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DIY brick stove for home. More detailed information on working with regular brick laying. General recommendations for laying a brick oven

Brick kilns for a house using wood, in some situations they are a necessity, since they may be the only opportunity to heat a residential building due to the lack of gas supply and in order to save electricity. However, very often stoves are installed additionally, as they can not only save the family budget from unnecessary expenses, but also bring comfort to the house, providing it with special healing warmth.

Despite the emergence of various modern species heating, brick ovens remain in demand today. This encourages both engineers and craftsmen to continue working on new designs, which is why more and more advanced, functional and heat-intensive heating structures appear.

There are quite a lot of models of brick kilns, and choosing the right one from them will not be difficult. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account several important conditions that are mandatory for the effective and safe operation of this home assistant - a real stove.

Variety of furnace designs

Brick stoves, according to their functionality, can be divided into three main categories: cooking, heating-cooking and heating structures. Besides them? There are also multifunctional options, including a fireplace, a hot water tank and even a water circuit - for heating an area larger than the building itself can heat alone. Therefore, if you decide to install a brick stove in your house, first of all you need to decide on the choice of model.

  • The cooking version of the stove is usually chosen for installation in dacha conditions, if the owners live there only during the summer season. Sometimes such a stove is installed in a private home in addition to gas or electric heating - in order to save fuel, which is more expensive than wood. A hob is usually equipped with a hob, an oven, and sometimes a hot water tank. It usually has a fairly compact size, but is still capable of heating the room in which it is installed. It should be noted that this option will not be superfluous in any house, especially since this building itself will not take up much space.

A heating and cooking stove is a whole multifunctional complex

  • A heating and cooking stove is a complex that may include several functions necessary for everyday use - this includes a hob, an oven, a tank for heating water, and niches for drying plant products, a couch, a fireplace, and sometimes a water circuit. This design will help out in any situation, so it is most often installed in cases where there is no other heating in the house. However, they are often in no hurry to abandon such stoves even if there are gas boiler heating.

  • The heating stove is intended only for heating a house or bathhouse. The design does not have a hob or oven, but a water heating tank can be built in and a fireplace function can be present. Such a stove can heat two or even three small rooms, if properly installed in the walls between rooms.

In addition to the functional purpose, it is necessary to decide on the shape and size of the stove. This criterion will depend on the layout of the house and the area that can be allocated for its installation. You also need to take into account the heat capacity of the structure, that is, an indicator that determines how much area the selected stove can heat.

Thus, large stoves with thick walls are able to distribute heat over a large area, but the duration of their combustion to achieve heating is about 1.5–2 hours. Compact, small-sized stoves heat up and release heat much faster, approximately within 35-40 minutes. Moreover, in order to heat them, less fuel is required, which means they are more economical. Therefore, when choosing a model, you must definitely find out its power characteristics and what area they are designed for.

Choosing a location for installing a brick kiln

The stove can be installed in different places in the room, but its most optimal location would be to be built into the walls between adjacent rooms. In this case, with a small area of ​​the house, you can get by with one heating structure, if the heat-transferring surface is proportional to the size of the rooms into which they open.

The location chosen for construction must be carefully measured and some points taken into account:

  • The height of the ceiling of the room is important, since the brick stove must fit well into the space in terms of its height.
  • The foundation for the furnace must be 110÷120 mm larger than its base, and an area of ​​suitable size must also be provided for it.
  • When laid upward, the chimney pipe should not collide with the floor beams or rafters of the roof structure.

Basic materials and components for laying a brick oven

In addition to bricks and mortar, other materials and elements will be required to build a stove. Their nomenclature, quantity and size will depend on the selected model of the heating structure.

So, the following cast iron components may be required for a brick stove:

1 – door of the ash pan (blower);

2 – combustion door;

3 – doors for installation on cleaning channels;

4 – chimney duct valve;

5 – burner rings installed on the hob holes;

6 – hob;

7 – grate.

In addition to cast iron, you will need to prepare some steel parts or assemblies that are included in the design of the stove. This could be:

  • Oven.
  • Hot water tank.
  • Metal strips of different lengths and widths.
  • A metal corner, most often measuring 50x50 mm.
  • Annealed steel wire with a diameter of 2÷3 mm.
  • Steel sheet for decking in front of the firebox.
  • Roofing iron - sometimes required to cover the cooking chamber.

For the masonry itself, you will need materials that are selected in accordance with the masonry diagram and the list (table) usually attached to it:

  • Red brick.
  • Fireclay brick.
  • Components for clay mortar - sand and clay, or ready-made heat-resistant mixture, sold in specialized stores.
  • Materials for the foundation - they can be different: crushed stone, broken brick, sand and cement, rubble stone, boards for formwork, roofing felt for waterproofing.
  • Asbestos sheet and cord.

Marking and arrangement of the foundation

It is impossible to begin work on laying a furnace if a reliable foundation has not been created for this structure, since the structure will turn out to be very massive.

  • First, there is a marking of the place where the base for the stove will be installed - the foundation. It should be taken into account that the chimney pipe, when passing through the attic floor, must pass at a distance of no less than 120÷150 mm from the wooden beams.

To accurately determine the place where the floor boards will be cut for the foundation, a plumb line is used, which is fixed to the ceiling at the required distance from the floor beam. After the plumb line stops, a mark is made on the floor at one of the corners of the stove. Also, the remaining corner parts are marked with dots, and then the resulting plan is verified with a building level and a corner. Next, you should draw the shape of the future foundation on the floor (as already mentioned, it should be wider than the stove base by at least 100 - 150 mm in each direction). Based on the resulting markings, the floor boards will be cut out so as to reach the ground.

Here it should be immediately noted that the foundation of the stove and the house should not be common. Moreover, they should not be connected. The shrinkage of the foundations of the stove and the house itself are different, and it may turn out that with a connected foundation, one building will pull another along with it.

  • Next, the floor boards are cut out and dismantled, and a pit is dug in the exposed soil, at least 500 mm deep from the surface of the earth.
  • The foundation can be made of rubble stone or brick. If the base is built from rubble stone, then installation of formwork in the pit is not required. It is enough to lay the dirt-free stone in layers, each of which is filled with concrete mortar. It is very important to ensure that there are no unfilled voids between the masonry stones.

  • The masonry above the ground continues in the formwork, made in the form of a box, the boards of which must be tightly fitted to each other. To ensure that the solution dries evenly and the liquid is not absorbed into the wood of the formwork, it is recommended to cover it from the inside with dense polyethylene, which is secured with staples on the boards.
  • The foundation must be 140 mm below the finished floor level.
  • The surface of the rubble-cement base is leveled for the next stage of work.
  • Next, two rows are mounted on a flat and dry surface. brickwork, and after the solution has dried, two layers of roofing felt are laid on it, which acts as waterproofing.

It is also quite possible to completely pour the foundation slab into the formwork and install a steel reinforcing structure. True, the consumption of concrete solution in this case will be much higher.

Preparing bricks for masonry work

As you know, the main material for laying a furnace is red brick of normal firing. Well, the walls and bottom of the firebox are laid out from fireproof fireclay material. You can, of course, use selected red brick for the combustion chamber, but you need to take into account that its service life is much shorter than fire-resistant brick.

First of all, the purchased brick must be carefully sorted and those that have significant cracks and chips must be rejected. If used brick is used for masonry, it must be cleaned of soot and old mortar.

