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Where does Alexander Nevzorov live now? Nevzorov: hatred of people and their parents. Alexander Nevzorov - biography of personal life

September 13th, 2016

Another misanthropic post by Alexander Nevzorov made me interested in who his parents were who created such a funny moral ugliness. It turned out, as I expected, people from the artistic field. He himself renounces them.

Nevzorov once again tells how ugly and stupid everyone is (funny text):

Our freak is worried. He finds no place for himself, repeating the same question without stopping: “Why, why am I so beautiful?”

This is not a joke. He is convinced of his own splendor and considers his beauty to be the main secret of the universe. Moreover, our hero passionately dreams of unraveling the nature of his perfection. The poor guy eats himself up trying to find out this secret. He has already created and discarded hundreds of explanatory hypotheses. But... nothing works. And it won't work. For one simple reason: there is no answer to his question. He's hopelessly ugly. But a freak can forever search for the secret of his beauty and never find it.

Roughly the same thing happens with “mind and intellect.” These phenomena are given the status of “the main mystery of life,” and the brain is given the funny title of “the most complex substrate of the universe.”

The “magical properties” of consciousness and thinking have haunted homo for many centuries. They are the subject of his admiration, worship and eternal wonder. The person is convinced that these phenomena can be studied exclusively as a kind of miracle, as the main and final product of the universe, for the sake of which everything was brewed 14 billion years ago.

Homo is fascinating. He is seriously confident that the explosions of primordial stars, the formation of planets, and evolution itself took place so that he could poke his fingers at his iPhone.

However, nothing surprising. Man is trained much better than other animals. This is the reason for his evolutionary career. And the main trainer is culture. It is her chamberier who chases the poor homo through the eternal circle of traditions, rituals and religions. It is culture that stuffs billions of heads with fables about the soul, personality, psyche and inner world.

Regular shaking of this stuffing gave rise to the belief that man is the “crown of creation” and “the measure of all things.” A narcissistic cult of the species has been created. It is at least absurd, but it brings so much joy to the 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth that it would be better not to touch it. After all, the rattle of one’s own greatness is the only thing a person has. Of course, let him play with her without any interference. Its consoling power is immeasurable, because it gives the most degraded man a feeling of superiority over the beaver and ostrich.”

In the same material, Alexander Nevzorov decided to talk about his father (obviously, he is very annoyed by the question of why he does not take care of his father’s grave - he clearly does not like his parents):

“For some reason, the audience in the halls is very interested in the question of whether I visit my father’s grave and how I take care of it.

Let me remind you that my father was a drug dealer and died in a shootout with police in the Ouachita Mountains, on the Oklahoma reservation. I was at the scene of his death. Due to the strange habits of the tribe to which he belonged, the body was abandoned without burial and, of course, had long since decayed. Since the remains were very overgrown, I, unfortunately, accidentally ran over my father’s skull with the wheel of a jeep and crushed it. For some time I kept fragments of the frontal and lacrimal bones, but then they got lost somewhere. I note that on the skull there were extremely interesting traces of it being pecked by vultures. Plastic black glasses for 50 cents, which I found near the skull, “worked” as a family heirloom for a couple of years, but then also disappeared somewhere.”

Parents of the hero (information from open sources):

Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov is a famous nonconformist artist. A person who is far from art is a daub of daubs, with a claim to a secret deep meaning, and even with elements of blasphemy. The master associates some of his works with icons, and compared one of the works with a bullet-riddled icon of the Virgin Mary. The names of some avant-garde daubs speak for themselves: “banner”, “square” and so on.

Little is known about Nevzorov’s mother, Galina Georgievna, except that she was a journalist. A well-known newspaper published an article saying that she was buried in a Jewish cemetery. Apparently, at the Jewish Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Many people already know about the security officer grandfather (on the maternal side), who headed the NKVD department for combating banditry in the territory of the Lithuanian USSR in 46-55.

I have a question for the “despicable freaks with minced meat instead of a brain”, what Nevzorov considers you to be, why do you go to his concerts? Is this a kind of intellectual masochism?


