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Red velvet cold cheesecake. No-bake Red Velvet Cheesecake – beautiful and delicious! Delicate pistachio dessert

For the cheesecake:
570 g cream cheese at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest and 1/2 tbsp. lemon. juice
1/4 tsp. salt
2 large eggs
1/2 cup thick sour cream (21%)

Preheat the oven to 160C.
Email Using a mixer, beat the cream cheese until soft and smooth, while continuing to beat, add sugar little by little. Then lemon zest, lemon juice and salt. Without stopping beating, add the eggs one at a time, after each one, knead the mixture until smooth. Pour in sour cream, beat everything well. Prepare a springform pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Wrap the outside of the bottom of the pan twice or thrice with foil. Cut out and place a circle of baking paper inside. pour the cheese into the mold and place on a baking sheet. Pour about 1 liter of boiling water into the bottom of the baking sheet.
Bake for 45 minutes. Remove the mold from the water. Cool for 20 minutes. Use a knife to separate the cheese from the walls, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator overnight (in the original recipe - freeze).

For red cakes:
2.5 tbsp. flour
1.5 tbsp. Sahara
1 tsp soda
1 tbsp. cocoa
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, tasteless and odorless
1 tbsp buttermilk (replace with low-fat yogurt)
2 tbsp. liquid red food coloring or 1 tbsp. l. red Wilton
1 tsp vanilla extract (4-6 drops of flavoring or a packet of vanilla sugar)
1 teaspoon vinegar

Preheat the oven to 170C.
In a small container, mix flour, soda, cocoa, sugar and salt.
In a larger container, beat the eggs, while still beating, gradually pour in the vegetable oil, then the buttermilk, food coloring, vanilla and vinegar. Add dry ingredients and beat until smooth, about 2 minutes.
Divide the dough into two parts, pour the dough into the mold. Bake each part for 30 minutes, check for readiness with a dry stick.
Cool for 5 minutes, remove from pan, and cool completely on a wire rack.
I baked one layer at 170C for about 60 minutes, cooled, then cut with a string.

250 g cream cheese at room temperature
250 g butter at room temperature
approximately 200 g of powdered sugar, to taste (recipe calls for 3.5 tbsp.)
Beat the cottage cheese and butter until smooth, without stopping whisking, add powdered sugar, beat for 5-7 minutes.

Top decoration:
Cool a few pieces of dark and white chocolate and grate them.

Cake assembly:
Place the sponge layer on a plate/stand. Thinly coat the biscuit layer with cream. Remove the cheese layer from the refrigerator, carefully turn it over and place it upside down on the biscuit, remove the metal base and carefully peel off the paper. Place a little cream on the cheese layer and cover with biscuit. Trim the edges.
To avoid red crumbs getting into the cream layer, place the cake in the freezer for 30 minutes. Remove from the freezer and cover the sides and top of the cake with a thin layer of cream, place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Cover the cake with the remaining cream and decorate. Pour dark chocolate first, then white, onto the top surface of the cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator. Remove from refrigerator no more than 30 minutes before serving.

What's a holiday without dessert! Today I offer you a no-bake cheesecake version based on the famous Red Velvet cake. Incredibly creamy and delicate, and also bright and original, it will decorate any holiday table. And its preparation will not take much effort and time.

Ingredients for Red Velvet Cheesecake:

Recipe for Red Velvet Cheesecake:

For the base we need chocolate chip cookies. The darker and chocolateier it is, the tastier and more impressive it will be! Grind the cookies using a blender.

Melt the butter on the stove or in the microwave and mix with the cookies.

Now we take the form in which we will assemble the cake. Ideally, this is a mold of a fixed diameter (by the way, for this cake a mold with a diameter of 16 cm would be good), baking paper and border tape, but it is quite possible to do without tape and use any ring, be it like mine - with a change in diameter or a fixed diameter from scrap materials. Place the paper on a cutting board or flat plate, place the mold, lay out the mixture of cookies and butter and level it using a spoon and a glass with a flat bottom. And then put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

To make the cheesecake itself, we will use cream cheese. It gives a very piquant salty taste to the finished product, which, combined with a sufficient amount of sugar, gives an amazing result.
And so, add the cheese and sour cream, stir for a few minutes so that the cheese warms up a little and becomes softer. If you take sour cream with a fat content of less than 30%, reduce the amount to 50-70%, in this recipe we just adjust the taste a little, by and large you can do without it.
Add cocoa. Unsweetened, high-quality cocoa. This will add a hint of flavor and, importantly, color. It should turn a little brownish.