The prepared red brick is soaked in water for at least 12–14 hours. Fireclay only needs to be rinsed with water before use to remove dust.

The preparation process also includes splitting bricks into pieces, since when laying a furnace, not only whole bricks are needed, but also halves, ¾ - three-quarters, ¼ - quarters and even sometimes smaller fragments. To make it easier to determine the parts of the brick by size, the handle of the pick-hammer is measured and notches are made corresponding to the size of half, ¼ or ¾ of its part.

To obtain the fragmentary parts necessary for masonry, the brick is split or chipped. Hewing is carried out if it is necessary to have a brick cut at an angle.

For hewing, bricks that do not have cracks are taken. To do everything correctly, you need to take the brick with your left hand and, holding it in weight, use a pick to mark the area on its edges that needs to be cut off.

The marking is applied at an angle along the marked line. Then the corners are chipped off by hitting the sides of the brick. Hewn surfaces will turn out rough, and in order to bring them to an even, smooth state, they are rubbed in with bricks.

To split a brick into even pieces (this process is called pinning by stove makers), you need to take a high-quality brick without cracks. The pinning process is also carried out by weight.

If a brick needs to be divided in half, it is also taken in left hand, and the part that needs to be separated is measured on it. Then, along the side of the brick, a shallow groove is made along the marked line. After this, the brick is turned over with the groove down, and a sharp blow is applied to it with a hammer strike in the area of ​​the intended line.

Brick splitting techniques - 2

If it is necessary to separate less than half of a whole brick, then a groove is made at the site of the future split on all sides of the brick. In this case, it splits with a strong blow to the furrow on one of the spoon sides. If necessary, you can break off the corner part in the same way.

If you need to split a brick not across, but lengthwise, then the marking is carried out along its side, narrow side, and the groove along the marking is made deeper, since it is much more difficult to split along the brick and can crumble.

If you need to round the corners of a brick, you will need a special tool - this could be a machine or a grinder with a stone wheel.

Preparation of masonry mortar

A very important stage of work can be called the preparation of clay mortar, which is used when laying the main mass of the furnace. You also need to know that clay mortar is not suitable for constructing a chimney or arranging a foundation. For this purpose, concrete mixtures are often used or clay mortar add several parts of cement.

The masonry furnace seam should not exceed 8 mm in thickness, otherwise cracks will appear on it, and through them oxygen can penetrate into the structure, which will reduce the efficiency of the furnace. In addition, during combustion, carbon monoxide can leak into the room, which is extremely dangerous for human health and even life. Therefore, the solution must be prepared from high-quality clay and sifted fine sand with a grain fraction of no more than 1 mm. The solution should be homogeneous, without lumps or foreign inclusions.

Clay solutions are divided into lean, normal and fatty. Their quality directly depends on the correctly selected clay.

  • Thin solutions are not plastic, are fragile and crumble heavily.
  • Normal mixtures have the correct proportions and consist of medium-fat clay and sifted sand. They are moderately plastic, practically do not crack after complete drying, do not shrink strongly and do not change their volume. Therefore, they will be the most suitable option for stove masonry.
  • Fatty solutions are plastic, but tend to crack when drying. But this mixture composition can be corrected by “thinning” it by adding sand.

The correct thickness of the clay solution is no less important than plasticity. Therefore, the consistency of the masonry mixture should resemble medium-thick dough, and when compressed between two wet bricks, it should be easily squeezed out under their weight.

Before mixing the solution, you must check the quality of the clay. The process of checking the finished solution can be carried out in three ways, but first it must be made using the method of selecting ingredients - clay and sand in proportions.

Usually several versions of the solution are prepared in small quantities. Each solution contains different proportions:

  • Pure clay without added sand.
  • Clay 90%, sand 10%.
  • Clay 75%, sand 25%.
  • Clay 25%, sand 75%.

The solutions are mixed well with the addition of water until the consistency of a thick dough that does not stick to your hands. Then you can move on to testing it.

A. From each solution option, balls with a diameter of 35÷40 mm and plates with a thickness of 15÷25 mm are made. All these products are left to dry at room temperature for 7–9 days.

After this time, a check must be carried out. Those products that gave fewer cracks, and the balls thrown from a height of 1000 mm onto the floor did not disintegrate, have the required proportions for stove masonry.

You can compress the solution, rolled into balls, between two wooden plates to a thickness of 7 mm and leave to dry at room temperature. The solution that will produce fewer cracks is selected.

B. Another testing option that does not require a long wait is the tensile test. To do this, flagella 10÷15 mm thick and 120÷170 mm long are made from solutions with different proportions. Then the flagella try to stretch. The mixture that will be suitable is the one from which the rope will break, stretching at the point of break to a thickness of 2–3 mm.

IN. The third option would be to roll the prepared solutions into a rope and roll it around a round wooden stick with a diameter of 40÷50 mm. The solution from which the rope is made, which gave fewer cracks when drying and remained intact, is perfect for masonry work.

Having chosen the optimal solution in proportions, it must be kneaded correctly.

  • The clay is soaked for one to two days, and then, while wet, is rubbed through a sieve made of a metal mesh with cells of 3÷3.5 mm.
  • The sand is sifted.
  • Next, the required amount of clay and sand is measured out according to the experimentally determined proportions, and then thoroughly mixed until smooth.

A properly prepared solution does not lose its adhesive properties indefinitely. If it dries out, just add liquid to it and mix well again.

For laying fireclay bricks, a special solution is prepared, consisting of pure clay and fireclay sand in 1:1 proportions.

General recommendations for laying a brick oven

After the foundation has gained the necessary strength, and the bricks, mortar, metal and cast iron parts have been prepared, you can proceed to marking the first row and the masonry itself.

  • Marking the first row.

On a waterproofing sheet (roofing felt), laid on the foundation with an indentation from its edge, the bricks of the first row are laid dry around the perimeter. First, corner bricks are installed, then intermediate bricks along the perimeter; a gap of 5÷6 mm must be left between them, which will be filled with mortar during the test laying. Angles are measured according to the building level and angle. To make sure that the row is laid out evenly, use a tape measure to measure its diagonals - they must have the same length.

The geometry of the first row is extremely important for the entire furnace structure, so measurements must be carried out with the highest possible accuracy. In order not to get lost when performing the control laying, the row laid out dry should be outlined with chalk.

  • Checking row horizontality.

Next, the row is laid out on the solution. A thin layer of mortar is applied to the first, corner brick, and a thicker layer to the second. Then, a building level is installed on the two laid bricks, which is used to press on the second brick, thereby achieving their alignment in a perfectly horizontal plane. In the same way, 3 and 4 bricks are laid out and so on according to the scheme.

  • Carrying out masonry.

In order for the masonry to be even at the corners of the stove, vertical plumb cords are pulled from the outer sides, which are attached to the ceiling and floor. If the stove is being built by a master for the first time, instead of cords it is best to install formwork bars from the ceiling to the floor. They are set to the building level and securely fixed in the correct position.

At this stage, using a trowel or spatula, the solution is applied to the first laid out row in a layer of 9÷10 mm.

A corner brick is laid on top of it. Then the mortar is applied to the end side of the second brick and also leveled. The second brick is laid on the place prepared for it, pressed, and, if necessary, tapped with a hammer. The solution that appears between the rows is selected with a trowel. In this case, it is advisable to carefully clean the bricks immediately so that the mortar does not have time to set.