I am observing a period of progressive schizophrenia and massive clouding of reason. Too many clowns and unhealthy people have suddenly crawled out of all the cracks lately. One of these patients is former journalist Alexander Nevzorov, who apparently recently suffered a mental exacerbation. I draw my conclusion based on the following observations.

I remember him from the 90s - I wasn’t particularly interested, but he was a fairly well-known journalist, then he went to the Duma as a deputy, where he served for several terms until 2007 (they say he didn’t go to meetings at all), and then there was a period of calm - he died, left, I got drunk - it’s unclear. Everyone forgot about him. Apparently, this state of affairs did not suit the former celebrity and he switched to political outrage. He didn’t get involved in disputes for power, he simply became an ardent anti-Soviet, so violent that Novodvorskaya herself would have been jealous.

And for the last year I have constantly heard his pearls with comments about the Soviet period (I have already gotten used to his “love” for religion). We have those who consider Stalin a villain, there are those who consider the Soviet regime criminal. This one tells simply an alternative story about the Soviet period, which Latvians are afraid to tell their children at night, otherwise they will turn gray before their time.

And here I don’t really understand what’s going on, I’m reading Nevzorov’s biography on Wiki - grandfather general of the MGB. Mother is a journalist praising Soviet reality. The son, therefore, was raised in the necessary traditions. And 20 years after the collapse of the USSR, he suddenly became an ardent anti-Soviet. Where?

Similar metamorphoses occurred with faith - he sang in a church choir, studied at a theological seminary and suddenly became a blasphemous atheist. How is this possible? This is not somersaults with politicians moving from party to party, this is something deeper.

I’m reading a recent publication on his blog on ECHO Moscow. Nevzorov got involved in a dispute over Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the one who was tortured by the Nazis near Moscow in 1941. She writes that she will be a conciliator between the two sides (the dispute is about who should be considered, there was a special anniversary recently). And here the former journalist is carried into the realm of sophisticated fiction. It turns out that the Soviet government created armies of insane children and threw them into battle on the barricades. At the same time, for Nevzorov, Kosmodemyanskaya is a mythical figure, standing on a par with gnomes and some Arcol banners.

Here we can immediately talk about the author’s split consciousness; he writes for several paragraphs that nothing is known about Zoya, only myths and legends ( In the “Zoya case” should discard all scientific methods and evaluate the case according to the canons of mythology), although historians do not seem to argue that she was, infiltrated by the Germans, where she was caught, tortured and executed. And then he talks about Zoya - as an example of an unhealthy child whom the Soviet government specially sent to the rear. And all this is served under the sauce of broad knowledge of historical science. What is this phrase worth - " The mentally ill, the mentally ill and children have been used for sabotage at all times. They were used by the Chinese, Vikings, Boers, Austro-Hungarians, et cetera". A normal person first reads about the incomprehensible people "Chinese Vikings Boers", then he understands that the venerable journalist simply does not know how to put commas. Then he tries to figure out when the Chinese and the Vikings used mentally ill children in wars. And what does Nevzorov know about the Boers? I wonder, will he be able to tell without the Internet who they are and where they live, or rather they lived? And there are more than enough such excursions into history in the text. But there are even more dosages of drugs that the patient himself, within 5 minutes, recommends piercing certain historical figures. Schizophrenia is progressing, a person imagines himself to be a historian, a doctor, a psychologist, a journalist... he might even declare himself a prophet. Here he would put an end to it and draw the attention of doctors.

Here is a phrase that betrays the scoundrel - “Feat is a primitive, and often criminal, action. Even alcoholics, savages and terrorists are capable of it.” And you can’t say that he is for Zoya like that, just a feat in itself is bad for him. It’s better to sit on a chair and, excuse me, fart in all four directions. And then there is a lot in the same spirit. Fortunately, even the listeners/readers of ECHO caught the essence - they called this creation of Nevzorov “nonsense.”

But how should we treat him? The text was published immediately after the New Year holidays. Hard blue all day long? Or a scoundrel? But it’s somehow simple and even primitive... Maybe he’s just an idiot? I can’t decide, help me figure it out and prescribe treatment.

