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This is an accomplished man. Educational hour: “Up the ladder of life” A person has achieved success in life

“The system constantly persecutes the individual and imposes on him a certain role, demonstrating its necessity. And the one who attacks it, be it a schizophrenic or a revolutionary, always belongs to the system.

Large systems throughout history have not left evidence of anyone achieving the greatest internal result. They gave birth to heroes, saints, but did not tell what was the strength that became an example for society, vitality, emotional attachments, sublimated ideals of their inner world. factual error– Approx. I.L. Vikentieva)

If, for example, some saint reported that he truly felt existential satisfaction, experienced glory, the feeling of achieving success in life. But no. My research into the psychology of the saints and heroes of the system showed that they were all gripped by intense fear. (Antonio Meneghetti Not provides any data confirming his thesis - Note. I.L. Vikentyev).

The subject behaved in accordance with the rules provided by the system as a means of escape, a last internal refuge from the fear of risk. In this case, trying to free himself from it, he goes where others advise him, where he is promised peace. In this case, a person stands under the banner of truth without possessing it, the truth that brings satisfaction. Despite the inconsistency of this approach, the system is irremovable. Forced to rely on what everyone else believes, we are thus reduced to agreeing with the statement that the truth is where others point.

Life will not change depending on whether one person, everyone, or no one believes in it. When people express themselves, stage spectacles or participate in liturgy, they are carried away by the phenomenon, forgetting about the noumena, the point of origin of life. Not a line has been written about the lives of accomplished people. (This statement by Antonio Meneghetti is a factual error– Approx. I.L. Vikentieva)

Those who were successful were never part of any system. I refer to the definition of “accomplished” as a person who is infinitely tolerant of any system, since he already knows that every system, as such, impedes the movement of life and, therefore, is a temporary structure, serving those who do not know how to govern themselves.

An accomplished person knows that no system can give what is truth, life: a system does not give strength, it offers a letter, a number, an installation. The system can indicate what to do, but it cannot be asked: is this true, will it be for the benefit of the individual? Faced with such a question, every system cancels itself. Even the most sophisticated religion, when asked about self-realization, offers hope, the implementation of which cannot be demonstrated, thereby inevitably sending the subject back to the realm of faith and forcing him to flee from reality.

An accomplished person, on the contrary, after training continues to move forward, guided by evidence and beginning to learn how, where and when life itself manifests itself. He who constantly strives to avoid the thousand unnecessary roads calling to him continually rejects everything. closed systems, leads a lifestyle that represents constant self-affirmation in all areas of existence: if he wants money, he knows how to create a system-appropriate means to achieve his goal; in this sense, he is more accurate than any lawyer, since he is already included in the system, while an accomplished person knows how to use the “machine”, how to use the very essence, the mind of the stereotype so that it functions for the benefit of the person himself. If he wants recognition, friendship, love, health, then he is able to use various systems to obtain pleasure.

And pleasure for him lies in independence from all systems; This is the path not of attack, not of counter-revolution, but of the skillful use of system programs.

When a system is dysfunctional for his individuation, he can annul all systems, as if erasing them from his own mind. An accomplished personality knows how to arrive at a certain place, at a certain moment, at a certain simple part of himself, concentrate in this small space and mediate the whole, mediate many things, both the system and being, according to his needs.

An accomplished individual does not believe in any system or science, not because he rejects them, but because he considers them in relation to the use of the situation, trusting only himself. (A person has the right not to believe in science - very often this leads to eclecticism, shamanic techniques, etc. - Note by I.L. Vikentyev).

In essence, the realized “I” is capable of accepting any thing with modest tolerance, with calm indifference, while remaining, on the contrary, extremely attentive to the minimal movements of life. To grasp grace and truth in love, in money, in the pleasant use of all these internal and external feelings, within any of your intellectual journeys - this is the normal practice of the developed Self. He no longer discovers the truth, he knows how to create it. It can also be assumed that the lives of successful individuals were described, but due to some internal necessity the system destroyed these works.