If you are not sure that the seams will be the same, you can use plastic or wooden calibrator slats with a thickness equal to required thickness seam Such calibration devices are placed on the finished row before installing the next one. You need to prepare enough such slats so that there are enough of them for three rows. Having laid out these rows, the slats are pulled out from the lowest seam and transferred to the top one - and so on until the very top of the structure being built.

If finishing material is not applied to the walls of the furnace, then the seams are carefully processed with a special tool called “jointing”.

Processing seams for jointing

It is very important to take into account that the next row of stove masonry should begin only after the previous one is completely completed. No “ladders” are allowed.

The horizontality of each row is necessarily controlled by the building level.

So that the heated air, circulating through the internal channels, does not encounter obstacles in the form of protruding solution, and smoothly slides along the walls from the combustion chamber to the chimney pipe, the solution must also be removed from the internal walls. This process can be carried out using a sponge brush, which is used to rub in the unset solution, moistening it with water if necessary. Such grouting is carried out upon completion of the laying of every 4-5 rows or if it is necessary to install a vertical ceiling that will close the oven cavity.

If you plan to finish the stove externally, then use a plaster solution consisting of clay, lime and sand in proportions 1:1:3. For heat resistance, 0.2÷0.3 parts of crushed asbestos are added to this composition. True, existing modern sanitary standards do not encourage the use of asbestos in residential premises.

  • Floor installation.

There are quite a lot of different ceilings in the design of any furnace, and they all have their own characteristics, depending on the area of ​​their arrangement.

So, when covering the door of the fuel chamber and the internal openings of the furnace, it is advisable to do this without metal parts.

If a model is selected that has an arched ceiling of the cooking chamber, then the arch is constructed using a special formwork that has a semicircular shape. This formwork is called “circling”.

The laying of arched vaults is carried out with the obligatory bandaging of the seams, which means that there is always an odd number of rows in the vault. In the lower part of the arch, the seams should be perfectly straight and have a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

The vault is laid out from the bottom to the top of the arch, first on one side of the circle, then on the second, and only after that the central final locking row is laid out.

  • Installation of stove cast iron and metal elements.

All metal elements of the furnace, as is known, expand when heated, so thermal gaps must be formed around them, which are created using asbestos material. In some cases, asbestos cord is used, in others, strips of the required width and length are cut from a single sheet of this material. Thus, the door of the combustion chamber and the oven are wrapped with asbestos cord, and strips are laid under the hob.

The metal doors are secured to the masonry joints using wire twists. On the back wall of the metal door frame there are always special “ears” into which the wire is inserted, and then its ends are twisted together.

The wire attached to the lower “ears” is embedded in the seams of the row on which the door is installed, and the upper twists are placed between the rows, one of which will be located on the same level as the top of the door frame, and the second above it.

Before fastening in the seams, the door is aligned to the building level or using a plumb line.

The blower and cleaning door does not require wrapping with asbestos cord, since it does not heat up to very high temperatures. The gaps between them and the brick can be sealed with clay mortar.

If a metal strip is to be used to cover the fire door, then a gasket of asbestos strip must be made between it and the frame.

The smoke valve frame is also mounted on a clay mortar, but this work must be carried out carefully so that the solution does not fall into the grooves of the frame along which the valve must move.

Drying the finished oven

Upon completion of the construction of the furnace, under no circumstances should you heat it immediately at full power, otherwise the entire work will be ruined. Therefore, you first need to dry it, which is carried out in the following order:

  • All doors and valves in the oven are opened, and in this state it is left for a period of 7 to 10 days, depending on the ambient air temperature. In this case, excess moisture from the mortar and the bricks themselves will evaporate naturally.

Forced drying is undesirable, but it has to be used if, say, the temperature outside is not high enough for the solution to dry out properly. To do this, place an ordinary 200–300 W electric light bulb inside the combustion chamber and leave it burning for the entire drying period, which will last from 6 to 10 days.

  • After this time, the stove begins to be heated with a small amount of wood chips or paper, starting with 0.5 kg of fuel and adding 0.2 kg to this amount daily. This process is carried out over approximately 10 days. Well, after this you can begin to fully fire the well-dried structure.

Heating and cooking stove "Swedish" with a stove bench

General characteristics and required materials

This subsection of the publication will present the order of laying a heating and cooking stove equipped with a stove bench. This model of the fundamental “Swedish” type was developed by engineer G. Reznik. The design of such a furnace can be called one of the most popular, since it is distinguished by a simple configuration of internal channels, relatively small dimensions and its high functionality. In addition, the “Swedish” stove, which has a compact size, has a higher efficiency compared to the Russian stove, which occupies a fairly large area of ​​the house.

Heating and cooking stove of the Swedish type, with a warm stove bench, designed by G. Reznik

The “Swede” of this design is convenient in all its parameters. So, if you install it in a wall between two rooms, for example, a kitchen and a bedroom, then a large area of ​​the heated wall will warm the living space, and a warm bed can easily serve as a sleeping place. The kitchen will acquire a convenient hob and drying chambers suitable for various needs, for example, for storing dried vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs for the winter. Moreover, drying will take place under natural conditions, at temperatures optimal for this purpose.

The dimensions of the stove, considering its functional qualities, are quite compact and amount to 765 × 1145 mm (3 × 4.5 bricks) at the base. The dimensions of the bed are 635x1785 mm (2.5x7 bricks). The total height of the structure excluding the mounted pipe is 1890 mm, so it is suitable for rooms with not very high ceilings. With these parameters, the heat transfer from the structure is 3500 W, and the stove is capable of heating rooms with a total area of ​​up to 35 square meters.

The design provides two operating modes - “winter”, when all sections of the stove are heated, and “summer”, which allows you to use only the hob and chamber.

The fuel chamber is lined with fireclay bricks, which increases the reliability and durability of the structure.

The following materials and metal parts are required for masonry:

Name of material and elementsSize in mm or other parametersQuantity in pieces (kg)
Tempered Red BrickM-200866 pcs.
Fireclay fire-resistant brickШ-8139 pcs.
Clayfat180 kg
Sandpurified280 kg
Hob310 x 6501 piece
Grate240 x 4151 piece
Fire door210 x 2501 piece
Cleaning door70 x 1305 pcs.
Blower door140 x 2501 piece
Smoke damper130 x 2501 piece
"Summer run" valve130 x 2501 piece
Steel corner50 x 50 x 5 x 7351 piece
Steel strip50 x 5 x 2504 pcs.
50 x 5 x 36014 pcs.
50 x 5 x 7351 piece
Steel sheet360 x 3751 piece
Pre-furnace sheet500 x 7001 piece

In addition, you need to stock up on a sheet of asbestos and a cord made from the same material - to create thermal gaps between the metal elements and the brick. You will also need annealed steel wire with a diameter of 2÷3 mm - for fastening cast iron and steel structural parts.