Alexander Nevzorov was born in Leningrad. He was raised by his mother and grandmother; nothing is known about his father. Despite the fact that many publications were full of versions and candidates for the position of Father Alexander, he himself refutes all this. In one interview he stated that even if someone comes across an article about his father, it is obviously false. According to his own assumptions, the father could be one of the delegates of the Comanche people who were in Leningrad at the World Festival of Youth and Students just 9 months before the birth of Alexander Nevzorov.

Despite the fact that Alexander is a convinced atheist, he was a singer in a church choir and even studied at a theological seminary, but from there he was expelled straight from his fourth year.

Since 1983, Nevzorov began his career on television in Leningrad as a stuntman. However, fame came to him only at the end of the 1980s, when he began to act as a television journalist and also hosted his own program “600 Seconds.”
In December 1990, Alexander Nevzorov almost lost his life. A man called him and said that he had dirt on a famous official. During the meeting, instead of incriminating evidence, Alexander was shot in the heart area, but the bullet did not hit vital organs and blood vessels, the journalist was very lucky.

Since 1993, Alexander Nevzorov began his political career, being elected to the State Duma. In his political career, he was most distinguished and remembered for the fact that he did not sign a single bill, and in all four seasons of his work he was present at meetings exactly four times. However, from 1994 to 1998 he advised Boris Berezovsky on analytical issues.

In Alexander Nevzorov’s personal life, everything is also quite difficult. He was married three times. The first wife was Natalya Nevzorova, who works as a researcher at the Russian National Library. They met while Alexander was singing in a church choir. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter, Polina, who is now the official wife of Sergei Gorobchenko.

For the second time, Alexander Nevzorov tied the knot with Soviet and Russian actress Alexandra Yakovleva, but the union was not very successful and soon broke up. The couple did not have children in this marriage.

For the third time, Alexander married Lydia Nevzorova, who is much younger in age than the famous journalist, but this did not stop them from starting a family, legitimizing their relationship, and in 2007 also becoming parents to their son Alexander.
Although at this time Alexander Nevzorov prefers not to talk about this topic, in the past he was fond of vegetarianism and even positioned himself on this side.

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The suggestions of conscience in connection with repentance and the sense of duty are the most important differences between man and animal.

Charles Darwin

Today, Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov evokes a reaction that is normal for healthy people, which is awakened by any mentally ill and aggressive person - indignation, rejection, indignation. But there was a time when millions of people watched “600 Seconds”, listened to the speeches of this journalist, and he did not provoke such a reaction. Why is hatred, anger and pride visible in his gaze today? Why did many who knew him closely turn away from him? Why did he begin to lie and attack the Orthodox Church so actively and publicly? What happened? Or maybe he was always like this? In order to draw objective conclusions, one must adequately evaluate his actions and his words, which, to his misfortune, he did and said too much during his life. Carefully studying the vigorous activity of this citizen in the field of social activity of our country, the path of fatal and tragic personal degradation of a person is revealed. Namely, the path of turning a person into a living being without conscience - into a cynical and evil animal.


« Honor your father and your mother, and you will live long in the land that the Lord your God will give you. » . (Ten Commandments, Exodus, Chapter XX, Art. 12.)

Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. Alexander never saw his father, he doesn’t like to remember his mother Galina Georgievna - then a student at the theater institute - but he always speaks with pleasure about his grandfather Georgy Vladimirovich Nevzorov, who headed the NKVD department and was distinguished by unparalleled cruelty. Galina Georgievna was ashamed of her father and did not even come to his funeral. Alexander Glebovich stopped all contact with his mother.

In 1975, Alexander graduated from school with in-depth study of the French language. He wears long hair falling over his shoulders and wears an old long overcoat. He works wherever he has to: in the Pushkin Museum, at the stables, as an orderly in the city morgue, as a loader, and rides short Kazakh horses at the “Ruchi” state farm. Next, Alexander makes several attempts to enter the theater institute, but he does not become an actor due to “professional incompetence.” In the early 80s, he did not qualify for the position of television announcer.


