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Vujicic life without borders online. Nick Vujicic - Life without boundaries: the path to an amazingly happy life. Nick Vujicic - Life Without Borders - Introduction

Personality with a capital P!

Every day, one of us, after reading another motivational book, decides to get out of our comfort zone: arrange a “hell week” for ourselves, start running in the morning, stop procrastinating. These are necessary and correct steps towards your own development. Someone is busy searching for the meaning of life, this is also, without a doubt, correct.

But when you feel that life is tough, unfair, meaningless, that nothing is working out for you, remember about one Australian guy - his life is a continuous “hell week”, it is unlikely that he has ever entered the territory of the “comfort zone”.

The man we are talking about today is one of the brightest and strong people modernity. His name is Nick Vujicic, and his life since birth has been a hell that can hardly even be imagined.

And yet Nick learned to live incredibly happy, life to the fullest, which he wrote about in the book “Life without Borders. Way to awesome happy life».

Birth and childhood

One can only imagine what horror the young father, Boris Vujicic, experienced on a December day in 1982. He was present at the birth of his first child. And, not believing my eyes, I saw a newborn: he had no arms or legs.

Nick's parents knew nothing about Tetra-Amelia syndrome. For 4 months the mother could not find the strength to put the baby to her breast. If Dushka and Boris had broken down then, there would definitely not have been a happy ending.

But the parents did not abandon the child, accepted him as he was born and made every effort to raise him as a happy person. As Nick himself says, smiling beyond belief, he is lucky! He has a "ham". A tiny semblance of a foot with two toes that were surgically separated.

Lucky with the ham! Think about it for a second.

Nick learned to type, write, operate an electric wheelchair, and push off on a skateboard using these two fingers. The child was so able to adapt to the situation and develop fully that, when the time came, he went to a regular school, not a specialized school, with other peers.

Hopelessness and despair

At the age of ten, the boy asked his mother to take him to the bathroom. He decided to commit suicide by drowning. At that time, the child realized that his achievements: the ability to write, skateboarding, meant nothing compared to what he was unable to do. For example, hug loved ones.

This terrible discovery plunged Nick into the abyss of despair. But he found the strength not to take the very last step: he realized what kind of suffering he would cause to his loved ones with his action. “They didn’t deserve this,” says Vujicic himself. Suicide is not fair to the people you care about.

Humor saves

You are walking up the stairs of an airliner. You are greeted by model-looking flight attendants and... a young man in a pilot's uniform without arms or legs. He smiles radiantly.

Today we are experiencing new technology flight. I am your pilot!

Can you imagine the sensations of the passengers? It was Nick Vujicic who played them. What to do if fate played Vuychich himself so “cruelly”. Just make fun of the situation. Humor saves you and prevents you from falling apart from self-pity.

Be grateful to life for giving you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help with this. Nick takes full advantage of this opportunity.

Without receiving arms and legs, Nick received many other talents and abilities, which he develops with incredible persistence. Let's just list the dry facts so that we can compare.

So Nick has two higher education. He starred in a short film and wrote several books (one co-authored with his wife). In addition, Nick is an excellent athlete, a lover of extreme sensations: Nick swims well, plays golf, catches waves while surfing, skydives, and plays football.

I realized that physical difference limits me only to the extent that I limit myself

Limitations within ourselves

Nick decided not to limit himself in anything. This is what he talks about in his many motivational speeches. Vujicic is an excellent speaker, soulful and charismatic.

He simply tries to talk to people, especially those who have lost the meaning of life, who feel that life has become overwhelming, that one misfortune follows another. Nick doesn’t say, “Well, look at me. After all, everything is not so bad for you.” He is not trying to compare suffering or pain. He is very respectful of other people's troubles.

But often, after such performances, you look at your arms and legs differently, you wonder why you haven’t jumped with a parachute or gotten on a surfboard, and you think “it’s not so bad after all.”

Nick is a believer who repeatedly emphasizes this fact in his speeches. Naturally, he opposes abortion, believing that his life is an excellent illustration of the fact that “God makes no mistakes.” But Nick speaks to people of different beliefs, respecting the choice of each listener.

Heart hugs

The only thing that is inaccessible to Nick is hugs. He cannot shake hands with anyone, hug friends and loved ones. But even here he found a way out: Nick can press himself to a person’s heart. And it's amazing.

Nick is so open to kindness and love that love has come. It would seem that the question of personal happiness and fatherhood is closed for Nick. But fate turned out to be merciful to him here too.

Nick Vujicic, a man without arms and legs, met a beautiful, successful girl, Kanae Miyahara, who, moreover, already had a boyfriend. But it was true love. Nick and Kanae got married, and although Tetra-Amelia syndrome can be hereditary, they have children.

Probably, both Nick and Kanae were very scared, but they overcame their fear. By overcoming ourselves every day, we can achieve what we want and move forward.