Modern culture, in a certain sense, perpetuates biographies of any level - from the biographies of saints to the biography of Count Dracula, from the hero to Bluebeard. But the description of the life of an accomplished person must be destroyed. This happens for at least two reasons. Firstly, the system, using its codes, will not be able to read such a description, will not understand it and, therefore, will not be able to transmit it further. Secondly, this is done to protect the system's programs. The loss of internal depth and grace is explained not by the fact that the system is bad or was pre-programmed that way, but by its internal logic: the system, ultimately, represents the logic of the majority, protecting the numerical superiority of those who have not achieved formation, have not been realized.”

Antonio Meneghetti, System and Personality, M., NNBF “Ontopsychology”, 2007, p. 105-108.

About what kind of person can we say “he has succeeded”? and got the best answer

Answer from Arthur Valiev[guru]
🙂 The question is actually very difficult.
There is probably some kind of self-deception hidden here. After all, an accomplished person is more likely not an assessment of society. And his personal worldview. Therefore, when we evaluate another person as an “accomplished person,” we miss his personal opinion - whether he has succeeded or not.
I have also met those who held high positions and at the same time had eyes full of fear for their place. I also met “ordinary” workers with a confident look and strong principles. Therefore, it depends little on the situation in society. True, such people have authority and their word is significant (but it is unlikely that everyone with authority is successful).
There lived such a man - Maslow (Maslov). Anyone undergoing training in sales psychology knows his pyramid of needs. So, at the end of his life he revised his approach to analyzing human goals. And he brought out a new component - a self-realized person. This concept probably comes closest to an “accomplished person.” And in their latest books he even lists those characteristic features, which can tell you that this is a self-realized person. Among them, he names the need for solitude and loss from social life.
Probably, if you believe him, then an accomplished person is a person who strives to leave society. Or in other words - a dead person for society.
By the way, remembering the Christian “only lost grain can be reborn into a better life” - you understand the depth of this question.

Reply from Vladimir Shlyakhtin[guru]
Over which the funeral service was read. And if you breathe, everything is still ahead... In my opinion, a similar question has already been (took place). Sincerely.

Reply from Catherine[guru]
It’s not you who should say something, but he should recognize himself as such

Reply from Isis[guru]
It seems to me that in this matter all the wisdom is in simplicity. The one who built a house, raised a son and planted a tree was successful. Everyone under these simple concepts will understand HIS. Even a HOME may not be a material, but a purely spiritual concept. So are the SON and the TREE. Everything depends entirely on the spiritual level of the person himself. For some, a good-quality log house with a bathhouse in the yard, a garden under the window and grown children is probably the highest meaning of their existence. But some people don’t need this at all and their aspirations are all in music or science. And it took place exactly THERE.

Reply from Vladimir Anisimkov[guru]
Most likely, we can talk about an already accomplished person only when the Personality has finally formed in him, when the basic questions of his own existence have been asked and the time has come to realize oneself, or rather to realize oneself (after all, this process can easily be interrupted due to the fragility of human life).

Reply from Martian[expert]
We all notice that every thing on earth has its own purpose - and we people also have a purpose! An accomplished person is a person who is moving to the top in his calling!

Reply from JATYANA[guru]
If a person is CONFIDENT in himself (not to be confused with SELF-CONFIDENCE), in his abilities. That means he is a MAN.

Reply from "@tue."[guru]
Only about the president of your country!

Reply from Yotepan Alexandrov[guru]
This cannot be said for others; this is a personal assessment.

Reply from Ђryam***[guru]
the one who is always balanced is not in a hurry and always knows what he wants and how to achieve it

Reply from User deleted[newbie]
Yes, you can’t say about anyone that that’s all - it happened. Man is a dynamic being, constantly changing, and those views and achievements that were yesterday may seem absurd to him today. I don’t think that there is a final phase - “fulfilled” or reached any level. Throughout our lives we climb towards the goal, we work, we gain wholesale, knowledge, as avid beimers say - “pumping up the level”, so “accomplished” is a concept that has become obsolete, we have no boundaries :)

Reply from White power[newbie]
I believe that an accomplished person is the one who has a beautiful wife, happy children and he himself is always at work and his work!