« Who is a liar if not he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, denying the Father and the Son ». (1 John 2:22)

In 1984, Nevzorov began to devote a lot of time to the church and in the same year he appeared on television for the first time. He sang in the church choir, studied theology courses, was even going to take monastic vows, outwardly he was a believer, and considered his vices to be that “he didn’t go to confession often enough and rarely went to communion.” But then he left the church completely, but did not immediately become an ardent blasphemer. At first he began to learn the school of irresponsible lies. For what? First of all, in order to justify one’s pride, one’s reluctance to come to terms with God’s commandments and, along the way, to realize oneself.

A person who is unable to sincerely say “Lord have mercy!” will first try to convince himself that there is no reason to have mercy on him, and when this does not work, he will try to convince himself and others that “There is no God, and all priests are thieves." He justifies his departure from the church, allegedly, by the abomination he saw in the Orthodox church. A very convenient lie. It seems to remove all questions and even encourages one to sympathize with the victim. It must be said that such things were often invented by people who took upon themselves monastic feats in a monastery, and then, due to lack of faith, fled into the “world.” I've heard this more than once. By the way, none of them became normal people after that. Some drank themselves, some went crazy, and some soon died. Alexander Nevzorov is still alive, but there are a lot of questions regarding his mental health...


« Words from mouth to the wise - grace, and mouth they ruin a fool his the same: start words from mouth his - stupidity, A end speeches from mouth his madness » . (Ecc 10:12,13)

On July 27, 1991, the Leningrad newspaper Nevskoe Vremya published, and Nezavisimaya Gazeta reprinted, excerpts from the medical history of Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov for 1975, related to his passing a medical commission “in connection with doubts about mental fitness and the decision of the issue of fitness to military service."

Nevzorov’s diagnosis, the newspaper gleaned from the history of his illness (N 1613/683, 1975): “Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich, born in 1958, does not work, does not study, is being examined at the psychiatric hospital No. 3 named after Skvortsov-Stepanov from February 22 to March 15, 1975. Sent by the medical commission of the district military registration and enlistment office in connection with doubts about mental fitness to clarify the diagnosis and resolve the issue of suitability for military service. The referral notes three demonstrative suicide attempts in the past (he cut the skin on his forearms, poisoned himself with amytal sodium), and was addicted to drugs and other medications. During the examination at the medical examination, he behaved defiantly and was demonstrative (grimaced, exhibited hallucinations). Preliminary diagnosis of the direction: schizophrenia (?), psychopathy (?).”

This document was provided to the editors of Nevsky Vremya by the psychiatrist of the said mental hospital, Mikhail Vasiliev, who outlined in the newspaper the reason for his interest in history. When observing Nevzorov in the Lithuanian report “600 seconds”, the psychiatrist seemed to be seeing a patient: Nevzorov looked “tense and demonstratively directed...” on the screen.

However, Nevzorov’s diagnosis was made not only by psychiatrists, but also by himself, so in one interview he said: “The concept of “person” is nothing more than a diagnosis. A very difficult diagnosis. We must know to what extent a person is a painful and complex creature, extremely dangerous to others, and to himself too. I am well aware that I also belong to this species. To this species of primates, mammals, to the suborder of higher anthropoids, to the narrow-nosed section, well, etc. I don’t see anything wrong with this. Well, that’s how it happened...”

The point here is not only the reason why Nevzorov visited the mental hospital, but the fact that all his discussions on general topics are simply the products of a hysterical psychopath, whose goal is not to speak to the point, but to shock others in order to attract attention to himself. And judging by Nevzorov’s behavior, his illness should be taken seriously. Being, in addition to weapons, a passionate collector of books about horses, Nevzorov once said: “I can really kill a person who opens a book more than 90 degrees in front of me...”