Prepare gelatin syrup. To do this, soak the gelatin for 15 minutes. You can soak it in advance before you beat the cheese. Pour the milk into a ladle, add sugar and a vanilla pod (first remove the seeds from it and add them along with the pod itself), soak the gelatin in cold water. Bring the milk with sugar and vanilla to a boil and leave for 10 minutes, then remove the pod. Seeds - optional, you can strain the milk through cheesecloth, or you can leave the seeds. Add the squeezed gelatin to the hot milk and mix thoroughly.

Let's return to the cheese. We begin to beat it again, gradually adding milk and gelatin.
By the way, the recipe contained half the amount of sugar, but with this proportion it turned out not at all sweet, so the recommendation is to try the mixture and adjust the amount of sugar to your taste.

When everything is well mixed, add dye. If you are categorically against dyes, you can add beet juice, slightly increasing the amount of gelatin. But in general, this recipe uses regular food coloring in the form of a gel. I needed about 3-5 drops of fat to achieve the desired color.
Now we take our base out of the refrigerator and carefully distribute the cheese mass on it. We are not in a hurry so as not to form bubbles, they are of no use to us.

Pour gelatin with cold boiled water. For 10 g of gelatin we take 60 ml of water. It is this proportion that will make the cheesecake tender. Add 15 grams of gelatin and your cheesecake will be able to easily tolerate warm room temperature, but its texture will be a little denser. Let it swell well in water.

Grind the chocolate cookies in a blender bowl into homogeneous crumbs. If you have chocolate cookies as a sandwich, that is, with a filling between two cookies, carefully separate the layers and remove the fondant with a knife. We can use it later.

Pour the melted butter into the cookie crumbs and mix so that the effect of “wet sand” is obtained: the mass will be homogeneous, moist, and will mold well.

Pour the crumbs for the base into a springform pan, distribute evenly and compact with a spoon, spatula or hand.

Let's make the top of the cheesecake. Combine sour cream and cottage cheese together and blend with an immersion blender or mixer.

Now let's return to gelatin. Bring the milk to a boil, add sugar and remove from heat. Let it cool for a couple of minutes and add gelatin. At a temperature of no more than 80? The gelatin will disperse well without losing its properties, and there will be no lumps or crystals left. Let it cool down.

Beat the cottage cheese with a mixer to obtain an airy mass.

Add cocoa powder. The color base will help achieve the Red Velvet color we want.

Meanwhile, the gelatin milk has cooled down; pour it into the curd mass, stirring constantly with a mixer.

Add red dye. If your dye is liquid, add 5-6 drops, mix, add another 2-3 drops if the color is not saturated enough. Do the same if the dye is powder: start with a small amount on the tip of a knife. Mix the curd mass especially thoroughly. The resulting color should completely satisfy you.

Pour the curd mixture into the mold on top of the cookie base. Now put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

We decorate the finished cheesecake with the same fondant that we cut off from the inside of the cookies with a knife.

I have three top cakes on my blog, which every day someone prepares and shows on the blog and Instagram. One of them is . A mystery cake that catches your eye and surprises you with its special chocolate aftertaste. Well, in short, now we will also have cold Red Velvet cheesecake. It actually tastes very similar, especially if you cooked it with my cheese cream. There is also a light chocolate aftertaste, excellent soft texture and a light dark cookie base. The undoubted advantage of cold cheese is that you don't have to dance around the oven. We quickly mixed everything, put it in the refrigerator and wait. In addition, in the recipe I talk in great detail about how to assemble the cheese, how to change its flavors and how many servings you will need for your molds.