Reply from Nyusha[guru]
It depends on the gender of the person. I am personally deeply convinced that in order for a woman to succeed, she simply needs to fulfill her natural destiny (and not at 30-40 years old, but preferably before 25), to have a full-fledged family (although, of course, a husband may turn out to be the last bastard and you won’t demand anything from her - it’s not her fault), devote her life to children, raise worthy people. And for a man, get a higher education in order to then have a well-paid job, this, in turn, is needed to create and providing for the family. That is, a man must also form a family. And then, in particular. This is the main thing, in my opinion.

Reading time: 3 minutes.

Recently, the topics of success and personal growth often stand side by side. This is quite natural. After all, many goals become achievable only with internal changes. However, it is no secret that behind the desire to succeed is often the desire to realize oneself and become successful as a person. It is for this purpose that numerous psychological techniques, attend seminars and trainings. Establishing yourself as a person is more than just achieving success. There are many people who, even having made a dizzying career, still do not dare to confidently say about themselves that they are accomplished individuals. Of course, perception and assessment of oneself is a subjective thing. But, of course, it is worth thinking about what qualities an accomplished person should have. Courage to be yourself Everyone has certain abilities. Another thing is that not everyone develops them in themselves and uses them. An accomplished person is characterized by a constant desire to reveal his inclinations. This is not easy, if only because it sometimes requires considerable courage. But this is the quality...

Recently, the topics of success and personal growth often stand side by side. This is quite natural. After all, many goals become achievable only with internal changes. However, it is no secret that behind the desire to succeed is often the desire to realize oneself and become successful as a person. For this purpose, numerous psychological techniques are studied, seminars and trainings are attended.

Being successful as a person is about more than just being successful. There are many people who, even having made a dizzying career, still do not dare to confidently say about themselves that they are accomplished individuals. Of course, perception and assessment of oneself is a subjective thing. But, of course, it is worth thinking about what qualities an accomplished person should have.

Courage to be yourself

Everyone has certain abilities. Another thing is that not everyone develops them in themselves and uses them. An accomplished person is characterized by a constant desire to reveal his inclinations. This is not easy, if only because it sometimes requires considerable courage. But this is the quality without which it is impossible to succeed as a person. The tandem of talent and courage allows you to reveal your best qualities. Self-development becomes the norm of life.

It is extremely important to be able to never lose face and remain yourself in any situation. For this you need high level psychological maturity, which is unthinkable without a stable worldview. A person has a clear system of values, which he will never give up for the sake of fleeting gain. He knows how to resist temptations and limit himself.

Of course, this requires a lot of strength, primarily spiritual. They are given awareness of their responsibility to the world. A person knows that his personality is a huge value. Therefore, he does not isolate himself only in his own interests, but strives to leave something behind - something that could make the world a better place. No matter how pretentious it all sounds, this is exactly the case.

Endless path

In any case, you will need the ability to live in harmony with yourself and with the universe. Chinese philosophy uses such a concept as Tao - the path. An important step towards achieving personal success is to find your direction, which will lead to that point of balance where maximum manifestation of yourself becomes possible. This is not an easy process, often even painful. But an accomplished person is not afraid of difficulties, so he clearly knows who he is and where he is going.

Inner growth must continue throughout life. This is why it is impossible to become an accomplished person once and for all. Even the allotted earthly period may not be enough for complete self-realization. It is unattainable - at any stage of development something more is possible. Mistakes and disappointments are also possible. And you will have to constantly overcome difficulties.

A person moves in the chosen direction, tries to achieve as much as possible, knowing that any result will not be ideal. It takes wisdom to understand this, but still move forward. An accomplished person can boldly face not-so-cheerful truths. However, for her, the process of improvement itself acquires great value. After all, the essence of earthly quest is continuous movement.

