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brick house

Many of us consider building a brick house the best option, because this material is environmentally friendly, lasts a long time, does not burn, is suitable for any climatic zone, its cost is relatively low, and the process of building a brick is not as complicated as, for example, from logs.

Today I decided to tell you how to build a brick house with your own hands, what technology and method of building a brick house to choose.

So, first of all, depending on the temperature range in your region and the purpose of the house, you should decide on the required wall thickness, ways of insulating and heating the house. Then you need to choose the type of foundation you need in your case, as well as the type of brickwork.

The foundation of a brick house

It should be understood that the mass of a brick house is very large, therefore the foundation must be solid in order to withstand the load. After all, if you make a mistake at the stage of constructing the foundation of a private house, then the structure can tilt, crack or even collapse.

The height of the foundation must be chosen based on the depth of freezing of the soil, as well as the level of groundwater.

I note that it is possible to start laying bricks only after a month, when the concrete will gain maximum strength.

Types of brickwork

You can build a brick house in different ways, using different types of masonry:

  • solid masonry of solid bricks;
  • solid masonry of hollow bricks;
  • well masonry;
  • three-layer masonry.

The thickness of the walls of the house, erected with a solid masonry of solid bricks, as a rule, does not exceed 60 centimeters. That is, there is no need to talk about good thermal insulation of the premises. This type of masonry can be used for the construction of interior partitions.

Solid masonry of hollow bricks retains heat better. However, this type of masonry is considered too costly.