are to blame.

But you, Mr. President, in our country have practically unlimited, essentially “imperial” powers in relation to any of the branches of government.

It is you who have the right at any time to remove from office any presumptuous official, remove an incompetent Government, dissolve the State Duma, dismiss any judge or prosecutor.

Maybe it's you?

After all, you were Yeltsin’s successor, whom former British intelligence officer John Coleman, in his revealing book “The Committee of 300,” ranked as an agent of the British intelligence service MI6.

At the same time, Yeltsin came to undivided power as a result of the bloody anti-Russian “Maidan” in 1993 with the assistance of foreign intelligence services.

Appointments to key positions under Yeltsin were managed by full-time CIA employees, who, according to eyewitnesses, occupied an entire floor in the Federal Property Management Agency.

You have publicly admitted this.

I don't believe that you are the same Putin who became president of Russia in 2000.

In the last few years, the president’s appearance has changed so much that it became clear to the naked eye that on behalf of Putin V.V. different people perform.

Both domestic and world media are already talking about this.

The same means that state structures are ready to use against the people, the people demand to be applied first of all to the person (or several persons) speaking on behalf of the president.

I'm talking about checking your biometric data.

The country's population has the right to get answers to their questions: is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin alive?

After all, since 2004, we obviously have not seen the person we were called President Putin.

Who really runs our country?

It is possible that under the guise of Putin, his doubles, that is, Western intelligence agencies, rule. The practice of using doubles is widely known in history, because Yeltsin’s reign was clearly ended by a double, as we learned.

Your actions and your appearance make us believe that there has been a seizure of power in the country by the enemies of our country.

After all, it is obvious that Anglo-American bankers directly benefit from your actions. And 95% of all large Russian businesses are already in foreign jurisdiction.

Citizen President!

I express no confidence in you, your entourage, as well as the rulers of Ukraine, the United States and the leading countries of the European Union, whose actions are helping to fan the global crisis and the fire of the third world war.

I believe that both Poroshenko and you are playing on the international stage the roles that America wrote for you, your attacks against each other are a performance.

I demand a real cessation of hostilities in Ukraine and the withdrawal of all mercenaries, military specialists, and weapons from the territory of Ukraine, both pro-Russian and pro-Western.

I believe that in the current situation it is urgently necessary to initiate an investigation into the fact of changes in Putin’s appearance with the involvement of specialists and experts from various fields: criminologists, geneticists, specialists performing photographic examinations, plastic surgeons, customs and airport employees, voice recognition specialists, as well as with the involvement of people who knew V.V. Putin well and members of his family.

I believe that you have changed the election legislation for one purpose: to prevent representatives of the indigenous people, people from the broad masses, from participating in elections.

I demand your resignation as someone who has not lived up to the trust of the people.

The people will be able to choose from their ranks openly, and not secretly, honest and educated representatives who work for the common good, without secret agreements and appropriation of the nation's wealth.

Without respect to you, Svetlana Peunova – Lada Rus

Down with the fascist junta!

The main war criminals to be tried by a military tribunal!

We demand to stop the unconstitutional and illegal activities of terrorists and extremists of the criminal community!

The collapse of Russia is inevitable, the country now looks like a territory in the center of which, in Moscow, there is a keg of gunpowder, and around, in the regions, fires are burning, the site reports. One spark - and everything will explode, said Russian oppositionist, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1995-2000, chairman of the Western Choice party, businessman Konstantin Borovoy in a commentary to GORDON, according to whom, .

“In Russia, of course, hatred towards Putin, his insane corruption and deceitful propaganda is brewing. In the country, despite the results of the State Duma elections, an absolutely revolutionary situation has arisen, when a barrel of gunpowder can explode at any moment. It has long been clear to the people that it is coming from above the struggle of bulldogs under the carpet for rapidly dwindling economic and financial resources. This struggle spills out in the form of incriminating evidence, investigations, criminal cases initiated by the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and so on,” Borovoy said.

The oppositionist insists that the regions will be the first to rebel against the policies of the central Kremlin government. “Two years ago, I spoke about the inevitability of the collapse of Russia. Then it seemed absurd and an exaggeration. Now - no. Putin, in fact, created a complete set of conditions for the inevitable collapse of Russia. Protests will begin, and very quickly. The most likely scenario is calm protests in the regions or single-industry towns, Putin will order the National Guard to suppress the rallies, which will lead to casualties. And then, of course, the wave of protest will reach key Russian cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg,” Borovoy is convinced.

The key reason for the collapse of Russia, according to the oppositionist, will be the rigid vertical power structure built by President Vladimir Putin over the 17 years of his actual rule. “Putin created a system of strict management called the “Vertical of Power”. This is a vertical of absolutely centralized distribution of resources from Moscow to the regions. All these years, the vertical was based on oil revenues, but now prices have collapsed. Low oil prices, insane corruption and irrational use resources skewed towards military programs have already created an explosive revolutionary situation in Russia,” insists Borovoy.

The former deputy recalled that if in the mid-1990s the scale of corruption in Russia was measured at $10 billion throughout the country, then under Putin this same money is “siphoned out of the budget” for only one of many government programs.