The process of laying a Swedish stove with a stove bench

To begin with, here are a few illustrations that will help you better understand the intricacies of the stove design:

You can move on to practical masonry. The table similarly describes each laid out row, indicating its nuances:

Illustration with order diagramBrief description of the operation performed
The first row is 76 bricks.
The first row should be laid out perfectly horizontally, respecting the straight outer and inner corners of the masonry.
Second row - 73 bricks.
The row is also continuous, but smaller than the previous one in size by 50 mm on each side.
In places where the blower and cleaning doors will be installed, cutouts are made along the edge of the brick, 20 mm deep, like a niche.
They are needed for the convenience of subsequent installation of cast iron elements (shown by an arrow).
Next, on the same row, cleaning doors 130x70 mm and ash doors 140x250 mm are installed.
Instead of cleaning doors, some stove makers install halves of bricks, which are laid without mortar.
The third row consists of 35 red and 6½ fireclay bricks.
This row is also smaller than the previous one along the perimeter, but this time when carrying out work, you need to focus on the dimensions indicated in the order.
On this row, a horizontal channel of the stove itself and the stove bench, as well as a blower (ash) chamber, is formed.
Another chamber is formed in the central part of the oven, which will not be used; it is needed to retain heat for a longer time.
The brick on the left side of the blower chamber from above is cut obliquely (shown by an arrow).
The fourth row consists of 35 red and 5½ fireclay bricks.
The bricks installed on the left side of the blower chamber are cut diagonally (shown by the yellow arrow).
The ash door is placed on top with two steel strips measuring 50x5x360 mm (shown by a green arrow).
Fifth row - 30 red and 16½ fireclay bricks.
Cutouts are made in the bricks above the ash chamber (shown by arrows) - a seat for a grate measuring 240x415 mm.
Continuation of the fifth row.
The central chamber is laid across with four steel strips measuring 50x5x250 mm (shown by the yellow arrow).
To increase the heat capacity of the furnace, this chamber can be filled with sand and stones, but it can also be left hollow.
The cast iron grate is put in place (shown by the green arrow).
Sixth row. This row will require 32 ½ red and 18 fireclay bricks.
The horizontal channel will become the base for the vertical chimney.
The space under the bed is divided into 7 parts.
The walls of the furnace fuel chamber are formed around the grate.
The seventh row consists of 36½ red and 11 fireclay bricks.
The vertical chimney is reduced to 190x130 mm by laying it with bricks.
At the same stage, the combustion chamber door 210×250 mm is installed (shown by the arrow).
Eighth row.
It is laid out in accordance with the pattern of 38 red and 12 fireclay bricks.
The ninth row consists of 35½ red and 12½ fireclay bricks.
On this row, a channel is formed between the fuel chamber and the space under the stove bench, which connects to the chimney passages of the stove bench.
The brick, which will be installed between the combustion chamber and the vertical chimney, is cut on both sides in the upper part at an angle (shown by the arrow).
Thus, a passage begins to form between the firebox and the remaining chimney channels of the stove.
Here you need to take into account that the upper part of the combustion door and the top of the brick cut from both sides must be at the same level. If the door was installed one row higher, combustion products would have the opportunity to freely exit into the room when the door of the heating stove was opened.
The tenth row is laid out from 36 red and 8 fireclay bricks.
At this stage of work, the combustion chamber is connected to a vertical channel.
Red and fireclay bricks, located on both sides above the firebox door, are cut off at an angle from above (shown by a yellow arrow), since between them, according to the lock principle, a brick will be laid, cut from below on both sides, also at an angle.
Next, the resulting horizontal channel is divided into two parts - the small right and large left. Some of the bricks forming the channel and located on its left side are cut off diagonally at the top (shown by the green arrow).
On the same row, a red brick and ½ fireclay brick (shown by arrows) are cut into the remaining locking slot above the firebox door.
The 11th row consists of 54 red and 9 fireclay bricks.
At this stage, the space under the bed is blocked with bricks. Its size increases by moving the outermost bricks outward by 30 mm; its exact parameters are shown in the order diagram.
The removal of the walls of the firebox continues, the bricks in it and the smoke exhaust ducts are cut diagonally - on the firebox from above, on the ducts below (shown by yellow and green arrows, respectively).
The 12th row is laid out from 49½ red and 16 fireclay bricks.
On this row, the bed is overlapped for the second time, also with an increase in its size - the outermost bricks move outward by 30 mm.
Three vertical chimney channels are formed along the rear wall of the stove. The middle and left channels are connected from below by a common space, and the right one is combined with the output channel of the couch.
The bricks forming the right and middle channels are cut diagonally from the bottom (shown by yellow arrows).
A groove is cut out in the bricks framing the combustion chamber - a seat for mounting the hob (green arrows). Moreover, the dimensions of each side of the seat should be 5 mm larger than the plate itself.
A hob 310×650 mm is mounted on the same row (shown by an arrow).
The 13th row consists of 49 red and 7 fireclay bricks.
At this stage, the walls of the cooking chamber begin to form.
The bed is covered with a third layer of brick, and its dimensions return to their original size. To do this, the bricks of this row are shifted inward.
In the diagram you can clearly see the emerging vertical channels - the main one located on the left side of the hob and three located along the rear wall.
The 14th row is laid out from 16 red and 4 fireclay bricks.
Only the stove is being built from this row, since the laying of the stove bench is already completely finished.
Two halves of bricks are placed in the back wall of the furnace, which should protrude 25 mm beyond the masonry (shown by arrows).
They are needed so that they can be removed to clean the channels.
The 15th row consists of 14½ and 3 fireclay bricks.
When laying it out, the same brick halves are installed above the brick halves installed below (shown by arrows).
The 16th row is laid out in accordance with the diagram, and consists of 15 red and 3 fireclay bricks.
The 17th row is also produced according to the presented scheme, from 14½ red and 3 fireclay bricks.
The 18th row consists of 14 red and 2½ fireclay bricks.
A passage is made in the left wall of the cooking chamber (shown by an arrow), where the ventilation door of the cooking chamber will be installed, which is opened during cooking.
18th row. Next, on the same row, a 70x130 mm door is installed in the left ventilation passage (shown by the yellow arrow).
Then, a steel strip 50x5x735 (green arrow) is laid on the walls of the cooking chamber to cover it, and a corner of 50x50x5x735 mm (blue arrow) is placed on their edge.
The 19th row consists of 16 ½ red and 3 fireclay bricks.
At this stage, the front part of the cooking chamber is covered with brick.
The brick is laid on a steel strip and angle.
Further, on the same row, the cooking chamber is completely covered with a sheet of roofing iron 360×375 mm (shown by a yellow arrow), on top of which five steel strips 50×5×360 mm (green arrows) are laid.
The metal sheet gives the ceiling of the cooking chamber a cultivated appearance.
The 20th row consists of 20½ red and 5 fireclay bricks.
They completely cover the cooking chamber, and on the main chimney channel a seat is cut out of the bricks (shown by an arrow) for installing a “summer” valve.
Next, on the same row, the 130x250 mm valve itself is installed on the seat (shown by the arrow).
Row 21, its laying involves the use of 21 red and 5 fireclay bricks.
A row is laid out according to the diagram. The bricks framing the left vertical channel from the side of the main smoke exhaust channel in the upper part are cut obliquely (shown by the yellow arrow).
The brick laid between the middle and right vertical channels is cut diagonally on both sides (green arrow).
The 22nd row consists of 17 red bricks.
When laying out this row, the left and main, as well as the middle and right channels are combined.
The formation of two drying chambers is underway.
In the rear wall of the large drying chamber and the rear wall of the combined main and left channels, half a brick is installed, which can be removed if necessary to clean the channels (shown by arrows).
The 23rd row consists of 16½ red bricks.
To cover the area of ​​the left vertical channel, three steel strips 50x5x360 mm are laid above it (shown by arrows).
The 24th row is laid out from 20 ½ red bricks.
At this stage, the left vertical channel is blocked with bricks, leaving only a hole measuring 130x260 mm for the main chimney channel.
The bricks that form the back wall of the main chimney duct are cut diagonally from below (shown by the yellow arrow).
Two steel strips 50x5x360 mm (green arrows) are laid on the front part of the drying chamber.
The 25th row consists of 30 red bricks.
At this stage, the right and middle vertical channels are overlapped, as well as the front part of the large and entire small chamber.
The open space of the large drying chamber is then covered with two 50x5x360 mm steel strips (shown by arrows).
The bricks in the masonry of the side and front sides of the stove are moved forward by 30 mm. The drawing shows the dimensions that should result from this offset.
The 26th row is laid out from 31½ red bricks.
At this stage, the entire top of the stove is completely covered, except for the hole for the main smoke exhaust duct.
This row continues the expansion of the previous one, that is, it also has the front and parts of the side sides protruding outward by another 30 mm each.
All dimensions of the protrusions are indicated on the order drawing.
The 27th row consists of 26 red bricks.
At this stage, the size of the rectangular plane returns to the original one, that is, the bricks are shifted from the edge, according to the dimensions indicated on the diagram.
The 28th row is laid out from 5 red bricks, and is the base of the mounted pipe.
Cutouts are made from the inner edges of the bricks (shown with a yellow arrow) for a seat for a 130x250 mm chimney damper.
After this, the valve itself is installed (green arrow).
The 29th row also consists of 5 red bricks, and is the second row of the mounted pipe.
Next comes the further laying of the chimney.

