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State pension fund profitability. The best non-state pension funds: new ratings. How do NPFs work?

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  • All 16% - for the formation of an insurance pension;
  • 10% - for the formation of an insurance pension, and 6% - for a funded pension.

However, a funded pension can be formed not only from 6% of the employer’s contribution, but also with the help of voluntary contributions from a citizen participating in the pension, as well as through the investment of funds available in a personal account. Thus, all the above sources constitute total amount funded pension.

NPF or Pension Fund - what to choose?

After the pension reform in Russia, citizens were puzzled by the pressing issue of choosing where to store part of their pension savings: (NPF) or Pension Fund of Russia(PFR). To determine a more profitable option, it is advisable to consider the funded pension system from the inside.

When choosing a Pension Fund, citizens’ pension savings are transferred to (state or private) for their further increase and through investment. By transferring savings to a non-state pension fund, the fund, in turn, sends them independently also to trust management in the management company, chosen by it itself in the analysis of the results of their investment activities.

However, it should be noted that a citizen has the right to manage only pension savings; and are not subject to transfer to the NPF, and will remain in the Pension Fund.

When weighing the pros and cons of funds, relative to their percentage, it is worth remembering that the state insurance pension guaranteed, and funded pension funds increase due to the profitability of investing in the financial market, which can lead to loss. We can also conclude that savings stored in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are slowly but surely increasing, and in non-state pension funds the level of profitability depends on the success of the investment.

In any case, since 2014 it has been introduced pension savings insurance and, even if the NPF collapses, the accumulated savings won't disappear anywhere. But still, a citizen has every right to refuse to form a funded pension at any time and transfer all funds.

Which non-state pension fund is better to choose?

More and more Russian citizens want to increase their pension by forming, however, among the numerous options from among NPFs, it is difficult for a citizen to make the optimal choice. To do this, there are several basic selection criteria that will help you evaluate the fund and find a suitable option for yourself.

Main criteria when choosing a non-state pension fund

Based on paragraph 6 of Article 13 , a citizen can transfer his pension savings no more than once a year, which means the issue of choosing a fund should be taken very seriously.

There are a number of criteria that will help determine the appropriate option, among many other non-state pension funds:

  1. Age of the fund and its founders. The older the fund, the more reliable it is, based on the experience of many years of its activity. If the fund has been able to survive the financial crises in the country, this can only contribute to its preference. Large industrial organizations deserve the greatest trust in their role as founders.
  2. Fund return level. Based on the report of the Bank of Russia and on the fund’s website, you can evaluate the success of investing in non-state pension funds.
  3. Place in the independent rating of NPFs and the fund’s reputation. The position in this rating reflects the degree of reliability of the fund itself, since rating agencies evaluate only successful market players and also predict their development.
  4. Open information on the official website of the foundation. According to Article 35.1 of the Law dated 05/07/1998 No. 75-FZ “On non-state pension funds”, the fund’s website must contain basic information about the fund: name, license number, location information, as well as financial statements, investment results, number of participants, investors and insured persons.
  5. Comfortable service. Availability of a hotline for the client and a personal account on the website where you can track the movement of your pension savings.

After analyzing the criteria and choosing a non-state pension fund, you must apply in person or by mail to the local department of the Pension Fund before the end of the current year to transfer from the Pension Fund to a non-state pension fund (or another non-state pension fund).

Ratings of profitability and reliability of non-state pension funds

To determine the level of profitability and reliability of non-state pension funds, special ratings, which classify funds from profitable to unprofitable, and from more reliable to bankrupt fund.

  • A++- these are the most reliable and crisis-resistant funds;
  • A+- stable funds with authority;
  • A- time-tested, reliable funds;
  • B++- average level of reliability, but without negative reviews;
  • B+- dubious funds;
  • IN- low level of reliability, lack of guarantees;
  • C++ and C+- high probability of license revocation;
  • C- bad reputation, negative reviews;
  • D- bankrupts
  • E- license revocation or liquidation process.