Let's start with the basics. Most often it is shortcrust pastry and butter. Any cookie that you would eat simply with tea will do. Jubilee, Oreo and all the others. I took the dark one (it's darker than the usual chocolate one, an Oreo copycat) because it makes the most sense here, but that shouldn't stop you from using the plain light one. I had to separate the halves and remove the filling with a knife. Place everything in a blender bowl. I will collect the cheese in a 16 cm ring, the base will be 0.5 cm high. For 18 cm, the base will be slightly thinner. If you have an even larger shape, take 1.5-2 servings. So, add 150 grams of cookies.

Grind into crumbs. We don't need large pieces, so shake the bowl occasionally or stir the contents with a spatula. We need sand.

Next, melt the butter (60-65 g). I want to tell you an important thing about oil. Firstly, I always take the one on the shelf that is the hardest if you try to press it with your finger. This speaks about the quality of the oil and the fact that... Secondly, do not allow a situation where the oil has reached room temperature, and then you cool it again in the refrigerator. The previous texture and density will no longer be there.

The easiest way to melt butter is in the microwave, in small bursts of 10 seconds.

Pour it into cookies.

Mix everything well. You will end up with wet crumbs. Look at the consistency. You may need a little more cookies or butter. If you add too much oil, it will harden into white streaks on the base.

I'm collecting. This is the most convenient way. You can use a springform pan (but then there will be a step on the bottom of the cheesecake). Obviously, regular molds will not work, nor will silicone molds. In addition to the ring, for greater convenience, I take acetate (border) film. I have it. It makes perfect bird's milk and cold cheesecakes. If you don’t have film, then you should understand that the sides will be a little less beautiful with cheese, because it is quite soft. Alternatively, the sides can also be made from biscuits (like a tart).

Place something flat on the table (board, baking sheet...) with parchment on top. For some reason, few people know that parchment has a smooth side, to which our desserts stick less, and a rough side. Can you guess which side we're laying up? We put a ring on top. We lay film along the inner perimeter. A little trick, wipe the inside of the ring with a barely damp napkin, then the film will stick well to the ring. And we pour our base into it.

Distribute evenly with a spoon or spatula. And then we press down. I use a glass with a flat bottom. Do everything efficiently. Make sure that there are no gaps between the base and the walls of the ring, otherwise our filling will escape there. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

At this time, let's make the filling.

First of all, soak 10-12 grams of leaf gelatin. It’s more convenient for me to work with him; I don’t need to count or complicate anything. I always have it in my store. We simply pour the coldest possible water into a glass (the colder the better) and lower the sheets. If you want to make the cheesecake denser (so that, for example, it lasts longer on the table or survives transportation), take 15 grams. But he will stop being gentle.

If you have gelatin powder, pour 60 grams of water and soak the same 10 grams of gelatin in it. You can replace it with agar, it will, of course, have a completely different texture. Read the grams on the packaging.

Next, pour milk into the saucepan (180 g, fat content does not matter) and add sugar (60 g). You can experiment with sugar, add honey instead, add less or more. Instead of milk, you can use cream or coconut milk. Even fruit puree or juice will work, but it won’t be Red Velvet.

Now the most important thing is the cream. Take any dense cheese (that holds a spoon): Hochland curd cheese, Almette, Kajmak, cremette, macsarpone, and so on. I would not recommend ricotta and, especially, cottage cheese. If your cheese is softer, add 2-3 grams of gelatin to the recipe. I have 850 grams of Hochland.

Beat it with a mixer until the cheese melts slightly. Add 100 grams of fat sour cream. I took the President in a red pack, there is also a spoon there. If yours is more liquid, take 50-70 grams. It's here just for the sourness. Therefore, you don’t have to add it.

Beat again with a mixer and add cocoa (30-40 g). No Nesquik will definitely do - it will grind your teeth. Take good cocoa. I used what I have in the store - it gives a nice color and aroma in small portions. Again, you can do without cocoa, or replace it with melted chocolate. The only criterion is that the color of the filling should become only a LITTLE dark.

Like this:

If you add too much cocoa, you won't get a nice red color. Next is vanilla extract (1-2 tbsp). And again, you don’t have to add it, but if you add it, then only the extract or essence. No vanilla or anything else.