600 seconds

« Beware, beloved, of using words for evil. If we will give an account for every idle word in the life to come” (Matt. XII:56)

In 1987, Nevzorov first became the host and then the editor of the television program “600 Seconds,” which had phenomenal popularity. In this program, Nevzorov’s cynicism and impudence simply discouraged the people, who never expected to see such pressure and impudence from TV screens after stagnant chewing gum. But this was not enough for him. Remembering his theatrical ambitions, Nevzorov began to outplay himself... On December 12, 1990, under unclear circumstances, an “attempt” was made on him: he was shot with a pistol and lightly wounded with a silver (!!!) bullet.

On one of the Leningrad wastelands, Nevzorov met with an unknown person who promised to present incriminating evidence on one of the government officials. However, instead of information, Alexander received a bullet in the chest. The bullet went right through, near the left armpit, without hitting the heart and large vessels. The case, as experts noted, is almost incredible from a medical point of view: this is practically the only place in the upper body where a bullet does not cause serious harm to the body. Nevzorov recovered quickly enough. Accusations of Nevzorov being a “self-inflicted gunman” appear in the press. The Smena newspaper, after conducting an investigation, reported that the script had been developed for 5 months. Nevzorov allegedly even brought some especially sterile bullets from abroad. He needed this in order to bolster his shaky authority and stop rumors about the illegal allocation of an apartment to him in the city center. The victim stands up and points out many places on the body where it would be safer to shoot. Nevzorov’s colleague, TV presenter Kirill Nabutov, called these actions a provocation. And the people gave another nickname to Glebych, NEUROSIS...

Regarding Nevzorov’s passion for weapons, Yuri Shutov, an old acquaintance of the TV star, wrote in his book: “Nevzorov has an inferiority complex, born of a consciousness at the level of a “leather jacket”, multiplied by the mental vices of a lifelong orderly at the city morgue, in addition, obsessed with various-caliber weapons, which he touches every day “Sasha... feels complete satisfaction, as if from some kind of militaristic onanism, crushing his consciousness to the point of darkness with the manic tenderness of the white ticket for small arms.”
Thanks to his popularity as the host of the “600 Seconds” program, Nevzorov acquired a huge number of connections, including through blackmail. Yuri Shutov reports that during that period, Nevzorov once approached Sobchak’s entourage and directly stated that he had dirt on the mayor’s wife. Negotiations took place between Nevzorov and Sobchak’s assistant, after which the story was not broadcast (try to guess the reasons for this behavior of the “incorruptible” journalist yourself). However, the mayor’s friendship with Nevzorov soon ended, after which in “Seconds” Sobchak immediately turned from a fighter against corruption into a stupid scoundrel and bribe-taker.

But Alexander Glebovich found new friends. In 1991, he filmed the famous report “Ours” about the confrontation between the Vilnius riot police and the Lithuanian separatists. In clashes between the police and the crowd, several people died, whom the Lithuanians immediately declared victims of Russian paratroopers. All the victims were killed with firearms, and the examination showed that the bullets did not hit people from the front or back, but from top to bottom. Moreover, one of the bullets was actually fired from the antediluvian “three-ruler”, which was removed from service several decades ago. From such facts, only one conclusion could be drawn - it was not the military who fired, but unknown people from the roofs or from the windows of nearby houses. Recently, the former head of the Sąjūdis security service, Andrius Butkevicius, in an interview with the Lithuanian magazine Obzor, stated that the mysterious snipers who opened fire on the crowd were his subordinates. Nevzorov could not have been unaware of the snipers, if only because the KGB immediately announced the actions of unknown shooters, and Sergei Kurginyan published the article “Lithuanian Syndrome,” which also talked about this. However, instead of talking about specific facts, the journalist showed a line of police officers in a brightly lit room with large windows. Thanks to such footage, the riot police were exposed as a bunch of idiots, hiding from some mythical shooters, without taking any precautions. But the ratings of the “600 Seconds” program skyrocketed, and Nevzorov became the idol of Russian nationalists. But not for long, today he simply hates Russians as bearers of Orthodoxy. And today Nevzorov openly declares from television screens that “600 seconds” was his custom role, played on the orders of his superiors from the special services. Sexot exposes himself that, on a tip from the KGB, he conducted this program. On a tip from the KGB, he met with Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga; on a tip from the KGB, he was friends with Lev Gumilyov, with the newspaper “Zavtra”, and with Russian patriots. This is where he got such courage, which many mistakenly mistook for honesty.