And finally, Nick has a pair of new shoes in his closet. Just in case. After all, you never know what surprises life has in store in the future.

Books by Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic

Life without limits: the path to an amazingly happy life


God: Father, Son And Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Toth family from San Diego, California I'm grateful them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil has planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism became beginning the scarlet of my new life.

My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old.

I was born without arms and legs, but I don’t sing to fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I encourage everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling their dreams. In this book I will tell you about my path. Of course, some obstacles were faced only by me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find your own purpose in life. Your life should be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that there was no hope or future for a person like me. They thought I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is beyond what we could have ever dreamed of. Every day and I communicate with many people on the phone, email, via text messages and on Twitter. People approach me in airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their life. This is the true grace of the Lord. I'm incredibly happy.

My parents and I could never have imagined that my disability—my “burden”—could become a blessing, and that my disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with other people, support them, understand their pain, and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives. The Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after experiencing very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was overcome by despair. It seemed like I could never be “normal.” And it’s impossible to pretend that my body is the same as that of my peers.

I tried to do the usual boy things - swimming or skateboarding, but I was once again convinced that there was a lot in the world that I simply could not do.

The cruel children called me a freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like everyone else. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this did not happen. I wanted to be ordinary, but it didn't work out.

I banged my head against the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I saw no point in living, I suffered from the fact that I was doomed to forever be a burden to my loved ones, I was overcome by dark thoughts. I was lonely even in those moments when my family was next to me. But I was sorely mistaken. What I didn't know in the dark days of my childhood could fill a book. The one you are holding in your hands right now. I want to light the way for you to the other side of grief, where you will become stronger, more persistent, and filled with the desire to change your life in ways you never dreamed of.

If you have the desire and desire to do something and it is in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. This is very important! To be honest, I didn’t always believe it myself. If you have seen any of my conversations on the Internet, you probably felt that the happiness that overwhelms me is the result of a long journey. At first I didn't have what I needed. And what I lacked, I found along the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need:

A powerful sense of meaning in life

Hope, strong to the point of unshakability.

Faith in God and His infinite mercy.

Love and acceptance of yourself.

The Right Attitude to life.

Strength of spirit.

Readiness for change.

Strong heart.

Willingness to look for opportunities.

The ability to assess risks and laugh at life.

Desire to serve people.

If you are one of those who struggle every day, remember that there was more to my life than just struggle. And also a sense of meaning and purpose in life, thanks to which my life became something I could never have dreamed of.

There are difficult moments in every person's life. He falls, and it seems that he no longer has the strength to get up. I know this feeling. It is familiar to all of us. Life is not an easy thing. But by overcoming difficulties, we become stronger and should be grateful for the new opportunities that open up to us. What matters is the impact a person has on those around him and how he ends his journey.

I love my life just as much as yours. Amazing opportunities are opening up before us.

Well, what do you say, buddy? Shall we walk this path together?

Chapter 1

If you can't wait for a miracle, create it yourself

On Youtube you will find my videos where I skateboard, surf, play music, hit a golf ball, fall, get up, communicate with others. And the best part is that you will see how well-known and famous people hug me.

All this is completely normal for any person, isn’t it? Why did people watch my video millions of times? I think because, despite physical limitations, I live as if there were no restrictions at all.

People often think that people with disabilities are inactive and weak, moreover, perhaps even embittered and withdrawn. I like to surprise them with the fact that I lead a very active and sometimes even extreme lifestyle.

Among the hundreds of comments on my video, there is the most typical one: “Seeing how happy such a guy can be, I wondered why I sometimes start feeling sorry for myself... thinking that I’m not handsome enough, attractive enough, etc.” etc. How can such thoughts come into my head when this guy who has neither arms nor legs is HAPPY?!

People often ask me: “Nick, how do you manage to be happy?” You may be struggling with some issues of your own, so I'll give you the most general answer first.

I found happiness when I realized that despite my imperfections, I could still be the perfect Nick Vujicic. God created me in accordance with His own plans for me personally. I don't want to say that I don't need to improve. On the contrary, I constantly try to improve myself in order to serve the Lord and the world more successfully!

I believe that there are no limits in my life. And I want you to treat your life the same way, no matter what problems oppress you. As we begin our journey together, please think about the limitations you have created for yourself or allowed others to create. Now think about what it would be like if these restrictions suddenly disappeared? How would your life be if anything was possible for you?

I am a real disabled person, but at the same time I live an absolutely full life. This unique condition opened up a unique opportunity for me - the opportunity to communicate with those who are having a hard time. Just imagine what opportunities will open up for you!

Too often we tell ourselves that we are not smart, beautiful or talented enough to achieve our dreams. We trust the opinions of other people, limiting our own possibilities. What could be worse! Meanwhile, I thought so, you are limiting the possibilities of God that He has prepared for you! After all, you are His creation. He created you for a purpose.