If you listen to all the recommendations and carefully follow the ordering diagram, this stove, which has a fairly simple design of channels and sections, can be built even by a novice stove maker. The main thing in this work is to take your time and accurately carry out the configuration of each of the rows.

As a “bonus” - a video describing the process of laying a compact brick stove for a summer cottage.

Video: how to build a compact brick stove for a summer residence

Author Nikolay Strelkovsky, editor-in-chief

    • Laying out the furnace structure
  • Features of bricklaying and seam dressing
    • How to lay a convector, shield and vaults

At the design stage of a private house, the question often arises: what kind of heating to use in the future home. In order not to depend on central heating, you can build a stove for your home with your own hands. This type of structure is most often made of brick. This device will create special comfort in a private home and improve the well-being of residents and guests of the home.

A stove in a private house is usually built so as not to depend on central heating.

The main types of brick structures are the following:

  1. Heating design. It is used to heat a separate room or the entire private house if the building is small.
  2. Cooking stove. Used for cooking, drying fruits, etc.
  3. Heating and cooking stove. The design performs the functions of the previous two stoves.

A modern stove for a private home, built from high-quality brick, will effectively generate heat and create a cozy atmosphere in a private home. This product is completely fireproof and does not produce smoke.

Items you will need to make a stove for your home with your own hands:

  • fire brick;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • combustion door;
  • blower door;
  • valve;
  • grate;
  • sieve;
  • Bulgarian;
  • trowel;
  • a log or sledgehammer made of wood;
  • cement;
  • water.

The first step is to make a foundation for the stove. To do this, you need to install wooden formwork in the pit. After this, the structure will need to be filled with concrete mortar. The base should be approximately 15 cm wider than the dimensions of the stove being manufactured. The upper level of the base should be 20 cm lower than the floor base. The foundation should be perfectly level so that the first row of bricks can be laid correctly.

How to choose a stove diagram for a brick house

The cooking oven is equipped with a stove.

The simplest type of oven is a gas-type series convector oven. Dutch structures are built according to this channel scheme. The advantage of this scheme is that such stoves have a plastic design. The convector is connected to the firebox exclusively by heat, so a channel stove can be designed for any finished room. The disadvantage is that the efficiency of these devices rarely exceeds 40%. Installing a water heater will be quite difficult: a powerful heat flow will circulate in the stove body, any violation of which can lead to a drop in efficiency and the appearance of large quantities of soot.

The best heating and cooking stove is considered to be Swedish. The efficiency of such a design can reach 60-70%. It is a stove with a chamber, which consists of a channel convector stretching from floor to ceiling. In a chamber design, gases will heat the cooking surface, while some of the heat will flow into the dryer.

The main advantages of the Swedish stove are the following:

  1. The convector and oven do not have energy feedback from the firebox element, so a heat exchanger of the DHW system with a storage tank can be built into the oven. The container itself can be placed on the roof or in the drying chamber.
  2. Flue gases burn out in the chamber part of the stove. They will go into the convector with a temperature of less than 800ºС, so it can be made of ordinary brick. The building material is laid out on a mortar of cement and sand.
  3. A tall convector will heat the room evenly across the height.
  4. Part of the flue gases from the chamber exit can be redirected to the stove bench, and then returned to the convector. IN in this case the stove parameters will not deteriorate.
  5. The dimensions of the convector can vary, so the design will fit perfectly into the finished house.
  6. The stove is capable of heating 3-4 rooms at the same time.
  7. If you open the oven door, a powerful stream of radiant heat will come out of it, due to which residents of a private house can quickly warm up.

A significant disadvantage of this design is that in this case there are high requirements for the quality of materials. It will be necessary to build a foundation under it, since without it the structure will be fragile. Only a professional stove maker can make a Swedish stove.

In some cases, bell-type furnaces are installed, the efficiency of which exceeds 70%. This design is self-regulating: flue gases will not escape into the chimney until they burn out under the hood and give off heat to the stove. The hood product has the property of a view: if the door is not closed in time, the hot gases under the hood will not allow cold air from the heat to flow through, as a result of which the stove will not cool down.

You should know that it is very difficult to make this oven with your own hands. This device can be used exclusively for heating premises; it will not be possible to build a cooking surface into it. Heat extraction for a water heater is possible only in two-bell stoves, which have an even more complex design. Therefore, such devices are used quite rarely today.

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How to make a brick stove for your home: design example

Diagram of the Swedish oven.

To build a stove, you will need some stove accessories: metal doors and valves. They can be purchased at any hardware store. You will also need to prepare a solution of clay and sand. Clay can be found on your own plots. Most often it is located under fertile soil. However, it is best to purchase a ready-made solution.

To prepare the bricks for the ash pit, you will need to use an angle grinder. The brick for the stove must have the correct shape so that all work is carried out quickly and efficiently. There is no need to rush in the process of building a stove; an inexperienced stove maker can lay a maximum of 22-25 bricks per day. To obtain a flat and straight stove, you will need to use steel corners or wood strips. These elements are installed at the corners of the structure.

Cracks may appear in the brick mass. To avoid this, you will need to use selected high-quality bricks.

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Laying out the furnace structure

The laying of the first row of bricks must be carried out as accurately as possible, since the correct construction of the entire structure will depend on this row. In the process of laying out the second row, you will need to provide for the creation of a door for the blower. The ash pan is made on the third row, so the size building material, from which it is made, is ¾ of the size of other bricks.

In order to lay out the stove correctly and not make a mistake anywhere, you should have order.