And yet “600 Seconds” was closed. But soon Alexander Glebovich had a new program on the central TV channel. The fact is that Nevzorov quickly realized one simple thing: being friends with the oligarchs in the new Russia is much more profitable than being an anti-Semite. Alexander Glebovich was recruited by Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, and soon “Iron Shurik” became one of the most loyal “boletus men”. In 1998, at the St. Petersburg nightclub “Griboyedov”, riot police discovered drugs on one of the visitors. It soon became clear that the inconspicuous girl was Berezovsky's daughter Liza. Dad's friends pulled her out of the department, Nevzorov was among them.


“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 26)

The whole life of Alexander Nevzorov is imbued with selfishness, lies, provocations, painful insolence, and the ability to benefit from any situation. It’s not money, it’s a scandal, it’s not a scandal that really needs connections... But maybe there is at least someone in Nevzorov’s life whom he values ​​or loves? Many people think that these are horses that Nevzorov began to work with professionally after a stormy career as a TV presenter. Namely, he began to teach them to read and created a certain theory, the essence of which is that before Alexander Glebovich, all people on earth mocked horses, and he, “the great trainer and tamer,” found a way to educate them without a whip and bridle. Many people think so, especially those who believed his next deceitful and provocative “film masterpieces” about horses, but Nevzorov cannot be trusted, he proved it and continues to prove it with his whole life.

This is what he himself, several years ago, told in an interview with Interbusiness magazine: “I had a horse called Itog - a black horse, of incredible beauty. I didn’t even hit him with a stick or a board, but with an entire section of the fence... As a child, I remember I showed a trick that shocked everyone. I stopped back to back of the horse, took the tail in my hand, pulled it with all my might, and kicked it at the same time.” And at the same time, Nevzorov states that athletes and other equestrians insert a piece of iron into the horse’s teeth, and this is terribly painful. In order to insert the piece of iron, they knock out (!) the horse's side teeth.

And here is what honest experts who deal with horses say: “A piece of iron in the teeth (snaffle) may not be the best means of controlling a horse, but, unfortunately, humanity has not yet come up with others. Everyone else is even worse. A piece of iron in the teeth is NOT painful, provided that the rider has normal “soft” hands and does not pull the reins. She causes some inconvenience, that's true, but nothing more. About teeth - this is generally wild. Here Nevzorov takes advantage of the fact that his listeners are simply not familiar with the anatomy of a horse. The horse naturally has a toothless edge of the jaw, where the bit is placed...”

Here is another of the many actions characteristic of Nevzorov, clearly demonstrating his ability to provoke, substitute, and benefit from it. Once Alexander Nevzorov was filming his next film in Toksovo and entered the territory of the enclosure where bison are kept. In violation of all safety rules, he did this alone, whereas according to the rules at least two people should enter the enclosure.
The bison became wary and began to approach the famous journalist. Then two nursery attendants entered the enclosure to distract the animals, since their behavior did not bode well. One young bison attacked a forester, knocked him to the ground with his forehead and tried to pry him off with his horn. Fortunately, the man who distracted the bison from Nevzorov was almost unharmed and escaped with several bruises, abrasions and bruises, and citizen Nevzorov filmed the material he needed and, almost like Ilf and Petrov, escaped with a slight fright. He simply, as always, clearly calculated everything, and, as always, he did not care deeply about the fact that people could actually get hurt...

Here I am, a brave hero, a leader, everyone is behind me! - Nevzorov shouts and commits an “action-packed act.” The people are rushing after him, and here the people are attacking the White House with horns, hooves, legs, batons, rifles and tanks!... And where is the “bullfighter” himself? He jumped off safely at the right moment. A kind of “Alexander Bender” with a moralizing face is the national champion in side jumping...