Next, put the milk and sugar on the stove and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat, wait a minute and add gelatin. Remember that it does not like temperatures above 80 and loses its properties. It will quickly dissolve in hot milk and there will be no lumps left.

Carefully pour the milk into the filling. In a thin stream, whisking all the time with a mixer.

When all the milk has been added, add coloring. I have AmeriColor Red Red gel. Add by eye. Until the cet suits you. You can use powder dyes, but they are inconvenient for me. Many will ask whether it is possible to paint with something natural - the answer is no. Nothing will give you such saturation.

We take out our ring with the base and carefully lay out the filling. Look, the mass is quite thick, so add it little by little. Place the part and level it with a spatula along the bottom and walls. Otherwise you will have bubbles on the outside.

For my 16 cm pan I got almost 5.5 cm of filling. For the 18th uniform it will be a little lower. If your shape is larger than 18 cm, take 1.5-2 servings of filling.

As a decoration, I took the same cookies (cut in half) and slightly drowned them in cheese while the filling was still soft. A silicone spatula will help you use all the filling)

Place the mixture in the refrigerator for three hours. If you leave it overnight, it makes sense to cover the ring or plate with film so that the surface does not dry out. Check readiness simply by consistency. It froze well for me after 3 hours. It may turn out that your cheese was softer, you didn’t use enough gelatin, then the cheese will be softer. Before serving, you can put it in the freezer for half an hour.

I'll tell you how to remove the cheese. First of all, place the backing under the parchment so that it is exactly under the ring.

And then he carefully pulls out the parchment.

Next, remove the ring. If the film is lined correctly and the filling does not exceed its level, the ring can be easily removed. If you feel that the filling is stuck somewhere, go through it with a knife, just a little bit, not to its full height.

Remove the film. You see how convenient it is to work with the ring and film.

I whipped 33% cream (100 ml), divided into two parts. I added cocoa to one (by eye). I took two nozzles and bags. Made the decor. And I crumbled one cookie on top.

It is convenient to cut the cheesecake with a hot knife. Place the blade under running hot water, then quickly dry and cut. You made a cut - repeat it all over again. Then the cuts will be smooth and clean.

Ideal with strong coffee or tea. You can decorate with raspberries, but again, this is no longer Velvet.

When the holidays are just around the corner, you want everything at once: juicy meat, new salads, baked fish, delicious drinks and, of course, sweet desserts. Where can you find the time to get everything done?

I offer a delicate and very tasty curd dessert that doesn’t want to go into the oven. It is prepared simply and quickly. It is better to do it the day before the long-awaited date. Red Velvet Cheesecake will definitely brighten up your holiday.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Grind the shortbread chocolate cookies into fine crumbs using a mortar, masher or blender.

Melt the butter over low heat or in the microwave. Pour into sand crumbs.

Lay out the shortbread base of the future cheesecake. Smooth and compact with a spoon. Place the mold in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

It is better to use fatty, homemade cottage cheese. Due to its absence, you can also buy it from a store. Grind both of them through a fine metal sieve.

To enhance the taste and color, add cocoa powder.

Add sour cream to cottage cheese.

Mix everything thoroughly by hand, with a mixer or blender.

Pour milk into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. The sugar should completely dissolve. Cool until warm.

Pour cold water over the gelatin sheets and leave for 5 minutes. Then squeeze and place in warm sweet milk, stir.

Pour the milk and gelatin into the curd mixture. At low mixer speed, bring mixture until smooth.

Add 2-3 drops of liquid food coloring. Stir the mixture until it is completely colored. If you don’t want to use food coloring, you can replace it with a natural one, such as beetroot, or leave the cheesecake without it at all.

Remove the pan from the refrigerator and pour the cheese mixture into it. Gently spread the surface of the dessert and return it back to the refrigerator until completely set, at least 5 hours.

Open the removable mold (if the mold is not removable, then you need to run a hot knife along the side - this will make it easier to remove), transfer the cake to a dish and serve on the festive table. Red Velvet Cheesecake is ready, you can start celebrating!

I think your guests will be pleased with this delicate, soft, curd dessert.

Have a nice holiday.