Regarding statistics profitability NPF, then according to the data Central Bank Recently, the top five funds include:

  1. Hephaestus;
  2. Alliance;
  3. Diamond Autumn;
  4. National Non-State Pension Fund;
  5. First industrial alliance.

The stable and long-term returns of these funds have outpaced inflation, and clients who invested in them significantly increased their capital.

Best NPF in 2019 based on performance results

Sberbank NPF has a stable profitability, which currently amounts to - 10,37% and has the highest level of reliability according to the agency's assessment "Expert RA" - A++.

This fund also consists of National Association of Non-State Pension Funds- an autonomous organization of non-state pension funds in Russia and is a member of the Association of European Businesses. This fund is credible only because more than 6 million accounts were opened by participants under the compulsory pension insurance program, and the volume of pension savings is more than 466 billion rubles.

Is it possible to change a non-state pension fund?

At the request of the citizen, the generated pension savings can be... To do this, it is enough to contact transfer statement to the local Pension Fund office, attaching the necessary documents. Within the time limits established by law, a decision is made on the possibility of a transition, with subsequent notification of the participants in the process.

The new fund will receive pension savings only in five years after the decision is made by the Pension Fund body. The accumulated funds will be transferred taking into account investment income and preserving the citizen’s right to transfer funds ahead of schedule in the coming year.

However, it should be remembered that a transfer to another fund can only be carried out Once every five years, otherwise investment income may be lost.

The desire to change a non-state pension fund is most often due to the search for a more profitable option with the highest profitability and reliability, but it is not recommended to change your choice too often.

RIA Rating - May 10. The dynamics of the market for non-state pension funds in Russia in 2017 was quite good, although it continues to be hampered by the freezing of funded pensions. Against this background, the range of options under discussion for reform of the Russian pension system is still quite wide, although recently the gradual increase in the retirement age, as well as the introduction of a new mandatory contribution to the NPF, have been mainly discussed.

In general, at the end of 2017, the number of people who chose non-state pension funds to invest their funded pension exceeded 34 million people; for comparison, as of January 1, 2017, there were 30 million people, and at the end of 2015 - 26 million. Over the past year, the number of NPF clients increased by 15%, compared to an increase of 13% in 2016. Thus, despite the “freezing” of funded pensions, the market continues to develop, which is most likely due to the activity of non-state pension funds in attracting clients.

At the same time, the number of players continues to decline. Due to mergers of a number of NPFs, their number decreased over the year to 38 (the rating includes existing NPFs with non-zero savings) at the beginning of 2018 against 41 a year earlier.

At the end of last year, the volume of pension savings in non-state pension funds increased by 14.3% or 300 billion rubles (24% in 2016). In general, as of January 1, 2018, the volume of pension savings in Russian non-state pension funds exceeded 2.4 trillion rubles. For comparison, as of January 1, 2015, the amount of savings was equal to 1.1 trillion rubles, that is, over 3 years, the volume of savings in non-state pension funds has more than doubled. According to RIA Rating experts, the noticeable slowdown in the growth rate of savings in 2017 is due to two factors. First, due to lower interest rates in the economy, growth due to the capitalization of investment income decreased. Secondly, a large number of citizens have already chosen NPFs, so the potential base of new clients is becoming smaller, and, as a rule, newly attracted clients in general are not so large.

Despite a number of negative aspects, Russian non-state pension funds continue to strengthen their positions in the Russian financial system. After all, in addition to 2.4 trillion rubles of pension savings, NPFs also have approximately 1.4 trillion rubles of other assets. Thus, the total assets of Russian non-state pension funds amount to just under 4 trillion rubles, which is more than the assets of the fourth largest bank in Russia, and constitutes approximately 4% of the assets of the Russian financial sector.