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"Up the Ladder of Life"

Goals: give students an initial idea of ​​moral values; develop the ability to distinguish between true and imaginary values; encourage self-improvement, self-development; contribute to the development of a responsible attitude towards one’s life.

Equipment: paper figurine of Mr. X, tape; Place album sheets of paper (according to the number of students) on each desk before the educational hour.

Design: during the break before the educational hour, prepare the chalkboard:

a) on the left side of the board, draw a picture with chalk: the mountain of life with the “Peak of Happiness” at the top, a ladder with three rungs:

b) on the right side write:

Moral values

diligence, punctuality, hard work, frugality, responsibility, love of order.

gratitude, respect, compassion, tolerance;

sensitivity, ability to empathize, mercy;

love for one's neighbor, humility, faith, etc.

Group assignments

1. A successful person is a person who...

2. A loser is a person who...

3. A person has succeeded in life if he has...

4. A person has not succeeded in life if he does not have...

5. True values ​​are...

6.Imaginary values ​​are...

Educational hour plan:

1.Interactive conversation “What is happiness?”

2.problematic situation. "Help Mr. X."

3. Discussion of the situation. "Imaginary values."

4.Interactive conversation “True human values.”

5.Drafting projects “Stairways to Happiness”.

6. Vocabulary work.

7.Work in groups. “Complete the sentence.”

8.Final word.

9. Summing up (reflection).

Progress of the educational hour

1.Interactive conversation “What is satye?”

Educator: Guys, raise your hands if you want to be happy.

What is happiness?

How to become happy?

2. Problem situation.

Educator: There is probably no person on Earth who has not dreamed of happiness.

Sometimes a dream becomes a life goal, upon achieving which a person feels happy. Then new dreams and new goals arise. Life is like a ladder leading to the future. Each step is our desires and dreams. How to build your life ladder to feel happy? This is what we will talk about today in class. hour.

But before we start our conversation, I would like to introduce you to our guest, Mr. X (a silhouette of a man in a top hat is attached to the board). He developed his staircase to happiness project and came to hear your opinion about his project.

Mr. X imagines his life as a high, steep mountain, the top of which he called “Peak of Happiness.” Whoever conquers this peak will be happy. People climb steep slopes, clinging to the slightest ledges, but fall again and again, receiving bruises and contusions. Some manage to jump to the top with a running start, but no one manages to stay there for long, and they roll down head over heels, stuffing more and more bumps.

Mr. X approached the matter scientifically. He decided to build his life ladder and climb it gradually, step by step. Each step is a small goal, upon reaching which he will also experience happiness. Thus, moving from step to step, he will reach his cherished Peak of happiness.

He chose the most noble material for his staircase - his life values. And our hero has only 3 of them: money, with which you can buy almost everything, power, which gives you something that money cannot buy, and fame - a symbol of public recognition, when you see a reflection of your success in life in the admiring eyes of people.

3. Discussion of the situation.

Educator: What do you guys think, will these steps be durable? Will it be possible to climb them to the Peak of Happiness? Did Mr. X choose true or imaginary values ​​for himself? Let's look at each step separately.

4. Interactive conversation.

Educator: and here is another ladder of life. The Orthodox monk John Climacus described it in his book “The Ladder.” He also advises his brothers in faith to slowly climb the ladder of life. At each step, a person must overcome some of his shortcomings: envy, pride, despondency, deceit, talkativeness, gluttony. Each step is the acquisition of such values ​​as faith, love for people, mercy, kindness, humility, modesty. Do you think that if a person relies on such values, will he reach his peak of happiness?

5. Drawing up projects “Stairways to Happiness”

Educator: So, we have seen that imaginary values ​​only create the appearance of happiness and success. Only true values can make a person happy.

Look at the board. The different values ​​are listed here:

values ​​of everyday life: diligence, punctuality, hard work, frugality, responsibility, love of order;

values ​​of human relations: gratitude, respect, compassion, tolerance;

values ​​of the highest sphere of spiritual life: sensitivity, ability to empathize, mercy;

Christian values: love of neighbor, humility, faith, etc.