When you give up on your own dreams, you limit the power of God. You cannot limit your life by depriving yourself in this way. His love!

I have a choice. You have a choice. We can live with disappointments and deprivations, experience bitterness, anger and melancholy. However, when faced with life's difficulties and unpleasant people, we can learn from our experiences, move forward and take responsibility for our happiness.

© 2010 by Nicholas James Vujicic

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2012

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Series “Psychology. Crossroads of fate"

“Wild. A dangerous journey as a way to find yourself"

For connoisseurs of high-quality prose, lovers of thoughtful reading. The story of a woman who hiked the wild Pacific Crest Trail alone and captivated the world. The book is a bestseller with many awards!

“God never blinks. 50 lessons that will change your life"

The book in which Regina Brett turned her famous 50 lessons into deeply personal, sometimes funny and often moving essays. This emotional book will make readers think about their lives and help them make it a little better.

"The Last Lecture"

Randy Pausch wrote "The Last Lecture" when he learned he had months to live. This is a story about how to live. How to appreciate every moment. How to be sensitive to children's dreams. How to live in such a way as not to waste a second of precious time. This is a chance for each of us, who has many, many years ahead, to understand now: what should I do?

“Life without boundaries. The path to an amazingly happy life"

A book by Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. This is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In his book, Nick formulated rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

“Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action"

The second book by the famous speaker, author of the bestseller “Life without Borders” - Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. In the book, Nick talks about the problems and difficulties that we face every day and explains how to overcome these difficulties and become unstoppable.

God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Toth family of San Diego, California, I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism was the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without arms and legs, but I don’t blame fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I encourage everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling their dreams. In this book I will tell you about my path. Of course, some obstacles were faced only by me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own purpose of life. Your life should be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that there was no hope or future for a person like me. They thought I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is beyond what we could have ever dreamed of. Every day I communicate with many people by phone, email, text and Twitter. People approach me in airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their life. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could never have imagined that my disability—my “burden”—could become a blessing, and that my disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with others, support them, understand their pain, and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after experiencing very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was overcome by despair. It seemed like I could never be “normal.” And it’s impossible to pretend that my body is the same as that of my peers. I tried to do the usual boy things like swimming or skateboarding, but I was once again convinced that there was a lot in the world that I simply could not do.

The cruel children called me a freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like everyone else. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this did not happen. I wanted to be ordinary, but it didn't work out.

I banged my head against the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I saw no point in living, I suffered from the fact that I was doomed to forever be a burden to my loved ones, I was overcome by dark thoughts. I was lonely even in those moments when my family was next to me. But I was sorely mistaken. What I didn't know in the dark days of my childhood could fill a book. The one you are holding in your hands right now. I want to light the way for you to the other side of grief, where you will become stronger, more persistent, and filled with the desire to change your life in ways you never dreamed of.

If you have the desire and desire to do something and that "anything" is in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. This is very important! To be honest, I didn’t always believe it myself. If you have seen any of my conversations on the Internet, you probably felt that the happiness that overwhelms me is the result of a long journey. At first I didn't have what I needed. And what I lacked, I found along the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need:

– A powerful sense of the meaning of life.

– Hope, strong to the point of unshakability.

– Faith in God and His infinite mercy.

– Love and acceptance of oneself.

– Correct attitude towards life.

- Strength of spirit.

– Readiness for change.

- Strong heart.

– Willingness to look for opportunities.

– The ability to assess risks and laugh at life.

– Desire to serve people.

© 2010 by Nicholas James Vujicic

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2012

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Series “Psychology. Crossroads of fate"

“Wild. A dangerous journey as a way to find yourself"

For connoisseurs of high-quality prose, lovers of thoughtful reading. The story of a woman who hiked the wild Pacific Crest Trail alone and captivated the world. The book is a bestseller with many awards!

“God never blinks. 50 lessons that will change your life"

The book in which Regina Brett turned her famous 50 lessons into deeply personal, sometimes funny and often moving essays. This emotional book will make readers think about their lives and help them make it a little better.

"The Last Lecture"

Randy Pausch wrote "The Last Lecture" when he learned he had months to live. This is a story about how to live. How to appreciate every moment. How to be sensitive to children's dreams. How to live in such a way as not to waste a second of precious time. This is a chance for each of us, who has many, many years ahead, to understand now: what should I do?

“Life without boundaries. The path to an amazingly happy life"

A book by Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. This is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In his book, Nick formulated rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

“Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action"

The second book by the famous speaker, author of the bestseller “Life without Borders” - Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. In the book, Nick talks about the problems and difficulties that we face every day and explains how to overcome these difficulties and become unstoppable.