Nine non-state pension funds showed negative dynamics

To assess the situation in the context of individual funds, the Rating Agency RIA Rating conducted an analysis and prepared a rating of Russian NPFs in terms of the volume of pension savings as of January 1, 2018. The rating presents data as of January 1, 2018 for 38 non-state funds in Russia, the reporting of which was published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to the study, the composition of the largest non-state pension funds on the market has changed significantly over the past year. In terms of the size of pension savings in the NPF rating, Sberbank NPF continues to lead with the book value of savings as of January 1, 2018 in the amount of 470 billion rubles. Sberbank NPF has been a leader for 11 quarters in a row. Over the past year, this NPF showed an increase in savings by 33% or 117 billion rubles. Thus, Sberbank’s NPF provided more than a third of the total growth in the pension savings market as a whole. At the same time, in terms of absolute growth in savings, Sberbank did not become the leader; NPF GAZFOND pension savings had a more significant increase. At the end of 2017, this pension fund was in second place with pension savings at the level of 457 billion rubles. GAZFOND pension savings showed an increase in the funds of future pensioners in the amount of almost 300 billion rubles, or 2.8 times. In relative terms, this is the fourth result among all funds and the best in the TOP-30. This result of NPF GAZFOND pension savings was a consequence of the absorption of a number of large funds NPF Promagrofond, KITFinance NPF and NPF Heritage, which respectively left the rating, although a year earlier they were in the TOP 15 largest funds.

Third place in the ranking is now occupied by NPF FUTURE with savings of 283 billion rubles, although a year ago it was second. The fourth and fifth largest pension savings funds were NPF LUKOIL-GARANT and NPF SAFMAR, whose savings amounted to 253 and 192 billion rubles, respectively. The funds that took places from 3rd to 5th showed rather weak dynamics. Their growth was within +9%, and two of these three funds showed negative returns at the end of the past year. The first five largest funds already account for 68% of all pension savings, although a year earlier it was 57%, and the first ten funds accounted for 92% as of January 1, 2018 (77% at the beginning of 2017). Thus, in 2017 there was a noticeable consolidation in the non-state pension fund market.

Also, the consolidation of funds is evidenced by an increase in the average fund size. In particular, based on the results of the current rating, the average fund size increased to 64 billion rubles compared to 52 billion rubles as of January 1, 2017. At the same time, the number of both the largest funds, the accumulation of which exceeds 100 billion rubles, and medium-sized funds with funds of more than 10 billion rubles, decreased according to the results of the rating. Thus, 7 funds with funds of more than 100 billion rubles and 15 funds with more than 10 billion rubles remained in the rating, whereas a year earlier (at the beginning of last year) there were 8 and 18 funds, respectively.

At the end of 2017, the number of funds with negative dynamics of pension savings increased quite sharply. If at the end of 2016 only 10% of non-state pension funds were characterized by a decrease in savings, then last year already 24% had negative growth rates. It is worth noting that the decrease in pension savings was mainly observed in small and medium-sized funds, which may indicate the transition of clients from them to larger non-state pension funds.

The highest growth rates were demonstrated by NPF AVTOVAZ, NPF Alliance and NPF FEDERATION. At NPF AVTOVAZ, the volume of savings has increased 4 times, and the number of clients has increased 3 times. NPF "Alliance" showed an increase in pension savings by 3.9 times, and the number of its clients increased by 3.5 times. In turn, NPF "FEDERATION" savings have grown 3 times over the past year. Despite such impressive growth, all three of these funds are in the bottom ten of the ranking, which means they still remain small. At the same time, the largest reduction in pension savings was observed in NPF Telecom-Soyuz and NPF Social Development - -10.6% and -10.2%, respectively.

The largest funds suffered losses

The highest returns on investing pension savings in 2017 were demonstrated by small funds: NPF "Almaznaya Osen" - +11.2% and NPF "Gefest" - +10.0%. And among relatively large funds, the best returns were from NPF GAZFOND pension savings - +9.5% and NPF VTB Pension Fund - +9.0%.