On the fourth row, the construction of the ash pit ends. On the next row there is a ramp for the grate. In rows 5-15 it is recommended to use a mixture that is used for working with refractory bricks. In 6-8 rows, a large stove door is installed. To do this, the walls must be thoroughly lubricated with masonry mortar so that the firebox is as smooth as possible. The walls of the firebox are laid out in rows 9-12. Next, the arch of the firebox is formed. After this, a row is laid out that will be used to secure the firebox. On at this stage The convector is being installed. In this case, the walls should be as smooth as possible.

To be able to remove combustion products, you will need to install a special pipe. It can be made of ceramic bricks or steel.

Some owners of private houses build complex structures that include an open fireplace and a brick stove. In this case, you can admire the open fire and heat your home. However, if you want to save some money cash, you can build a closed stove for your home with your own hands. An interior solution that will allow you to admire an open fire can be the use of stove doors made of heat-resistant glass.

Brick stoves have the highest efficiency. It is not difficult to care for them, since they are designed exclusively for heating buildings. The thickness of the walls of such furnaces is ½ brick, and therefore the structures are able to maintain optimal temperature in the premises.

If the outside temperature is approximately -20ºС, then you can heat the stove once a day. If there is a lower temperature, the stove will have to be heated several times a day.

If you plan to heat two-story house, then you will need to place several structures on each floor.

From time immemorial in Rus', stove masonry has been valued. And today, despite the huge range of fireplaces, many prefer to make brick stoves themselves. At the same time, everyone is trying to use old-fashioned methods both in preparing the mortar and in the method of laying bricks. In our article we will tell you how to properly make brick ovens for your home, drawings with procedures, recommendations from craftsmen, video tutorials and much more. At the end of the article we will publish step by step guide on production sauna stove, and also give general recommendations.

Photo 1 Brick oven

Returning again to the roots, it should be noted that the stove has always been given a central place. This was connected not so much with superstitions, but with the ability to heat the entire house evenly. And today this arrangement is wooden house is optimal.

The design of the furnace includes several basic elements, namely:

  • base - regardless of the area of ​​the furnace, it must be installed on a specially prepared concrete base;
  • body - made of decorative and heat-resistant bricks;
  • view - controls air flow and combustion intensity;
  • valve - controls the amount of heat released into the pipe;
  • combustion door - a door to the combustion chamber through which firewood is placed;
  • blower door - for traction control;
  • cleaning doors - for cleaning chimney channels and pipes;
  • grates - a grate on which firewood is placed and through which air circulates in the stove;
  • barrier - mainly used only in the Russian stove, where a large mouth is provided.

When making brick stoves for the home, drawings with orders are the first thing you need to look for, since in this case there is no need to calculate the number of bricks and the laying radius.

The choice of a stove, as well as a fireplace, depends on the period of residence and use of the room, as well as the materials from which it is planned to make such a structure. To make your choice easier, here is a table of classification of furnaces according to the specified parameters:

In any type of stove, especially in bathhouses, the first laying of bricks is carried out on a waterproofing layer (bitumen or roofing felt), which covers the foundation. In this case, the bricks from the first row are necessarily wetted in water.

How to make a Russian brick oven - drawing with order

Previously, such a stove was in every home, without exception, and performed the function of not only heating, but also cooking. Even today, its exotic “appearance” combines beautifully with various interior solutions. Optimal size, which is suitable even for a small room, will be a 238 x 65 x 127 cm oven.

  • fireclay brick - 1610pcs;
  • solution - 1250 liters in prepared form;
  • screen;
  • samovar;
  • jointing;
  • hammer-pick;
  • shovel for mortar;
  • bracket;
  • rule
  • tamping;
  • mopping

In a Russian stove, the pipe should also be made of brick. Some people prefer to use sealed ready-made structures, which is not a design violation, but the overall style is not respected.

Scheme of a Russian stove

Video 1 We build a Russian stove according to an ancient model

How to make a Buslaev stove

The Buslaevskaya stove (Swedish) is a design ideal for small houses, dachas and country cottages. It differs from the classic Russian stove in that it has a built-in kitchen hearth and hood.

Despite its small dimensions, such a stove very efficiently heats two-level rooms due to bottom heating.

Drawings with the order and description of each stage will help you make such a stove for your home.

Required materials and tools:

  • solid masonry brick (red) 382 pieces;
  • refractory bricks - 43 pieces;
  • doors for the firebox and ash pan;
  • cast iron stove with removable burners 70 x 40 cm;
  • oven - 20 x 30 x 50;
  • valves;
  • grate;;
  • 2 meter corners 4.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • 4 meter strips 4 mm;
  • 4 strips 25 cm thick 2 mm;
  • 1 strip 35 cm thick 3 mm;
  • heat-resistant metal sheet 30 x 28 cm;
  • cast iron stove;
  • trowel (trowel) - for laying the mortar;
  • jointing;
  • hammer-pick;
  • shovel for mortar;
  • bracket;
  • rule
  • tamping;
  • mop.

Scheme of the Buslaevskaya furnace

In the video detailed information about the order and laying of each row

Video 2 Detailed instructions on furnace laying

It is not recommended to replace solid brick with clinker brick. To increase the service life of the stove and complete the style, use tiles - their potential lasts for centuries, is easily dismantled and can be reused to decorate the stove.

How to make a brick sauna stove

When starting work on laying bricks for the stove, you should familiarize yourself with the order. It depends on both the material and the size of the oven. In this case, it is necessary to measure the edges each time. Because with any gap, even a miniature one, smoke will enter the room. The bricks always fit very tightly, which depends not so much on effort. How much from a high-quality prepared solution.

The thickness of the seam in each row of bricks should not be less than 3 mm and more than 5 mm.

Ordering a sauna stove

  1. The first row, as mentioned earlier, must be laid out on a previously prepared base. To do this, the foundation under the furnace is covered with bitumen waterproofing or roofing felt. Wet all bricks from the first row with water.

  1. Install a plumb line with a weight, as shown in the photo

  1. Lay the second and subsequent rows of bricks in a checkerboard pattern.

  1. On the 3rd row, as a rule, the blower door is mounted and reinforced with strong wire.

  1. To securely fasten the door, the bricks around it should be trimmed

  1. On the 4th row, check the evenness of the walls and the future stove using a plumb line

  1. The laying of the ash pit and grate begins from the same row. Before installing the grate, make holes in the surrounding bricks that will level out expansion when heated.

  1. In the 6th row, a door for the blower is installed. In the 7th, a door for the firebox and a grate are installed. From the 8th row, the laying of the chimney begins, which continues until the fourteenth inclusive. On the 14th row, corners are mounted, and on the front side an opening is prepared for a container of water. It is imperative to cover the tank and all doors with asbestos.

  1. From rows 15 to 18, the walls are laid out in half a brick and at an angle. This begins the formation of a dividing wall, where each subsequent brick will cover the joint in a checkerboard pattern.

  1. In the nineteenth row, a door is installed that removes steam. Before laying 20-21 rows, steel strips are laid on the bricks to strengthen the fastening (this is where the water container will be installed). Next, the entire container is covered with bricks, possibly even incomplete parts or leftovers.

  • For laying the stove it is recommended to use the so-called. fireclay brick, which contains refractory clay. This brick can withstand even the highest temperatures and does not burst when water gets on it. In addition, the decorative characteristics are beyond praise.
  • When planning to build brick ovens for your home, drawings with procedures and safe operation are the most important things you should pay attention to.
  • The minimum permissible distance from the pipe to the wooden surface is 10 cm;
  • The gap between the roof and the chimney must be insulated with a sheet of metal;
  • The area in front of the stove is insulated with a similar sheet.