God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Toth family of San Diego, California, I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism was the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without arms and legs, but I don’t blame fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I encourage everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling their dreams. In this book I will tell you about my path. Of course, some obstacles were faced only by me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own purpose of life. Your life should be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that there was no hope or future for a person like me. They thought I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is beyond what we could have ever dreamed of. Every day I communicate with many people by phone, email, text and Twitter. People approach me in airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their life. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could never have imagined that my disability—my “burden”—could become a blessing, and that my disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with others, support them, understand their pain, and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after experiencing very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was overcome by despair. It seemed like I could never be “normal.” And it’s impossible to pretend that my body is the same as that of my peers. I tried to do the usual boy things like swimming or skateboarding, but I was once again convinced that there was a lot in the world that I simply could not do.

The cruel children called me a freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like everyone else. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this did not happen. I wanted to be ordinary, but it didn't work out.

I banged my head against the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I saw no point in living, I suffered from the fact that I was doomed to forever be a burden to my loved ones, I was overcome by dark thoughts. I was lonely even in those moments when my family was next to me. But I was sorely mistaken. What I didn't know in the dark days of my childhood could fill a book. The one you are holding in your hands right now. I want to light the way for you to the other side of grief, where you will become stronger, more persistent, and filled with the desire to change your life in ways you never dreamed of.

If you have the desire and desire to do something and that "anything" is in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. This is very important! To be honest, I didn’t always believe it myself. If you have seen any of my conversations on the Internet, you probably felt that the happiness that overwhelms me is the result of a long journey. At first I didn't have what I needed. And what I lacked, I found along the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need:

– A powerful sense of the meaning of life.

– Hope, strong to the point of unshakability.

– Faith in God and His infinite mercy.

– Love and acceptance of oneself.

– Correct attitude towards life.

- Strength of spirit.

– Readiness for change.

- Strong heart.

– Willingness to look for opportunities.

– The ability to assess risks and laugh at life.

– Desire to serve people.

Nick Vujicic

Life without boundaries. The path to an amazingly happy life

© 2010 by Nicholas James Vujicic

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2012

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Series “Psychology. Crossroads of fate"

“Wild. A dangerous journey as a way to find yourself"

For connoisseurs of high-quality prose, lovers of thoughtful reading. The story of a woman who hiked the wild Pacific Crest Trail alone and captivated the world. The book is a bestseller with many awards!

“God never blinks. 50 lessons that will change your life"

The book in which Regina Brett turned her famous 50 lessons into deeply personal, sometimes funny and often moving essays. This emotional book will make readers think about their lives and help them make it a little better.

"The Last Lecture"

Randy Pausch wrote "The Last Lecture" when he learned he had months to live. This is a story about how to live. How to appreciate every moment. How to be sensitive to children's dreams. How to live in such a way as not to waste a second of precious time. This is a chance for each of us, who has many, many years ahead, to understand now: what should I do?

“Life without boundaries. The path to an amazingly happy life"

A book by Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. This is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In his book, Nick formulated rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

“Unstoppable. The incredible power of faith in action"

The second book by the famous speaker, author of the bestseller “Life without Borders” - Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. In the book, Nick talks about the problems and difficulties that we face every day and explains how to overcome these difficulties and become unstoppable.

God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Toth family of San Diego, California, I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism was the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without arms and legs, but I don’t blame fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I encourage everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling their dreams. In this book I will tell you about my path. Of course, some obstacles were faced only by me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own purpose of life. Your life should be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that there was no hope or future for a person like me. They thought I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is beyond what we could have ever dreamed of. Every day I communicate with many people by phone, email, text and Twitter. People approach me in airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their life. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could never have imagined that my disability—my “burden”—could become a blessing, and that my disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with others, support them, understand their pain, and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after experiencing very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was overcome by despair. It seemed like I could never be “normal.” And it’s impossible to pretend that my body is the same as that of my peers. I tried to do the usual boy things like swimming or skateboarding, but I was once again convinced that there was a lot in the world that I simply could not do.

The cruel children called me a freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like everyone else. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this did not happen. I wanted to be ordinary, but it didn't work out.

I banged my head against the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I saw no point in living, I suffered from the fact that I was doomed to forever be a burden to my loved ones, I was overcome by dark thoughts. I was lonely even in those moments when my family was next to me. But I was sorely mistaken. What I didn't know in the dark days of my childhood could fill a book. The one you are holding in your hands right now. I want to light the way for you to the other side of grief, where you will become stronger, more persistent, and filled with the desire to change your life in ways you never dreamed of.

If you have the desire and desire to do something and that "anything" is in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. This is very important! To be honest, I didn’t always believe it myself. If you have seen any of my conversations on the Internet, you probably felt that the happiness that overwhelms me is the result of a long journey. At first I didn't have what I needed. And what I lacked, I found along the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need.