And all of his equine, as well as other, activities are permeated with similar provocations and lies. “I ride a horse without iron and spurs...” - a lie! - “Horse riding is contraindicated...” - a lie!!! And such lies, revealed by experts, are an ocean! The only truth is that in the intervals between teaching horses to read and write and blaspheming the church, he kisses the hooves of his pets and waltzes with them... the disease progresses!


“Whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness.” (Mark 3:29)

Nevzorov once stated that “evolutionists quite tactfully explained to humanity that it is just... an animal, and one that has recently developed,” and there is no point in “talking about conscience.” We will not argue with Nevzorov, who probably told the truth for the only time in his life, admitting that he is an unscrupulous brute. But there is one caveat. Even brutes do not allow themselves to spew blasphemy against holy things, against the Lord God, against the Church, against priests. But Nevzorov allows it. Apparently, according to his own theory, he is not a simple animal, but an embittered and sick one, with external signs of a mentally unhealthy person.

One Muslim on the forum correctly said about Nevzorov: “The Shaitan sits in him.” The majority of Orthodox Christians understand that blasphemers are always possessed. And in this sense, doctors will no longer help him. And the Doctor who can really heal him, a former boy from the church choir Sashenka Nevzorov, betrayed him, just as his father, the devil, did in his time. He has a daughter from his first marriage. Someone said that Nevzorov loves her. Make no mistake, he “loved” all his wives the same way. Sooner or later, he will reveal his rotten essence and betray his daughter, if he has not already betrayed, as he betrayed everyone in his life, parents, colleagues, God... And although it is regrettable and painful for believers to watch such personality degradation, in no case, You can’t be offended by this scoundrel.

St. John Chrysostom in his “Sermon that he who does not harm himself cannot be harmed by anyone,” says: “So everywhere, no one else can harm someone who does not want to harm himself; and on the contrary, whoever does not want to stay awake and use what is due on his part will never benefit anyone.” If you carefully review Nevzorov’s activities, it becomes obvious that he is the best anti-advertising. That his whole life is a company of “horns and hooves” in which the horns are from the evil one, and the hooves are from horses that have never learned to read and speak. And everyone he scolds is most likely worthy people, but everyone he advertises is most likely the opposite.

“Nevzorovschina” itself will soon crumble, and nothing will remain on earth from this, no longer a person or an animal, but a loser - a blasphemer, who created around himself only Ot Ekol LLC in the name of his beloved, with all the signs of a religious sect , and repeating the sad glory of cheap provocations in the style of “600 Seconds”.

Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov - director, publicist, video blogger and hippologist scientist, former reporter and TV presenter of the famous Leningrad TV program of the late 80s “600 seconds”, included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most rated television project, participant in military conflicts , State Duma deputy.

A novice in a monastery during the Soviet era, and later an author of harsh statements about religion, a supporter of the empire in the nineties and a defender of Ukraine, a critic of the Kremlin’s policies in Crimea and Donbass, practically a Russophobe today. He is recognized as a model nonconformist, opposing the prevailing norms of law and order.

Having changed many areas of activity, Nevzorov invariably achieved very significant success in each of them. He considers horses his true calling, being one of the most famous hippologists in the Russian Federation, the author of hundreds of articles and books devoted to the history, anatomy, physiology, and psychology of these animals.

Childhood and family of Alexander Nevzorov

Alexander was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. His mother, Galina Georgievna Nevzorova, was a journalist and raised her son alone. Father - Bogomolov Gleb Sergeevich - artist. My maternal grandfather was a state security officer and the head of the anti-banditry service in Lithuania from 1946 to 1955.

He graduated from a school with in-depth study of the French language and the Literary Institute. He sang in the church choir and later received theological education at the Moscow Theological Academy. He was expelled from the fourth year of this university of the Russian Orthodox Church due to the traditional nature of his sexual orientation (according to Nevzorov himself).

Nevzorov’s multifaceted activities: journalism and politics

During his youth, rich in risky adventures, he managed to be a stuntman, a loader, a museum employee, a literary secretary, and a screenwriter.