Brick stoves are a source of a healthy atmosphere and fresh air (thanks to draft and constant renewal of air in the room); there is no need for additional installation of radiators; such structures accumulate heat well and warm the air simultaneously in several rooms.

Firewood as fuel is cheap, especially if your house is located in a suburban area. And preparing them yourself is very good for health.

During construction, it is necessary to strictly follow all instructions, follow masonry technology, monitor the horizontality of the rows and the verticality of the walls. This will avoid distortion of the structure and possible breakdowns.

The optimal location of the stove is in the center of the house.

Types of wood-burning stoves for a brick house

  • — Heating;
  • — For cooking (predecessors of modern stoves);
  • — Cooking and heating (a combination of the two previous models);
  • — Special (the design is intended for special needs - drying clothes, etc.).

Heating stove with oven - step by step

It is advisable to carry out construction in the summer, at a constant air temperature.

For construction you will need: 220 bricks, three doors for the firebox (13x13 centimeters), a cleaning door (14x14 cm), a cast iron stove (38x35 cm), an oven (32x28x42 cm), a valve (27x13 cm), a sheet of asbestos cement, a grate - grate (20x30 cm), steel strip 4 mm thick (35x25 cm).

Laying instructions:

Before laying, we must build a foundation. We select the type of foundation after examining the type of soil and level groundwater. We wait for the foundation to completely harden and begin construction.

We print out the drawing, prepare a tape measure and a building level. Before construction, it is recommended to lay out the stove without mortar as a practice to avoid mistakes. We will number the rows along the course of the laying for convenience. Be sure to use plumb lines and check the quality of the brick (no chips or cracks). Soak the bricks in water.

First two rows lay out according to the drawing, continuous. To do this you will need 10 bricks for each row.

In the third row We lay the ash pit and install the blower door (we attach it to wire and special metal fasteners).

4 : We build this row, checking the order, building up the walls.

5 : we build a brick ceiling over the ash door, lay the grate (don’t forget to leave a small gap from the metal grate to the brickwork, pour sand into the gap).

Seventh and eighth row– we build up the walls, observing the order, again checking the drawing.

In the ninth row We lay bricks on top of the firebox door, creating a ceiling above it. In this row we begin to build a smoke collector and finish it by the eleventh row.

To separate the cooking area and the smoke exhaust channel, we lay a strip of steel, which will additionally support the bricks laid on edge. We fix the cast iron hob (row number 12).

From the thirteenth to fifteenth row We lay out the bricks “on edge”. We cover the cooking chamber with a layer of asbestos cement.

Sixteenth row– we build the bottom of the first channel, which will be located horizontally.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth We install a cleaning door in the rows and build up the walls of the oven.

Nineteenth row– block the door from above with bricks. We form a jumper in the center of the smoke circulation.

Twentieth row according to the drawing (we build the walls of the furnace by tying the previous row).

The next two rows (21-22)- this is the construction of a cleaning hole and the completion of the smoke circulation masonry.

After this, we install the oven, and up to the 27th row we make the masonry according to the drawing. In rows 27 and 28 we leave space between the bricks to clean the oven.

Then we completely cover the furnace and install the valves (29-31).

From the thirty-second row We build a chimney and take the chimney to the street.

How to light a brick stove with wood

We inspect the furnace and pipes for cracks. If there are any, cover them with a clay solution. We clean the stove from combustion products. We prepare the firewood. We warm up the chimney. We put firewood in the firebox, leaving the ash door ajar for air access. To ensure even burning of the firewood, stir it with a poker as it burns. It is optimal to add additional firewood after the formation of the first coals.

Making a wood-burning stove for your home: Instructions for building a brick stove

This stove is optimal for heating two rooms or a house with an area of ​​30-40 sq.m.

The stove has three smoke channels located vertically. Their length is more than four meters. It has two firing modes - summer and winter.

For work we purchase:

  • ceramic bricks full-bodied grades M175 - 400 pieces;
  • — fire-resistant bricks – 20 pieces (ШБ8);
  • — two-burner cast iron stove 70x40 cm;
  • - valves 28x18 cm - 2 pieces;
  • — fire door 27x30 cm;
  • — 2 blower doors 15x16 cm;
  • — tools for masonry (trowels, containers for mortars, etc.).

We build a foundation for the furnace and begin laying out the first row. It is the most important, as it determines the dimensions of the furnace. The thickness of vertical seams is no more than 8 mm.

Second row: we bandage the initial row and lay the foundation for the fireproof cutting.

Third row: we form a chamber for collecting ash and install the ash door.

Fourth row: we continue the construction of the ash collection chamber. And in the future we will line the combustion chamber with fireclay bricks. In the same row, we fasten the cleaning door and form the lower horizontal channel.

Fifth row: we cover the blower door with one solid brick, since its length is only 14 cm. We continue the construction of a horizontal channel and a fire separation between the stove and the walls of the house.

Sixth row: we overlap the cleaning door and the horizontal lower channel. At the same time, we see two vertical smoke channels of 12x12 cm being formed.

Let's designate the left channel as 1 (it will be directly connected to chimney), the right one - number 3 (a long channel for the passage of gases and heating the stove in winter). The dimensions of the release channel are 25X12 cm.

Seventh row: we continue to form the channels and install the combustion door.

Eighth row: we tie row number seven and form the second vertical channel of the oven.

We install the summer valve. If it is opened, the smoke will flow directly into the chimney without overheating the room. If the valve is closed, the flue gases will enter channel number 3 and travel along a long path, heating the entire furnace structure and, accordingly, the room.

The ninth row is similar to the eighth. We are preparing a support for installing the locking cover of the fire door.

Tenth row: close the combustion door and connect channel 1 and channel 2. Here the transition of flue gases from the second channel to the first will occur when firing in winter mode.

We cut out slots for the grate from fireclay bricks and place them inside the oven. We insulate the back wall with mineral wool.

We continue laying the walls of the furnace and laying the grate.

We lay a cast iron slab 40x70 cm (11th row).

First, we lay the slab on the bricks “dry” and make a pencil marking of the perimeter of the slab. Using a grinder, we cut out a recess in the brickwork for the stove. The depth of the recess is 10-15 mm. We lay the sealant (asbestos cord). Place a slab on top. We check its horizontality.

Row 12: making a three-channel heating panel.

Such brick wood stoves can quickly heat a room and are suitable for cooking. After completion of construction, it is important to finish the stove with natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles, or plaster the surface.

Video - brick wood stove

Despite the fact that today there is a huge range of electric fireplaces, some still prefer to create a heating structure using the old “grandfather’s methods.” A DIY brick oven is one such option. If you carefully study the diagrams and read various recommendations from experts, as well as watch training videos, you can easily and without problems cope with the task. There are descriptions of Russian stoves in fairy tales; they were beautifully designed and decorated palaces. Today, the approach to the Russian stove has been changed, new advantages have been introduced into its drawings, but the irreplaceable functions remain in demand and attract developers of their own houses or suburban buildings.

Because of natural system traction, heat renewal, brick stoves are considered one of the main sources of human health. Such designs warm up several rooms at once and accumulate heat in the house. If you build it yourself, you will not need to purchase additional heating devices. Firewood, like , is best suited for a private house in a suburban area; finding firewood will not be any particular problem.