At the same time, four large funds (from the TOP-10) showed negative returns at the end of 2017, while last year there were no unprofitable funds at all. At the same time, NPF LUKOIL-GARANT suffered the most, the return on investments for the year amounted to -5.3%. The second largest loss was NPF "RGS" - -2.9% for 2017. The third and fourth funds in terms of negative returns were NPF FUTURE and NPF Electric Power Industry (-2.0% and -1.7%, respectively). , the negative financial results of all four funds are due to investments in assets associated with the Otkritie Bank, which is being rehabilitated.

In general, the median return of Russian non-state pension funds in 2017 was 8.3%, thus, most funds managed to show returns much higher than inflation (2.5%). In many ways, the relatively good yield is determined by government bond rates, which remain well above the level of growth in retail prices. A decrease in the refinancing rate and, accordingly, the profitability of the debt market will reduce the profitability of NPFs, however, according to analysts at RIA Rating, in the medium term, NPFs will continue to show profitability much higher than inflation and higher than rates on deposits in the largest banks.

Over the past five years (from January 1, 2013 to January 1, 2018), the Volga-Capital NPF had the highest return on pension savings - the return on its investments for this period was 62.7% (average annual rate - 10.2%). In second and third place in terms of investment return are the NPF "Defense-Industrial Fund named after V.V. Livanov" and NPF "Socium", which were able to increase the savings of their clients by 57.9% (9.6% on average per year) and 57.5% respectively (9.5%). The fourth place in terms of profitability is occupied by NPF GAZFOND pension savings with a five-year result of +55.7%. In general, 10 funds were able to demonstrate returns above 50% over five years (more than 8.4% of the average annual return), while 30 funds showed more than 40% returns over five years.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of regions of the Russian Federation, the economic state of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creating ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of world events, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating, as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, is part of the agency’s line of information resources, which also includes: RIA Novosti , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA "Russia Today" is a leader in citation among Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citations in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Which NPF is the most reliable? There are more and more companies providing services for preserving and increasing funds to provide for people who have reached retirement age. In order to know, there are NPF ratings.

Russia's leading rating agencies have compiled their ratings of the reliability of non-state funds. According to Expert RA and the National Rating Agency, the leading position is occupied by NPF Blagosostoyanie. The data for the rest of the NPF rankings is slightly different.

According to the Expert RA agency, in the group of exceptionally high reliability (A++) there are 17 NPFs, the group of very reliable funds (A+) consists of 9 NPFs, in the group of reliable funds there are 2 NPFs and one fund is in the zone of a very low reliability rating (C++).

NPF reliability rating from Expert RA agency

1. Non-state pension fund (NPF) “Blagosostoyanie”

This fund has been operating on the market for more than 15 years and is one of the largest organizations in its field. The company is engaged in preserving, increasing and paying out funds to support people who have crossed the threshold of reaching retirement age. “Blagosostoyanie” serves employees of the most famous and largest transportation organizing company in the Russian Federation - JSC Russian Railways.

The customer service and management system has been raised to the highest level - international standard ISO 9001:62 008. The company ranks first among other non-state pension funds in the country in terms of the number of depositors and percentage of profitability.

2. CJSC "Promagrofond"

Has been in the pension services market for more than 10 years. The fund is engaged in receiving and storing funds, investing and paying pensions to people who have reached a certain age.

3. ZAO Raiffeisen

Thanks to the powerful impact of the advertising campaign, NPF has rapidly gained momentum over the past few years. The company actively cooperates with the Russian state pension fund, offering a program for co-financing investments and offering compulsory pension insurance. The fund has been holding the position of one of the most reliable non-state funds in the country for several years.

4. CJSC "KITFinance"

For 5 years now, the fund has held a leading position in the ratings of various agencies in terms of the number of depositors and insured people. The organization received the Rospotrebnadzor award and was twice a laureate of the Financial Elite financial award. Popular lately.