He became known nationwide in the late 1980s as a television journalist, creator and host of the highly social program “600 Seconds.” The viewer saw the host of the now iconic Leningrad TV program for the first time in the “Vzglyad” program.

In 1990, an attempt was made on Nevzorov. An unknown informant offered him interesting incriminating evidence, and during the meeting he shot Alexander in the heart area. The bullet, fortunately, did not cause significant harm to health - it did not hit the heart.

Nevzorov actively participated in political confrontations and crises in our modern history - in the State Emergency Committee (1991), in shootouts in Latvia in Vecmilgravis, the storming of the Riga building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pogroms of the Baltic customs houses. In 1991, Central Television showed a film from Nevzorov’s series of reports “Ours” about riot policemen in Vilnius.

In 1993, he did not stand aside during attempts to forcefully seize a television center in Moscow with a demand for broadcasting and protection from the shooting of the White House. He sheltered fugitive members of the Vilnius and Riga riot police unit “Black Berets” in the Russian Federation.

Nevzorov participated in the wars in Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Iraq, Karabakh, and Chechnya. He received concussion and wounds and was a volunteer hostage of terrorists. He has many awards, in particular, the Order “For Personal Courage”, medals “Defender of Transnistria”, “Participant in Combat Actions in Chechnya”, “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”.

In addition to the film “Ours” about the events in Lithuania, Transnistria, Karabakh, Nevzorov presented the book “Field of Honor” in 1995, and also made films about the Chechen armed conflict - “Hell” (1995) and “Purgatory” (1997). He was a TV presenter of the programs “Days”, “Wild Field”, “Nevzorov”. The showing of the film “Hell” about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops on TV caused negative reviews from the public, who accused the author of bias.

Today he notes that he managed to come off such a powerful ideological drug, which he considers imperial nationalism. The evolution of his views occurred when he realized how dearly this empire was costing people. The Russian idea, according to Nevzorov, is beautifully packaged in words about kindness and spirituality, but always leads to a meaningless gray result and “the need to wrap other people’s guts around the tracks of our tanks.”

Nevzorov was an adviser to the governors of St. Petersburg (Vladimir Yakovlev and Valentina Matvienko), editor-in-chief at St. Petersburg TV, and was elected to the State Duma four times. In the period from 1994 to 1998, he was an analyst for Boris Berezovsky and a consultant to the Russian government.

Alexander Glebovich is an academician of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of his native city, an adviser to the General Director of Channel One, a full member of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists. Speaks three foreign languages ​​- French, Lakota, Latin.

Nevzorov's work with horses

Despite a life full of incredible events, a successful career as a politician and undoubted literary talent, Nevzorov considers his true destiny to be in the field of activity related to horses. His passion for these animals began with equestrian sports and stunts at film studios, and continued with the founding of his own higher school of horse training, Nevzorov Haute Ecole (“Ecole Schools”). At the Nevzorov School, they strive to establish a dialogue with the horse and reveal its physical and mental capabilities, based on the principle of working with the animal without the use of coercion. Much attention is paid to the horse’s health, communication, and study of its abilities.

Alexander also hosts “Lessons in Atheism” on the Internet, being confident that there is strict Orthodox censorship on television, and the only place left for free discussion about religion is on the Internet.

Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

Nevzorov is married. His wife Lydia is a hippologist, writer and editor of school books. The couple has a son, Alexander. Nevzorov and his wife made a revolution in the minds of many people, completely changing the attitude towards horses as a meat product or a means of transport into a true understanding of their exclusivity, the presence of intelligence and kindness.

Alexander created a number of films about horses - “The Horse Encyclopedia”, “The Horse Crucified and Resurrected”, “Lectio Equaria Palaestra” and others, as well as books, including “Treatise on School Boarding”, “Equestrian Sports: Secrets of Mastery”.

Nevzorov supports Ukraine’s fight against the militias in the south-east of the country and considers the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation “looting.” According to the journalist, the Kremlin and the majority zombied by TV, and not the real Russia of Tsiolkovsky, Dobrolyubov and Pavlov, do not want to recognize the fact that Ukraine is a country with the right to self-determination.