Pros of DIY construction

  1. Brick stoves, unlike metal ones, are capable of keep warm for quite a long time in a heated room.
  2. The heat is very peculiar, as people say, it is “soft”. This is explained by the fact that the surface temperature of the brick itself is low, as for example with other metals and alloys: cast iron or steel.
  3. Brick is characterized by incredible healing qualities. It is not for nothing that in ancient times couches there were sleeping places. They warmed themselves there, treated children, dried things and vegetables.
  4. Carefully fold a small stove with your own hands, and it will bring comfort and sophistication. Will become an original interior decoration.
  5. Modern designs make it possible to calculate how much heat a brick oven will give off with a mass chosen by the developer.
  6. Do-it-yourself masonry can divide the heated air into all the rooms located around. Heat spreads evenly over the entire area. Every wall of the heating structure warms.

Another characteristic and at the same time advantage of the furnace is its high efficiency. This indicator means the ratio of the useful amount of heat to the total.

Fuel types

Wood heating

Today it is not particularly popular, although it has a number of advantages.

  • Wood stoves heat up quickly and easily.
  • Fuel does not have a high price, is easily accessible to the majority of the population, and self-collection of firewood is possible.
  • Does not require additional pipes for supplying air and water. Even if you want to make a boiler for heating water, this will not require complex engineering modifications.

But along with the advantages, there are also obvious disadvantages:

  • Enough dimensional in volume. Even the most compact unit requires space. The foundation and structures will occupy most of the kitchen or other room. It will not be possible to assemble a small oven without taking up space.
  • They must be correctly assembled with well-arranged smoke channels. Today it is difficult to find real professionals who know the structure of a brick kiln. There are only a few of them. Any small mistake by the master will lead to problems. The stove will not heat the required area, will not light well, and will smoke.
  • Need constant stock of firewood. It is better to stock them for the season. The firewood must be dry and of the right size. It is recommended that the firewood be different: birch, pine, aspen, spruce. Different situations require different trees. In winter, you need a fire that gives the maximum amount of heat, in summer, in autumn - freshness and drying, in spring - heating, but not a hot fire, but calm warmth.
  • Require special control. It is also necessary to monitor the presence of firewood in the firebox and the integrity of the firebox sheet for the possibility of coal falling out. Carbon monoxide, which is dangerous to humans, needs to be controlled.

Coal heating

An effective and inexpensive fuel option for a brick stove - coal. This option is especially suitable for regions where coal deposits are located. It is important to know that coal emits much more heat, which is why bricks heat up very quickly and collapse over time. To reduce heating, boilers are installed. It's better to make them yourself. Making it yourself will allow you to choose the desired masonry size. Modern wood-burning boilers are equipped with various sensors that regulate the temperature inside the boiler and the house.

Types of construction

Stoves that can be stacked in the house for country residence in summer, several. The Russian stove is characterized by unique advantages. It can be of different types.

Most popular - heating systems. Their purpose is heat transfer. They heat the rooms of the house and create favorable living conditions for people. Heating stoves can be of very minimal sizes, in the form of pillars placed in the corners of rooms, so that they do not occupy the required area. A stove with a beautiful tiled design can be placed in the middle of the entire house in an individual house design. Then it will heat several rooms. Each wall is a separate room.

The next type of oven is food (cooking). It is installed for cooking. Historically, this type is the predecessor of stoves (electric, gas).

There is an option to connect the heating masonry circuit of the furnace with the cooking one. The drawings will show how to correctly combine two functional tasks of furnaces into one. Then the heating device will also be a hob. The oven, like in a fairy tale, will both heat and feed you. There are diagrams of furnaces that are installed to perform certain tasks. For example, drying vegetables, mushrooms, berries, can be used for drying clothes. The stoves of forest huts, hunting lodges, and baths have special designs. Based on drawings heating stove, with the addition of additional conclusions and rows to the diagrams.

Features of the Russian stove

Installed two dampers, blocking the exit of smoke from the chimney. A hog is laid out in the attic. These are masonry parts of a pipe increased in volume. The order seems to be broken and is expanding. It is characterized by laying out numerous niches, shelves, protruding outwards, built inwards. The diagram of a Russian stove by order does not always show their number and location. You can view the architectural additions on video or photos. Niches and shelves are designed for drying and storing kitchen items.

Masonry process

Do-it-yourself masonry technology is quite complex. However, if you study the diagrams and drawings correctly, choose from them simple options, then it will be quite possible to assemble such a product.

As an example to study the stages of construction, the video shows how a simple kitchen stove was built with an S foundation 0.4m 2. This type of oven is usually called "Swede".

Masonry is not a difficult task, however, it requires laying a solid floor base. It can be cement, durable board, stones. Best suited, of course. It is poured depending on the severity of the oven. The video shows the order, which is a step; you need to put it exactly in accordance with it.

  1. After work with the base (foundation), perform it waterproofing. Roofing material is better suited for this. Quarter S of the cover is a rectangle. You need to post a few.
  2. The waterproofing is covered with fine sand.
  3. Upload required 12 bricks in two rows. The important thing is that the received brick wall aligned horizontally. A building level will help you do this.
  4. Lay out on top of the resulting row. Installed iron blower door.
  5. The next row is laid out, which does not provide for the presence of two bricks behind the blower door. It turns out to assemble a kind of niche with your own hands.
  6. It is better to lay fireclay refractory bricks around the perimeter; they are installed on them grate A quarter of the work at the beginning is the third row.
  7. The next row is installed on the edge. Rear wall with projection a quarter out. Called "knocked out", install without using a solution. Then the firebox door is secured.
  8. The fifth row is laid flat again. The sixth one is on the edge, a quarter of a brick. The seventh is flat. The back wall is laid on edge in two bricks.
  9. The eighth door for the firebox closes; it is above this door that you need to assemble specially angled bricks. The purpose of the bricks cut at an angle is to create a closing canopy over the firebox.

This design element allows the stove to be used as a fireplace with the door open. Next the ninth row is placed, it is shifted back a quarter. This is necessary in order to prepare holders for the future hob.

  1. Next you need to collect chimney, its design is possible in two versions: mounted and attached.
  2. The eleventh row is placed along the chimney section. A valve is installed above it. If a mounted one is installed, then three more rows are raised, which are assembled under a cone, and a metal or asbestos pipe is placed and secured on top.
  3. If the decision is made to install an attached pipe, a rectangular column is built behind it. This creates a chimney for smoke. It is into this that, after lifting the masonry up to the knockout bricks, they are knocked out.
  4. The final stage is stove finishing to your liking. The lining is also done by hand.

Features of the stove with oven

The drawings will easily allow you to calculate and sort out the quantity required material. Order schemes show the amount of what is needed: brick, doors, stove, oven, valve, grate, grate. The drawings suggest disassembling the oven row by row. This simplifies construction. Slowly, you can disassemble each row, without deviating from the diagram, and the oven will completely correspond to the picture. If there is an error in any row, it can be sorted out. Experienced craftsmen suggest first assembling the oven without mortar. This will also be training and will allow you to avoid construction mistakes. Experience will allow you to make a stove, and not disassemble each row due to misunderstandings and deviations. The stove with oven differs in that it is mounted inside the brickwork cooking chamber.