“In the mid-1990s, there was a report on corruption in Russia. At that time, corruption was measured at approximately 10 billion dollars. Now 10 billion are corruptly siphoned from the budget just for laying granite and marble tiles throughout Moscow. In the 90s they said that the biggest rollback in contracts were in the Ministry of Defense - almost 40-50%. Now this is, perhaps, the minimum rollback in any area. During Putin’s reign, corruption has acquired a qualitatively different level,” Borovoy explained.

According to a former State Duma deputy, national and remote regions such as Tatarstan and the Far East will be the first to sever ties with the center.

“I think separatism will begin in national regions, for example, in Tatarstan, which has already declared its independence once. Or it will begin in remote regions like the Far East, which quietly survives without Moscow only on transit and huge customs revenues. The Far East in general partially works for China and Japan, they have reliable buyers. What does a rigid vertical power mean? This is when there is a keg of gunpowder in the center, and fires are flaring nearby in the regions. The regions will have to either break ties with the center and survive on their own, or continue to remain. in the orbit of Moscow, but then the risks of popular protests and conflicts within regional elites increase,” Borovoy concluded.

By the way, opinion polls record a drop in the ratings of not only national leader Vladimir Putin, who are traditional Russian strongholds, for example, the Russian Orthodox Church.

The collapse of Russia (a fascist state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada as an aggressor country on January 27, 2015) is inevitable, the country now looks like a territory in the center of which, in Moscow, there is a barrel of gunpowder, and around, in the regions, fires are burning. One spark and everything will explode, Russian oppositionist, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1995-2000, chairman of the Western Choice party, entrepreneur and businessman Konstantin Borovoy said in today’s interview with GORDON.

“In Russia, of course, hatred towards Putin, his insane corruption and deceitful propaganda is brewing. In the country, despite the results of the State Duma elections, an absolutely revolutionary situation has arisen, when a barrel of gunpowder can explode at any moment. It has long been clear to the people that it is coming from above the struggle of bulldogs under the carpet for rapidly dwindling economic and financial resources. This struggle spills out in the form of incriminating evidence, investigations, criminal cases initiated by the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and so on,” Borovoy said.

In his opinion, the regions will be the first to rebel against the policies of the central Kremlin government.

“Two years ago, I spoke about the inevitability of the collapse of Russia. Then it seemed absurd and an exaggeration. Now - no. Putin, in fact, created a complete set of conditions for the inevitable collapse of Russia. Protests will begin, and very quickly. The most likely scenario is calm protests in the regions or single-industry towns, Putin will order the National Guard to suppress the rallies, which will lead to casualties. And then, of course, the wave of protest will reach key Russian cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg,” Borovoy predicted.

The key reason for the collapse of Russia, in his opinion, will be the rigid vertical power structure built by President Vladimir Putin over the 17 years of his actual rule.

“Putin created a system of strict management called the “Vertical of Power”. This is a vertical of absolutely centralized distribution of resources from Moscow to the regions. All these years, the vertical was based on oil revenues, but now prices have collapsed. Low oil prices, insane corruption and irrational use resources skewed toward military programs have already created an explosive revolutionary situation in Russia,” Borovoy noted.

He recalled that if in the mid-1990s the scale of corruption in Russia was measured at $10 billion throughout the country, then under Putin this same money is “siphoned out of the budget” for only one of many government programs.

“In the mid-1990s, there was a report on corruption in Russia. At that time, corruption was measured at approximately 10 billion dollars. Now 10 billion are corruptly siphoned from the budget just for laying granite and marble tiles throughout Moscow. In the 90s they said that the biggest rollback in contracts were in the Ministry of Defense - almost 40-50%. Now this is, perhaps, the minimum rollback in any area. During Putin’s reign, corruption has acquired a qualitatively different level,” Borovoy explained.

According to a former State Duma deputy, national and remote regions such as Tatarstan and the Far East will be the first to sever ties with the center.

“I think separatism will begin in national regions, for example, in Tatarstan, which has already declared its independence once. Or it will begin in remote regions like the Far East, which quietly survives without Moscow only on transit and huge customs revenues. The Far East in general partially works for China and Japan, they have reliable buyers. What does a rigid vertical power mean? This is when there is a keg of gunpowder in the center, and fires are flaring nearby in the regions. The regions will have to either break ties with the center and survive on their own, or continue to remain. in the orbit of Moscow, but then the risks of popular protests and conflicts within regional elites increase,” Borovoy concluded.

It is noteworthy that a similar forecast - about the impending collapse of Russia through the efforts of Putin - was also announced today by another famous Russian politician, Grigory Yavlinnyaki.

Borovoy has expressed similar thoughts before. In particular, in June of this year hepointed out that in Russia everything is heading towards a repeat of the tragedy of 1917. Muammar Gaddafi scenario is approaching, warned then politician.

By the way, in March of this year, Borovoy expressed completely fair assessments regarding Ukraine. He thenwrote that the current government in Ukraine is no different from the previous one, and therefore a third Maidan is needed.