5. JSC NPF "European Pension Fund"

It has been operating since 1994 and for several years now it has been leading the way in increasing invested funds.

The wide distribution of dealer offices (about 60 cities in the country), the high level of income, the reliability of saving investments and the large volume of savings in the fund indicate its active growth. It is one of the non-state pension funds that are regulated by a special self-regulatory body - the National Association of Non-State Pension Funds.

6. JSC "Sberbank"

One of the very first non-state funds to appear in the country. The company has been operating for 20 years. It began its activities by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Sberbank Pension Fund is among the top ten non-state funds in Russia. At the moment, the number of depositors of NPF Sberbank is more than 1 million people.

The fund has a high level of public confidence because its founder is the largest and most reliable bank in Russia, OJSC SberBank of Russia.

7. "Atomgarant"

The fund has been operating since 1994. Every day the depository exercises control over pension reserves. All results of the fund’s work for one calendar year are published in periodicals.


The company has been in the pension services market since 2002. The fund's activities include deposits, control of funds, pension financing of citizens.

9. “Big MPPF”

The fund has existed for 20 years and is one of the largest NPFs in Russia. Most of the fund's clients are large enterprises of the Russian Federation (municipal and commercial). NPF investors include many industrial enterprises in the country.

10. JSC "Vladimir"

Founded 20 years ago, in 2001 the fund was renamed TKN Vladimir, and in 2014 - back. Since 2008, the company has been assigned a high level of reliability, in 2010 - a very high level of reliability, and in 2012 - an increased level (A++) and it still maintains its position.

“Expert RA” in its rating of 29 non-state pension funds shows only one organization that received an extremely low percentage of reliability - “First National Pension Fund”. Its rating was C++, which means the fund's reliability is extremely low. The company received this assessment due to its difficult financial situation and the high probability of the license being revoked soon. Its rating varied between A and A+ from 2010 to November 2015. In November, it fell to a low level of NPF reliability (B+), and in December it completely dropped to C++.

NPF reliability rating from the agency "NRA"

  1. « Welfare."
  2. CJSC "KITFinance"
  3. JSC "European PF".
  4. OJSC LUKOIL-GARANT. This NPF was included in the reliability rating because it has been operating in Russia for more than 10 years. The fund focuses on high returns with low risks of losing funds.
  5. « Neftegarant". Since 2013, the fund has had an AA rating and it increases every year.
  6. JSC "Electroenergetics" He has been working in the field of providing pension services for more than 20 years. In recent years, it has been one of the leaders in the number of depositors (more than 1.6 million people), the amount of invested funds and reserves.
  7. JSC "RGS". One of the most popular insurance companies, Rosgosstrakh, created the NPF OJSC RGS in 2002. A recognizable brand brings the fund a large number of clients - more than 2.5 million people and in terms of the number of monetary deposits - 120 billion rubles. The fund has about 65 branches throughout Russia.
  8. JSC SberBank.
  9. OJSC TelecomSoyuz. The fund has been operating since 1996. The company provides services for compulsory pension insurance and a non-state program for providing pensioners. Since 2013, the fund has been awarded a reliability rating of A++, which is confirmed within 2 years. The company also received several diplomas from the Expert RA agency.
  10. "Heritage". One of the oldest non-state pension funds in Russia, it was created in 1993. The company cooperates with many organizations in the country. Already about 17 thousand people receive pensions from Heritage reserves, and more than 100 thousand make deposits. The fund received many prizes, diplomas and awards, and was the laureate of several Russian awards in the field of non-state pension insurance.

CJSC Uralsib is waiting for confirmation of its rating at the AA- level, meaning the average stability of the fund’s reliability. Heritage CJSC has already confirmed its position in the rating at the AA+ level, which means the fund is highly reliable.

Russians still have many options when choosing a non-state pension fund. But this must be done consciously and responsibly

Photo: Fotolia/Photobank

November and December are traditionally the most active months, when Russians rush to choose a pension fund to which they can entrust their savings. This year, about 4.7 million people have already applied for pension transfers. But how not to make a mistake when choosing a fund? What should you pay attention to?