Which of them can we offer Mr. X for his “stairway to happiness”?

May be. Can anyone draw their own “staircase to happiness”?

6. Vocabulary work.

Educator: The time has come to clarify the meaning of the words with which we operate so easily. (names, surnames) will help us understand the meanings of “happiness”, “success”, “goal” and establish a logical connection between them.

Student 1 . We have reviewed explanatory dictionaries two authors: S.I.Ozhegov and V.I.Dal - found the following meanings of these words.

Student 2. A goal is an object of aspiration. what is needed, it is desirable to implement.

Student 1. Success is luck in achieving something, public recognition, good results in anything.

Student 2. Happiness is a feeling and state of complete highest satisfaction, success, luck.

Student 1. We can establish the following semantic connection between these words: goal - success - happiness.

Student 2. In other words, in order to achieve success, a person sets life goals for himself. And, having achieved success, having achieved these goals, he experiences happiness.

7. Work in groups.

Educator: I invite you to draw conclusions from today's conversation. To do this, I suggest you work in groups and complete the unfinished sentences written on the board.

3 minutes are allotted for the task.

Three minutes have passed, we listen to representatives of the 1st group (then the floor is given to representatives of other groups).

Who would like to comment on the performances?

Thanks everyone for your work.

8. Final word.

Educator: To conclude our conversation, I will tell you an ancient parable about stonemasons.

Three stonemasons were hard at work in the quarry. The philosopher asked them what they were doing.

Can't you see - I'm crushing these damn stones! – one muttered irritably.

“I earn my living,” the other shrugged.

I'm building a temple! - the third answered proudly.

It seems to me that all these three stonemasons are also walking up the stairs to happiness.

The first one will never be happy because he has no goal.

The second will be happy as long as he can earn his bread.

Only the third can be called truly happy: he sees a big, beautiful goal for which he works and lives.

I wish you, in your daily work, not just to crush stones or earn a living, but to build a temple, that is, set high goals for yourself and achieve their implementation. Only then will you be truly happy people.

9. Final word.

Educator: Did you enjoy our conversation today? What did you discover in these 45 minutes?

State government

educational institution of the Rostov region

"Matveevo-Kurgan special boarding school"

(GKOU RO Matveevo-Kurgan boarding school)

Prepared by: Shulga E.M.


The greatest difficulties arise when it is necessary to move from the cultural and typological traits of Betancourt’s personality to his individuality. What is seen, in the words of Pushkin, as “a non-general expression on the face”? Specific biographical information about Betancourt is scant, but it is still possible to point out the main vector of development of his personality. The epigenetic theory of Erik Erikson provides heuristic possibilities for this.

Erikson's main idea is that the personality at each age stage experiences a crisis, which can be resolved either successfully or unsuccessfully. In the first case, opportunities for personal growth multiply, in the second, serious difficulties arise. In childhood, a person is determined in his global attitudes towards the world and himself. In favorable conditions, a person gains confidence in the world and in himself, becomes active, proactive, and inclined to creativity. In case of unsuccessful development, the person fears hostile actions from the outside, doubts his capabilities, loses activity and initiative, and acquires a feeling of inferiority. The “mixed version” creates a combination of successful and unsuccessful results in overcoming age-related crises.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Betancourt was optimistic, kind and easy to get in touch with people. It is known that as a child Betancourt was taught by his father, a lieutenant colonel who knew engineering. Judging by the letter from 31-year-old Betancourt to his parents, he was happy to share with them both his technical ideas and his successes. He writes about the dredge he created that it is “a machine driven by the wind and used to dewater marshy soils. All the hydraulics who saw it really liked it and it was tested by them" (B, 25). Here one clearly feels attachment to parents and spiritual kinship with them. An important aspect of the growth of personal activity is a person’s desire to master cultural “languages”: foreign speech, mathematics, dancing, painting, etc. This is established in childhood (up to the age of eight). early years Betancourt mastered English and French languages, showed interest in drawing. In his younger years, he attended a drawing class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. And Betancourt approached science with a universal interest: as a mathematician, mechanic, and chemist. The range of Betancourt's scientific and technical discoveries is extremely wide: from the creation of a scale for a thermometer to the development of technology for the production of banknote paper.