The “silent people” are no longer silent

VEB’s assets now contain about 1.8 trillion rubles in pension savings, versus 2.4 trillion rubles that have accumulated in the accounts of non-state pension funds. Judging by the speed with which citizens are fleeing the state, the pension piggy bank of the state management company will continue to “thinner.” This year, more than 2.6 million “silent people” have already decided to withdraw their money from VEB.

Future pensioners are not stopped either by the risks of changing the state management company to private funds, or by the loss of profitability. 99% of transfers from VEB to NPFs were ahead of schedule. Last year, due to early transfers, they lost about 27 billion rubles, Nikolai Tsekhomsky, First Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, said in August. In total, citizens took over 240 billion rubles of pension savings from VEB.

But are Russians so wrong when they decide to change the manager of their pension, despite the risks of losing earned income? Market participants attribute the increase in transfers to private non-state pension funds to the activity of intermediary agents, but there are other reasons. In particular, any person with the slightest knowledge of the pension system knows that, unlike pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, savings in a non-state pension fund can be inherited. It is clear that many prefer, if something happens, to transfer money to relatives rather than donate it to the state.

Another reason: after the Ministry of Finance unveiled a new concept of the pension system (the system of individual pension capital. Not yet approved), in which citizens must make contributions to their future pension on their own, the question arose of what will happen to the money of the “silent people”. The idea of ​​transforming them into pension points clearly did not find support among the population. After all, no expert will undertake to explain what PFR points are and how the real size of the future pension depends on them. In addition, new contributions within the framework of the individual pension capital system, according to the authors of the program, should go to a fund that already contains the savings of a particular citizen. Contributions from those who did not choose a non-state pension fund will go to a randomly selected fund.

It turns out that, in fact, citizens have very little time left to decide on the choice of a non-state pension fund to which to transfer their savings and to which deductions for the individual industrial complex will be received. According to the plan of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, the new pension system should start working in 2019. True, whether they will have time to pass the necessary law in time is a big question.

In any case, you need to decide what to do with your future pension as soon as possible.

Selection criteria: profitability and large shareholder are more important than geography and personal connections

To help make the right choice, decided to interview those who professionally manage pension money - NPFs and management companies. Market participants were asked to prioritize the following fund selection criteria:

- return on investment;

- size of the fund's assets;

- presence of a major shareholder;

- financial indicators: profit, etc.;

- subjective assessment of the fund’s reliability;

- availability of additional services;

- bonuses from the agent;

- presence/absence of negative information about the fund in the media;

- personal acquaintance with the fund’s management;

- geographical proximity to the place of residence;

- possible loss of investment income.

Market participants also had the opportunity to enter their own criterion, which is not on the list, but for some reason they consider it important. A total of 20 largest pension funds and management companies were surveyed.

And this is what happened. Among the most important criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a fund, more than half of the experts surveyed indicated the return on investment, the possible loss of investment income and the presence of a large shareholder. The last criterion, according to many market participants, is evidence of the fund's reliability.

According to the General Director of NPF VTB Larisa Gorchakovskaya, “if the shareholder is, for example, a large state bank, this will be an additional guarantee of reliability.” In addition, she points out, the future pensioner needs to clearly understand where and how the fund accepts documents for the payment of pensions. So that later, to apply for a pension, you don’t have to travel across the country to the only office of the selected fund.

The profitability shown by the selected NPF, as noted by the majority of market participants we surveyed, must be looked at over a fairly long horizon - at least several years. General Director of NPF Lukoil-Garant Denis Rudomanenko says that, given the length of the process of forming a funded pension, clients should definitely look at the accumulated profitability. Find out what results your fund shows during the optimal period for evaluation - at least 8-10 years. "Returns over one or two years are not indicative of the performance of the fund managing your pension," he says.

Profitability of the pension savings portfolio of the largest funds in 2016*

Return on investment, %

Number of clients

Pension savings (thousand rubles, market value)


"Gazfond Pension Savings"

"KIT Finance"


NPF Sberbank


"NPF Elektroenergetiki"




* The ranking includes funds with more than 1 million insured persons.

Reliability ratings of non-state pension funds (NPF) are compiled by rating agencies based on data from the Central Bank. The ratings represent a methodologically sound assessment opinion of a rating agency accredited by the Central Bank on the possibility of full and timely fulfillment by NPFs of their current and future obligations under non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance agreements.

“National Rating Agency” is no longer present in the register. Look registry data from the Central Bank website.

As Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Aleksey Moiseev said:

“It would be better for us to have one or two agencies that will do quality ratings than many that will do it poorly.”

But since ACRA has not yet compiled a new reliability rating, the National Rating Agency is no longer present in the register - let’s look at the reliability ratings of NPFs from Expert RA.

If you want to form an opinion about the reliability of a particular NPF based on complete information, then use it and independently analyze the reliability of a particular fund. The manual contains a methodology for selecting NPFs. Also see in the form of a convenient comparative table with Central Bank data on all accredited funds. A comparative table with a rating allows you to make a selection according to any parameter, forming any rankings of NPFs that interest you.

Reliability rating of NPF of Russia

Reliability rating of Russian non-state pension funds according to the rating agency "Expert RA"

For a detailed overview of the desired NPF, click on its name. If the name of the fund does not have a link, then this fund is not accredited by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).

Fund nameNPF reliability rating from Expert RADate of assignmentRating forecastPlace in the ranking of accredited NPFs of Russia
1 ruAAA07.06.2017 Stable
2 ruAAA
14.06.2017 Stable
21.06.2017 Stable
4 ruAA18.07.2017 Stable
5 ruBBB+19.05.2017 Stable
6 ruA-
09.08.2017 Stable
7 NPF NeftegarantruAAA
14.07.2017 Stable
8 ruAA13.06.2017 Stable
9 ruAA
27.07.2017 Stable
10 ruAA
11.08.2017 Stable
11 ruAAA
28.07.2017 Stable
12 A++22.12.2016 Stable
13 NPF "Atomgarant"ruAA
30.06.2017 Stable
29.11.2016 Stable
15 NPF "BLAGOSOSTOYANIE"ruAAA28.08.2017 Stable
16 A++22.12.2016 Stable
17 ruA+
02.08.2017 Stable
18 ruA
10.07.2017 Stable
19 withdrawn24.08.2017 -
20 withdrawn18.07.2017 -
21 ruBBB-
02.08.2017 Stable
22 ruAA10.07.2017 Positive
23 ruAA-
18.07.2017 Stable
24 ruA+
27.07.2017 Stable
25 ruA-
08.08.2017 Stable

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2015 N 222-FZ “On the activities of credit rating agencies in the Russian Federation,” the rating agency RAEX (Expert RA) does not allow deviations from the applied methodology on a systematic basis.

Based on this methodology, RAEX (Expert RA) establishes a rating forecast, which means the Agency’s opinion regarding a possible change in the rating level over the next 1 year (unless otherwise indicated). The rating object can be assigned one of 4 types of forecast:

Positive outlook: there is a high probability of a rating increase in the medium term

Negative Outlook: there is a high probability of a rating downgrade in the medium term

Stable forecast: there is a high probability of maintaining the rating at the same level in the medium term

Evolving Forecast: in the medium term (over a 3-month horizon), 2 or more options for rating actions are equally likely (maintaining, increasing or decreasing the rating)

The forecast is determined based on the Agency's expectations for the dynamics of indicators listed in this methodology, i.e. the forecast is influenced by the same factors as the assigned rating. The forecast is assigned only in relation to the final rating (not to the stand-alone credit rating or sub-level within rating classes A and A+).

The agency's methodologies provide for the comparability of credit ratings with each other.