In adolescence, an important point is a clear definition of oneself as an individual (the formation of a sense of identity, identity with oneself). With successful contact with peers, a person develops a clear self-image, which ensures the stability of behavioral programs. When one or another weakness of a physical or psychological property is detected, under normal conditions the compensation mechanism indicated by A. Adler operates. Betancourt was short, which may have worried him. But he compensated for this slight omission of nature with sociability and friendliness. Betancourt is a distinct extrovert and actively seeks contact with others. Betancourt is similar to Mozart, his great contemporary. He is full of scientific ideas and generous in their implementation. By nature, he is cheerful, good-natured, tolerant of people’s weaknesses, but does not accept meanness. Open, communicative, strives to connect people in a common cause. It is curious that he accomplishes most of his affairs in tandem with one of the people suitable for the situation: Betancourt makes his first invention (a spinning machine) together with his sister; the famous textbook is written with Lanz; will improve the watch mechanism together with Breguet; during the construction of the Moscow Arena he collaborates with Beauvais; He organizes the Nizhny Novgorod fair with Montferrand. Betancourt is ready to meet interesting people, introduce them to each other, and connect them in interesting endeavors. Creates a colorful picture in his memories English engineer Smiles, who knew Bettencourt during his years in London in the late 1880s:

“It happened that Betancourt, on his daily walk, used to walk past the small workshop of Maudsley in Wales Street and, being a turner himself, looked with curiosity at the various things displayed from time to time in the window of the young mechanic’s workshop. One day such an excellent tap was displayed in the window that Bettencourt entered the workshop to question Maudsley, whom he liked very much, and after that he often came into the workshop and asked if there was anything new. Betancourt was also well acquainted with Brinnell, and when he complained to him that he could not find a skilled mechanic who would undertake to build the block machine he had designed, it immediately occurred to Betancourt that Maudsley, in all likelihood, would carry out the project as well as possible. difficult work, and he immediately told Brinnell about the new and excellent tools that Maudsley had invented to achieve greater accuracy and completeness in the work. Brinell immediately decided to contact Maudsley and asked Betancourt to introduce him to him; they set off together, and after preliminary negotiations, Brinnell again promised to go to Maudsley’s workshop and bring with him the drawings of the proposed model" (B, 32).

Betancourt married at thirty-two. According to the concepts of that time, this was just the right age: when the social status of a man was determined. Let's say Pushkin got married to Natalya Nikolaevna when he was about the same age. Betancourt's choice was caused solely by personal affection for the bride - without striving for any secondary goals. Anna Jordan was not well-born and was a foreigner. Therefore, even complete registration family relations Betancourt's marriage proceeded with difficulties: Betancourt received permission from the Spanish authorities for marriage only seven years (!) after the wedding. But Betancourt’s independence and independence of choice are manifested in this. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that Anna had a difficult character. The bilious Wigel speaks of all members of the Betancourt family as pleasant people - except for the mother of the family, and here he can be trusted:

“One must assume that from a young age she was beautiful; without him, who would have told Betancourt to marry her when she was of low condition? And she was so arrogant that God forbid” (B, V, 13). But Betancourt was able to create a warm family atmosphere. His activity and cheerfulness were passed on to his daughters. Wigel continues his story like this:

“Fortunately, the daughters did not in any way resemble Anna Ivanovna, but rather like their parent Augustin Augustinovich.... When I began to know them, only fifteen-year-old Matilda captivated with her appearance, and the two older ones had long since passed on in a short period of time, which was cruel nature gave them their charms. But they had something to replace this great loss: their every word expressed the grace of mind and heart; one could listen with admiration to them when they played the harp or piano, admire with admiration their drawings and their folk dance of fandango and bolero... Could one be surprised at the boundless tenderness of their father towards them, and who would not be happy with them? (B, V, 13–14).